Concordia (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

What did people say when I
decided to move to Concordia?
I think you can guess.
They thought I was insane.
- I recall "mad".
- "Bonkers".
"You must be crazy."
I thought about cameras
in the bathroom,
in the bedroom when
I'm with my boyfriend.
We're watched, but not to
spy on us, to keep us safe.
I'm a journalist.
I was covering political protest
and got thrown in prison.
I was labelled a dissident,
because someone reported me
for something I didn't say.
We know what it's like to feel fear,
to be bullied, online and offline.
To have someone
target your child.
As a journalist, you know,
words might be used against you
or fake words might
be attributed to you.
The abuse of power, it
lives in the shadows.
In Concordia, the cameras mean
there are no shadows to hide in.
The AI means that can't happen.
If there is something your
child doesn't want to tell you,
but you need to know
- you'll be told.
- The system supports us.
And we all support each other.
So call me insane.
- So call us nuts.
- Mad.
So call me crazy.
- What are you doing out here?
- I couldn't sleep.
Are you okay?
I'm glad you're back.
So, what's the feeling at HQ?
It's a first for everyone.
But they're managing?
Those I've spoken to are.
And outside the
building, in the streets?
I mean, it's different
for everyone.
It feels like the longer someone's
been here, the harder it is.
The more it feels like things
have been turned upside down.
Well, anything like this
was bound to cause a ripple.
I'd say it's more than a ripple.
People are strong. They adapt.
- Who else knows?
- That Oliver hacked into the system?
We were all in the room together:
A.J., Mathilde, Juliane, Thea.
Which means Fatemah knows.
How often do they talk?
Thea and Fatemah?
I don't know. It hasn't come
up. I assume she's checking in.
Why are you asking?
She'll be arriving tomorrow, and I think
the fewer people who know, the better.
We can't keep it from Fatemah.
No, and we shouldn't. She's
been with us since day zero.
So, she has every right
to send someone in.
But things have a tendency to
spiral if you're not careful.
So, we need to be
careful. You know?
Control who hears what when.
We're still digging, but right now
there's no evidence to indicate
that Oliver triggered
false alerts for anyone
but the women he dated.
So far.
What is that supposed to mean?
It means I find it hard to believe
this stopped with spying on four women.
That kid got lucky. Stumbled
on some bug in the system.
He got lucky four
times, at least.
Concordia was not hacked
by some 23-year-old incel.
- It's impossible.
- He did it.
You saw the same footage I did.
I'm sure he'd have bragged
about it on hacker forums.
I've got an off-site analyst
who can scan these communities,
see if he picks up
anything on Concordia.
We don't want to use
anyone from the outside
until we've exhausted
our resources.
I'm not going to tell him why.
And he's not going to ask.
It's standard in any corporate
investigation we undertake.
Still, I would hold
off for the moment.
Give us time to dig
in deeper ourselves.
Why not do both?
If we pick up any chatter,
it could give us a clue to the
exploit he used to hack the system.
It could also reveal followers
or customers, corporations,
even countries.
Thea is right.
We can't forget what a
valuable asset we have here.
We're sitting on a gold mine of data:
20 years of footage for every resident.
Protecting that data
is just as important
as the immediate well-being
of our residents.
Mathilde, check
Oliver's finances.
See if he was getting
outside payments.
It's possible he got in over
his head and tried to back out.
Maybe it was an accident.
Maybe Oliver did get lucky.
But whatever got him killed, we
need to get to the bottom of it.
Thea, bring in your guy.
Oliver had started spending a
lot of time outside of Concordia.
Leaving at night, coming
back early the next morning.
If you're asking me where
he went, I don't know.
Once Oliver got his own place, there
was no way I knew where he was,
unless he told me.
Did he ever mention anyone
he might have been visiting?
He was very private.
Other than people at work, he
never really mentioned anyone.
Did he ever talk about his life here,
about Concordia, in a disparaging way?
Why would you ask that?
We're not suggesting
that he did, Cathy.
We're just trying to understand
as much as we can about him.
Doesn't the system do that?
In town, yes, but it doesn't tell
us what he was doing once he left,
which is why we're asking you.
he was happy at work,
proud of what he did,
but I think he was hoping to move
into something more creative,
still with computers.
