Beast Tamer (2022) s01e02 Episode Script


Ten pieces of goblin rune stone
and and 20 medicinal herbs.
Okay! Looks like it's all here.
You've passed the trial! Congratulations.
The Horizon Adventurer's Guild
hereby recognizes Rein Shroud
as an F-Rank Adventurer.
Here is your adventurer's card.
It's your identification from now on,
so take good care of it.
Right. Thank you.
And this is your reward. Fifty copper coins.
It was an F-rank job,
so it's not much, but
Still, as your rank goes up,
you'll be paid even more,
and given how quickly you passed the trial,
I'm sure you'll be promoted in no time!
Good luck!
If I'm going to work on increasing my rank,
I'll want lodgings to operate out of
But the amount I just
got paid won't cover it.
Sorry about the wait, Kanade.
Welcome back!
So, are you an adventurer now?! Huh?!
Yep, I sure am.
Really?! Congratulations!
I actually wanted to start accepting jobs
Is that okay with you, Kanade?
Yep! No problems here! Let's go!
Well, hell, you don't see this every day.
A bona-fide Cat Spirit.
Do you need something?
Never seen a real one in person.
What's a Cat Spirit like you
doing in a place like this?
I've got nothing to say to you, buster!
Aw, no need to be cold.
How about we have some drinks?
It's bound to be more fun than hanging
out with this boring looking brat.
Don't you mock my master!
Rein tamed me, got it?!
Huh? Tamed?
I'm a Beast Tamer.
Don't be stupid, kid!
Cat Spirits are one of the ultimate species.
How's a runt like this
supposed to tame one?
That just goes to show
how bad a judge you are.
Rein is an amazing Beast Tamer,
and way stronger than you!
So this shrimp's supposed to
be stronger than me?
In that case
Let's see who's really stronger
between you and me.
And the girl will be the prize.
You're not gonna chicken out, are you?
Not when you're the kinda mighty Beast
Tamer that can tame a Cat Spirit
Someone like me shouldn't be
much of a challenge at all.
I don't care what he says about me,
but if I avoid this, he's likely to come
after Kanade again in the future.
Found your nerve, huh?
She'd be in danger.
I can't let that happen!
Don't cry if I end up snapping
your twig of an arm.
There's a rare Cat Spirit on the line.
Maybe my luck's turning around.
Even if it's futile
I have to do whatever I can!
Ready go!
Rein wins!
Okay, what's all the commotion?
You again?
My apologies, Rein.
The guild's actually
been aware of his antics,
It hurts so bad! What the hell?!
You stupid brat! Stupid brat!
and has been considering
suspending his license
You have our sincere apologies.
I can take it from here.
I must ask, Rein
How did you end up contracted
with an ultimate species
during the course of your trial?
That came as a much bigger surprise to me!
My apologies! My inner voice was leaking out.
Well, since you were able to
find such a powerful partner,
I'm sure we can expect
great things from you!
Until then!
How'd I do that?
I shouldn't be so strong.
Did you not notice, Rein?
When you're contracted with
a powerful species like mine,
it amplifies your own strength,
as the master, as a result.
Which means right now, you're about
as strong as a Cat Spirit, Rein!
I'm strong like you now?
That's like something out of a dream.
You honestly had no idea?
I mean, no one back home ever contracted
with someone from an ultimate species, so
And I was just desperate, back there.
Oh, I see!
Well, I was super happy
when you protected me like that!
I mean why wouldn't I be?
Okay! It's about time we get to that job!
I'm gonna work hard!
Or so I thought, but
Why? Why this?
Why more herb gathering?
You are an adventurer, right?!
Shouldn't you be looking
for a legendary sword,
or rescuing kidnapped princesses?!
How about a job like that?!
I'm still at the bottom with an F-rank.
That means only basic jobs.
We'll just have to handle jobs like this
until we've got more experience
Okay, then. I understand.
I'm gonna work hard!
And yank all this grass out!
Okay, good job finding them.
Thanks. This should cover our quota!
Again with this?!
It's no fair!
I'm your familiar, so I want to help you.
Where do a bunch of temps
get off hogging all the credit?!
Well, we got the amount we needed,
so let's report back to the guild.
