Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons (1967) s01e02 Episode Script

Winged Assassin

(footsteps clicking)
- [Narrator] The Mysterons,
sworn enemies of Earth.
Possessing the ability to
recreate an exact likeness
or object or person.
But first, they must destroy.
(bottles clattering)
(cat screeching)
(lights popping)
(guns firing)
(one shoot)
(man moans)
(dramatic music)
Leading the fight one man,
fate has made indestructible.
His name, Captain Scarlet.
(solemn music)
(wind whistling)
(suspenseful music)
(dramatic music)
(gun fires)
(dramatic music)
- [Mysteron] This is the
voice of the Mysterons.
We know that you
can hear us, Earthmen.
You will pay for your
unprovoked attack
on our complex on Mars.
We will be avenged.
We will assassinate the
director general
of the United Asian Republic.
(dramatic music)
- This is Colonel White,
to all members of Spectrum,
the Mysteron have
announced that they intend
to assassinate the
director general
of the United Asian Republic.
They have already made one
unsuccessful attempt on his life.
And you can be certain
they will try again.
The director general is
the elected leader
of 200 million people.
And I don't have to spell
out the consequences
if he is killed.
This must not be
allowed to happen.
The director general
is scheduled
to leave London
International Airport
at 1500 hours,
international time, today.
Every precaution must and
will be taken.
His safety will be
in your hands.
Captain Blue, you will
leave as soon as possible.
- Right, sir.
- Will Captain Scarlet be
going with you?
- Captain Scarlet,
should hardly think so.
(computer whining)
(dramatic music)
- Well, Doctor?
- Just one or two
questions, Captain Scarlet,
and my tests are complete.
- Right, Doctor.
- I want you to cast
your mind back
to just before the crash.
- The crash?
- Yes, Captain.
Tell me everything you remember.
- Well, let's see.
We were on our way
to escort the world
president to New York.
I was driving.
Captain Brown was with me.
I remember I wished him luck.
Well, your first big assignment,
I wish you luck.
- Thanks.
Do you think the president's
life really is in danger?
- Well, judging by what happened
on the Martian expedition,
I'd say the Mysterons
have the capability
of carrying out their threat.
- If only we were fighting
something we understood,
something tangible, something
in three dimensions.
- I know what you mean.
We can only hear them
over our radios,
but've got a feeling
they're with us all the time.
(tire pops)
(tires screech)
(rocks clatter)
(explosion booms)
(fire crackles)
I remember feeling the
heat of the flames
on the back of my neck.
- [Doctor] And then?
- Then?
- Do you recall anything else?
- No, nothing.
The rest is a blank.
- I see.
Fine, thank you, Captain.
You can relax now.
- What's the verdict, Doctor?
- Well, you have been
through an experience
outside the knowledge of
medical science.
For six hours, your mind
and body were taken over
by an unknown force,
the Mysterons.
You were a robot, which they
used for their own ends,
a robot that was indestructible.
In human terms, you were
killed several times over.
- Killed?
I don't understand.
How could have been killed?
I don't even have a scar.
- Right, Captain, within hours,
your injuries healed
without a trace.
You are exactly as you
were before the episode,
with one exception.
- And that is?
- My tests have
proved conclusively
you have retained the
ability of retro-metabolism.
A bullet will make you bleed.
You will feel the pain.
But after a few hours,
even a fatal wound will
heal completely.
Captain Scarlet, you are still
virtually indestructible.
(dramatic music)
- Well, I've read your report,
and made my decision.
Captain Scarlet, the
tremendous implications
of all this may not yet
be fully understood.
And naturally, further tests
will have to be carried out.
But in the present
threatening situation,
I'm ready to take a
calculated risk.
If you agree, I'd like you
back on duty as of now.
- I'm ready, Colonel.
- Thank you, Captain.
We face a formidable task,
but I think you may well
be our greatest asset
in the fight against
the Mysterons.
Gentlemen, we have a job to do.
- Yes, sir.
I'll leave for
London right away.
(plane revs)
Lieutenant Green.
- Sir?
- Plan B is operational.
Launch all Angels.
- Yes, sir.
(engine roars)
Angels two and three,
immediate launch.
- SIG.
(dramatic music)
- Good luck.
(dramatic music)
(engine whirs)
- All scheduled
personnel proceed
to London International Airport.
Your radio link is channel 021.
The code call is
Zodiac, repeat, Zodiac.
Captain Blue will be
your field commander.
- SIG.
Switch on the display,
Lieutenant Green.
- Yes, sir.
- Within an hour, the
airport will be sealed.
But I have a feeling
somewhere planes are being made
to break that seal.
(dramatic music)
(engine hums)
- [Announcer]
Intercontinental airlines
to New York announces
the departure
of Stratojet, flight DT.19,
bound for London
International Airport.
(engine hums)
(solemn music)
- Level off.
- Leveling off, sir.
- Reduce to MEC.
- Maximum efficiency cruise.
- Have we had a flash from
the northern satellite?
- Yes, sir, slight
turbulence around PONR
but a 30-knot
tailwind all the way.
- Good, we should be in
London for lunch.
(jet hums)
- It's great to have you back
on duty, Captain Scarlet.
- It's great to be back.
Do we go straight to
the airport?
- No, we land about 30
miles from it
and drive the rest of the way.
