Avatar: The Last Airbender (2024) s01e02 Episode Script


[embers crackling]
[wind blowing]
[water swooshing]
[suspenseful music playing]
[ship engine chugging]
- [Zuko grunts]
- [objects clanging, shattering]
[Zuko grunting]
I'm sure it'll turn up.
- You probably just misplaced it.
- [Zuko grunts]
And keep in mind,
the notebook didn't find the Avatar.
You did.
Your notebook may have been useful
in collecting your thoughts,
but your unceasing effort
is what led you to the Avatar.
He ran!
The ultimate warrior!
- He's a coward!
- I don't know about that.
But it's clear that this Avatar
is not what you nor anyone else
would've expected.
We won't know until we find him.
And I will find him.
I'm still the heir to the throne.
That's gotta mean something,
even in this dustbin corner of the world.
[Iroh] It does.
And in this case,
it is precisely because we are
in a more quiet part of the world
that we have an advantage.
How many places can there be
for an Avatar to hide?
[suspenseful music swells]
[Aang] Kyoshi Island is
only a few hours from here.
According to this,
Avatar Kyoshi was the fiercest of warriors
and a master of what they call
the Avatar State.
Maybe something in her shrine
will help me control my power before
You kill someone?
Before it happens again.
- [Sokka] It's time to go home.
- What?
We did our part.
We saved him from the Firebenders.
Now it's time to go home. My duty
Our duty is to protect the village,
like Dad told us to.
They can protect themselves.
Besides, what good is saving Wolf Cove
if we don't save the world?
Katara, do you hear what you're saying?
Save the world.
- Us.
- Why not?
If the world is gonna have any chance,
it's gonna need Aang.
And you're right.
We do have a duty,
and it's to protect the Avatar.
Protect him? You wanna protect him?
The guy who nearly
blew us off the top of this mountain.
It's about more than just helping Aang.
Ever since he came into our lives,
things have changed for me.
Before I met him, I couldn't bend
enough water to fill a thimble.
And now look what I can do!
And that's after a single day!
Look around.
Look where we are now.
I don't know about you,
but I can't go back.
[soft grunting]
[suspenseful music playing]
Katara, something's wrong with your bag.
[Sokka] Hey! That's our food.
[Katara] What is that?
[Aang] A winged lemur!
The sky used to be filled with them.
[Katara] What's this?
[mysterious music playing]
[Gran Gran] My dear Katara.
This scroll has been passed down
among the Waterbenders of our tribe
for generations.
It contains everything you need to know
to begin your bending education.
You have no idea
how hard it's been to keep this from you.
But with the Fire Nation
hunting for benders,
it was just too dangerous for you to have.
But now that you've gone out
into the world,
you should take what belongs to you.
You are a Waterbender.
That is who you have always been
and always will be.
Never forget that.
See? This never would've happened
if we hadn't left home.
Fine. We'll go to Kyoshi Island
and see how it goes.
Aang, you ready to leave?
There's something I have to do first.
[sentimental music playing]
My whole life, you were there for me
and I wasn't there for you.
Goodbye, Gyatso.
I'm sorry.
[dramatic music playing]
[mysterious music playing]
[Appa grunts]
[growls softly]
[lemur squeaking]
- You wanna join us, Momo?
- [Momo squeaks]
Yeah. He looks like a Momo, doesn't he?
- Just like how you look like a Sokka.
- [Katara] Can't argue with that.
- I bet you taste like chicken.
- [screeches]
[indistinct chatter]
Zuko, you must try this. It's got
- What's it got?
- Quailpole egg.
Quailpole egg. Very good for
Vitality! [chuckles]
What are we doing here, Uncle?
[Iroh] This port houses the headquarters
of the regional Fire Nation commander.
It is a hub of local information.
If anything unusual
were to happen in the vicinity,
it would be reported here.
Have you lost your mind?
You wanna ask a Fire Nation commander
if they've seen the Avatar?
If word gets out, everyone in the world
will be looking for him.
I could lose everything.
Calm yourself, Prince Zuko.
One thing you must learn
is how to get what you want
without divulging your true intentions.
You must use your tact, your empathy.
But most importantly,
you need to have sticky rice!
Uncle, there's no time for this.
[adventurous music playing]
[Sokka] There she is.