There was a a course
at the university.
- Azeem, you remember?
- In game design.
He asked me to write
a recommendation.
Yeah, but I didn't think
it was a good idea.
He was already spending so much time in
front of a computer at work, at home.
He said he didn't have time
for anything else, for friends,
except for the
ones he met online.
I kept saying to him that he should
go out and meet real people
but he said they were
just as real to him
as anyone he met at
work or anywhere else.
Do you know if he ever met his
online friends in real life?
Yeah, well, if he
did, he never told me.
We won't trouble you any longer.
Hey, why didn't you ask her?
- About what?
- About the women Oliver dated.
She said not to tell her anything
he wouldn't have wanted her to know.
We can't not ask her something, if
it could help find his murderer.
Oliver's right to privacy
didn't end with his death.
Any footage we see, as well as anything
we learn from it, must be protected.
And so must his mother.
If that means not
telling her something
that may change the way
she feels about her son
It's not for us to tell her.
When did this happen?
Within the last six months.
Oliver was considering a course
in game design at the university.
If he visited, he may
have been caught by CCTV.
There's nothing to see
that late at night.
It matches the distance.
But he was gone all night.
Maybe he was meeting someone.
It's a big campus.
With lots of cameras.
Exactly. We don't have the
people to cover all that.
Start with the Game
Design building.
Hallways, entrances. Okay?
Fine. I'll keep you posted.
Great. Thanks.
You found these on all
four women's phones?
Oliver must've used the system's
machine learning against it.
Taught it to report drug dealing
when it picked up that image.
I'm not seeing anything to do with
drugs here, let alone dealing them.
Why didn't Oliver's
activity trigger an alert?
Why didn't the system
catch him before this?
He wasn't messing with code.
Feeding new data into the system
for machine learning
is part of his remit.
There wouldn't have
been anything to flag.
The GIF he used, does
it mean something?
Our AI ran it against all his
online activity inside Concordia.
And found this from
six months ago.
Oh, fucking hell.
That was close. Okay.
A survivor and with one
whole kill. Impressive.
- I'm just trying to stay alive.
- Alive and not much else, Ronald.
My handle is Roald, not
Ronald. It's Norse for ruler.
- And what's Norse for one kill?
- Yours is TheHunter.
- Is there a more generic handle?
- 18 kills. I hunt. It fits.
- Bye. I'm looking for my Concordia Clan.
- Wait, wait, wait.
Did you say Concordia?
Wanna chat private?
- Yeah. Okay. So
- Your clan are all dead.
- Still, what do you want?
- I was gonna go to uni in Concordia.
- Look out.
- Shit. Fuck, fuck. One on the right.
- Are you shooting?
- One on the left.
Got them both.
Thanks for the help.
Yeah, well, I was saving
ammo for the next wave.
Yeah, sure.
So, you didn't get
into Concordia?
- That's awkward.
- Actually, I chose Gothenburg.
I wasn't into all that
meditation and kombucha bullshit.
And seems nobody in
Concordia is good at gaming.
Why exactly did we need to
chat privately about this?
I'm just kidding. Chill.
So, where's your base?
- In Spiral?
- No, your base in Concordia.
- Obviously Spiral.
- Charming.
- My base is the Ice Pass.
- What's going on in the Ice Pass?
I haven't been there in ages.
Yeah, not much is
going on there.
- I just I just mod it.
- Mod?
What, like, new
wallpaper, home decor?
Exactly, I planted flowers.
Flowers suit you, Roald.
Get down. You're
completely in the open.
Any idea how long these
two were playing Spiral?
It looks like they spend the next
four weeks together in the game.
Blowing away enemies
and levelling up.
Modern-day romance.
The AI has also flagged this
from one of their later sessions.
- He's almost dead. Push. Push. Push.
- Now! Go! Go! Get him.
- He's one shot.
- Fuck.
- Okay, I'm finishing him.
- Sick.
Nice shot.
- Fuck, yeah.
- You're getting better, you know.
That's the nicest
thing you said to me.
- Don't get used to it.
- I would never.
Down to ground level? We
could hit up the tunnels.
- Yeah, sweet.
- How old are you, by the way?
- You think I'm some 50-year-old creep?
- Yeah, that was my fantasy.
