Cooked With Cannabis (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

Global Eats

The world.
Incredible! Natural wonders,
cultural diversity, extraordinary food.
Don't forget extraordinary weed.
This is our Global Eats episode.
Welcome to Cooked with Cannabis.
Okay, how about if we sing for this one
"Weed Are the World"?
We are not going to do that.
That's a choice we're making.
Tonight's table's full of laughs
with actress Bria Vinaite
-You look beautiful.
-Thank you.
-So do you.
comedian HaHa Davis,
comedian Sabrina Jalees,
and DJ comedian Flula Borg
will taste each dish and share
their thoughts while enjoying the buzz.
The head of the table,
I like that for you.
Nope, I don't enjoy this.
This is inappropriate.
This is Cooked with Cannabis.
-I'm a hugger.
-Nice to meet you.
-What's your name?
-I love your shoes.
-Thank you.
Oh, my God.
My name's Brenden Darby.
I'm from San Francisco, California.
I consider myself queer.
Within that community we always try
to do something different,
push the boundaries of normal society,
and cooking with cannabis does that.
I look at cannabis as another ingredient.
It's one of the most versatile ingredients
that allows people
to kind of have a new experience,
open up their minds
to what food can be.
That excites me.
I mean, I guess the $10,000
is a slight motivation.
-If you're into the whole money thing.
-That's kinda nice.
I am Chef Harold Sims.
My background with cannabis is
I was smoking when I was 16.
I had to stop 'cause I went to college
to run track.
Right after went for four years
in the Army.
Got out of the army,
went to culinary school in Denver.
I'll be whippin' in the kitchen, boy
A lot of what we consider to be
American classics from the South
is just Western African food.
My hope is to showcase
Michelin star-quality African cuisine
paired with premium cannabis.
-Are you guys psyched? I'm so excited.
-I'm super excited.
To bring cannabis into a forum like this
is so cool.
My name is Melissa Parks.
I live in Manhattan,
and I am a THC-CBD product developer.
My mom was diagnosed with cancer.
She caught it very early.
She's very lucky.
When she asked me to cook with cannabis,
I was like
I dove in headfirst.
I stopped doing private chef work.
I handed over everything,
and I was like,
"All right. If I'm gonna do it,
I'm gonna do it right."
-Thank you.
I'm Kelis. This is Chef,
now, my friend
and weed expert, Leather.
This happens to be
our Global Eats episode.
The world loves weed.
-You guys love weed.
-It's true.
You love food.
This is the perfect blend.
It's time that the globe realized
that something magical happens
when you put weed and food together.
We want to know about your infusions.
We want to know why you chose
the country you've chosen.
We want to see you and all your skills
in your plates.
Get us high at the same time.
-Easy, right?
With three courses,
starter, entrée and dessert,
we will judge you on the overall meal.
You ready?
-Let's do it.
-Let's get cooked!
We'll work on that.
I know we're gonna nail it. I promise.
I think you're gonna not eat
all of the stuff.
-I can help you.
-I think you'll loosen up a bit.
Loosen it, okay.
-Anybody nervous at all?
I did not read the title so quick.
I thought it was Cooking with Cranberries.
I don't want to get deported.
It's the only thing, so
My cuisine, I'm focusing on Mexican food.
My husband's from Tijuana.
I've spent the last year-and-a-half
riding a motorcycle
from San Francisco
to the bottom of Mexico.
There's no food that has more love in it
than Mexican food,
and that's what I want to put in my food.
I'm thinking about making this taco
with a cannabis leaf
pressed in a tortilla.
Then I'm gonna use some mushrooms,
how you would typically do a fish taco
but with fresh mushrooms.
And then the mushrooms
are gonna be tossed in a garlic THC oil.
So THC gives you more of a mental high.
CBD affects your body a little bit more.
Makes you feel calmer, reduces pain.
My plan of attack is I'm gonna start
a little heavier with the THC
and then I'll do a little bit heavier CBD
towards the end.
What I'm actually gonna be making
is a play on both my French training
and my German family history.
A lot of cuisines have
potato and onion soup,
but as far as the German one goes,
I don't eat pork.
So I'm actually doing
a potato and leek soup,
without the pork, with some cannabis
fan leaf and crispy potatoes on top.
And then a mustard sour cream
infused with my CBD.
So you gotta be able to work cannabis
into your kitchen.
Look at that, boy.