Giant, scary lady.
Check this out.
[Katara] Sokka,
should you just go in there?
[suspenseful music playing]
- [action music playing]
- [Aang grunts]
- [Katara] Sokka!
- [Sokka] What? What's happening?
- [Katara] Watch out!
- [Sokka] Hey!
Ah! [grunts]
You are trespassing on sacred ground.
Stop! You're making a mistake.
He's the Avatar!
Ridiculous. There would've been signs
if he was the Avatar.
[mystical whirring]
[majestic music playing]
I think that might be a sign.
[bell clanging]
[woman] It's been a long time
since we've had visitors,
and for good reason.
For a hundred years,
Kyoshi Island has remained safe
from the ravages of war
by keeping to ourselves.
We expect the outside world
to do the same.
We're not here to cause any trouble.
All I want is
to learn more about Avatar Kyoshi.
Isn't that what this place is about?
Keeping her memory alive?
- We're not a threat.
- [woman] Maybe not.
But the next visitors might be.
We can't start making exceptions.
We're not just any visitors.
He's the Avatar.
According to you
and a few reflections off a statue.
I know you're scared.
I don't know what life has been like here.
To be honest, I don't know
what life has been like anywhere.
I've been away for a while.
But where I'm from,
people help each other.
I know I don't belong here.
That's something
I've been feeling a lot lately.
But if you can help me,
if I can learn to be the Avatar,
maybe I could bring the place I knew,
a world where people were happier, back.
What harm is there
in letting him look through some books?
It's not about them.
It's about who else may come. I know.
But if he is the Avatar,
how can we turn our back on him?
Such a fierce warrior.
- And yet such a kind heart.
- Mother.
Suki, you're too young
to know that there are many in this world
who would take advantage
of that kind heart.
I'm not too young.
I just haven't seen the world.
I'm reminded that Kyoshi herself
often benefited from
the kindness of strangers.
And as the Avatar,
she believed in helping those
who could not help themselves.
So we will open our village to our guests
for 48 hours.
I trust that you will respect
the limits of our generosity.
[Sokka] I get it.
I know why you wanted us off your island.
I'd have done the same thing.
It's a big responsibility,
all these people's lives in your hands.
Personally, I take
that responsibility very seriously.
I, uh I'm the guardian
of my village, too, so
[Suki] A guardian?
So how are you protecting your people
if you're here?
What? I'm not.
I mean, I am.
I may I may not physically be there,
but still
That is, I'm
I have to save the world first.
Katara, how does it go again?
I'm protecting Aang,
so I'm protecting the village
Hey! Hey! Um
The point is we have a lot in common.
We're both warriors, right?
Before she died,
Avatar Kyoshi trained an elite force
in her image.
One ready to protect
not only our homes but our way of life.
That tradition has been passed down
through the generations,
and it is now my honor
to protect this community
and to uphold the values of the Avatar.
That is why I'm not just a warrior.
I'm a Kyoshi Warrior.
[curious music plays]
[Zuko] Where's your commander?
I need recent surveillance reports
right now.
- Excuse me?
- And maps.
Nautical maps.
The more detailed, the better.
[man] And you are?
Prince Zuko.
What an honor to welcome
actual royalty to our humble base.
- What can I do for the crown prince?
- As I was saying, I need
Please excuse my nephew.
We've been at sea a long time,
and our manners
have grown as rusty as our anchors.
General Iroh, no need to apologize,
and please forgive our lapses as well.
We don't get
many VIP visitors around here.
Much less the famed "Dragon of the West."
As my nephew was saying,
we are in search of maps
and surveillance reports.
We're hoping to track schools
of jumping shark squids.
- Sh shark squids?
- [Iroh] Mmm.
They're migrating this time of year.
Oh, they're delicious,
grilled with a touch of lemon.
Hmm. [chuckles]
I see.
Anything I can do to help.
If you wouldn't mind
giving me until the morning,
we can track down what you need.
Very kind, Commander
Zhao. Commander Zhao.
At your service.
[foreboding music plays]
Someone needs to put a bell on you.
There's food in the village hall.
[mysterious music playing]
[inspirational music playing]
Amazing! You're a natural.
Well, these are just the easy forms.
Well, it's more
than you could do before, right?
You caught on quickly.
You're a real Waterbender, Katara.
