Allegiance (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Supply Side

Previously on Allegiance
Congratulations, sweetheart.
Please join me in welcoming
your valedictorian,
Constable Sabrina Sohal.
We all know why it's her up there.
Mr. Ajeet Sohal, you are
under arrest for treason.
My client has the right to a
full and complete account
- of all the evidence held against him.
- [REPORTERS SHOUTING] Constable Sohal!
[SABRINA] The Crown will issue
an apology, and we'll move on,
that's what the justice system is for.
[GILLIAN] Yes, this is Sabrina Sohal,
daughter of Ajeet Sohal,
anything to say? Concerns?
This is the CFPC's largest detachment,
home to elite units of both
federal and municipal scope.
We all know why Constables
Sohal and Tucker are here.
Number one and two at the Academy.
This kid's getting abducted,
call it in right now.
We need to issue an Amber Alert.
- Hey!
[SABRINA] I'm gonna
put my gun down, okay?
And you're gonna do the same?
We're coming for you
and everyone like you
We've even got people
- in your goddamn police force.
- [CAMPBELL] Quite the first day.
I just wanted to say,
I know you've got a
- lot on your plate, and it can't be easy.
- Thank you, sir.
[AJEET] I want you to focus on your job.
on the tradition you're carrying on.
That's our legacy.
[SABRINA] How long do we have?
15 minutes, no exceptions.
Are you all right?
Sorry, dumb question.
I'm all right.
It's a field trip.
I'm getting insight
into the justice system,
something every politician should try.
Pappa, how could this even happen?
It happened because
someone wanted it to happen.
- What's Max found out about their case?
- All they have
is a collection of deliberately twisted
and misleading facts,
and, apparently, some
kind of "showstopper."
What "show-stopper"?
I don't know. It's a mystery.
It's been It's been sealed.
That's the beauty of
an accusation like this.
The Crown can keep refusing
to disclose evidence
on grounds of national security
Yeah, while the accused sits in a cell
for as long as it takes.
We've seen this before.
They're stalling for time
because they know their case is
When can we see you?
Max is still working on clearances.
I'm sorry, you guys. You
didn't ask for any of this.
Pappa, I spoke to a
civil liberties lawyer,
we're going to get you a turban.
We're going to make sure
that you are taken care of
No. No, no, no, no.
That's what they want.
You understand? They want me
to ask for special treatment.
Listen, this is nothing new.
Some people are given grace,
some people get the
benefit of the doubt,
but not us.
So what do we do?
We take the high road.
[BOLTON] Tensions are rising
between the Park City Kings
and the Atwal Gang.
Anything you see or hear,
send it up the chain,
and finally,
we're seeing a spike in auto thefts.
Keep your eyes sharp.
Patrol residential
neighbourhoods where you can.
Okay, dismissed.
Ah, one last thing,
that strange emptiness
you're all feeling?
That's because Officer Brambilla
is absent this morning.
He's being cleared to return to duty
following a blow to the head
while in pursuit of Gavin Roddam.
So we muddle through.
Sohal, you'll ride with
Gabinski and Tucker.
- Yes, sir.
- Go do good work.
I'm gonna be in my own car.
Rookies ride together.
God help us.
Even better.
You might find my teaching style
is different than Brambilla's.
A fresh perspective will
do me some good, sir
Less conversational.
More shut up and watch.
If you're thinking about
what you're about to say,
you're not thinking about
what you just learned.
Got it.
Silence tells me
you're paying attention.
I know you've got a lot
going on in your life,
so I'm gonna tell you
what I told Tucker.
Park it.
Out there, no baggage,
no ego, no stuff.
Out there, you're not you,
you're this.
Fill the uniform, Sohal.
If you can do that,
we're good.
Follow his lead,
he's starting to get it.
[LUKE] If you're wondering
if there is a teddy bear
under that hard exterior,
the answer is no.
