Courting Alex (2006) s01e02 Episode Script

Is She Really Going Out with Him?

Let me catch you up.
I'm a lawyer.
I work for my dad, and I don't have much time for a social life.
But the other day, I met a guy named Scott who owns this bar.
I'm not here to flirt.
What's gonna happen next? You gonna ask me to dinner? No, I It's all right.
I always get hit on when I wear this T-shirt.
- Think my eyes are up here.
- I wa I-I For the record, I wasn't looking.
And the only reason I was in his bar is because our biggest client wants to buy it from him.
So, I took Scott to dinner, but just to talk business.
Okay, we got a little distracted.
Meanwhile, there's this other guy from the office, Stephen.
That's him.
My dad would love it if I were with him.
I mean, Stephen's a nice guy, but there's not a lot of passion between us.
Back to Scott.
Getting Scott to sell the bar wasn't going so well.
This place has been in my family for 112 years.
I promised by grandfather I'd come back and run it.
So, the huge deal my dad had worked on for a year fell through.
I'm not going to repeat what he's saying there.
Let's just say my dad pretty much hates Scott.
But I kind of like him.
Enough to sneak out of work to do this.
I got to tell you, you turned out to be a pretty good motorcycle passenger.
Well, it involves two skills I'm good at-- sitting and not dying.
Come on, give yourself more credit than that.
You leaned with the turns, you didn't put your hands over my eyes and shout "Guess who?" Just that once.
I got a little bored when you did that wheelie on the Williamsburg Bridge.
Well I guess I should go.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Alex, fantastic news.
Julian, hello.
My upstairs neighbor.
This is Scott.
Well, this is awkward.
Two people about to kiss, and I'm not one of them.
Well, I have a tavern to get back to.
- See ya.
- See ya.
I'm sorry if I ruined your moment there.
Oh, that's okay.
So, what's your big news? I stopped at Krispy Kreme donuts.
That's it?.
No, that's not it.
The hot light was on.
Feel these things.
They're practically radioactive.
Please, don't ask me for details about Scott.
Oh, I'm not going to.
He's totally wrong for me, he's unpredictable, and his neck smells better than that bag of donuts.
Apparently your hot light is on, as well.
But if you don't want to talk about it, I'm certainly not going to probe.
I know you're a very private person - Sit.
- You are so easy.
Would this be the same Scott you kissed the other day? The one your dad detests? Hmm, yep, that's the one.
Sleeping with the enemy.
I'm not sleeping with anyone.
And such a shame.
Like a Maserati up on blocks.
Oh, it's my dad.
When I left work today to sneak out with Scott, I told him I was coming down with something.
Hey, Dad.
Sorry my voice is all Yeah, sure, I'll hold for him Hey, Dad Yeah, a little.
Yeah, I know.
A lot of fluids.
I love you, too.
Oh I hate lying to my father.
But I am good at it.
Well, this is a new Alex.
Bad Alex.
Lying-and-sneaking-behind-your-father's-back Alex.
I'm only sneaking around because there's nothing to tell him yet.
Oh, right.
Nothing to tell.
What was all that stuff in the hallway, then? You two were undressing each other with your eyes.
Were not.
Come on, you did such a thorough job of it I could see you both naked.
By the way, he has love handles.
Not from my angle.
Look at me, I'm like a giddy schoolgirl.
And over what? One kiss.
What's one kiss? I'll tell you.
I was an art student.
She was a sculptress.
After one kiss, I was hopelessly in love.
Oh, I didn't know you were so romantic.
Yeah, well, the French bitch cured me of that pretty quickly.
She dumped me after the second date.
Maybe I am getting a little ahead of myself here.
For all I know, he takes every girl he meets on a motorcycle ride.
Before you stick your neck out any further, you might want to find out exactly where you stand with him.
- Oh, great, now I'm all nervous.
- Don't be.
No man would invite you on his motorcycle unless he's ready to make a commitment.
You expect me to believe that? No, but you made lying look like so much fun, I thought I'd give it a whack.
So, um, I'm going upstairs to throw out all my booze and not eat these donuts.
Yeah, it is fun.
Oh, my God, I got flowers.
They're on my desk and you assume they're for you? Oh, I'm so sorry.
They're for you.
Hmm I wonder who they're from.
I wasn't even going to ask.
I know how much you value your privacy.
It's not signed.
It just says, "Had a great time.
" - Molly.
- What? Are you seeing someone? Someone I don't know about? How am I going to help you cover it up if I don't know what you're hiding? I've got nothing to hide.
But let's not mention these to my father.
Or anyone who might tell my father, like him.
- Hey, Alex.
- Hey, Stephen.
Alex? One second.
Um oh.
Come in.
Hey, Stephen.
- How are you? - Good.
I just wanted to say I had a really great time with you the other night - on our date.
- Me, too.
Hey, did you get the flowers I sent? You sent.
Of course.
Thank you so much.
I love them.
Um, then why are they in the trash? Can I be totally honest with you? Molly put them in there.
She's a little bitter.
Listen, I know it was just one date, and I don't want you to attach too much meaning to the flowers.
