Call of the Night (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Teka Rain yatteru?

Ko Yamori
It's another great night out!
That's not quite right, boy.
Huh? It's not?
It's true I think of sucking blood like eating,
but it's also a way to make offspring.
Under certain conditions,
drinking a person's blood can turn them into a vampire,
and that's how we vampires produce more offspring.
Which means
Sucking blood is like eating and
copulating at the same time!
Why do you always say copulating?
Huh? You don't know?
Copulating means to unite the stamen and the pistil
I know that!
That's not what I mean!
Come on, have you forgotten your objective?
Why are you here, anyway?
Well, not that I care either way.
Of course I remember.
It's what I want to be someday.
I want to be a vampire.
That's why I'm here.
Got it, got it!
That's why
I said I got it!
That's why
I need to fall in love with you, Nazuna Nanakusa!
I got it, jeez!
So what's your request, then?
When I said I wanted to be a vampire,
you were about to say something.
Your blood
I just want another taste.
Okay, sure.
Want some now?
Why would you show me that?!
You perv! You slutty perv!
Man, you took me by surprise
Cover that up, quick.
You're such a kinky kid, you know that?
What the heck are you talking about?
Plus your reaction's sketchy.
Seriously, you can't look all,
"Drink my blood now [heart]" like that.
That's way too lewd.
Besides, you gotta think about timing.
When a person falls in love with a vampire
and has that vampire drink their blood,
only then will they turn into a vampire.
In other words, if the person thinks
nothing of the vampire,
they'll stay human no matter how much blood they give.
That's why I have to fall in love with her.
This is the story of my quest to fall in love
with a vampire.
Hey, did you know?
Your blood tastes super good.
Where is Nanakusa-san?
I can't find her anywhere.
It's not like we have a set time or place.
Somehow, things look kind of pretty.
Let's hit 'nother one! 'nother one!
Nah, we shouldn't.
I wanna drink!
Are you listening to me? Jeez!
I wanna!
I'll go back near my place
and look for Nanakusa-san.
But even if she sucks my blood now,
it's not like I'll get to be a vampire.
Then I guess I don't absolutely
have to see her every night.
"Yo"? Give me a break!
I looked all over for you!
Where were you?
Oh yeah, sorry 'bout that.
I was wandering around looking for
some rando to suck blood from.
You slutty she-devil.
S-slutty she-devil?!
You're awful.
What about me, huh?
What do you mean, "slutty she-devil"?!
You think you're so clever with words!
What's the big deal if I suck someone else's blood?
You eat both rice and bread, don't you boy?
Same difference, right?
Like a meal?
Yeah, just a meal!
But you said it was copulation too!
You copulate with just anyone then?
I mean, that's what a vampire does!
We copulate with anyone!
Wow, sassy.
What's that?!
Wow, sassy.
Anyway, I looked all over for you.
I went all the way to the station!
But we found each other, right?
I don't want to have to search this hard every time!
let's exchange each other's contact info.
Contact info?
There's this line I've always wanted to say,
but can I say it now?
G-go ahead
Do you do LINE?
I don't.
I don't either!
Then why did you ask?!
Anyway, let's just exchange numbers.
Well, I don't even have a cell phone.
What?! You can live without a cell phone
in this day and age?!
Sometimes you sound like a proper youngster, huh?
Then what should we do?
You don't want a cell phone?
I mean, I don't need one.
Wait, though
I think a long time ago
Hey! Let's go back to my place!
Hmm, now where did I put it?
I think it's somewhere around here
Oh! Here it is!
A cellular phone!
What the heck is that?
Like I said, a cellular phone.
What? It's huge.
But bigger's cooler, right?
Well, if you're okay with it, that's fine.
Then carry that around with you, okay?
I'll call when I leave the house.
No way I'm carrying around that huge thing.
What the heck is wrong with you?!
I bought it ages ago 'cuz I thought I might need it,
but it's unwieldy and heavy,
and in no time at all they came out with smaller ones
and I couldn't be bothered anymore.
That's why I don't need a cell phone.
Now, then!
Why are you acting like its time to sleep?
I was flying around looking for people
so I'm all tired out!
Hey, what are you waiting for?
Come join me already.
I really dunno.
I mean, I'm not in love yet or anything
Besides, anyone would be flustered in this situation.
Isn't it normal that I don't want her
doing this with other people?
Hey, you
Can I suck your blood soon?
Huh?! Why?!
You promised you'd let me!
I thought you wanted to become a vampire!
Even if you suck my blood now,
I won't become a vampire yet.
If you want to that much,
why don't you go find someone else today?
You said you could find one.
What am I saying?
Listen, Ko Yamori
I was looking for you.