I want to do
a play on African street food,
so I'm going for a bit of a surf & turf.
Gonna be a little bit of beef marinated.
It's gonna be a chichinga.
Then barbecue that.
Since we're going towards
the coastal side also, Western Africa,
I want to play on a bit of squid
and octopus
for my Western African folk out there.
The journey they decide to take us on,
where they decide to put
either THC or CBD
I feel like that's the part
people don't have a handle on yet.
They don't really know that.
I love that we're able to show them that.
What are the ways
chefs infuse cannabis meals?
There are many ways
to dose a meal with cannabis.
Some chefs pop you with a lot of THC
in the first dish,
and control your high
throughout the rest of the meal with CBD
while other chefs like to spread the THC
across each course for a more steady buzz.
It'll be interesting to see
what our chefs do
throughout this competition.
-This is serious shop.
We got 18 minutes.
Let's go. Go!
There we go.
I like that. I'm turning my chair.
With cannabis I like to use
the entire plant,
be able to show people
that the stems and the leaves,
as well as the bud and all of its parts
can be used to make amazing food.
My favorite thing to play around with is
using it as the main component in a dish.
I'm making some handmade tortillas
right now,
and I'm infusing them with fan leaves.
In Mexico I had this tortilla that had
one side of it is a leaf,
the other side's the tortilla,
and it was the best tortilla
I've had in my entire life.
I'm pressing the fan leaf
onto the opposite side.
-Did you put a pot leaf in that?
-I did.
I'm sweatin' like I stole something,
and you smilin',
making pot leaf tortillas?
This is an infusion with a North African
spice mix called ras el hanout.
Eight or nine different spices in here,
a little bit of sumac, mix those together.
Then I use my Wedding Cake ghee butter
to marinate those.
That Wedding Cake's gonna give me
a very strong citrus play on the flavors.
Two milligrams to give you a nice,
well-rounded psychoactive effect,
but also not overpowering.
I'm gonna grill that up
to get all that soaked into the meat.
When you're in competition,
you want to present your best dish.
Potato leek soup,
I've made this over and over again.
This is what I do,
what I know. Just let it flow.
I'm making something that I know
my grandma made and my mom made,
and it's just so cool.
I kind of feel like
This might sound weird, but
like they're working through me,
like my hands are theirs.
If there's anything that food is,
it's family.
It's heart. It's love.
It's delicious.
This will be my sour cream topper
for my soup.
It's mustard, cannabis fan leaf,
sour cream, soon-to-be CBD salt.
Going for 20 milligrams.
I'm gonna disperse my CBD
throughout all of my sour cream.
I'm a bit nervous on the cook of my steak.
Might've gone a little over.
Hopefully it's not overpowering
in the heat department,
and the judges enjoy it.
How you guys doing?
I was so proud
of how the first dish came out.
The soup tasted exactly the way
I wanted it to taste.
I had a couple missteps. If my mushrooms
aren't cooked all the way through
and infused with enough flavor,
then nobody's gonna be eating my taco.
That's kinda funny. Sorry.
All right, chefs.
This is our ten-second call.
-Ten seconds.
-Ten seconds.
-Everyone's hungry. We're ready to go.
-Let's go.
-Ten seconds.
-Come on. Get those plates made.
four, three, two,
-Good job.
-Good job.
God! That looks amazing.
-How are you?
-I'm good.
-Can we take our little tops off?
What cuisine are you representing?
My mom, my dad, my experience.
That's what I'm making today.
And my heritage is Jewish.
Vienna, Germany
I didn't salt the soup.
It's supposed to be stirred.
-That's much better, chef.
-Much better.
You got to tell us. We're in your hands.
I know, right?
Is this chowda?
Is that what they'd say in Austria?
It's a It's a potato and leek soup.
German-style mustard, potatoes, cream,
CBD powder and CBD salt, cannabis leaf.
-That way you get a bit
of the plant, the powder, the salt.
-You get it all.
-Love it.
-Is there any THC in this?
-Around two, not quite three milligrams.
So that way it's a nice,
even-keeled dinner party high.
-That's great. Thank you.
-We'll be back.
-Thank you.
-Oh, my God.
Flula, you gotta tell us
when you feel something.
How will I know it?
You're just gonna know it.
-You'll know.
-I'll just know?
It's like when you find someone?
Damn! Look at that!
-I love it.
The most love-filled comfortable food
for me right now is Mexico.
I wanted to make you a handmade tortilla
with a cannabis leaf pressed in.
