Beartown (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

William has been skipping school,
especially math.
-Who cares? He's playing hockey!
He doesn't have time to do
all the math problems they want him to.
-I slept well last night.
-Me too.
I know.
Come on, Kevin.
Come on, class is starting!
-You coming to the semi?
-Which means
-Okay, the semifinal?
-Good girl.
No, there's nothing
that interests me less.
Wait, is that
too many negatives for you?
In hockey language, that would be:
"Uh don't think so."
-I know what a negative is.
-Good boy.
-You coming?
-I'm coming.
See you at the game.
-Are you coming to lunch?
-No. I have to be done by two.
-I can't wait until two to eat.
-I have to leave at two.
I have to buy Leo new hockey gear.
-You have to eat!
-Just go on without me.
-Mira, have you got a moment?
-You seem surprised.
-A bit.
-I mean I'm happy.
It's important to take the chance
when it comes along.
-When do you want my answer?
-Preferably yesterday.
But I mean okay.
Peter has an important game tomorrow,
which will determine
how much work he's going to have.
Well, talk to the family,
then give me a call.
Preferably tonight.
-That soon?
Okay. Let's do that.
Is it that bad?
Yep, we've got until the final.
If we don't win, they'll build
the hockey high school in Hed.
He was very clear.
-Peter damn well better make it happen!
-Hey, Peter.
I met Johansson from the municipality
on Wednesday informally.
He said he'd do everything he could
to get the hockey school built here.
But we don't have any signatures.
That's just a formality.
But he said that if we win the final,
they'll allocate funds for a new arena.
So we might even be able to afford
an espresso machine for you.
Yeah. Well, that sounds good.
Was there something else?
Did you see Hed's quarter final?
We match their toughness,
but not their speed.
-Nowhere near.
-So we just wanted to
We just wanted to hear your thoughts.
Right. Well, my thoughts are
that we're going to win.
-Yeah, win the semi, then we'll see.
Are you sure?
You know what's at stake.
It's the club's future.
-We won't win without more speed.
-There are other ways to win.
A lot is hanging on this game.
-I know what you consider important.
I understand. But you'll just have
to trust me. What does Sune say?
Why isn't the sports manager here?
-We think he deserves to retire.
He'll finish the season,
but he's looking tired.
This is his last season. He's too old.
-What does he say?
-He knows times have changed.
We're building a new Beartown,
like you said.
Okay, I get it. So you're pinning this
on me. You bastards!
-You bastards.
Have some fucking cookies,
on the team.
Told you it'd go well
-I've been thinking
-I was talking to the board. What?
I said, your temper
has always been your greatest strength.
But it's also a challenge.
-Send some over here.
Nicki needs help with something.
We have to leave soon.
Here you are taking shots in my yard.
Hitting the mark?
Look, it's great about the team.
That it's doing so well.
Yeah, well
The boys have played together
a long time and speed is a problem.
But you're a good coach.
But Peter
That's all you are,
but I'm sure you know that.
So, if I see you in my yard again,
I'll call the police.
That's it for today, boys.
Zach and Amat, collect the pucks.
-Amat? You're Amat, right?
You're good on your skates. Fast.
You just need to improve your shooting.
Can you work on that?
Good. You're training
with the juniors in fifteen.
That's in 15 minutes.
Come on! Get in there.
I'll bring you a jersey.
-That's crazy!
-Hell yeah!
-You think that's real?
-It must be.
-NHL would never allow it.
-He didn't post it. She did.
-You think so?
-You see how many clicks it's got.
It's got like 6-7 million views.
You know how you can tell
if this dork's had pussy?
Pepper spray in his eyes
and scratches on his face.
-And his mother's knocked up again.
-Come here you!
You're so going down!
Check out the baby! What the hell?
-What the hell are you doing here?
-Get out, you can't sit here.
-Yeah. Get out.
-Hey girls
This will have to do. It's a bit worn,
but it was the only small I found.
Lineup in five minutes. Get in gear.
Look, sorry the guys act this way.
But this place really looks like shit.
-It's like a pigsty in here.
-You going to call your mommy?
This place smells like shit.
Are your widdle feelings hurt?
We're doing man to man on that goal.
It's full-on battle, 100%.
Amat and Bobo go first.
Bobo's got 90 pounds on him.
Hed's defensemen are even heavier.
Come on now!
Grays over there.
Show them, Amat.
Come on, get up!
-Good, Bobo.
Once more.
-Peter he's going to get hurt.
-How's that feel, Achmed?
-Peter, that's enough.
That's enough! He's going to kill him.
Come on, Amat.
-This is on you.
-Come on! One more time!
-Fucking rookie.
-Come on now.
You're twice as fast as him, right?
-Speed. Use your speed.
You can do it. Ready?
Good job, Bobo!
Come on, get up. Get up.
Just lie there.
-Isn't that enough now?
-Peter knows his stuff.
He'll be dead soon if this keeps up.
Come on, Amat! Come on!
Good, Amat! Good!
That's it, Amat. Great!
Like I said, use your speed.
You're in the semi tomorrow.
Okay, next two up!
My brother bought beer for our win!
