Behind Your Touch (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

You dirty pervert!
You pervert.
This is just a habit for you, isn't it?
Is your back okay?
You better watch it.
I can see memories of people too?
Oh, my back.
What was that?
What did I just see?
come get Ok-hui tomorrow too, okey dokey?
What are you doing here?
Hey, wait.
- What the hell?
- Why can't I see anything?
What's the deal? Why can't I see anything?
Oh, wait.
Excuse me for a second.
Have you lost your mind?
Maybe I did lose my mind.
What do I do?
What's wrong?
I got entangled with some nutjob.
It's not like I'll be here for long.
It's just a monthly rental.
Why that little…
Jeez, I should just…
It's nothing.
There's a neighborhood pervert
running around.
How's the air in Mujin?
It's the same as in Seoul.
Loud traffic and bad air pollution.
How different could a city be?
But seriously, why did you do that?
A year-long narcotics investigation
went to waste because of you.
And we lost Baek when we totally had him.
All the evidence was destroyed too.
The minute you were
demoted and transferred,
the bastard started acting
like he's untouchable.
Just wait.
I'll go back to Seoul
and make up for everything.
How are you going to get back?
That's why I called
to ask you to help me out.
Seriously, there are zero cases here.
Come on, you're putting me
in a tight spot.
Just give me something big I can work on.
- Well, there is something.
- Okay.
You remember Ted Chang,
who used to deal drugs with Baek?
- You mean Chang-sik?
- He was last headed toward where you are.
So his supply route
must be nearby as well.
This is strictly confidential.
I'm done for if this gets out.
Got it. Hey, thanks.
Talk to you later.
Let's do this!
Chang-sik, Ted Chang, you bastard.
Could I see the nutjob's memories
since he's more of an animal?
I guess he's definitely less than human.
I wish I at least had
the ability to shoot webs.
I came here
because I heard from Deokgu's owner
that you're great at treating dogs.
Jjonggu isn't eating his kibble.
He used to drool at just the smell of it,
but now he won't even touch it.
He hasn't eaten any in a week.
What could be wrong?
Is that so? I'll take a look.
Jjonggu, let me take a look at you.
All right.
Do you want a sweet potato? Here you go.
Oh, you're here.
Here, have some of this. It's meat.
Hi, Jjonggu.
- He just keeps coming back.
- Yes, he does.
Your fence must have a hole
that leads out.
I don't think so.
You should look for it.
Block off that hole,
and he'll eat kibble again.
This is just…
That'll be 13,000 won.
This hospital must be making a fortune.
Our doctor is so skilled, isn't she?
She sure is.
She tells me to find a hole in my fence
without giving any medicine or shots.
And you charge me 13,000 won for that?
I sure hope you people get super rich.
Jjonggu, let's go.
Jjonggu, time for food.
Where did that dog go?
Why are you coming from there?
Well, I'll be damned.
How did she know?
I'll be handing out numbers.
- Okay.
- Okay.
My dog refuses
to put a collar on for walks.
Why is that?
Is that so? Let me take a look.
Come here, sweetie.
Come here. I need to put on your collar.
I said, come here. Damn it.
Come here!
Did you adopt your dog
from an animal shelter?
Yes, I did.
It seems that the former owner
abused the poor thing with a collar.
Your dog was traumatized,
so try using a harness instead.
You'll need to make extra effort.
Remember to be patient.
Excuse me for a second.
Let's see.
Come here, Baekgu.
Have a good life, all right?
Don't worry about him.
Who is it?
Baekgu, how did you get here
from so far away?
Oh, my goodness.
Why is Baekgu doing this?
He was really hurt.
I keep calling his name,
but he never comes to me.
I think there must be
something wrong with his ears.
Did you know dogs can look down on people?
Your dog seems to think
that you're lower in rank.
My cat keeps hissing
at corners in my house.
We hit the jackpot. How did you do this?
We're fully booked until lunch.
Maybe the heavens are rewarding me
for being so good.
That must be it.
But what if today's our only lucky day?
Don't worry.
I'll bring in all the money
there is in Mujin.
I'm on an absolute roll right now.
I want to strike while the iron is hot,
but I need your help.
Gather some people for me.
For free?
What can I do for you then?
All right, I see all of you
are still alive and doing well.
- Yes, sis!
- Yes, sis!
I heard you married well
by hiding your past.
I did, sis.
Mi-yeong? Did you get a nose job?