Oh, just, uh,
just thinking about what Gabby said,
that part at the end there,
how impressed he is by me?
Uh, not quite the words I heard.
Did you catch the bit where he said, uh,
you should follow my lead?
I caught the bit where you
stood there like a fencepost.
Well, it's his method.
I just have to put
up with it for a year,
and then it's off to Serious Crimes,
and I'll do my talking then.
A year? You're dreaming.
Brambilla told me four
years, if you're lucky.
Right. Well, I'm not you.
Meaning what?
Meaning different circumstances.
Say the words.
Forget the external stuff, okay?
I'm not even talking about that.
You drew the short straw, Sabrina.
Your T.O. is a dud.
Vince isn't so bad.
He's sleepwalking.
The man's a human coffee break,
whereas Gabby, sure he's a prick,
but he's respected up
the chain, you know?
He'll back me,
- and that's the whole ballgame.
- Stop.
Stop the car.
No smart-ass comment?
My dad's innocent.
- [LUKE] Mm-hmm.
- He'll be cleared.
Okay, Sabrina.
[GABBY] Hey, rookies!
What's the holdup, let's go.
We gotta go, partner.
Are you more yoked than in Baghdad?
Exercise keeps your head right.
You know who taught me that?
I just wanted to see
you with your shirt off.
You know, this is what happens
when you don't get out of the house.
This is what happens when
your gig is coding all day.
When you were an IS Tech,
you could still do 20 pushups.
Just sayin'.
Oh, thank God.
Go ahead, I gotta take this.
It's super important,
whatever it is.
[DISPATCH] Vehicle
break-in in progress.
9100 block of 120th.
3064, that's ours.
We are two blocks away.
[DISPATCH] Copy that.
Hey! Sir!
- Sir!
Step away from the car!
With me, let's go!
Police. We're coming in.
- EMT, now, get the kit.
- Copy that.
Dispatch, this is 3064, I need an EMT.
[GABBY] Sir! Sir!
Can you hear me? Sir!
Sohal, check him. They're OD'ing.
Hey! Sir!
Can you hear me? Pulse is
weak, but he's breathing.
Sir! Sir, look at me!
Hey, yeah, open your eyes, look at me.
Deep breaths, okay?
Ma'am, has anyone else taken the drugs?
- Where's my EMT?
- On the way.
- Got a pulse?
- No. Get ready to bag.
We're running out of time.
Come on, buddy, come on.
Uh we meet every couple of months.
The the host chooses the experience.
The "experience"?
We're careful. Nothing
like this has ever happened.
And it was heroin on the menu today?
Yeah, um, that's right.
Where'd it come from?
I don't know. It was
It was Phil's day.
The dead man, Phillip Briar?
The-the host supplies the drugs.
Well, thanks for your cooperation.
We'll be in touch, okay?
Talk to me.
Well, heroin, clearly spiked.
No doubt fentanyl.
- And?
- And
we write it up, move on.
Happens all the time.
Not in this tax bracket, it doesn't.
Because there'll
be pressure to respond,
from the friends of the deceased,
from the Assistant Commissioner.
And if there's a bad
batch hitting the streets,
we're gonna get buried,
so clear your calendars.
This is Drug Unit's case
now, but we'll run support.
Follow me.
Constable Sohal
you see those men at the
edge of the skate ramp there?
Yes, sir.
[GABBY] One of them's my informant.
If there's new heroin in town,
he might know the source.
Go get him.
Copy that.
Uh, which one, sir?
Sir, which one?
He's not gonna tell me?
This is a test?
Are you serious?
Yeah, I'm serious.
How am I supposed to know which one?
Give me a hint.
I didn't get a hint.
Fair's fair.
All right, you got this.
What are we looking for
New sneakers,
you got a little cash in your pocket,
Expensive watch.
A little too rich for C.I. work
and then Mister Red Hat
Is that the face of a snitch?
Excuse me, gentlemen!
Can I have word?
Hey, I just want to talk!
