Country Comfort (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

Teardrops on My Guitar

Is this for real, or am I dreamin'?
Trust me, it's just the jeans
that make it look this good.
What'd you say?
Hey! Have you seen how well
I'm followin' your nanny list?
I made everyone's favorites.
Bailey, just so you know,
every new nanny gets that list.
- Really?
- No.
But can you blame me? I mean,
your qualifications as a nanny are
"My truck broke down
in front of your house."
But look how fast I learned. Waffles,
biscuits, country ham with red-eye gravy.
And for you, a rice cake with soy cheese.
Those waffles sure look good.
They are.
It's too bad Summer's got you eatin'
gluten-free, dairy-free, and waffle-free.
Oh hell.
I'm a grown man. I can have a waffle.
[Bailey chuckles]
Mmm! Oh!
Bailey, this is about the best thing
I've had since I started datin'
- [Bailey] Summer!
- Oh, hey, baby. Good mornin'.
Hi. What's goin' on, sugar?
I ate a waffle.
Did it make ya happy?
So happy.
You bein' happy makes me happy.
But you know what's even better
than bein' happy? Bein' alive.
[Brody] Wow!
Daddy, we've had, what, nine nannies?
I have never seen a display like this.
Mornin', Bailey.
Till that.
Where's your shirt, boy?
Oh, uh, did I forget to put that on?
I'll go grab it.
Now, where'd did I put it?
Was it that way,
or was it that way?
Baby, you can't go to kindergarten
dressed like that. You look like
Sweetie, you are six years old.
Bailey is
Late twenties.
Chloe, honey.
Why don't you put on that pretty little
vintage floral dress I bought you?
I can't wear that to school.
Why not?
'Cause I don't like it!
- Chloe!
- You said to always be honest, Daddy.
I also said if you can't say
anything nice, don't say it.
Well, which is it, Daddy?
Look, y'all,
me and Lily are wearing the same blouse.
Please go change.
Why me? You're the one
who said you hate this blouse.
And now you're wearing the same one.
I said I hate it on you.
I love it on me.
Problem solved.
There, now they look different.
No way, Bailey.
I can't borrow this. What if I ruin it?
Boone gave you this
the first night he said he loved you.
How would you know that?
You don't remember when we were in
the barn and you were stompin' on it?
And tellin' it how much ya hate it,
then pickin' it up
and tellin' it how much ya
[sings] love it?
He gave it to me when we had
tater totchos at Ruby Tuesday's.
He pulled out a gift bag
and gave me this jacket
with two hearts on it
and he told me he loved me.
See? This is exactly why I can't take it.
You're a mess!
I'm not cryin' about this jacket.
This jacket's just a thing.
This heartache's about Boone
and all the good times we had.
That's what I'll remember.
That's what I'll carry with me
till the day I die.
Well, I guess I could borrow a thing.
Thanks, Bailey. I love it.
Okay, young lady.
Just sign and date the bottom.
We are golden.
You wrote a contract to be my manager?
Business is business, B.
FYI, I've already made four calls
on your behalf this morning.
I make my calls right when I get up
so my voice is deep.
And one of those calls
just happened to be to a friend of mine
whose daddy is a lawyer
and represents a guy
whose girlfriend is second cousins
with one of the producers of the CMA Fest.
I've been tryin' to
get in that festival for nine years.
[Dylan] Huh.
Well, ya never had me as a manager.
Y'all know cotton shrinks?
What's that about?
[theme music playing]
Okay, day five and I still
haven't screwed up a single thing.
I am Super Nanny! [laughs]
Of course, now that I said that,
I'm gonna
Uh-oh. Where's that nanny list
your daddy gave me?
I don't need a list. It's all up here.
Oh, okay, girl. Well
Hit me.
What do we do after school Fridays?
We go to Target and you buy me a toy.
We did that on Wednesday.
But you didn't buy me a toy.
And on Fridays, they have new inventory.
Really? You do this every Friday?
Unless they have what I want on Wednesday.
Chloe, are you lyin' to me?
- Okay, then. Target, here we come.
- Really?
No! Sucks bein' lied to, doesn't it?
[cell rings]
Dylan? Oh no,
was I supposed to pick you up on Fridays?
Bailey! My friend's daddy's
client's girlfriend's second cousin
who is one of the producers
of the CMA Fest just called me.
You have an audition
at Tootsies in 30 minutes.
I won't get out of school in time.
Grab your guitar and get over there now!
What? I can't. I got Chloe.
- Take me with you!
- [Bailey scoffs]
I don't think taking a six-year-old
to the bar is on your daddy's to-do list.
Do you want your dream or not?
Of course I want my dream.
But I also want this job.
