Call It Love (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Hey, Dongjin!
Are you really going to do this to me?
What has gotten into you?
All right.
CEO Han,
can I at least park the car myself?
Please? My baby is really shy,
so you can't just park her anywhere…
Hey! Did you drive my baby on a dirt road?
Hey, there are so many scratches!
Han Dongjin!
Stop calling my name.
I'd rather take a pay cut!
I wouldn't sell my baby over my dead body!
Okay then. You'll get a smaller paycheck,
starting this month.
You cruel brat!
you're living comfortably.
You have a lot of experience.
And your age is up there.
I thought there wasn't an age restriction.
That is true, but…
I'm a fast learner.
Just one week.
No, two days is all you need
to find out whether I'm worth it or not.
If I don't earn my keep,
go ahead and fire me right away.
I really
want to work here.
Come in.
Mr. Han, this is our new
part-time office assistant.
She'll be starting tomorrow.
Looking forward to working with you.
Me too.
I also look forward to working with you.
Do you know her?
Oh, so you do know her.
I mean, she's really not hiding that well.
It's apartment 2701.
If you're looking for my place,
it's apartment 2701.
When did you figure it out?
Before I went inside
the convenience store.
Why did you follow me?
Ms. Sim Woojoo.
Okay, fine. I'll tell you.
A woman secretly follows a man home.
Why would she do that?
I have a lot of interest in you.
Quite a lot.
-It may sound like a romantic confession…
-I didn't take it like that.
The look on your face.
There was no romance.
You looked like you wanted to fight.
If you want to talk, let's talk tomorrow.
Aren't you leaving?
Yes, I'm going to.
But I like to finish things on the spot.
Anyway, sorry about stalking you.
But are you normally this petty?
You knew all along
but wanted to see how far I'd go.
Pretending not to know, to let it go.
Then coming at me when I had no way out.
That's really petty, you know.
Why did you even pretend?
When you were never going to let it slide.
I let it slide for you.
I pretended not to know.
What, are you mad at me?
Well, I'm sorry.
When I panic, I tend to get aggressive,
so I was out of line.
So are you renting your place?
Or do you own it?
I'm looking to move and wanted to know
what the market is like these days.
Ms. Sim Woojoo.
No one at work asks me
any personal questions.
I didn't know that. But why?
Because I don't ask those questions.
Whatever interest you have in me,
or what you meant to do
by finding out where I live,
I don't care about those things.
So I don't want you
asking me questions, either.
So you're telling me to shut up.
I thought you were soft, but it looks like
you have at least some nerve.
And you have a lot of secrets as well.
You don't have to give me that look.
I'm leaving.
Be sure to lock your doors
before you sleep.
Thieves come when you least expect them.
Who is it?
Ms. Sim Woojoo?
-Do you have some rice?
I'm not trying to be stingy
with my ramyeon and rice.
But this is your third serving,
in like three minutes.
Are you preparing for some competition?
Your stomach is going to explode
if you eat that much.
Well, this brings me back.
The day you decided not
to apply for college,
you ate five portions of tteokbokki
with all the fritters, sundae,
and kimmari that morning.
-Thank you for the food.
-My pleasure, see you.
Ma'am, two more portions
of tteokbokki here, please.
Why did you bring your bow?
Are you getting back into archery?
Well, explain yourself, then.
Why are you suddenly giving up on college?
I've been playing sports my entire life.
What's the point of going to college?
I'll just get a job.
Then why did you study so hard?
Well, I just thought I'd try.
Since it's my senior year and all.
Just call your dad.
If you tell him about your mom being sick…
Hey! Yoon Jun!
I know it's because of money.
He wouldn't want you
to stop at high school…
My dad fell for another woman
and took all the money and left.
So I don't really have a dad.
I'll take care of my mom.
-I'm sorry.
-If you are,
get me more sundae.
One more order of sundae,
and shaved ice, please.
I'm giving you a really good deal.
You know that, right?
Just give me your bow.
I have to go.
Hey, the shaved ice is melting…
Are you crying?
That tteokbokki was way too spicy.
It's too spicy.
I'm crying because my tongue is burning.
I just want you to know that.
I'm going home.