Ideally a middle-aged racist, sexist,
living in his parents' basement.
Well, I'm 22, not racist or
sexist, and I have my own place.
Look at you, showing off.
I'm 22 as well. I have
a flatmate, though.
Want to chat offline? Then I
can check if you're actually 22.
- Yeah. That'd be cool.
- I'll send you an encryption key.
I don't trust the regular apps.
Then a dramatic drop-off
in both their game play.
Five months ago.
Around the time he started
leaving town at night.
I can see you now, love.
I was just thinking of you.
Hi, Mum, I didn't know you
knew how to work the tablet.
Is Alex with you?
I'm not incompetent, you know.
I did keep you in
one piece, after all.
I know. Just that broken arm.
After climbing in that tree
I told you not to climb.
- It was a bike, Mum.
- I think I'd know.
Hey, you're online?
I didn't break your tablet computer,
if that's what you're thinking.
I'm not thinking anything.
Your father invited him over.
It's Alex, Mum.
That's what I said.
How are you doing, Thea?
- Everything good?
- Just say if you want your tablet back!
- That was a lot.
- No, no, it's okay. It's all good.
It's been up and down the last
couple of days, to be honest.
You didn't tell me.
No, I
I didn't want to worry you.
But she had another
episode over the weekend.
Shit, Alex.
I'm so sorry you're having to
deal with this on your own.
How's Talon?
He's he's just
confused by it.
It's hard when she doesn't
act like the Nana he knows.
For me, too. And you. All of us.
I just don't know what to
Shit, gotta go. Love you.
Love you, too.
- You sound concerned.
- I am, Fatemah. Very.
The footage the Court of Review agreed
to release is connected to a crime.
It's in everybody's
interest to have it solved.
Yes. But we never had to go to
the courts to unlock footage
or give the police access to it.
But the only one compromised
was Oliver Miller.
For now, yes.
My point is, it could
expand if we aren't careful.
It could become his mother, friends,
people he works with, lives near
They could all become
people of interest.
I sent you Thea for a reason.
I understand that.
You need to understand this is
different than your other investments.
You don't have to be
concerned about my investment.
I'm in this for the
long haul, Juliane.
I believe in you, what you've
done and what you're going to do.
You're building a
world for the future.
Everybody involved is
lucky to be a part of it.
I'm on my way to the airport now.
See you first thing tomorrow.
We found a student in Gothenburg
that Oliver Miller was visiting.
Elodie Cailleux, 22 years old,
studying political science.
She plays under the
handle TheHunter.
She's all yours.
Hey, Karyn.
Thank you for meeting with us.
- Is it okay if I ask you some questions?
- Yeah.
So you saw Elodie
leaving Saturday morning.
- Can you tell me what time that was?
- I'm not totally sure.
Was it early?
Well, she'd been out the night
before and came back late.
And then I thought I heard her leave
the apartment early that morning.
Did she say anything?
How did she seem?
I didn't see her.
I wasn't up then.
I wasn't
I didn't pay attention.
Hey, it's not your fault, okay?
Did you know Oliver well?
Well? No.
He slept over in
Elodie's room sometimes.
She would never have
done anything to him.
She's only a person of
interest at the moment,
but we do need to talk to her.
Well, that actually
means a suspect, right?
Her nickname is Mouse.
- She's not like that.
- And TheHunter?
Her gaming handle?
For that you think she's some kind
of hunter? That makes no sense.
Have you tried to contact
her since she left?
Yes. I texted her about
whatever Normal shit.
None of the messages
went through.
I don't know where she is.
- Okay if I look around?
- In my room?
Yeah, both your rooms.
Go with her.
Well, okay. Whatever.
I'm not involved in this.
We know, Karyn. We know.
So, we tracked Oliver's
overnight trips
to a campus at the University of
Gothenburg visiting Elodie Cailleux,
a 22-year-old political
science major.
Avid gamer, no criminal history. Last
seen a few hours after the murder.
The police triggered
an Interpol red notice.
Do you think he might have
told her about what he did?
- Or done it for her?
- That remains to be seen.
If there was a financial link
between them, it's not apparent.
No big withdrawals or deposits, and
his spending didn't change either.
Anything more on
the security breach?
We have a team running scans
for intrusions and backdoors.
So far, nothing.