Subjects fleeing on foot!
North towards Carlyle, and, uh
also south!
Why didn't you answer my call?
tell me what you learned.
You sent me out to make a
scene to give your C.I. cover.
And, boy, did you deliver, Sohal.
That was
[CHEF'S KISS] exquisite.
He said there's a new
dealer making some noise.
Fancy packaging for street drugs.
All right?
I got an address, let's go.
Uh Can this be right?
Did the C.I. punk him?
[LUKE] Gabby doesn't get punked
It's the Police.
We'd like a word, please.
Come on in, Officers.
I sell heroin, meth, and coke.
What can I get you?
Welcome to the
Compassion Club of Surrey.
We used to be a basement-run operation,
but we're moving up.
What's your name, Ma'am?
Delphine Moraise.
The storefront gives us a wider reach.
We still make deliveries,
but now our members can
come in person as well.
[GABBY] How nice for them,
and for your bottom line.
Must be profitable, all this compassion.
It's not about that.
I have a courier, a bookkeeper,
and I pay them a real wage,
and we keep the lights on.
It's Uber for hard drugs.
What a time to be alive.
Safe drugs.
Sure, bud, crystal
meth, perfectly safe
Did you sell heroin to a man
named Phillip Briar today?
We don't share our members list.
Certainly not with the police.
Phillip Briar overdosed.
He's dead.
Uh, two hours ago. Maybe
you do know him after all?
Well, I assure you,
we test our inventory
for purity, and we
dose it appropriately.
- If there was a problem
- The man is dead.
If there was a
problem, it wasn't with us.
Well, let's be sure.
Who else did you sell heroin to today?
No, no, again,
we won't disclose our members.
That's sacred.
I'm sorry, I'm gonna
have to ask you to leave.
You take care, Ms. Moraise.
We'll see you soon.
Let's go.
- Um
- Hey, let's go.
We're not just walking away?
It's a grey area.
Wait, Possession, Trafficking,
- Manslaughter
- Throw in a little Wire Fraud.
- Seems pretty black and white
- Constables.
This is one of those times.
Less talk, more listen.
We throw that woman in cuffs,
we start a legal odyssey
that will take us all the
way to the Supreme Court.
Safe supply is a live wire,
and brass wants no part of it,
so we tolerate.
We turn a blind eye.
why don't you tell me the problem?
She's flaunting the law,
- making fools of us.
- Nope. Wrong.
Sohal, tell me the problem.
More people are gonna get hurt.
If we can connect her to the dead man,
then she's just another hustler
selling poison on the street,
and we can bring her down.
We need her client list.
I'm gonna get a warrant.
You two stay here.
Uh, unsupervised?
What's the assignment?
Do nothing and be visible.
Can you handle that?
[QUIETLY] "Be visible."
He wants us to discourage buyers.
We're props.
I've been called worse.
Hey, you hungry?
Did you make that?
Very funny.
Your kitchen's actually pretty stocked.
Nice to finally see the inside
of your place, by the way.
Welcome to the Sohal House of Scandal.
What's going on here?
Have you heard of a
far-right group called I.O.H.?
Is that who vandalized
your Dad's office?
Yeah, looks like it.
It's a lot of standard
brain-wormed conspiracy stuff,
with the bigotry dialed up.
"Culture under siege."
"Great Replacement."
"Blood and Soil."
- Charming.
- It gets even creepier.
Because they use progressive language.
It's a lot of pop
psychology, a lot of emotion.
It's like group therapy, but with guns.
"Time to rid ourselves of shame."
The "i" is actually E-Y-E "eye",
and the "H" stands for hurricane.
"Eye of the Hurricane."
[KYLE] But what does it mean?
Judgment day? Revolution?
"We ride at dawn?"
Who knows?
[LUKE] Oh, yeah.
Just saving your life.
You're welcome.
He hates us even more
than the last guy did.
Does that matter to you?