Okay, take care.
I'm sure there was ice cream here…
I ate that.
You startled me.
What are you doing here?
You weren't in your room?
Does this place give off good energy?
I just had a very nice dream.
Go sleep in your room.
You should be more careful.
In my dream, they announced that
they were going to develop a new sensor.
When any married men,
men with girlfriends,
or men who've cheated
in the past approach you,
this sensor will activate
and turn them into black and white.
The men I should avoid
will automatically become colorless.
At last, a new age
of peaceful romance will begin.
Wouldn't that be awesome?
When that happens,
I can finally date to my heart's content.
About that house over there.
It looks like someone did move in,
but no one's been seen in it.
Maybe it's not a person
but some wretched ghost that moved in.
What's that?
You know something, don't you?
Goodness, I only feel sorry
for the three siblings who got kicked out.
I loved seeing those kids
making an honest living.
-So who moved in that house now?
-I don't know.
Heeja, I heard you moved.
Aren't you throwing a housewarming party?
I moved from the south
to the north of the river.
What is there to throw a party for?
What are you talking about?
Your move is the talk of the town
among our former classmates.
What are they saying?
The house you moved into
is soon going to be redeveloped.
Isn't that why you moved there?
As always, it's always the news of someone
getting rich that travels the fastest.
Okay. I'll pick up the check for today.
But, where did you get the money
to buy that house?
I heard at the funeral
that you invested all the money
you made from selling the house
into your son's company.
Or did you take money from your son?
Hey! Yang Chunja!
Why are you so nosy
about other people's affairs?
Try hiking instead of wasting your energy
and time on things like that.
Also, do you think
I'm some kind of thug? A gangster?
Take whose money?
I'm sick and tired of people saying
I took something from someone.
Smart housewife shoppers,
zucchinis are two for 1,000 won.
Oh, that's a good deal.
Smart housewife shoppers,
cucumbers are two for 1,000 won.
Yes, it is a good deal.
Smart housewife shoppers,
napa cabbage is 1,400 won today only.
Smart housewife shoppers, small radishes
are 3,000 won if you get them now.
-I'm just a smart shopper.
I'm not a smart housewife shopper.
I'm just a smart shopper.
Not all women
getting groceries are housewives.
I apologize.
Do you live near here?
What, do you think
I would have stalked you
to a grocery store
this early in the morning?
I moved here recently
because I got kicked out of my house.
I've lived there for 20 years,
and I got kicked out of there in two days.
Isn't that messed up?
You don't seem interested.
Don't care about other people's business?
Aren't you curious about the backstory?
If you ask now, I'll tell you everything.
Along with how I plan
on getting the house back.
I'm not interested
in other people's misery.
That will be 39,800 won.
That's what I thought.
I knew you wouldn't be interested.
Go ahead.
You and I are headed
in different directions.
What are you doing over there?
I was looking for cups to wash.
I told you. There's no need
to go into the CEO's office.
And Woojoo.
Don't come to work so early.
You only have to work
for the hours you're paid.
Showing up at seven is a little much.
Please don't take it the wrong way.
Did you hear?
The guy who screwed our company over
regarding the Singapore exhibition.
It was CEO Shin.
Yuri, did you just find that out?
We already knew.
Who else would try to screw over Mr. Han
in this field if not CEO Shin?
But why is he so hell-bent
on trying to ruin our kindhearted Mr. Han?
Is it really because all the old employees
left CEO Shin and moved here en masse?
That's what I thought, but
it turns out there are other rumors too.
There's a rumor
he took all the key business documents
-from Shin's company when he left.
-Wasn't it because of money?
I heard that our two co-CEOs
embezzled that company's money.
What's Mr. Han's true nature?
Seriously, I'm getting goosebumps.
I'll wash mine, don't worry.
Set it down. I'll do it.
-Or not.
I'm just surprised. Anyway, thank you.
By the way…
Who is CEO Shin? What company is he from?
Shinwoo Fair.
Why do you ask?
They say knowledge is power.
So I just wanted to know.
Yes, sir.
You know that our fair
will coincide with the season
when new outdoor products
are released, right?
So I think it'd be great if they can be
displayed along with camping gear.