-He thinks we will?
-Hell yeah!
Let's go!
What the hell?
-Hey, get a broom.
-I'm not working today.
You can't just leave it here.
Someone could step on it.
It's almost game time!
Beartown Hockey versus Hed Hockey.
Give 'em hell, Peter!
I thought I heard you say that
someone from the kids' team is playing.
Well? Is it true, Peter?
I have to tell you something.
It's like this. If we lose this game
-they're going to close the arena.
-Are you kidding?
I wanted you to know,
so you understand what's at stake.
Hed knows it.
That's what they're playing for.
To take away everything
that is you, the team.
Your bond.
All of your dreams.
Okay? That's why they're here.
So either we're the ones who leave here
with concussions and broken bones
or else it's Hed.
All right, boys, let's go!
Give 'em hell!
Let's get 'em!
-It is now!
-The Bear awakes!
-One! Two! Three!
Come on, boys!
-Get a move on, bastard!
-Fuck you!
Leo! Language!
-I mean it.
-Fuck Hed!
Let's go, boys!
We love Beartown
What the hell!
-Good, boys!
-Deliberate injury!
-Come on, you ass!
-Fucking bastards!
Leo, I'm warning you!
-That's 1-0 for Hed.
-He's wide open!
Scorer number 22, Conny Skoogh.
Great, boys!
And that's 2-0 to Hed.
The ref didn't see him
elbow him, damn it!
Fucking unbelievable!
Same shit again!
Guard Kevin. You have to guard Kevin.
Your guys have to guard Kevin, too.
-He came at full fucking speed.
-Shut up
We've got to clear the way for Kevin.
-Why don't you suck Kevin's cock, too?
-Just shut the fuck up.
Nobody leaves the box!
Nobody leaves the box!
What the hell are you doing?
Referee! Anyone can see that's a five.
Pay attention!
-What do you think?
-They're both at fault.
We knew it would be this way.
We knew they'd play dirty.
Come on, this is what we prepared for.
We're playing our game.
This is our game, not theirs!
Be prepared for substitutions. Let's go!
Good! Straight down the middle!
And Beartown takes the score to 1-2,
thanks to Kevin Erdahl.
Number 9, Kevin Erdahl.
Beartown 1, Hed 2.
Kevin! Kevin! Kevin!
Great work, boys! Better.
Let's build on this.
Come on, boys!
That's good, that's good! Eyes up!
-Stick to the game plan.
-Build on it.
Don't lose momentum.
Come on, let's take control!
Speed! Speed! Go for it!
Now! It's yours!
Another goal for Beartown,
by number 7, William Lyt.
William Lyt brings the score to 2-2.
The score is tied. William Lyt.
-Great job, guys. We've got 'em.
-The most important period is up next.
Keep pressing them,
they won't have a chance.
And faster substitutions, okay?
Kevin, it's all yours.
All you have to do is claim it.
So do it.
Go out there and take it from them.
It's all yours. Let's do this.
Go, boys!
We have to get them down the middle.
Two minutes left of the third period.
Come on, now, boys. More speed!
More speed, come on!
I said more speed!
Hey, Amat. Come here!
Show them what fast looks like. Speed.
Let's go!
-They'll kill him.
-Only if they catch him.
That's your boy!
Come on, Amat!
-Good job, keep going!
Peter, why isn't William
in the first line?
Peter! Hey!
-Put him in the game!
-Damn it, he just scored!
-I'm with you.
Why is he sending in a child
instead of William! Insane!
-Those chicken legs have any power?
-Give me the puck and you'll see.
Come on!
Speed, boys! Come on!
Keep it up!
Go down the middle there!
And Beartown takes the lead with 3-2,
scorer Kevin Erdahl!
Assist by the youngest player
on the ice, Amat Alfahd!
He's amazing! So fast!
I can't believe it!
Come on, keep your cool!
Let's keep the lead!
Amat! Substitution!
Lyt! You're in! Hurry up!
Lyt, let's keep the lead now!
Come on, Lyt!
Good, Amat.
-You left your panties at my place.
-Shut up.
Goalie out!
-About 20 seconds left.
-20 seconds!
Come on!
We love Beartown!
Great job, Kevin!
-You son of a bitch! You did it! Here.
-No thanks.
-Take it!
-After the final.
Grizzly bear!
-I told you you'd kill it.
-Hell yeah.
Great work!
Get some rest now. See you later.
Kevin, can we take a selfie?
You guys kicked ass.
Party at my place tonight
and you're coming.
-Don't say no. Don't say no!
-Is that a threat? It sounded like one.
What? He invited us!
Call me about the new job!
-It is now!
-The Bear awakes!
-It! Is! Now!
-The Bear awakes!
Best coach I've ever had, I swear!
And we wouldn't have done it
without Peter!
-Speech! Speech
-No, no speeches.
I've played quite a few games
in my life.
But damned if this wasn't the best!
You can't stay home
looking like a fucking raccoon.
Why not?
You're all made up.
You have to go to the party.
-But why do I want to go to the party?
-So you can sit and laugh at them.
-Just don't leave me.
-Pinkie promise.
