All That Glitters (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Little Boba.
Little Boba, my foot!
Sit down.
She's mopping the floor. Sit here.
I'm so sorry. Here's a towel for you.
Give me the tissue paper.
She didn't do it on purpose.
It's all right.
-I'm really sorry.
-Never mind.
Next order, please?
-Is it my turn?
What would you like?
Uncle, why don't you go first?
This pretty girl will take your order.
-I want kopi-o.
-What's the matter?
I think it got into my eye.
Go inside and rinse it.
It's okay, I'll just wipe it off.
Just come inside.
Come on in! Hurry!
Let me help you. Give me the towel.
There's some here too.
-Okay, done.
You may go.
What a fool.
Stop it. Say sorry to the uncle.
Sorry, uncle.
-Uncle, she's talking to you.
-She's talking to you.
Hey, I'm not that old.
What should I call you if not uncle?
I'm not so old. I'm only 28.
You're only 28?
Make some toast for this uncle,
I mean, this sir.
It's okay, I can pay for it.
Don't stand on ceremony.
What would you like to drink?
I really can pay for it.
Auntie already said it's
a treat. Stop acting coy.
Iced teh-o, iced dinosaur.
More condensed milk for me.
My mom only said the treat was for him.
Why are there so many orders?
It's okay, I'll treat all of you.
-Zhenyu, make the three drinks.
-Thanks, auntie.
-Thanks, auntie.
Auntie is giving us
a treat. Say thank you.
Thank you, au
Hurry up.
-What's wrong with you, Jintiao?
Did that blow cause an impact?
-What's with you, Huang Jintiao?
Uncle, your name is really Jintiao?
I'm not so old.
He has an English name - Gold Bar.
What was with you?
All you could say was "au".
The auntie thought
you were injured by the egg.
Why did you keep saying "au"?
I couldn't bring myself
to call her auntie.
Just call her that in English!
Isn't it the same?
She's a mother of two!
The coffee the elder daughter
made is not bad.
A mother of two! How else
should you address her? Miss?
I just don't think "auntie" is
appropriate. She's still so young.
He's right. The three of
them look more like sisters.
Hear that? Jianzhi agrees with me.
No wonder you kept telling us
to get dinosaur drinks from there.
You had an agenda.
-Their dinosaur is good.
-Not so simple!
You're interested in that auntie?
I already said not to call her that!
What about calling her sister then?
You're interested in sister?
Just a little, okay?
I've got it.
I've got it too.
What do you mean?
Hey, what did you get?
What did you get?
You have no parents
and Granny Thunder brought you up.
That's why you go for
someone old enough to be your mom.
What old enough to be my mom?
I bet she's just a little older than me.
Just a little? Her daughters
are about the same age as us.
Maybe she married early.
Okay, she's just old enough
to be your sister. Follow the trend.
Sounds good.
Yeah, I'm Nicholas Tse
and she's Faye Wong.
-Nicholas Tse?
-Nicholas Tse?
You sure look like him in profile.
-You really do.
Especially this part!
Stay where you are!
Stop right there!
Yes. Careful, the floor is slippery.
Mind the step!
Careful. If you break it,
you won't be able to pay me back.
Careful. It's expensive. Don't break it!
What's so funny?
We almost scared
that woman out of her wits.
Had we really done that,
we'd have been in trouble.
Stop fooling around.
Hello, Mrs. Ong? Yes,
I'm Thunder Lim from KTK Movers.
I'll deliver the cartons
at around 2:30 p.m., okay?
Had you broken the furniture,
you wouldn't be able to pay her back.
Hey! That woman was just exaggerating.
That item didn't
look like an antique at all.
Nothing but a flimsy cupboard.
It came with a cert, Okay?
What cert?
Certificate. You know the Qing dynasty?
Sure. The Emperor's
daughter was Princess Huanzhu
I know, Xiaoyanzi, Princess Huanzhu.
You know Princess Huanzhu?
For all you know, the cupboard was used
by Princess Huanzhu to keep her make-up.
Thank goodness I didn't really trip.
Exercise caution. Step on it!
I'm short-handed right now, boss.
One is on sick leave, and
the other had a tummy ache and went home.
Only Jintiao and I are around.
If you don't send more
men, we can't work today.
Get in first.