Yes, sir. And I can just send you
the brochure to your email address, right?
Yes, sir. Okay. Thank you.
Gosh. You startled me.
What is it?
Last week's receipts. They're all missing.
Uh, that…
I'll give them to you in the afternoon.
Hey, why aren't you here?
-I knew you'd say this.
Where else? It's your reunion
for the Freshmen Class of '08.
-But you're the Freshmen Class of '05.
Why do you think I came all this way
to see my junior classmates?
Listen, everyone from your class thinks
our company's gone bankrupt.
They even took bets on
whether you'll show up tonight or not.
Just come quickly. And grab my baby
from the basement and show up in that.
Put on a nice shirt too.
Let's show them we're still in business
and doing well too.
They won't believe us
if they've already made up their minds.
Don't just sit there all awkwardly
and get out of there.
No, you should stop looking at videos
of people camping like some pervert.
I'll send the address
to your phone. Hurry up and come.
-Classmates stick together!
…I wouldn't know.
-Yes, just call me anytime.
We drank a lot, no?
Oh, seriously.
Think about it, what would happen?
-That was a lot for today as well…
What's the biggest socialite
of our school doing here?
Why are you sitting there in the corner?
I don't want to be a senior who ruins
my junior class's get-together.
Well, that is kind of true.
Man, when you walked in here earlier,
I thought you were some celebrity.
You did?
Well, I tried to look nice today.
No, not that.
Why are you here with us? It's so random.
I think he's drunk…
Sunwoo, please try to understand.
He just recently got dumped
by the girl he was going to marry,
so he's kind of lost it.
Hey, how many times
did I tell you? I wasn't dumped.
Why is that even important?
What's important is that
you're now single.
-So, Sunwoo.
Why did Dongjin and Minyoung break up?
Come on, there he goes again.
What? Am I the only one who's curious?
Am I the only scumbag here?
Hey, Changsoo. You said so yourself!
That they broke up because Minyoung's
wealthy family disapproved of them dating.
Well, no. That was just my theory.
Hey, make sure you eat something too.
Drinking beer on an empty stomach
will knock you out.
Come on, you don't know either, right?
That's why you can't say anything.
What do you mean I don't know?
I'm the one who hooked them up.
Okay, so tell us then.
Why did they break up?
Why are you so curious about it?
Ask me.
Dude, you're still just as nosy
about people's love affairs as before.
Hey, man.
Dongjin. It's been a long time.
Hey, where's the wedding invitation?
It's been called off.
Minyoung went to the States
to study some more.
I see.
That's why you broke up?
long-distance relationships are hard.
And you can always find someone else.
How's your kid?
Has she had her first birthday yet?
Yes. She's three now.
Do you want to see a picture?
-Ta-da. Isn't she pretty?
-Yes, she is.
Let's feast!
-Let's feast!
-And die!
Drink up!
Drink up!
You're still so cool.
-Hey, how are you doing these days?
-I'm doing well.
-You are?
-How did you come here?
-You've gotten even prettier.
Are you leaving already?
Yes, I have a lot of work to do tomorrow.
Your daughter looks cute.
She must take after her mom.
It's been like five years
since I heard you crack a joke.
-I wasn't joking.
Go on before they come outside.
You might have to stay if they catch you.
See you around, I'll call you.
Hey, Dongjin.
I recently ran into Minyoung.
She came back
to Korea for good, apparently.
It was kind of odd that she asked me
not to tell anyone, not even Sunwoo.
Did something happen between you two?
I think we should stop seeing each other.
I'm really sorry,
but that's how things are.
You mean next week?
Yeah, next week sounds good.
Oh, stop that.
I don't think I can go camping
with you next week. Something came up.
Are you listening?
Don't go all alone again.
Take Sunwoo with you.
Packing and unpacking,
why do you
go through this hassle every week?
You said you liked it.
You liked it before too.
I liked it then.
He's gone now.
Door unlocked.
What? Why is it you today?
I'm the morning angel. My wings
were too big, so I left them at home.
You should have left something else home
instead of your wings.
Why, do I still have
some beauty left on me?
-Your eye gunk.
-Uh, sorry.
It's really wedged in there.
