Brave New World (2020) s01e02 Episode Script
Want and Consequence
[dramatic music]
- Stop.
Change view.
No good.
Go back.
[crowd gasps]
# #
I've seen enough.
# #
You're staring.
Don't stare.
I've just never
seen it done before.
If I may ask,
what's it like?
Communing with Indra?
What do you hear?
- I need to speak
with this Epsilon.
- Speak with an Epsilon?
- Not "an" Epsilon.
This Epsilon.
- Of course.
Well, he appears to be a CJack.
- Nothing gets by you.
- Thank you.
- [gasps] Told you.
Here it comes.
- Ow!
- [laughs]
- I think maybe you enjoy this
more than you should.
- [sighs]
I like coming down here.
All the sweet little faces
discovering the system together.
Learning how to fit.
Everyone in their place.
- Everybody happy now.
- You say it
like it's a bad thing.
Don't take it for granted.
These children will never know
violence, prejudice
Ooh, wait for it.
Wait for it.
- [yelps]
- [laughs]
Told you.
- Lenina Crowne.
- Shit.
I'm late.
You made me late.
- You know,
you don't have to go.
- Why wouldn't I?
Everyone's always talking
about how thrilling it is.
Justin says you can get
right up close to them.
- Yes, it's fascinating
and wild,
and that's really not the point.
The point is,
you want your first time
to be a memory worth having.
You make love at the Excelsion
to anyone, everyone.
You visit the exhibitions.
It's all very authentic,
very real.
- I don't remember you
ever going.
- You can rest assured
that when I do go,
it'll be with a proper Alpha,
not Bernard Marx.
- He's an Alpha Plus.
- Everyone says
his embryo was mishandled.
He's no Plus.
Probably not even an Alpha.
- Who is "everyone"?
- I'm trying to give you
some friendly advice.
- Mm.
Kind of you.
I'll be sure to tell you
all about it
when I get back.
[ambient music]
# #
[ominous music]
# #
- Ah.
- Am I late?
- Yes, you really, you are,
but it doesn't
You look
- Thank you.
So do you.
[ship whooshes]
- Oh, allow me to get these
for you.
- Sure.
Well, this should be fun.
[wondrous music]
# #
- You know, I love
the Reclamation Center
at this time of day, don't you?
All the colors, so
It's the cremation process.
The red color, I believe,
is phosphorous.
- Or it could be
aerosol particle
scattering of sunlight.
Which happens
when they're the same size
as the wavelength
of the radiation.
Smoke's denser there.
Do you see?
Shorter wavelengths
can't get through.
No blues, no greens.
All you see is what's left.
The remaining light.
Longer wavelengths.
And it's red.
- Hmm.
# #
[rocket engine blasting]
# #
Is it your first time?
There's nothing to it.
# #
- Flight time:
11 minutes, 37 seconds.
# #
- Come on, girls.
- Imagine if we see a mother
or a father or what's
A grandfather?
- Excuse me.
# #
- [scoffs] Beta.
[children giggling]
Did you see that?
- Ah.
Here we are.
[interface beeping]
Every Alpha goes
to the Savage Lands at that age.
- Why?
- To learn what's at stake.
When you ask someone to care
for the health of a society,
it well, it makes
quite an impression
to show them a dead one first.
- [laughs]
[jet rumbles]
- Whoa, whoa, wait,
what is this?
- Stand by for launch
in four, three, two, one.
[engines blasting]
- [breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
# #
- Out of range.
No network.
Nothing can reach up here.
Not even Indra.
# #
You're gonna wanna feel this.
- Stop it.
[children giggling]
Stop it.
Stop that.
Sit down.
Stop it.
- These new ones do cause me
some concern.
- Amazing.
It's amazing.
Bernard, you must try this.
- Maybe on the way back.
Lenina, you have
to come down now.
- I'm flying!
- And I see,
but we are clearing apogee
as we speak and you really
Lenina, don't.
# #
- Sorry.
# #
- Lenina.
# #
- [laughs]
# #
- Hey.
You ever lend money, goods,
or other stuff
to friends or family
and they take their sweet time
getting it back to you?
Well, those days are over,
thanks to a nifty new gadget
called the Thanks Buddy.
Here's how it works:
just give your buddy some money,
clip on the Thanks Buddy
and set the timer.
And forget about it.
When your buddy gets you back,
you simply punch in the code
and you're all square.
Thanks, buddy.
But let's say your buddy thinks
he's a little slick.
Well, then the Thanks Buddy
has got you covered.
[bracelet whirring]
[electricity zapping]
- [groaning]
- Thanks, buddy.
The guy who borrowed your rake?
- [screams]
- Thanks, buddy.
Gave mom 20 for groceries?
- [screams]
- I was watching that.
- You were out late last night.
You were with that girl.
- We're not doing this.
I have a lot of shit on my mind.
- Mm.
- She's gonna lock you
in that baby trap.
You're gonna end up
working for her fat daddy
in his worm farm.
Then what's gonna happen to me?
Where am I gonna go?
- You wanna go?
Let's go.
The truck's charged.
We get in right now,
drive a few hours.
We could be in
- Where? The desert?
Stranded, no roof?
