Crazy Love (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

In 2016, with the takeover of
Jungsin Master Education,
Gotop Education was established.
Two thousand…
"Where is the location?"
"It's Mount Kumgang."
He's looking over at Hwaryongso Pond
at Mount Kumgang.
You have to know what this means.
What does the shape
of flowing water represent?
It's being compared to a dragon…
Next up is intern instructor Lee Sina.
Hello, my name is Lee Sina.
Today's lesson will be on nasalization.
I believe it is very important to
understand the concept
and utilize it in practice.
I will now explain
how to go about doing this.
Right. So I will explain what occurs
when two consonants collide.
Let's focus on the word "nasalization".
So, the origin of the word means
"to become".
Do you want to resign or get transferred
to the CEO's secretary's office?
At Gotop Education, once interns complete
the two-year program,
they do a teaching demonstration.
If they don't pass the demonstration,
they must either choose between resigning
or getting transferred
to the CEO's secretary's office.
We have this policy
to raise competitive instructors.
There's no point thinking about this.
Either way, they want you out.
I'm hungry.
Ms. Lee, you have a glioblastoma.
It's cancer. A brain tumor.
A brain tumor?
I have a brain tumor?
I just had some migraines. How…
How is that possible?
Cancer can be dangerous
because it can develop without any signs.
Your body was giving you warnings
through these minor symptoms,
which you ignored over the past year.
Have any of your family members
been diagnosed with cancer?
You must have been exposed to
a tremendous amount of stress
for the past year
ever since your migraine started.
Didn't you experience
other symptoms than migraine?
Stress suppresses our immune system
and lowers our ability to fight diseases.
So stress is
one of the biggest causes of cancer.
You should prepare yourself.
I'm really…
going to die?
What is this?
Of course. I'm so proud of you, daughter.
Yes, I'm on my way with some chicken.
Do you like that?
You must have been exposed to
a tremendous amount of stress.
So stress is
one of the biggest causes of cancer.
Wrap up the shoot with KTS by 11 a.m.
and postpone
the study guides meeting until 2 p.m.
The six o'clock offline lecture
will be delayed. Inform them in advance.
Set the merchandise meeting
at 10 a.m. No, 10:20 a.m.
Wait, no. 10:25 a.m.
Set a 30 minute-meeting
for the commercial shoot after my lecture.
Postpone my 11 a.m. shoot until noon.
Wait, sir.
You were too fast.
What time is the merchandise meeting?
-What time will it be?
Why don't you just guess?
If you're not smart,
at least learn to take notes quickly.
The space between the rings
should be 5.5cm.
Not 5cm, but 5.5cm!
Were you taking minutes
or writing a novel?
Don't you know
that you're supposed to summarize them?
serve me onions.
Your coffee, sir.
Who would drink this cold coffee?
The perfect temperature for coffee is
between 70 and 80 degrees Celsius.
I told you that numbers make a difference!
How many times must I say this to you?
Must I always repeat myself?
Am I asking you to do the impossible?
I'm losing my hair?
Ms. Lee Sina.
If this is all you can do,
just quit now. Now!
What's the value?
Since this is a positive integer,
it is the square root of two fifths.
Now, when you take this over
and graph it like this,
what is the length of this segment?
Remember square root of two…
And the value of the x-axis…
will be two. Then lastly…
I can do it too.
The temperature for coffee should be
between 75 and 80 degrees Celsius!
I told you to take out the onions!
I said, write down just the key points!
If this is all you can do, just quit!
Choose… now.
This is all…
your fault!
This is a great night.
A really great night.
You solved a math problem
while stargazing again, right?
How can you even think about
a boring math problem…
looking at those beautiful stars?
You really are
a man from Mars with zero sensitivity.
That stupid wine.
Wh-Who are you?
I said, who are you?
What's this about?
What the heck are you doing?
How did you get in here?
What is this?
What do you think you're doing--
Seriously, what on earth--
This is
all your fault.
