Cafe Minamdang (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

You're leaving me?
You're human, aren't you? Who are you?
Come on down right now!
Looney, you…
Yes, you. I will catch you at all costs.
That wasn't fair.
Hey, Looney!
Wait until I catch you!
That hurts.
Darn it.
Judging by the skid mark,
this is where the accident occurred.
How could you tell that?
-The skid mark is so vague.
This is the skill of an experienced cop.
Jeez, you're truly amazing.
You're barking up the wrong tree.
It's over here.
Is it?
I really thought this was it.
-By the way,
I don't see the victim's bike.
The assailant must have cleaned up
the crime scene.
They hid the victim
and got rid of the evidence too?
They really are a grade-A scumbag.
-What about the surveillance camera?
-Unfortunately, this is a blind spot.
We should check all the vehicles
that drove this way around that time.
What? What's going on?
Get up already.
Take it easy.
You won't catch them that way anyway.
We found the assailant's car.
Look up the license plate.
Yes, ma'am.
"Shin Gyeong-ho."
"Shin Gyeong-ho."
"Shin Gyeong-ho"?
What? Isn't he
the vice-chairman of S&H Group?
Darn it. It's him again?
This isn't his first offense?
He's a notorious scumbag.
He does drugs
and gets violent while drunk.
Despite killing someone,
it was ruled an accident
and he was let go.
He was released when he killed someone?
"A woman who was high on drugs
fell over and died."
That's how the case was closed.
He's the root of all my misery.
Ms. Han. We hit the jackpot, didn't we?
Her first case is on a conglomerate.
This is amazing.
This is nothing to be happy about.
He'll be let go
before we can even do something.
That scumbag
could easily pay his way out of this.
First, let's find out
who was in the passenger seat.
Don't you know what Sebastian means to me?
Samsong's Kim Do-yong and I
are the only ones
who own that car in this country!
But still, I think
it's a safe bet to scrap it, sir.
Thanks to Sebastian,
I reached 100,000 followers
on my social media page.
You're even more
of an idiot than I thought.
Who are you?
Who are you to barge in here?
I'm the special person who will help
your idiot of a vice-chairman
by any means necessary.
Shaman Nam Han-jun.
So you're the guy
my wife always visits for advice.
Shaman Nam Han-jun from Minamdang.
Who the hell do you think
you're talking to?
Watch what you say to him.
Do as he says if you don't want
to be arrested for attempted murder.
Wait. How did you know about that?
You bastard…
It was Mr. Nam who told me.
You told a shaman about me?
No, sir!
Look at you.
This isn't the first time
you had blood on your hands.
A woman who's bleeding from her head
is following you around and cursing you.
She's following me?
Hold on.
She's cursing me, sir?
Let's see.
Let me spread my wings
and dance on the blade.
Let me perform an exorcism.
I sense a group of spirits.
I sense them.
Surname, Shin.
Given name, Gyeong-ho.
What a vile name you have.
How dare you?
The DNA underneath the victim's nails
matched Shin Gyeong-ho's.
But he had an alibi
during her estimated time of death,
so he was acquitted.
He walked in through the front door.
Then, he put down his glass…
and headed to the bathroom.
His victim's body was already in there.
Her estimated time of death
would've been delayed
if she was drenched in warm water.
He probably just wanted
to wash away the evidence.
But thanks to that, he got his alibi.
But all of that happened after the murder.
The photo was taken
three days before the murder…
but the painting and the vase
in his house were replaced.
That means her cause of death was…
Hold on. All right.
Wait. Come here.
Let me go!
You little…
Come here.
She had a fracture
to the left of her skull.
But he's right-handed.
I finally found out how he murdered her.
While holding a vase in your right hand,
you killed her
while choking her with your left.
She remembers it vividly.
Like this!
You hit her to death
with a vase while choking her!
Like so!
Even the cops don't know that.
No way. I'm getting goosebumps.