- There there are places.
- What places?
Says who?
- We're gonna die here!
- [exhales] Well, then
I might as well have a drink.
- He's not coming back.
He doesn't exist.
- Shut your mouth.
[tense music]
# #
# #
- Oh, that really was fun.
- Everything you imagined?
- How could I ever imagine this?
[jazz music]
- Shall we?
It's, um
# #
[bell dings]
# #
- Hmm?
# #
It's a deer beast.
- [laughs]
- As if it's not hard enough
scraping out some meager
existence in this place,
you have to worry
about being gored and eaten
by one of those things.
- Don't worry.
I'll protect you.
- [laughs]
Well, they're all gone now,
so you're off the hook.
The Savages saw to that.
- Oh.
It's a bit
it's a bit sad, isn't it?
- They had to do something,
didn't they?
Said they fought them
with everything they had.
Their guns, their auto cars,
whatever they could get
their hands on.
They're actually
quite resilient people.
- Yeah, sure, but
whole species.
- Bernard Marx?
Is this her?
- Yes.
Lenina Crowne.
- How lovely.
Welcome to the Savage Lands.
I have these for you.
- Thank you.
# #
- You just put it on there.
# #
- Allow me.
- Now, I believe
you're not scheduled
to go into the park
until tomorrow, correct?
- Yes.
Yeah, we thought we would take
a bit of time,
check out the hotel, settle in.
- Indeed, sir.
There are already
a number of guests
at the conjugal pool if you
- Thank you.
- Your guidebook.
- Oh.
Oh, so quaint.
- Yes.
So there are two tours each day,
morning and
That's our afternoon tour
heading out in an hour or so.
There are four houses to visit
in the park:
House of Want,
House of Futility,
House of Consequence,
and House of Monogamy.
If you're staying a few days,
by all means,
see each and every one,
but if you're pressed for time,
I recommend visiting Want
and Consequence.
- Not the others?
- Each house provides
an authentic
and fascinating view
into Savage life,
but I do advise
our more sensitive guests
to avoid Monogamy.
It's quite compelling,
of course,
but challenging.
- Thank you.
- Listen to this:
"Among the Savage traditions
still practiced today
is saving oneself
for marriage."
- For or from?
- Listen.
"Males and females
entering into monogamy
voluntarily withhold
sexual pleasure."
- From each other?
- From everyone.
Themselves, even.
- That's cruel.
- Why?
Doesn't say why.
- Hmm.
- I suppose no one knows why.
That's what makes it
so primitive and mysterious.
- Here we are.
- [exhales]
What's wrong with it?
- Oh, hold on.
[lock beeps]
- [laughs]
[wondrous music]
Oh, Bernard.
# #
It's so authentic.
# #
They let you touch the skin
of an ancient one.
It's transparent, the skin.
Pass on that.
# #
- This isn't right.
# #
This isn't right.
- What do you mean?
It's perfect.
[people moaning]
There's a view.
And a smell.
- We're on the wrong side.
I specifically requested
Why does it never
- What's wrong?
- Nothing.
It's fine. Forget it.
- Well, it doesn't seem
like there's
- It's nothing.
Go read your book.
It I just had a
I just had it a certain way
in my head
and now it's just
On my Teen Alpha trip,
I just remember
there was a big room
on the top floor
facing the sunset.
For all of us.
And a whirling water tub
on the balcony.
I don't know.
I was young and
- Bernard?
[heartfelt music]
- But there was there was
something about that view.
Or that night or
maybe it was being
out of New London
for the first time that just
# #
It made us forget who we were.
# #
I was happy.
I was
I was different.
They were different.
- Different how?
# #
They were kind.
# #
- Did you know
before the monogamy,
the females take the bride
to look at greased, naked males?
She's aroused, but
she doesn't touch.
She can't.
- You need to stop
with that book.
- And then on the wedding night,
after all that arousal,
all that waiting,
the female
gives her virginity to the male.
- She does?
- She does.
- What's a virginity?
- I have no idea.
[romantic music]
# #
- What's wrong?
- Oh, sorry.
Where were we?
- No, tell me.
- It's just a silly idea.
- Silly?
- Well, maybe not silly.
Maybe just more
Like, bad.
# #
- Go on.
- What if we're not
like everyone else, Bernard?
Not here in this place.
What if
What if we can be different
I mean, I thought,
what would happen if
If we if we
- If we saved ourselves.
It could be
It could be it could be
It could be our wedding night.
# #
- Oh, .
[breathing heavily]
# #
We're Savages.
# #
- You will respond
to the following question
by stepping forward.
Which of you touched
the deceased Epsilon
known as CJack57?
You will make yourself known.
[tense music]
# #
I don't understand.
Epsilons are incapable
of deception.
# #
- A virus enters a cell.
That's how it begins.
Once inside, it corrupts,
changing its nature,
altering its purpose.
The virus spreads,
cell by cell, undetected,
turning the body against itself
- I'm sorry, a what?
- Virus.
It's an old word.
From before.
- I see.
What does it mean?
- It means
that perhaps our Epsilon
is no longer an Epsilon.
# #
- Stand aside.
Make way
for World Controller Mond.
