Cupid (2009) s01e02 Episode Script

Live And Let Spy

It's quinoa, Joan.
I know it looks like the inside of a beanie baby but it's a jammed with protein.
I finish my counseling sessions for the day and I'm not doing anything tonight if you need an extra hand in the kitchen.
I'm not sure how I feel about asking our volunteer psychiatrist to peel potatoes.
Trevor, what are you doing here? What happened to your romantic evening with Kevin before he goes to Africa? - He's getting on a plane in three hours.
- Who is Kevin? Kevin Kevin.
You know, Kevin.
Humanitarian Kevin? Such a David ass Kevin? Look, he's at the phone razor, at the museum, eight blocks away.
Which is where you should be.
Then he's getting in a car and he's going to the airport.
We only got like twenty minutes.
Twenty minutes for what? I mean, how you two even know each - You've got to be kidding me.
- Can we just got like in an hour? - I'm on a ticking clock here.
- I brought Riley to one singles group.
I even made sure she didn't sit near you.
I thought that the not matching my friends rule was a given.
I can't do it.
- Drag her out, Trevor.
- He wants you to go to Africa with him.
He wants me to go with him? Look, Riley, I know you have been burned before, but I'm telling you, this guy is the real deal.
Okay, maybe we should take a deep breath and just think about this for a minute.
Are you sure you want to run off to Africa with some guy? Well, it' just a week, and he's not some guy.
He's an international relief worker.
I am surprised the guy hasn't been knighted.
Trevor met him at Tres Equis, and knew we'll hit it off.
- It's been these three weeks whirlwind.
- Three weeks? I never even heard you mention him.
Because every time I bring up my love life you point out that I am reenacting a code pending relationship with a narcissistic father figure or exposing deep seated trust issues.
That does sounds like you.
It's like trying to go to dinner with your weight watcher group's leader.
Which is why you don't have girlfriends.
Claire has girlfriends.
I'm one of them.
Sometimes, though, I just need someone supportive more than I need expert advice.
Come with us.
I want you to meet him.
Go! Go! Go! Go! You are here.
I was worried I was just the work to you.
Anything but.
Behold my divine handy work.
What the hell? Who are you? Nick Kazarian, Bowery Investigations.
Congratulations, Mr.
You have just had your picture taken by the best P.
I in the tri-state area.
Your wife hired me two weeks ago.
Call me all the way from London.
Guess this isn't the first time this happens.
Cheerio! Remind me again.
You believe you are the God of what? Subtítulos por: Cupid Traductores: aremsi, irisalicante, Seta, Syd15 y Virum.
Revisor: Syd15 How could you do that? It's completely irresponsible! How can you not see how horrible I feel? I couldn't feel worse if I were impaled on something.
- Well, I say let test that theory.
- I know this is going to come as a shock.
The other people in the world were not you, make mistakes.
If you stop and think, even for a millisecond I did post to think this time, which I never do.
Now, something felt a little wonky.
- Wonky? - Yeah.
You know, looks so good on paper.
Still, you know what? Lesson learned, obey the gods.
That is not the lesson.
The lesson is to stop interfering.
Can you get a room already? God! Fighting is another sign of attraction, you know? She talks about it in her book.
Well, actually, that's a simplification.
What I say Claire, I have just been romantically bitch slapped.
And now there are pictures of me making out with a married man.
Out there, in the world.
Saint Kevin He already offered me quadruple for the photos and I turned him down.
We were hoping to explain the situation.
You maybe you can help us out.
Yes, I am not really what you call a helper.
My friend is an innocent bystander.
She didn't know Kevin was married.
Well, I figured this much, but maybe she should've done a little less hand holding and a little more ring finger checking.
The guy has a tell-tell tan line.
When did you see us holding hands? Well, his wife hired me two weeks ago.
I got to hand it to you though, no money shoot until tonight.
You knew I had no idea he was married and you just you watch me get real then? - You could have given me a heads up.
- What did you think that I was? I mean, you think I'm going to get a habit of introducing myself to people I'm photographing? Oh, so you wait until you got your money shoot to be a decent human being.
What are we girlfriends? It's not really nature in my job to protect the mistress.
