Cracked s01e02 Episode Script


Previously, on cracked.
- The past year, you've been involved in 2 fatal shootings.
- Don't put me somewhere boring.
- Psych crimes and crisis.
Your job is to respond to any crime scene or crisis that seems likely to involve an emotionally disturbed person.
- You know how to use a gun? - Not a cop.
What's your problem? I don't know, you tell me, doc, you're the psychiatrist.
Symptoms of post-traumatic stress.
I need you to keep me up-to-date about Aidan.
- I'm his partner, not a babysitter.
- Listen to me, look at me! I know you got something inside you that is really loud and it won't shut up.
- Is he ever just gonna be ok? - Well, he's not broken, he's cracked.
He's coming, he's coming, he's coming Gotta be ready, gotta be ready Yeah, I know you're coming, I know you're there Gotta be ready, gotta be ready What's up, dad? He's coming now, he's coming What're you doing? He's coming to kill us! Oh shit! Who's coming? Annihilation time, baby! As crude prices reached a three-month high today in response to ongoing middle east tensions.
We have a new report in, the angel of the apocalypse is taking over the world.
And you must fight him, Michael! Do you understand? Yes! Yes! My dad.
Something strange is happening to him.
- My dad - Shhh, shhh! - No! No! Ahhh! - Shhh! Shhh! Shut up! Shut up! I got out of bed today swear to God, couldn't see my face I got out of bed today staring at a ghost oh have you seen my ghost seen my ghost, seen my ghost oh have you seen my ghost staring at the ground Man on radio: [Edp in progress requesting psych crimes.]
Hey, it's the new unit! Which one of you is psych and which one's crime? Doctor Ridley.
Forensic psychiatrist.
Detective black.
What do we got? Emotionally disturbed male, Mike de soto, approximately 45 years old.
He's got an impressive collection of blades and tools on his porch.
What kinds? Knives, axe, hammers, shovel, saw.
That's a lot of weapons.
Meh, he can only use one at a time.
- You're not nervous? - If he runs at us, I shoot him in the chest.
Aidan Just because you're here to encourage civilized conversation doesn't mean I don't do my job.
Well, then I guess my job is to make sure you don't have to do your job! How fun, an argument on their honeymoon! - Anything else we need to know? - His teenage son didn't show up to football practice this morning.
We think he's still inside.
Tried calling, no answer.
- We'll enter through the back.
- Yeah, yeah, go! - What's the kid's name? - Nick.
I'm Michael the archangel, I'm Michael the archangel Alright, guy's got blades so we stay back, about here.
Easier to establish trust if we're closer.
Easier to stab us dead if we're closer.
The horseman have as king over them the angel of the abyss Mr.
de soto? Mike? This is doctor Ridley.
I'm Detective black.
We're with the police.
Sir, we see you have a knife in your hand and that scares us.
The beast will come, the beast will come, the beast will come! We'd like to talk to you, but first we need you to put down the knife.
Gather yourselves, gather yourselves And eat the flesh And eat the flesh of kings And eat the flesh of kings Mike, I see you've got blood on your shirt.
Are you hurt? Were you in an accident? If you're hurt, Mr.
de soto, we'd like to get you medical attention.
Let us eat let us eat the flesh of the kings.
Let us eat the flesh of the kings.
I'm Michael the archangel.
Michael, it's not a knife to you, is it? Do you believe it's a sword? No sign of de soto's son yet.
de soto, where is your son? Where's Nick? Dark angels are descending.
They're descending on you now! Someone was hurt, last night.
If it's not you, we wanna know who.
They know what's inside you! They see you! They know all about you! What's coming! What's waiting! What's waiting to come out of you! What's waiting to come out of you! And what are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? Is he hurt? Is he bleeding? Ok, Mike, let's just Mr.
de soto I bet you've been preparing for battle for hours now.
You look tired.
It's okay to take a rest.
You've kept things under control really well.
It's safe now to take a break, Mike.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Ok, Mike Mike, listen to me.
Now, we're gonna Tell him to put his hands behind his head.