And then mushroom taco with avocado crema,
some radishes.
Then I made a hot sauce with CBD in it.
The reason I put CBD in the hot sauce
is so you can enjoy
the flavor of all the spices
then the chilies.
Then the CBD kills the pain right after.
-Kinda end that pain.
-That's another thing CBD does?
Damn it all.
-All right.
And I love tacos.
It's really good.
I love your dance with the plant.
-That's cool.
-Thank you.
I'm sorry for talking with my mouth full.
My mother would kill me.
And your partner's gonna kill you too.
Cheers, best buds.
Okay, let's go.
Don't mean to be a bitch.
I feel like a little more sauce.
-You feel like a little more sex?
Yeah, Flula. If you could arrange for me
to have a little more sex.
I have some phone numbers.
-I will call for you.
-Call 'em, babe.
I'm just trying to engage.
I went for more of a West African style
surf & turf.
What we have is a black barbecue sauce.
It's black because it's black garlic
with charred onions, charred shallots.
Some octopus and then a little bit
of that beef under there
is rib eye rubbed in ras el hanout.
What was your infusion in this?
I used a brown ghee butter, and the way
I made that was with Wedding Cake.
I let that cook into the butter
so it turned it nice and brown.
How many milligrams?
In total,
that's only about two milligrams.
That's all in the beef, in the ghee.
-It's fantastic.
-I would like to learn
with delicious food
about geography and about people,
and you've done that right here.
And that's our theme.
-This is wonderful.
-Thank you.
This last one really got me.
-Took me to another level.
What are these called? Tiny oranges?
-I don't like that word.
I don't even know what it means.
Two words that are not right, yeah.
-You got sauce everywhere.
-Oops, I drizzled.
I got kumquat everywhere.
Thank you so much, chefs.
You're about to get going on
your second course which is our entrées.
-You should start cooking. Go now.
-Right now.
Get to it. Go. I love that.
Everyone's so polite.
-Very polite.
-They don't have to do that.
For the love
I love when we come out kicking.
That makes me very happy.
Nice first stop on this tour, I thought,
for all three chefs.
Every single chef really brought it.
On taste for me,
Harold's surf & turf was a standout dish.
It had great heat and spice. I loved it.
I'd agree, but Brenden impressed me most
with his use of cannabis,
with the fan leaf in the tortilla
and the CBD hot sauce.
Melissa's got some catching up to do.
Absolutely. This is a good one.
What did you guys like
from the first round?
That taco with that lemon taste?
It was different.
-The soup.
-It was different.
The soup.
I guess, you know, women are from soup,
men are from tacos.
As they say.
-Up top for the tacos.
-No taco for you.
We need a high-five for soup then.
This is the hoja santa.
This is a plant that grows
all over Mexico.
Really versatile and delicious.
I've worked at the best
restaurants all over the globe,
but traveling through Mexico
I've met the kindest people
I've met in my life,
tried the best food I've had in my life,
and learned more in one year about food
than I have learned in culinary school.
I'm gonna do a mole,
a really traditional dish,
but instead of turkey I'm gonna use duck.
Gonna throw it in the pressure cooker,
'cause mole usually takes hours to make.
We're gonna speed that up with pressure.
I have a butter infusion
which has Peanut Butter marijuana,
oregano and thyme in it.
So we're getting really smoky flavor.
I'm gonna use that in my mole.
It'll be really awesome.
I think the first course went well.
I think the judges saw
what I was trying to communicate
through my dish.
Anytime I get to do that in front
of the judges,
and they appreciate it
and see what I'm saying, I'm good.
I saw that beautiful rack of lamb
in the fridge.
For my second course, I'm gonna do
collard greens to go along with
To give you that real Southern feel
but also West African flavor.
My soup invoked so many memories for me.
Seeing the judges' reaction
in the first round
really meant a lot to me actually.
Before any classical French training,
I was cooking with my mom.
My mom's background is very Austrian,
Viennese, Jewish.
If you took my mom, my dad,
mushed them together.
That's my culinary heart.
I'm doing something I ate
with my dad in Berlin,
and I'm doing an Austrian play on it.
It's gonna be Wiener schnitzel
with spaetzle and a demi mushroom sauce
and I'm gonna do my THC infusion in there.
I'm also gonna be working
with my cabbage,
bring out some lemon and some citrus
definitely where it's needed.
I feel like the one thing that means
we might be stoned is, like
holding the table.