Oh, I was just doing my job.
Is that what you tell yourself when you try to sleep at night? No, to get to sleep I use the same tools every other P.
Bourbon and phone sex.
Now that you mention it "I was just doing my job", is the last thing I hear - before I noing off.
- That is repulsive.
Really? Great.
Cause that means you're leaving.
God, did you get beat up like every day in high school? I swear the second your mouth opens my fist clench.
Oh, my God.
Shouldn't you go role your little anger ball to the guy who actually screwed you.
Yeah, I don't know what the hell an anger ball is but I want to throw it to you.
Look, it doesn't matter if I give you the photos.
I already sent the JPEGs to your boyfriend's wife.
Well, I am glad you didn't waste any time.
Actually this, right here huge waste of time.
Can you two get a room already? If he's already mailed the pictures, then we're done here.
Well, unless the two of you are enjoying yourself.
You know, my dad proposed to my mom at a Yankees game.
How much would you take for this? I thought you throwing your parents a party was the anniversary gift.
Yeah, but I feel like I got to give them something on top of that.
- It's the 40th.
- 40th it's the Rubies not baseball.
You know, I can't believe you parents have been happily paired up for 40 years, yet you look like a monk.
- Yes, I'm saving myself for someone special.
- Hello? Can I get a drink? Sorry.
Normally our lovely, advicious and vindictive cocktail waitress, is handling table services.
And here I thought that I was special.
Special, huh? You know what? I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but notice that you're not wearing a ring.
Now, am I being so bold? What's your taste in men? Less bold.
No thinking, just matching.
No thinking, just matching.
Hey, boss.
The woman at table nine says she wants to speak to the owner.
What can I do for you? Can you turn into a dry Martini and take a sit right here? Excuse me? I'd like a dry Martini, up with a twist.
I'm sorry.
I thought you wanted to see the owner.
I wanted to see someone to get me a drink.
If it has to be you, I could probably find a way to deal with that.
Is that a vodka Martini or Hey.
I want my base ball.
It's Thurman Munson's base ball.
He wrote his name on it.
The P.
tracked me down.
Well, you were wearing the name of the bar on your shirt yesterday so clearly, you wanted to see me.
I happened to notice your screensaver.
Those were some lovingly shoot images of Riley.
So I don't meet that many sexy social workers in my line of work.
Then I say embrace your good fortune.
You two had a real spark.
Look, I make my living chronicling the disintegration of happily ever after.
Monogamy is seal, love never lasts and marriage is an archaic institution doomed to failure.
You have a nice day.
Does that mean you are opposed to doing a girl a favor? I'm sorry you didn't feel you could talk to me about Kevin.
The sad thing is it wouldn't matter if I did.
The only difference could have been you saying, "I told you so.
" - Thank you for staying for dinner.
- I don't want to say I told you so.
I just want to be a friend a normal non-relationship expert friend, who you can do regular girlfriend stuff with.
We've been talking about getting together outside the center and we never do.
Yeah, I guess we never did take those neat dance classes, did we? Or train for that half marathon, which we could still do.
What do you say? Tomorrow morning, 6:00 a.
? We can even start from your place.
Okay, but we're making a pact to not talk about men.
This is the Polish.
This is the Russian.
Okay, taste the Russian.
- Are you trying to get me drunk? - Oh, come on.
It's barely a sip.
I am doing it too, and I'm working.
That's the same one I just tasted.
You can taste the difference between top-shelf Vodka and a cheap stuff.
I apologize for ever doubting you.
So what brought you to my fine establishment? I'm meeting my son here.
He's dating someone new and he wants me to meet her.
No way you have a legal age son.
See for yourself.
It's my sister.
- Celia, can you check on John on the back.
- Okay.
You! I sure hope you have a semi parked up front full of canned goods and donated toys.
Okay, you look surprised to see me.
Your friend Trevor told me that this latest guy wasn't the first time you've been burned by a man.
He said you wanted some tips to spot the bad apples.
I said not such thing.
Makes no difference to me.
I'll just go.
He never answers his cell phone in front of you.
Yes, that didn't signal to me the "degenerate philanderer".
That said "polite.