Apparently, that's not a problem.
Anyway, I was just wondering if, hopefully, there might be another opportunity to.
Well, someone is popular today.
Check it out.
These flowers kick those flowers' ass.
You want to know who they're from? - Yeah.
- No.
"Congratulations, you've been named "to Manhattan Monthly's 'Ten Most Eligible' list, a who's who of the city's most datable professionals.
" I'm so excited for you.
She doesn't seem that bitter.
They are going to interview you and everything.
Oh, you're gonna have your pick of any man in Manhattan.
You know, I'm just think I'm gonna Okay.
You are gonna have so many guys calling you.
Can I have your leftovers? Molly, men aren't Chinese food.
You can't just heat them up the next day.
I'll take 'em cold.
Hello, Alex.
Oh, hi.
You came to see me Mr.
What brings you here? Uh, a peace offering for your dad.
I know he's ticked off 'cause I screwed up his real estate deal, so I brought you all some of our tavern's famous corned beef sandwiches.
That's very considerate of you.
Can I see you in my office, please? Should I come in and take notes? - No.
- Please? Can I come in and Right, get back to my own work, that's what I'll do.
You look great.
Nice flowers.
Oh, those.
Yeah Funny story.
Um, Manhattan Monthly has named me one of their Ten Most Eligible Singles.
They're going to do an article.
Is it? What? Cool.
That I'm on the list.
Well, I can't say I'm surprised.
You made my top ten.
Just squeaked in there.
Well, I don't even know if I'm going to do it.
Why wouldn't you? I have my reasons.
So don't do it, then.
So, you don't think I should do it? Alex, are you asking my permission? No.
Why would I need to do that? It's not like we're It was one date.
One motorcycle ride.
'Cause I'm really not the possessive type.
'Cause I'm not really a possession.
Can I see you tonight? Yeah, I'd like that.
Oh, no, not tonight.
I've got to prepare for a deposition.
Tomorrow night? - Tomorrow's tough.
- Working at the tavern? No, I, uh I've kind of got a date.
Really? Not a date date.
It's a blind date.
It was set up a week ago.
Oh, fun.
Unless you don't want me to go.
Are you asking my permission? No, - you-you just seem like you - No, no.
Have fun.
Enjoy yourself.
O kay.
- Good.
- Good.
Look, take a break from work later, come visit me.
You gotta eat.
Maybe I will.
What the hell are you doing here? Dad, Scott brought these sandwiches over as a little peace offering.
You know, for screwing up your deal.
Wasn't that nice? Well, let's see Sandwiches millions of dollars.
Sandwiches, millions of dollars He also brought pickles.
Our biggest client just fired us because that deal fell through, thanks to this idiot.
Hey, you know, there's no need for name calling.
This is my place of business, pal.
I can call you Roberta if I want to.
- What the hell is that? - My cell phone.
Listen to that.
Even his phone ring pisses me off.
I want you out of here.
And from now on, I don't want anybody going to his tavern, I don't want anybody eating his food.
Spit that out, Johnson.
I brought this from home, sir.
I said spit it out.
I think he meant into a napkin.
- I'm going to go.
- Good.
And take these lousy sandwiches with you.
Those are my gym clothes, sir.
I'm really glad we could have dinner.
Me, too.
You okay? You seem a little nervous.
No, I'm not nervous.
Just a little hopped up from the pepper shrimp.
Alex, I get it.
You're afraid someone will see us together and tell your father.
I'm not afraid.
It's just there's nothing to tell him.
But I can tell my friends about you, right? Tell them what exactly? What, are you kidding? I kissed one of Manhattan's Ten Most Eligible Singles.
That's only happened to me, like, three or four times.
Hey, let's walk this way.
What? I think I see the mail-room guy from my office.
Sorry, I just feel like everyone's staring at us.
Oh, come on.
Who'd check out some gorgeous hottie walking down the street? - Thanks.
- I was talking about me.
Alex there's no reason to get paranoid.
But just to be on the safe side - What? - Just go with me on this.
Who was that? No idea.
I'm really starting to like this hiding thing.
- Don't answer it.
- Not planning on it.
I have to answer it.
It's my assistant.
Hey, Molly.
Okay, calm down.
I'm on my way.
I have to go sign some contracts that were dropped off at my apartment by mistake.
Can we pick this up a little later? It's not like I'm a faucet.
You can't just turn me on and off.
We're just going in there to pick up some documents.
- And make out a little.
- Works for me.
Surprise! Scott, this is everybody.
Everybody, you all know Scott-- the enemy.
Molly you did all this for me? Thank you for coming, everybody.
I'm gonna kill you.
I'm sorry.
It's not every day my boss is chosen to be in a magazine.
Is he a good kisser? - Oh, my God.
Where's my dad? - Oh, he's running a little late.
Would it be horrible if you just went and, uh, hung out in the kitchen for a little while? Then I can distract my dad somehow and Alex, I got to tell you-- hiding's really not my thing.
Could it be your thing for, like, five minutes? All right, but I'm making a sandwich, I'm not cleaning up.