-What the hell is that?
You don't know? Really?
-You mean thumbsies?
That's the stupidest thing
I've ever heard.
Hey! Welcome!
Hey, man! Great that you came.
Now we're going to get drunk.
-You brought a friend?
I can't let him in, I'm sorry.
It's just the girls
and the guys from the team.
-A lot of non-team members are here.
-I'm sorry, he can't come in.
Come on. He can go home.
Go home to your mom.
I'll call you later, I promise.
Hey, don't smoke so much,
so it turns out like that one time.
That was a one-time thing.
-Really? The coach's daughter?
-I didn't even invite her!
-I'm sure.
-I didn't!
You can't lie to me. Don't even try.
Amat, where are you? Tequila time!
Come in.
Hi. Great to see you.
This is for you.
-All right, let's go. Cheers.
-One, two, three.
-It was close.
-Close but no cigar.
You know You know
how I call you Achmed and things?
I'm not going to do that anymore.
Have a drink.
-Let's see how it's done.
-Like this.
-Come with me.
-It is now!
-The Bear awakes!
-Can we go now?
-No! Why?
-This is no fun.
-It's lots of fun! Stay!
-Okay, a bit longer.
-It's fun!
Oh shit!
You okay?
Let's go downstairs.
I'm going to have to say no.
It just doesn't work with my family.
Maybe we can talk more on Monday,
but I wanted to let you know.
Okay. Bye.
What do you say, honey,
shall we go to bed?
What the hell?
You're smoking?
-Yeah, we all have our bad habits.
That's true.
-Make some sacrifices.
-We have to make sacrifices?
-Yeah, I suppose I can do that.
I sacrifice myself.
What's your sacrifice?
Are you kidding me?
-Are you kidding me?
-No, why?
-I'm your goddamn hockey wife.
-What else am I?
-No. Like hell you are.
You're my wife.
That's a lot more
than some hockey wife.
What do you mean?
You do your own things. Great things.
-I'm totally proud of you.
-Oh, stop!
-That was provoking.
-Oh, my!
-Come here.
Is that so?
I need to put my cigarette out.
Come here.
Hey, careful with the old man bod.
Sit down and I'll help.
Let's see
Where is it
You can press it on better.
It'snice being with you.
-Why do you act that way?
-What way?
-The way you act.
-What do you mean?
-We don't have shit in common.
-We have a lot in common.
-No, you're a hockey guy.
-Not only hockey.
Yes, you're only hockey.
Is there anything other than hockey?
There's you.
Besides me?
I admit it.
I am all hockey.
I'm nothing.
Maybe that's why it's so nice
being with you.
-Because you don't care.
-You don't know that, though.
-Hey, sis.
-Hi! Shouldn't you be celebrating?
-I am.
-You've got nothing to celebrate. Leave.
This might not be
the best place for that.
I'm serious. Get out. I mean it. Go.
-How'd the game go?
-Benji, don't.
-This is a Hed bar. We don't want you.
-I'll screw you.
Don't touch me!
Benji! Knock it off!
No fighting here! Get out!
Fucking pussy. I'll get you later!
-Where do you think you're going?
What? What the hell was that?
It's almost as if you're here
because I'm here.
I'm here because my sister is.
You think I'd come here for you?
Nah, I'd never do that.
-Have you ever cleaned this place?
-You're kidding, it's squeaky clean.
So this is your sacred shrine?
You could say that.
-What's this gorilla?
-I just think it's cool.
You were so cute!
You're so little.
"Entrepreneur of the year"? Really?
-He won it.
-Yeah, but he didn't have
I mean, my dad has, like
-Oh please!
-My dad has a lot of trophies at home.
-"My dad"
I'm just telling it like it is.
Are you five years old?
I just have something to show off.
Unlike this.
What? Give me that.
Did I hurt your feelings?
My dad might not be a hockey star,
but there are other ways of winning.
-He takes what he wants.
-He takes what he wants?
He's, like, afraid of the puck
or something.
He's afraid of everything.
You should see him crying like a girl.
I hear him all the way in here.
I can film him, so you can laugh at it.
I don't know.
Do you think it's funny?
I can film it if you want.
-What does your mom think about it?
-My mom?
She's not my real mom.
She's just some dumb broad
I don't know what he's doing.
She'll leave him just like Mom did.
What can I do, he's hopelessly in love.
Like you are in me?
-Let's see if you are a Bear.
-Let's start with half a shot.
-Holy shit.
-Atta boy!
Let's do another one,
since you drank that so fast.
I can't.
-Just relax.
-My head is spinning.
Are you drunk?
But I promised Ana
that we'd get together.
Well, we agreed.
-What are you doing? Let go.
-You're turning down a winner?
-Let go of me!
-You're really turning down a winner?
You're not acting like a winner.
I'm the fucking king of this town.
I could have any girl out there.
Then do it. Find someone else.
-You're going nowhere.
Let go!
-Shut up!
No! Stop! Stop!
I said, shut up!
Have you seen Maya?
You mean the little whore?
-She'll be here when he's done with her.
-Where are you going?
-Home. Tell Maya if you see her.
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