Mike, can you please put your hands behind your head? I just need to make sure that we all feel safe.
Great, thank you, Mike.
Ok Stand up, please.
And walk down the stairs.
That's great.
Thank you.
It's ok, Michael.
Turn around.
Slowly just turn around, face the house, and just walk back towards us.
Good job.
This is Detective wisnefski with psych crimes.
I need a paramedic.
Check under his shirt, see if there's a wound.
of devils habitation of devils devils Anything? No? Devils, devils, habitation of devils Poppy.
How's the kid, is he ok? Pulse is steady.
He's coming around.
- We got no wounds.
- Just stay still, we got help on the way.
If the blood's not coming from the kid, if it's not coming from Mike, then somebody somewhere Has got a lot of blood on them.
He was talking about Someone trying to kill us.
Freaked me out.
I tried to leave, but he grabbed me.
He said he wanted to protect me, not to hurt me.
He wanted me in the basement And we were fighting.
And that's how I Must've fell down the stairs.
Your dad's shirt.
Do you know how blood got on it? No I don't.
Was there an accident? Did someone try to hurt him? He's fine.
Hey, Nick, I saw these on the counter in the bathroom.
Does your father have a history of psychiatric problems? He's bipolar, but I've never seen him this bad.
He takes lithium.
When can I see him? Lamotrigine.
Lithium has its side effects, but a sudden switch in meds, he must've destabilized.
Where's your mom, Nick? She died, 6 years ago.
When can I go to him? Soon.
Just a few more questions.
Do you know where your dad was last night? He was here when I went to bed.
Is it possible he went out after you went to bed? Did you hear the door open and close? His phone rang at, like, one o'clock.
Nick, I'm going to take you to see your dad, now.
- Ok - I'll walk you out.
- Hey, Aidan.
- Look at you in your natural habitat! Before I let you in, tell me, what the hell? What? You drew your weapon, unprovoked, on a man with a mental illness.
De soto had blades, I saw blood.
We could've been shooting the shit about Michael the archangel all day long.
So yeah, I drew my weapon.
He surrendered.
Nobody died.
I shouldn't have drawn my weapon.
So, are you gonna let me in or should I, like, go get a cheeseburger? It's really weird being back here Without really being back here.
Hedging your bets? Oh! Uh They should've taken that down.
I don't know why it's here.
I've been gone for over a month.
I should introduce you to someone.
Sean This is Aidan black, my partner in the new Thing that I'm doing.
Sean mccray How you doing, man? - Oh! Ha! Ha! Got a hug! - Chief of psychiatry here.
So this new thing you're doing involves wearing a bullet proof vest.
It's worlds colliding! And you're a lucky guy to have daniella as a partner.
We lost a great asset when she left us.
Well, I'll be around a lot with psych crimes.
And when you are, are you here as an investigator with the police or as a physician? - Both.
- What I mean is Can you truly have de soto's best interests at heart and still interrogate him as a suspect at the same time? Well, I guess I'm wearing the vest now, aren't I? Ok.
Hi, Nick.
Can you take his restraints off or loosen them or something? Yeah, just a little while longer, and we'll find him a more comfortable spot, ok? Hey, there's a vending machine over by the elevator.
Why don't you grab yourself some pop and chips, ok? - I'll be back in a minute, dad.
- Mr.
de soto? - Mike.
- Where am I? You're in the hospital.
You're safe.
It's ok.
Can we ask you a few questions? Where were you last night, sir? How did you get the blood on your shirt? The darkness is descending upon us, the darkness is Mike, how did you get the blood on your shirt? The darkness is It's a gonna take a while for the meds to kick in.
For now, this is all we're gonna get.
What's up, poppy? Ok.
Daniella? We got his car.
You wanna do it? Nothing.
Leo Hey, we got a blood trail.
And here.
Blood on grass.
You can actually see it? You get to the point where you can see blood on just about anything.
There! Hey, Liz.
Surprised to see me? Not really.
Homicide and psych crimes are gonna be joined at the hip now, I think.
The coroner counted 3 visible knife wounds.
Our guy de soto was waving around a big fat carving knife.
