Criminal Code (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Vestígios da Noite

[Benício] I don't know
what story you heard.
[man 1] Come through, come through! Mark!
- Come on! Hey!
- [man 2] Stop! Hey!
[man 1] Pass the ball!
[man 2] What are you doing?
[man 1] Every single time, man.
Hey, what's up?
- [Benício] But what I know is this.
- [Mentex] One coffee.
- It was just another day in jail.
- One cup.
- [officer] Don't start, Mentex.
- Or water. All I'm saying is just to ask.
Everyone, please welcome Officer Santos
from the Federal Police.
[Benício] If not for the fact
that most officers
- were attending Santos' talk.
- Hi, guys.
- We're talking about crisis management.
- To this day I have no idea how they knew.
You are my rock and my fortress.
For the sake of your name,
lead me and guide me.
Let's go, Soulless.
[Benício] What I do know
is that they knew exactly when to attack.
[dramatic music plays]
- Let's fucking do this!
- [Benício] Armored cars
- Come on, move, move! Let's go!
- Bulletproof vests, guns
Go! Go! Go! Go!
- Let's go!
- [Benício] 15 heads of the Organization.
- Over here. Yeah. Right.
- [clanking]
Hurry up, get the fuck back!
[Benício] But what really turned
the tables in their favor
- was the fucking element of surprise.
- One! Two! Three!
[inmates shouting]
Come here. Get them out.
Pick it up. Now come here. Open up.
Open it, fucker.
[dynamic music plays]
[man on PA] Attention, all officers!
The prison has been breached!
I need backup!
- [officer] Everyone to the security room.
- Attention, retreat! I need backup!
[Soulless] Open it, open it!
- [Mentex] Hurry up! Open the fucking door!
- Chill!
[Soulless] Open it, fucker!
Everyone is getting out of here.
You know that, right?
- But first, I have to get my guys.
- [klaxon blaring]
Where is Martelo and Caroço?
Where the fuck are Martelo and Caroço?
- Go get them.
- [inmate 1] Go upstairs.
B-4. One of them's in B-4.
- Where is he? Huh? Where is he?
- I don't know!
- Come on! Think hard!
- Where is he?
- Hands on your fucking head.
- Where'd he get to?
- Hey, you, you four.
- [Benício] It wasn't Santos's squad.
- [Santos] Come on.
- But he led the way.
- Never could resist being a hero.
- Hands on your fucking head!
Eight hundred prisoners.
- And they only broke out 25.
- Don't do this!
- All with a history of bank robbery.
- [Mentex] Get up. Get up.
- All members of the Organization.
- I thought you were the tough guy?
It was all going according to plan,
till Santos showed up.
Police! Fucking police!
- [warden] Stop! Don't shoot!
- [Soulless] I have a hostage.
- I'll fucking kill him!
- Don't shoot.
- I will kill the hostage.
- Don't shoot. No, please!
- Believe me, I'll fucking kill him!
- [warden] Don't do it! Don't shoot!
[all clamoring]
[Benício] A hostage situation.
- Prisoners on the run.
- Don't shoot! Don't!
- No chance of holding them back.
- No, no, no.
[robber] Go, go, go, go, go!
[warden] Don't shoot!
[robber] Soulless! Fuck, fuck!
[Benício] Santos saved the hostage,
but ignored a key rule
that he taught to others.
He left cover before confirmation
that the threat had been neutralized.
A guy like Santos would
never have made that mistake
if he were 100%, and not hungover.
Since then, I've only had
one thing on my mind.
Making that fucker pay for what he did.
[man] A reported 44 million dollars
stolen, cars set on fire,
shoot-outs in the middle of the street,
and a historic prison break
[theme music plays]
[couple gasping]
I missed you.
[baby cries]
Sh, sh. Sh, sh, sh, sh. Hang on, hang on.
No, no, no. No.
[baby crying]
[Suellen panting]
[baby continues crying]
I love you.
- [door opens]
- [baby screaming]
- [door closes]
- [sighs]
[Fernando] Hmm. hmm, hmm?
So, how do I look?
You always look great.
- Even at seven a.m.
- [laughs]
Everyone's gonna be gunning
for the Proguard case today.
I'd love to go for a run before work.