Sir, the general stockholders' meeting
is around the corner.
If he gets arrested before that--
His glass is already quite full.
I'm sorry?
This is his final drop.
I don't understand.
I can prevent this misfortune,
but this is the last time.
Do something bad again,
and your glass will overflow.
All of his past deeds
will come back as a huge misfortune.
If that happens,
even I won't be able to help.
What will you do?
I'll cast away that misfortune
if you can stop here.
If not, turn yourself in.
That's your only lifeline.
Come on. Answer him.
Yes, sir.
I'll keep out of trouble from now on.
If you can spare me this once,
I'll do anything you tell me to!
What's gotten into you?
I'll make sure you don't even go to court.
Where is the car you drove?
Bring the car and the dashcam to me
before the police find them.
This instant.
How about we search and seize his car?
Do you think he'd still have it?
He probably scrapped it.
Why do you always do that?
You're so pessimistic.
Let's locate the car first.
It's a unique car,
so I'm sure someone's seen it.
This is like looking for
a needle in a haystack.
Where would we go to look for the car?
It's not like someone will come to us
and say "Here's his car, your majesty."
Daeun Police Station,
Major Crimes Divison Seven--
I think we found the car.
It's the junkyard.
They're saying that they found
the car we're looking for.
Okay. We're on our way. Goodbye.
I'll request a search and seizure warrant.
What's the point of requesting one?
They won't issue it.
You're right. Darn it.
Can't anyone issue us a warrant
without being scared of conglomerates?
-Isn't there?
-There isn't.
Darn it.
I do know someone.
Who is it?
Prosecutor Cha Do-won.
The chatterbox of the Seoul
Western District Prosecutors' Office?
That Cha Do-won?
I've told you everything I know.
I won't admit to it
whatever you have to say to me.
So, you say…
All right. There's a possibility
that I could have overlooked some parts.
Then let's start all over again.
Are we seriously going over all of them?
Not really.
Thank you.
That little…
Did you see him rolling up his sleeves?
The chatterbox has powered itself on.
I can't believe there are people
who still don't know about him.
I know.
Let's see.
Let's go back 22 years.
"Twenty-two years"?
Mr. Yeo Chun-pal.
To avoid getting caught,
you stowed away to Manila
twenty-two years ago.
That's right. I did.
And that's where I met Kim Tae-hyeon--
Wait. Let's just talk about the case.
This is related to the case.
He's considered the father
of voice phishing scams.
-But he--
Voice phishing started over a century ago.
It existed when telephones came in
at the end of the Joseon Dynasty.
I see.
"This is the palace. Bring 170 won's worth
of gold hairpins and rings
for Her Majesty."
There were many reported cases
of the individuals disappearing
after receiving the jewelry.
There was also a man
who impersonated his brother
to steal his salary.
And he was wired a hefty sum of 8,000 won.
That's worth 100 million won now.
He called the bank and said
that his brother will pick up the money.
You could say scammers back then
were also terrific actors.
My god!
They even coined
a word for these scammers.
They could locate the caller
with the switchboard.
That was when voice phishing
first began in Korea.
Fascinating, right?
Mr. Yeo.
I've analyzed the fake
suspension of transaction form
that you signed in Busan.
It was stamped in a different spot.
Why does it matter
where on the paper it was stamped?
I was wrong. I admit to everything.
So please send me back
to the penitentiary.
You're making my ears bleed.
Sure. But…
Excuse me.
It's been a while, Lieutenant Han.
I'd like to ask you for a favor.
What is this? Are you soliciting?
Not at all. We have enough proof,
but we're dealing with
S&H Group's Shin Gyeong-ho.
"Shin Gyeong-ho…"
-I'll be back.
Can I go now?
We just did a rough review.
We'll dig deeper when I return.
Dig deeper? Sir, dig deeper?
Does that mean
we haven't even started yet?
We haven't even begun.
I'm bleeding.
No way! My ear is bleeding!