She has defensive wounds too.
She didn't go easy.
- How long has she been here? - More than 8 hours, less than 16.
And lividity suggests that she was moved within an hour of her death.
- Did you find the knife? - No.
It looks like she was brought here in de soto's car and then dumped.
Flowers, folded hands, he spelled out the word "fallen".
Whoever did this had a sentimental connection to her.
So, she probably wasn't dumped, exactly.
So her killer really cared? - Any I.
? - Nothing here or in the car.
What's that stamp on her hand? "Brl-l-l-I-g".
The brillig.
It's a college bar on Vaughan campus.
I shut it down once when I was in uniform.
She could be a college girl.
But she's got scars and burn marks on her arms.
Looks like old intravenous drug use.
Ok, so we're looking for a guy covered in blood, who's out of his mind and who ditched his bloodsoaked car at the scene.
What do you think? De soto's a lawyer with a nice kid and a nice house But when you're manic, even a nice guy can do some pretty opposite-of-nice things.
But still, I wouldn't want to predetermine guilt or innocence based on parts of a whole picture.
You should teach your partner that 99 times out of 100, it's pretty simple.
The obvious suspect is the one who did it.
- Give me a minute.
Hey! - Hey! Maybe go easy on her? She's new to this.
Yeah? Maybe you should stop chasing me when I walk away from you.
- You took the furniture.
- It was mine.
The bed was yours.
Why didn't you take the bed? - Aidan - You don't want the bed? No! No! No! I don't.
Alright, so he puts her in the backseat, and then covers her with his jacket Why? To keep her warm.
To hide her.
Or maybe to cover her face.
Give her a bit of dignity.
There's no bad reasons to cover her up? Pretty much no.
And that explains why the lining of the jacket was bloody.
Alright, and he Pulls her out, picks her up like this.
Yeah, but I don't think he would throw her over his shoulder.
He cradled her, like a child.
Right, that would explain the blood on his shirt.
Ok, and then, he comes over and just Sets her down.
She betrayed God and she was cast out of heaven The police artist is making her look alive so we can go out with a poster.
I'm going to go see the night manager at the brillig.
Vaughan university registrar.
Meeting him in an hour.
I moved up the autopsy and put a rush on de soto's cellphone records.
How's it going, Nick? I'm alright.
It's ok if I sit here for a little bit? Yeah.
- I'm Detective wisnefski.
- Hi.
- Leo Beckett.
- The the poster of the missing girl you put up on the Vaughn u message board kind of looks like my study partner, Sophie.
- What makes you think it's Sophie? - Well, last night, she was gonna pick up some notes at my place on her way home from the pub, but she never showed.
Well, maybe she met a guy at the pub and just forgot to come pick up the notes? It's not like her.
She's the most dedicated student ever! And today, she wasn't in class and she's not answering her texts Ok, so, the photo you saw on the poster It was enhanced to make the girl look alive.
I'm gonna show you another photo of a girl we found this morning.
And you mean, this one's not enhanced? That's right, this girl is deceased.
Is it Sophie? We won't know until you identify the photo.
Can you do that for us? I mean, if you can't, that's totally ok.
Is there blood? Yes.
Do you know this person? Sophie.
This is what she really looks like.
I took it last week when we met at the Vaughn u resource centre.
- Do you know where she lived? - No.
She never said.
Did she show up at the resource centre with that coffee? Uh yeah.
That cup.
She got her coffee at Vivaldi's.
There's only one of 'em.
It's on cherry street.
Vivaldi's That's a long way from Vaughn u.
Yeah, maybe she lived near Vivaldi's.
Can you text me that photo? Sophie Anne Wells, age 24.
She's in the system.
All over it, actually.
Before law school, there was vagrancy, solicitation, possession of heroin, resisting arrest Mom's awol, dad's in the pen for assault.
That girl grew up with shining examples.
Looks like she got through it.
Vaughn u admitted her without an undergrad degree.
She had a compelling story, off the chart lsat scores, and a powerful reference letter from a lawyer! - Guess who? - Really! - Uh-huh! - Michael the archangel! He represented her on a solicitation charge.