Ay, can we please get a nanny soon, Fê?
Ah, we don't need a nanny,
we just have to be more organized.
If I'd known, I'd have asked
my mom to come earlier.
Fernando, I'm saying in general,
not just today.
I've been talking about a nanny
since before Ayhu was born.
But she's too young for that.
- [gasps] Sweetie!
- [Fernando chuckles]
And Mommy thought nannies
were there to look after babies.
- [gasps] Babies!
- I'm really serious.
And so am I, Fê.
- [engine idling]
- [truck door opens]
[foreboding music plays]
[phones ringing]
[Benício] Good morning, good morning.
Careful, it's hot.
Or do you want me to put
some ice in it for you?
Are you bringing work from home?
Isn't it supposed to be
the other way around?
That's my real office.
I just come here to get nagged.
- [laughs]
- [Benício] Good morning!
- Morning.
- [Rossi] Ladies and gentlemen.
The work from this team yesterday
transformed our police station.
From the country's border to the capital,
they're all watching us.
Well, as they say,
today's papers are old news.
Doesn't he look like a luxury car
salesmen, trying to make a sale?
In Brazil, bank robberies have
always been top-tier crimes.
But lately, they're on a whole new level.
Thieves used to do quick attacks,
usually in a single location,
leaving no time for police action.
They took whatever they could.
Now they have a new strategy.
[man] My God, they're taking hostages.
[Rossi] Dozens of men,
with war tactics
and military-grade weapons,
overpower police forces
and take over entire cities.
They take their time emptying its vaults,
and often attack more than one target.
The first heists of this kind started
earlier this year but have quickly spread.
They work a bit like a joint venture.
- What's that guy doin' here?
- What guy?
This is the Proguard meeting, isn't it?
I'm Agent Moreira.
Wladimir asked me to keep
an eye on the proceedings.
Well, as I was saying, various gangs form
a sort of joint venture.
Sir, sorry. Sorry.
What do you mean, joint venture?
- It's like this.
- Come on, man. [laughs]
Here you have the pencil gang.
And here we have the wallet gang.
Thanks, Suellen.
Then you have the
pile of junk.
And also these guys,
- [chuckles] Damn.
- Keychain gang.
- He looks like a prison guard.
- [chuckling]
I like fucking padlocks. Anyway,
we got these different gangs.
Each one carries out robberies.
They attack an armored vehicle here,
a bank vault there.
- And in the wallet gang
- Leave it, just leave it.
This is the guy
that takes care of the cars.
These guys are in charge of the weapons.
There's this guy,
that only handles the explosives.
Acupuncture, Saldanha?
- [laughing]
- He likes the penetration.
- Just get on with the show.
- Eh?
[Benício] I didn't take you
for the zen type, bro. Anyway
There's the guy who pays
for the whole fucking thing.
And the one guy with the plan.
In the pile o'junk gang,
there's also a head guy
who knows the plan.
But the rest of this gang
doesn't know the plan at all.
And both of these are just muscle.
You see? They're carrying
out contract work for money.
And then what happens?
We end up getting screwed
because we have to focus
on one group at a time.
- Is that clear?
- Clear.
Joint venture.
- Okay, it's clear, I get it.
- [Yuri] But
- DNA analysis allows us to
- Just a minute, just a minute. Hold on.
What's the role of the Organization
in all this?
[Moreira] The Organization.
They coordinate everything.
[Rossi] Moreira knows the Organization
inside and out.
Now, this offender here,
who died in the free-for-all,
Mamute, was a leader
of the Organization in São Paulo.
[Moreira] That's what's odd to me.
If this was a regular robbery, they
would never send someone like him.
Not main players like Mamute or Soulless.
I've never seen that.
What do you know about Soulless, man?
I saw him once, in a rough part of
They say he's tough, and answers directly
to the heads of the Organization.
[in Portuguese]
We're careful breaking in ♪
And come out with loads of cash ♪
Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
Stand against us and get taken down
Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
- What about this?
- Stand against us and get taken ♪
In the darkness of the alleys
Of mourning or of betrayal ♪
Adrenaline is what makes
My heart beat faster ♪
But I defend the flag
Of what I deserve ♪
Because true crooks
Have faith in Jesus ♪
[man 1 calls out]
I thought you were a mirage, dude!