- It looks good.
- Thank you, sis.
Eun-hye, I heard you set up a salon
with the alimony you got.
- I did, sis.
- So you're still good at sucking men dry.
My goodness.
- Who are you?
- I'm Da-eun's older brother.
- Where's Da-eun?
- She was about to give birth,
but when she saw your message,
she said the baby could wait
and insisted on coming here.
But she had already gone into labor,
so I came here on her behalf.
Where's her husband?
She said he's on
a long-term business trip,
but I'm suspecting they're separated.
You can go and tell Da-eun not to worry.
Okay, but what do I do
about this parking slip?
My car's in the parking tower.
It's free for the first 30 minutes,
but it's already 10 minutes over.
Can I get a validation stamp or something?
I can't help you with that.
Okay then.
I'm going to ask for a show of hands.
Who has a dog or a cat at home?
Ok-hui, that brilliant girl.
Ms. Jung,
you can send in the next patient.
You can head inside.
Oh, yes. I'm sorry.
Doctor, I'm not the patient.
This kitten is.
Goodness. Yes, of course.
So what seems to be the problem?
It seems abandoned,
so I wanted to get a general checkup.
Would you mind placing it
on the examination table?
It won't take long, sweetie.
Let me take a look.
What are you doing here by yourself?
How beautiful.
Excuse me?
The cat is so beautiful.
Thankfully, there's nothing major to note.
But it's probably not vaccinated.
Because it's still a kitten,
it needs to receive its core vaccines
and a rabies vaccine.
The first round is given
between eight and twelve weeks old.
And the next three rounds
will be in three-week intervals.
Would that be okay?
Or you can get it vaccinated
near where you live instead.
I live around here.
Do you?
And where would that be?
I work at the convenience store
across the street.
Oh, the convenience store.
I think I've seen you there
a couple of times.
This is complimentary cat food for you.
Here you go.
Thank you.
Oh, wait!
It needs more than just kibble.
These are the best cat treats out there.
I'll throw these in as well.
- Thank you.
- Sure.
After eating its kibble and treats,
it should exercise as well.
- Thank you.
- Have a great day.
His skin is like porcelain.
- He must be from Seoul, right?
- Yes.
His face has "Seoul" written all over it.
I heard the guy in the rooftop room
is from Seoul too.
That guy just has "jerk"
written all over his face.
What are you looking for?
If it were you,
where would you produce drugs around here?
Come on, there's no place for that here.
That's exactly why this place is perfect.
What's the local specialty here?
Any product that's distributed
across the country.
Ark clams and prawns are famous.
And our fish
is distributed nationwide too.
Then let's investigate
the places close by.
Investigate what?
Hi, Deok-hee.
Hello, sir.
Do a lot of people from other areas
come here to fish?
Yes, the majority
are people from other areas.
And they must come
from across the country.
That's right.
Allow me to take a quick look around.
What's going on?
He's a detective from Seoul.
Why the hell is he eating
fishing paste powder?
Hold on.
Why is he doing that?
I think I know why he was transferred.
Can I grill the shrimp now?
- Yes, please.
- Okay.
All right. Before we start on the shrimps,
let me say something first.
My dream is to send my family
abroad one day.
Then they'll leave me alone
as long as I send over money to them.
You could still send them abroad now.
I want to, but I have no kids.
Then you could have one now.
I want to, but I have no wife.
Are you divorced?
He's never been married.
What? How come?
He had a tough first love.
What I mean is,
don't cause any trouble
until I get married.
Okay, cheers.
Stop it. I have to go to an interview.
This is the least we can do
for our friend getting married.
I already recorded everyone else.
So just say something, will you?
Okay, let's go.
This is such nonsense.
Wherever you may be,
I'll always…
cheer you on.
And this may be too late,
but I want to say this to the bride.
Congratulations on your wedding.
I'm sorry, Jong-muk!
My arm is killing me.
My darling niece,
you've worked so hard today.
Is there something I can do for you?
Can we have cold raw fish soup?
I've never tried making that.
Are you already closed for the day?
No, we're still open.
What can we help you with?
I think there's a problem with my cow.
Could you come and take a look?
Of course. She can go right now.
What about the soup?
Just a moment.
She'll get ready and come right out.
I don't need to treat cows anymore.
We have enough patients now.
This business is all about people.
There's a reason why
businesses go bust overnight.
But I'm hungry.