# #
- Tell them they may go.
- All right.
You Jacks get back to work.
- Not you.
# #
What is our name?
- CJack60.
- We touched the dead worker.
Did we know the worker?
- Yes.
I knew him.
# #
- You're a bit different,
aren't you?
It's all right.
You can tell me.
Truth is,
I'm a bit different too.
# #
- I wasn't.
But then
now I am.
- You changed?
When you touched him?
What happened to you?
What did you feel?
- I didn't.
I don't.
- Oh, I think you do.
- Feel.
# #
I felt him.
- The worker.
- My friend.
# #
- Did anyone else
touch the body?
I need to know.
# #
- The Soma man.
# #
- Hey!
Sorry, everybody.
- Greetings, and welcome
to the Savage Lands Adventure.
I'm Gamma Gracie,
and I'll be your guide today.
Before we get to the park,
I have a couple bits of info
to keep your visit fun, safe,
and Savage.
[upbeat bluegrass music]
According to Savage lore,
their culture dates back
almost 200 years.
When the inception of Indra
allowed the civilized people
of the world
to form the World State,
the Savages chose to reject
that destiny,
which is why they continue
in their primitive existence
to this day.
# #
[tense music]
# #
# #
- You didn't forget, did you?
- Madysun.
Oh, shit, right.
Gimme a second.
- It's gonna be a good crowd
- That's great.
That's great.
I need to talk to you.
- Okay, places in 20.
- .
- Find me after the show.
- Hey.
Why aren't you ready?
She loves me, man.
Look, dude,
I'm sorry about yesterday.
You know, beaning you
in the head and stuff.
- Yeah. That's okay.
- No, it's not.
I mean, God damn it,
I'm an artist, John.
You know this.
When things don't go right
out there,
I just can get a little
You know?
- Right.
- Hey.
Look, man,
there's nothing more dangerous
than live theater.
There's no net, you know?
And I walk that wire
because in the end,
I want the same thing you want.
I just wanna show these people
something true.
- Uh-huh.
- Anyway, you were just trying
to do your job
and I was outta line, so
I mean, it, man, come on.
Let's let's have a good show.
Come on.
That feels good.
Oh, and one more thing.
You go near my girl again,
I'll kill you.
# #
# La-la-la-la, la-la #
# La-la-la-la-la-la-la #
# La-la-la-la-la-la-la #
# #
[upbeat bluegrass music]
- If I may direct your attention
to the left side,
I think I see
It's a complete unit.
Now, we don't always see
the females out like this
in the daytime.
Notice the distended abdomen?
The infant will remain inside
her for a few more months
until it can fight its way
out of her body.
- Beta.
Get up.
I can't see.
You heard me.
I asked your Beta to move.
- Yeah, I think the view's
actually better up front.
- No.
I'm an Alpha.
She's a Beta.
She moves.
- No, wait.
- Hey!
- I'm sorry,
what were you saying?
- Give it back!
- Give what back?
- My level!
Give it back!
Give it back!
Don't look at me!
- Bernard.
Give it back.
- Hey.
Earn this.
[Fern Jones' "We'll Understand
It By and By"]
# #
both: # By and by #
# When the morning comes #
# All the saints of God
are gathered home #
- Here you go.
Both: # We'll tell the story #
- For you.
Both: # How we've overcome #
# We'll understand it better
by and by #
- # Trials dark on every hand #
# We cannot understand #
# The ways
that God would lead us #
# To that blessed
promised land #
- And welcome
to the Savage Lands
Adventure Park.
[coyote howls]
- # We'll understand it
better by and by #
both: # We'll understand it
better by and by #
- Even certain days of the year
continue to hold
great superstitious meaning
for the Savages,
but from Savage lore, we know
that none were more important
than the annual Day of Black.
- Who are they?
- They they're part of it.
- Ah!
And what luck.
These Savages have come
to share their festival with us.
[doors hiss]
[pleasant Muzak]
# #
- Ladies and gentlemen,
please take your seats.
Our show is about to commence.
# #
[whistle blows]
[crowd screaming and shouting]
[children whisper and giggle]
# #
[crowd screaming]
[ominous music]
# #
- Next up,
the House of Monogamy.
Now, the reasons behind
the Savages' most primitive
practice remain a mystery,
but we do know that monogamy
is an important tradition
which allows the Savages
to combine the core values
of their culture:
ownership, competition,
jealousy, and strife.
And here we are.
We do hope you enjoy
the presentation.
For those of you continuing on
to the House of Consequence,
we'd like to remind you
to please keep your hands
- What's the House
of Consequence?
- It's called a prison.
Yeah, they cut off
part of their Social Body
and keep it there.
- Oh, fun fact:
outside of captivity,
Savages are able to double
or even triple their body mass
through the consumption of food.
[Luther Vandross'
"Here and Now"]
- # Here and now #
# I promise to love faithfully #
- # Faithfully #
- # You're all I need #
# Here and now #
# I vow to be one #
# With thee #
- Bernard?
Counselor Bernard Marx?
- Yes.
- [laughs]
I thought you weren't coming
till tomorrow.
- Sorry, forgive me.
Who are you?
- Cortez.