Yeah, why are we holding
the table like this?
Like it's gonna go somewhere.
Getting my breading station ready
right now.
I'm gonna be using raw bud.
That way you get more of the CBD effect
and don't get the psychoactive effect.
Mixed with all-purpose flour.
It's Canna flower
Oh, God.
Smells so good.
My job is to show people a cuisine
from my country, with my skin color,
with my people.
All of these things
are vastly underrepresented.
Now I get to showcase a cuisine
that's not often seen.
To me, that's beautiful.
I got a few citrus rinds that I soaked
in a little bit of my avocado oil
and my Tri-Fi weed.
Then I ground that down
into a dry harissa rub here.
My dose is gonna be two milligrams into
the lamb. I want to have a relaxing feel.
Get a little of that extra power going on,
a little bit oomph.
I see a lamb moment that I am
-very down for. Yes.
-You like that?
-You already know.
-I do.
Fire on meat? Yes.
Yeah, mole's like the holy sauce
of sauces.
Lots of love, time, care has to go into it
or else it comes out too bitter
or not enough flavors.
So hopefully, I'm gonna pray over this.
Is that where the saying "holy moly"
came from?
I think so.
We're gonna do a pinch of the CBD salt.
It's going into this cricket flour
that's sprinkled on a THC cracker.
I'm thinking of doing this rice puff
infused with THC and cricket,
but I've never done it.
It might not work out.
But what a better time to try
something crazy than when
there's $10,000 on the line.
I feel like Flula's getting high.
It's a party. What are you gonna do?
Flula, come back!
Delicious and eight to twelve years
in the Frankfurt pen.
I wonder if these are infused. Don't know.
Maybe he's organizing.
Maybe he's alphabetizing.
Very good.
I'm not sure he knows where he is.
It's perfect.
I found a peach.
Lovely. You can put one in your fanny pack
for later.
Where are you?
You can run, but you can't hide.
All right, chefs. Less than ten minutes.
That smells good.
-Hot in front.
I'm seeing full throttle stress.
Oh, God. That's sticky.
My spaetzle dough, when it sat there,
it had thickened up to the point
where it became too tacky.
I should've noticed that, but when you're
in competition mode, you're like
All right, I got this ready, that ready,
those will be medicated, that's not.
All those things
that you do on a daily basis
that you can then plan for
go out the window.
I have to say, I think the last course,
like an octopus and a piece of meat, like,
having eating that eaten that
Fried octopus.
-We're following.
-I'm beginning to feel it.
So an octopus and a piece of meat
walk into a bar.
You've got less than three minutes.
Come on, spaetzle.
Come on.
I think the cook on the lamb was great.
I hope the judges agree with me.
I hope it's not overpowering
in the heat department.
I feel like I did a really beautiful dish,
but I'm not sure if my mole
had enough time to cook
to get the depth of flavor
that I need.
Oh, Melissa.
This is your final minute.
One minute left.
Come on, anything.
I definitely kind of overextended myself.
Heat has an effect on your food.
As much as I try to rescue something,
sometimes you have to abandon it.
Shit happens.
-My spaetzle dough.
-eight, seven, six
-It's not gonna happen.
-five, four, three
-I don't know what else to do.
two, one.
That's it.
I tried.
-Nice plating.
-Can I get a hug?
-Do you really mean it?
-It looks like shit.
-How are you?
-Now, come on.
This dish seems like
you wanted to do one more thing to it.
I did. Spaetzle dough.
My dad has a saying for this. He's like,
"Good enough. Move on, Melissa."
I get it.
It's a Austrian Wiener schnitzel
made with veal.
It actually has a Canna flower breading
in there.
I actually took a raw bud
mixed into the flour and I breaded it.
Then in the cream sauce you have
cannabis fan leaves
with some veal demi infused with cannabis.
How many milligrams
we have in there?
Three milligrams total.
And there's CBD, it's about 15 milligrams.
You said that you ground the raw flower
into your breading?
-Then you pan fried it?
Do you feel like there's any
decarboxylation happening, à la minute?
It's really crazy because I put
such a minute amount in the flour
that it's gonna vaporize off
within the cooking process.
Is there a reason to do it other than
this is a weed cooking show?
Smell it.
You're saying that the flower is
in the actual Right?
The flower's in the flour.
It's like a word joke.
I keep it in my kitchen. It's an herb.
-It's so potent,
but it's beautifully potent.