Got her time served plus parole, conditional on addiction counselling.
I mean, from the looks of this file, Mike de soto really turned her life around.
He's been helping her recently.
She used his office as her mailing address when she registered at school.
And here's the name of her addiction counsellor Tom Jarvis.
If he's any good, he'll know all about her.
Including her new address.
Sophie was always moving.
I haven't seen her in 6 months, since before she started law school, so no.
I'm sorry, I don't know where she lives.
The last time I did see her, though, she was she was excited.
Happier than I'd ever seen her.
She was going to meetings and working her steps - Why was she always moving? - She didn't want Marco to find her.
Marco was her pimp Her boyfriend, dealer Asshole.
I guess he finally tracked her down.
Does Marco have a last name? Let me check her file.
Marco was the one that introduced her to junk when she was 16 Then turned her out.
Was he ever violent? Yeah, he put her in the hospital more than once.
That's why she would always change her name, move, use a false address You know, she had to use her real name when she went into law school.
I hope that's not what ended up getting her killed.
Here it is.
Marco pentino.
I just can't believe it.
You know, she just Her life was just starting to come together.
Hey you know who you should talk to is her lawyer.
Her lawyer.
Why? She worshiped the guy.
His name's de soto.
Talk to him.
He'll tell you all about Marco pentino.
Search warrant for de soto's office finally came through.
These are Sophie's files.
All these are for Sophie? Well, like her record said, the girl had a complicated life.
Just look at all this.
Court cases, probation Social worker assessments.
And look at this, a restraining order against Marco pentino.
Her pimp.
And here's another one, Looks like the 1st one didn't stick I've put out an alert for Marco pentino.
Have de soto's cellphone records come through? Mmhmm.
He received a call at 1:03 A.
from an unregistered number.
Nick said he got a call about then.
Unregistered number, disposable phone.
Apparently Sophie liked to cover her tracks.
Are these the autopsy reports? Yeah, they just came in.
You drew your gun without cause.
Yeah I drew my gun without cause.
Why? I don't know.
Contain it.
Can you do that? Stabbed 3 times, some bruising, no sign of sexual assault.
She was clean and sober.
Tox screen negative for drugs and alcohol.
- Hah - What? Her blood contained high levels of beta-hcg - What's that? - It's a hormone Here it is.
Sophie was pregnant.
About 8 weeks along.
So the lab's backed up.
DNA results from the fetus could take a week.
So we can't compare it with de soto's DNA or pentino's.
If we can even find pentino! He was her dealer.
I'll check with narcotics, see if they know where that douchebag is.
Aidan, I need you and daniella to go back, talk to de soo and see if you can find out where the hell Sophie's body was before he moved her.
Let's go.
He's responding to meds, but he's still in no shape for questioning.
And he's manic, so everything he feels is amplified.
Gotta try.
We gotta find the place she was killed.
It's simple.
He knows.
Hey, buddy.
- Oh, hey.
- Don't you got somewhere to go? Aunt or Uncle or something? No, uh I don't.
- You hungry? - Yeah, starving.
Let's go.
Are you gonna be ok in there? Sure.
Tell you what, I'll wait out here 'til you get inside, get some lights on, ok? Ok.
Alright, I'm on my way.
Look, man, what you gotta call back up on me for, man? You know what I'm doing every day, b! I'm out here, man, I do oh, look, now you got the Terminator! - Turn around.
Hands against the wall.
- For what? - Hands against the wall! - No, man, I didn't do nothing, man! What you bothering me for, man? What'd you tell him I did, man? I didn't do nothing! Ahhh, man! And I know your kind, man.
You runnin' on me, huh? Where were you the night before last? Same place I always am.
The pink lady.
- [I got business concerns.
- [They close at 3, you know that, right?.]
[Not for me.
See, I got a shorty who live upstairs, named Ellie.
(Chuckling): [She'll never close a room!.]
Note to self.
Raid the pink lady.
I think you're lying.
I think you were out hunting down Sophie Wells and snuffing out her life.