The consecration has to be
on the dot? Who cares about that?
Okay, Okay, bye.
Hello, what are you doing?
I'm marinating some meat. What's up?
It's an emergency. We need help right now.
Jintiao and I will help you later.
-It's set.
Turn left here.
Turn left!
I know, I know.
That's what you always say, "I know".
Did you go out on purpose?
The pork is in the fridge.
Skewer that when you're done with this.
You expect me to
skewer the meat on my own?
Whenever your toxic friends
call, you just drop everything and go.
And the peanut paste isn't ready yet.
You expect me to do
everything? I'll get backaches.
You never complain about
backaches when you gamble.
Say that again!
I'm your dad. Stay out of my affairs!
You stay out of my affairs too.
If you weren't my son,
I wouldn't be bothered!
Help, Dad!
Do you take me for your son?
When I was a kid, there was
once the loan sharks came after us,
and you ran away without me.
My "toxic" friends saved me.
As you said, you were a kid then.
The loan sharks had more
sense than to beat you to death
I have your interests at heart.
One look and I can tell
Liu Mu isn't a decent guy.
Stay away from them.
Are you through?
Huang Jintiao isn't any better.
He's always asking you out
to sing karaoke and play billiards.
A bunch of good-for-nothings!
-Are you through?
-Not yet.
I've been around longer than you.
Come back soon.
A little to this side.
Easy does it.
What is this? It weighs a ton!
Look at the time, dude.
What took you so long?
This is ridiculous.
Can you be more professional?
Master, we are professional.
That's why we could get here in time.
Any idea how heavy your treasure is?
And you wouldn't let us use a trolley.
-Where to?
-This way, hurry.
Look, their furniture and floor tiles
were imported from Italy and Switzerland.
Very expensive.
If you scratch the floor,
you can't afford to pay for it.
-Hurry up!
-This way.
It's almost the auspicious hour. Hurry up.
-What is it?
Take off your shoes before you come in.
-Put it down.
It's here, Mr. Zhang. The consecration
can be done on the dot.
Hurry, bring it inside.
The treasure is here, Mr. Zhang.
We can consecrate it at 3:33 p.m. sharp.
Put it here. Hurry.
All right, open the box.
Take the treasure out.
Mind you don't break it.
Hurry, you're holding me up.
Let's go.
Easy does it.
One, two, three.
-Use more strength. Easy does it
Put it here.
-Just put it here.
-Put it down.
-That's right.
Easy does it.
It's very precious.
Okay, that'll do. Thanks.
All right, you may go.
Bye, and thanks.
Take a look, Mr. and Mrs. Zhang.
Mr. and Mrs. Zhang,
you'll each stand on one side.
When I say, "open it" at 3:33 p.m. sharp,
you'll remove the red cloth.
All right, get ready.
It's the auspicious hour!
Three, two, one, open it!
I thought it was a treasure.
Turns out it was just a stupid rock.
A stupid rock?
Any idea how much it's worth?
A few grand, at most.
At least a five-figure sum.
Are you kidding me?
A five-figure sum for a stupid rock?
Kill me. I don't believe you
I believe you.
One time, my dad bid for
a piece of "black gold" at a temple fair.
He paid S$3,888 for it.
That was black gold. This is a rock.
When I said "black gold,"
I meant charcoal.
You call it a rock.
I bet that feng shui master
claimed it was a divine stone from Heaven,
and that rich man fell
hook, line and sinker for it.
Selling it for S$8,888
was already too far-fetched.
A five-figure sum for a rock? No way.
Fine, let's have a wager.
Bring it on.
-Sorry, Master.
I need you to sign the invoice.
Yours was a last-minute job.
We haven't had lunch
I handpicked these two guys to
ensure the safety of your treasure.
All right, that's enough.
For you to buy coffee
S$10 from the feng shui master
for us to buy coffee!
Too little?
That's not what I mean.
I'd like to strike a deal with you.
A deal, between you and me?
There's a place in Sembawang near the
beach where lots of rocks can be found.
Why are you telling me that?
I can take you there to look for rocks.
What would I want rocks for?
You just gave a huge rock to your client.
What rock? Don't be ridiculous.
That's a flying fairy rock.
If you have a connection with it, you'll
be able to see a fairy flying on it, okay?
