Cruel Summer (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

A Smashing Good Time

Previously on "Cruel Summer"
I like your purse.
- Thanks.
- It's my birthday.
Happy birthday.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- For you!
This is so sweet. Thank you!
We should make a list of all the
things we want to do this summer.
Item number one for the list,
I think we should do something illegal.
- That sounds like a great idea not.
- Come on.
Jeanette, where's
your sense of adventure?
(laughing) Okay, fine, but as long
as it's not something immoral.
- They found Kate.
- Do they know who killed her?
- She's alive!
- Jamie! Jamie!
Please listen to me, Jeanette,
you need to go.
- I came as soon as I heard.
- Go! Bitch!
- Oh, my God!
- Get her outta here, go!
Missing teenager Kate Wallis
was rescued today.
Kate Wallis's alleged
kidnapper was Martin Harris.
A few months after I was kidnapped,
I was found by someone.
I thought that salvation was near.
You could have saved me, and you didn't.
Jeanette Turner,
I hope you rot in Hell.
(computer modem beeping, buzzing)
(rock music playing)
Well, Katie Kat? What do you think?
I appreciate the gift, Mama, but
Is it a little too bright?
Oh, baby doll, you're as bright as
a diamond no matter what you wear,
so you may as well sparkle.
Now finish gettin' ready
and get your little buns
downstairs for step classes.
Yes, ma'am.
Now I'm finding the words to say ♪
But the springtime takes
me so very far away ♪
I love you ♪
Forever ♪
If it was raining ♪
JOY: Kate?
Honey, Jamie and your friends
are coming over later.
At least put some earrings on.
My friends?
Renée and Tennille, darling.
Don't be silly. (chuckles)
I guess your ears must have
closed while you were
While I was locked in a basement?
It's okay. Mom will get it
right back where it belongs.
Let me get a tissue.
(humming simple melody)
KATE: Smells like summer! Come on!
- I love this song!
- (The Cranberries playing "Zombie")
- In your head
- In your head ♪
- Head
- In your head ♪
- Your head
- In your head ♪
- Zombie
- Zombie ♪
- Come on, come dance with me!
- Zombie, Zombie ♪
Boo, you're no fun!
What's in your head ♪
In your head ♪
Zombie, Zombie ♪
Zombie-ie-ie ♪
It's not you ♪
Zombie ♪
You're not ♪
- Family
- In your head ♪
In your head ♪
(echoing) In your head ♪
- (Kate humming tune)
- (ominous soundtrack echoing)
(humming continues)
(siren wailing)
(ominous soundtrack continues)
(siren fading)
(humming softly)
(humming grows louder)
- (country song playing)
- BILLY RAY CYRUS: Oh, come on!
All right, y'all ready to do this?
ALL: Yes! (cheering)
All right, here we go! So we're
going up on the bench. Let's go!
- Up, up, down, down.
- (country song continues)
Up, up, down, down.
Yes! Whoo!
Let's add some arms, shall we?
Up, up, out, out!
Up, up, out, out!
Up, up, out! Beautiful!
Keep it going, don't stop.
Yes, knees!
Yes, ladies!
Hand up. Yes, ladies!
Singing yippee-ayo ♪
We're gonna add a twist
to that choreography,
if you like a challenge.
Here we go, and up!
Up! Up!
- Yes, mama!
- All right, whoo!
Billy Ray Cyrus gets
me all hot and sweaty,
even when I'm not working
out to one of his songs.
Mama, eww.
Oh, don't be such a prude, Katie Kat.
Motivation is motivation.
Besides, I gotta keep
fit for your father,
or he's gonna run off with
one of his football fans,
who just keep getting younger, I swear.
He would never do that.
- Could you even imagine?
- No, that'd be tragic.
That's right. This town is not kind
to divorced women, and then you and I
would have to buy generic
and go thrift shopping again. (chuckles)
- Joy Wallis!
- Cindy!
I love those highlights.
Let me guess. "Easy Does It," shade 11A?
- I'm an 8R girl, myself.
- I wouldn't know.