It's 2021, women can have it all.
No, no, no. I can't.
I mean, besides, Tootsies
is where my whole life fell apart.
And where it could come back together.
Even if I wanted to go,
my guitar's gettin' restrung.
We got a million guitars in the house.
I'll go grab one,
while I'm changing into something classy.
And that's why he left me alone ♪
Wow, I thought bein' back here
would bring up such horrible memories
of bein' dumped by the love of my life.
I was completely right.
Let's do this. [chuckles]
Okay, movin' forward,
you don't talk to anyone, touch anyone,
or let go of my hand.
Mama's guitar is gonna bring you
such good luck.
- Mama's guitar
- I heard you!
Of all the guitars in the house,
you brought your mama's guitar?
Do you have any idea what this guitar
means to your sister?
We gotta take this back now!
I had a feeling bringing a six-year-old
to a bar was a bad idea. Come on.
Bailey Hart, you're up.
Cassidy's still at school.
She'll never know you took it.
I took it?
That's how I remember it.
Miss Hart?
What time does your sister get home today?
Don't tell your daddy I didn't know that.
Three o'clock.
We'll never make it.
But she has soccer on Fridays till 4:30.
Don't tell him I didn't know that either.
Do not move from this seat.
I'll be watchin' you from the stage.
If you move even one inch
Hey, would you mind keeping an eye
on her for a minute and 20 seconds?
- You're really good, by the way.
- Thank you. I'll keep an eye.
I'm Bailey.
Before I begin, I wanna let you all know
I was recently dumped.
I gave him my heart and soul,
and he gave me the boot.
But nine years ago, when I first saw him
Anyway, this song's about that.
I've been here before
I'm no stranger to this town ♪
I know you're a bad boy
I've seen you hang around ♪
Scorin' with the ladies
Casanova written on your sleeve ♪
My-ma my-ma my mister
You're the right kind of trouble for me ♪
Ain't it just a real fine mess
You got me into? ♪
We ain't even started yet
And I'm all over you ♪
You don't even know me
You don't even have a clue ♪
My-ma my-ma my mister
You're the right kind of trouble for me ♪
Oh yeah.
My-ma my-ma my mister,
I'm the right kind of trouble for you ♪
Oh yeah.
[crowd cheering]
- What are you drinkin'?
- I bought her a Shirley Temple.
- She can't drink.
- There's no booze in a Shirley.
- I know.
- I gotta pee!
- That's why she can't drink!
- Wait! You were the last singer.
- They're gonna announce callbacks.
- Can you hold it?
Would you mind watching our
[Bailey] Don't sit
till I put paper on the seat.
[Chloe] I can't wait!
[host] Ladies and gentlemen,
thanks for comin'.
We're gonna ask three of ya to stay.
[Chloe] Let's go!
[Bailey] Sit down, you're still goin'!
[host] Johnny Nichols,
Jolie Rae Moore, and Bailey Hart.
- [Bailey] That's me!
- [Chloe] Let's go!
[Bailey] Sit down!
Oh no! That girl must not be
Jolie Rae Moore.
I feel so bad.
It's a tough business.
Okay. Johnny, Jolie, and Bailey,
we'll see you back here
in a half hour for callbacks.
Half hour? We can't wait.
We gotta go home. It's already
Oh, it's only three o'clock.
That would mean I sing at 3:30,
finish by 3:40 at the latest.
What am I doin'? We can't do this.
We gotta get back home. Let's go.
I sure would like to know somebody famous.
I'm goin' to hell in a handbasket.
- Uh-oh.
- What? You gotta go again?
- That's not Mama's guitar.
- What?
That's not Mama's
I heard you!
I bet that guitar belongs to
that "not-Jolie-Rae-Moore" girl.
[moans] Where is she?
Where did not-Jolie-Rae-Moore go?
Where'd she go?
She got cut.
I bet she left with her boyfriend.
What boyfriend?
He was waitin' in the parking lot,
but he's not "Mr. Right,"
he's "Mr. Right Now."
Did Did you see his car?
Nope. I saw his truck.
What kind of truck?
I need you to describe every detail.
Dylan, we have an emergency.
What's wrong, Bailey?
Chloe brought your mama's guitar
and another girl, thinkin' it was hers,
accidentally took it.
I told y'all this was a bad idea!
- Hurry!
- I'm here, boo. What do you need?
I need you to come and get Chloe
so I can go look for that guitar.
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
Bailey, calm down.
The important thing is,
how'd the audition go?
No, Dylan. The important thing is
you need to keep Cassidy from going
to her room till I find that guitar
and put it back where it was!
Which arm hurts
when you're havin' a heart attack?
Bailey, you forgot to tell 'em
you got a callback!