It has a name -
Thousand-year-old Divine Pearl.
Divine Pearl? I bet it's worth a fortune.
A five-figure sum?
Can something that costs
a five-figure sum be called a treasure?
It can't be worth a few hundred thousand.
Of course it can be!
S$880,000, to be exact!
You can never afford it.
All right, I'm done talking to you.
I get it now.
You know what it means to be rich now.
You live in a bungalow
that costs tens of millions,
drive a posh car that costs millions,
and buy a rock that's
worth a few hundred grand.
It's not a rock but
Thousand-year-old Divine Pearl.
Divine Pearl, my foot. It's just a rock.
He picked it up randomly, got it polished
and called it a flying-fairy rock.
The rich are so loaded they don't
know what to do with their money
S$880,000 to them is like 88 cents to us
I want to be rich.
We all want to be rich!
Sure, in our dreams.
Dreams can come true.
Dreams make our lives worth living!
What wise words, Liu Mu. You're awesome!
You bet, but those
words didn't come from me.
But what I'm going to
say next are my own words.
Look in front of you, buddies.
What do you see?
I see a river.
-There are factories too.
-I see trees.
It's the sparkle of gold.
The sparkle of gold?
It's all sparkling gold ahead of us,
for it's a golden path.
We'll take this golden path.
We'll go for the sparkle
and make our dreams come true!
Why is it a golden path?
Because it's paved with gold that shines.
Notes, gold, diamond, stocks,
everything that can be turned into money,
everything except the Divine Pearl.
Do you see it?
Oh, Liu Mu, my eyes! It's too bright!
-My eyes!
-Cover your eyes!
Oh God!
Hurry, I'm bursting.
Where is he?
Where do you think?
Where else could he be?
Let's get down to work!
Did you wash your hands?
You want to contaminate the food?
-What do you think?
I'll feed you dog poop!
Your dad often says he was already
a boss and owned a nice car at your age.
Is it true?
Of course not.
If he were so capable,
his wife wouldn't have run away
and he wouldn't be
living in such a small flat.
-It's true.
He'd take me out
for a spin when I was a kid.
How did he end up as a satay man then?
What a redundant question.
On the day we first met,
some loan sharks were
after his dad for payment.
Have you forgotten?
No wonder Granny Thunder
forbids me from gambling.
She said gambling is evil.
Some people even sold
their wives and kids to gamble.
Jianzhi, be thankful
your dad didn't sell you
I wish he had.
-What was that for?
What's with you?
Granny Thunder told me to buy 4D for her.
2282, S$1 big, S$1 small.
Granny Thunder.
Grandma, you left
the door open. A thief might sneak in.
Just his luck if he does that.
Right. Granny's Thunder Fist
will come in handy.
Everybody here knows
it's best not to mess with me.
Excuse me, you're 72. Mind your bones.
So what if I'm 72?
I walk faster than a 42-year-old,
and I don't even pant
when I cross an overhead bridge.
Yeah, Granny is more
awesome than Bruce Lee.
Her Thunder Fist is invincible!
Nobody can beat her.
What a silver tongue
he has. Learn from him.
Go scoop the rice.
Scoop the rice.
Let me, Granny. You have a rest.
What a pity.
You already checked the result?
2282 didn't come up in the right sequence?
No, I'm talking about Liu Mu.
He's like a chef after only learning
at the zi char stall for a few days.
It's a pity he's an orphan
and there's nobody to groom him.
I may be an orphan,
but I have you, Granny.
With the formidable
Granny Thunder looking out for me,
you don't know how lucky I am.
I spoke so softly and he could hear me?
Softly? You're Granny Thunder.
Come and eat, Granny.
Who left his bag here?
Sit down, Grandma.
I'll close the door.
Careful, it's hot.
Yes? Who are you looking for?
Hello, I'm Li Weihao.
I'm from
Special Investigation Section, CID.
Do you know
the previous owner Huang Jintiao?
We moved in just last month.
We've no idea who lived here before us.
Okay, thanks.
Did Lin Musen come back recently?
Lin Musen?
No idea.
I don't know anything about him.
His parents died in a road accident.
I took him in.
But he didn't like to be with us.
He ran away when he was 16
and never came back.
Don't come after me
if he gets into trouble.
I have nothing to do with it.
