Cyberpunk: Edgerunners (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Like A Boy

[static buzz]
High time I chrome the fuck up.
[man] Get da hell out.
Wanna sell, hear my offer.
I'm not selling.
Came here to chip this shit.
Listen, Davey.
That there is a military-grade piece.
Got to have the build to handle it.
And, choom, that's something
you ain't got.
Spoken like a ripper
who really cares about his customers.
Hah! Point is, [indistinct]
can't afford me.
- [grunts]
- [sighs]
[David, indistinct]
Whoa. Wait a minute.
Fuck it, man. I'll buy it.
I'll chip you up.
But when you come back,
crying to yank it out
because it's poaching your brain,
the Sandy is mine for free.
So, ready to rip?
[tense music]
[pained grunting]
[pained groaning]
["This Fffire" playing]
Eyes, burning a way through me ♪
Eyes, destroying so sweetly ♪
Now, there's a fire in me ♪
A fire that burns ♪
This fire is out of control ♪
I'll burn it, I'll burn it
I'll burn it, I'll burn it ♪
I'll burn it, I'll burn it
I'll burn it, I'll burn it ♪
[lecturer] During the discussion,
Lavabre pressured Arasaka with measures
drawn from the EU's tariff policy.
Martinez, David, your tardiness
has been recorded.
[scoffs] Check it out.
Get a load of this guy.
- Is he serio [groans]
- [groans]
You can't, Martinez. We're at school!
- There are cameras. Have you lost your
- [grunts]
What? Are you afraid of getting caught?
'Cause I know I sure as shit ain't.
Come on.
- [growls]
- Well?
- [grunts]
- [upbeat music]
[silly fighting sounds]
[gasps, grunts]
[man moaning in pain]
[pained moaning] Shit. What did you do?
What the hell kind of implant is that?
You broke my nose, you asshole!
You're done! Know who my father is?
An Arasaka exec on the Academy board!
You're so fucking gone.
You should have quit while you're
ahead, you rat bastard. [indistinct]
[David] Like I give a shit.
- [chuckles, laughs]
- [family] Hmm?
[mysterious music]
- [man] Is he serio
- [groans]
[silly fighting sounds]
You're done! Know who my father is?
An Arasaka exec on the Academy board!
You're so fucking gone!
you bring me footage of my own son
being assaulted by a classmate.
His name is David Martinez,
17 years old,
from Santo Domingo.
He is a top student
who recently corrupted
Academy data and hardware
with a bootleg wreath update.
No father. Mother was recently killed
in a traffic accident.
He owes considerable debt to the Academy.
Must I know all this?
Notice his movements, sir.
It's clear he used the Sandevistan implant
former second lieutenant
James Norris had been equipped with
at the time of this death.
I see. The case was filed
as a cyberpsychotic incident.
Yes, sir. Yet, unlike the soldier,
this student displays no apparent
side effects stemming from the implant.
I believe his tolerance for cybernetics
could, in fact, make him
a prime candidate to test the product.
Hmm. Where is he now?
- He was expelled, sir.
- Summon him.
Lure him with promises of financial aid.
Yes, sir. And what about your son?
As my heir, it's high time he learned
what it means to serve
the company's best interests.
[phone ringing]
[principal] Mr. Martinez,
please know your expulsion
has been formally processed.
However, Mr. Tanaka's parents
contacted us to request
I am so fucked.
[machine beeps]
[automated voice] Wash cycle complete.
- [gentle music]
- [snoring]
Hey! How you doing?
[pained moaning]
Shit happens all the time.
I'm telling you it's a load of crap.
[David] Huh?
[click sound]
- [groans]
- [beeping]
- Come on.
- [gasps, stammers]
- So, what's your angle? Spill it.
- What? My angle?
What do you want?
You're messing up my work.
Work, huh? If I didn't know any better,
I'd say you were a pig socket.
So, what? You're gonna put cuffs on me?
Can't believe that you're a petty thief.
- [nervous gasp]
- Hmm
- Do I know you?
- No, uh
Not really. I don't think so.
Ah! Lookey, here, boy, you are in trouble.
Really? A Sandevistan?
Damn. Do tell me where you found it.
Wait. Curiosity killed the cat
and all that. [scoffs]
Crazy idea. How about we work together?
Doing what? Stealing?
Is it stealing if I only hit
Arasaka suits?
Come on. Do I look corpo to you?
Funny you should ask.
Scan did pick up an Arasaka Academy ID.
But you're right, you definitely
don't look the type, that's for sure.
I, uh I dropped out.
Ah! What a bad boy you are.
- [groans] So, you just target 'Saka, huh?
- [chuckles]
- Why? You in?
- [grunts]
Gonna break poor mama's heart
if she finds out, you know.