We'll send you the evidence
and the report we received.
Thank you, sir.
He'll look through it
and issue a warrant right away.
We're really getting
a warrant?
We're not dreaming, are we?
We have to move quickly.
They'll find out about the warrant
as soon as it's issued.
We need to make a move first.
What is it?
Is it your first time seeing
such a passionate cop?
I'm not doing this to help you.
I just want to catch that scumbag,
Shin Gyeong-ho.
I see. You haven't accepted me yet
but you still want to catch him, right?
Does she really have to ask?
Detective Na.
We'll head out, so let me know
once the warrant is issued.
-Yes, ma'am.
-Let's go.
All right.
The clumsy, youngest cop
is all by himself.
You need to get there
before it's issued. Hurry.
It's 10:30 a.m.
You have five minutes.
We're headed there
with the tow truck driver.
-Did he just go in?
Fuck! Are you serious?
It's right in front of you!
This is so infuriating.
Excuse me.
-Major Crimes Division Seven?
This is the dashcam for 58 J 1999.
The junkyard owner said
I should give this to you.
-Thank you.
-Thank you!
-No problem.
It's 10:35 a.m.
The warrant isn't issued yet.
All we did was throw the bait.
And he just took it.
-He has no idea.
-He has no idea.
We fooled him, all right.
Let's go.
I'm telling you.
The proof came through the door.
I'm dying to watch this,
so please hurry back.
Yes, ma'am.
What a lunatic.
Damn. Shin Gyeong-ho, you scumbag.
He squirmed his way out last time,
but we have hard evidence now.
Let me be the one to cuff him, sir.
Let's be patient.
May the law bless you.
Shin Gyeong-ho.
I'll repay you
for the humiliation you gave me.
Let's raid his house
as soon as we get the warrant.
All right.
Hey, have you gone crazy?
You're after Shin Gyeong-ho?
I told you to keep her in check
and now you're helping her?
This is the police--
-Hello? I can't hear you.
Do you think that will fool me?
Stop it!
Chief, I--
Oh, dear. It's out of battery.
Jeez. I should charge it.
Was that the chief?
Don't be ridiculous. It was a spam call.
They're really serious
about loan recommendations.
How did they know I needed money?
Okay. Let's go.
Let's go. Those scumbags.
Please, step aside.
Or we'll arrest you all
for obstruction of justice.
-Let's go.
-Stop them!
-Let me go.
-You can't enter.
-Come on.
-Let me go!
-Please stop.
-You can't enter.
-Move aside!
-Darn it.
-Darn it.
-Don't touch me.
-Here he comes.
He volunteered to go with you.
Will you come to the station with us?
Are you deaf? Didn't you hear him?
Lead the way.
I think I've seen you before.
Are you still a cop?
I'm so happy to see you again.
-You little--
-He startled me.
Mr. Shin Gyeong-ho.
You're under arrest
for failing to tend
to an accident and fleeing.
You have the right to an attorney
and you'll be given the chance to speak.
You may also request to have
the legality of your arrest reviewed.
What is she saying?
-Yes, ma'am.
-What's going on?
-What is this?
Why are you cuffing me
when I agreed to go willingly?
That fucking hurts! Be gentle.
Don't curse.
Why are you cuffing him
when he's willing to go?
We didn't come all the way here
just to give you the warrant.
-Take him.
-Yes, sir.
Wait. Hold on.
Mr. Choi!
Mr. Choi!
-Mr. Shaman!
-Come here.
Darn it! Mr. Shaman!
Look confident on your way
to the police station.
You're acting like
you've done something bad.
Just go there and keep your mouth shut.
You'll be released soon.
We have hard evidence,
so I doubt that'll happen.
I don't know about that.
You may need better evidence.
-It's freezing.
-Come on.
Darn it.
What are you doing here?
Client management.
Don't tell me
Shin Gyeong-ho is your client.
He's a VVIP conglomerate client.
But you're the one
who reported the hit-and-run case.