We smelled it,
and you proved to me
that there's a reason.
Thank you, Melissa. Really nice.
This is veal, I bet.
-It's what?
It looks like veal.
-What's veal?
-"What's veal?"
Can you reveal what this is?
That was good.
It was a lot of pressure, but it's good.
The pressure made
an awesome mole sauce.
I gave you some duck breast,
and I did a pine nuts-pepitas mole sauce
and a little bit of almond in there.
-I love that.
-The depth is great. Terrific.
Then we have a rice cracker that's been
infused with a little bit of cricket
-and some CBD salt.
So you get the rice, a little crunchy
Wait, is cricket just for shock and awe?
It's for flavor.
They provide an earthy,
almost like a hot Cheeto flavor.
That on top of the cracker
gives it an extra oomph.
What's your dosing here?
For my dosing, the THC cracker
is about one milligram of THC,
and for the mole,
I did a THC butter as well.
You have .5 mg of THC in the butter.
-Thank you, chef.
-Thank you.
I like that.
I like the little bit of spice in there.
There's a cricket dusting.
Crickets dusting?
You dusted a cricket?
They dried up crickets,
put them in a blender
Then they sprinkled the crickets.
You sit a cricket on a table
for eight months.
You wait for it to get super dusty.
-Then a
And then you shave it
onto your plate, yeah?
I love lamb.
What we have is a harissa-rubbed lamb.
And I decarbed a bit of cannabis
with some citrus notes.
This is a Yemen zhug hot sauce.
This is cooked very well.
-Thank you, chef.
-She doesn't mean you killed it.
-She means you did a nice job.
-Look at that, really lovely.
-We're very particular.
Edge to edge.
I'm sorry, but that chop is gonna win it.
Yeah, that thing looks good.
With my doses, it's only
about two milligrams into the lamb.
What I used for that is my avo Tri-Fi oil
in the lamb rub.
In both dishes so far,
you've infused your weed into the protein.
What makes you make that decision?
When we're cooking something,
fat has a tendency to leach out.
When I coat it in the fat as it cooks,
it cooks into the meat instead of
burning off or dripping into the grill.
So I'm not losing any of my flavors,
and it's also not burning that oil.
-I love it. Delicious.
-That's lovely.
That's really yummy.
What are these droppings?
Anyone know?
It's goose poo.
Goose poop.
Is this French for something?
No, it's like a goose took a shit
on your plate.
It's poo-poo.
-But it's incredible.
-It's the best poo you ever had.
You guys need to get going
because there's $10,000 at stake.
So let's go!
Yeah, man.
-As you steal the lamb?
-You're stealing the lamb.
-I'm not.
I would never do that. That's ridiculous.
I'm like, "I think he's-
He is. He's taking the lamb chop."
He's not taking the lamb.
I don't know how you Yeah, gracefully.
Yeah. He's not even trying.
-Where'd the bone go?
-Nope. I don't
I wish I had longer arms.
This is gonna be a really hard round.
Three extremely different dishes.
Melissa, her missing ingredients
-Don't tell. Honestly.
-Yeah, we don't want to know.
-Don't tell.
-But, her dish was nice.
Besides her missing the spaetzle,
Melissa's Wiener schnitzel was
nearly perfect, and it was delicious.
Let's see if she keeps it going.
Obviously, I loved Harold's lamb,
but out of the three chefs
he impressed me the most with weed.
That spice cannabis rub was really smart.
We're in a place where this last course
can put anybody over the top.
I agree.
I think that we all have
a pretty equal footing in this,
but I want this bad.
So I'm gonna pour everything I have
into making this happen.
For this last course,
there's a mythical African bird.
So what I decided to do
is play on a fable.
In Africa if you catch the bird's eggs,
they grant you immortality and have
super medicinal properties to 'em.
What I did was make a milk tart
in the middle.
There's gonna be a passion fruit curd
in the center to act as an egg yolk.
I'm competitive. I love to win.
And nobody travels anywhere
to take an L.
Do I look impressive now?
I'm gonna go with my favorite thing to eat
in the world, which is mangoes.
Then we'll use a bit of condensed milk
to make a dulce de leche caramel.
Then a traditional chamoy sauce
which is that spicy, lemony thing
you see on almost every candy in Mexico.
This caramel is gonna be infused with CBD,
20 milligrams per person,
and my chamoy is also infused
with CBD and THC.
