Crash Course in Romance (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Probability of Encountering Your Enemy at Your Worst

Enroll me in the star teacher
Choi Chi-yeol's math course.
The star teacher Choi Chi-yeol?
Math is my biggest hurdle.
Can I take just that course, please?
"Nation's Best"?
-Thank you.
It's all yours, so slow down.
Do you want more
rolled omelets and anchovies?
Maybe just some more anchovies.
No matter the reason,
a grown man like you should eat
at least twice a day to function properly.
How do you manage to live
with only a single meal from here?
Preparing for the civil service exam?
No, the teacher certification exam.
You want to become a teacher? Why?
It's my father's wish.
He regrets not having studied much.
What a great son you are.
Kids these days
don't listen to their parents.
My daughters certainly don't.
They do the exact opposite of what I say.
They're going to be the death of me.
Eat up.
Excuse me.
Dad! Why?
He came by recently after getting hit
by a bike while picking up scrap paper.
I insisted that he get an MRI scan,
but he refused, saying he wasn't in pain
and didn't want to waste any money.
He likely died due to internal bleeding.
Come in and eat.
I've used up my meal tickets.
Darn it. I never asked for one.
You need to fill your stomach
if you want to stay strong.
Hurry up.
Don't make me repeat myself. Just come in.
Guess who's here?
It's your national athlete daughter.
-Why are you here?
You should be training
if the match is over.
Come on, I need to rest too.
I can't always be training.
-I missed home-cooked meals.
-Don't be ridiculous.
This isn't our house.
Help out if you want some food. Come here.
Stop pretending like
you're not happy to see me.
Here. Give this to him.
Gosh, that's hot.
Be careful. It's hot.
Is he crying?
-Did he get dumped or something?
-This won't be an easy hunt.
-Cry all you want.
-Its location has been exposed.
-The hunt…
She's my daughter. Her name is Hae-e.
Please take care of her
for the time being.
I'm sorry.
"For the time being"?
Exactly how long is she talking about?
How dare she ask us for help
when she left and cut all ties with us?
What is this?
What does she expect you to do?
Hey, kid.
Did your mom drop you off here?
Where did she go?
That little brat.
Mom! She's long gone now.
You skipped practice last week
with the same excuse.
My brother had his checkup then.
Today, it's my niece.
The daycare center took her to the ER,
but her fever isn't breaking,
and she's looking for me.
Nam Haeng-seon.
You think this is a welfare facility?
I can't excuse you every time.
You must think you're entitled
after I cut you some slack
since your mom's death.
You're not the only breadwinner here!
I'm sorry.
-But just for today--
-And she's not even your daughter!
Forget it.
I don't care how good you are.
I won't allow this.
I'm warning you.
You better not leave.
I'll let you go if your niece dies.
What's with that glare?
So just pick one.
Is it your niece or handball?
Pick one!
In that case…
I'll quit.
Stop right there.
I'll kick you out for good
if you leave now!
You better never set foot back here!
Are you serious? What's wrong with you?
I would've had to quit
in the end, Yeong-ju.
This is as far as I go.
I'm sorry, Hae-e. Did you wait long?
I was going to come on time,
but customers suddenly came.
Are you mad at me?
Are you?
Is it because I was late?
Cut me some slack.
Your auntie is trying
to make ends meet here.
Do you want some ice cream?
The expensive one that comes in a tub.
I'll buy you one.
Hae-e, what's wrong?
Did something happen today?
Can I just call you Mom?
Why not?
Don't cry.
Hey, that's enough.
Are you punishing yourself?
This is nice.
Let's close the shop early
every now and then and relax.
We rarely have customers
at this hour anyway.
I said that was enough.
Can you please stop blaming yourself?
I just feel so pathetic.
I had no idea Hae-e wanted
to attend an academy.
I considered myself lucky
that she didn't want private classes
and counted my blessings.
Why am I so dense, Yeong-ju?
Hey, it's not your fault.
How would you have known
when she never expressed it?
It's not like you can read her mind.
I should've known.
She's not the type to express herself.
After how much she struggled back then…
I thought everything was fine.
I told myself that she was adjusting
just fine to make myself feel better.
I was busy making ends meet.