That's also a part of client management.
Attempted murder
is easier to solve than murder.
Do you not care who your clients are
as long as they have money?
-Aren't you embarrassed?
Embarrassed in front of whom?
You're more of a bastard than I thought.
I don't know what you're scheming,
but you won't get your way
because I'll get to the bottom of this!
I knew it.
The stalker who threw a shoe at me…
It was you, wasn't it?
Me? A stalker?
Do you have proof?
Jeez. It really must be you,
seeing how you're demanding proof.
What did you say?
I get that you're head over heels for me.
It's true that I'm charming.
However, I'm not good boyfriend material.
So forget about me--
I told you that's not it!
What was that?
Han-jun, are you crying? Why?
I've hurt another naive girl once again.
Why am I so sexy?
Why do I have this
attractive and deadly charm?
More like a deadly illness.
It's very deadly.
It's going to be the death of you.
Hey, did you call Jung Cheong-gi?
Yes. There he is.
I'll call you
once the meeting's over. Goodbye.
Internal Inspector Jung Cheong-gi?
Thank you for coming.
I thought the vice-chairman
wanted to see me face to face.
I guess you haven't heard.
I'm well aware that you took great care
of his previous case.
Sir. This isn't right.
This is a murder case.
We're talking about Shin Gyeong-ho
of S&H Group here.
Even the prosecution is powerless.
Everyone will make sure
he gets acquitted even if he stands trial.
When that happens,
what about us?
Don't you think they'll come after us?
But, sir…
Jong-man. Let's not do this, okay?
Fabricating evidence?
This isn't our first rodeo anyway.
If this pans out, you'll be getting
double the amount you just received.
All right.
How can I help you?
You will receive orders
from our CEO, Ms. Lee Min-gyeong.
That's your car, isn't it?
And you abandoned it after the accident.
Why would I abandon Sebastian?
It was stolen from me.
It must have broken your heart
to see Sebastian in pieces.
Jeez. That's quite a collision.
I bet the repair will cost a fortune.
Look at the driver getting out of the car.
That's obviously you.
Am I wrong?
You must use an expensive dashcam.
You could use that as your passport photo.
Mr. Shin Gyeong-ho.
Your status has been changed
from a suspect to a perpetrator.
Am I being locked up?
This isn't what the shaman told me.
You're right.
Excuse me.
Ma'am, I think you guys need to come out.
It may be because Korea
is known for its etiquette,
our law sure knows not to cross the line.
Any evidence obtained
through illegal means
is considered invalid.
How could it be illegal
when we had a warrant issued?
You got that dashcam video
before the warrant was issued.
No, it was after that.
What? That's not what I heard.
How do you even know
exactly when we received the warrant?
A spirit told me.
There's a spirit
that follows your team around.
If not, how would I know that?
What do you say?
Should I ask who received it?
Who was it?
It was you.
You got it
before the warrant came out, right?
I don't quite remember.
Investigations are all about timing.
I see a surveillance camera there.
Let's see what time
you received the footage.
Darn it.
He got it at 10:35 a.m.
And when was the warrant issued?
It was 10:36 a.m.!
The tow truck driver
should have come a minute later.
What a shame.
All right.
Do you all admit
to violating the warrant requirement?
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
What will happen now?
Do I have to spell it out for you?
It'll be considered illegal evidence.
Excuse me, gentlemen.
Please. Could you uncuff him now?
He's more competent than most law firms.
Go on and uncuff me.
God damn it. I can't bear to watch this.
Same here.
The police in Korea are incompetent
because of poor human rights.
They should hire more people
and give them some time to study the law.
That way, they won't make
stupid mistakes like this.
You son of a…
-My heart breaks for you guys.
-Damn it!
That little…
Don't get ahead of yourself since
we'll be seeing each other again soon.
Come on, don't say that.
All right, then. I hope you continue
to work hard to no avail.
Damn it.
-Bring the car.