[man 2] Yo, didn't you get arrested,
[Soulless] They couldn't hold me.
[man 3] Grab some chicken hearts, big guy.
- Make yourself at home.
- Where's the money?
- [man 3] What do you mean?
- We haven't split it out yet.
[man 4] The bags are inside, homie.
What about the bag I had with me?
[man 5] Bro,
I'mma give it to you straight.
The cops were all over the place, man.
The only way was to play it cool
for a while before going to the bathroom.
And real talk, man,
I turned the bathroom upside down,
I turned all that shit upside down,
and I found nothin', man.
Nobody else was there.
I'm telling you, dude.
I swear some janitor son of a bitch
got rich off us, bro.
Yeah, that's the truth, chief.
Seriously, cops were everywhere,
it was nuts.
[man 4] You never said shit.
- You were playing it cool?
- [man 3] Messing around? You'll die.
Three months ago,
they busted out 25 members
of the Organization from that prison.
We got four of them
here yesterday.
It's undeniable that the prison break
happened for this heist.
Soulless was there both times.
It's all connected, man!
And what makes you so sure?
It's called fucking investigating.
But you let the guy
walk out the front door?
[Saldanha laughs]
[Suellen] And who did you arrest
Three small-time weed dealers
and a homeless person?
You should work
as a supermarket security guard.
- She's right.
- Ah, Miss High And Mighty!
- Well done. Congratulations.
- [all talking]
You need to switch beats,
to see what it's really like
out on the street, in a shoot-out.
You don't even know
what you're doing here, dumbass.
[unnerving music playing]
Did you come here together?
No, bro, it was me and Picadinho,
Caroço and Ferrugem. You know?
And Carimbo?
Carimbo said he had some stuff to do.
He came here afterwards.
He just showed up.
Where is it?
Soulless, how is it? You saying
my word isn't enough for you now?
Where's the money, man?
- I'm telling you, I swear to God.
- Take God's name outta your mouth.
Ow! Fuck! Shit, Soulless!
Fucking hell! [screams]
What'd you do with our money,
you fuckin' asshole?
[Carimbo] I owed some guys, man.
They were gonna kill my family.
- Lord, grant us forgiveness.
- I was going to give it back!
And have mercy.
[Carimbo] Fuck!
- Oh, man, please.
- Where is it?
In the cemetery, bro, on the edge of town.
The third tombstone.
[sobbing] Oh fuck, man
Oh fuck, Soulless
[dogs bark outside]
Get it and bring it to me.
[man 1] We'll get the bag, bro.
- Let's bury this worm.
- [man 3] Fucking hell, man.
[Benício] Alvinegro.
A pain in the ass
who didn't give us any leads.
We have to find a way to keep him here
until we can get to the crime scene.
Yeah, of course.
So that guy
That Moreira, huh?
- I can't figure out his deal.
- Mmm.
Mmm. Nobody really knows his deal.
They say he's the only one who's been
able to infiltrate the Organization.
Hmm. So, he's a good cop, right?
Or a good gangster.
Why was he the only one?
Or maybe his smartass schtick is bullshit?
Yeah. Possibly.
I don't trust him.
They say he got suspended
because he got in shit
so deep they could smell it in Brasília.
That could just be gossip.
Why would Wladimir bring him here
among us all of a sudden?
All I know
where there's smoke,
there's fire for sure.
It was a hard decision, but we've decided
you two will lead the investigation.
But listen up. I don't want
any more insubordination.
I don't want you to do parallel work,
I want results. Within the law.
Understood, sir.
Mess this up
and it'll be out of our hands,
and there will be plenty of people
who want it.
Now, if we can crack this,
it could be our ticket
to anywhere we like.
Rio, São Paulo, Brasília.
No, I'm good here.
But I'll help you in any way that I can.
You better get goin' before they
contaminate the DNA at the crime scene.
[scoffs] I've never seen
DNA solve a heist.
And I've never seen you
get along with a partner this quick.
[horns blaring]
["Sonidos Siderales" by Villagran playing]
[music continues on car stereo]
So, Shrek. We got this, you and me.