Am I working too hard?
How is that a problem?
Slacking off would be an issue.
I think I'm something special
when I'm actually just like everyone else.
Hey, how is your life
just like everyone else's?
You have a disabled brother
and a niece your sister abandoned.
Let's be frank.
You did all but breastfeed her.
You're basically her mother.
She's the reason why
you quit the national team.
If anyone ever bad-mouths you,
I'll kill them.
That was…
pretty touching.
I meant that, you brat.
Not everyone is like you.
I truly
admire you.
I don't deserve to be admired.
I still lack so much.
Hey, moms make mistakes too.
You can always redeem yourself.
Understand Hae-e's wishes
and give her your support.
Show everyone
what a passionate mom looks like.
-Do you think it's possible?
-Of course.
It's not that you couldn't do it.
You just never considered it.
Aren't I right?
It'll be a cakewalk.
I've lived around here for years now.
I'll just visit her school and academy
and gather some information.
Ms. Nam.
I rarely tell parents this.
But you owe your daughter an apology.
She could've easily become
the top student.
How could you have neglected her?
That's why I've decided
to support her from now on.
I hear the most popular math teacher
is the star teacher here.
Yes. He's Mr. Choi Chi-yeol.
You're in luck.
Enrollment for his next course
starts tomorrow.
Really? Tomorrow?
and I'm not sure if you know this,
it won't be easy to sign up.
Let me introduce
an online community site to you.
It's called
Read up on some enrollment
and admission tips.
As we speak,
I'm pretty sure a war is brewing
among the neighborhood moms
because of tomorrow's enrollment.
Is Perfect M crazy or what?
How could they overlap
their English course enrollment
with Choi Chi-yeol's?
-Darn it.
-It's a counterattack.
From what I know,
Perfect M tried to recruit him,
but he never budged.
They've overlapped the dates on purpose.
Because their star teacher
for English is more popular.
Is that why?
-Why would they--
-Excuse me! Another beer, please!
Stop drinking.
-You won't be able to wake up tomorrow.
You said alcohol ruined your life.
She was 22 and drunk
when she slept with Dan-ji's dad.
Be quiet!
Keep your mouth shut! That's TMI.
-Don't believe her.
even if I have to
give up on the English course,
I'll make sure my kid
gets signed up for Mr. Choi's course.
-My kid needs to take English too.
-Mine too.
-My husband should take the day off
-This isn't right.
so we can get both classes.
-Or should I hire a line stander?
Are you even listening? Darn it.
I'm going to ask Sun-jae's mom.
Come in.
Ms. Jang.
Can you look over this?
You can leave it here.
Can you cancel
my evening meeting tomorrow?
I'll be leaving early
due to an important matter.
Yes, ma'am.
You really cried?
I did.
And you finished an entire meal?
I did.
What is going on with me?
Do I have bipolar disorder?
I don't think so.
Due to your obsession and anxiety
about maintaining your position,
you're suffering
from eating and sleep disorders.
So the fact that
you found something you can eat
is quite hopeful.
You didn't throw up…
You weren't nauseous, were you?
Not at all.
My stomach felt fine,
and I didn't even need sleeping pills.
It felt nice.
I felt relieved.
What about that female student?
Does she still keep appearing?
Well, every now and then.
This is great.
This seems like a good sign,
so let's see how it goes.
This could be a temporary thing,
or perhaps
it's the beginning of an emotional change.
That'd be T. All right.
Considering that it's squared,
what would T be?
-It would be two.
-It would be two.
-That was superb.
Gosh, I have a knack for talking.
I'll use this again in my senior class.
If you calculate the sequence
based on this equation, M is…
I guess we're keeping this here.
Hey, Hyo-jin.
You cut your hair, didn't you?
It's Hyo-won, Mr. Choi.
And my hair's been the same
this whole year.
Right? It looks perfect and natural.
Print out a test paper for me, Hyo-jin.
This is so demotivating.
I give up.
I'll just change my name to Hyo-jin.
He seems to be in a good mood today.
Did he have some ginseng on his day off?
I know, right?
I looked around
to see if there were any cameras.
That's how he sounds when teaching.
Let's ask for a vacation
since he's in a good mood.