-Yes, sir.
Mr. Shaman.
You truly are competent.
I'll repay your kindness
with a hefty payment.
How dare you run your mouth
when you should be groveling at my feet?
Have you ever thought
about what the victims went through?
Didn't I warn you
to keep that mouth shut and lie low
unless you wanted to know
what it's like to suffer?
I won't be able to help you next time,
so quit being arrogant
and help your victims instead.
Got that?
Gosh, I should start going to a church
or a Buddhist temple.
That little…
Hey. Wait. Stop right there!
I'm going to kill
that scumbag today and quit my job.
You do that.
I'm going to quit monitoring Ms. Han
and look for a different line of work
like my father wanted.
Du-jin, I think a chill
just ran down my spine.
That wasn't a chill.
That was bloodthirsty rage.
What is this?
You startled me!
That's right. It was you.
You have the same aura
that the stalker had.
Shut up!
Shin Gyeong-ho's victim
is a breadwinner and a father of two kids.
His baby just turned one,
but the victim is still unconscious.
Had he been taken
to a hospital immediately,
he would have recovered already.
And why are you telling me this?
I have one question.
That dashcam video.
Did you send it to us
to get him out of this?
Me? Of course not.
I sent it. It was me.
But nonetheless, you're the ones at fault.
You're the ones
who didn't play by the book.
Why are you doing this?
Is it money?
Who doesn't like money?
Why can't I live chasing my base desire?
Did someone send you here as revenge?
I heard you wanted to become a cop
so I came to teach you a lesson.
A true cop isn't someone
who beats up neighborhood thugs.
It's someone who knows how to love people.
Look. I was doing it for justice.
If that's what you think,
I can't go easy on you.
Look who's talking.
I won't go easy on you
just because you'll be my senior.
I don't care if you're older than me.
I won't go easy on you either.
I'm going to beat him.
You lost, but that was incredible.
A true cop protects
both civilians and criminals
within the law.
After all, we are the people
who enforce the law.
Got that, Ms. Little Police?
I can't believe I…
Snap out of it, Nam Han-jun.
You were a cop once.
You said a true cop
is someone who protects both civilians
and criminals within the law.
Then shouldn't the victims
get their justice?
You shouldn't have hurt others!
Listen up.
Do this one more time,
and I'll arrest you myself.
I'd rather crush you myself
than see you end up…
being arrested by someone else.
Darn it.
My goodness.
Are you okay? Did I hear her correctly?
Didn't she just threaten to crush you?
Her distorted affection
has now turned into loathing.
Su-cheol, help me up.
Kong Su-cheol. Gosh, my back.
Did you see that? I give you my thumbs up.
I'm sorry, sir.
An apology won't cut it.
Listen. The disciplinary committee
will be summoned soon.
Lie low until--
I admit there was a mistake,
but we're certain he's our guy.
Give us more time
and we promise to arrest him again.
How can you say that after what you did?
What is it? Are you going to run wild
and humiliate us once again?
Why do you think you became a team leader
when you were merely
a lieutenant of three years?
Because your team was competent
and needed to solve a huge case?
You're completely wrong.
Your team rates the lowest in performance
and will be disbanded soon.
So, that's why
you shouldn't even
dream about catching him.
Shin Gyeong-ho
should be arrested.
-Hello, sir.
-What is it?
We must arrest him.
If we don't, there will be trouble.
Hey, what do you mean?
Think about it, sir.
The media is already ridiculing us
for being incompetent.
Do you really think
he will turn over a new leaf?
No. Not at all. Don't you agree?
That's right. He'll think we're a joke
and do something even worse.
He'll be bolder next time around.
What will happen then?
They'll ask us why we can't catch him
and ask us why we didn't
keep him locked up earlier.
Who do you think
will be held responsible then?
It's you.
That can't happen.
-Of course, not.
Hey, you better catch him.
Arrest him at all costs!
You'll both be sacked if you don't.