Something's happening over there.
I can hear yelling and
Screams, I think?
Let's check it out!
Looks like your guards all
left you hanging, gramps!
They took off the second they
realized we were the Ebon Fangs.
How's it feel? Huh?
Having the adventurers you
hired abandon you like this?
The Ebon Fangs?
I heard about them while I was traveling.
They're a major band of brigands,
with over a hundred members!
They have a reputation all over
for the things they do,
and the things they do are really awful!
This is dangerous. Let's go get help.
No. I don't think we'll have enough time.
Please, spare my life!
"Hey, as long as you drop your wares,
we couldn't care less about you."
Did you really think it'd be that easy?!
P-Please, no!
We have to stop this.
I want to save him.
That's my master for you!
I'll jump in among them.
You protect the old man, Kanade.
Got it!
Here we go
What the?
Mister, are you okay?
This way!
Who's this brat?!
Slaughter him!
To be absolutely honest, I was nervous.
Rein has the kind of potential
to redefine what a Beast Tamer is.
And on top of that, he's gained the power
of a Cat Spirit through our contract.
I would never think forming
this contract was a mistake.
But what if he has trouble
adapting to his newfound strength?
Would it negatively affect his mind?
Could it cause him to self-destruct?
I know what his orders were,
but I think it'd be safer if I was
the one fighting on the front lines.
It's like I was worried for nothing.
I can't look away from Rein as he fights.
What is this?
My heart is pounding!
That ought to do it.
Kanade, everything okay on your end?
Yep! He doesn't seem hurt at all.
Well, that's good to hear.
You're bright red! Were you hurt somehow?
No, no! This is nothing!
M-More importantly, Rein, that was amazing!
You did all that, without any weapons!
Well, to make sure we don't hurt the animals
we're trying to tame with weapons,
we were taught martial arts.
Wow, is that right?
Excuse me, but the two of you
really did save me from grave danger.
Oh, we're just glad you're okay.
But isn't a merchant traveling
without guards a little dangerous?
Actually, I had hired some, but
They took off the second things
took a turn for the worse.
They sound terrible.
They're of no concern, now.
I'm more worried about reprisals
from the Ebon Fangs
when they find out their men
have been beaten
You need to escape!
Everyone who has defied
them has been killed!
They're really that dangerous?
I guess we should capture them all, then.
Uh, Rein?
Hey, are you serious about doing this?
If they're as violent and vindictive
as they sound, we could run,
but that merchant and the people
and town might end up in danger.
I can't just let that happen.
But we're talking about
over a hundred bandits
Isn't that biting off a bit much?
Not exactly.
I've actually got a plan.
Looks like that's their hideout.
Thanks for the tip.
As for what we're gonna do Kanade?
I wanted to find the hideout!
But an animal beat me to it again!
I'm supposed to be Rein's familiar,
but I've been totally useless!
C-Come on, that's not true!
Oh, hey, ants
Really, Kanade, you've been a huge help.
I'm just goofing around.
So, Rein, what's this plan you have?
Well, it involves the temporary contract
That I made with this guy.
A bee?
These are actually called Ahrbees,
and they're a little special.
They've got a paralytic sting that will put
anyone who's hit by it down for 12 hours.
Wow! Wait
Aren't bees insects?
How can you tame them?
Oh, that. Have you heard of Insect Tamers?
They're a sub-class of Beast
Tamer that tames bugs.
I went through the training
back home for a while.
I haven't quite mastered it, but
That's still amazing! Having the
skills from two classes?
The surprises never end with Rein.
You think so?
Anyway, I'm going to send
the bees after the bandits.
I want you to run to town
and get some reinforcements.
Roger! Wait
Rein, you keep doing all
the dangerous parts yourself.
Am I really any help as a familiar?
Kanade, like I said before
It's fine! I just wanted to say it.
But what reinforcements do you mean?
Well, arresting a hundred bandits
will require extra hands,
so I want you to bring adventurers
and the order of knights.
The order of knights?
They're tasked by the government
with upholding the peace across the land.
Since we're dealing with bandits,
they're bound to come running.
Okay, got it!
But, just be careful, okay?
Knowing you, it'll be fine, but
I'll run away if it gets dangerous. I promise.