" No one is that polite.
And he always pays with cash because he didn't want his wife to see anything fishy on his credit card bill.
Not often get a post screw replay-by-play what a jackass I am.
I think we can agree then, he was the jackass.
So sweet, try and make me feel better.
Hey, if it didn't happen all the time, I wouldn't have a job, right? - Excuse me.
- What is this? A restaurant donated some tablecloths, but if you prefer the plastic No.
Look, I appreciate the tutorial, but my problem is not with recognizing married men.
It is the first time that mistake has been made.
Just finding an honest man.
Yes, you mean "the" honest man.
Look, I don't make the rules.
This is basic nature.
Men are looking for youth and beauty.
They leave their wives for that, abandon entire families.
Maybe you are tougher on men that I am.
No, no, no.
I am an equal opportunity misanthrope.
They'll deny it but I woman would overlook just about anything for wealthy powerful man.
Miss Hanes I've made this for you at the rec center.
Oh, it's beautiful.
Thank you, Jessie.
See? Some day that sweet girl would break a man's heart for a bigger better offer.
Maybe she should be smart and avoid love altogether.
Apparently today's food donation included the entire cheese course from Blue Hill restaurant.
I got to start eating in sub kitchens more often.
To Jessie.
May she be smart and avoid love altogether.
Hear you.
God, I can't imagine you married.
Well Could you imagine me paying alimony once a month to a woman who lives with my former captain? Former captain? You were a cop? Yes, ma'am.
So, your wife and a captain, huh? I take they didn't hooked up after you divorced.
Would that have been thoughtful? What's with the bucket drumming? He hasn't have to bucket drumming.
- Bucking drumming isn't romantic.
- He's not ours.
He just wondered in.
Well, get him out of here.
He just shock upon an oyster for my health.
I'm creating a mood here.
Sacré bleu.
Good call on the waffles.
You seem you really know your food.
I got that from my dad.
- He was a cook? - No, he liked to eat.
He was also a cop.
And his father was also a cop.
And his father? He was a thief.
But an excellent cook.
I believe at one point he was a person who shafted a warrant by Rikers Island, actually.
You should let me cook for you.
Are you trying to make up for letting me and my heart broken? You don't have the heart broken.
You didn't love, I could tell.
And I didn't even need the telephoto lens.
Although it sure helps.
I liked him.
I believed his intentions were honorable.
See, uh, third time that town car pass us.
Some angry husband after you? Always a possibility.
This is my place.
Yeah, I know.
Riley? And now I must to kill Trevor.
I can't remember the last time I stayed up all night because I wanted to.
He's cooking dinner for me tonight.
Go ahead.
You shouldn't be getting involved with someone especially a guy who yesterday I refer to as "pond scum" and said lacks compassion.
I'm just a supportive friend, happy that you're happy.
Wow, you are good.
We need to have a little chat.
Why don't you just say I need to yell at you so I don't get my hopes up.
I can't believe you're trying to match Riley up again.
Did you not notice how horribly it went the last time? Which is why I'm really bringing my "A" game here.
I'm atoning.
She hasn't said much about it, but I picked up on a few things.
She has some real trust issues.
I thought you would approve.
Look, two people who don't trust in love, that's a thing in common, a relationship marker, if you will.
And I consider their combative initial encounter a subliminal sabotage indicating a latent attraction.
You've been reading my book? - I'm on chapter four.
It's good.
- Well, keep reading and you'll see that combative initial encounters usually requires traumatic catharsis, a jump of a cliff, and most relationships don't survive it.
Cliff diving.
That's the subtitle of my book.
"Be bold".
Please, tell me you remember what I drink.
I never get to say, "I'll have the usual.
" I never forget a face or a drink.
Yesterday was a bit odd, huh? Yeah, yeah, small world, huh? I've been considering the situation.
It's been six months since my divorce, and I haven't meet any men who's company I enjoy as much as I enjoyed yours yesterday.
I was uncharacteristically on yesterday.
I'm normally kind of a bit odd.
I think we should go out.
We're adults.
Cory and Lita are nearly adults.
What's the harm? Oh, my God.
This is what smells like in meat heaven.