Yes, sir. We will catch him at all costs.
-You will be!
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
Catch him. Go on.
-Yes, sir.
I'll be okay, right?
-You can do it!
-I can do it!
That's right.
I don't deserve to be a detective.
I'm nothing but a nuisance.
We lost the criminal because of me.
When I was a newbie,
I also made tons of mistakes.
Du-jin gave me an earful.
Leave him be.
He's free to leave if he's not up for it.
I should've listened to my mom.
I shouldn't have joined Major Crimes.
Hold on.
Why are you taking our property
when you're quitting?
Arrest him.
I can't believe this.
None of this is yours.
Come here.
You scumbag.
Just let me go.
-I don't deserve to be here.
-You little…
How dare you try to squirm out of this?
Ms. Han. Come on, you guys.
You're no cop. You're a thief.
You'll probably be put behind bars
for about 1.5 years, right?
-Did you hear that?
You better not try
to run away in that span of time.
I'm sorry, ma'am.
If you really mean it,
stay and help us catch him.
Guys… I'm sorry!
I really am!
All right.
Let's catch him once again
and save face.
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
Even the shaman
said springtime would return.
-There he is.
-Please tell us what happened!
-How did it go?
What will happen now?
-Did you reach a settlement?
-Tell us!
That little…
Winter never lasts forever.
Spring always comes around once again.
What are you rambling on about?
It's better to get a hen tomorrow
than an egg today.
Don't be so upset
just because you didn't get a hen today.
He's declaring war.
You're right. This is war.
"Your hard work will be futile."
"We're going to squirm out of it again."
"Step back since you're no match for me."
That's what he's saying.
Is that so?
I thought he meant our time would come.
He's taunting us.
I didn't know he was such an asshole.
Shaman, my foot.
Don't let that fraud deceive you.
Of course. After all, we're the police.
Let's stand our ground.
That woman who was in the passenger seat…
Min Yu-seon.
How about we ask her to testify?
Yes. Let's go.
I've already located her address
thanks to the help of my cousin's son
who works at a district office.
-Let's go.
-All right.
I thought they were like cats and dogs,
but they're like fire and oil.
No wonder the police hate your guts.
They probably want your head on a stake.
No way.
Were you the one
who screwed over that female cop?
Yes. Han-jun will need
to run away with all his might now.
-Will you let them do this?
-Or what?
You don't like being indebted.
Will you let her be punished?
Whatever. I don't want to get involved.
Leave her!
You don't want to get involved?
Stop that.
How suspicious.
Who's prettier? Her or me?
Is Na-dan pretty?
Yes, he is.
Is this coffee pretty?
Yes, it is.
Darn it.
Why did she slap me?
You've never dated anyone, have you?
Can you tell?
Then what about you?
Have you ever dated anyone?
She's pretty too.
I called her through the security office,
but she didn't pick up.
Thank you so much
for defending me back there.
I did that to catch Shin Gyeong-ho,
not for you.
So don't thank me.
Yes, sir. I'm glad I have you.
I still haven't accepted you
as the team leader,
so don't get ahead of yourself.
Yes, sir. I'll try harder.
Why aren't you drinking any coffee?
I only drink freshly made espresso.
I hate cheap coffee.
I see.
There. Isn't that her?
It is.
Ms. Min Yu-seon.
It's you, right?
You're aware that Mr. Shin Gyeong-ho
was released, right?
I'm not sure.
Please bring a warrant
if you want to talk to me.
Hold on.
Are you being blackmailed by his men?
They just gave me a talisman.
A talisman?
Did you meet this man?
No. And I'm not being blackmailed.
Ms. Min. The victim is still in the ICU.
If he passes away,
you'll be guilty of abetting in a murder,
not drunk driving.
Excuse me. I'm an actress.
If a paparazzi sees this and defames me,
will you take responsibility?
Is your image more important
than someone's life?
Calm down.
Ms. Min.
Can we go somewhere quiet and have a chat?