[Dylan] You got a callback? Yes!
Bailey, you are on your way.
And so am I.
Hey, remind me where Tootsies is.
Is it uptown, or is it downtown?
You do realize this isn't FaceTime?
Your point?
I can't believe
I let you talk me into this.
You're the one who said
we gotta find that guitar for Cassidy.
In an Uber!
You don't have your driver's license.
It's not like I didn't take the test.
It's not like you passed the test.
[Bailey] Chloe, honey, it's real important
you be right about this.
Was the boyfriend's truck red or brown?
I think it was a truck.
Oh, geez Louise!
No! It was!
I just remembered
that long thing hanging from the back.
What long thing?
It looked like two eggs
hangin' in some chicken skin.
Two eggs hangin' in some chicken s
Oh my Lord, have mercy!
Hit me again, Levi.
Three cherries, this time.
[cell rings]
Yeah, Bailey?
Chloe thinks the girl put the guitar
in her boyfriend's truck,
so be on the lookout
for a red or brown truck with
[whispers] truck nuts
hangin' from the back bumper.
[enunciates] Truck nuts.
- What?
- [shouts] Truck nuts!
Hello? Bailey, can you hear me?
Don't make me say it again. Hello? Brody?
Oh, dang it!
Hey, Levi, what's this say?
"Audition sign-in sheet."
- Bailey!
- What?
I noticed some printin'
inside not-Jolie's guitar case
that might help us.
You know your phone has a flashlight.
Not when it's outta battery juice.
We gotta move now.
Levi, can I use your phone? Chloe,
do you know your brother's phone number?
- Which one?
- Either one.
- Do you know your home phone number?
- Yep. We have to learn it for emergencies.
- Okay, this is an emergency.
- Area code 615-555-013.
That's only six numbers.
What's the last number?
Uh, two boys are gonna come here
askin' for Bailey. That's me.
Tell ‘em we went to Springfield, we'll be
home by dinner. Come on. Let's go.
Ah! Excuse us.
[Bailey] Again? Oh!
- Hey, Dylan.
- Hi, Cass.
- Wait! You can't go up there.
- Why?
- 'Cause you have to stay down here.
- Why?
- We're making Bailey a special dinner.
- Why?
'Cause she let you borrow
her special jacket her boyfriend gave her
the night he said he loved her.
And Daddy always says
you gotta show appreciation when a girl
lets you borrow their special jacket
her boyfriend gave her
the night he said he loved her.
I never heard him say that.
He's famous for saying that.
What is wrong with you?
Why are you actin' so weird?
Why are you actin' so ungrateful?
You know what? Bailey's not here.
I'm in charge of you right now.
Go to your room.
No, don't go to your room!
Stop tellin' me what to do.
I don't have to do what you say.
But you do have to listen.
So listen up, little girl.
Bailey picks up after us,
helps you with your emotional problems,
gives you her special jacket.
The least you could do is make her
a special dinner to say thank you.
But if that is too much to ask,
then fine, go upstairs.
- Okay.
- No!
- Would you slow down?
- Bailey didn't pick up her cell.
- She could be in trouble.
- So could you if you don't slow down.
Chill, Grandma.
We're the only vehicle on the road.
[police siren blares]
Except them.
So, you said there was
an emergency at the bar
and that Bailey would clear it all up.
Where's this Bailey?
The bartender just told us
she's on her way to Springfield,
but we didn't know that till now,
which is why we were speeding.
See, ordinarily I would never
Hey, girl.
You think fliritin' is gonna
get you out of this ticket?
Uh, no, ma'am, I wasn't.
Unless it's workin'.
You understand you can't apply
for your driver's license
for six more months after this?
No, sir, I do not. Are you serious?
I'm too pretty to go to jail.
But it was an emergency.
What would you have me do?
Ever heard of Uber?
[officer] Here you go.
How can you eat after what just happened?
'Cause it happened to you, not me.
Well, hey, Summer!
What's a nice girl
like you doin' in a place like this?
Summer was kind enough to drive me
so I could drive the truck back,
you know,
‘cause I have a driver's license!
Daddy, I swear,
if Bailey didn't come all
- If Bailey didn't what?
- Yes, what did Bailey didn't do?
Okay, a deal's a deal.
The potatoes are peeled,
the chicken is breaded, the squash is cut.
Hand over your AirPods, 'cause I wanna
go upstairs and get out of these clothes.
Why would you wanna
get out of those clothes
when you look so dang cute in 'em?
if this is puberty for you,
then I'm so out.
[cell rings]
- Did you find her?
- Not yet. Did you?
Would I be asking
if you found her if I found her?
Look, it's been over two hours.