And for Rossi to keep us on this,
we have to do what he says, at least
a little, are we on the same page?
I guess Rossi seemed to think
you and I were a good match.
- Oh, yeah?
- [motorcycle pulls up]
Just him?
Is that what you think?
Look, partner, I'm sorry, but I have
no fucking patience for this traffic.
Man, I don't believe this. Hey, nutcase!
Pick up some diapers for me
while you're on your little walk?
Who said I'm walking?
Let's go. Go! Go! Go!
[song finishes]
[car alarm chirps]
[radio chatter]
So, you're 30 minutes early,
solved the case already?
No, but I did talk to some locals who saw
a drone flying over the past few weeks.
They must've scoped the place out
to get the lay of the land.
Mm-hmm. Oh!
Matías, our Brazilian agents. Suellen.
- Hola, Matías.
- Hola.
- Yuri, Guilherme.
- Bienvenidos.
- [Guilherme] How's it going?
- Are all the employees here today?
Huh. After those executions they saw
last night, no, they won't all be here.
You know, the independent contractors
are the first to talk under pressure.
So to keep them from talking,
they're sending them messages.
[Suellen] Huh.
They took everything but the guaraní,
worth so little.
[Benício] Yeah.
Poor liquidity.
Extra weight for nothing.
The dollars they took them all.
- Eleven million.
- Eleven?
That's the official number.
The press said 40.
[Suellen] The other 30 must be dark money,
We'll probably never know.
[Guilherme] Know how much
a watch like that costs?
This guy didn't know he was gonna die.
You a medium now?
The blood on the wall shows
that he hadn't surrendered.
He wasn't cowering
when the shot was fired.
No marks from ropes or handcuffs
on his wrists.
He probably knew his killer.
- He was taken by surprise.
- And that watch?
Come on, you don't think
they bought him off with it?
I don't know about that.
All I know is the science.
[static crackling]
Hold on, wait. Stop there.
That armored vehicle by the wall there.
The blast disperses energy out.
That vehicle is serving as a barrier,
sending the shockwaves back to the wall.
Without the vehicle there,
that wall wouldn't have come down.
Can we see the footage from two days ago,
same time, same place?
One day earlier.
[static crackling]
[Benício] Go back to the day of the heist.
Who was driving that truck on that day?
- Thanks, my friend.
- [radio chatter]
- We have to get back to Brazil.
- Hasta luego.
- Thanks.
- Gracias.
- [Matías] Look, I need you to call
- Are you gonna cause trouble?
The driver of that truck could be
our only chance to get someone to talk.
- If he's alive.
- We can't do anything in Paraguay.
- We have no authority here, it's the law.
- We won't do anything. Just a little chat.
Come on.
[vehicles pulling up]
[siren whooping]
[suspenseful music playing]
[cat yowling]
[man sighs]
[dogs barking]
What's this?
It's chipa.
You should have seen the ones
my grandma used to make.
It's good.
Your grandma used to make these for you?
Oh yeah.
Except hers were way more delicious.
We'd have it as a snack at her house,
on vacation in Asunción.
You have to cross the border
in order to get the real deal.
I'm usually here at night.
I go to that bar, you know the one?
By the bridge.
- The one with the jukebox?
- Ah! Fucking corny.
Santos felt the same way
when he first went there.
But then, he really loved that jukebox.
I was on leave when he died.
I didn't hear much about what happened.
Two o'clock.
- Blinds are still down.
- Benício.
Santos' death is
at the heart of this case.
I need to know what happened to him.
I don't know what story you heard.
But what I know is this.
It was a just another day in jail.
[somber music playing]
[inmates yelling]
I must have watched that video
a hundred times.
A guy like Santos would
never have made that mistake
if he were 100%,
and not hungover.
Shall we do another shot? Just, bap-bap!
- We've got work in the morning.
- Oh, it's just one round, pussy!
They took me off the case.
But a source on the inside
sent me the CCTV footage.
Since then,
I have only one thing on my mind.
Making that fucker pay for what he did.
Delete the video.
You have to stop torturing yourself.
- [hinge creaks]
- [tires squeal]
[foreboding music plays]
Get in the car! Go!
- Should we call the police and wait?
- Fuck off, Benício.