We work for them. Yeah, it matters.
That sounds like Vince talking.
No, it isn't.
Look, the job's hard
enough, okay, Sabrina?
I just want to do the work,
I don't need to be loved.
Nope, not buying it.
- What?
- The whole thing.
This whole detached
cowboy zen thing, no.
Maybe you don't know
me as well as you think.
[LAUGHS] Come on.
Everybody knows you
the moment that you
walked into the Academy,
"smalltown striver with
a chip on his shoulder".
Think there might be
more to me than that.
- Oh, yeah? More?
- Yeah.
You wanna do more? Let's do more.
Oh, please.
Shitty dad,
money was tight,
had to scrap for every inch.
Just one big "triumph
of the underdog" story,
but hey, you wear the badge now,
so they can all go to hell.
Am I warm?
This game isn't fun for me, though,
'cause I don't get to
guess at your story, do I?
- Princess Sohal
- Oh, here we go.
Hey, I don't blame you, okay?
You're working the moment.
That's smart.
I hope you're not saying
what I think you're saying.
No, no, I'm just saying that
it's a good time to be you, huh?
Really claim those spoils.
I worked for what I got.
You got it all, didn't you?
Top of the class. Valedictorian.
Poster child.
Wait, what is she doing?
We should follow.
No. Emphatically no.
- No.
- But
would Gabby want us to
let our suspect wander off?
She's amped.
She could be hiding
evidence, covering her tracks.
Yeah, go.
Okay, we're just observing,
that's all this is.
Yeah, just watching the nice drug lady.
I should call in our movement.
Yeah, call it in. No, wait.
The whole detachment will know
that Gabby left us unsupervised.
Okay, well, we should
just call him directly.
I'm not calling him, you call him.
What is she doing?
- [LUKE] I have no idea.
- What are you doing?
- I'm gonna see what's going on.
- You're gonna stay in the car.
- Whatever this is, it isn't good.
you hear me? It's Delphine!
Constable Sohal, do you see a crime
being committed? Get back in
- the goddamn
- Ms. Moraise!
Ms. Moraise, what's the problem?
- [DELPHINE] She's in trouble.
- Who? Who is?
Marcy, she's down, she's on the floor.
After you came, we started
checking on our members.
She bought heroin today, and
she wasn't answering her phone.
Okay, stand back.
I'm here.
I'm here, Marcy, I'm
right here with you.
- She's breathing.
- [LUKE] 1064, 119 & 80th.
Come on, Marcy.
- Come on, come on
- That's it
Open your eyes, Marcy.
Come on.
Eyes open. That's right
That's right, Marcy, look at me.
- That's it.
You're all right.
[SABRINA] Stay to the side.
Stay there, yeah.
[DELPHINE] It's okay
Good girl.
DISPATCH] Male, mid-20s
collapsed at the corner
of 88th and King George.
Possible overdose in progress
at Crescent Park. Two females
Talk to me, Grove, what's going on?
Dispatch is overloaded,
we're helping with their heat.
What's on your board?
We're waiting on 2915,
we got a call in
Cloverdale, five minutes ago.
[BOLTON] Play that 911.
[MAN] I went to tell the kids next door
to turn the music down, and
there's three of them lying there!
Hang on, hang on, I got 2915.
2915, status?
[OFFICER] We only had
two doses of Naloxone.
We're working on the
other kid with a bag.
He's not breathing.
Rescue is 10-23,
I think we got 'em in time.
Thank you 2915.
We need to set up a bus with extra kits.
East Newton. 72nd and King George.
All patrol cars need to
stock up on extra Naloxone.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Keep it up.
Okay, here's the deal.
We've had five O.D. calls already.
There's gonna be a lot more.
- So buckle up
possible overdose.
4359, possible O.D.
Male victims.
Corner of 152nd and 44th
787 outside the station.
One female, one male. Overdose
This is our show now.
We're gonna make some calls,
anyone we can't reach, we're
gonna knock on their door.