You know, you should be practicing too.
The Avatar needs to master
all four elements.
Maybe later.
I can't imagine what it's like
knowing you'll have to save the world,
but avoiding practice doesn't mean
you'll avoid the responsibility.
I know.
It's just Gyatso used to be the one
who trained me.
I've never really trained
with anyone else.
It's okay.
We'll do this together.
We're not going anywhere.
Or you could just let me use you
for target practice.
[Aang] Ah!
[upbeat flute music playing]
Not home cooking, but not bad.
- [squeals]
- [Sokka grunts]
[Aang and Katara laugh]
- Just try that again, drumstick.
- [Katara chuckles]
[indistinct chatter]
Are you really an Airbender?
[kids gasp]
[kids laughing]
[indistinct chatter]
You gotta admit, he has a way with people.
He knows how to connect,
to get through to people
like he did last night.
That's his real power.
Connection. Building bridges.
- That's how he's gonna be the Avatar.
- [grunts]
[kids laughing]
Right. There goes the savior of the world.
Is this what it's like
to have people from the outside here?
[woman] You don't remember the days
when the war raged all around us,
and we lived in constant fear
of the Fire Nation.
There's a reason we've avoided that
all these years.
We've avoided a lot of things
by living the way we do.
Be that as it may, we've stayed safe.
If not happy.
This boy, he may be entertaining,
but that doesn't mean he's not dangerous.
He's a threat.
And the sooner he and his friends
are off our island,
the better.
[indistinct chatter]
- The Avatar?
- [man] Yes, sir.
He thinks he's found the Avatar?
According to his crew.
They claimed to have discovered him
at a small Water Tribe village.
Prince Zuko captured him
but then lost him.
If Zuko's looking to us for information,
it means he thinks he's still in the area.
Gather any reports of unusual sightings
in the last few days,
anything out of the ordinary,
no matter how small.
- And do it fast.
- Sir.
[Sokka] Oh.
Seriously? Bell. Think about it.
Made it myself.
It's, uh
it's great in combat and hunting and
[Suki] Hunting?
Yeah, hunting. Yeah. [chuckles]
For tiger whales.
Yeah, that's, uh, dangerous, tiger whales.
Ferociously deadly tiger whales.
Um, I could run you through the basics
if you want.
[Sokka grunts]
Wow. Um
That was pretty good.
Uh, that was that was pretty good.
Us Southern Water Tribe warriors are
known more for our hand-to-hand fighting.
[curious music playing]
Oh, right now?
[both grunting]
[foreboding music playing]
Nothing. Nothing about the Avatar State
or any of her powers.
Nothing that can help me train.
So how am I supposed to figure out
how to save the world?
How do I stop the Fire Nation
from hurting more people?
Did you know she was an orphan?
Lived on the streets
until she was hired as a house girl
for the richest family on the island.
She was quiet and kind.
No one had a clue she'd become the Avatar.
Yeah, so how did she go from this
to that?
[Katara] "Only justice will bring peace."
I never wanted to fight,
and I'm afraid of hurting someone.
Back home, the other kids
used to say I was lucky
because I never really had to train.
But I did have to train.
Not to develop my powers
but to keep them under control.
[kids scream]
I'm I'm sorry!
No one said anything,
but I could tell they were scared of me.
Just like how you and Sokka were
when I went into the Avatar State.
What if nothing in here can help me?
What if I never learn
how to control my power?
How many people will I hurt?
But imagine what'll happen
if you don't even try.
Aang, you're not alone.
According to this,
all the previous Avatars
are incarnations of your past lives.
You are literally not alone.
The other Avatars are inside you.
You want someone to teach you,
you just need to figure out
how to connect to them.
The answers aren't inside here.
They're inside you.
[indistinct chatter]
[mysterious music playing]
What is it?
Zhao's boat.
It's gone.
He heard something
about a flying cow near Kyoshi Island,
so he set sail at dawn.
[Zuko] A flying cow?
He knows about the Avatar.
Somehow, he found out.
We have to get there before him.
[all] Ha!
- [warriors] Hmm!
- [Suki] Za!
[Suki] Za!
[Suki grunts]
[curious music plays]
[exhales sharply]
[exhales sharply]
[exhales sharply]
[stirring music playing]
[Suki] Huh!