A.J., when can you be sure there
are no further security issues?
- 24 hours.
- Good.
What's the line with
Hanna till then?
We keep this under wraps
until we know what's what.
We need to run the expansion
announcement test tonight.
- And what do we tell the people here?
- Why tell them anything?
Because the system which is
meant to keep them safe isn't.
- It will after we complete our review.
- If they find out before?
- That's not going to happen.
- The road map's the same as with Hanna.
Once we find who's behind the
breach, we tell the residents.
- And that it's fixed.
- A.J., Mathilde, you should get started.
And if we could have
the room, please.
The Kopwitz referendum
passed by a majority.
Narrow, but still a majority, because
Hanna Bremer pushed it through.
And her opposition
is determined.
They'll use anything they can
to overturn this referendum.
It's a risk, I agree.
But going forward with Hanna
withholding something so important
seems fundamentally wrong to me.
Do you think she'd want to know?
Why wouldn't she?
If you tell her, she'll have to
decide whether to go public or not.
If you don't and it comes out,
then we're to blame, not her.
As for the people here,
I agree with Noah.
Better to let them know once
the problem's been solved.
Fatemah, people come here,
because they believe in us.
That is our currency.
Their trust in our promises, and
one of those is total transparency.
Once we compromise that,
we risk Concordia becoming
everything we didn't want it to be.
I know you understand that.
I envy your passion, Juliane,
and I wish I shared it.
- You do.
- In part.
But I grew up in a world in
which change seemed impossible.
I didn't have the luxury
of being transparent.
Which is not to say
that I don't understand
how important
transparency is for you.
Only to say, to preserve
it in the long term,
you might need to
compromise in the short.
The motive for the
murder is still unclear.
The police haven't found any
link to intelligence services
or corporate espionage agencies.
Nor any connection to
Oliver's job at Concordia HQ.
Anything else I should know?
Concordia coming to Kopwitz is not
some bridge or motorway project.
My political career
hangs in the balance.
The opposition would do
anything to see it fail.
I know, Hanna.
But your political capital
will always be safe with us.
See you tonight.
See you tonight.
- There you go.
- Thanks.
It was not easy to
get hold of this
It took a lot of calls,
a lot of pressure.
Surely that's no
problem for you.
I'm surprised a social media
giant like ONA Software
accepted our court order
to hand over user data.
I don't know if I should
be relieved or worried.
What are we doing here?
We need to stay here for a bit.
Why? You said we
had to keep moving.
I know what I said.
What are you not telling me?
The Gothenburg police.
They've been sharing your
name, your photo, everything.
- Fuck.
- Yeah.
Can't we wait until night
and then just keep going?
We have to be extra careful now.
He'll tell us when
it's safe to move.
He? Who? Leon?
I know it's a lot coming at us,
but all we can do is
listen to him carefully,
and do exactly what
he wants us to do.
Bennu, Denpo, Gawa,
Valentina, Ivan, Victor,
and finally, Abraham,
Kekoru and Moses
we welcome you.
Some of you have been here before,
for others this is a first.
Every month, we celebrate
our newest arrivals
and today we welcome
families from New Zealand,
Ethiopia, Moldova and Myanmar.
And in just a few days' time
we welcome the German
city of Kopwitz as well.
So many, many new
beginnings to celebrate.
Let's raise a glass and
welcome them all warmly.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Welcome. Cheers. Come.
Thea, may I introduce
Dr Peter Blom?
He was an early and vocal champion
of Concordia and sits on our board.
- Nice to meet you.
- And you.
Peter has led most of
our medical initiatives
and he's been working
on our Genie programme,
the future of healthcare:
a pinhead-sized microchip
embedded under the skin.
No need for replacement.
It can predict the usual
diseases, ailments,
cancer, heart disease, dementia,
but can also go much further.
The intent is for it to work
hand in hand with Concordia AI.
Using the data you have
to provide real-time care?
360-degree holistic life
care for residents here
and in all the expansion cities.
It's all in the early
stages of development.
If things go well, we'll be discussing
this more frequently in the near future.
Interesting choice.
A rare piece, not easy to find.
My lucky day.
Our lucky day.
You knew I would come, surely.
Seemed likely someone would.
What are you looking for?