I administer the park.
Surely the Director told you
about me.
- Oh.
But he can be forgetful.
- Can he?
Well, I suppose he can, yes.
He sent me to administer
the park for one year.
Seven years ago.
[both laugh]
Well, I hope you enjoy
your stay.
- Oh, thank you very much.
No, everything is just
as I remember it.
- Oh, good.
- When I came to the
[ambient music]
# #
- [laughs]
# #
- [sighs]
Well, I am going to miss it.
- Oh, you're leaving?
- He didn't tell you?
- Tell me what?
[microphone feedback squeals]
- Oh, it's time.
Do come and find me
after the show.
I'd love to give you a tour
- Wh sorry, excuse me
[Jo Stafford's "No Other Love"]
- # No other love #
- Lenina.
- Is this part of it?
- Lenina, please.
- # Now that I've known #
# The comfort of your arms #
# No other love #
# Oh, the sweet contentment #
# That I find #
# With you #
# Every time #
# Every time #
- # Around for something new #
[soft music]
# Me and you #
- But what does he do?
- He oversees the transfer
of ownership
to assure
that both sides are satisfied
with the exchange.
- Why does he wear that hat?
- For safety.
Both: # How much it is
to love someone #
# You know so well #
# What in the world #
- It's exactly as I remember it.
They haven't changed a thing.
- Why are the bridesmaids
so angry?
- Because they're next.
- Come on. Come on!
- There's the father.
- It's the second one
I've seen today.
- I know.
They're everywhere here.
- I knew that I mean,
it's one thing to know it,
but to see it
with your own eyes
- Look, see, he gives her away
to the
To the groom man.
- Why?
Doesn't he want her anymore?
- # A love that's lost its way #
- Dearly beloved,
we are gathered here today
to join Petr and Madysun
in monogamy.
If there's any man here
who has some reason
why they shouldn't be joined
forever and ever,
without having anybody else,
let them speak now
or forever hold their peace.
- I do.
[crowd gasps]
I have something to say.
- Not you.
Kvle the town outlaw?
- Don't be monogamous with him,
Be monogamous with me.
- This is jealousy.
It will lead to violence.
- Let him speak.
I am the mother of the groom
and we must know if she has
no virginity to give!
[crowd gasps and murmurs]
- Oh, Madysun.
How many nights did I call out
your name in the darkness?
All those nights I spent
in the cold,
cursing the day I left
to seek my fortune,
hungry by the roadside,
staring at the moon wondering,
"Is this her moon too?
Is there still some light
we share?"
And I dreamed of you, my love.
[crowd gasps]
And that dream saved me.
It kept me alive.
And I wanted to give it a word,
a name.
What word do you call
your salvation?
That's not enough.
Because some women
carry the grace
that requires metaphor.
So I called it Moon.
And that's the name
I'm gonna call that baby
in your belly
because I'm the one
who put it there.
[crowd gasps]
It's mine!
It's my baby!
- Like hell you will.
I'll kill you first.
[crowd gasps]
[safeties clicking]
- Jealousy!
- Is this part of it?
- Of course.
[crowd gasps]
[tires squeal]
- you!
[crowd screaming]
[intense music]
- I don't remember this.
- They're not blanks!
They're not blanks!
They're live rounds!
- What, that's not his line.
- They're live rounds!
- It's not his line!
[crowd screaming]
- Bernard, is this part of it?
Come on.
Come on!
- [screams]
[both breathing heavily]
- Bernard.
Come on.
# #
Come on.
[metal clangs]
[distant gunfire]
Bernard, open up.
- There's
They're shooting guns at us.
- What? Why would
- There's something in me.
- What?
- There's something
- What what do you
[tires squealing]
[woman screams]
[tires squealing]
Why are you doing this, Bernard?
Bernard, stop doing this.
- Two of them!
Spread out!
- Come on.
Come on, Bernard.
[both grunting]
# #
[indistinct shouting]
[tense music]
# #
- Don't pity them.
They don't deserve it.
- They're dead.
- You look at me.
The outsiders,
they took our land.
They didn't take our dignity.
It was traitors like these
who gave it away.
We didn't kill these people.
These people were never alive.
Are you alive, John?
- [retches]
# #
- 22 on the bus.
Seven dead.
Two missing.
I have people searching now.
- They're not made for running.
Take whatever folks you need.
Go house to house
until you find them.
# #
They're going to listen now.
We will not be ignored.
But first,
collaborators must be held
to account.
You get up!
# #
There is work to be done.
You don't wash cars anymore.
# #
- Bernard.
[breathing heavily]
# #
- [screams]
# #
- Bernard.
[breathing heavily]
[both grunting]
[man screams]
[tires squealing]
[engine revving]
# #
[indistinct shouting]
# #
[door slams]
[man screams]
# #
[breathing heavily]
[distant gunfire]
[woman screams]
[indistinct shouting]
[breathing heavily]
# #
- Shh.
# #
- # See the pretty girl #
# See the pretty boy #
# They've set a date #
# Their hearts are filled #
# With joy #
# Filled with joy #
# #
# She fell to his side #
# Her heart torn in two #
# His last words
were, "Darling #
# I'll always love you" #
# #
# Love you #
# #
- Stop.
Change view.
No good.
Go back.
[crowd gasps]
# #
I've seen enough.
# #
You're staring.
Don't stare.
I've just never
seen it done before.
If I may ask,
what's it like?
Communing with Indra?
What do you hear?
- I need to speak
with this Epsilon.
- Speak with an Epsilon?
- Not "an" Epsilon.
This Epsilon.
- Of course.
Well, he appears to be a CJack.
- Nothing gets by you.
- Thank you.
- [gasps] Told you.
Here it comes.
- Ow!
- [laughs]
- I think maybe you enjoy this
more than you should.
- [sighs]
I like coming down here.
All the sweet little faces
discovering the system together.
Learning how to fit.
Everyone in their place.
- Everybody happy now.
- You say it
like it's a bad thing.
Don't take it for granted.
These children will never know
violence, prejudice
Ooh, wait for it.
Wait for it.
- [yelps]
- [laughs]
Told you.
- Lenina Crowne.
- Shit.
I'm late.
You made me late.
- You know,
you don't have to go.
- Why wouldn't I?
Everyone's always talking
about how thrilling it is.
Justin says you can get
right up close to them.
- Yes, it's fascinating
and wild,
and that's really not the point.
The point is,
you want your first time
to be a memory worth having.
You make love at the Excelsion
to anyone, everyone.
You visit the exhibitions.
It's all very authentic,
very real.
- I don't remember you
ever going.
- You can rest assured
that when I do go,
it'll be with a proper Alpha,
not Bernard Marx.
- He's an Alpha Plus.
- Everyone says
his embryo was mishandled.
He's no Plus.
Probably not even an Alpha.
- Who is "everyone"?
- I'm trying to give you
some friendly advice.
- Mm.
Kind of you.
I'll be sure to tell you
all about it
when I get back.
[ambient music]
# #
[ominous music]
# #
- Ah.
- Am I late?
- Yes, you really, you are,
but it doesn't
You look
- Thank you.
So do you.
[ship whooshes]
- Oh, allow me to get these
for you.
- Sure.
Well, this should be fun.
[wondrous music]
# #
- You know, I love
the Reclamation Center
at this time of day, don't you?
All the colors, so
It's the cremation process.
The red color, I believe,
is phosphorous.
- Or it could be
aerosol particle
scattering of sunlight.
Which happens
when they're the same size
as the wavelength
of the radiation.
Smoke's denser there.
Do you see?
Shorter wavelengths
can't get through.
No blues, no greens.
All you see is what's left.
The remaining light.
Longer wavelengths.
And it's red.
- Hmm.
# #
[rocket engine blasting]
# #
Is it your first time?
There's nothing to it.
# #
- Flight time:
11 minutes, 37 seconds.
# #
- Come on, girls.
- Imagine if we see a mother
or a father or what's
A grandfather?
- Excuse me.
# #
- [scoffs] Beta.
[children giggling]
Did you see that?
- Ah.
Here we are.
[interface beeping]
Every Alpha goes
to the Savage Lands at that age.
- Why?
- To learn what's at stake.
When you ask someone to care
for the health of a society,
it well, it makes
quite an impression
to show them a dead one first.
- [laughs]
[jet rumbles]
- Whoa, whoa, wait,
what is this?
- Stand by for launch
in four, three, two, one.
[engines blasting]
- [breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
# #
- Out of range.
No network.
Nothing can reach up here.
Not even Indra.
# #
You're gonna wanna feel this.
- Stop it.
[children giggling]
Stop it.
Stop that.
Sit down.
Stop it.
- These new ones do cause me
some concern.
- Amazing.
It's amazing.
Bernard, you must try this.
- Maybe on the way back.
Lenina, you have
to come down now.
- I'm flying!
- And I see,
but we are clearing apogee
as we speak and you really
Lenina, don't.
# #
- Sorry.
# #
- Lenina.
# #
- [laughs]
# #
- Hey.
You ever lend money, goods,
or other stuff
to friends or family
and they take their sweet time
getting it back to you?
Well, those days are over,
thanks to a nifty new gadget
called the Thanks Buddy.
Here's how it works:
just give your buddy some money,
clip on the Thanks Buddy
and set the timer.
And forget about it.
When your buddy gets you back,
you simply punch in the code
and you're all square.
Thanks, buddy.
But let's say your buddy thinks
he's a little slick.
Well, then the Thanks Buddy
has got you covered.
[bracelet whirring]
[electricity zapping]
- [groaning]
- Thanks, buddy.
The guy who borrowed your rake?
- [screams]
- Thanks, buddy.
Gave mom 20 for groceries?
- [screams]
- I was watching that.
- You were out late last night.
You were with that girl.
- We're not doing this.
I have a lot of shit on my mind.
- Mm.
- She's gonna lock you
in that baby trap.
You're gonna end up
working for her fat daddy
in his worm farm.
Then what's gonna happen to me?
Where am I gonna go?
- You wanna go?
Let's go.
The truck's charged.
We get in right now,
drive a few hours.
We could be in
- Where? The desert?
Stranded, no roof?
- There there are places.
- What places?
Says who?
- We're gonna die here!
- [exhales] Well, then
I might as well have a drink.
- He's not coming back.
He doesn't exist.
- Shut your mouth.
[tense music]
# #
# #
- Oh, that really was fun.
- Everything you imagined?
- How could I ever imagine this?
[jazz music]
- Shall we?
It's, um
# #
[bell dings]
# #
- Hmm?
# #
It's a deer beast.
- [laughs]
- As if it's not hard enough
scraping out some meager
existence in this place,
you have to worry
about being gored and eaten
by one of those things.
- Don't worry.
I'll protect you.
- [laughs]
Well, they're all gone now,
so you're off the hook.
The Savages saw to that.
- Oh.
It's a bit
it's a bit sad, isn't it?
- They had to do something,
didn't they?
Said they fought them
with everything they had.
Their guns, their auto cars,
whatever they could get
their hands on.
They're actually
quite resilient people.
- Yeah, sure, but
whole species.
- Bernard Marx?
Is this her?
- Yes.
Lenina Crowne.
- How lovely.
Welcome to the Savage Lands.
I have these for you.
- Thank you.
# #
- You just put it on there.
# #
- Allow me.
- Now, I believe
you're not scheduled
to go into the park
until tomorrow, correct?
- Yes.
Yeah, we thought we would take
a bit of time,
check out the hotel, settle in.
- Indeed, sir.
There are already
a number of guests
at the conjugal pool if you
- Thank you.
- Your guidebook.
- Oh.
Oh, so quaint.
- Yes.
So there are two tours each day,
morning and
That's our afternoon tour
heading out in an hour or so.
There are four houses to visit
in the park:
House of Want,
House of Futility,
House of Consequence,
and House of Monogamy.
If you're staying a few days,
by all means,
see each and every one,
but if you're pressed for time,
I recommend visiting Want
and Consequence.
- Not the others?
- Each house provides
an authentic
and fascinating view
into Savage life,
but I do advise
our more sensitive guests
to avoid Monogamy.
It's quite compelling,
of course,
but challenging.
- Thank you.
- Listen to this:
"Among the Savage traditions
still practiced today
is saving oneself
for marriage."
- For or from?
- Listen.
"Males and females
entering into monogamy
voluntarily withhold
sexual pleasure."
- From each other?
- From everyone.
Themselves, even.
- That's cruel.
- Why?
Doesn't say why.
- Hmm.
- I suppose no one knows why.
That's what makes it
so primitive and mysterious.
- Here we are.
- [exhales]
What's wrong with it?
- Oh, hold on.
[lock beeps]
- [laughs]
[wondrous music]
Oh, Bernard.
# #
It's so authentic.
# #
They let you touch the skin
of an ancient one.
It's transparent, the skin.
Pass on that.
# #
- This isn't right.
# #
This isn't right.
- What do you mean?
It's perfect.
[people moaning]
There's a view.
And a smell.
- We're on the wrong side.
I specifically requested
Why does it never
- What's wrong?
- Nothing.
It's fine. Forget it.
- Well, it doesn't seem
like there's
- It's nothing.
Go read your book.
It I just had a
I just had it a certain way
in my head
and now it's just
On my Teen Alpha trip,
I just remember
there was a big room
on the top floor
facing the sunset.
For all of us.
And a whirling water tub
on the balcony.
I don't know.
I was young and
- Bernard?
[heartfelt music]
- But there was there was
something about that view.
Or that night or
maybe it was being
out of New London
for the first time that just
# #
It made us forget who we were.
# #
I was happy.
I was
I was different.
They were different.
- Different how?
# #
They were kind.
# #
- Did you know
before the monogamy,
the females take the bride
to look at greased, naked males?
She's aroused, but
she doesn't touch.
She can't.
- You need to stop
with that book.
- And then on the wedding night,
after all that arousal,
all that waiting,
the female
gives her virginity to the male.
- She does?
- She does.
- What's a virginity?
- I have no idea.
[romantic music]
# #
- What's wrong?
- Oh, sorry.
Where were we?
- No, tell me.
- It's just a silly idea.
- Silly?
- Well, maybe not silly.
Maybe just more
Like, bad.
# #
- Go on.
- What if we're not
like everyone else, Bernard?
Not here in this place.
What if
What if we can be different
I mean, I thought,
what would happen if
If we if we
- If we saved ourselves.
It could be
It could be it could be
It could be our wedding night.
# #
- Oh, .
[breathing heavily]
# #
We're Savages.
# #
- You will respond
to the following question
by stepping forward.
Which of you touched
the deceased Epsilon
known as CJack57?
You will make yourself known.
[tense music]
# #
I don't understand.
Epsilons are incapable
of deception.
# #
- A virus enters a cell.
That's how it begins.
Once inside, it corrupts,
changing its nature,
altering its purpose.
The virus spreads,
cell by cell, undetected,
turning the body against itself
- I'm sorry, a what?
- Virus.
It's an old word.
From before.
- I see.
What does it mean?
- It means
that perhaps our Epsilon
is no longer an Epsilon.
# #
- Stand aside.
Make way
for World Controller Mond.
# #
- Tell them they may go.