[shocked gasp]
[girl] Listen up. Lesson number 1.
Less judgment, more awareness.
Yeah, yeah. So, what's my cut?
We'll split the haul, 80-20.
What? Fuck that. We go halfsies
on the work and then I get ennies?
I'm the one who'll be pushing
the club shards.
Plus, got a trainee to supervise now.
Trainee? Come on.
I'm really tight on eddies right now.
60-40's fair, ain't it?
And I'll pay the second the job's done.
I think that's fair.
- Alright. Sounds fine.
- It's a deal.
I'm Lucy, 'kay?
Name's David.
[David] Clear? Reading me clear?
[Lucy] Crystal. Good.
[David] My end too. Our mark, yeah?
[Lucy] Three o'clock. Don't turn.
[David] Got 'im.
[Lucy] Moving in.
[Lucy] Okay, set? Ready to roll.
Three, two, one Showtime.
[exhilarating music]
[David] Easy as pie!
[Lucy] Chill, noob, chill.
Real deal's next.
[David] Bring it!
[Lucy] Three chirpy shesuits? Yada-go!
[Lucy] Then the two two braindance glazed.
[David scoffs] Easy.
Come on. Challenge, please.
[Lucy] Okay, okay.
Big fish, big loot coming up.
[David] Sounds [gasps]
Doesn't scream corpo to me.
[Lucy] No. Hired muscle. Ready?
- [Lucy] Three, two, one.
- [David gasps] Wait.
[Lucy] Nice, nice.
We've bled this car dry.
- [Lucy] Next stop, we ghost.
- [sighs]
[David] Roger that.
- [David] So, how did I do?
- I'd say you're well worth the 20%.
- Hey, it's 30!
- [giggles]
- Kidding.
- [sighs]
- Keep it rolling? Another car?
- A different line maybe?
Somebody's probably
tipped the pigs off by now.
- [dizzying sounds]
- When we hop around, less chance
[Lucy] How bad is he?
[nurse] Typical rookie mistake.
Hasn't taken any precautions
since the implant was installed.
Which immunosuppressant is he on?
Hey, this guy insured?
Haven't got a clue.
For sure doesn't look like he would be.
[nurse] Any family, legal guardian?
Anyone I can call?
[Lucy] Dunno. Parents, I guess.
Used to go to Arasaka Academy.
[nurse] Arasaka? [scoffs]
No wonder he could afford
- Hey. Hold on a sec.
- [creaking sound]
Morning. So, how are you feeling?
I'm gonna hurl.
[Lucy] Remember which pills you take?
- [David] Pills?
- What?
Wow, man! [giggles] You're psycho.
[engine buzzes]
- Hey, lady, we just passed the hospital
- [gun cocks]
Oh my.
Listen, choom, this kid got an implant on
him that'll fetch at least a couple of K.
- So, just sit back and relax and
- [scoffs] Is that right?
You, like, cut a deal
with some Scavengers?
I said sit back and chill
or we'll probe you for chrome too.
Sorry, David.
Looks like we gotta change our plans.
You're back to 20.
Huh? [groans]
[exhilarating music]
[cheering] Oh my God! Yeah!
In the Friday firefight ♪
Wait to sit and kneel
It's just a Friday night ♪
When the wolves are sittin', lookin'
way to friendly for you, owe no love ♪
When the city belongs to skinny jeans ♪
- [gurgles]
- [Lucy] Whoops.
Hey, doin' okay? Not gonna die, are ya?
- Doc, please.
- Huh?
Doc's clinic. Ripperdoc. Get me there.
[mysterious music]
[Doc] David, buddy.
- [chuckles] Man, you look like shit.
- [David scoffs]
Thanks a lot.
[chuckles] How many times you fired up?
Six. No, maybe eight.
[Doc] Jesus Henry Christ.
Grown-ass man couldn't take
that punishment.
I was fine an hour ago and then
my nose popped a cork.
Gonk had no immunoblockers.
You care to explain?
Ah, didn't really see the need.
[Lucy scoffs] Thought wrong, then.
Sell him the meds.
[Doc] Shit off this shelf
ain't gonna cut it. Different league.
You good for it?
You're fucking charging me?
[Doc] Fucking right, I am!
Ain't runnin' no charity, choom.
- [paper rustle]
- [Lucy] How much'll these buy?
[doc chuckles] Two days' worth.
- [paper rustle]
- [Lucy] That's it?
[Doc] Hey, feel free
to shop around, sweetheart.
'Cause that might land you
back with the Scavs.
[doc laughs]
[David] Greedy bastard.
[door opens and shuts]
Sure you wouldn't rather have it gone?
Still can't quite believe you fired that
thing up eight times in one goddamn day.
You're either a total masochist or
Listen close, Davey. