Conversations with Friends 2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Down or up?
I don't know. What kind of
effect are you going for?
I'm not going for an effect.
In that case, up.
- Thanks.
- Mm-hmm.
When I look into your eyes ♪
You're like a jury ♪
In the courtroom
judging on me ♪
Why do I always
want you most ♪
When you're
always so difficult? ♪
'Cause I be feeling like ♪
You're not
really feeling me ♪
We are gonna be so late.
You say that
like it's my fault.
It is your fault.
Maybe it's just ♪
That little voice ♪

I can't believe
you brought her a present.
- You brought wine.
- That doesn't count.
- Come in.
- Thanks.
Whoever you are.
Hey! Good to see you.
Thanks for having us.
- Thanks for coming.
- Hi, Frances.
- Thank you.
- That's for you.
- Oh, thanks.
- Really, really kind of you.
Thank you.
You both look great.
You look great.
Well, we all look great.
Um, can I get you both a drink
and maybe introduce you
to some people?
This is Derek.
- That's me.
- This is Evelyn.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- This is Frances and Bobbi.
- Hey.
- How are you?
- What are we all drinking?
I will take a gin and tonic,
Exactly - So how do
you guys know each other?
Um, I saw them perform.
Frances is a poet.
Oh! I was a stand-up
back in the day.
- Why'd you stop?
- Did you run out of jokes?
Eh, no, I got married
and had kids.
After which nothing was funny.

- Hey.
- Sorry.
Come in.
No, thanks.
No. You, out.
- Ooh.
- Go.
Dog's not allowed on the beds.
I've shut the door.
I know.
I'm very stoned, Frances.
I gathered that.
Your cheeks are red.
Only slightly.
It's warm.
Try this.
That's so good.
It's just
I'll go.

Yeah. Exactly.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Where have you been?
Um, I was just
I'm gonna head home.
- Really?
- Yeah, well, my train's in the morning.
- Okay.
- Um, I'm gonna stick around.
I'll call you.
- Bye.
- Bye.

- You're alive.
- Hello.
I was half afraid
I wouldn't recognize you.
You're looking well.
Am I?

Ooh. Thanks.
So tell us about the job.
It's barely a job.
What is it then?
- It's part-time.
- It's not a big deal.
- Doing what?
- Reading.
- They're paying you to read?
- That's right.
Just trying
to show interest here.
- Yeah, I know.
- Sorry.
How's Bobbi getting on?
She's fine.
She got a job lined up?
She's volunteering,
teaching English.
Oh, good for her.
My arms are getting burned.
There's cream in the porch.
You oughta be wearing it.
- Can you hold this then?
- Mm-hmm.
Are you gonna see your father
while you're here?
Um, yeah.
I'll call over to him later on.
Do you want
anything from inside?
No, no, no, I'm fine.
Hangover still at you?
I'm not hungover.
We were at
a birthday party last night.
- This woman, Melissa.
- Hmm.
I haven't heard of her before.
- We only met her recently.
- She's a writer.
She saw us perform and, um,
we got talking to her
and her husband after.
He's an actor.
Oh, really?
Would I know him
from anything or
I'd say so.
Like, you, you'd know his face.
Oh, yeah.
Christ, he's handsome.
Yeah, he's-he's nice, actually.
Their house is amazing.
Where is it?
Just up from the seafront.
It's not like you to get
carried away by posh houses.
I I wasn't
getting carried away.
I was just telling you
what I thought of it.
Okay, I better get going.
- Well, take care on the road.
- Yeah.

- Frances.
- Hi.
I wasn't expecting you.
I only arrived down today,
I should have rung.
I'm about to eat. Come in.
I didn't quite hear the door,
the telly's on.
Hmm. You're fine.
This is how my weekend goes.
I throw something
into the micro.
- Could do worse.
- It's handy, that's all.
Do you want a beer?
- I'm grand.
- There's wine there as well.
Um, I'm fine.
Any news from Dublin?
Uh, Megan's moved out.
How did she leave the place?
Fine. Yeah, she's very quiet.
We'll have to get someone in
to replace her.
I-I'll start looking
when I get back.
No, you're fine. No great rush.
You watch that.
I'll dry those
when you're done.
Interesting statistic
from halftime.
- I'm away there.
- Are you?
I haven't been much company.
That bin needs taking out.
I'll see to it now.
You're alright for money,
by the way?
Yeah, I think so.
I can lodge
a bit extra if you want.
Uh, I have work lined up,
so it should be fine.
There's no problem.
I'll lodge it
to your account tonight.
See you soon.
How was Dad?
What are we watching?
Well, some old rubbish.
You can see what else is on
if you like.
Are you gonna be
glued to that thing all night?
- Frances?
- Sorry!