- All right.
You Jacks get back to work.
- Not you.
# #
What is our name?
- CJack60.
- We touched the dead worker.
Did we know the worker?
- Yes.
I knew him.
# #
- You're a bit different,
aren't you?
It's all right.
You can tell me.
Truth is,
I'm a bit different too.
# #
- I wasn't.
But then
now I am.
- You changed?
When you touched him?
What happened to you?
What did you feel?
- I didn't.
I don't.
- Oh, I think you do.
- Feel.
# #
I felt him.
- The worker.
- My friend.
# #
- Did anyone else
touch the body?
I need to know.
# #
- The Soma man.
# #
- Hey!
Sorry, everybody.
- Greetings, and welcome
to the Savage Lands Adventure.
I'm Gamma Gracie,
and I'll be your guide today.
Before we get to the park,
I have a couple bits of info
to keep your visit fun, safe,
and Savage.
[upbeat bluegrass music]
According to Savage lore,
their culture dates back
almost 200 years.
When the inception of Indra
allowed the civilized people
of the world
to form the World State,
the Savages chose to reject
that destiny,
which is why they continue
in their primitive existence
to this day.
# #
[tense music]
# #
# #
- You didn't forget, did you?
- Madysun.
Oh, shit, right.
Gimme a second.
- It's gonna be a good crowd
- That's great.
That's great.
I need to talk to you.
- Okay, places in 20.
- .
- Find me after the show.
- Hey.
Why aren't you ready?
She loves me, man.
Look, dude,
I'm sorry about yesterday.
You know, beaning you
in the head and stuff.
- Yeah. That's okay.
- No, it's not.
I mean, God damn it,
I'm an artist, John.
You know this.
When things don't go right
out there,
I just can get a little
You know?
- Right.
- Hey.
Look, man,
there's nothing more dangerous
than live theater.
There's no net, you know?
And I walk that wire
because in the end,
I want the same thing you want.
I just wanna show these people
something true.
- Uh-huh.
- Anyway, you were just trying
to do your job
and I was outta line, so
I mean, it, man, come on.
Let's let's have a good show.
Come on.
That feels good.
Oh, and one more thing.
You go near my girl again,
I'll kill you.
# #
# La-la-la-la, la-la #
# La-la-la-la-la-la-la #
# La-la-la-la-la-la-la #
# #
[upbeat bluegrass music]
- If I may direct your attention
to the left side,
I think I see
It's a complete unit.
Now, we don't always see
the females out like this
in the daytime.
Notice the distended abdomen?
The infant will remain inside
her for a few more months
until it can fight its way
out of her body.
- Beta.
Get up.
I can't see.
You heard me.
I asked your Beta to move.
- Yeah, I think the view's
actually better up front.
- No.
I'm an Alpha.
She's a Beta.
She moves.
- No, wait.
- Hey!
- I'm sorry,
what were you saying?
- Give it back!
- Give what back?
- My level!
Give it back!
Give it back!
Don't look at me!
- Bernard.
Give it back.
- Hey.
Earn this.
[Fern Jones' "We'll Understand
It By and By"]
# #
both: # By and by #
# When the morning comes #
# All the saints of God
are gathered home #
- Here you go.
Both: # We'll tell the story #
- For you.
Both: # How we've overcome #
# We'll understand it better
by and by #
- # Trials dark on every hand #
# We cannot understand #
# The ways
that God would lead us #
# To that blessed
promised land #
- And welcome
to the Savage Lands
Adventure Park.
[coyote howls]
- # We'll understand it
better by and by #
both: # We'll understand it
better by and by #
- Even certain days of the year
continue to hold
great superstitious meaning
for the Savages,
but from Savage lore, we know
that none were more important
than the annual Day of Black.
- Who are they?
- They they're part of it.
- Ah!
And what luck.
These Savages have come
to share their festival with us.
[doors hiss]
[pleasant Muzak]
# #
- Ladies and gentlemen,
please take your seats.
Our show is about to commence.
# #
[whistle blows]
[crowd screaming and shouting]
[children whisper and giggle]
# #
[crowd screaming]
[ominous music]
# #
- Next up,
the House of Monogamy.
Now, the reasons behind
the Savages' most primitive
practice remain a mystery,
but we do know that monogamy
is an important tradition
which allows the Savages
to combine the core values
of their culture:
ownership, competition,
jealousy, and strife.
And here we are.
We do hope you enjoy
the presentation.
For those of you continuing on
to the House of Consequence,
we'd like to remind you
to please keep your hands
- What's the House
of Consequence?
- It's called a prison.
Yeah, they cut off
part of their Social Body
and keep it there.
- Oh, fun fact:
outside of captivity,
Savages are able to double
or even triple their body mass
through the consumption of food.
[Luther Vandross'
"Here and Now"]
- # Here and now #
# I promise to love faithfully #
- # Faithfully #
- # You're all I need #
# Here and now #
# I vow to be one #
# With thee #
- Bernard?
Counselor Bernard Marx?
- Yes.
- [laughs]
I thought you weren't coming
till tomorrow.
- Sorry, forgive me.
Who are you?
- Cortez.
I administer the park.
Surely the Director told you
about me.