Okay! I'll be right back
with that help, then.
Looks like he brought his friends.
Okay, here we go
Did they follow us?!
It seems we managed to escape.
What a nightmare.
I thought it'd be a good way
to kill some time
and earn some coin until
we took on the Lost Woods.
And it should have been an easy job!
I can't believe we had to run
from a bunch of scumbag bandits!
We would've been better off schmoozing it up
with Arios and Aggath instead.
You were the one who said
that seemed "like a drag," Leane.
Because it would be.
I don't know why the Hero's
party is expected
to suck up to anyone
who isn't royalty, anyway.
But right now, more than any of that
I've got a bone to pick with you!
Isn't buying time for spell casters
in the rear the most basic of basics?!
Where do you get off
running away like that?!
True enough.
I'm amazed you accepted this job,
even temporarily, considering
Look, I already told you!
I'm a Beast Tamer,
and not cut out for combat!
Are you trying to put this on us?
Even someone as useless as Rein
could fight on the front lines
I d-don't even know who that is!
Then why weren't you more
thorough in scouting out the area?
Did you honestly think a single squirrel
was enough to gain the lay of the land?
Yeah! You should've just
tamed ten or twenty.
Where do you get off slacking,
you taming trash?!
What are you even talking about?
That's not even possible!
Forget ten. Most people
can't even tame two at once!
Fundamentally, a single Beast Tamer
tames a single beast at a time!
If you tried to tame
more than one at once,
it'd be enough to burn out
your nervous system!
And you two have been making
all these crazy demands
when you don't even know that?!
What is this?
What does that say about him, taming dozens of animals at once so easily?
Okay, fine.
It's clear you're useless, and a liar.
We can hardly have people learning
that members of the Hero's
party screwed up like this.
Which is why you're going to
take responsibility for accepting
and failing this job on your own.
Got it?
B-But my reputation will be
I have over a thousand spells.
Mina has healing magic
that can even raise the dead.
Maybe you'd be more cooperative after dying
and being resurrected a few times?
Fine then!
This has been a huge waste of time.
And all of that nonsense he spoke
He was making it sound as if Rein was—
Dealing with this garbage has me exhausted!
Let's get back already.
I suppose so. Arios and Aggath
should be nearly done.
Wasting our time with those stupid lies
That piece of trash, Rein?
There's no way he's actually
any good at anything.
Whole body's numb
Can't move
Looks like that went smoothly.
Good work! And thanks.
Rein! I got help!
The little lady filled us in on the details.
I'm impressed you were able
to deal with the Ebon Fangs.
Then again, you were already
impressive back at the guild.
Well, you can leave the cleanup to us!
Thanks. That'd be a huge help.
Actually, I only see adventurers.
The knights aren't coming.
"We've no time to deal with
mere cutpurses," apparently.
You two should let us take it from here.
You already took care of the hard part.
Thanks for calling them so quickly.
You're probably tired, huh?
Nah, I'm fine!
I'm glad I was able to help you, Rein!
Yeah. And now it looks
like this is taken care—
What is that sound?!
Rein this is bad, I think those are
No way! King Lizards?!
What's the equivalent
of C-ranked monsters doing here?!
We were keeping them around
for just this kind of occasion!
Hey! Go ahead and wipe them—
This is no good, they're going berserk!
He was able to hurt a King Lizard?!
There's more where that came from!
Take the bandits and get clear of the cave!
B-But we can't just
It's okay! We'll handle it.
Everybody, move!
Don't you dare die!
This way! Quickly!
We'll see you later!
I wonder what the old me would have done?
The person who traveled with Arios' party
would've probably realized
he couldn't do anything.
But things are different now.
Kanade is with me.
And with her
It's been a while since we left the cave.
Taking on that many King Lizards
You've gotta imagine they're
You're amazing, buddy!
You too, miss!
She really is an ultimate species!
This is incredible!
Everyone's acknowledging me.
Me, the person who was kicked out
of the Hero's party for being useless.
Her being an ultimate species or my familiar
Those things don't really matter.
Thank you, Kanade.
With you by my side,
I get the feeling I can do anything!
Another Ultimate Species
Next Time: "Another Ultimate Species."
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