Is this how you get your dates to do your bidding for you? Actually, no, I never cook for my dates.
Honestly, since my wife left me it's just been me and a series of floozies with privileges, and take out Chinese usually does the trick.
Well, if you were satisfied with floozies with privileges, you wouldn't have created a screensaver with Riley's face on it.
Well, I was a cop for eight years, then a P.
for the last six, I don't meet many pure people.
Many good, really good people.
And last night was just so perfect.
You know, I It is weird how everything came together like that.
Like the gods were smiling upon you.
Well, I'm just afraid that after last night's magic you know, things are going to wear off and she's going to come to her senses.
Hey, it's Nick.
Hey, Riley.
Oh, no, I get it.
Say no more.
- Things came up.
- What? Wait.
What are you doing? Give me that.
Riley, what's up? Trevor, let her back out of the date with dignity, all right? Okay, listen, we are on our way.
He says his name is Ted Smith.
He lives with his daughter's family, but he can't remember her married name.
He's suffering from dementia, probably forgot to take his pills and wondered away from his house.
Well, this is everything he had in his pockets a bus recipe, some cough drops and this.
It is a "thank you" card from a Bobby, but there's no last name or address.
Yeah, we should be able to get him home with this.
All right, who are you, Nostradamus? There is no address, no last name.
Noticed the snow man holding newspaper? Paper were giving these.
All you have to do is call a paper and find out Bobby's route.
Then what? All right, gang, we keep knocking on doors until we find someone who knows him.
This is not the sexy part of detective work.
So I'm guessing the chipping in on this quest was your idea for Nick to impress Riley? Not chipping in.
It's spearheading.
And it's his idea, by the way.
All right, you know what? We should probably split up.
We could probably cover more ground that way.
You can't be left to your own advices.
You'll go door to door trying to find Ted a girlfriend, instead of finding him his home.
So you think Ted is single? So even a P.
can use his skills for something good.
Yeah, right.
You know, I pay my rent with karma points.
You allow the impression of a misanthrope, detective.
Oh, hi.
We are hoping you might know this man.
Yes, I think it's the dad of the girl who lives next door.
- Thanks.
- Yeah, thanks.
Oh, thank God.
- Grandpa! Grandpa! - Here are my kids! Where've you been? I was so worried about you.
The meat and the salad are probably goners but I think I should be able to salvage a dessert course.
I'm so sorry I ruined your dinner.
I hope you didn't go through to much trouble.
No trouble at all.
Why don't you have a seat? - Give me a second.
- Okay.
Hey, can I at least help you with something? So This is your version of no trouble? I wouldn't say that.
This is a bad idea.
Worst idea ever.
I'm not usually this chatty.
Also I'm not usually this popular.
Either they're starved for attention or it's the pepperoni I stuck to my pocket.
- A good call.
- I think they're just ballsy.
My instinct was to just lay across your lap as well but I didn't have the nerves.
Thanks goodness for second chances.
Oh, wow.
The dogs are right, that's really nice.
That's a really nice lap.
What is that smile about, mister? - What, that? - Yeah.
I was right no good can come of this.
I swear.
I don't know about you, but I feel awful.
Never felt worse.
Oh, God.
I'm so late.
I wish I could stay, but I have to get to the center.
Yeah, well, I have got a video tape of a congressman with a hooker so I'm assuming that while you were surveying me, you managed to get my phone number.
I did.
So talk to you later? Count on it.
Hey, sorry I'm late.
Ooh, baggy eyes, bed head, that I've been misbehaving shin and if I'm not mistaken, I believe they call that type of walk a swagger.
Don't you dare sully the memory of last night encounter with your juvenile intimations.
Encounter? Sound like you picked her up at an airport.
And by the way, just so you know, I can get a lot more juvenile on this.
But You like her? Yes, I like her.
Say it loud, say it proud.
I believe in Cupid! - I wouldn't go that far.
- Okay.
Definitely, there's a connection.
So Cory's mom went back in the house at around five this morning.
- Which you know how? - He called me.
I was at home working on an anniversary party RSVP.
It's not that it's any of your business.
I can't believe that you asked out my boyfriend's mom.
She asked me out.
Not that it's any of your business.