[dynamic music plays]
[kidnapper] Someone's following us.
Dále, corre, acelera!
Get 'em. Get 'em, get 'em!
Come on!
[kidnapper] Fucking bastard!
You gotta stay on 'em.
They're gonna fucking kill him.
Hold on.
Cut him off!
- [alarm wailing]
- [tires screeching]
Get out. Come on, get out.
Leave them for the Paraguayan police.
Let's go. Let's fucking go, now, go!
- Hurry!
- [Suellen] Stay right there!
Drive, Suellen.
[siren approaching]
Quédate donde estás ahora.
That area is for forensics,
but it's only for coroner access.
The storeroom and gym are upstairs.
[chuckles] Well, that's pretty much it.
Reception will let you know
about your hotel later on.
- Okay.
- Is it your first time in Foz?
Well I've travelled a lot in my day,
but I have to say,
I haven't been to the Triple Frontier
very much at all.
There's a guy from São Paulo,
he's been here a while now.
If you give me a couple of weeks
out on the street,
I'll learn the ropes and report back.
from what I understand, you're suspended.
Wladimir sent you here to help, but
you're supposed to be just a consultant.
I think it's clear
you won't be on the streets.
[sighs] To be honest with you, sir,
I want to do my job.
And that's where I do my best work.
Out there in the streets.
Moreira, look. If you cannot do what
Wladimir assigned you to do with me,
just let me know.
I'll be watching you.
You step out of line,
I'll be the first one to call you out.
It is unclear to me
why Wladimir sent you here,
but even he won't save you
from an internal investigation
if word gets back you're out here
playing police officer.
Here. You're bleeding. Take this.
Look, here's the deal. We turn you over
to the police,
who leave you to rot in a cell,
or you work with us
and we just forget you exist, get it?
They'll kill me if I talk.
I'll put you in the witness protection
program in Brazil.
I never thought anyone was gonna die.
Diego got me into this shit.
All I had to do was park the truck there.
- That was it.
- [Benício] Diego? The murdered guard?
Did Diego pay you?
No, it was another person.
Any idea who he is?
No, I don't know him.
I swear, I don;t know him.
The only thing I know is
that we met in a mansion.
Do you know where this mansion is?
Sí. I know how to get there.
What's this guy look like, man?
He's tall, he's skinny.
White guy.
He always had a hat on.
You gotta remember, man. More. Come on!
Diego called him "Negro."
They were friends.
You just said he was white.
Yeah, but Diego would say,
"Negro Negro" Somethin
"Alfie." "Alfie," or somethin' like that.
Es eso?
With a tattoo here? Is that him?
Good. Let's go to Brazil.
Are you fucking nuts? If we turn up at the
station with this guy, Rossi'll go crazy.
Rossi won't be there.
I'm sure Rossi will be more than happy
to take a picture
at the mansion he'll lead us to.
- No fucking way.
- Suellen.
We have to do what we have to do,
to be able to catch who we need to catch.
That's how it fucking works, all right?
Look, If I pulled a tenth of the shit
you pull, I'd be out on my ass.
That's how it works.
I'm going to the mansion,
you do whatever the fuck you want.
Come on.
[commentary in Portuguese]
[tense music plays]
[distant siren wails]
[ringing tone]
- [call drops]
- [tuts]
[ringing tone]
- What's up?
- Our friend on the border.
Tell me about him.
I just know he owns a bar.
[Guilherme] Policia federal.
Where'd you disappear to?
Where's Benício?
[Suellen] Why don't you concentrate
on investigating the perps, okay?
If somebody could fucking tell
me how word travels quite so fast?
No idea, huh? [laughs]
- [siren blares]
- I don't get it.
- That Rossi?
- [siren blares briefly]
That explains a lot.
- Esta liberado. Pueden entrar.
- Podemos? Gracias.
- [chuckling]
- Aah.
No doubt about it.
This was their house.
At Proguard, they were
wearing gloves and balaclavas.
They left hardly a trace behind. But here
- Wasn't it DNA you wanted, Chief?
- [phone chimes]
I got you DNA. [laughs]
How did you find out about this place?
[phone chiming]
Asking around. Got lucky, I guess.
Sorry, Ayhu is with my mother-in-law.
