Angels of Death (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

The Silent City

!!! Hope you enjoy the show !!!
Drop Pods Secundus
and Quartus entering radiation wash,
Ship Mistress.
The low atmosphere distortion
will make vox contact impossible
from here.
maintain sensorium markers.
Hold onto their position
as long as we can.
Without darkness,
there can be no light…
Without death,
there can be no sacrifice.
Without war,
there can be no victory.
30 seconds to impact.
- Course altered point-one-five.
- Impact angle?
Within tolerance, brother.
It won’t be smooth
but we’ve endured worse.
Impact detected, Ship Mistress.
Cogitators discern a 70% probability
of successful planetfall.
Lord Hadrael,
mission update as requested.
The Drop Pods have made planetfall.
Praise the Omnissiah.
I have the spirits of the gunship
to attend to so it may fly again.
Understood, lord.
Vox, as soon as Lord Hadrael
has completed repairs on the Thunderhawk
make ready for close support
and extraction.
Order relayed, Ship Mistress.
Helm, why have we not disengaged
from the harbour?
Labour teams from the tower
are still in the docking limb
and outer holds.
Get them out, now.
Begin casting off.
If they don’t want to be
there when the limb vents
they will have to move.
Long range vox is useless.
No movement,
this place is a shell.
Rad levels are well above
human tolerances.
We must reunite with
Sergeant Ancaeus.
Our priority is Captain Orpheo.
Move out.
We are casting off!
Clear the docking limb…
Clear the docking limb.
Those three,
clip those three back.
Vessel closing,
Ship Mistress.
It’s the Bounty.
A Tarask Class transport.
It’s broken from the flotilla.
They were told to maintain distance.
tell them to pull back immediately.
Casting off in progress,
Ship Mistress.
We’ll be clear of the dock momentarily.
And the promethium hauler?
Withdrawing fuel lines now.
See it done.
Apologies, Ship Mistress.
The Bounty is still closing on us.
Their captain is insistent
he speak to you directly.
On vox.
Damn it! Weld the damned portal shut!
Cease your approach Captain,
or be destroyed.
Sword of Baal! Beware!
We have been infiltrated.
Mutants have-
Clear that signal!
Captain, repeat your last
killing everyone!
The flotilla is compromised.
I repeat, the flotilla is comp-
Ship Mistress, energy build-up detected
on several flotilla voidships.
Weapon signatures active!
Such desecration deserves
the Emperor’s justice.
Stand ready!
All commands by closed vox.
Why have you come?
We asked for no aid.
This is our city.
They show little fear.
Should they, brother Tiro?
We are the Emperor’s Angels.
Everything fears us.
This is the Emperor’s city.
Where is our Captain?
Niades was a lie!
They promised us safe harbour.
-Multiple strikes confirmed!
-The Bounty is dead!
Battle alert! All stations stand to!
Run out the guns and light our shields.
It is not safe out here.
There has been fighting
this day against the enemy.
Come with us,
we will return to the tower together,
as friends.
They could help us find
Captain Orpheo’s beacon, Sergeant.
Noble warriors, come.
Cut them down!
From the position
of the tower and the sun,
we are approximately
five kilometres off course.
We must move swiftly.
Mass reactive detonations.
High calibre.
-It’s Tiro.
-That's coming from the direction
of the drop zone.
On me, brothers!
This deck will vent in sixty seconds!
We will not wait!
In blood I am born,
in battle do I live.
In light do I rise
Tiro, draw its fire.
The enemy has revealed itself.
These things were relentless.
Without fear.
Without hesitation.
You look on the face of the Devourer.
Helm, bring us about.
All stop!
Auspex, explain!
The docking limb
and clamps are not responding.
We remain locked to it.
If we re-engage the engines
we will rip the ship apart.
Engines powering down. Preparing
Explosions and weapons fire
in the docking limb.
Get us loose, now!
Mistress, we are being boarded!
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