Snuffing out her What, what are you trying to say? Sophie's dead? I'll go check on his alibi.
Were you wearing these clothes yesterday? [And what, you think I killed her? Why would I do that?.]
[Because you couldn't stand.]
That she got herself out of your life, and your greasy shadow.
You know, for a sweet piece of ass, you sure got a nasty mouth on you, girl.
- Did you know she was pregnant? - And what? I got snipped years ago.
Baby ain't mine, you wanna see my scar? Maybe you killed her because the baby isn't yours.
I don't think you're getting it.
I never cared 'bout Sophie, ever! See, she was more like a piece of property.
[I liked her a little more than my TV.]
[A lot less than my car.
(Chuckle) You got me here for the wrong reason, girl.
Officer! I need a shower.
I spoke to the woman pentino said he was with, his alibi checks out.
And stripper girlfriends make such reliable witnesses! Just, let's hold him until we find our crime scene, alright? Maybe we can tie him to it.
Any luck finding the location where the girl was killed? Only person who knows for sure is de soto.
He was there.
And all he'll remember is what he experienced while he was psychotic.
Mmhmm, so nothing useful? Well, he'll remember some things that are totally fictional But others will be distortions of reality.
Like what? Like, if de soto perceived an element of reality as distorted, we can work our way back from that distortion and figure out what reality it's based on.
Follow me? No.
Ok, see poppy's backpack? If I was bipolar psychotic like de soto I might not see this backpack as poppy's.
Instead, I would see it like a turtle, just sitting there, looking at me.
It's like analyzing images in a dream, finding out exactly what is real.
And if we can figure that out, maybe we can figure out where de soto found Sophie's body? It's a long shot.
And we won't know what parts of his memories we can trust and what we can't.
Well, all that's good enough 'cause this is our only shot.
If we want to find out who killed Sophie, we have got to find the crime scene.
So you want to foster his illusions rather than urge them to go away? No, daniella.
You want to implant reality.
We won't hurt him, just let us try.
You really are becoming one of them.
She hasn't quite assimilated into the collective quite yet.
- I'm still a doctor.
- Who wears a bulletproof vest! Sean! You've got 10 minutes.
- Where's my son Nicky? - He's home, safe.
Catching up on some sleep.
He's a good boy, he's a good boy I wish he didn't have to I I wish that I could remember something that Was more use to you.
But all I remember is the Is the faceless devil and the silver claws for hair.
Where was Sophie in all of this? The angel? In a tower of light.
What about the faceless devil with the silver claws for hair? Remember that picture of Sophie with the coffee on cherry street? - Yeah.
- Silver claws for hair.
I know what that is.
Imagine being manic and you thought this thing was alive.
A tower of light.
Now, which apartment? Thank you.
The smell of blood.
Hands in pockets.
Deciphering reality from distortions It worked.
We got our crime scene.
The killer came in, he stabbed her, she struggled, he stabbed her 2 more times and she fell here any prints on the murder weapon? It was wiped clean.
So for one fleeting moment, a bit of clarity peeked through.
Or de soto could have found her already dead, picked her up, and carried her off to a better place.
It wouldn't occur to him to clean the knife.
He was dealing with the devil, not trying to evade the police.
Sophie had a lot of recovery literature.
Even a leather-bound big book, the 12-step Bible.
"To Sophie from tom, Christmas 2011.
" But there would be other things.
Journals, bits of paper, gratitude list Jarvis said she was working the steps, so she would've written a personal inventory to free herself from her past.
I will check the nearby dumpsters for it.
There's no computer.
What college kid doesn't have a computer? Let's go back and talk to de soto again.
See what he can tell us.
I'll meet you there.
- I can wait.
- Nah, take Leo.
I'm gonna go through these books and see if she wrote any notes in the margins.
And I might stop by her addiction counsellor's again and see if he has anything else to say.
I should've warned you.
I can be a bit obsessive.
Suit yourself.
Can you tell us about what you remember from when you were carrying Sophie away from her home? I was holding onto this beautiful Angel.
Sophie was just She'd been through so much, so much And I just took her away from all that blood.
What brought you there in the first place? The phone.
