Ark: The Animated Series (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Element 2

- I saw her up ahead!
- Go!
Don't let her escape!
- I heard something!
- Over here.
We know you're getting weaker.
Give up now,
and maybe General Nerva
will grant you a swift death.
Hey, it's okay, possum.
It's okay to be afraid.
Mummy, why are we here?
We're here
to fight for our future.
Tommy's dad said
that it's hopeless.
That we'll never win.
I know you're worried.
But this is important.
And I want so much more for you.
If we can't fly, we run.
And if we can't run?
Then we walk.
And if we can't walk?
We crawl.
No matter what,
we keep moving forward.
There. Beautiful.
Always was,
always will be, aboriginal land!
Always was,
always will be, aboriginal land!
- You ought to be grateful!
- Go home, for your own good!
Always was,
always will be, aboriginal land!
Always was, always will be!
Always was, always will be!
Always was,
always will be, aboriginal land!
Always was,
always will be, aboriginal land!
Is anyone there? Scary?
General Nerva's secrets, huh?
What are you really?
Here. Here, little guy.
You're a troodon, aren't you?
Go on, take it.
Good boy!
Huh? You you speak Chinese?
My English is better than
whatever you call that.
Thank thank you?
I'm I'm Helena.
Who are
I only had one rope.
Too bad I wasted it on you, eh?
There is something in this cave
that is of great value to me.
You may not be of much more use
than a broken rope,
but you can come with me
if you wish,
or you can stay here.
Uh, one second.
Scary? Stay put!
I'll be back for you.
You saved me back in the jungle.
The last thing I remember
is Nerva's riders.
Half the island
is looking for the woman
who robbed that butcher
and turned his own beasts
upon him.
Word has it that
he promises a princely reward
to the one
who brings her to him.
But, instead of turning me
over to him,
you treated my wounds.
And eliminated the scouts
who pursued you.
No! Look carefully.
- Arthropleura.
- Fireworms.
Their venom burns like acid.
Now come.
Where, uh
When did you come from?
Long before your time.
Aren't you worried
that by helping me, you'll
I don't know,
bring Nerva down on you?
When I bring Nerva down,
he'll be choking
on his own blood
with my spear sunk
to the hilt in his throat.
Oh. Oh, wow. I, uh I see.
Well, then.
Uh, Meiyin?
We need to rest.
I explored this cave once,
years ago.
There will be many perils.
Help me prepare dinner.
You want me to skin it?
Don't you know how?
You want to learn?
Everyone here has one.
No one knows
what purpose they serve,
nor why any of us is here
in the first place.
Perhaps we are being punished,
and the shadows of our deeds
in life have followed us here.
There must be
an explanation for all of this.
We have to find it.
Where you come from?
You are a scholar?
- A scientist.
- Scientist.
This is a a seeker of truth?
Not exactly, but I'll take it.
I think you know
what I'm carrying.
What I stole from Nerva.
You need it too.
Why didn't you just
take it from me?
At this moment,
you are the only person
on this island
who does not despise me.
Mum! I came
as soon as they called me.
I didn't want to worry you.
Your treatment is annihilating
the cells in your body.
You need rest.
And instead,
you're out marching.
Are you even listening to me?
We have to fight, Helena.
If not for ourselves,
for the future generation.
You collapsed at a protest!
They said you were unresponsive.
I'll always be with you, possum.
You know that.
You can never lose me.
But I could.
this isn't something you can
cure with positive thinking.
The work I've done
has been for you,
it always has been.
Yeah, and a lot of good,
it's done.
I I should get back
to the lab.
You could join me.
Just like when you were a kid.
I'm studying
to become a scientist, Mum,
not an activist.
I'm trying to make a difference
in my own way. I'm not you.
I should hope not!
Life is for living, Helena.
And while my heart beats,
I will fight.
And, to you,
it may seem like a losing fight,
but a battle can turn
when you least expect it.
I love you, Mum.
Ready to go?
- Mm.
- I made breakfast.
Hmm. It's passable.
You asked
why I want to kill Nerva.
We tried, and nearly did.
Left unopposed, evil will grow.
Today a weed, tomorrow a forest.
So, we formed an alliance
to stop him.
From the North,
Kor and his Sky-Riders.
From the West,
John and his scouts.
And I and my warriors
from the South.
We rode against Nerva
and his legions of conquerors,
ready for steel,
for blood, and death.
And with our Great Alliance,
we were all
but assured of victory.
And then, we were betrayed.
I was betrayed.
That Green Artifact you carry,
the legends of this island say
that it is one of three,
and that when all are used,
an immense power
will be granted.
The Red Artifact belongs to Kor,
the so-called "Prophet."
And it may as well be
on the moon
for all the good it does us
in his hands.
Woah! Oh!
Thanks, uh, again.
So, what about
the third Artifact?
The third Artifact, the Blue.
I possess.
You are capable
and sharp of mind.
You could help
in the fight against Nerva.
I wasn't a fighter.
- In my time.
- And what are you now?
And what happens when someone
has all three Artifacts?
The legends say
they shall then be able
to leave this place.
They shall be able to go home.
And here we are at last.
It's some sort of gate.
I have not seen it
do that before.
A locked gate requires a key,
does it not?
I think
in order to know
what's coming next,
we have to look at the pattern
that's come before.
The same object,
in a new shape
for a new purpose.
A wise scholar indeed.
Spiders. I hate spiders.
Who could have built this?
I've never seen
anything like these.
It's like
some kind of operating system,
or an interface.
Uh, Meiyin?
I think this might be
A trap.
Nope! Nope, nope,
nope, nope, nope!
If we can't fly, we run.
And if we can't walk, we crawl.
No matter what,
we keep moving forward.
Over here,
you overgrown tarantula!
Why did it have to be spiders?
Lots of these cheeky buggers
where I come from.
they're not usually this big!
I've got an idea.
I have no doubt you do.
Think you can go
another round with that thing?
I'm just getting started.
Just keep it occupied!
It's getting weaker!
What is this device?
- A cannon?
- Something like that.
Huh? Hmm.
You've got to turn it on. May I?
Whoa! Incredible!
With weapons of such power,
I could reform the Alliance.
Destroy Nerva
and end his conquest,
now and forever.
- Hmm.
- Hmph.
It's wonderful to see the sky
and green things again.
Speaking of things
that are green
You are a fighter.
We could be formidable allies,
you and I, Helena.
We could.
Of course, I'd have conditions.
What this world
doesn't need any more of
is killing.
From time to time,
blood must be shed
to protect the innocent.
I can only hope
you will not have
to learn these things as I have.
How did you find us?
We followed your trail
from your camp.
The gigantic glowing obelisk
didn't help conceal you,
if you were wondering.
You've got a lot of grit
showing your face
around here again, Meiyin.
Hello, John.
It's been a long time.
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