[Suki grunts]
[Suki grunts softly]
[Gyatso]The world needs the Avatar.
The world needs you, Aang.
[Katara] But imagine what'll happen
[Aang] I'm scared of my power.
They're all gone.
[Sokka] When the world needed
the Avatar the most, he vanished. He ran
[Aang] I don't want power.
[Gyatso] Which is why you
will make a great Avatar.
[Aang] Avatar Kyoshi, help me.
[mystical whirring]
[Katara] Aang?
- [Kyoshi] Aang!
- [gasps]
It's about time.
I'm sorry.
I didn't know how to reach you.
I didn't know I could reach you.
There's a lot you don't know.
Can't we go any faster?
We're at top speed.
Everything that can be done is being done.
You've waited three years.
You can wait a little longer.
Three years.
Three years.
There were times
I thought I'd never find the Avatar.
But it's almost worse
now that I know he's close
because now the chance to go home is real.
Sometimes, hope can be a cruel thing.
[footsteps approaching]
Sir, we're approaching Kyoshi Island.
[Suki grunting]
[Suki panting]
I think I'm getting the hang of Ah!
[Suki grunts]
You need to turn your opponent's power
against them.
Reflect their strength.
Thanks. Um, you're a great teacher.
And you're an excellent student.
Though I'm sure you were helped
by your previous training.
You know, as your village's protector.
Right, "protector."
To be honest, where I'm from,
there's not much call for a real warrior.
I think you're a real warrior.
[scoffs] Not like you.
You you're not even a bender,
and you're the fiercest fighter
I've ever met.
Not being a bender means
we have to be even better than benders.
We can't reshape mountains
and burn forests,
so we have to fight with what we have.
What matters is not the power inside.
It's the will and desire.
The heart.
[tender music playing]
The truth is, I envy you.
I've always wondered
what the world outside was like,
but I never had the courage to leave.
I've always wondered what I'd find.
Now I know.
[bell clanging]
- The bell!
- You hear it too?
- We have to go.
- Why? What's happening?
It's the town alarm. Someone's coming.
[Katara] Aang!
[indistinct shouting]
[suspenseful music playing]
Aang, you need to come back, now.
Where are you?
[Kyoshi] There are many dimensions
to being the Avatar.
You need to be a guardian,
a general, a mediator, a guide.
You must fill several roles,
and many of them
require unparalleled strength.
That's why I need to master
all the bending disciplines?
To become strong?
Yes. And to help you gain control
over the ultimate power.
The Avatar State is
the combination of all your past lives,
focusing their energy through you.
The Avatar State gives you
the strength of a thousand benders.
I've seen it.
It's dangerous.
[Kyoshi] If uncontrolled, yes,
but it can also be the ultimate weapon,
and it can save your life.
[Zuko] We're too late.
There's no way around Zhao's men.
He'll have made it to the village by now.
[indistinct chatter]
In Pai Sho, the first move
is not always the best.
Knowledge of your opponent,
knowing where he might go,
is more important than speed.
And so where there is one Avatar,
there may be another.
[suspenseful music playing]
Such a lovely island.
And we welcome you to it, Commander.
Though we wish
we'd had some advanced notice.
We are quite unprepared for guests.
Funny. That's not what I'd heard.
I understand you had an unexpected visitor
just the other day.
You must be mistaken.
We like keeping to ourselves.
I've heard.
Yes, I've heard Kyoshi Island
has had an admirable history of staying,
shall we say, insignificant,
which is why there's been
no need for the Fire Nation
to get involved in your affairs.
I'd hate to see all that change
because of an outsider.
Commander, the way I see it,
you and your men
are the only outsiders here.
An unfortunate perspective.
You won't mind
if we take a look ourselves?
I expected as much.
[suspenseful music plays]
- [woman grunts]
- [man grunts]
Take them, and find the Avatar!
[Kyoshi] You wanna know
what is the Avatar? I can't tell you that.
Every Avatar is different.
We are shaped by the different demands
of our times.
So I have to figure this out myself?
That is part of the journey.
But what if I hurt someone along the way?
And how many have already been hurt
because you haven't been here?
Run away from your responsibilities again,
and even more will be hurt!
Being the Avatar
means putting your duties above all else.
Even your life!
I was like you once.