The title on my card
says crisis containment,
but it's not really what I do.
Nine times out of ten my job is
to save people from themselves.
If there was something you needed
to know, I'd tell you, believe me.
Being naturally sceptical
is helpful for my work.
It's nothing personal.
Why do I feel like you
already know all this?
It's a look behind the curtain.
Most people don't
get that opportunity.
what do you see?
It confirms what I know. What
the media love to talk about.
Mother at 18, widowed at 21.
And then leaves
East Germany at 22.
Creates Concordia at 34.
That's the part where the media start
to tell their own version of the story.
Concordia wasn't just my dream.
It was Magnus' dream, too.
Noah's stepfather.
For Magnus, transforming the city
he grew up in into something new
and for me
Well, you know that part.
The media seem to think
the single East German mother
angle gets more attention.
That's the narrative
they forced into truth.
Does seem an odd turn.
Child of an oppressive
surveillance state
sets up a full
surveillance town?
Strange and sometimes
powerful things can happen
in response to a
great collective pain.
The Skällrea school shooting
is central to your story.
That story has been covered more
than I care for, if I'm being honest.
Your town is centred
around a memorial to it
and it could have been worse
from what I understand.
If the other student hadn't
picked up the dropped gun?
That's what they say, yes.
Another narrative perhaps.
Taking life, even to stop others
being taken, that marks someone.
Their name has still
never been released.
Thea, I understand why it
might seem strange to you
that my dream would be Concordia
after where I came from,
the problem is never
the technology.
It's the intention of
the people who use it.
People don't usually start
out with bad intentions.
Shall we?
What was Elodie's
relationship like with Oliver?
I never thought she felt
the same way about him.
What makes you think that?
She saw one other person.
- Was it a woman?
- Yes.
Did you ever talk to her?
Not really. They were
always hiding away.
It was like she was trying to keep
her to herself or keep it quiet.
Obviously impossible
in a flat this size.
Never got a name,
before you ask.
Anything specific you
remember about her?
I think she was
German for the accent.
Red hair, hipster haircut.
I never got why Elodie
bothered with Oliver.
It just seemed so obvious
that she wasn't into
him as she was with her.
Did this woman
know about Oliver?
She must have. They
never overlapped.
She always seemed to leave
right before Oliver arrived.
It was too frequent
to be a coincidence.
Elodie's roommate said
that the girlfriend
would always leave
before Oliver arrived.
Here we go.
Is that Karyn?
Can you zoom in?
No, I can't zoom in.
No facial recognition either.
It's a student dormitory.
But that's definitely not Karyn.
Hang on.
The legislation includes
ambitious targets
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
and promote renewable energy sources,
signalling a firm step towards a
greener and more sustainable future.
Health update:
authorities have announced
an important milestone
in the fight against a
global health crisis.
Vaccination rates have
reached a record high,
providing increased
protection for communities
and promoting hope for a
gradual return to normality.
Hey, is everything okay?
Got it? Okay. Thanks.
- Hey, all set?
- Yes. All set.
Ole! How's the
upstream to Kopwitz?
- Sorry?
- The upstream? It's ready?
Yes, everything seems
to be working fine.
Alright, everyone
in position, please.
Okay, I think we're ready.
Okay, let's start.
No, this isn't right.
We need the live feed to
be playing over there.
But that's just
for the projection.
If the live feed is there,
the statue is in view.
It'll get in the way.
The statue is a memorial
to the children we lost.
Their tragic deaths
gave birth to Concordia.
That's why I want it over there.
That's why I always want it in view.
And on the day, no seats.
It's meant to be
casual. A family event.
Okay, let's check
the intro sequence.
Ah, very good.
Looks great, right?
- Hanna, can you see me?
- I can see you. Hello.
Our technical team is just
making final preparations.
Okay, sounds good.
We want to have the memorial
in the foreground and then
We trust in Concordia
that our footage,
our data, our rights
are safe and secure.
They're honest about
the usage of our data:
how it's gathered, what is gathered
and how we benefit from it.
- What's going on?
- Juliane?
No one ever really sees that
footage unless there is a reason to.
What's it like living in
Concordia in one word? Secured.
Can you hear me, Juliane?
Cut the power, for fuck's sake!
Disconnect the main.
Disconnect the main! Ole!
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