Be Loved in House (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

(It hurts.)
(Be careful.)
(Damn it.)
♪Light years apart, there are
so many obstacles to this journey♪
(What I'm most worried about
still happened.)
♪To you, I'm like an unreasonable
and bad monster♪
(Living in the same house with an idiot)
(is life-threatening.)
♪Show me Show me Your eyes♪
♪One, two I got distracted
and delayed the rhythm♪
♪Clear my mind
and realize who's being unreasonable♪
♪Hey, on the base card for our bet♪
♪Write down our agreement♪
♪Don't change it♪
♪In the next moment, the tears
in the win are like the soft rain♪
♪When it becomes sunny, it's my turn♪
♪To help you clear the clouds away♪
♪Stop hesitating♪
♪Heal the hurt from the memories♪
♪Light the match from the fairy tales♪
♪Let it burn♪
♪The little prince♪
♪Goes to dreamland
and plants golden wheat♪
♪Your smile is like the sunshine
that will be always on my mind♪
♪In the next moment, the tears
in the win are like the soft rain♪
♪When it becomes sunny, it's my turn♪
♪To help you clear the clouds away♪
♪Stop hesitating♪
♪Heal the hurt from the memories♪
♪Light the match from the fairy tales♪
♪Let it burn♪
(HWC Roasters)
Hello, babies.
This place is called HWC Roasters.
He's HWC Roaster's owner, Yan Zhaogang.
Isn't he super handsome?
Let me tell you.
Regardless if it's the owner,
or customers,
or even the cat,
every one of them is attractive.
You're here?
Wu Siqi.
Hi, Lei.
Why didn't you reply to my message?
You didn't even answer your phone.
forgot to bring my phone.
Why didn't you go to work then?
Won't your classes only start next week?
will go this afternoon
to make up for the time.
Are you still living
in your friend's house then?
Do you need help?
It's fine.
Don't be nervous.
I promised you this yesterday.
Thank you.
No, Gang.
You don't know how ridiculous
it was yesterday.
(HWC Roasters)
But I think
the problem over there is more serious.
When did he arrive?
A bit earlier than you two.
He just stayed there
the moment he came in.
He didn't order any food too.
Red wine.
You finished all of them yesterday.
a malted drink.
You're still mad at Wang Jing?
Of course.
Since yesterday,
he didn't provide
any explanation at all.
He's so irresponsible.
I want to say it.
What's the matter?
Who would dare to be with you this way?
Are you defending him now?
All men are the same.
Where's Cheng Luo?
I want her to be the judge.
I think it's her day off.
That's good.
Otherwise, someone will be
very disappointed.
Why are you looking at me?
The real culprit
is First Emperor of Qin,
Jin Yuzhen, okay?
That's right.
It's that damn Jin Yuzhen.
He's really a monster.
It's fine.
Little Qiqi.
We're on the same side.
And I'll move out today too.
Do you want to move in with me?
I'll pay the rent.
Let's make him feel excluded together.
Why are you so loud?
I have a plan.
I need your help with it,
especially Shi Lei.
I really think that Jin Yuzhen
created that Singlehood Rule
he must be sick.
Usually, people like him
who are mentally ill
might have
been influenced by their past.
they have a dirty little secret.
So we just need to fish the information
out of him,
then we'll get a bargaining chip.
And the best candidate
for this mission is
But I don't want to live with him.
Why me?
You're closest to him.
Listen to me.
No matter how guarded someone is,
he's bound to let his guard down
at times.
So as long as you don't move out,
you can also monitor him after work.
You can't do anything about the past.
What if it's not totally in the past?
Then we'll get something.
If we don't find anything in the end,
wouldn't it be a waste of time then?
If we don't find anything,
then we'll make something up.
What do those tabloid magazines do?
Who can't make up stories
based on groundless things and hearsay?
I think
This plan
is great, right?
That's right.
You got kicked out.
Shi Lei lost
a very good roommate and junior.