Where is it?
Let me.
Listen here.
No matter how close we are,
we should at least wash our faces
before seeing each other.
You know that, right?
What? Why is that?
Because we're not family. We're not
actually family but acquaintances.
Even if we've known
each other for over ten years,
let's have some basic manners.
I guess I should have
at least brushed my teeth.
-Thank you for the food.
Ugh, it's so salty.
Did you make this?
It was you.
There's something
you may not know about me.
I can't even make ramyeon properly.
-No, come on.
-It's sad but true.
Then where's the girl
who made this salt soup?
I don't know.
She was gone by the time I woke up.
By the way,
isn't Woojoo acting a bit strange lately?
As much as you?
That's not good. We need to have
at least one normal person in our family.
Tell me. What about her
seems strange exactly?
She went out wearing mismatching shoes.
That's it?
You don't remember, do you?
Sim Woojoo was wearing
mismatching shoes that day, too.
That day? What day?
You're right.
It was mismatched that day.
I'm not entirely sure,
but she's either out of it
or has gone crazy just like that day.
It has to be one or the other.
Let's hurry up and go.
All the participating companies
received an email
that includes all the information
like prices and contract terms.
Explain to them
that different prices were set
according to different booth locations.
But it seems that
personal memos taken by the sales team
have also been shared.
The mass email was sent from
Assistant Manager Kang's email address.
And he says he didn't send it out.
Sir, I really don't know
anything about this.
I think someone did this
with malicious intent…
Send the laptop
to a forensics company,
and Mr. Kang, go wait
in the conference room.
People in business usually
take notes like these.
Because if you say one wrong thing…
…it could let them try
to slash prices with that.
How did you know about Director Kim?
Well, I happened to overhear
you two talking about it.
I didn't know it was empty.
I didn't say anything.
Sir, did Mr. Kang really do that?
If you're not certain,
you should look into it more.
What I'm saying is that
the real spy might be someone else.
Why isn't anyone saying anything?
Let's grill Assistant Manager Kang
and find out who's behind this!
What if there's no one behind it?
Then do you think
he did all this by himself?
I mean, for what reason?
Gosh, seriously.
I bet my finger that it's 100% CEO Shin.
Who else is there other than him
who wants our company to go down?
I can't just let this one go.
Let's report Kang to the police
and take legal action.
The forensics company took the laptop,
so let's wait until the results--
Why are we looking into his laptop
when we should be looking
into his bank account?
Gosh, CEO Choi!
What's Mr. Kang saying?
Nothing, obviously.
But can I just say one thing?
No matter how hard I try and picture it,
I just can't see him
doing something like that.
He puts every penny into
his housing subscription savings account
that he's never even
bought a scratch ticket.
He's not cunning enough
to do something so bad.
He has worked under me
for two years already,
and I can vouch for him.
I'm sure it's not him.
You don't know that.
If it was him,
will you take responsibility?
Yes, I'll take full responsibility
and resign.
I've been on the sales team
for over 13 years.
If I'm that bad at judging character,
I should quit this job.
Let's wrap it up.
Wait. Wrap what up?
If we acknowledge our mistake
and offer a 5% discount
to all the booths, they'll quiet down.
Also, Mr. Cha.
Yes, sir.
It's only two years.
When finding out whether
someone would betray you or not,
two years isn't a long time.
It's not that long.
Mr. Kang! Please just talk
to her alone during lunch.
Ms. Kim, don't try to stop me.
Listen. We need to talk.
One moment, please.
I said we need to talk.
Come with me.
Go ahead.
What did you do last night?
Why should I tell you that?
Then let me be more specific.
Why were you in the office when that email
was sent out from my laptop?
Ms. Kim here saw you last night.
I think I drank a little too much.
I should have gone home,
but instead, I came back to the office…
What? Woojoo?
It's Woojoo.
How much did they pay you for this?
You're certain I was paid?
How much? From whom?
Ms. Kim.
Did you see me send out
that email from Mr. Kang's desk?
You didn't even go to college.
You're the only one that wouldn't matter
if you got caught
after doing something like this!
What brilliant university did you go to
that you accuse me like this
with no evidence?