It is so my business.
Cory is freaking out.
Look, he's an only child.
He hasn't even come across to the fact that his parents - split up.
- It's been six months.
Yeah, and now his mom is coming home with her hair all messed up.
Cory needs to get his own place.
He moved back home because his mom was feeling all alone in her apartment.
And I'm sorry, but isn't the god of love supposed to be pulling for my relationship too.
Uh, I made the introductions for Felix I got a bit more invested.
Plus, he's a lot nicer to me then you are.
You are going to blow this for me, Felix.
Lita, you walk across the street and guys fall at your feet.
I don't even bother to learn your boyfriend's name because I can't afford the RAM.
This guy is special to me, Felix.
I think Mira is pretty special.
But what are you to her? Don't think it rhymes with free bound? Trevor.
Get that guy a drink.
So, how did it go? The way the two of you were looking at each other last night in front of Ted's house when we left.
Good, good.
You know, Riley is a She's a sweet girl.
- Can I get a glass of whatever is on tap? - You got it.
So, uh, how do you know Riley, anyway? - She's Claire's friend.
- Know her for a while? No.
But she's, you know, one of those people you feel close to right away.
You know? Yeah, she is, isn't she? Can't believe a girl like that is still on the market.
Was she single when you met her? What is this? Spies remorse? Right, here is what I know about Riley Hanes.
What you know.
That she's caring and kind.
She, might be.
But Riley Hanes has only existed for the past three years.
I did a little digging.
She seems to override fully formed into the world in 2006.
No traces of her before then.
So there's a clerical error, or the whole records of her home town burned down.
And she's got a thing for married men.
You are crazy.
Grayson Davis.
Owns half of Boston.
Picked up Riley, spent a couple of hours over the Soho Grand before taking her back to her place.
Explains how a social worker affords a five grand apartment, right? This is why she was so desperate to get those photos back.
In my line of work, I see this kind of things every day.
Well, you sound like one of those medical students who convinces themselves they have leprosy.
Maybe you are right, Trevor.
Or maybe this time tomorrow I'll have the money shoot.
I see you around.
Got a donation for you here.
Olives, maraschino cherries, a little Bloody Mary mix.
That's sweet.
You never know when a homeless may want to host a cocktail party.
Oh, hey, did you see me yesterday? - I saw you outside the Soho Grand.
- It must have been someone else.
I wasn't at the Soho Grand.
Sure, you were going to the hotel with that guy.
What's his name? The big money guy, Grayson Davis.
I'm such an idiot.
The second you said "Grayson" I remembered.
We were supposed to meet at the Peninsula, but then he changed.
We were meeting about a donation his giving the center.
Well, I'm sure you convinced him to give a lot.
I was so sure I was right.
Not a moment of pause.
Just bang, inspiration.
You know, it was like a love light bulb went off over my head, you know? Nick and Riley, they belong together.
Now everything is a mess.
Well, maybe this is showing you that is time - to stop looking at yourself as Cupid.
- But I am Cupid.
That's why this is so frustrating.
You know, they can't teach this, right? There is no manual.
It's all me.
All instinct.
Maybe that just goes away.
Too many years of taking it for granted.
Maybe they were right.
They? The people you throw you out of Mount Olympus.
Maybe I've lost my gift.
Sorry I'm late.
Are you in a better mood than yesterday? More reasonable? Oh, I'm in a great mood, couldn't be better.
Fresh flowers for you? Oh, thank you.
So about this man you are seeing It's over.
No more.
- I won't tolerate.
- Yeah.
That's not going to happen.
You're underestimating how serious I am.
You're doing a little of that yourself.
I think I love him, dad.
Dad? Yes, baby! Priscilla Davis, you are not to see him.
- I won't discuss it again.
- "Priscilla"? Your are in an exceptional mood, Nick.
Yes, I am not sure I care for it.
I like my private detective lovers like my eggs: Hard boiled.
Though I am really coming around to a sunny side up.
Chinese food's here.
You don't have a top on.
You don't have pants on.
Nick? These are from yesterday.
You're spying on me again? It's it's the way I am.
I don't trust anyone.
I got the impression you know what that feels like.