I have to go pick her up.
So guys, keep me
informed in the group, yeah?
[Rossi] Of course.
- Matías, muchas gracias.
- Tchau, de nada.
Rossi. And me? What should I do?
There's nothin' for me to do here.
What do you mean, nothin'?
Protection, man.
You see that ammunition there?
It costs a fortune.
Someone might come back for it.
Well, I'm gonna go speak to the press.
- Good luck with the work.
- Lo acompaño.
Rossi, the Paraguayan police
will stand guard too, right?
Seriously, bro? You're with me.
Chill out, for God's sake.
[dog barking outside]
[somber music playing]
- [lock buzzes]
- [door opens]
Looks like Juarez finally decided to talk.
- I don't know a Juarez, sorry, sir.
- No?
You know a Diego?
Because Juarez said you killed him.
No, I didn't kill anyone, sir.
I honestly don't give a fuck
if you killed him or not.
It's your word against his.
And I'm leaning towards his.
The Paraguayan police can't wait
to have a head on a spike.
I didn't kill anyone, sir. Are you going
to blame me for something I didn't do?
That's for the court to decide.
And you will be rotting in a jail cell
until they've reached a verdict.
[door opens]
[door slams]
[music intensifies]
[music fades]
[man] Therefore,
take up the whole armor of God,
so that you may resist
when the day of evil comes,
and, having done all, stand firm.
Ephesians, 6:13.
Money coated in cocaine.
A burnt piece of paper
What else, man?
They think they can burn
all traces of the evidence but
what they don't know is
they've left us a goldmine of proof.
You gotta be fuckin' kidding me.
[Yuri] Sir, I've never seen
anything like this.
If this evidence contains
as much DNA as I think it does,
this case could win
the DNA Grant of the Year.
How long to process it?
[Yuri sighs]
[Suellen] I had to make up some excuse
for Rossi, but he'll be back soon.
You weren't answering my calls.
I thought you didn't wanna
have anything to do with this?
Was I right? By the look on your face,
you didn't get anything.
- Come on, Benício, let's release Juarez.
- No, no. Wait. Hold on.
Give me one more chance.
[door lock buzzes]
[door slams]
[muffled] So?
Are you ready to be charged with murder?
I'm not gonna give you any names.
You know exactly how this works.
Okay. Then what about the Organization?
They did the heist, the breakout.
For what?
Talk, come on!
I was put on three jobs.
The prison rescue, and the robbery after.
You were at the prison break?
[suspenseful music plays]
Tell me who killed that cop.
Tell me who killed that cop, you fucker!
So, then, what's the next job?
I only find out a few days ahead.
But you'd better be watching out,
because it's gonna be three times bigger
than anything before.
Oh, don't you fuckin' worry about it.
[door opens]
Pssht! Come on.
Go on.
[tense music playing]
Where's our backup?
Uh, well, the Paraguayan police just left.
Are you kidding?
The garage is full of 7.62 ammo.
You know how fucking expensive that is?
- Yeah?
- Look how many crates they have.
For sure they're gonna come ba
[dramatic music playing]
It was nothing.
Let's finish the job and fucking go.
And what about the
witness protection program?
That's it. The bus station's down there.
I'd say there's room for 20 Paraguayans
in Brazil. You'll be fine.
I did what you asked.
Yeah. And you're alive and you're
free to go. Say thanks and fuck off.
- You're a bit of an asshole, huh?
- [tuts] He should be in jail.
He's gonna be fuckin' fine.
[engine starts]
["Que Pase Lo Que Pase"
by Los Verduleros playing on speaker]
Buena noche.
One more.
[music fades]
[ominous music plays]
You been hidin' from me, Raul?
Oh, hey, big guy.
Fuck, you really do look
like Raul Seixas, don't you?
It's been years
and it still takes me by surprise.
[laughs] So, dude, you left São Paulo?
What are you doing here, man?
Why all the questions?
- You think I'm fuckin' playin', huh?
- No, man. No.
Hey. You seem to forget what I told you
when you came out here.
- I can't have this cell on 24 hours a day.
- Shut your mouth.
So now you're ungrateful?
No man, on the contrary.
I'm grateful for everything you've done.