Lin Musen was sentenced to
six years' imprisonment for fraud.
He was released two years ago.
We went to their last address
to investigate,
but they'd moved away some time ago.
According to ICA's record,
at 8:47 a.m., an hour
and a half after the crime yesterday,
Lin Musen and Huang Jintao
exited Singapore via Tuas Checkpoint.
We've asked the police in Malaysia to
assist us in our investigation.
We also checked the CCTV
near the crime scene.
The rider and the pillion rider
Did anybody follow you?
No. I was careful.
There's food, coffee and newspaper.
Things are really cheap here.
A packet of chicken
rice is less than RM$5,50.
That's less than S$2.
I ordered veg, extra chicken and rice,
and it cost only RM$8.
Well? Is it in the news?
I don't see our pictures in it.
Read it out, Liu Mu.
You know I can't read.
"A horrendous murder took place
in Singapore yesterday.
Yesterday morning,
an armed man barged into the house of
Chinese businessman
He Jianzhi in the northeast
and fired six shots at him."
I've never forgotten our friendship.
Neither have you, right?
Liu Mu.
Liu Mu.
"He Jianzhi died on the spot.
The murderer
then plundered the house
and took all the cash and jewelry"
"The murderer"
Why did you stop?
Forget it.
Where were you?
"And f fle
This something-something Singapore"
As you know, I'm muddle-headed,
and I always make mistakes.
Everybody calls me "Blur King."
Grandma said it was okay.
If I made a mistake, I'd just "turn back".
It's no big deal to start all over again.
When you make the wrong turn,
you can easily turn back,
but not with murder.
You can't turn back
when you've killed someone.
There's no room for regret.
Who says I'm having regrets?
Why did you keep quiet then?
I was thinking of something.
Dig in.
Don't worry.
Our pictures aren't in the papers.
So the police don't know we did it.
I did it.
Remember my words. I did it, not us.
Got it. You did it, I didn't.
You told me to fetch you, and I did,
for you're my brother.
You three go that side.
The three of you come with me.
Stay safe.
Leave, quick.
Don't worry, we won't be caught.
The cops won't recognize us.
Stop horsing around.
You'll only attract more attention.
But they do that on TV.
What should we do then?
We'll try and get two passports
to go to Thailand.
-Dig in.
Where are they?
Where did they go?
Look around.
Sir, the info you asked for.
Anything else?
Sir, I have something to report to you.
I saw He Jianzhi's photo
at his place yesterday.
It kind of rang a bell.
Later when Lin Musen and Huang Jintiao
came into the picture, it struck me that
I know the three of them.
In fact,
Lin Musen was
in a relationship with my sister.
Boss, it's not like you don't know me.
I take responsibility for my own actions.
Did you forget? I once broke a lamp.
The owner didn't know
but I owned up and even paid him S$500.
Don't expect me to
confess to something I didn't do,
or I won't turn up for work tomorrow!
What's the matter, Xiao Mei Coffee?
Who are you?
I I often buy coffee from you.
-Kopi Gah Dai?
-Kopi Gah Dai?
Oh yeah, I don't like bitter coffee.
Looking for something?
I'm looking for someone.
Who? You sound so desperate.
I'm not desperate but angry.
Did something happen?
Someone groped me from behind just now.
I tried to hit him but missed.
He even harassed me verbally.
That's too much!
I ticked him off, and he
groped me here.
Rest assured I'll get my hands on him.
Tell me what he looked like.
I can't see properly.
Sorry. It'll be
difficult to trace him then.
Mutton soup.
-He smelt of mutton soup.
Mutton soup?
Got it.
Wait here, Xiao Mei Coffee.
For your own safety, don't wander off.
What are you doing?
Is that mutton soup?
Yeah, mind your own business. Go away!
It's okay to have mutton soup,
but if you grope a woman
after that, you're in big trouble.
I don't know what you're talking about.
You can eat mutton soup
all you like, but never touch a woman!
-Stop moving about!
I've got him,
Xiao Mei Coffee. Is he the one?
-She's blind, brother.
-Did I say you could talk?
It's him! I recognize his voice.
Ah, blood
Over here, Xiao Mei Coffee.
Sit here.
Why did you get Band-Aids?
Told you I'm okay.
Aren't you bleeding?