You don't understand,
most of our members
aren't like Phil Briar and his friends,
they're struggling
We're familiar with
the profile, thank you.
Too familiar. You're the enemy.
You show up and their lives get worse.
You won't get in the door.
Come with us then.
They trust you.
Tell them we're here to help.
[GABBY] Your customers,
all of them, names and contacts.
We sent out a bad-batch alert.
My staff will contact everyone
Ms. Moraise, stop.
You're not protecting these people.
You put them in danger.
Do you understand that?
[DISPATCH] 2143,
I need you to respond
to an O.D. in Fleetwood.
Additional unit
required in Fleetwood.
4588, we're running low on Naloxone.
[DISPATCH] 4588,
we're sending you Naloxone now.
9712, status on the Crescent Park call?
Triangulating a high-call
area near Crescent Park.
[LUKE] You got us into this.
Here it comes.
When I left,
I told you to do nothing.
- Sir
- No.
This job has one rule.
You follow orders.
No exceptions.
Do you understand?
Do you?
Unless you have no choice,
and then you do what has to be done.
Sohal, you're with me.
you go back to that shop,
and you sit outside.
Go on.
Go get her.
[SABRINA] Delphine?
Possible overdose, 4218 Sullivan Street.
Copy, 5762 responding.
I don't understand how this happened.
We test the inventory.
I guess the equipment
down at the smack lab
isn't so state of the art, huh?
[SABRINA] Who's Member Zero?
You have addresses and
contacts for everyone
but Member Zero.
Who is that?
My daughter.
She was about your age,
maybe a bit younger.
She separated her shoulder snowboarding.
She was in a world of pain.
Her doctor prescribed Oxy
She got hooked.
And when the prescription ran out,
she turned to street drugs.
[SCOFFING] I was stunned.
We're not those people.
That was my thought.
"We're not those people."
I didn't know how to help her.
I forbid it in the house,
so she moved out.
I called the police on her.
I tried to get her into counseling.
Punishment, anger, love
none of it stopped her from using
It was a dose of fentanyl in the end.
alone on the bathroom floor.
The cure for addiction
is not more drugs.
I'm not trying to cure anyone.
I'm trying to keep them alive.
Tyler Schritt?
You purchased heroin today
from the Compassion Club
of Surrey, is that true?
We have reason to
believe it's contaminated.
For your own safety, it
needs to be destroyed.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Sir, you aren't in any trouble.
Look, I'm not involved, okay?
Whatever you're doing here,
you've got the wrong guy
- Good day
- Hey, hey, wait.
Stay there.
- What is this?
- I'm sorry.
You brought them here?
They're telling the truth.
You said no one would know.
- You promised.
- I know.
You said the stuff was safe.
Tyler, I am so sorry.
Just give it to them, please.
I'm sorry, Mr. Schritt,
I know this isn't easy.
We just want what's best for you.
[DISPATCH] 128th & 92nd,
man collapsed, no pulse,
bystanders attending
Thank you for your cooperation, sir.
- Copy.
- You have a good day.
- Let's go.
- Delphine, let's go.
[QUIETLY] Holy shit.
Don't look so down, Sabrina.
We got to three overdoses in time,
got a lot of bad drugs off the street.
- That's pretty good.
- Yeah.
And you poached my T.O.,
so this round goes to you, I guess.
I think you're a good cop.
You know that, right?
Yeah, you think I'm a good brown cop.
You know what,
my scores at the Academy were
every bit as good as yours.
Yeah, how do you know that?
Because I kept track,
every exercise,
and don't act like you didn't, okay?
We were neck and neck,
and then
something tipped it in your favour.
Yeah, you tell yourself
whatever you need to, Luke.
It's progress.
I applaud it, all right?
But let's not pretend here.
What looks better for
the CFPC right now?
Me making that speech, or you?
Because they've heard you speak,
they've heard me speak,
and the choice was clear.