We've been working endlessly
since winter break.
We can't do that when Season 2
is around the corner.
If you're that desperate,
I'll ask him after Season 2 classes begin.
-We got turned down already.
That's Royal Consort Ji for you.
Royal Consort Ji?
He's like Royal Consort Jang.
He's always right beside Mr. Choi
and doesn't let anyone approach him.
-A perfect nickname.
-He could win the king's favor.
-"Your Majesty."
-Stop that!
Here's your coffee, sir.
The admission talk show starts at 6 p.m.
-Here are the expected questions.
The association is loving it.
They didn't expect you,
a money-grubber, to do this.
Do they think I'm a miser?
I'm not a money-grubber.
I just have my priorities.
Time is precious to me.
I like the purpose behind this,
and anyone can come for free.
I know.
Right, Mr. Ji.
The lunch box you gave me yesterday.
It said "Nation's Best Banchan" on it.
Is that the name of the store?
People like it because they can
pick the side dishes themselves.
Did you like it?
Yes, it wasn't bad.
Let's go there today.
-You too?
-You said I could pick the side dishes.
I'll pick them myself.
You must've really liked it then.
You hate wasting your time
even when it comes to eating.
I'm so proud of myself.
My doctor told me to eat well.
I know my time is valuable,
but my body comes first.
Should I be more charismatic
during this upcoming talk show?
Adding a bit of humor
would be better, right?
Did that answer your question?
Let's move on to the next one.
I am a mother of a daughter in 11th grade.
Whenever she takes an exam,
she runs out of time
and fails to fill in all the answers.
During her usual studies, however,
she completes most questions.
What should we do in this situation?
Time management is extremely important.
Since she's smart to begin with,
she just needs to find a way
to secure enough time to solve
the killer questions,
which are numbers 21, 29, and 30.
One killer question requires
at least 15 to 20 minutes to answer.
She needs to complete
the other questions in 40 minutes to SWFC.
That means
to "succeed with flying colors".
Please forgive me.
This is the result of teaching Gen Z.
Anyway, she should use a timer
when studying on a normal basis.
This time, how about
we get a question from a student?
I'm an avid fan of yours,
so I even skipped school
and came here from Daegu.
Mr. Choi, could you please show us
your signature move?
I only saw it online,
so I'd love to see it in person.
I don't think this is the right place
to show off my kick…
But I'll do it!
You even skipped school for this.
What do you say?
How about my signature dance move?
You've got to hand it to him.
He's normally so cold
and hates moving around.
-Thank you for that kick, Mr. Choi.
-He's the epitome of a cappie.
-Please applaud.
A capitalist pig.
He's only doing that to make money.
Let's move on to the next question.
Let me repeat myself once again.
I will need help
from both of you tomorrow.
Whether Hae-e can enroll
in that star teacher's course or not
depends on your cooperation, my effort,
and one percent luck.
Just cut to the chase.
What do we need to do?
-Is this it?
"Nation's Best Banchan."
It's cleaner than I thought.
They have great food. You first.
Let's go.
What's wrong?
Who are those guys?
What's going on?
What's she doing there?
Is she the owner?
What's wrong?
Mr. Ji, tell me about the owner
of that shop.
Based on what
her regular customers posted online,
she used to be
on the national handball team.
Her husband runs
a taekwondo studio in the Philippines,
and her co-worker was also--
A former handball player. No wonder.
That's why she was so fast.
Do you know her? How--
Don't ask. I want to forget about it.
Anyway, don't come here ever again.
Not this place. Do you understand?
Sir, you can't park here.
What's his problem?
He should be ashamed.
How dare you try to park
in front of my shop?
shouldn't we post a sign that says
"Customer Parking Only"?
Next time. Tell us your strategy first.
What's the plan for tomorrow?
Hold on.
According to,
enrollment starts at 10 a.m.
But I should get in line by 7 a.m.
So let's open our shop late tomorrow.
Do the grocery shopping
and prepare the side dishes.
Jae-woo, help her out. Okay?
But I have to go for a walk at 8 a.m.
and have some waffles at a cafe.