Because of you…
I'm going to die.
-Don't you dare "hey” me, you punk!
Shut your mouth
before I rip it into pieces.
What? You thought
you were the only one who could curse?
Are you…
Are you out of your mind?
Yes, I am. I am completely out of my mind.
Why wouldn't I be?
I don't have much time left.
I am not putting up with you anymore.
I am not,
and I will not. This is so not fair!
You must've thought I was a fool
for never talking back, haven't you?
Did you think I let that slide
because I was scared of you?
No, I didn't want to waste my time.
Because you're a worthless loser.
No, actually,
I never got back at you
because you were not even worth my time!
-What did you say?
-Hey, Noh Gojin.
I'm warning you.
You'd better watch your back at night.
If you piss me off,
I won't be dying alone.
I'll take you with me.
And one more thing.
You aren't the only one
who can throw things. I can do it too.
If you break other people's hearts,
yours will break with that claw hammer!
Got that?
Stop right there!
You're dead meat.
You are not…
going to get away with this.
Hey. Stop right there!
Stop right there!
You're dead meat.
Hey, get out. Get out!
-I got you.
-Don't touch me!
-Let go!
-Get off!
Open the door.
I said, open the door!
Lee Sina.
Jeez. Hey.
Lee Sina.
Lee Sina!
Gosh, he almost caught me.
Why is he calling me?
What? You think I'm scared of you?
-Hey! You'd better come back here.
How dare you boss me around?
You think I'm your lapdog?
You really are asking for it today.
No, I'm not asking for anything.
I'm going to catch you.
You just wait there!
Catch me if you can. You think I'm scared?
Lee Sina.
I'm going to catch you no matter what.
I'm going to catch you! Got that?
Mr. Noh?
Mr. Noh?
Mr. Noh, please answer me.
Mr. Noh!
Mr. Noh!
Mr. Noh, please wake up!
Please wake up, Mr. Noh.
Mr. Noh! What do I do?
-Okay, one, two, three.
-Two, three.
Mr. Noh Gojin will be all okay, right?
Fortunately, his bones are fine,
but the artery
in his right popliteal fossa has ruptured.
As the bleeding is severe,
we must operate right away.
He'll live, right? He won't die, right?
We'll do our best.
Thank you.
Please sign the consent form.
-But I'm not his family.
-Please go register.
No! Please.
He cannot die.
Please let him live. Please!
Please let him live.
He cannot die.
Gosh, what do I do?
Please let him live.
Oh, gosh. Please.
This is not what I wanted.
I swear to you.
So whoever is listening up there,
please save Mr. Noh. Please!
Please save him!
How did it go, doctor?
The surgery went well.
Thank you. Thank you so much!
Gosh, thank you so much.
He'll stay in the recovery room
and move to a room tomorrow morning.
The nurse will explain in detail later.
-Okay. Thank you, doctor.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you!
Darn it.
Passengers, please fasten your seatbelts.
And switch your smartphones and
other electronic devices to airplane mode.
Sir, could you please
turn off your device?
Of course.
What's wrong, Mr. Oh?
-Where is it?
-Your phone?
Did you lose it somewhere?
I don't know.
I remember taking it from my house.
I stopped by the office
because I forgot some documents…
I took it out at the office to charge
and left it there.
Gosh. I'm so scatter-brained.
Oh, no.
It'll be quite inconvenient for you.
Well, there's nothing I can do.
I should look on the bright side.
Yes! I'm on a digital detox!
Mr. Oh isn't answering his phone.
I never saw this coming.
So why did you chase after me?
No. I'm sorry about that.
But why isn't he waking up?
Please come quickly!
Sir! What do I do?
It was a simple convulsion.
You don't have to worry.
I see. Okay.
But why is still not awake?
The surgery ended hours ago.
It's because he has a unique constitution.
A unique constitution?
Mr. Noh is very sensitive to anesthetics.
People with his constitution,
unlike others,
cannot be anesthetized completely,
and it takes a long time
to wake up from anesthetics too.