What's all this?
Our drug lady's finally cooperating.
She gave up her supplier.
It's a big lab in Newton.
They want to act fast.
Why aren't you on the raid?
Desk duty.
Results are coming in from the CCS bust.
Some of the heroin has fentanyl,
some didn't,
I gotta log it all.
Hey, Grandpa's back.
Uh, can I take a look?
Yeah, sure.
How's the concussion?
You back on your feet?
I never left them.
I just did my time in protocol jail.
How's my rookie?
Yeah, she's fine.
Anything I need to know?
I told her the best way to
quit donuts is to not start.
You attended an O.D.?
- And?
- Her and Tucker rose
to the limits of their abilities.
- Well, that's good.
- Vince, I gotta
Yeah, yeah, sure, sure. Gabby,
thanks for stepping up, huh?
Yeah, anytime, pal.
Good to have you back.
Yeah, good to see you. Thanks
You could have taken
that extra day, you know.
- Ah, hey, boss. Yeah.
- Look
Vince, I know you're
running down the clock here.
Can we say "I have a
few months left" instead?
So I talked to HR.
Given you've got "a few months left",
the blow you took at Belcarra,
they're ready to let you go, 10-42.
Starting next Friday, if you want.
It's good news, Vince.
I mean, we'll miss the
hell out of you, but
What do you think?
Early Christmas present for Helena.
Yeah, she would like that.
Oh, you've trained a dozen rooks.
We'll assign her to Viebrock.
Look, I think I want to
run down the clock down
a little longer.
I want to see this one through.
Okay, Vince.
Glad you're okay.
Thanks, boss.
[SABRINA] I'm sorry about leaving you
after you got hit in the head.
Ah, don't sweat it.
I don't even remember it, actually.
Wait a minute, who are you again?
Get it? 'Cause when
you get a concussion
- You forget things?
- [VINCE] Wait, what are you talking about?
Hey, can I have a second?
For what?
There's just someone I need to talk to.
Okay, go ahead.
Ms. Moraise?
- Oh, hi
- How are you holding up?
Ah, well,
I've got a trial date, so that helps.
Well, listen, I just wanted
to, uh, thank you for before,
for all your help.
I killed a man.
I know that you think
that we're on opposite sides, but
your intentions were good.
I see that.
200 people relied on us
for safe supply, Constable,
and now they're on their own,
making desperate choices
choices that are gonna get them killed.
Intentions aren't enough.
If you want to help,
look after them.
[DELPHINE] There's my ride.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm all right.
Look, I know Gabinski hates
the sound of rookies talking,
but I'm okay with it.
It's just this case.
That woman we arrested,
she's so thoughtful, you know?
They're not all
hooligans and desperados.
I know, it's just not
sitting right with me,
any of it.
Hey, can we, uh, do a wellness check?
There's just someone
I want to look in on.
Last year, I was
not in a good place.
Sleeping on floors.
Every day was the same thing
find my fix.
It was like a full-time job.
That sounds tough
The scrounging for
money is only half of it,
and then you gotta find the drugs.
If your regular guy sells out,
or gets put in jail, then
you roll your dice with the next guy.
I'd walk clear across
Surrey for a bag of down.
The stuff they sweep off the floor.
Speed and fentanyl all mixed together,
and cut with laundry detergent
or god knows what.
I knew it could kill me.
Took it anyway,
and then I met Delphine,
and everything changed.
- How?
- Well, for the first time in years,
I had safe supply.
I reconnected with my family.
I got a waitressing job.
I know you're not gonna
agree with this, Constable,
but Delphine saved me.
I'd pick up the phone,
and then a courier would
be at my door in 30 minutes,
or I'd take a walk to the mall.
It was still part of my life,
but it wasn't the whole thing anymore,
But what happens tonight?
What am I going to do tonight?
Super busy, Sabrina.
What if Delphine was telling the truth?
What if her product was
pure when it left the shop?