Ms. Kwon Jin-gyeong
makes the waffles at 8 a.m.,
and they're a hundred times better
than Ms. So Hyeon-yeong's at 12 p.m.
Take a rain check for tomorrow.
I'll pay you 9,000 won per hour.
Then 10,000 won. No more.
This is tasty.
This place is good too.
I knew it.
It's just food.
I'll never go back there
no matter how good their food is.
No way.
Breaking down food waste.
It works well.
It's clean.
Doesn't smell either.
Sun-jae, you're home.
You're late.
I was asking
a teaching assistant for help.
I see.
Did you drink a lot?
No, just a bit.
I need to wake up early tomorrow
for enrollment, but I couldn't sleep.
I'm going to have one last glass
and go to bed.
You should stop.
I'll make you some honey tea.
You know you're all I have, right?
If something happens to you as well,
I'll have no will to live.
You know that, right?
No need for that.
Go to your room.
Go study.
Go study.
No, I won't be able to park.
I'm hungry.
Darn it.
I'm still hungover.
This is driving me crazy.
I should've stopped drinking
earlier yesterday.
Jeez. I told you not to drink so much.
You always overdo it.
Oh, no.
There are already over 100 people in line.
-Gosh. Really?
-Yes. Let's hurry.
-Hold on.
She's on her own.
I'm going ahead!
I am a changed woman now.
I will become a passionate mom
who will do everything she can
for her daughter's education.
Today marks the beginning of my rebirth.
I am going to enroll Hae-e
in that star teacher's course.
-Excuse me.
What do you want?
When are you opening?
I'll be opening late
due to personal reasons.
Please stop by again later. I'm sorry.
Exactly when? What time?
-Around noon.
-That's too vague.
That's a bit vague.
Is it noon sharp? Before or after?
I can't tell you for sure
since I don't know when I'll be back.
It's your duty
to open on time for your customers.
I'm famished.
I wonder why you're so busy.
I am sorry, but I don't do this often.
I need to go.
You haven't answered.
Is it noon? 12:30 p.m.? 12:15 p.m.?
Noon. Sharp.
I will open then no matter what happens,
so come then. Okay?
Gosh, she's really fast.
I'm famished after staying up all night.
I still have five and a half hours to go.
I'm almost there.
I'm hanging up.
Gosh, what's this line?
I don't know if I'll make it.
Had it not been for that sunglasses guy,
I would've passed a dozen of them.
I hope that guy has an unlucky day today.
I'm so tired.
I'll hand out your numbers.
I hope I get a number too.
-No way!
Thank you.
Dear God, Buddha, and my ancestors.
I have lived a very honest life so far.
I promise to continue
contributing to society.
I'll try not to swear
and cut down on violence.
I'll quit drinking-- No, I'll cut down.
I won't gossip as much either.
I take back the curse I put on that guy.
I'll be kind.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-I did it!
Thank you.
Hi, Haeng-seon. Hey.
Next person. Here you go.
This won't work.
I have no luck.
How could God not grant me this one wish?
I wanted to do something
for Hae-e for once, damn it.
Why am I always the unlucky one?
Does God even exist?
Thank you.
Thank you!
I'm so elated!
Honey, we did it!
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
I'm sorry.
-We've run out.
-You have?
I'm sorry.
Yes, there is.
There is a God.
Mom, did you get it?
Okay, thanks.
You're picking me up later, right?
-Hi, Mom.
I got into Choi Chi-yeol's course?
No way.
Mom, thank you so much.
See you later.
Gosh, congratulations.
We'll be taking his course together.
She's taking it too?
It's open.
Nice, she's not in.
Are you here to buy some side dishes?
-No, just a lunch box.
-I see.
Are you a celebrity by any chance?
No, I just have an eye infection.
So how does it work?
The containers are over there.
Pick whatever you want.
How did it go? Did you get it?
Did you?
You did it!
I made it in the nick of time.
I've had bad luck lately.
Jae-woo suddenly got sick,
and his phone broke,
but it was too expensive to fix.
You're right.
That phone was still pretty new.
I bought it less than a year ago.
I will never forgive that phone thief.
If I ever catch him, I'll just…
Pull out his organs, roll them up,
and make some tripe noodles.
Of course. Let's play a game of pool
with his eyeballs too.