Why didn't she call anybody?
Why isn't she answerin' her phone?
- Oh, sweet mercy.
- "Oh, sweet mercy" what?
Did Bailey come back?
No. And if I don't get upstairs,
she's never gonna be allowed back.
And I'll lose my whole roster of client.
- Did Bailey come back with Chloe?
- No, but Daddy
Then I don't wanna hear any more.
- But Dad
- Says he doesn't wanna hear
- But this is important!
- What the hell could be so important?
[police siren blares]
Bailey just walks into my room
and takes my mama's guitar?
- Without askin'?
- That is not how it went down.
Oh, really?
You just said she had an audition
and didn't have her guitar.
And now Mama's guitar is missin'?
Maybe that is how it went down.
Where is Mama's guitar?
I don't know! Some girl accidentally
picked it up and left with it.
And Bailey's been drivin' everywhere
to find it.
And no one's heard from her
in over two hours.
And she's with Chloe.
And it's dark.
[sobs] And I think they might be dead.
They back?
Why are you cryin'? What happened?
I don't know. All I know is Bailey's phone
keeps on going to voicemail.
And if anything happens to them,
it's all my f
[doorbell rings]
[Cassidy] Chloe
[all groan]
Sorry, honey.
That That wasn't about you.
We were just hopin' you were Chloe.
Right, y'all?
[all] Yeah, right.
Well, I understand.
That's why I couldn't go home.
I've been worried sick about little Chloe.
The very thought that
our precious little angel is missing
has me beside myself
- [door opens]
- I don't know who could harm a
- [kids clamoring]
- [mouthing silently]
- [Cassidy] Chloe?
- [Beau] Chloe! Hey.
- Are you okay, baby?
- [Chloe] I'm fine.
Me and Bailey went to Springfield.
I tasted a gyro sandwich.
Do you know what you put us through?
How could you not call anyone?
Forgettin' that you took
my six-year-old daughter to a bar,
how could you go all day
without tellin' anybody where you were?
I'm so sorry, Beau. All I was focused on
was gettin' Cassidy's mama's guitar back.
That's not how it works around here.
If we're gonna be late,
we call each other.
If we're not, we call each other.
Everybody knows where everybody is
at every moment.
Because we don't want anyone to worry.
Especially after all we've been through.
The fact that you didn't think
about that scares the hell outta me.
- I'm so sorry, Beau.
- Stop.
Just stop sayin' you're sorry.
I'm the one who's sorry.
Who hires somebody to take care of
their kids who's never taken care of kids?
I hope you don't lose your job over this.
The important thing here, Daddy,
is everybody's alive, I never cried,
how was the callback?
We didn't stay.
Bailey was too worried
about finding Mama's guitar.
And she did!
All's well that ends well.
Where's my mama's guitar?
We looked everywhere.
Every street, every neighborhood.
You lost my mama's guitar?
Cassidy, I feel sick to my stomach.
She does. I had to finish her gyro.
Cassidy, what I did was inexcusable
and thoughtless,
and so, so selfish.
I'm gonna go upstairs and pack my things,
which should take less than two minutes,
'cause as you know,
I don't have any things.
But if I did,
I swear, Cassidy, I'd
I'd give it all up
to get your mama's guitar back.
[Cassidy sighs]
Your jacket.
No, you keep that jacket.
You love it, and it looks so good on ya.
As mad as I am,
I'm not takin' the one thing you have left
of someone you loved.
I told you I don't care about this jacket.
It's just a thing.
What I care about is you, Cassidy.
Oh yeah?
If you cared about me,
none of this would've happened.
- You know what that guitar means to me.
- I know, and I made a stupid mistake. I
I just wanted to be at that CMA festival
so bad.
I wasn't thinking straight.
You ever wanted somethin' so bad,
you feel it in every bone in your body?
My mama's guitar.
Cassidy, honey
You will never know
how deeply, how profoundly
[sobs] sorry I am.
I'm so sorry. [sobs]
why is it every time I'm upset,
I end up having to take care of you?
Well, it It only happened twice.
You've only been here five days.
Some of those days were good,
weren't they?
I hope you remember those.
I know I will.
I'm gonna get
You can't get up, can ya?
[Cassidy] Bailey.
It's just a thing.
Mama's guitar.
All my memories of her
are right here.
I'm so happy. 'Cause I have no one else
to take care of me.
- She's stayin'!
- Score!
- Sweet!
- I love her!
Y'all, it's not really up to us.
Bailey, you made some really bad choices.
I know.
And I am so sorry.
I'm sorry, too.
I'm gonna have to let you go.
Great news, y'all.
I found the perfect nanny.
She's young, she's got lots of energy
and she's ugly.
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