Wang Jing became
a coward.
What about my wedding ring
and wedding?
Aren't you mad?
Don't you want to take revenge?
That kind of boss is really annoying.
That's right.
(Singlehood Rule)
Those who are married should resign.
Those who are dating
should resign too.
Because I'm your director.
I'm going to live here from now on.
But I told you,
we're already living here.
I don't care.
I've decided.
I'll help seek justice for you.
The goal is to let Jin Yuzhen
tear off that Singlehood Rule!
Tear off that Singlehood Rule!
I'm starting to admire you.
(Jingcherng Metalwork and Design)
I think
we should start investigating
the people around him.
Any thoughts?
You can't do anything right.
All right.
We should
create a work environment
that's stressful.
Even if he's the director,
we can make him feel helpless.
Do you mean
making him feel excluded?
But there's no project now.
what other ideas do you have?
You're the one who's incompetent.
Bai Xiaoqian.
Your whole family's incompetent
Siqi, any thoughts?
(Jingcherng Metalwork and Design)
Little Qiqi.
Little Qiqi.
Wu Siqi.
went to class
Shi Lei.
Come to my office.
Grab the opportunity.
Help me confirm again.
I hope we'll get some news next month.
Keep in touch.
Don't you know
that you should knock first?
Why are you looking for me,
Mr. Director?
Make an inventory of all the materials
in the workshop.
Before the end of the month,
I want all the metals containing Nickel
and minerals
Our future direction
is to become a friendly shop
that customers allergic to Nickel
(Jingcherng Metalwork)
can patronize with a peace of mind.
(and Design's Future Direction)
If there are special circumstances,
we'll do a separate project.
We'll only take the order
if the customer
specifically asks for it.
You're already starting to promote this?
If you're starving
and there's a table of delicious food
in front of you,
will you wait until the food gets cold
before eating?
Of course not.
Food must be eaten hot.
That's right.
If we don't promote it now,
the food will get cold.
we have a lot of materials
containing Nickel.
Getting rid of all of them
before the end of the month
is too rushed.
Since you lack experience,
it's very hard for you
to think of ideas immediately.
I think you're
You don't need to interfere.
By the way,
Wu Siqi just got
his Teacher Qualification last year,
So what?
He hasn't graduated yet,
and he achieved this already.
He's quite good.
Let him start accumulating
actual experience then.
Find time to let him arrange
some trial classes
for the craft workshop
and get rid of the raw materials too.
I'll get to work first.
You can do it.
(Jingcherng Metalwork and Design)
Hi, how are you?
We're from Jingcherng Craft Workshop.
(Basic Metalwork Course,
Sculpture Modeling Course)
(Metal Winding Basics)
This is our latest project.
The materials
(Welding Introductory Course)
are all hypoallergenic
(Welding Intermediate Course)
with Titanium as the base.
(Welding Advanced Course)
We now have
a hand-crafted wired jewelry
creation class.
You seem to suit this class.
If you're interested,
you can come
and fill up an enrollment form.
Hi, sir.
We're from Jingcherng Craft Workshop.
♪The smell of foam wafts
from the cafe in the corner♪
♪I suddenly have a gut feel
that I'll meet someone today♪
♪The hour has finally come,
the street view is very classic♪
♪With the romantic wind by the river,
I can't hide my excitement and spun around♪
♪The last full show was delayed♪
(Jingcherng Metalwork and Design,
Shi Lei)
♪Your special promise that day♪
♪I can't resist your side view,
smile and look♪
You can surely do it.
(Designer, Shi Lei)
(Titanium as base
to replace allergenic materials)
Wang Jing.
For the minerals stones this time,
we might need to
Wang Jing.
For the minerals stones this time
Hey, Bai Xiaoqian
(Singlehood Rule)
(HWC Roasters)
(HWC Roasters)
I haven't seen you for a while.
When did you come back?
End of last year.
As you know,
the pandemic happened.
I heard some news about you.
where have you been
in the past two to three years?