Sounds nice.
We had a customer?
I'm sorry.
We were just joking around.
-You're the guy from this morning.
I had an urgent matter to take care of,
so I opened late.
-Take one of these.
-That's okay.
You should get a membership.
You can get membership points.
You can get a 1,000-won discount
with 1,000 points.
This is really good.
All of the side dishes are so fresh.
Have I had them before?
They taste familiar.
How are they not doing well
when their food is this good?
She has no money for a new phone?
Gosh, I keep thinking about that.
Why did it have to break?
By the way,
about that guy in the sunglasses.
He kept glancing at you very obviously.
What do you think, idiot?
Because he's into you.
Don't be ridiculous.
How is that ridiculous?
He's totally fallen for you.
You know dating is my forte.
You've never gone out
with the guys you flirt with.
Plus, you're the one who turned me
into a married woman.
Hae-e's dad runs a taekwondo studio
in the Philippines, right?
You spread that rumor
when we first started out.
That was because all the women
gossiped about you being a single mom.
Even still,
I'm impressed you came up
with an entire story on the spot.
"Her husband runs a taekwondo studio
in the Philippines."
"They were both on the national team
and were such lovebirds."
"His last name is also Nam.
They were meant to be."
And that was the end of that rumor
about you being a single mom.
Don't involve me with men
because people think I'm married.
Sure, that's what they think.
But let's be frank.
You're still a virgin--
Shut it.
Keep running your mouth,
and you will face a painful death.
Let's work. I need to make money
to pay for Hae-e's academy.
-Hey, welcome home.
Thank you for today.
For what?
You mean the enrollment?
That was nothing. Forget it.
Hold on.
I couldn't get one for Ms. Kim,
so eat it here.
It's your favorite.
It's sweet.
It's so sweet.
Have a bite.
No, thanks. I don't have a sweet tooth.
You're right.
You never had a sweet tooth
as a kid either.
That's rare for a kid.
Be honest.
It was because
you didn't want cavities, right?
Because I'd have to pay
to take you to a dentist.
Isn't that why?
Don't fool yourself.
I wasn't that mature back then.
-So I'm wrong?
-Yes, you are.
Fine then.
You know what?
I almost didn't make it to the enrollment.
It was like a whole new world.
I bet those parents would do anything
to get their kids enrolled.
It's not easy to enroll there.
It was unbelievable.
What are you doing?
-Aren't you coming in?
-I am.
-Is she eating something?
-No, she's not.
Why does the top student
of Urim High School look so gloomy today?
Did you know Hae-e enrolled
in Mr. Choi's course?
I saw her mom in line this morning.
I can't believe she
enrolled Hae-e in an academy.
-Did you tell her about Mr. Choi?
-I didn't need to tell her about him.
Everyone knows him. What's wrong?
Whatever. I'm so annoyed.
You're smarter than her.
Why be bothered
by the daughter of a side dish store?
I don't know.
I just don't like her.
Why not?
Isn't she amiable and nice?
I don't know.
I hate her pretentiousness.
Can you change
my performance assessment date?
It overlaps with the exam period.
I'm not sure.
I doubt anyone would switch
since they have exams too.
Sir, I'll switch with her.
I want to get mine over with.
This is the last course of Season 1.
Good work, guys.
I know you all have been busy with school,
but thank you for keeping up.
Make sure you review the ones
you got wrong or need to look over.
Did you all sign up for Season 2?
All right. That's it for Season 1.
I'm Choi Chi-yeol.
See you guys again.
-You can give them to me.
-I'll give them to him later. Okay.
-This too.
That stalker signed up for Season 2.
It's driving me crazy.
I should've told Ms. Jung about it
and blacklisted her.
She wasn't in class for a few days,
so I'd thought we were in the clear.
It'd be much better
if she didn't sit in the front.
Mr. Ji,
you can go home now.
I'll drive myself home.
-But you must be tired.
-No, I'm fine.
I just want to drive.
I should hone my skills. The keys.
And this.
The new phone you asked for.
Are you switching your phone?
Do you need a new number too?
No, that's okay.
Don't work too hard, okay?
Go home. See you tomorrow.
-Drive safely.
-I will.
Of course, I enrolled.
I'm going to continue sitting up front
to watch his flustered face.
He looks so cute when he's flustered.
What? My mom?
Of course, she doesn't know.
You know how busy she is.
I'm so excited.
What if I really end up
getting married to him--
I'm leaving first.
My fling is coming, so I need to go.
I hope you'll date him this time.
I'll see you tomorrow!
Did you leave something--
Are you closed for the day?
I was wrapping up.
But go on and pick.
You're only doing me a favor.
You're the last customer,
so you get a 2,000-won discount.
You don't have to.
Here you go.
You also got your reward points.
Hold on.
My friend sells phones,
and he had an extra one.
He's the generous type.
I'm giving it to you
as a new member of this store.
What did I tell you?
I told you he was interested in you.
Who knows?
Maybe it really was an extra phone.
Don't be ridiculous, you fool.
That's why he gave it to you?
A new phone that costs over a million won?
Isn't it possible?
You're so naive.
I'm telling you, he's completely smitten.
He didn't hesitate
to get you a big gift from the get-go.
Look at what he got you.
He's very bold and straightforward.
What does a phone imply as a gift?
It implies he wants you to be his.
That's enough.
Don't be ridiculous.
I'm going to return it.
Why would you?
It's a token of his affection.
Forget it. I have no time for that.
What about Hae-e? I need to make money.
Forget about everything else.
Just look into your heart.
How do you feel?
Feel what?
Don't you have any desire to date
and eventually get married?
Not as Hae-e's mom,
but as Nam Haeng-seon, a woman.
Of course, I do.
I want to date and get married.
I even want to go to graduate school.
I want to get a certificate and teach.
But first,
I should send Hae-e to university
and provide a foothold for Jae-woo.
After all that.
And by the time you're done,
you'll be too old.
Don't you worry.
I'll live much more happily
than you ever will.
Gosh, I got it on my shirt.
Hey, keep an eye on this
while I get changed.
Don't you have any desire to date
and eventually get married?
Not as Hae-e's mom,
but as Nam Haeng-seon, a woman.
She's right.
I can be pretty too.
Darn it.
Let's work.
Let's make some money, Haeng-seon.
Just keep in mind the structures
of the left and right-hand limits.
The right-hand limit
as x approaches one is one.
Now, this one.
The left-hand limit
as x approaches negative one…
is three.
So the answer is one plus three…
which is…
Bang Su-a,
do you have absolutely no respect for me?
Working on your academy textbook
during class?
You should be focusing at school.
But I already know everything.
I learned it in middle school.
Did you get a perfect score
on your June mock?
What about math?
Did this guy not teach you?
That teacher has a name.
It's Mr. Choi Chi-yeol.
Then what about me?
So he's a teacher to you.
What about me? Am I not your teacher?
If I ever see you working
on his textbook again
or see anything
even remotely related to him,
I will call your parents.
-Got it?
You get ten penalty points.
I'll give this back in a week.
That little…
So what if you're the top student
if you have absolutely no manners?
I feel a sense of inferiority
at times like this.
I never expected teachers
to be treated this way
when I was studying hard
to become a teacher myself.
We do need a wake-up call.
Honestly, we don't prepare
as hard as the academy teachers.
It's not because we're lazy.
We just don't have the time to do that.
We work on official documents,
lesson plans, and equipment reports.
It's not us who have to change.
It's the system.
I mean, he's not wrong.
But he's a bit sensitive, right?
Is it jealousy or an inferiority complex?
Gosh, forget about this guy's competence.
He's just good-looking.
Hey, I'm at a bookstore right now.
That tall guy who
goes to the gym every day…
What was the textbook he mentioned?
Text me the title. Okay.
Jeon Jong-ryeol?
So you recognize me.
I see your face on the buses
every morning and evening.
Even on my way here.
From pencil cases to tumblers,
you sell all sorts of things.
Which school do you work at?
Urim High?
Are you actually curious?
I hope you never ask me
to have a meal with you
just because I work nearby.
I have some trauma when it comes to you.
But I guess all that money
isn't buying you happiness.
You've become thinner.
More than when you could only afford
one meal a day living in Noryangjin.