Whatever potion the
hair stylist whips up.
At the salon, of course.
Um, well, I have been trying for ages
to drag Jeanette to these classes.
How fun was that?
Cool necklace.
Thanks. I got it for my birthday.
From when I saw you.
Uh, when we when we saw
each other at the mall.
That's right, I remember.
CINDY: So, I've got a great idea.
We should all go do a
girls' day sometime soon.
I mean, that'd be fun, right?
We could splurge at the salon.
Oh, I don't know.
We have so many plans this summer, so
A girls' day sounds like fun.
Yeah, we'll call you, okay?
Yeah, okay, come on.
We are not calling them.
They were just being nice.
Not a fan.
(water burbling)
- God, you're okay.
- What are you doing?
I came to check in on you.
What are you doing?
Taking a bath.
With your clothes on?
I was just thinking about all the things
that I missed the past months.
Like what?
my favorite sweater,
and taking warm baths.
So I put on my favorite sweater
and I drew a bath and I got in.
How did it happen?
How did what happen?
You and Jeanette.
I'm not sure you really
wanna hear about that.
I feel like I just disappeared
and she took my place.
I feel replaceable and it's
not a good feeling, Jamie,
so I just wanna understand
One day I was putting up
missing person fliers
and, um
she offered to help.
I don't know. She just
kept coming around.
I heard you hit her.
You hit people now? Who are you?
I'm your boyfriend.
Hey, I'm the same me.
I promise.
Do you wanna step out of the bath?
Jeanette's an impostor.
She didn't steal your life.
She tried to.
But she didn't.
You're here now.
You get to reclaim it.
Yeah, I'm here.
(TV theme song plays)
On "Chit Chat Tonight," joining
the ranks of lady killer Ted Bundy
is Martin Harris.
It seems the assistant principal
turned kidnapper's chilling charm
is gripping America even
from beyond the grave.
The more we discover
Enough with that noise.
How was your day?
(clears throat)
Uh Your body, your choice?
Uh, but ouch, it looks painful.
Okay, coming from the guy
who dislocated his shoulder on live TV.
Well, I'd rather be tackled
10 times than pierced.
You know me and needles.
I've been through worse.
You, uh, know your
mother is gonna, uh
- Shit a brick?
- Mm-hmm.
Here's hopin'.
So how was therapy?
I may have skipped it.
- Honey
- Daddy, come on. It's just one session.
Besides, I'm so sick and tired
of talking about Martin Harris
and that stupid Jeanette Turner
and my feelings.
I feel like they both suck, and
that one of them is burning in hell
and the other one's gonna
join them soon enough.
I've been puttin' the police
off for days now, Katie Kat,
but they're gettin' frustrated.
We can face this together.
Can we drop the stale
"mother-daughter bestie" thing?
I'm not interested in reviving it.
- Okay, you're still upset with me.
- You think?
But we have a second chance now.
We can go back to the way it was before.
I was so devastated when I lost you.
You remember the last thing you
said to me before I went missing?
You know I didn't mean that.
Well, I certainly had a long
time to wonder if you did.
ROD: Nah, she's not here right now.
But one of my daughters is.
You and I just have to
play it cool, okay?
- ROD: At the Garden Club party tomorrow?
- WOMAN: Yes, of course.
We can slip away for
a few minutes. Now
It's just what I need
right now, Candace.
Whew! God, I can't remember
the last time we had sex.
- CANDACE: It'll be so good. Thank you.
- Yes.
ROD: It's gonna be great.
Okay. See you then. Bye.
RENÉE: What else?
Oh yeah! Kurt Cobain died. Suicide.
So sad.
TENNILLE: And River Phoenix. Overdose.
So sad.
We're talking too much.
How are you, Katie Kat?
I don't know.
It's not like I have anyone
to compare stories with.
Well, here's something
you might be interested in.
Nan Rutherford said that Jeanette
told Crystal Blankenship
that she did see you and that
you were chained to a wall and
I was never chained to a wall.
She said Jeanette told her,
like, right after it happened.
No, Jeanette Turner didn't tell anybody.