Who says I'm bleeding?
-You said it.
-I did?
I heard you saying, "Ah, blood."
It's just a graze.
-What is it?
Nothing. I just saw a big red ant.
Stick this on.
That fellow was lucky to have got away.
But I kicked him in the butt
I used all my might.
Bet his bum is bleeding now.
Don't worry, I'll never forget his face.
If I ever run into him again,
he'll get it from me.
Where are you going, Xiao Mei Coffee?
I'm going back.
What about the Band-Aids?
Keep them.
Kopi-o kosong.
Next. What would you like?
Xiao Mei Coffee.
You know who I am?
Sure, Kopi Gah Dai.
Kopi gah dai, takeaway.
You're alone?
It only occurred to me yesterday
after I left that
I should've walked you back.
-Had that fellow come back
So did that fellow
Next. What would you like?
-Kopi-c, takeaway.
-Got it.
I got back at that pervert for
her yesterday and she gave me Band-Aids.
But she turned her back on me
today as if I were a stranger.
She didn't even treat me to coffee!
No wonder they say men and women
are two different types of creatures.
They don't see eye to eye.
-It pisses you off?
You're pissed off
by the way she treats you?
Come on, it's not like I'm wooing her.
Bro Musen, Bro Jianzhi.
Lin Jiahui. What are you doing here?
-I came to look for you.
-You could've called me.
I couldn't get you on your phone.
No way.
It's not turned on.
It's my day off.
I don't want my boss
to get me to go back to work.
What did you want with me?
I haven't seen you for some time,
so I thought I'd drop by here.
-Here you go.
-What is it?
Curry puffs. One for you,
one for Bro Jianzhi.
You want something from me?
Yes or no?
Yes? No?
Lin Jiahui, I watched you grow up!
I can read you like a book.
Excuse me, you're only
a few years older than me.
Look, if you're running away
from home again, I'm not taking you in.
Come on, I only did it once.
Don't get me started.
I got a dressing-down
from your mom for that.
I told you, your mom favors boys.
And she has a terribly vicious tongue.
But she's still your mom.
She's too much.
She doesn't complain about
my bro's private school fees
which are 30,000 a year.
My poly school fees are only 3,000 plus,
yet she told me to quit
and work in the shop for free.
Hello, what's up?
I need to go and rescue Jintiao.
-What happened?
-No idea. I'm off.
Bro Musen
Tell Bro Jianzhi about your problem.
Any solution is fine
other than running away from home.
What is it? You can tell me.
I've been using this phone
for more than three years.
All my friends have got a smart phone.
I want to get one too.
They say you can take pictures
and surf the Net with it.
How much is it?
A second-hand one is over S$600.
But my friend said
she could get one for me for S$500 plus.
The phone has only
been used for less than a month.
I think it's a good deal.
Mind you don't get conned.
She's my BFF, she wouldn't cheat me.
The most likely person to
cheat you is often your best friend.
Have you ever betrayed Bro Musen?
Of course not. He's my bro.
Precisely. There's no
betrayal in real friendship.
My friend lives just nearby
I'll ask her to bring the phone over,
and we'll close the deal on the spot?
Sure you can trust her?
Watch the stove for me.
I'll go draw the money.
Liu Mu!
Where are you?
On your right.
I mean, your left, Liu Mu.
Hey, can you see me?
It stinks. Why are
you hiding in there? Come out.
Come out!
What happened?
I lost so much
that even my pants are gone.
You really were stripped naked?
Zhenting, who do you think
is cuter, Leo or Tommy?
But I find Leo quite adorable.
He's your type.
-You're back.
This is Zhenting.
It's a small world.
Their coffee shop is just nearby.
I'll make a move.
Look, it's still so new.
-Did you check it?
-Check what?
It cost so much money.
Shouldn't you check it?
Zhenting wouldn't dupe me.
Why? It can't be turned on?
Zhenting said it'd already been charged.
You scammer!
-What do you want?
-Come with me.
-Let go.
I said let go Let go!
-Just show your card.
Which one of you hit my bro?
That fellow who even
lost his pants is your bro?
I'll ask again. Who hit my bro?
I did.
It was you.
Why? Want to get back at me?
I'll fight with you.
The loser will strip himself naked.
Subtitle translation by: S Lin
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