Dr. Bong.
Are you going on a trip?
Thanks to you,
I'm visiting my family in Australia.
Why is that thanks to me?
It's all thanks to General MacArthur.
If you're going past the terminal,
do you mind dropping me off there?
Sure, get in.
You must be excited
to see your child after such a long time.
That's right.
My kid is excited
about being able to learn K-pop dance.
Thanks to Dr. Bong here,
I was able to be a good father for once.
Can't you just give up being a shaman?
I don't think you're cut out to be one.
I was a pretty competent shaman
back in my days.
I predicted that Ok-hui
wouldn't get into college.
The whole school knew that.
And I was right
about Chun-sik having a son.
He had a daughter.
That's not good at all.
By the way, where's Geumsil?
She must have run off
on the night of the meteor shower.
She just disappeared.
Is that so?
How long has she been like this?
I did something I shouldn't have done.
I gave her calf to another farm
as soon as it was born.
She must have been
so hurt and sad about it
that she's been crying ever since.
Animals have affection
for their young too,
but I took her calf away by force.
I'll take a look.
She was crying due to mastitis.
It can be very painful
for both people and animals.
She'll get better once she gets a shot
that releases the milk.
I had no idea.
My guilt kept me up all night…
- Are you all right?
- What?
So what happened to your hair?
You used to have such thick hair.
It all fell out.
Did you experience anything weird
after being hit by the meteor shower?
- Then it's happening to you too?
- Yes.
I didn't know there was someone like me.
I've been seeing things
whenever I touch a leg.
It's the butt for me.
If I touch the leg
of a human or an animal,
I see everything.
- You get visions from people?
- What? You don't?
Sometimes I can see
and other times I can't.
That's strange.
You should be able to.
So what happened to your hair?
The thing is…
I got so excited about
knowing what people were feeling
that I went around
touching everything I could.
But then one day,
I saw that all my hair fell out.
Are you sure
that's what made your hair fall out?
Come on, you know my father.
This isn't genetic.
Dr. Bong.
With great power
comes great hair loss.
…comes great hair loss.
Are you crazy?
Why close down when we're on a roll?
You don't know anything.
- Come on.
- Hey!
I'm doing this for a reason.
What reason?
We haven't earned enough
to cover all the bills yet.
We're still way behind
on our electricity bills.
And you need to earn as much as you can
so that you can get married!
I might not be able to get married at all!
What on earth are you saying?
Do I look like money to you?
Some things are more important than money.
That's true.
You should've slept in.
The hospital's closed anyway.
Why are you up so early?
Are you being sarcastic or thoughtful?
I went a little too crazy
about money with you, didn't I?
Take your time to rest up
for as much as you want.
Are you okay?
And you said you wanted
cold raw fish soup, right?
- Let's go eat that today.
- Really?
- Yes, hurry up and get dressed.
- Okay.
- Of course.
- It's going to be so good.
- But don't we need a reservation?
- I already made one.
- They're picking us up too.
- Are you serious?
That's amazing.
Here they are.
- Is that them?
- Yes.
I'm going to pig out.
It's going to be so good.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Hi.
- Thank you.
Hey, my aunt isn't in yet.
What's going on? What are you doing?
- Auntie, what's happening?
- Hello.
Auntie! What the…
- I gave you a good deal.
- Let me go.
What's going on?
Wait a second.
- Dr. Bong, have a good trip.
- Auntie, wait!
Auntie, no!
You haven't had lunch yet, right?
It's lunchtime. Follow me.
I have digestive issues,
so my stomach is in a really bad state.
My kidneys are a mess too,
and my vision is blurry from age.
None of my organs would be of any use.
Oh, no.
Please enjoy.
I should at least have a taste
to be polite.
Yeom Jong-hyeok?
You're Jong-hyeok, aren't you?
You're Jong-hyeok from vet school!
Yes, I am.
You haven't changed at all since college.
You looked like a baby then too.
So you remember.
Of course I do. We were only a year apart.
I'm grateful that you remember me.
But didn't you say
that you'd set up a hospital in Seoul?
I'm just working at a friend's hospital.
What about you?
Weren't you going to take over
your grandfather's hospital?
Well, I did.
But it's been tough.
I see.
By the way, what do you do here?
And why are they eating so little?
did you come here
without knowing what this place is?
The thing is…
How's the food? Delicious, isn't it?
These flatfish right here aren't imported.