Why did you leave
so early the other night?
- I was wrecked.
- That all?
- Why?
- Seemed a bit odd. I don't know.
I wasn't. I was just tired.
It was already bright
when I left.
Did you have fun?
You could say that.
Why are you smiling?
I kissed Melissa.
- What?
- I know, it was stupid.
We were both drunk, but
it was after you left
out in the garden.
Like a full kiss?
We'd been flirting
the whole time
and it just happened.
And have you
talked to her since?
- We texted.
- She thinks it's funny.
And should I ever
Are you pissed off with me?
Why would I be pissed off?
I don't know. You're hard
to predict sometimes.
Or do you disapprove of me
kissing a married woman?
I don't disapprove.
That's not what
your face is saying.

FYI, this is
my disapproving face.

Did you do anything exciting
at the weekend?
Uh I went to the cinema.
With who?
Uh I like watching films
on my own.
How was the big party on Friday?
I don't think that sort of
thing is my scene, to be honest.
- What?
- Like you'd have killed children to get invited, Philip.
I kissed someone
I shouldn't have, though.
- Who?
- Uh
It doesn't matter.
Was it Bobbi?
- No, but
- Well, was it better or worse
than if it had have been Bobbi?
- Significantly so.
- Shite.
- Who?
- Just forget about it.
- Older or younger?
- Philip.
I'm not really sure about this.
I liked his last one a lot,
Thank you.
Bobbi. Look.
Does my face look shiny?
A bit.
In a good way, though, it
makes you seem less complicated.
She is so hot.
because it doesn't
really matter.
The point of the hierarchy
is only to give people
a measurement of how wellthey're doing in the structure,
which is, after all,
only a perception
on the part of
a small group of other people
who within their own selective
and collective consciousness
are conforming to
a wider set of hierarchical
Well, what did you think?
Good. He's clever.
Maybe not enough
for me to buy a book.
You never buy the book, Kieran.
I better head.
Good luck in London.
- Thank you.
- You going with her?
I have to stay
and mind the dog.
- Goodbye.
- See you.
- Hey.
- Hi.
I had a feeling you'd be here.
Excuse me. Sorry.
- Dreading it, were you?
- Not at all.
It's good to see you.
Sorry if this is awkward.
It isn't.
How have you been?
Fucking brilliant.
I could apologize again.
- Please don't.
- Okay.
Although we should probably
talk about it at some point.
Maybe I could call over?
I'd like that.
We'll see you when you're back.
Yes, absolutely.
Safe travels.
- Good to see you.
- I'll see you.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Do you think there's something
weird going on between those two?
- Why?
- I sensed a disconnect, that's all.
Do you think
she told him we kissed?
They seem the same to me.
Hmm. We're not going home,
by the way.
Oh, my God!
Let's dance. Whoo!
So let me
tell you like this ♪
I'm who you're looking for,
I'm the wiz ♪
You ain't seen
another like this ♪
There ain't no one
to do what I did ♪
There ain't no one
to do it like I ♪
I changed the game,
I changed your whole life ♪
I'm irreplaceable,
that's no lie ♪
Been toking on the grade
I'm so high ♪
Yeah, stamina ♪
Hit a quick a pose
for the camera ♪
Why you sittin' down,
you an amateur ♪
I don't play about ♪
Bring out
the next challenger ♪
Why didn't you wake me?
You never asked me to.
I smell coffee!
What are you smiling at?
Oh, nothing.

Well, I have been searching ♪
All of my days ♪
All of my days ♪

Many a road, you know ♪
I've been walking on ♪
All of my days ♪

And I've been
trying to find ♪

What's been in my mind ♪

As the days keep
turning into night ♪

Well, I have beenquietly standing in the shade ♪

All of my days ♪

Watch the sky breaking
on the promise that we made ♪

All of this rain ♪

And I've been
trying to find ♪

What's been in my mind ♪

As the days
keep turning into night ♪

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