Yeah, I I suppose I could eventually get over the spying.
Here's the thing I left Boston and changed my name because I couldn't tell the difference between the man who loved me and the man who just wanted to be heir of a family fortune.
So, now that you know the truth about me, I'm sure you'll understand why I can't ever trust you.
Riley! If you're a morning drinker you might want to pour yourself something.
I'm already two Irish coffees in but, thanks.
You were right about Riley.
I asked her about Greyson, that tycoon character, and she lied to me.
I know I talked you into this, so feel free to throw something at me.
Thurman Munson's base ball's handy.
Oh, but not in the face.
No? My stomach is closing in and it's like I felt that "Poltergeist house.
" It's called guilt.
You know if that is what this is called, it's awful.
Yeah, tell me about it.
Riley didn't lie.
She didn't? That silver fox wasn't her sugar daddy.
He was her daddy daddy.
So I wasn't wrong.
My gut wasn't wrong.
In your face Mount Olympus disciplinary tribunal! Worst part is I think I lost her forever.
In your face, Dr.
Claire "Maybe you shouldn't be believing in yourself" McCrae! Glad to see you don't find the "lost her forever" part - as depressing as I do.
- Wait.
What? Nick Kazarian, P.
I, what did you do? The crazy thing? I know my dad sounds like a villain in all this, maybe he is.
But he's right to be worried about his fortune.
One of his biggest fears, he says, is I'll take my inheritance check and put it in a hollow's tin cap.
"Hollow" his word.
Actually, the check part does sound like you.
His other fear is that I marry badly.
When I was twenty-five my father begged me to go out with Brent Chase this young VP from his company.
Eventually I agreed to an introduction and Surprise, surprise: We hit it off.
He was my kind of guy: A mentor to a new in city gang kid he taught adult literacy classes.
He asked me to marry him at a breast cancer tan cake.
Something bad is about to happen, isn't it? Before the wedding, I discovered that my father had basically invented Brent.
He coached him.
Directed him every step of our relationship.
I was about to marry a man who was a complete work of fiction.
That is a remarkable story.
Well, rich people.
Crazy, right? So that's when I changed my name legally.
And I moved here determined to live life on my terms.
I just I thought I saw something in Nick.
A sweetness beneath that I've seen it all facade, I Speak, please.
Permission granted.
And "I told you so" is so deserved here.
All I wanted to say is; that sweetness in Nick I saw it too.
I don't have an appointment.
Well, work is welcome.
Have a seat, Mr.
Yes, of course, you know who I am.
My name, after all, is why we're all here.
This is my lawyer, Mr.
Yeah, I guessed.
What can I do for you? Actually I'd like to tell you what I can do for you.
Lower, Trevor.
A little lower.
Lower, a little lower.
Like an inch lower.
Like another inch? Another inch.
Oh, you went too far down.
Go back up.
I hope Cory finds this romantic, - because you're killing the mood for me.
- Dude.
Cory's coming to the party so, why don't you ask him? Cory punching Trevor will show a serious commitment to the relationship, right? Though, I guess bringing my date to a family party will do the same thing.
See, I thought mere agreement to be my date for the party was a promising sign.
Good to know that we are on the same page about something.
Good to know.
I guess Cory's problems with my dating his mother went away.
- He's comming to the party.
- No, actually they haven't.
He just knows how important this is to me.
Dad! What are you doing here? Why don't you get in the car? I think there is something you should see.
I apologize for the poor camera angle.
Jeffrey found a wonder briefcase that conceals a small video camera.
It's very simple, Mr.
You sign this contract agreeing to stay away from my daughter, and you get a check for one hundred thousand dollars.
Gee, are you serious? I am not known for my practical jokes, Mr.
A hundred grand? Well Where do I sign? I think you get the picture.
Riley, try and calm down a little, ok? Are you sure about this? My father's lawyer videotaped it.
I saw the whole thing.
Nick couldn't sing the contract fast enough.
I am I can't believe I am so shocked.
Why the hell was I thinking this time it would be different? Because I told you Nick was different.
Where are you? I'll come pick you up.
Parked in front of the Soho Grand, waiting for my dad to get his luggage.