They're all domestically grown.
These flatfish eat better things
than some people.
Immunity boosters, vitamin C,
multivitamins, and the list goes on.
Enjoy your meal.
And I'll see you over there
once you're finished eating.
Are all of these flatfish?
All you have to do
is inject vaccines into the fish.
You just have to inject those
that weigh between 400 to 500 grams.
There's nothing to it.
Flatfish get shots too?
There are diseases
that flatfish are prone to.
Streptococcal infections,
edwardsiellosis, or vibriosis.
You know, bacterial diseases.
A bacterial disease vaccine.
Oh, gosh!
I guess it's been too long.
But how many fish are even here?
10,000 of them?
I'm going to lose all my hair
touching all these fish.
Where is the butt located on a flatfish?
The butt? Why do you ask?
I can't touch any butts right now.
Look here.
Since the abdomen is here,
this would be the back.
Then its butt would be about here.
Oh, come on.
It's flatfish again.
Flatfish again.
Do you have any rockfish?
I see. Bye.
- It's you, isn't it?
- What do you mean?
Some weirdo is running around
eating all kinds of white powder.
It wasn't me.
I heard you ate some white powder
from the Hana Mart storage room.
That was rat poison, man.
Can I ask you something?
Why are you running around
pulling this stunt?
Korea's most notorious drug dealer
was last seen in this area.
What do you think that means?
It means he's hiding around here
producing drugs.
If I knew that,
I wouldn't have eaten rat poison.
Given his scale, we're talking about
nationwide distribution.
But what is his supply route?
How about the delivery service?
They travel all over the country.
It's too risky given such a big amount.
There must be another method.
Why are there so many
water tank trucks around here
when there aren't a lot of
raw fish restaurants?
They're for the flatfish farm
on the island nearby.
A flatfish farm?
Yes, they're delivered across the country,
so there are always
a lot of delivery trucks here.
Follow me.
Follow you where?
Why doesn't he ever tell me anything?
Are you sure about this?
It seems pretty ordinary here.
Do you know
what a drug lab can't do without?
- Beats me.
- A delivery system and ventilation fans.
- Ventilation fans?
- Cooking up drugs gives off a foul smell.
Like rotten vinegar.
They need ventilation fans
to get rid of that smell.
Look at all those ventilation fans.
And the fish smell masks any other stench.
You're right.
It's perfect.
Auntie, I'm so done with this place.
Did you have enough raw fish soup?
Just looking at a flatfish makes me sick.
Even the air smells fishy.
I can't do this.
Auntie, get me out of here.
I got your pay in advance,
and I already spent it all.
I'm getting out of here no matter what.
You better watch out once I do.
Sure, give it your best shot.
Why don't you swim out with the tides?
Auntie, wait.
I'd rather die out there than in here.
Where are you going?
I'm going for a walk.
Dressed like that?
I was going to go for a walk
and then go catch a couple of flatfish.
I wanted to see the difference
between wild and farmed ones.
My curiosity is on another level, you see.
Is that so?
But you're going to die
going out like that.
- What?
- That's the oxygen tank for welding.
Hold on.
Maybe it's okay since it's still oxygen.
Let's go. I'll see you out front.
I'll just try to control my curiosity.
They'll be on the way.
Should we raid them?
No, the two of us can't handle this.
How could you call your captain
to come out so early in the morning?
You be the captain then, why don't you?
- What if you're wrong?
- And what if I'm right?
Well I'm here, aren't I?
You're just driving me…
Why am I so dizzy?
Anyone would be dizzy
with that many motion sickness patches.
Use live ammunition.
Shoot if you're threatened.
No, live ammunition is a no.
Things will get out of hand.
Shall we wait for backup?
It's now or never.
Hey, wait.
Don't do anything stupid.
- Get against the wall!
- Come here.
Get a move on!
What's going on?
What the…
You dirty junkie!
Hey, perv.
You again?
Who ordered her soup?
Well, I did because she said
she was sick of eating flatfish.
Hey, perv.
Do you come here to hang out?
Are you starting to feel at home here?
You haven't wrapped this up yet?
what's this about?
You of all people can't do this to us.
I know, I feel bad about this.
But Detective Moon here says he saw it.
So what in the world did he see?
He saw someone from your farm
meet some dude at night,
open up a suitcase,
and taste what was in there.
He really savored it and everything.
I think it's pretty clear at this point.