Even if you've attended
the most elite university,
you're the fool here. Got it?
You know my laptop password.
You saw me type it in!
Yes, sir. Okay. Thank you.
Gosh. You startled me.
Where do you think you're going?
Go tell them that you're the spy.
It's not me. You've got the wrong person!
Then explain yourself.
Why were you at the office last night?
Who came into where?
Mr. Kang, Ms. Kim. Come into my office.
Shouldn't we first hear
the part-timer's story too?
For what?
Ms. Baek.
Everyone, get back to work.
Planning Team,
gather in the conference room.
Please take these
on time, every day this week.
-Have a nice day.
Excuse me, but do you have a girlfriend
by any chance?
Oh, and drink plenty of water.
That will help
with your bladder infection.
You don't have one?
Babe, what took you so long?
I missed you so much.
Me too.
Nice timing.
Hey, what do you want for lunch?
I'm getting soupy naengmyeon.
Are you getting spicy naengmyeon?
Before that, get me a cheongsimhwan.
Woojoo, you're a real nutjob.
A master-class nutjob.
I know that. You always remind me
just when I'm about to forget.
Was it your plan all along
to move into my house without a fuss?
Was it?
Am I an accessory in your revenge plot?
Your house just happened to be
in the same neighborhood as his place.
That's the same thing!
I just went to see him at his office
to ask him to give us back the house,
but he was driving a nice car.
Hey, Han Dongjin! Dongjin!
And he was living in
the nicest apartment in the neighborhood.
He was doing just fine, living large.
I'm not interested
in other people's misery.
So that's when I decided.
To get revenge.
No more, no less.
Just give as much pain as I received.
So I found out his address
so I could just take his apartment
if things went south.
Hey, Woojoo.
-I'm actually scared of you now.
I haven't done anything
other than just that.
I'm not a spy.
I just copied some files.
In case they would come in handy later.
Door unlocked.
The part-timer is the only one in
our office, who knows my laptop password.
She even asked me
what company CEO Shin was running.
It's a sure thing then. The part-timer
and CEO Shin were in on this together.
The deed of our house got
transferred to a total stranger overnight.
I've lived there for 20 years,
and I got kicked out of there in 2 days.
Isn't that messed up?
I also look forward to working with you.
Go ahead.
You and I are headed
in different directions.
Ms. Sim Woojoo.
Come with me.
Where are we going?
You have to at least ask me, yell at me,
or say something for me to respond.
This is so frustrating.
Or did you already make up your mind?
High school graduate and part-timer
Sim Woojoo is the spy?
I didn't say anything yet.
You don't have to say it with words.
You're saying it
with your attitude right now.
What are you doing?
I'm the one who should be asking that.
I have no idea where this is.
If you don't want to explain,
then forget it. I'm not moving an inch.
Ms. Sim Woojoo.
Do you really not know where this is?
Judging by your look,
I should know where this is.
You know CEO Shin Sungman
of Shinwoo Fair, right?
I've heard of him.
That he's out to ruin your business.
No way…
Is this where that CEO Shin is?
You want to have a face-to-face meeting?
Is that why you brought me here?
-Did you do it?
-Why are you asking me that now?
You should have asked
before getting in the car.
If I said I didn't,
would you even believe me?
So explain to me.
Why you followed me to my place,
and what you were doing
at the office at that time.
It is you.
You'd like me to admit it, wouldn't you?
It'd be less painful to be betrayed
by the part-timer
who's worked for only three months
than to be betrayed
by the people you've trusted for years.
You really are pathetic.
Watch your mouth.
Getting wimpy over things like this.
You've lived your life too comfortably.
Please clear out Ms. Sim Woojoo's desk.
She won't be coming back to work.
Ms. Sim Woojoo.
You're fired.
That's right. No need to look any further.
It's like mother, like son!
I knew all along!
I hope you get a flat tire!
-It was such a hard day at work.
-Wrap it up nicely.
Drinking makes everything better.
It's true, but I still have to
go to work tomorrow.
I told you I didn't like her
from the beginning.
I'm a really good judge of character.
What, are you still upset?
It's not that.
Not a single thing she said was wrong.