Having gone through the spaetzle fiasco,
this wave of calm came over me.
I know what I'm doing.
I kick ass, take names.
I'm doing an Austrian-style crepe,
and I'm doing a blintz filling,
a combination of Greek yogurt,
ricotta cheese, sugar and lemon juice.
And a raspberry coulis.
It's love.
Truly my dream come true
is three excellent desserts.
-Honestly, same.
-I'd love it.
With weed.
Are we in heaven?
Coming behind, liquid nitrogen.
Coming behind.
Oh, my God.
Working on freezing some mango
quick as I can.
Don't have a lot of time
to make ice cream.
Liquid nitrogen is way below freezing.
By throwing my mango in there,
I'm gonna freeze it
in just a couple seconds.
Boy, you're like a Rocketeer.
Right? We're going to space today.
Ten grand would go far,
but I realize that I only have
two base components for this dish.
So I was focused on making sure
that everything was just perfect.
I'm gonna do a little bit of Watermelon
Sangria that hasn't been activated
inside a mescal.
We're using that to get a lemony flavor
and add the flavors of cannabis into that.
Shit, that's good.
I'm gonna be doing my THC infusion
into the oil form of THC
for my last two milligrams.
I'm doing a terpene infusion.
It's a Super Lemon Haze.
Oh, God.
That smells so good.
-Dessert can put anybody over the top.
-I will say this,
out of all of the chefs, best desserts
probably come from Austria.
That may give Melissa an edge.
Looking pretty good with that mask on.
Feeling dangerous.
Harold's also got a mask and gloves.
This is the new generation of chefs.
I don't want any Dippin' Dots.
I can't lie. I kinda think they're great.
With the liquid nitrogen,
I'm gonna make a spin on
the old Dippin' Dots ice cream
to act as my bird's nest.
I'm gonna infuse this
with Tri-Fi coconut milk.
It's gonna be three milligrams of THC,
and I think that's gonna be delicious.
Do you feel good, Flula?
-You don't feel concerned anymore?
-Yeah, we're loosey-goosies here.
-Just loosey-goosies.
So, we're gonna come over,
if you don't mind,
and eat dessert with you.
See you soon.
Less than two minutes.
Making Palatschinken is an art form.
I looked down and I was like,
"Hell, yeah. I did that."
My mom would've liked them.
It's, like, perfect!
I didn't know how much of this
was really just me kind of being
anxiety-ridden and nervous,
but I wish I had a little bit more time
to whip all my custard
into a nice even consistency.
Hopefully the judges can see more for
the creative side of what I was going for
instead of the minor difficulties
I came across.
All right, chefs.
Ten seconds!
eight, seven,
six, five, four,
three, two,
Let's go!
Done. Final dish.
Rev it up!
I stand for the chefs.
-Yes, I love it.
-Woulda stood up, my pants a little tight.
Harold, what do we have?
All cultures have
their own myths and legends.
There's a bird in Africa
called the impundulu bird.
It's the lightning bird in English.
If you catch its egg, it has medicinal
properties and grants you immortality.
These won't do that,
but they will get you high.
Medicinal properties are
medicinal properties, right?
What we have here is crème anglaise,
milk tart style,
and I have a little bit
of passion fruit curd there.
I use a mix of heavy cream
with coconut milk
infused with THC, about three milligrams.
The egg is acting as
a pâte à choux is gonna be the egg.
Where's the egg at? On top? This the egg?
Yeah, it was acting as a visualization
of an egg.
I'm thinking, "Where the egg at?"
The whole time looking for the egg.
I tried to catch a lightning bird,
couldn't get it. I'm sorry.
Okay, understandable.
I thought this was a really neat
and focused meal.
-It's so good. I wanna let you know that.
-So good.
-Thank you very much, Harold.
For my dessert,
like most Mexican desserts,
there's a spicy, savory quality to them.
This, I froze the mangoes,
turned it into an ice cream.
You're doing about two milligrams of THC
in the ice cream.
I did a bit more THC and CBD
than the rest of my course.
So you're leaving with a bang.
The ice cream is also infused with
a little mescal, get you a little boozy.
And I hope you enjoy.
Should I be drunk?
If you want to be?
That's up to you, girl.
The cool is so nice because the cool
helps you with that spicy.
It's such a great contrast.
And the mescal.
Cleanse your palate
at the end of a dinner,
you leave feeling fresh.
It was delicious.
It's really refreshing.
-Thank you, chef.