So I'm asking you what that is!
Are you still going to deny everything?
This is fish food!
Food for the flatfish!
Fish food?
Who are you trying to fool? Sit down.
This is driving me crazy.
I'm telling you,
this really is food for the flatfish!
Flatfish also have
their preferences, you know?
I have to feed them something
that they'll enjoy.
Come on.
Since you seem to be an expert on this,
try it and see for yourself
if they're drugs or fish food.
Okay, sure.
All right, let's see.
You're wearing down your gums.
Just so you know, I believe you.
Whatever! The train's left the station.
Oh, come on. Trains always come back.
- Release him already.
- No can do.
No one is being released
before everyone here is investigated.
Detective Bae, Detective Na,
collect their hair.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Let me collect some of your hair.
Dr. Bong.
I just need a couple strands.
You can't. Don't!
Why? Do you think you'll test positive?
Stay back. Don't come near me.
Don't you dare.
Pluck them!
- No, just…
- Get away from me!
What is our station coming to?
Ye-bun's at the police station again.
- Again?
- Yes.
Do you have any lipstick?
- Lipstick?
- Yes.
This shade won't work on me.
Do you have anything in coral?
Let me go since you're done.
Not until the results come out.
What did we get ourselves into?
I'm sure everything will be all right.
I'm going to sleep for a bit.
Hey, Deok-hee.
Could you get us a blanket?
- Thank you.
- Here you go.
I'm sorry!
You said I was your only man.
You said that you'd only be with me!
What's wrong?
The blanket fell,
so I was putting it back on you.
Thank you.
I got it.
I'll kill you.
Jeez, I'm exhausted.
When will the results come out?
I don't think they'll come out today.
What is that?
It looks like salted pollack roe.
What? Pollack roe?
Or is it a kielbasa sausage?
What are you here for now?
I'm here for Ye-bun.
Could you give us some privacy?
- Sure.
- Stay.
Are you his captain?
Why are you ordering him around?
Say what you have to say.
Then let me ask you one thing.
I heard something about you.
What did you hear?
I heard that I'm the reason…
you never got married.
Stay very still.
I'm going to taser
that salted pollack roe into oblivion!
Auntie, just go!
- Get back here!
- Come on, sir!
- Hey, I said get back here!
- Go!
Who was it that dragged her here?
Who's this?
She's my aunt.
Why don't you just call
your whole extended family
and all the assemblymen in this region
while you're at it?
- I'm Assemblyman Cha Ju-man.
- Mr. Cha.
Good evening, sir!
I'm Lieutenant Moon Jang-yeol,
an honor graduate from the police academy,
formerly with the RIU
and now at the Mujin Violent Crimes Unit.
It's an honor to meet you, sir.
There must be a misunderstanding here.
Ms. Bong is--
Of course! She wouldn't do such a thing!
Detective Bae, release her right now!
He's not here!
I'll uncuff her.
All right.
- Keep up the good work.
- Thank you, sir.
Have a good night.
Hey, get out of their way.
What's with him?
He's definitely going places.
- Detective Na.
- Yes?
Tell him to submit one by tomorrow.
Submit what?
Your specialty, a written apology.
A written apology…
Thank you for the ride.
Ye-bun, I'll see you again.
See you around.
- Get home safely.
- Thanks.
You said I was your only man.
You said that you'd only be with me!
Father, Ju-man is here!
My goodness.
How are you doing, sir?
I arranged everything for you,
so why won't you go to the hospital?
I'm perfectly fine.
You must be busy. You shouldn't have come.
You got injured while helping me.
Of course I had to.
Sorry for the state of the house.
Oh, don't be.
I've always felt at home here
since when Mi-ok was still with us.
I still do.
I didn't know Grandpa could laugh.
He's always been fond of Ju-man.
I know. I'm the only person he dislikes.
Why would you put it that way?
Hyeon-ok, bring us some drinks.
Was what I saw even real?
People are much more confusing.
I'm sorr…
He couldn't even write
two full words all night?
Hey, punk.
Detective Moon!
- Yes, sir?
- Listen.
Can't we just live a quiet life?
All right.
I'll go back to Seoul
as soon as I can for your sake.
I want to send you back to Seoul too.
Then please help me out.
How do I do that?
Help me solve big cases,
improve my performance, and be reinstated.
Then do you think you can solve
this big case I have?
I'll do it no matter what.
What kind of case is it?
Don't freak out.