I want to check the route the
director general will take.
(dramatic music)
- Reference 10 oblique four,
July 10th,
dear Sir, the shipment of
steel received last week
at my Peterville works
(footsteps clatter)
Can I help you?
- Captain Blue, Spectrum.
- Identification.
Thank you.
The trailer, over there.
(solemn music)
(dramatic music)
- Thank you, sir.
- Spectrum Agent 042, pursuit
vehicle 105 requisitioned
at 1300 hours, local time.
(engine revs)
- We are on route to
the airport.
We'll be there in
approximately 12 minutes.
- [Lieutenant Green] SIG.
Captain Blue.
(plane hums)
- We're 1,600 miles from London.
With this tailwind, we should
be there in 70 minutes.
We're just passing the PONR.
(engine crackling)
Trouble on the port outer, sir.
It's a flare-up.
- Shut it down.
- Number one
starboard's cutting, sir.
- Shut that down, too.
Losing power on
number-two starboard.
- What?
- Number two is cut out, sir.
- Send out a mayday to London.
- Mayday, mayday, mayday.
This is delta tango
one-niner to London Control.
This is delta tango.
Come in, London.
Come in, London Control.
The radio is dead, sir.
- We've no choice,
emergency procedure.
(switches clicking)
- We've lost all power.
- We can't have.
- Hydraulics?
- Negative.
- Electrics?
- Negative.
- Auxiliaries?
- Negative, all negative.
It's as if someone.
or something,
has disconnected
everything on the plane.
(ominous music)
(wind whistling)
(plane booms)
(solemn music)
(dramatic music)
- Wave to the crowd.
Remember, you're supposed
to be the director general.
Now once you're underway,
stop for nobody.
I'll follow in five minutes.
- SIG.
- There goes the
decoy motorcade.
The real director general
will follow in the tanker.
I hope it works.
- So do I, sir.
- Come in.
(door clacks)
- We're ready, sir,
if you'll come to the
rear entrance.
Are you ready, sir?
- Yes, Captain.
- Right, now.
(door hums)
(engine revs)
Your personal jet
will be waiting
at London International
Airport. sir.
(engines humming)
- I'm impressed by
your efficiency.
You don't leave much to chance.
- Thank you, sir.
I ought to report to
- Sure, just give the radio
operator the frequency.
- That wont be necessary.
Captain Scarlet and I
are in the control tower
at London International Airport.
Spectrum agents are concealed
in strategic positions.
The airport is sealed.
Thank you, Captain.
(computer beeping)
The decoy motorcade is
nearing the airport.
The tanker won't be far behind.
- I admire your safety
arrangements, Captain.
- Oh, thank you, sir.
- How long before we
reach the airport?
- We'll be there in
about 20 minutes.
(ominous music)
- [Pilot] Delta tango,
one-niner to London Control.
- [Control] Come in,
delta tango.
[Pilot] Request umbrella
clearance and weather report.
- London Control to delta tango,
visibility five miles,
cloud 3/10, ceiling 4,000 feet.
You are clear to join
umbrella at three.
repeat, 3,000 feet.
- [Pilot]Thank you,
London Control.
- [Lieutenant Green]
What is your position?
- We're three miles west
of the motorcade.
We'll be with you in
about 15 minutes.
(engines humming)
- Angel leader to
London Control,
the motorcade is about
to enter the airport.
They're at terminal building.
Let's hope our luck holds.
request permission to
leave umbrella.
- London Control to delta tango,
you may commence final approach,
confirm that runway 02--
- Are you all right, Captain?
(dramatic music)
What is it, Captain?
Are you sick?
- I don't know.
My, my head.
(dramatic music)
It's all right.
I'm fine.
(motor whirs)
- I appreciate all your
assistance, Captain.
- Good luck, sir.
- Thank you.
The director general is about
to board his personal jet.
- SIG, Captain Gray.
Well, everything's fine so far.
- Report from the
terminal building, sir,
there's some sort of
trouble with, um,
delta tango one-niner.
They won't open the doors.
- They won't open the doors,
(dramatic music)
- I don't believe it.
The cabin, the whole
plane's completely empty.
The crew and passengers
have vanished.
(dramatic music)
(engine hums)
It's starting to move
away from the terminal.
- What?
(concrete clatters)
It's a booby trap.
(engine hums)
Tell the premier's jet
to take off immediately.
That plane's a
Mysteron booby trap.
I've got to stop it.
- I'm coming with you.
- SG, Captain.
Destiny Angel,
the jet ahead of us is in
the hands of the Mysterons.
Attack immediately.
- SIG.
- As soon as we're in range,
I'll try for the tires.
(tires screeching)
(gun fires)
(engines humming)
(gun fires)
(engine revs)
Were in range, firing now.
(solemn music)
- What are you waiting for?
- It's, it's jammed.
- I'm gonna ram the wheels.
- That'll be suicide.
- For you, yes.
For me
See you later.
Continue aerial attack.
That's an order.
(engine hums)
(gun fires)
(tense music)
(tires screeching)
(tense music)
(dramatic music)
(concrete clatters)
(tires screeching)
(plane booms)
(fire crackling)
(siren wails)
(solemn music)
(dramatic music)
(siren wails)
- A brave man.
- Maybe he didn't die.
- What?
- In vain.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?
? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?
? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?
? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? In-des-tructible ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
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