She had too much to
lose if I was rescued.
Like my best friends who suddenly
became her best friends.
We should let you rest.
I kind of promised your mom
that I'd convince you
to talk to the police.
I'll talk to the police when I'm ready.
I want to give a statement with purpose.
JOY: I'll be two secs.
I just gotta put my face on.
Why isn't Daddy riding with us?
Oh, he's practicing for
the ribbon cuttin' ceremony
down at Hank Stevenson's new store.
Anything Hank can do to
suck up to your step-daddy
Well, won't that make him late
to the Garden Club party?
Oh, he wouldn't dare. He knows
how important this event is.
Plus he gets to show off
his arm candy. Moi.
Hey, um
how well do you know Candace Johnson?
She seems nice enough.
How does she know Dad?
They're on city council together.
You wanna know some gossip?
She chased after your step-daddy
right before we got together.
- (Joy chuckles)
- Really?
Well, he was a hot commodity,
comin' out of the pros.
I think even Cindy Turner was
thinking about ditching Greg for him.
But once he saw adorable widowed me
and my sweet girl, he was hooked.
Is that why you don't
like Cindy? Because of Dad?
Oh God, no!
Anyway, I see Cindy just
kind of starin' at me.
It's like she wants to be me.
It's creepy.
That whole Turner family
just seems so desperate.
Jeanette seems sweet.
All I'm saying is that the weird apple
doesn't fall too far
from the creep tree.
KATE: Mom, no.
So does that mean I'm
destined to be just like you?
You should be so lucky.
I don't trust Candace Johnson.
Trust her? With what?
It seems like she might
still have feelings for Dad.
Oh, Katie Kat, her and
the whole damn town.
Hey there, Scott!
Mr. Scott.
Enjoy the party, ladies!
All right, then.
(classical music playing)
Hey, Ben, we need ice.
You got it.
HANK: (laughs) Go on, tell
'em about the '86 game.
Y'all must be sick to death
talking about that '86 game.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What am I, the queen of England?
Just give me the can, son.
Man, y'all see this boy
carry our whole team to State?
Best damn quarterback
since me! (chuckles)
I mean in this town, Wallis,
not the big leagues, all right?
Here's to those who know me
and love me anyway!
So, anyway, did I tell
y'all we went elk huntin'?
(indistinct conversation)
(indistinct conversation)
- HANK: Hey. Martin.
- MARTIN: How you doing, Hank?
Hey, you boys meet the
new assistant principal?
Wow, Rod Wallis? I I'm a big fan.
I used to wear your jersey all
the time back in high school.
Always happy to meet a fan,
and a new neighbor.
Martin. Harris.
Welcome to Skylin, Martin Harris.
- Cool.
- Okay, come here.
Come here. Now, come.
JEANETTE: Oh, my God! How many
of these do we need to get?
Hey, could I get six bags of ice?
JEANETTE: How much water do you
think these are gonna hold?
Enough to baptize
Hank Stevenson, here's hoping.
You guys go to my school, right?
Uh It's the only school in town.
I guess you're right.
We're a grade below you.
Oh, uh Pro tip.
Shaving cream's a lot more fun.
That is a good idea!
- That is a very good idea.
- Oh, my God.
- We have to change it on the list.
- Okay.
- Where are we putting it?
- Put the shaving cream in the balloons.
JEANNETTE: Inside the
balloons? Do you have a pen?
(Jamie grunting)
Kate is all over the place, man.
Can you blame her?
No, but I just want things to go back
to the way they were, you know?
You know that expression, like,
"don't shoot the messenger"?
Jeanette really wants
to talk to you, dude.
Very bad idea.
I mean, don't you think you
should at least hear her out?
No. I'm with Kate now.
Yeah, I get that,
but there's a history
between the two of you,
and I've never seen you happier than
What are you, like on her side now?
No. I'm not on anybody's side.
I don't even know what
the hell is going on,
but I think you might at least
owe her a conversation.
One that doesn't involve
you giving her a black eye.
Tell you what.
I'll meet up with her.