You got me out of so many tight spots,
sticky situations. But I'm clean now.
- You're clean, bro?
- Yeah.
- Hey, man, I'm working here.
- Uh-huh.
Moreira. You see? I'm saving money.
You're clean?
So if I look behind this bar,
you won't have a massive pile of cocaine?
An arrest warrant in Brazil,
fugitive in Paraguay.
Not lookin' so good for you, is it?
The cowboy of cocaine.
- Things are getting better
- Shut the fuck up.
You know I know
a lot of people around here.
- Don't you, now?
- I know, I know, man. I know.
I do. But things have calmed down here.
Why would that be?
Ah shit.
It's a fucking war, bro. Ambassador, man.
The Organization, you know how it is.
If I knew, I wouldn't be here
smellin' your bad breath.
- [Raul sighs] So what do you wanna know?
- [Moreira] Fuckin' everything, man.
[Raul] You know Riyad, from Pedro Juan?
- You know who that is?
- Yeah.
Well, all this shit started at the
border there, man, at Ponta Porã.
It's way worse there than here.
They say it's a funnel at that place.
They're really
fuckin' right about that, man.
[laughs] And that son of a bitch
just sits back,
and wants to control what goes in and out.
Yeah, it's fucked, man.
Riyad, the king of the border.
[Raul] One and the same.
So you get the picture, right?
But Riyad and the Organization,
that's an old fight, man.
It's nothin' new, dude.
You get the logic. Crossing by land
is cheaper and easier than flying.
There was so much Bolivian coke
going through Pedro Juan, man.
It was like the guys from
the Organization thought,
"Why pay a fortune to this son of a bitch
when he's the competition?"
Hola, mi amor. Are you all right?
Todo bien?
Have you noticed anything odd
around the house today?
No, everything is fine.
Just a question.
- Did you find
- [brakes squeal]
[Raul] They didn't just kill him, man.
They were sending a message
that the border has a new ruler.
It's the Organization's now.
But they forgot one small thing,
you know?
- To make a deal with the Ambassador.
- The drug dealer from here in Paraguay.
- What's his deal?
- I don't know who he is. People say shit.
Don't fucking pull that.
And where does his fucking coke come from?
Dude, I have no clue. Fuck, you really
just wanna beat people up, don't you, man?
Shit. I'm fuckin' no one, nothin'.
All I know is what I hear people say.
[tuts] Fuckin' A, man.
Spit it out.
This guy is really fuckin' smart,
you know?
The way his mind works is brilliant.
For real.
He was born in Brazil, he's Brazilian.
But his business grew in Paraguay.
[distant door slams]
[Raul] The thing is, his operation is
much smaller than the Organization.
But he was in Paraguay first,
so here, he's huge.
They call him Ambassador
because he's an excellent negotiator.
But he went crazy
when they killed Riyad. You see?
Because he helped get his product
across the border, you see?
Plus, they told him he'd only be able
to sell his product to the Organization.
[Moreira] While he's not as strong
as the Organization,
he's got the firepower
to make their life hell.
[Ambassador] Dear friends,
there are times of peace and times of war.
[Raul] Since he gave the order,
the Organization has had
a shit show at the border.
Wherever they've tried to cross
with their product,
the Ambassador's men were right there.
Like scabs.
There's been tons of damage.
Shitloads of people died, man.
- [gunfire]
- And not just on one side.
It's been on both sides, you know?
The only thing I know is,
after a few months like that,
the war stopped here in Pedro Juan.
It's all calm all of a sudden.
All right.
What about the robbery?
I've got no idea about that, man.
All I know is that there's
Brazilians involved, you get me?
From now on, keep your phone on.
Collaborate, and you'll
have peace and freedom.
[tense music plays]
[Rossi] Go straight to the lab
when you arrive, as quick as you can.
No problem. Would you
like anything from Brasília?
- Distance.
- [chuckles]
- Keep me updated.
- Yes, sir.
[man] Bring me my scale.
[door slams]
Good to see you, Bigode.
- Hey, man.
- Hey.
You good? All chill?
How did the job go?
[Soulless] We had some trouble.
[Bigode] How much did you get?
How did you only get seven?
[man] Hey, bring me that box!
- Did you know about this?