I was just embarrassed to say so.
I'm sorry, okay?
Besides, it'd be tough finding someone
with blood as tasty as yours.
I realized I felt relieved.
Not because my blood is tasty,
but because we both felt the same way.
The reason didn't matter too much.
I just wanted to see her.
2nd Night: Do You Do LINE?
Once again, I can't find her.
"Yo"? Give me a break, jeez!
I looked all over for you again!
Sorry, sorry.
I was looking for you too, so cut me a break!
Which is why I bought this thing today!
What's that, a watch?
Actually, this here is a wristwatch transceiver!
Super cool!
Isn't it?!
She's more excited than I thought.
So we're gonna play with them, right?!
They're for getting in touch.
As long as we use them for that,
we can also play with them, right?!
Y-you want to play with them that much?!
I mean sure, but
Why else would you buy transceivers?!
I not sure about that comment
But true, when I was a kid I bought some
so I could play with them.
You have friends?
You can't play with transceivers
if you don't have friends.
That's insulting.
I'm not some idiot who can't find ways to play
just because I don't have any friends!
I see; sorry.
Here's what happened.
I think it was when I was nine.
"These are totally gonna be fun, and cool!"
Before I knew it, I was in the checkout line.
I racked my brains.
How should I play with them?
How could I get the most out of them?
Shouldn't you have started by making a friend?
Shut up, you.
And then I thought of it.
I would hide one of them.
I would hide one of the transceivers somewhere
just hard enough to find easily.
I thought it might be interesting to
communicate with whoever found it.
But I didn't get a call signal even after a while,
so I went to take a look.
Someone found it.
That means if I call it someone will-
I don't have a clear memory of
why I made that decision,
but I didn't make the call.
I decided to wait.
S-so bleak
That's such a sad little game
Good story, right?
But I found it interesting, anyway.
So yeah
this is the sad little transceiver from back then.
Why are you wearing that?!
I thought it might be funny.
Anyway, let's do a test run for play.
"Foreplay"? What a dirty boy.
It's not dirty!
If this is a test run,
I bet the real thing is gonna be really stimulating!
Why do you talk about stuff like that?!
You're such a perv!
Shall we begin?
The test run?
I'm alone.
But it's somehow different from when
I'm alone looking for her with no leads.
It's not like I ever thought being alone was sad, though.
Sometimes it's even lonelier
when you're around people.
I wonder how everyone else
deals with these emotions?
But right now, me being alone isn't
about wanting to be alone.
There's a point to it.
I guess I'll try calling the other one.
I think the communication range was 150 meters.
I've never pressed the call button on one of these.
I don't use my cell phone at all, either.
I haven't talked to someone over a distance
in a long while, actually.
I'm nervous for some reason.
Whatever, here goes nothing!
That's loud!
I've never said "Here goes nothing" in my life.
I got a response.
That means she's within 150 meters.
Yoohoo! Over.
Oh, uhh
G-good evening! Over.
What do you mean, "good evening"? Over.
Well, we gotta greet each other first, right? Over.
That's true.
Top of the evening to you.
"Top of the evening"?
Enemy sighted up ahead.
Should I kill them all? Over.
Not yet.
Watch what they do for a bit. Over.
Roger that.
I-I'll keep following them! Over.
You made me do it! Jeez!
It's pretty fun playing with transceivers, huh?
I'm glad I bought them.
Oh yeah?
It's like
we're a couple who just started going out.
Don't say embarrassing things like that!
This really is fun.
I hope I fall in love soon.
You talk to yourself too loudly, idiot.
Well, I bet today's blood is gonna be especially tasty.
I've never been to school at night before.
Well, I haven't been during the day lately either,
and I'm a little nervous,
but the knowledge that no one's here
is really reassuring.
The night drastically changes the
way one perceives things.
Even the school you hate
doesn't seem so bad, does it?
You're right.
Aww, man!
It's really so tasty!
Somehow that felt dirty.
At school, too!
Talk about indecent behavior!
Come to think of it,
Nanakusa-san likes lewd jokes,
but gets awfully embarrassed
talking about love and romance.
If she's a vampire and doesn't want to make offspring,
I guess that means she's never
gotten intimate with a human being.
What's the matter, boy?
Can I call you that?
From now on?
So we can get a bit closer?
And when I call you on the transceiver
You're full-on embarrassed.
Hey, Nazuna-chan.
That's "-san" to you!
Add the "-san!"
I thought we could start by being friends.
You don't even have any friends!
Come to think of it
I wonder what happened to
this sad little transceiver's pair?
I wonder if someone still has it?
Yeah, right.
It's this one! Why-
What are you doing?
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