I have nothing to say to you.
Please leave before I call the police.
But we're the police.
-Let her go.
-It won't take long--
Come on.
Darn it.
You were a cop once.
You said a true cop
is someone who protects both civilians
and criminals within the law.
Then shouldn't the victims
get their justice?
You shouldn't have hurt others!
Darn it.
I used to be like that once.
Fine. You're incredible.
What an amazing cop you are.
I'll hand him over to you.
I was going to anyway.
I'm not doing this
because of what she said.
Darn it.
So she got to you.
She didn't.
Don't be shy.
It's not true!
So what's our next move?
All right. Who's our bait?
-Shin Gyeong-ho.
It's Jung Cheong-gi.
Didn't we fail to intimidate him before?
We did.
No matter what we did,
he just wouldn't give in.
Where am I? Tell me.
Where am I?
Hey! Is anyone there?
What's that sound?
What is that?
You hear that, don't you?
You better come clean before you die.
Who told you to fabricate the evidence
for Choi Yeong-seop's case?
Who ordered you to pin it on us?
Darn it.
Do you think this will make me talk?
Hurry up and tell us, or we'll all die.
Tell us!
-Hurry up!
-We're all going to die!
Tell us!
-The train is coming!
-Did he talk?
-Keep going.
Darn it.
Hey. Nam Han-jun.
Kong Su-cheol.
You can't kill me.
You're cops to the bone, so how could you?
Why do you think
he was able to hold out like that?
-Because we were too gentle.
He believes that we can't kill him.
That's true.
We're going to use him as the bait
to lure Shin Gyeong-ho.
What nonsense is that?
Su-cheol is the only one
who's lost, right?
Come on.
Don't expect too much of us.
You used to be so bright.
What happened to you?
She takes after you.
Listen up.
If word got out
that Jung Cheong-gi will hand over
the evidence to Lee Min-gyeong,
-what will Shin Gyeong-ho do?
-He'll probably kill him.
Exactly. He will try to kill him.
That's when we'll save
Jung Cheong-gi and strike a deal.
"Come clean and we'll save you."
Even Jung Cheong-gi
will be afraid of that lunatic.
-That makes sense.
-I agree.
Operation Kill Two Birds with One Stone.
Right. Operation Kill One Bird
with Two Stones.
Isn't this it?
It is.
You tell Jung Cheong-gi
that Lee Min-gyeong wants to see him.
And you let Shin Gyeong-ho's secretary
get wind of this.
-Got it.
-Hey, clean this up.
-We're saving it for tomorrow.
They're going to eat this again?
Let me.
All right.
-Let's get a move on.
Where are they going at this hour?
Their security
is not as tight as I thought.
Is this an actual house or a show house?
It's squeaky clean.
It reeks.
Why is this room so different?
That's disgusting.
What are you scheming, Nam Han-jun?
What a wonderful night.
Why are they back already?
-Darn it.
-Wipe that smirk off your face.
Stop it.
I should take care of my skin.
What was that?
Is it you, Looney?
Come out.
-Excuse me.
-You startled me.
What is this?
Well, how should I put it?
Who is he? Your little brother?
He's adorable.
No, she's not a boy.
She wants to become a cop.
Let's go.
-What's wrong? Why are you sad?
-It's nothing.
Something's up. What is it?
I'm just hungry.
-You're hungry?
Something's definitely wrong.
Tell me.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
Why did you fabricate the evidence?
Was it really you who helped
Choi Yeong-seop get away?
If you're just going to believe
what you want, quit being a detective.
You'll end up ruining people's lives.
Tell them we'll give them
whatever they want.
I have a copy!
The whole world will know
that he's a murderer.
Just what are you up to, Nam Han-jun?
The gates will soon open before you.
The gates of hell.
What does this have to do with my brother?
Who are you to assume that I'm the culprit
and tell me to beg for forgiveness?
I'm going to prove
that Nam Han-jun was wrong.
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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