- No, no. I had no idea, man.
But I think we gotta look into it,
Bigode. Corroborate with our friends.
[Bigode] I need to follow protocol.
- Of course, do your job, bro.
- Let's do what we gotta do.
- No doubt.
- Hail, Sheik.
[all] Hail, Sheik. Hail, Sheik.
So, our brothers are gathered
to discuss some ideas.
Our brother Soulless is here.
He had some trouble, which was
on TV, the radio, and in the papers.
He's in deficit.
He only got seven.
[Sheik] Start talkin', man.
Hail, Sheik.
But first, thank you for this opportunity
to be able to explain myself, you know?
I've been in the family 15 years.
And I've always done what's right.
Isn't that so?
Get to the point, man.
We lost a lot of money in our escape.
And a lot of men.
I tried to solve the problem, but
couldn't make it before coming here.
Here's the thing, brother.
Mamute's team, God rest his soul,
lost everything.
My brothers also suffered losses.
And our brother Carimbo made a mistake,
which he's paying for elsewhere.
Let's look into all of this.
[Bigode] No doubt. We're standing by.
Can you put someone on the other line
who can testify all this?
I'm calling Mentex,
he knows about all this.
[Mentex] Let's call that dude
who told us how it went down.
[door slams]
[Sheik] We verified your information.
It's all been confirmed.
But you gotta solve it.
You are the one on the outside,
representing us.
I know, man. I get it.
That's why I came here today.
To request a vote of confidence
to continue on the path of my mission.
I will get the rest of it.
And I'm giving you my word,
and my word is my bond.
We have a deal?
- Deal.
- Deal.
[Sheik] Brother, listen to me.
We're all good in the family.
The problem is the Ambassador
across the border.
We have three months
to get his 30 million.
Without that money,
we can't provide what we promised,
and our agreement is off.
Our peace will be lost.
So you gotta get that 30 million,
whatever it takes, yeah?
Now go. God bless you.
That's it, fam.
That being said, Soulless is free to go.
- All right?
- [murmurs of agreement]
[machinery whirring and beeping]
Morning. How are you?
- Hello.
- You can leave your things here.
- Thanks.
- Make yourself at home.
- Sound good? Shall we start?
- Mm-hmm.
[dramatic music plays]
Tell me one of you has
something solid for me.
So what do we have? Aside from a suspect
who's just waiting for his release papers?
Alvinegro? That fucking prick.
That guy was the getaway driver
for both the prison break
and the Proguard heist.
[Rossi] You have proof?
'Cause if there's no proof,
he's just a counterfeiter
unlucky enough to be at the bus station
with one of the robbers.
[phone chimes]
Come with me.
Fifteen results already. Seriously,
I've never seen results so fast.
This database is basically
My DNA database contains genetic profiles
from all over Brazil.
It could be much larger, of course,
if it were taken seriously,
but lately, all my budget requests
have been ignored.
[Rossi] My apologies,
could we just get to the results?
- We're very anxious to hear them.
- Here you go.
Right here.
This is the link analysis that we
That we developed. We compiled
this report as the results came in.
While we won't go into everything
now, the crux of it is
we've had 15 matches
out of 15 samples processed.
Matches to what exactly?
Mostly with samples
collected from other cases.
- Ten other cases, to be precise.
- Yeah.
The assailants that broke
into Proguard were involved
in at least ten other incidents
in the country, together or separately.
This is essentially a DNA map of criminal
larceny for the entire country, Director.
- Okay, but do we know who any of 'em are?
- Some, yeah.
But most of them, no. Not yet.
What about this guy here?
[Yuri] His DNA matched a sample
found on a cup in the mansion.
But wait, there's one more thing. [sighs]
DNA found on the hostage
from the prison break
also matches a DNA sample
that we collected from the mansion.
It's from Santos's killer, Benício.
[Suellen] It's Soulless.
He and Alvinegro work together.
I need some fucking handcuffs!
- [man 1] What's he talkin' about?
- [man 2] I have no idea.
- Hey.
- Calm down, sir.
- Calm down, calm down.
- Let's go.
Calm down. I surrender, already.
[Benício] Let's see
if your team's gonna win, man.
["Diaba" by Urias plays]
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