But I can't promise to play nice.
She have to worry you're
gonna hit her again?
No. But my words are gonna
hurt a whole lot more.
It's weird.
It was a year ago today
I set up that meeting.
And at that time, you believed Jeanette?
Can I ask what's this all about?
I mean, is Kate suing Jeanette?
I can't disclose confidential
information regarding the case.
But right now, we're just talking.
Got it.
So, do you think
Kate's falsely accusing Jeanette?
I used to.
For a long time.
But by the end of last summer
After Kate was rescued?
By then I didn't really
know who to believe.
I still don't.
do you, in any way
blame Jeanette for what happened to you?
Do you know what a
Rube Goldberg machine is?
It's a contraption where
you drop a quarter into a cup
and that falls into stacked cards
and that falls into a
ball and so on and so on,
until a result's achieved.
I think that's what happened.
So you do blame Jeanette?
Yeah, I guess I do.
(country music playing in background)
GREG: Well, that's weird.
The Wallises are going to a party
right after their daughter was rescued.
What would the invite-only
"kiss the Wallises' asses" party be
without the king and queen themselves?
(with accent): It'll be
a smashing good time.
Get outta here, you smartass.
Oh, hey, do you need me to pick you up?
Nah. It's gonna be a late night.
And now that I'm a high-school grad,
I don't need permission.
- Boo-yah.
- (door closes)
(classical music playing)
(attendees murmuring)
Hey, bud.
- I tried to call you.
- Hey. So what's going on, Tucker?
Why is everyone staring at me
like I have an ass for a face?
Because you do have an ass for a face.
I have an ass for a face,
your dad has an ass for a face.
What's happening, man?
Seriously. Come on.
There's this rumor.
What rumor?
Is this about Tammy, who
works at the DQ? Because
It's about Kate Wallis.
Kate Wallis? What's
that got to do with me?
There's this thing people
are saying This is awkward.
Tucker, you're my best friend, man.
We used to blow up your Thundercats.
Talk to me.
Kate Wallis has told some people that
your sister knew where she was
kidnapped and didn't tell anyone.
You think my sister saw
Kate Wallis in a basement?
Dude. Dude, that's the dumbest
thing I've ever heard.
- Are you kidding me?
- I know.
But until this all
blows over, I think
Let me just ask you, legit, okay?
Do you believe that?
Of course not. I like your sister.
I like your whole family.
I'm sure there's a simple
explanation for all this,
- but in the meantime
- Wow, man.
It's fine. No need to call security.
Dude, don't be like that.
No, I will be like that, Tuck,
I will be.
MYRNA: Don't you think
they're the sweetest couple?
That Jamie is so adorable.
MYRNA: Oh! You two
couldn't be any cuter.
You remind me of me and Hank
when we were in high school,
before the beer belly and
my stretch marks from Tucker.
MYRNA: I'll bet you and Jamie
are Prom King and Queen this year!
BABS: (gasps) Don't forget Homecoming!
I'll bet Kate's valedictorian soon.
She's gotta leave something
for the other kids.
No, she does not.
Isn't it weird how this time last
year everything seemed so perfect?
Wasn't it?
Nothing's ever perfect.
And parents can't keep you safe,
no matter what they say when
they tuck you in at night.
I'll keep you safe, okay?
It's cute that you think
that's up to you.
Could you get me some water?
- Yeah, sure.
- Thanks.
(pager buzzing)
(water running)
(tap squeaks)
Here you go.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
So, what are you doing tonight?
I'm just hanging out with the
guys after the Garden Club party.
Well, if anything good came out
of me being locked in a basement,
it's having a good excuse to
skip that bougie bullshit.
BABS: Have you, um, met the new guy?
- Martin?
- JOY: Oh, yeah.
- He's a looker, huh?
- BABS: Isn't he, though?
Do not tell Hank I said so.
Of course not.
Mama, can I steal you?
Yeah. Excuse me, ladies.
What is that look, baby?
I was gonna say something
earlier, but I just
I didn't want it to be true.
What are you talking about?