There won't be any problems, right?
Like he'll never wake up…
You don't have to worry about that.
His heart rate, blood pressure,
and temperature are all normal.
And he can breathe on his own too.
Right now, he's just sleeping deeply.
He will wake up soon.
I see. Thank you. Thank you so much.
I drank way too much.
Sina, let's get
something spicy for breakfast.
I went four rounds of drinking
with my senior colleagues,
so I'm craving spicy broth.
How about jjamppong ramyeon?
Lee Sina!
I thought she was on vacation.
Where did she go?
Unbelievable. She went to work again.
I knew it. Mr. Noh Manners wouldn't
let her have her vacation that easily.
He didn't give her a summer vacation,
so why would he now?
I have to pee.
Let's hurry.
Oh my gosh!
What… What is this?
I came in to switch the IV bag,
but I couldn't interrupt you
as you were so focused.
-Pardon me.
Aren't you tired?
I don't think you even slept.
I'm all right.
There's a hotel ten minutes from here.
-You should get some sleep and come back.
No, I'm all right.
I don't know when he'll wake up.
I can't leave him alone.
I think he'll get shocked
and pass out again once he wakes up.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
I'm so tired from the trip to Gangneung.
Good morning.
I need some caffeine.
My sandwich and coffee…
is gone.
Now that she knows that I don't like her,
she's really getting on my nerves.
-Good morning.
-Tell Ms. Lee to get me coffee now.
-Good morning.
Ms. Lee? She didn't come to work today.
Did she quit?
She wasn't that dense after all.
She was humiliated at the special lecture.
She would be an idiot not to resign.
Good for her.
She made a wise decision.
No, she's on vacation.
-What vacation?
-I'm not sure.
Maybe she's on vacation
because Mr. Noh is on vacation.
That can't be.
Then you need to go and get me coffee!
Don't complain.
Why didn't you clean my desk?
My goodness.
Your desk is very clean, so I forgot.
I'll empty it now.
One more?
Gosh. I can talk now
as my thirst is quenched.
So why didn't Ms. Lee come to work?
She finally quit, right?
I knew it!
When she came to get
a sandwich for Noh Gojin,
I threw in a ton of onions.
No. She's on vacation.
Mr. Noh Manners let her take days off?
No way.
Well, I don't know the details.
He probably let her take days off
because he was on vacation too.
Mr. Noh Manners definitely
is not the type to do that.
Is he on his last leg?
-As if.
Not at all.
But where's the other one?
She's probably busy studying.
She has no time because she's also
working as a water purifier coordinator.
I see. Then…
I'll get going now.
Okay. Bye, ma'am.
-What's going on?
Go where? Go on vacation?
Oh, come on.
The chairwoman will be here soon.
Excuse me, you can't park here.
Move out of the way. Hurry up.
-Should I move out of the way too?
Why is it that… you came here in a taxi?
Why not? Am I not allowed to ride taxis?
How did his youngest daughter
become the new chairwoman?
He's quite well-known
for putting aside his daughters.
Because his son is a dumbhead.
And I hear the chairwoman is divorced.
It happened a while ago,
and she came back to Korea recently.
I see. I had no idea.
Also, It seems she's serious
about diving into the education industry.
It's not just the foundation,
she also took over
Eutteum School in Seoul.
We will now begin the inauguration
of Gunil Foundation's new chairwoman.
Please welcome her
with a warm round of applause.
It's nice to meet you all.
It's quite the crowd that has shown up.
The Superintendent of Education,
members of the National Assembly,
professors, and students…
Thank you all for coming.
To be honest…
I'm a very shy person,
so I declined to hold such a big ceremony.
But after hearing the president
had been hospitalized,
here I wound up.
Now that I'm here,
I thought it'd be rude of me
not to properly introduce myself.
I was so nervous,
I drank two bottles of cheongsimhwan.
However, I am quite excited now.
It's been 12 years
since I have last visited Korea.