I'm going back home to Boston, at least for a while.
- Hey.
- Hey, there.
You look nice.
This is a nice surprise.
Were we meeting here? I thought we were supposed to meet downstairs later.
Actually that's why I'm here.
I've been thinking about that.
How about I meet you back here after the party, after you've got all your familiar obligations out of the way, and you are all liquored up? I was kind of hoping to introduce you around.
Your parent's 40th anniversary party might be a bit on the intense side for me.
I just don't think I'm ready for that.
So should I come by after the party for some quality alone time? "Always and forever" "each moment with you" "it's just like a dream to me" "that somehow came true" "And I know tomorrow" "will still be the same" "cause we've got a life" Do you know what your friend Nick did? He screwed up, but he's going to make it up to her.
He's trying to track her down now.
I'm surprised I haven't heard from him.
Make it up to her how? What's he going to do, send her some flowers and a little note? "Sorry about breaking your heart, - but a hundred grand is a lot of money.
" - See, I don't understand anything you are saying right now.
Well, he spied on her, he mistook her father for her lover.
It could happen to anybody.
What's this about money? Riley's father offered Nick a hundred thousand dollars to walk away from his daughter.
Nick didn't think twice.
He signed the contract, Riley saw the video.
Is it sinking in now? You are getting the picture? How could he? Let's ask him.
Can't find Riley anywhere.
She's not at her place, not at work.
Why you need to find her? - Didn't you agree to never see her again? - I'm sorry? It's on video Nick.
Don't deny it.
They videotaped it, uh? Did you watch the whole video? From: Claire There you go.
This is the right decision for everyone.
Hold on.
Joe King.
You are joking? Yes, I am.
Put away your checkbook, Mr.
You don't have enough money to keep me away from your daughter.
- Have you heard from Riley yet? - She's got a lot to sort out.
Yeah, he could have erased the part - where I refuse to sing.
- Time for my speech.
Do you mind bringing some champagne around? No, that's my job.
Hey, when it's Mira getting here? She's not coming.
Things didn't work out between us.
Dude, that's my bid you are throwing away.
We weren't on the same page, you know? Not like that.
Oh, boy, I catch a lot of flak.
Just a few days ago one of my employees asked why given the parade of attractive ladies that comes in here and given that I have such a positive example in my life, my parents, married 40 years today.
Why am I still single? - Because you don't like girls! - Yeah, thank you.
Thanks for the thanks for the support.
The fact is that is precisely because of their example that I'm still on my own.
I've been around for most of their 40 years together.
So I know what true love looks like.
And every time I measured one of my relationships against their standard, it comes up short.
And I know, I know I got to keep looking.
I got to keep looking, because I want what they've got.
And I want Lita to find that too.
So, how does the proprietor of one of New York's finest adult theatres convince a kindergarten teacher to spend the rest of her life with him for the sake of all others.
Well, he dives in.
Doesn't give her the chance to think about it.
72 hours, right, pa? That's how long the entire gutsy bid courtship lasted.
When my dad makes a decision it's made.
Thank Goodness for that, pa! So if you wouldn't mind joining me in a toast to my parents.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Mama, pa, thank you for setting the bar so high.
I love you.
Salud! Nick? That was some kiss there, Joe king.
How are you going to top that, uh? Marry me.
I'm sorry.
What? Let's get married.
You should, uh, you should probably know that when I told my dad to turn around the car, he he told me he was disowning me.
You are marrying a penniless social worker.
Then that's a yes? I suppose this means you feel validated.
You are back to matching by the gut, no more shelf doubt? I'm not sure.
Things didn't exactly worked out for Felix.
I'm thinking about going with the throw a bunch of stuff against a wall and see if it sticks, theory.
Isn't that what got you into trouble in the first place? Random arrows.
Thanks, Claire.
You're a good friend.
And you were so right.
What? Wait a minute.
You were right? How would you? I was right! Hey, I made this match.
I'm not sharing credit on this.
I don't know Trevor, I did a lot of heavy lifting.
What? How? You were a nay sayer, a pauper! Claire! I can make that meeting.
I'll see you later.
I've got some errands to run.
Miss, excuse me, miss!
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