- Oh.
But he can be forgetful.
- Can he?
Well, I suppose he can, yes.
He sent me to administer
the park for one year.
Seven years ago.
[both laugh]
Well, I hope you enjoy
your stay.
- Oh, thank you very much.
No, everything is just
as I remember it.
- Oh, good.
- When I came to the
[ambient music]
# #
- [laughs]
# #
- [sighs]
Well, I am going to miss it.
- Oh, you're leaving?
- He didn't tell you?
- Tell me what?
[microphone feedback squeals]
- Oh, it's time.
Do come and find me
after the show.
I'd love to give you a tour
- Wh sorry, excuse me
[Jo Stafford's "No Other Love"]
- # No other love #
- Lenina.
- Is this part of it?
- Lenina, please.
- # Now that I've known #
# The comfort of your arms #
# No other love #
# Oh, the sweet contentment #
# That I find #
# With you #
# Every time #
# Every time #
- # Around for something new #
[soft music]
# Me and you #
- But what does he do?
- He oversees the transfer
of ownership
to assure
that both sides are satisfied
with the exchange.
- Why does he wear that hat?
- For safety.
Both: # How much it is
to love someone #
# You know so well #
# What in the world #
- It's exactly as I remember it.
They haven't changed a thing.
- Why are the bridesmaids
so angry?
- Because they're next.
- Come on. Come on!
- There's the father.
- It's the second one
I've seen today.
- I know.
They're everywhere here.
- I knew that I mean,
it's one thing to know it,
but to see it
with your own eyes
- Look, see, he gives her away
to the
To the groom man.
- Why?
Doesn't he want her anymore?
- # A love that's lost its way #
- Dearly beloved,
we are gathered here today
to join Petr and Madysun
in monogamy.
If there's any man here
who has some reason
why they shouldn't be joined
forever and ever,
without having anybody else,
let them speak now
or forever hold their peace.
- I do.
[crowd gasps]
I have something to say.
- Not you.
Kvle the town outlaw?
- Don't be monogamous with him,
Be monogamous with me.
- This is jealousy.
It will lead to violence.
- Let him speak.
I am the mother of the groom
and we must know if she has
no virginity to give!
[crowd gasps and murmurs]
- Oh, Madysun.
How many nights did I call out
your name in the darkness?
All those nights I spent
in the cold,
cursing the day I left
to seek my fortune,
hungry by the roadside,
staring at the moon wondering,
"Is this her moon too?
Is there still some light
we share?"
And I dreamed of you, my love.
[crowd gasps]
And that dream saved me.
It kept me alive.
And I wanted to give it a word,
a name.
What word do you call
your salvation?
That's not enough.
Because some women
carry the grace
that requires metaphor.
So I called it Moon.
And that's the name
I'm gonna call that baby
in your belly
because I'm the one
who put it there.
[crowd gasps]
It's mine!
It's my baby!
- Like hell you will.
I'll kill you first.
[crowd gasps]
[safeties clicking]
- Jealousy!
- Is this part of it?
- Of course.
[crowd gasps]
[tires squeal]
- you!
[crowd screaming]
[intense music]
- I don't remember this.
- They're not blanks!
They're not blanks!
They're live rounds!
- What, that's not his line.
- They're live rounds!
- It's not his line!
[crowd screaming]
- Bernard, is this part of it?
Come on.
Come on!
- [screams]
[both breathing heavily]
- Bernard.
Come on.
# #
Come on.
[metal clangs]
[distant gunfire]
Bernard, open up.
- There's
They're shooting guns at us.
- What? Why would
- There's something in me.
- What?
- There's something
- What what do you
[tires squealing]
[woman screams]
[tires squealing]
Why are you doing this, Bernard?
Bernard, stop doing this.
- Two of them!
Spread out!
- Come on.
Come on, Bernard.
[both grunting]
# #
[indistinct shouting]
[tense music]
# #
- Don't pity them.
They don't deserve it.
- They're dead.
- You look at me.
The outsiders,
they took our land.
They didn't take our dignity.
It was traitors like these
who gave it away.
We didn't kill these people.
These people were never alive.
Are you alive, John?
- [retches]
# #
- 22 on the bus.
Seven dead.
Two missing.
I have people searching now.
- They're not made for running.
Take whatever folks you need.
Go house to house
until you find them.
# #
They're going to listen now.
We will not be ignored.
But first,
collaborators must be held
to account.
You get up!
# #
There is work to be done.
You don't wash cars anymore.
# #
- Bernard.
[breathing heavily]
# #
- [screams]
# #
- Bernard.
[breathing heavily]
[both grunting]
[man screams]
[tires squealing]
[engine revving]
# #
[indistinct shouting]
# #
[door slams]
[man screams]
# #
[breathing heavily]
[distant gunfire]
[woman screams]
[indistinct shouting]
[breathing heavily]
# #
- Shh.
# #
- # See the pretty girl #
# See the pretty boy #
# They've set a date #
# Their hearts are filled #
# With joy #
# Filled with joy #
# #
# She fell to his side #
# Her heart torn in two #
# His last words
were, "Darling #
# I'll always love you" #
# #
# Love you #
# #