I heard Dad on the phone
with Candace Johnson.
He's having an affair.
Oh Honey, that is not true.
Is this because of what I said
after step class? I was kidding.
No, no, Mom, I heard them.
I'm sure you heard something, Katie Kat.
But you just misunderstood.
No, no, no, no. They're both
inside right now, come with me.
Talking city business, I'm sure.
- Then come with me.
- No, Katie Kat!
You are making up stories
and I'm not gonna stand here
and listen to it.
Now, if you'll excuse me.
(muffled sound of woman laughing)
- (man talking indistinctly)
- WOMAN: Oh, my God. (laughs)
- WOMAN: Yes, yes!
- ROD: So good right now.
(woman laughing)
CANDACE: And the rooms are so spacious.
- ROD: They look real nice.
- CANDACE: Gorgeous.
Katie Kat! Come on in, quick.
Close the door.
She's gonna love this.
Your mama's one lucky woman!
You know Mrs. Johnson
Yes, from the city council, right?
And her phenomenal travel agency.
I'm surprising your mom with
a romantic cruise next month.
Think she'll like it?
Oh, oh, she'll love it.
(Rod chuckles)
(classical music playing)
JOY: Well, he's much more
than a hired hand. He's
KATE: Mama?
Mama, I'm so sorry.
- Excuse me.
- I jumped to conclusions.
I didn't mean
Listen here, little miss.
When you make false allegations
about sins like adultery,
which could ruin this
family as we know it
that is very unflattering.
You're embarrassing yourself.
Now, run along.
As I very clearly stated,
I do not wish to speak
to you at this moment.
Hi, Tammy. You're looking great.
HANK: It's time to introduce
the one and only Joy Wallis!
(polite applause)
As a true daughter of Skylin,
I can say with certainty
that we are a town built on hospitality.
When I lost my first husband to cancer,
the casseroles were endless and
y'all's sympathy got me through.
And when my Rod moved to town,
we welcomed him with open arms.
- (Rod chuckles)
- Okay, my arms may have been
a little more open than most.
- Hi, baby.
- (scattered applause)
Some people have asked
how Rod and I can be here,
with our Katie girl
being so freshly rescued.
The truth is,
if I could muster the strength
to get out of bed
while she was still missing
and there were days that I couldn't
then I sure as hell can
stand here with you all now
that our girl is safe at home.
We had evil living among us,
right beneath our noses,
but now that evil is rotting
in Hell where he belongs.
(cheering and applause)
(sighs) Y'all
I am tired.
But I can feel that when
everyone looks at us,
they're reminded of the monster
that violated our sweet baby.
And I'm tired.
Of thinking about him and about the girl
still living among us who could
have helped my Kate but didn't
I am tired.
So here's to us, to the "good guys."
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
Let us shine the bright
light of Skylin hospitality
on our newest neighbor,
our new Assistant Principal,
Mr. Martin Harris.
Hi, neighbor!
So grab some raffle tickets
and let's have some fun tonight.
Oh! Oh!
Oh! Oh!
Nice arm, dude.
The girl thinks she's the
queen of the neighborhood ♪
She's got the hottest trike in town ♪
That girl, she holds
her head up so high ♪
- Hey, that's my bike!
- Who cares? Go, go, go!
Rebel girl ♪
Rebel girl ♪
Rebel girl ♪
MALLORY: Come on, we have to go!
Rebel girl ♪
Come on, let's go!
You know I wanna take you home ♪
I wanna try on your clothes, uh ♪
Stupid kids.
(modem beeping, buzzing)
(tapping keys)
(clicks, computer chiming)
"I do not wish to speak to
you in this moment, hmm-mm."
"I do not wish to speak
to you in this moment."
SCOTT: Kate?
Mr. Jones.
Mr. Scott Jones (chuckles)
Kate, what the heck are you doing here?
I'm drinking for the first time!
You want a sip?
There's none, I think.
Are you gonna call the cops?
No, I don't think your mother
would appreciate that.
I thought my mama and
I are best friends.
But I think she hates me.
She hates Cindy Turner.