And out of all the places,
I'm here in Gangneung.
Since I was little,
Gangneung was my grandmother's hometown.
Nobody loved her hometown
more than my grandmother had.
And 30 years ago,
she founded
a private school foundation here.
She wanted to provide the best environment
for getting an education
to the residents of Gangwon Province
by setting up Baekga University.
Following in my grandmother's footsteps,
I dedicate myself to making our
foundation the best in Korea--
No… the best in the world
as a leader of the education industry.
I look forward to working with all of you.
Thank you.
I'm Baek Sooyeong.
Thank you.
We'll bring your bags to your room.
Thank you.
Oh, no!
I'm so sorry.
No, it's okay. I didn't see you either.
Hold on.
I don't know which one you should wear.
I'm really fine.
I can just clean this with a wet wipe.
No way. It was my fault.
I feel awful to let you just go.
I'm really fine.
I only brought suits on this trip…
What is it?
Is there something on my face?
No. It's not that.
Are you… an actress?
Oh, I'm sorry. You're just so pretty.
Thank you.
I feel so flattered.
This is perfect for you.
And it goes well
with the sneakers you were wearing.
What do you think?
You look great in that dress!
You remind me of myself in my twenties.
This dress…
My first love bought it for me.
Are you sure I can wear this?
It's fine. I'm actually happy
to be able to lend you a dress
that's dear to my heart.
I get the feeling
that you're a very nice person.
Thank you.
-Don't be, it was my fault.
-No, not at all.
Then how should I return this dress?
Well, I'll be here for a few more days.
You can leave it
at the hotel desk once you're done.
Okay. By the way, your name…
Sooyeong. My name is Baek Sooyeong.
Baek Sooyeong. Got it.
This wasn't a simple traffic accident.
How meticulous.
The dashcam was wrecked too.
Sir, please take a look at this.
A claw hammer?
Right. I think there was a scuffle inside.
There are some blood stains on it.
I knew it. It was planned.
And this.
What is it?
-A letter of resignation?
So, I've looked through your proposal.
Thank you.
So, what did you think about it?
Well, I was very impressed by Gotop's
two-way online lecture class system.
I'm glad to hear that.
We developed a system using
Korea's cutting edge technologies
and data we collected from
Korea's top college entrace exams.
Once we make some changes in line
with market trends in the US,
and I'm sure the system
will suit your taste.
I hope so too.
All right. With that being said,
I will go into the details.
I think we can start from there.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Oh, you must be very tired.
A bit.
Right! Do you want to talk to Mr. Noh?
Gosh, no. If I call him, he'll fire me.
-He warned me
not to call him on his vacation.
I see.
Gosh. We should get some sleep too.
We've been having meetings back-to-back.
Yes. Actually, my mind is going blank.
Good work.
Thank you.
He looks like
such an innocent kid when he sleeps.
Right, Mr. Oh.
I need to tell him about the accident.
No. He'll be so shocked.
He won't be able to come
since he's in the States.
He would just be worried.
Is this Ms. Lee Sina?
I'm calling from Gwangae Hospital.
Ms. Lee, you must get admitted right away.
I understand this is difficult for you,
but you must start your treatment
as soon as possible.
You should prepare yourself.
You're at the final stage.
Hello? Ms. Lee?
Ms. Lee?
Ms. Lee! Hello?
What am I doing here?
You're out of your mind. You're crazy.
You're dying because of him,
yet just to save this guy, I…
Seriously. You're an idiot.
Jeez, such an idiot!
It's not like I hit you with my car.
Why did you come after me?
You got hit
because of that nasty temper of yours!
So I didn't do…
anything wrong.
And besides…
you won't die.
Are you Ms. Lee Sina?
Yes, I am. Who are you?
-We're from the police.
-The police?
We followed you here from the hospital.
We need you to accompany us to the station
as a witness
to Mr. Noh Gojin's hit-and-run accident.
Jeez, I said it wasn't me!
-Let's go.