You're still the same as before.
You haven't changed much.
You've changed quite a bit.
Have I?
People from the workshop
often eat here.
the director that they were describing
is very different
from the one I know.
You're off work now.
Aren't you going home to rest yet?
I want to go home a bit later.
Tell me
what would you like to have.
He moved out quite quickly.
What are you looking at?
Why are you still here?
Can't I be here?
Didn't you tell me to give you
one day to move?
you're kicking me out now?
You were the one who insisted
on moving out,
But after carefully thinking about it,
if I leave now,
wouldn't you win then?
I'm the most experienced employee
in the workshop after all.
And living here
is my right,
isn't it?
Didn't you
also say that yourself?
What are you doing?
This is mine.
So what if I'm using it?
Use this one.
Are you a pervert?
Anyway, I won't leave.
I'll be watching you.
This is your order.
Thank you.
Your class is over?
I haven't seen this before.
Of course.
It's the Chef's Special.
Do you want one?
Give me two orders.
It's not good to eat that much.
You're under that much pressure lately?
I'm under so much pressure
that I'm already doubting life.
This dish is very good.
You can make this at home in the future.
There are more ingredients at the
restaurant than at home after all.
I'll do my best.
Siqi visits you at home?
He's my lessee.
Wu Siqi is living with you?
That night,
he was crying all alone at the park.
After finding out what happened,
I told him
to come and live with me.
It's not a big deal.
You were crying?
How dare you cry?
Look at who I'm living with now.
I'm the one who should be crying.
I want to move out too.
I'm sorry.
There's no more available room.
And you have a mission now.
If you move in with us, Qian will
I'm the one who will kill you.
Focus on eating.
Wait for me.
I'll be done soon.
You're going home too?
Why do you have
so many knives?
House Rule number three.
Use of the kitchen
is first-come, first-served.
I'm full.
What happened?
What are you doing?
Don't move.
The wound is so small.
I'm the one who's wounded, not you.
I can take care of this myself.
I know how to handle knife wounds
better than you.
Aren't you very curious
why I wear gloves?
What are you planning to do?
Because this way,
there won't be any fingerprints.
You pervert.
So now,
you're living
with a perverted murderer.
Are you suspecting me now?
I'm just doing this in the spirit
of investigation.
What are you laughing at?
You're laughing too?
Are you done with the Nickel-plated and
Nickel-containing materials inventory?
Of course.
Another thing.
Come here.
The procurement
and compilation of minerals
should originally be done
at the last week of the month
for the spring season's stocks.
Why is there no progress at all?
Wang Jing is the one handling that,
but he's still not himself now.
With regards to the reason
Doesn't Bai Xiaoqian
help Wang Jing with this?
Now, they're having a fight.
As for the reason
All right.
Wu Siqi is just getting on track now.
Let's not talk about him first.
What about you?
You're distracted
in assisting Wang Jing
and not taking care
of the companies we're working with.
Almost all the orders
were taken by our competitors.
That's not my fault, right?
Forget it.
I'll find a way to handle
the order taking.
It seems like you're very confident
about yourself.
Do you dare to make a bet?
I don't understand.
Just you and me.
Let's make a bet.
Do you dare to do that?
♪I do! I do! I do!♪
♪Coz I do! I do! I do!♪
♪The smell of foam wafts
from the cafe in the corner♪
♪I suddenly have a gut feel
that I'll meet someone today♪
♪The hour has finally come,
the street view is very classic♪
♪With the romantic wind by the river,
I can't hide my excitement and spun around♪
♪The last full show was delayed,
your special promise that day♪
♪I made a wish upon a shooting star♪
♪I can't resist your side view,
smile and look♪
♪I'm gonna share with u my luv♪
♪I do, do do,
we agreed to meet in early summer♪
♪Back to when we had our encounter,
soar after the rain♪
♪Eternity is unfolded right
in your hands♪
What do you want to do then?
I'll eat you.
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