- Sophie called you? - She was angry.
No No, she was frightened.
Someone threatened her.
Who was it, Mike? Please God, don't let it be me.
Was it you, Mike? She was pregnant, did you know that? - Yes no! - Was it yours, Mike? Was it yours? What? No! Leave him alone! You're trying to trick him into saying stuff he doesn't mean.
- No, it's ok, Nick.
- Dad, they want to pin a murder on someone and they're gonna pin it on you if you keep talking! Alright, come on.
Let's go.
Let's go.
My dad didn't kill anyone! If that's true, it's my job to prove it.
You have to let me do my job.
- And if he did - He didn't! And if he did, he'll probably be found not criminally responsible.
He's ill and I'll testify to that myself.
And what? He'll just stay here? Yeah, until the doctor says he's better.
Did you know That it's hereditary?! What? Bipolar disorder? Yeah, I have, like, a Ending up just like my dad.
I could already have it.
It's ok to be afraid, Nick.
We all got stuff inside us that we don't know about, don't understand And it's scary not knowing if Or when it's gonna come out.
Most important thing to know is you're not alone.
Ok? But right now, life Is just throwing you a curveball.
You're under a lot of stress, so if you're feeling A little freaked out, I think that's pretty normal.
Ok? Yeah.
Hello? - Daniella, right? - Hi.
I thought I was too late.
No, you're lucky.
Actually, I'm usually gone by now, but I had a couple errands to run.
Can I help you with something? Yeah, thanks.
I asked her who the father was, but she wouldn't tell me.
I got the feeling that he was married.
One of her professors, maybe? Maybe it just seemed a little more illicit than that.
Like it was someone that I knew and wouldn't approve of.
The therapist you sent Sophie to Tom Jarvis.
He inscribed a book to her last Christmas, then said he hadn't seen her since she started law school.
That's September, right? You think tom Jarvis was sleeping with Sophie? He was her therapist, she trusted him.
Well, it's just that I can't seem to find Sophie's recovery journals anywhere.
She would have, what, a, um gratitude journal.
Yeah Sophie did all those things.
And there's another step, the 5th, right? Where you're supposed to share everything with your counsellor.
Did Sophie tell you she was pregnant? No, I I haven't talked to Sophie in about 6 months, so Ok, well, is there any Thing else that You, um Might have to tell me that she might have shared about herself? Yeah, but I can't tell you, because That would betray her confidence.
Oh! Well, I guess I'm just a bit confused, then.
She has no more confidence left to betray, right? She died.
I just thought you might want to help.
It's ok.
I should go.
Sophie's death must have hit you hard.
Yeah, sure.
I know most addiction counselors are recovererng alcoholics and addicts themselves Are you doing okay? I've been clean for 8 years.
And I need to get going too It's just, your pupils are so tiny Your hands are shaking.
Opiates, right? I'm gonna be late for something.
So I think you should probably go.
Tom, you're not thinking this through.
I work with the police Shut up! Aidan, stop! It's ok Its' ok.
Officer down, send an ambulance, Here, hold my hand.
You're ok.
The ambulance is coming, ok? I got it.
Stings, I know.
Let's have a look at your back where he kicked you.
- No.
- Daniella.
I mean no, thanks, Leo.
Hey, where you going? I just wanna I don't remember where I parked my car.
Your car's at headquarters.
I'll drive you there.
If you're not gonna let Leo look, let me look.
Just to make sure you're okay.
You said, "officer down".
You called me officer.
Well, psychiatrist down sounds kinda stupid.
You're my partner.
What was it that de soto kept saying to you? "Something inside of you"? "What's waiting to get out".
You should go to the hospital.
I don't belong there anymore.
And when I awoke I was sure it was true I ran to the window threw my head to the sky and said whoever is up there please don't let me die but I can't live forever I can't always be one day I'll be sand on a beach by the sea the pages keep turning I'll mark off each day with a cross and I'll laugh about all that we've lost calendar girl who is lost to the world stay alive January, February, march, April, may I'm alive June, July, August, September, october I'm alive November, December, all through the winter
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