Despite choosing money over a dream,
doing something you shouldn't have,
and working like a dog,
does it feel like
everything you've done is futile?
I had no idea
about what happened back then.
Is that so?
I see. You didn't know.
That's why you ghosted everyone.
-That was because--
A student died
as a result of that incident.
Her entire family was torn apart.
You should at least feel guilty.
I heard you didn't even call
when Yeong-seok's mother died.
Everyone is talking about
how you're a bad guy.
Hope you're happy.
A student died
as a result of that incident.
Mr. Choi!
I have a question.
Her entire family was torn apart.
You should at least feel guilty.
Mr. Choi.
Is this why you asked for their number?
This isn't right!
You shouldn't have done this!
I guess he's not coming today.
I should return this soon.
I'm so bad at rejecting people.
What do I do?
I've seen him somewhere. Who is he?
I swear I've seen him before. Who is he?
"Real math from a star teacher.
For math, Choi Chi-yeol."
Who is he?
-Mom, I'm off. Bye, Ms. Kim.
Going already? Where's your uncle?
Taking a walk.
He'll probably have
Ms. Kwon's waffles at 8 a.m.
I see.
Mom, you know I'm going to
the academy starting today, right?
Of course. I'm a changed mom now.
I'll head there straight from school.
That's for your wrist.
Use it while you work.
Hae-e, study hard today!
Tell me if you want more courses.
I'll enroll you in all of them!
You used to complain about mothers
and private education.
This is a sudden change in attitude.
I was quick
back when I was an athlete too.
How is it?
Doesn't this look nicer than a medal?
You've never had one before, have you?
-You want one too, right?
Who is he?
What do you mean?
Don't cut out the details. Explain.
Who is he?
The bus station ad.
He definitely looks familiar.
Who is he?
-What is he rambling on about?
Who knows? He'll be mumbling all day now.
That guy…
didn't come yesterday, did he?
I want to return it as soon as possible.
Where's your head at?
The course starts today.
What are you going to do?
You kept the ones I didn't want
and removed the ones I wanted.
Who edited this?
Your final feedback wasn't reflected.
I should've checked.
Reprint them.
You can get them done
before the course, right?
School just started,
so the print shops are probably busy.
We're gluing on the revised parts.
-I think--
Is this a scrapbook?
This isn't a trivial mistake.
We'll reprint them.
I'll look into shops in Chungmuro too.
Check if there are any other issues
before reprinting them.
You better check it extra thoroughly.
Maybe the rainy season
is coming sooner this year.
The wind feels humid.
I hope you stop by today.
From Nam Haeng-seon,
the owner of Nation's Best Banchan.
What is this?
Get moving!
-Yes, sir.
Let's go.
Come on.
Gosh, it's your first day of academy.
How do you feel?
Actually, I'm so excited.
You know you have to introduce yourself
and sing on the first day, right?
Do you want to die?
-You can sing. You better sing.
-I'm serious.
Go in first. Got a call.
Yes, Mom.
Hi, Su-a.
Is that your seat?
I don't think so.
You didn't book a seat, did you?
Take mine for today.
It's hard to see him from the back.
It's okay.
I totally forgot I had to book one.
I'll just sit in the back.
Just sit here. Take my seat.
No, thanks. I'm not that short.
I'm really fine.
All right.
Three is the number you get
from multiplying these two.
That means the two numbers are one and…
You can just go home.
The other one
should be three. All right.
Let's draw the graph. A cubic function…
would look like this.
The slope of one
should intersect with a cubic curve.
Let's write the formula.
It would be f(x) minus x equals
x times x-squared plus px
plus q minus one.
We can derive this formula.
I only expect one thing from you guys.
Guess what it is.
Acing the math exam?
Grade improvement?
That'll come naturally
as you take my course.
I want you guys…
to be as passionate as I am.
I truly want the best for you.
That's why I skip meals
and sleep less to prep for my courses.
I really devote myself.
Even as I speak,
I'm eager to teach you more.
I'm always so impatient.
Some of you complain that I go too fast,
but this is why.
I hope
you're just as desperate and passionate
about this moment as I am.
I hope…
you'll be that eager.