-Thank you.
Melissa, talk to us. What do we have here?
This is an Austrian-style crepe,
but it's called a Palatschinken.
It has sugar in there,
but also inside is where my infusion is.
It's gonna be two milligrams.
It's kind of a blintz filling.
It has fresh raspberries and a little bit
of Lemon Haze terpene added in there
because I want bright.
I want to wake you guys up
because I know you've been sitting a while
and eating our food,
but, as we all know,
cannabis can sometimes relax.
So maybe we can add a little spark.
And I did hazelnut because it's actually
my mom's favorite nut,
and yesterday was her last day of chemo.
-Hey! Congratulations.
-Oh, my God!
That's wonderful.
-Thank you, chef.
-We're gonna sit and talk about you guys
-Yeah we are.
-And your fantastic courses.
-Thanks a lot, you guys.
-We're enjoying. Thank you.
We're gonna go and figure out
who the winner is of this $10,000
Global Eats extravaganza.
But we'd love to know,
thinking about all the courses,
all the chefs, right?
What do you guys think?
Harold had those tasty greens.
-Brenden had the tasty meats.
And Melissa,
what-what was this crepe-crepe?
Tasty, right?
The taco was amazing.
He did his thing.
-All right, Bria?
With Chef Melissa,
the soup and this dessert
-Delicious. That's it for me.
Definitely Chef Melissa.
Everybody's food was delicious.
After that I would say Harold.
And dessert,
if I was voting on dessert, I'd vote
You'd vote on his dessert?
That wasn't my favorite.
Do you guys feel a little tingle?
Do you feel
-Are you high?
-I'm high. Everything is echo.
-I feel just as high as I want to be.
I'm high as fuck.
Flula, you happy?
-Oh, no.
-In deep thought? Feel good?
I think I don't need a passport
at the TSA.
I just need this clicken-schnicken.
Yes, the clicken-schnicken.
Thanks, guys.
Yes, indeed.
That's a hard one. This was good.
She was pretty consistent throughout.
-The schnitzel was money.
The mushrooms were good.
Mushrooms were good,
the flower flour was a good pun.
-How'd you like her dosing?
-She did a good balance.
I did think that stir-in activity
was cool,
but there wasn't enough in there maybe
-to go all the way.
-I agree.
How about Brenden?
From top to bottom, really solid.
That taco was really beautiful.
It was rustic.
-He had the leaf in it.
-That was cool.
I would've liked a bit more sauce,
but that was good dosing.
I like that we learned something
about CBD calming the burn of hot sauce.
I thought that was
That was interesting,
especially because it actually worked.
Right. I loved that. Harold.
There's still a lamb bone sitting out of
that planter.
But there's no lamb on it.
I'll tell you that much.
That's the other thing.
-That lamb was money.
-It was.
Harold's cannabis spice rub and the way
he infused the lamb chop in its fat
was truly very special.
Harold opened my brain up to food
that I probably wouldn't order
and to flavors that I didn't expect.
The cannabis was an aid to that.
That's why we're here, man.
Okay, have we made our decision?
-Yeah, we have.
-Let's bring 'em in.
Chefs, it was exciting.
I had no idea what to expect.
-I mean, it was a hard one.
-It was a hard one.
I am extremely happy
with how I did.
Feel like I showcased
who I am as a chef,
and what I've learned
from Mexican cuisine.
And I'm nervous to hear
what the judges have to say about me.
I came into this
with no expectation of anything
except to help perpetuate the positivity
around this industry.
That's why I'm standing here
with such pride.
I would do this for free.
I knew that there were things
that I wish I could've done better.
I hope the judges can see
that this was more to me than just a meal
and this was actually
a part of my heritage and my story.
I feel like what you all did
was opened us up
with the judicious, careful
and thoughtful use of cannabis,
sprinkling a little bit of passion,
a little bit of
So, it's hard because
only one of you
will walk away with this $10,000.
That chef not only gave us
a global meal to remember,
but they also impressed us
with their masterful use of cannabis.
And the winner
-Congratulations, Harold.
-I love it.
How are you?
How do you feel? Congratulations.
I love that.
I get to bring this home to people
I love and respect.
That means more to me than anything.
Don't get me wrong.
The $10,000 is dope.
Definitely. That's definitely
the highest accolade for me right now.
I feel like I have about 100 people
on my back
who supported me in getting here.
And the best buds, they came, they saw,
they got crushed.
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