Oh, excuse me, everyone, everyone.
Um, my dad doesn't know about me and Scott, so let's not tell him, okay? Not that there's anything to hide.
It was, like, one motorcycle ride.
It's always the motorcycle guys.
Hey, honey.
Oh, the traffic.
Yeah, what are you gonna do? Hummus? I wanted to see the look on your face.
Stephen did you get it on tape? Dad, Dad-- you don't need to see the tape.
Here's how it went.
Surprise! Oh, my God.
This is so sweet.
Ooh, hummus.
Was that cute or what? Let's take a look at the tape.
Sir, uh, turns out the camera's broken.
Sometimes the things you think are going to work don't work out at all.
Son, it's a party-- lighten up.
Whoa, where you going? Where you going? Where you going? - I little wine, if you don't mind.
- Oh, here's one.
Here you go.
Julian why don't you show my dad that new sketch you did for me? You know, the one in my bedroom.
Oh, yes, perhaps you can help me name it.
I'm torn between "Lame Excuse" and "Transparent Distraction.
" Julian, just give me a second, okay? First of all, I'd like to make a little toast, everybody, okay? It seems that some magazine decided that my daughter is a great catch.
I don't need a magazine to tell me how great she is-- she's beautiful, she's bright-- I'm damn proud of her.
- Hear hear.
- Not done, Johnson.
He is not done.
Alex, I just want you to know that I couldn't be more happy if you'd find a nice fellow out there, someone who cares about you half as much as your old man.
He's out there somewhere.
Hey, I know that ring.
Why do I know that ring? What the hell are you doing here? Okay, Dad, first-- I loved your toast.
Yeah, I heard it through the door.
Very moving, sir.
Is there something going on between you two? Oh, well, this is just great! That didn't go so well.
I'm not pointing any fingers, but do you ever put that thing on vibrate? - Good morning.
- Yeah, right.
Dad, Dad, Dad.
Come on.
We can either discuss this as adults, or you can act like a child.
"or you can act like a child.
" Which is it gonna be? - Hi.
- Hi.
- Ike Cortez.
Manhattan Monthly.
- Alex Rose.
Well, let's dive on in.
Feel free to ask me anything.
Okay, first question.
You work for your dad.
Does that ever get awkward? No.
Next question.
If there's one guy Alex Rose could date right now, who would it be? Don't you have anything on there about hobbies or something? I don't care if you're seeing him! I just want to know what's going on.
Really? You don't care if I'm seeing him? Well, of course I care, but I can't come barging in here yelling "I have mixed feelings!" - Wait a minute, you're seeing someone? - Who is this? Dad, this is the reporter from Manhattan Monthly.
- Ike, this is my dad.
- Whatever.
Honey, look, what I don't understand is what you see in this guy Scott.
You deserve somebody better than that.
Someone like, like like you.
Excuse me.
I really need to ask you a question.
No, no.
No more questions.
I need to talk to my daughter.
- Are you eligible or not? - Answer that question.
Dad, I really want to talk to you about this, but not in front of him.
Could you give us, like, five minutes? Molly has muffins.
And she's very eligible.
Yeah, she told me.
Look, last night you said that nothing would make you happier than if I found the right guy.
And you think Scott's the right guy? No.
I don't know.
It was just one motorcycle ride.
That's it? A motorcycle ride and a kiss.
And a kiss? That's not what Johnson saw at the party.
Yeah, believe it or not, he cracked.
The point is, it's not serious.
Like, Scott's going on a blind date tonight, with someone else.
He's stepping out on you already? I'm gonna kill him.
That's the point.
There's nothing to step out on.
Oh, good.
Not yet, anyway.
Not yet?! Look, I know you don't like him, but he's the first guy in a long time that I actually have fun with.
Fun? Honey, trust me.
Fun doesn't last.
My third wife-- a barrel of monkeys.
Dad, it's more than that.
It's like I feel like there's a connection.
Oh, dear God.
I'm not saying I know what it is, but I'd like to keep just seeing him and find out.
What's to find out, honey? He's brash, he's rude He's rude? You called him an idiot.
And Roberta.
Sweetheart, sometimes I just get worked up, because I care about you so much.
I know you do, Dad.
Will you do me a favor? When this magazine comes out and you get all these offers, will you just test the waters a little bit before you settle on Roberta? Well, my dad's talking to me again.
That's great.
He must be happy you're still going to be on that Ten Most Eligible list.
Yeah, about that.
I'm not gonna be on that list.
- What, you got bumped? - No.
Mm, they, uh, found a girl with better hobbies.
Would you quit? No.
I decided not to be on that list.
Because Well, just because.
Don't feel like you have to cancel your blind date.
I'm not going on that date.
- Oh, what, she blew you off? - No.
She saw your picture, huh? I just didn't feel like going out tonight.
With her.
See wanna have dinner tonight? Yeah I'd like that.
All right, this is perfect.
Johnson? The corned beef here is addictive.
Look, I won't tell your dad I saw you here if you don't tell you saw me.
You can tell him whatever you want.

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