In short,
stop playing on your phone,
you in the middle row!
Mom, it's insane.
The atmosphere was so upbeat.
I totally get why
he's known for his passion.
I can easily understand him and it's fun.
Also, he shows off his kicks during class.
He knows how to make
his class interesting.
But I was the most moved
by his sincerity.
He was surprisingly cool and charismatic.
"I hope you're just as desperate
and passionate as I am."
You're totally into him.
He must be handsome.
I'm not sure.
I sat far away,
so I couldn't see him well.
But he wasn't ugly.
I guess he was good-looking.
Why did you sit in the back?
You should've sat up close.
Oh, no. I should've booked a seat, right?
I was too focused on the enrollment
and forgot. What an idiot.
That's okay. You're too busy anyway.
I'll be more attentive from now on.
You should sit up close.
Don't worry, Hae-e.
I'm all over the place.
I forgot again.
Were you trying to remember him again?
Give that to me.
I'll do the calculations for today.
Remember who?
Beats me. He saw a guy outside
but can't remember him.
He's been mumbling all day long.
You're obsessed about this now.
I'm going to go home and wash up.
Okay. You go ahead.
She looks so ecstatic.
I've never seen her so chatty!
I guess she's also a kid after all.
Who is he?
Why can't I remember?
Say that one more time,
and I'll kick you out.
You better stop that.
-Who is he?
-All right.
Get it together, you punk.
I knew I could count on you.
Your first course of Season 2
succeeded with flying colors.
I see.
Check out these comments.
Gosh, look at these.
"Mr. Choi never disappoints."
"I trust him."
"I probably failed
because I missed his course."
-Excuse me,
but I have an urgent matter.
You can tell him the rest.
-Mr. Choi.
Should I continue?
Darn it.
-You may go.
Are you still open?
I hurried over for a lunch box.
We were just wrapping up.
But you can go ahead.
Jae-woo, give him a container.
Thank you.
Hey. What did I tell you?
Wasn't I right?
Stop it.
Excuse me.
Can we talk for a minute?
I'm listening.
You see,
I'm really grateful.
-But I can't accept this.
-I see.
I have a complicated personal life,
and I want to focus on work for now.
I mean it'd be best for us to remain
as shop owner and customer.
-Who are you?
-Gosh. Jae-woo, you shouldn't do that.
That's rude.
I'm sorry.
It's him.
Haeng-seon, he's…
The bus stop.
He's the tiger!
How could you call me a tiger?
I'm so offended that I lost my appetite.
I'm leaving.
I'm right, Haeng-seon. I told you.
You're right.
We've definitely met before, right?
I was chasing you,
and you threw his phone.
I found it odd that you were always
wearing a hat and sunglasses.
There was a reason for all that.
Were you disguising yourself?
Look, I slightly misread
the situation that day.
It's been weighing on my mind.
That's why I got you a new phone.
Does that solve everything?
You owe me an apology!
Please calm down.
I'll apologize. I'm sorry.
Anyway, this is a token of my apology.
Please take it. Are we done here?
Wait. You can't go yet.
Do you expect me to be grateful
for that new phone or something?
Why are you solving things with money?
I have money too!
You said you didn't
and getting it fixed was too expensive.
Wait. Hold on.
You should've pretended
you didn't hear that.
Okay, fine.
I don't have enough money.
And you? Are you that rich?
What do you do? How well-off are you?
Why would I tell
a stranger how much I make?
Anyway, that's your compensation.
I'm leaving now.
I wish you all the best!
Wait. Take this with you.
-I can't accept this. I won't.
-Just take it!
-I don't want to. Take it!
-Just accept it!
What was that?
Jae-woo! Get down!
What was that?
It was pretty much attempted murder.
I could've been the target.
-Mr. Choi.
-Mr. Ji.
Things shatter whenever
I'm around that tiger.
Hey, why aren't there
many CCTV cameras around here?
Why is she so hilarious?
The owner is a bit cold,
but I can stomach her food.
It's also fun to pick the side dishes.
When she goes crazy,
she becomes downright insane.
-There's Choi Chi-yeol!
You just need to choose me.
Forget the lousy mom from the past.
I'm going to become a mom
who's passionate about education.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
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