It's a murder case.
This is the spot.
But the chalk outline of the body
looks a little weird.
How long have you been in Violent Crimes?
It's been two years.
You have a lot to learn.
What's the first thing
a cop should look at in a scene?
Evidence like weapons, prints, or tracks.
Am I wrong?
The first thing you should look at
is the body.
Nothing holds more evidence than the body.
The weapon was definitely a knife.
How do you know?
They probably stabbed the stomach.
And twisted the knife.
Come on,
this outline still seems too small.
This is the work of a professional.
The knife would have damaged the organs.
- Right.
- Then the pain would have been immense.
Your natural instinct when you're in pain
is to curl up from the agony.
Even if there's no body or evidence,
the smell is left behind.
- Get a whiff.
- Okay.
You've probably never smelled this before.
What you just smelled
is the smell of a rotting--
It's the smell of rotting onions.
I got lime powder all over the place.
All my onions died.
Just look,
some bastard sprayed pesticides
and killed them all.
So it wasn't a person that died?
Why would a person die?
My onions are the ones that died.
Look here.
I'm spreading lime powder
after pulling out all the dead onions.
How is this a murder case?
All those onions were murdered.
Don't come back until you solve that case.
And you said the weapon was a knife?
The story I have for you today
is the Mujin Onion Murder Case
that occurred on September 14, 2022.
Why are you putting on that voice?
Your tone is a bit…
This is how they talk on TV.
Should I stop?
No, continue.
In order to talk about the onion incident,
we have to go back a year.
What happened a year ago?
A year ago,
I planted something
other than onions in this field.
What did you plant?
I planted…
chili peppers.
All the chili peppers
happened to die then too.
Were they killed by pesticides then too?
They died from blight.
After losing my chili peppers to blight,
I ended up planting
when did you actually plant the onions?
This is a story with a narrative arc.
I can’t just skip ahead to the onions.
Then let’s make this short and simple.
Give me the who, what,
when, where, why, and how.
Why would I call you here
if I knew all that?
I could catch him myself.
then continue your story from the chives.
When the chives got ruined too,
I finally planted the onions.
Onions. There we go!
And just then!
Lunch is ready.
This is all you prepared?
We have guests over!
What's the matter?
I just prepared what we always eat.
This is mortifying.
Go butcher the chicken or something!
But our grandson Yeong-cheol
loves that chicken.
You eat chicken, right?
Well, yes…
- I do.
- See?
He says he wants to eat chicken.
No, that's not what I…
No, ma'am…
- I'm so sorry for this.
- It's fine.
What are you doing at 6 a.m. tomorrow?
Why do you ask?
Someone needs to wake us up
since we don't have a rooster anymore.
What's gotten into you, woman?
What are you doing?
Why are you taking that?
Give me back my drumstick!
Why are you just sitting there?
Pick them up.
Pick what up?
He's telling us
to pick up our spoons and dig in.
- Thank you for the meal, sir.
- Sure.
Please, you have the drumstick.
Oh, I eat it all the time.
Is that so? In that case, thank you.
Look how big this is.
How could you just take it for yourself?
He eats it all the time.
That's how much he likes them.
Do you want some chicken porridge too?
There's chicken porridge too?
I'll have a bowl, thank you.
Come on.
Learn how to read a room, will you?
What do you mean?
He says there's porridge.
He means we should finish up
and get going now.
Don't be ridiculous.
You just…
You just don't get it.
Thank you.
Detective Moon,
where exactly are you from?
I'm from Seoul…
My goodness.
He's asking
who the hell you think you are.
Take your time and enjoy.
Okay, thank you.
Yes, sir.
What now?
He's telling us to get lost.
Why do the folks here
speak in such a roundabout way?
Those are the good ones.
Thank you.
But sir,
do you have anyone you suspect?
Someone who might
hold a grudge against you?
Well, there is one person.
Who is it?
Sang-gu, the pear farmer.
What about him?
I mean, he says Boksil
keeps pooping on his pear field.
I just told him that it's good fertilizer.
But he got angry
and kept screaming at me to take the poop.
What were you doing three nights ago?
What do you think?
I was packing up my pears.
Is there someone
who can back up your story?
I work alone here,
so who would be able to do that?
Unrelated, but your pears look very fresh.
Of course.
My pears are organic.
You don't even need to wash them.
- Do you want to try one?
- I don't really…
I will. Thank you.