But then I saw what was at stake,
and I will show you
what will happen if you fail.
Tragedy awaits the North,
and unless you do something about it,
another race of benders will be wiped out
just as the Air Nomads were.
You asked me
what it means to be the Avatar.
It means being a warrior.
[distorted] A mighty, merciless warrior.
[man whimpers]
[Momo squeaking]
[men grunting]
- [Suki] Ah!
- [warrior grunts]
- [Suki grunts]
- [warrior grunts]
[suspenseful music continues]
[Suki grunts]
[distant screaming]
They're bringing more men.
- We can't hold them off much longer.
- [woman] Where's your friend?
You said he could help us.
Where is the Avatar?
What if I do what you say,
and it all just becomes worse?
It will.
Your very presence in this world
will make things worse.
At first, both sides will fight harder
because the Avatar has returned.
Hope does not come without a cost.
You. I'm getting through
one way or another.
What happens to you is your choice.
- So what's the point?
- [Kyoshi] You want things to be easy?
None of this will be easy.
Avoid your duties any longer,
and not only will you fail
to save the world,
you won't even be able
to save this island.
This island? From what?
From the danger
you've put them in right now.
My friends.
[suspenseful action music plays]
[villagers screaming]
[Zuko] I warned you!
No one's going to stand in my way!
You wanted to know about
the power of the Avatar.
[distorted echoing]
I will show you what that power can do.
[mystical whir]
[dramatic music playing]
[breathing shakily]
[action music playing]
No, no, no, no!
- [screams]
- [screams]
[warriors grunting]
Pull back.
Back to the ship!
[warriors clamoring]
[dramatic music playing]
[Katara] Aang!
[Aang groans]
I'm okay.
This is all my fault.
- I brought this here.
- Which is why you have to go.
- Now.
- We can't just leave you.
They want the Avatar, not us.
There's nothing here that we've lost
that can't be replaced,
and you've given us
something far more valuable in return.
A reason to believe again
in our village, in ourselves
and in the Avatar.
[solemn music playing]
Nice job, Avatar.
[indistinct chatter]
Listen, I, uh I wish
we had more time.
I know.
I do too.
Thank you, Sokka.
For what?
For bringing the world to me.
[emotional music playing]
[villagers] Bye!
So this means
you don't wanna go home anymore?
And let you guys have all the fun?
Besides, someone's gotta help the kid.
This could get tough for him.
Zuko clearly isn't going to give up,
and he's dangerous.
Nifty trick you pulled back there,
channeling scary lady.
This mean we'll see more of her?
Kyoshi said I can only call upon
one of the past Avatars
when I'm in their shrines.
What else did she tell you?
We must get to the Northern Water Tribe
because something terrible
is going to happen there.
Something only I can stop.
All right, North it is, then.
We just gotta get there
before the Firebenders catch up to us.
Waterbending masters there are the best
in the world. They can train you.
So don't worry, kid.
You don't have to do this alone.
You have me, Katara,
and a flying ball of fur.
What more do you need?
[Momo squeaking]
Feel like I walked into that one.
[Momo squeaking]
[Zhao] I was simply responding to reports
of a disturbance on Kyoshi.
I had no idea the Avatar would be there.
If Your Highness
had been more forthcoming earlier,
we might have avoided
this misunderstanding.
I hope we can put this behind us.
Of course, Commander.
Don't tell anyone.
About the Avatar.
No one else can know.
[Zhao] But of course.
I fully understand
the sensitive nature of this information.
And if you'll permit me, working together,
we'd be able to devote
twice as many resources to the hunt.
Obviously, with Your Highness
taking the lead in all matters
- Wait, we don't
- An excellent suggestion, Commander.
We would be honored
to have your partnership and your loyalty.
Believe me, there's nothing more important
than knowing where to place my loyalties.
[foreboding music playing]
[Zhao] To Your Supreme Eminence,
the great flame of the world,
I am but a humble servant
in the Southern Seas.
[bird caws]
[Zhao] But I have news for you
of a critical nature.
I know this information
may arrive as a shock,
and you might be tempted to dismiss it
as rumor or delusion,
but rest assured,
I have witnessed these events
with my very eyes.
That is why
I can report an astounding development.
One that could
change the future of the Fire Nation.
The Avatar has returned.
[upbeat drum and flute music playing]
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