She hates rap music.
Fatty foods and me.
You don't know what you're saying.
I think you should call the cops on me.
I think I'd be prettiest
girl in all of jail.
(Scott sighs)
All right. Let's get you home.
- Oh, easy there.
- No.
(swing creaks)
- Come on.
- Can we stop at Whataburger?
SCOTT: (chuckles)
We can stop at Whataburger.
Thank you for coming.
What do you want?
You know I didn't do the things
Kate's saying I did, right?
- You know me.
- Yeah, I thought I did.
Just think about it, okay?
Kate's been through
something awful and traumatic.
Something we can't even imagine.
Maybe she's not exactly in
her right mind right now?
Coming back to find out her
boyfriend's with someone else?
- Someone he's great with.
- Used to be.
Have you even considered
that this is just Kate's trauma talking?
I mean, it's hard to know
what's true and what's not
after spending months in captivity
and only a week ago
seeing the guy that did it
get shot to death in front of her?
I'm gonna ask you this once.
Did you see her?
Look at me.
Of course not.
I just don't know what to think.
You know I would never lie to you.
(sniffles) I would never
lie to you, okay?
JOY: I put her to bed.
She's never done
anything like this before.
I figured.
Oh. She and I had a little
argument earlier, but
Yep, she said.
I just don't know
what's going on with her.
Drinking alone in public? Ugh.
Ah, kids are kids.
Not my Kate.
I mean, not usually.
So, where is, uh
Oh, he's down at the lodge
with Hank and the boys.
Probably getting as shit-faced
as his daughter right now.
This has been a day.
Hey, Joyce.
You're the only one who gets
away with calling me that.
JOY: We have to be careful.
She's startin' to nose around.
(insects chirping)
(modem dialing)
(modem pinging, buzzing)
(The Cranberries playing "Zombie")
THE CRANBERRIES: In your head ♪
In your head ♪
Zombie ♪
Zombie ♪
Zombie ♪
- WOMAN: State your name, please.
- KATE: Kate Wallis.
You're ready to give a statement?
Yes. Very ready.
Go ahead and tell us about
the day in question, Kate.
Jeanette Turner saw me
while I was held captive.
WOMAN: And when was that?
I don't know, I'm guessing December?
I didn't have a calendar or a clock.
Of course.
- And you say your friend
- Not my friend.
I barely knew her.
MAN: But you're certain
it was Jeanette Turner.
Greg and Cindy's little girl?
One hundred percent.
I even have proof.
If she wasn't there
then how would I have this?
(shuddering, crying)
MAN: Are you okay?
No, I don't think I am.
One last question, Kate.
How well did you know Martin Harris
before the abduction?
Not well at all.
MAN: Can I help?
No, I don't even know you.
I'm Martin.
I'm Kate.
Hi, Kate.
JOY: Are you trying to kill me?
Sweet baby Jesus.
What was that nifty phrase
that the Reverend said to me
when I was rescued?
"The Lord only gives you
as much as you can handle"?
ANCHOR: A strange twist in the
shocking story of Jeanette Turner,
the young Texas woman
accused of failing to report
Kate Wallis missing last year,
is that these two will now
face off in a legal battle.
The defendant is Kate Wallis.
The allegation is defamation.
JOY: That vindicative, lying
little worm is gonna sue us?
When we were about to move on?
ROD: This has to be a mistake.
JOY: When my daughter
is the victim here?
We are the wronged party.
That Turner family is
a Hellmouth, I swear.
ROD: Honey, we'll straighten this out.
Damn straight.
I'll have that anchor's job!
I was talking to Kate.
- Maybe no one saw the news.
- (phone rings)
ANCHOR: Storms across the Midwest
have caused a series of blackouts
Oh, God, Rod, call our lawyers.
Do something!
- (ringing continues)
- (couple arguing indistinctly)
(banging on door)
KATE: Open the door!
Open the door!
Open the door!
Open it! Open the door!
Open it!
You can't hold me here.
Please open the door.
(muffled argument)
(hard rock music playing)
(modem buzzing)
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