It'd be less painful to be betrayed
by the part-timer
who's worked for only three months
than to be betrayed
by the people you've trusted for years.
You really are pathetic.
It hurt because she was so right.
Excuse me.
Miss, you can't sleep here.
Miss? Excuse me?
Hey, Miss.
You should say hello
when you see someone.
You have no manners.
Are you drunk?
I'm saying this because I'm drunk,
but listen carefully
because I won't say it again.
am not the spy.
I can't say I've lived
the most righteous and pristine life,
but I'm not so easy
that you can manipulate me
into doing something like that for money.
I wasn't going to tell you all of this,
but you really don't have any clue.
That's why you won't be successful.
It's pretty obvious.
Don't say hi even when you
happen to see me around.
Break a leg.
Woojoo, you do know I'm preparing
for the public service exam, right?
I'll bake you some fish tomorrow morning.
All right. Then this public student
will go back to studying.
Good luck.
You can't just drop
a bombshell like that about revenge,
and then turn off your phone.
I drank a lot
so I could be bedridden for two days,
but I'm just so sober it's frustrating.
Don't change the topic.
It's over.
I got fired.
They told me not to come back.
Damn the stupid revenge.
It's all over.
You're okay, right?
What are you thinking right now?
Perhaps nothing ever works out
for someone as unlucky as me.
Was it that I was unlucky?
Or was that guy just incredibly lucky?
I wish it was the latter.
Then I think it would feel less unfair.
I can't say I've lived
the most righteous and pristine life,
but I'm not so easy
that you can manipulate me
into doing something like that for money.
It's right here.
It was 11:17 p.m., 271Y 5289.
271Y 5289
271Y 5289
I'm sure it's not him.
I'll take full responsibility and resign.
If I'm that bad at judging character,
I should quit this job.
Instead of dividing up the hall by items,
I'm thinking it'd be good to display them
in different camping themes to make us
stand out from typical trade exhibitions.
-And this is a B2C-centric fair,
so I'll set up the booths to minimize
the amount of movement of the visitors.
Mr. Han?
About the contract
with Director Kim Juho at Jet Camping…
Ms. Baek, let me contact him again.
Forget it.
Are you doing it yourself?
Ms. Baek. You have Ms. Sim's resume,
-Yes, sir.
-Please get it for me.
Where are you going?
This is Han Dongjin.
Let's meet up.
"Honestly, I didn't have any idea
what this company did."
"I saw the word 'exhibition' and thought
it was a company founded
by Kim Dongryul and Lee Juk,
but it turns out it was a company
that organizes trade fairs."
"I was excited to meet some celebrities,
but I was quickly disappointed."
I grew up in a house with a front yard
where magnolias bloom in the spring
and a ginkgo tree
that turns yellow in the fall.
I'm late, I'll be off!
-You forgot your gym clothes.
-Right, I forgot. Okay, bye.
Come here real quick, Woojoo.
-Oh, don't do that.
-Have a good day.
All right.
I think I lived what you might
call a happy life until I was 17.
You see, I always wore
freshly ironed clothes until then.
It meant I could afford to care
whether my clothes had wrinkles or not.
Of course, once I learned
that stiffly pressed clothes
are not very comfortable while working,
I stopped doing such unnecessary things.
That's because
I greatly value efficiency while working.
My one drawback is that
I can sound very mean from time to time.
That only happens in two scenarios,
when I either really care about the person
or really hate the person.
I'll be careful not to offend anyone,
but whoever's reading this should
be careful so we can avoid the latter.
It was Sales Team Leader Cha Youngmin.
He was the real spy.
I'm sorry for speaking rudely that day.
Is that all?
Why did you bring me out here
this late at night?
You could have just called.
I'd like you to come back to work.
I need you, Ms. Sim.
You're going to regret it.
I read your cover letter.
I know I'd look crazy
laughing on a day like this.
But I laughed, thanks to you.
I didn't write that so you could laugh.
Why did I laugh?
Stop smiling.
That little… Hey! Han Dongjin!
Damn bastard, how could you?
You bastard…
Hey, how could you do that to me?
If you pick me for the position,
I'm sure you'll come
to regret it some days.
I'll do my best to make sure
that doesn't happen often.
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