It wasn't.
I'm looking at it, there's
fentanyl all over the place.
[SABRINA] In some of it,
that's what you said, right?
But some of it was clean?
So what if the poison got in
How would that even work?
- Check the CCS sales books?
- [LUKE] For?
Spitballing here, Luke,
just go with me, okay?
See if there's a pattern.
of the seized samples,
these ones were dirty,
and then these ones were
All the heroin that was sold
directly in the store was clean.
and the dirty stuff was
Was delivered by courier?
Office is packed up,
that's the last of it.
Oh, thanks, Oscar.
You should go,
- I can finish up.
- You sure?
That's his.
- [DELPHINE] What's up?
- Anyone else here?
- Just us.
- [OSCAR] What the hell is this?
You guys have done enough.
Go ahead, Constable.
The drugs were spiked
after you sold them.
You didn't kill anyone, Delphine.
Is this true?
Don't ask me, I don't know
what they're talking about.
You would take the orders from the shop,
you would divide it
into smaller portions.
It took you half an hour
to deliver four blocks away?
You'd cut each portion with fentanyl,
deliver one to the customer,
and then sell the rest on the side.
A man died!
We're supposed to help these people!
It's okay. It's okay. It's okay
You're under arrest for manslaughter.
Do it, hero.
Fill those prisons up.
[VINCE] I guess this would be his lab.
[SABRINA] Yeah. Gloves,
scale, packaging.
Everything he needed to sell
his poison as safe supply.
- Okay.
- [SABRINA] I'll be back.
My lawyer says my charges will
be reduced across the board.
No manslaughter, no jail time.
What will you do now?
Reach out to my members.
Try to earn their trust back.
Start again.
There will be conditions from the Crown,
you can bet on it.
They'll tell you to stay
away from all of this.
Then I guess I'll be seeing
you again, Constable Sohal.
Just heard. Drug raid?
42 kilos of heroin, three arrests?
Case keeps paying out.
Well, Gabby will be happy.
Should make your life easier.
Back in pole position.
You know, it's actually
not a race, Luke.
Oh, come on,
of course, it is.
Hey. Paperwork.
I know.
People gripe about the paperwork,
but you know what?
Good notes make good arrests.
What, what, what, what,
what's going on?
What happened?
Something happen with you and Tucker?
I imagine that
you have noticed
that I'm, uh
not White?
Do you have any thoughts about that
one way or the other?
You know, just in terms of how it
pertains to my accomplishments?
What the hell are you talking about?
Some people think I
get special treatment.
Screw them. I gotta tell you that?
- Well, I know, just
- I mean, you're an overachiever, Sohal,
people are gonna come at
you whatever way they can.
You know, I'm gonna
be straight with you,
I don't care,
and neither should you.
I just wish we could just
get past all this, you know,
stop seeing people in colour.
Just I don't see people
in colour, I just see people.
You know that colour is a thing, right?
The only people who
get "not to see colour"
are people who don't have to live it.
[GENTLY] I'm sorry.
Uh, yeah.
I know, it's just, uh
So, you take good notes today?
Yeah, I took good notes.
'Cause you know what, good
notes make good paperwork.
That's what I hear.
You want some bad news
or some worse news?
What I want is a hot bath.
The symbol you sent?
The graffiti on Dad's office?
It belongs to a group called I.O.H.
"Eye of the Hurricane."
Far-right types,
fighting the good fight
against all things woke.
[SIGHS] Awesome.
It gets even awesomer.
October 2nd.
Dad's arrest?
One of these I.O.H.
guys knew it was coming
before it happened.
- That's not possible.
- I've got receipts, Sab.
Chatboard transcripts,
look, from weeks before,
talking about a blow to the enemy.
The eye of the hurricane.
Here in Surrey, October 2nd,
over and over.
They knew.
An arrest like that
is locked down tight.
Only a handful of people
would know in advance.
One of them is connected to this group.
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