If these are organic,
I guess you don't use pesticides here.
No, of course not.
I take meticulous care growing these.
Then why is your hand like that?
It's as if you've been using pesticides.
Do you just drag people in for no reason?
It's not like that.
You're here because you have reason to be.
You were mad about the dog poop,
so you killed his onions
with pesticides, didn't you?
Did you see me do that?
Your hands are like that
because of the pesticides.
Then just…
Just search my home.
If I did it, I would have some pesticides.
I'll comply without a fuss
if you find any.
All right.
Then I'll go bring the pesticides.
There's nothing here.
He sounded really confident.
What if he's not the culprit?
Oh, my.
Oh, right.
You told me that you worked here.
How is your cat doing?
I was actually meaning
to go see you again.
I came across another cat
while I was on a walk.
It seemed abandoned too.
It went in between
some discarded materials
and refused to come back out.
There's no way to even feed it.
Should I go check it out?
My shift is actually about to end.
I'll go with you.
With me?
Hey, perv.
Where are you taking this guy?
I think you have the wrong person.
Your name is Bong Ye-bun,
and you're a 35-year-old vet.
Your previous convictions…
Oh my, Detective Moon?
Long time no see, Deok-hee.
Detective Na, nice to see you as well.
We saw you yesterday.
So good to see you all!
You must all be busy,
so please go on your way.
Bye. We can go this way.
Excuse me.
Make sure to keep your butt safe.
I'm sorry?
What did he mean by that?
Toxic grass.
He was telling you to watch out
for toxic grass when you sit down.
You see the cat in there, right?
Yes, I see it.
I can't get it to come out.
Here, kitty.
Come here, sweetie.
It's coming out.
You're amazing.
This is nothing.
Dr. Bong saved you.
Say thank you.
Oh, no need to…
I'll give it a bath
and bring it tomorrow for a checkup.
Will you be open tomorrow?
Yes, of course.
Our hospital is open
every day of the year.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Explain yourself.
Well, he's just one of our clients.
Not that.
Explain those noodles.
You got blinded by some guy
that you forgot your bestie's parents
run a supermarket?
Should I help you remember?
No, Ok-hui. This will never happen again.
Since you already bought it, enjoy it.
No, I'm not going to enjoy it.
So when are you going to let me go?
don't we have to legally let him go?
How much do you trust me, sir?
Not a bit.
Then just keep him there
for one more hour.
- I'll come back with evidence.
- I said I don't trust…
Why, that little…
You little…
Why are you digging like a dog
in the middle of the night?
I had my reasons!
And why are you here?
What was it?
What the hell were you digging…
What is this?
Tell me.
How did you know
those pesticides were buried there?
Like you'll believe me
if I tell you the truth.
I will, so just tell me.
I told you. I'm psychic.
I can see everything
when I touch someone's butt.
That's why I touched
that pickpocket's butt last time.
Why, you little…
You don't believe me.
Why'd you even ask?
I've experienced
too many weird things in this town.
And you trump them all.
I'm telling you the truth.
How should I prove it to you?
Enough with the crap.
Leave by the time I count to three,
or I'll arrest you as an accomplice.
One, two, three.
I'm not sure who's the crazy one,
me or her.
Hey, that cop that lives on your roof
is a total lunatic.
Did you just realize that?
I knew the minute I saw him.
what is this?
What? My butt padding?
- What the hell?
- Why can't I see anything?
Ok-hui, excuse me for a second.
Seriously, what is wrong with you?
Did you smash a streetlight?
How did you know that?
- And you kissed someone?
- What the hell? How?
So this is all for real?
You said I was your only man.
You said that you'd only be with me!
So that was real too?
Excuse me!
It’s a kidnapping case.
You saw this yourself?
I told you. I'm psychic.
I said, get lost!
Check if there is a streamer
among the people reported missing.
It's nice and close.
There’s someone at the hospital.
Go downstairs.
I envy Seon-woo's cat.
I bet it gets to see everything.
Are you introducing me
to another boyfriend?
Why isn’t he here?
You're going to regret it
if you don't believe me.
For the sake of our 20-year friendship.
Forget it. Just stay out of my sight.
Call me when that girl is at his house.
I’ll believe you then.
Hurry up, let's go.
I'm counting on you to come,
so I'm going in first.
I want to trust you, Detective.
Subtitle translation by: Yoon-ji Chi
Ripped and synced by
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