-You have no evidence!
-Ms. Lee?
-Let go of me!
-Follow us.
-Ms. Lee!
So you're saying
that someone did a hit-and-run?
Do you think you can catch the driver?
As long as you answer my questions,
we'll catch the driver.
Why did you go to his vacation house?
It was pretty late.
Well… I had to take care of something.
You mean this?
You rented a car, right?
A black SUV.
-You dented the car, right?
Yes. I bumped into a streetlight.
A streetlight?
Okay, fine.
But what do you think about the fact
that the car that hit Mr. Noh and fled
is the same model
as the car you rented?
What are you talking about…
Are you implying
I hit Mr. Noh with my car?
No! Never!
Why would I? Why would I want to hurt him?
Then why did you bring
the claw hammer to his vacation house?
You had a fight with Mr. Noh, correct?
You planned to hurt Mr. Noh
from the get-go, didn't you?
So after hitting him, you returned
to stage it as if it were a hit-and-run!
No! I didn't hit Mr. Noh with my car!
Yes, this is the lawyer's office.
Oh, yes. I remember.
I'll be available at 2 p.m. next Tuesday.
Yes. Okay.
Hey! You made such a mess
in the bathroom. How dare you…
Gangneung Police Station?
Why is he staring at me?
It really wasn't me!
I really didn't do it! I'm not the driver!
Please let me out! Please!
-Lee Sina!
No. Don't talk first.
I'll be representing Ms. Lee Sina.
So you can talk to me.
Around 1:40 a.m. today,
Mr. Noh Gojin was hit by a black SUV
ㅁnd Ms. Lee Sina, his secretary,
is our prime suspect.
It really wasn't me!
Then why did you go
to his vacation house at that late hour?
You even brought a claw hammer!
A claw hammer?
Did you finally kill Mr. Noh Manners?
No! Jeez.
Once Mr. Noh wakes up,
the truth will be revealed.
I really didn't hit him with my car!
Ms. Lee, don't try to stall time.
And we have evidence.
Bring me the dashcam.
The dashcam?
Gosh. It really wasn't me!
Then tell us
why you went to his vacation house!
Why can't you tell us?
Why did you go there? Answer my question!
You may answer it.
You need to come right away.
Mr. Noh Gojin woke up.
He woke up?
He woke up!
Pardon me.
You should meet with his doctor first.
It's all right, doctor. Go on.
Mr. Noh is really awake, right?
He's going to clear up
this misunderstanding now.
Can we go see him now?
Before you do,
there's something you must know.
What is it?
About the state he's in now.
The state he's in?
How is he?
Mr. Noh Gojin…
He has amnesia.
What… did you say?
Mr. Noh Gojin…
has amnesia.
Did you just say amnesia?
Are you talking about the thing
that shows up in dramas all the time?
I'm sorry.
It's just,
what you said was so ridiculous.
It's serious.
No way. How could that happen?
You said you took
all the scans for his head.
You said it was just a cut
on his forehead, nothing else.
I told you he has a unique constitution
where he doesn't feel
any effect of anesthetics, right?
That hurts.
What's with him?
It hurts.
Please check on his anesthetic level.
His body was under anesthesia,
but his mind was awake,
so he was aware of the whole surgery.
And in that process,
he had developed a trauma.
My opinion is
that this is temporary amnesia
caused as a side effect
of going under anesthesia.
He really can't remember anything?
Does he not even know who I--
Probably not.
-Seriously, what on earth--
Stop right there!
that means…
he forgot everything
that happened that night.
-You're dead meat.
He can't…
He can't forget what happened that night!
It was… It was the first time…
I got back at him!
Please, calm down.
I know that this is hard to believe.
I need to discuss
his condition with his family.
Does he really not have any family?
Are you listening?
Are you sure there's no family?
Not even a distant relative?
There is.
Who is it?
He has a fiancée.
A fiancée?
Then please tell her to come right away.
You're looking at her.
I'm Mr. Noh Gojin's
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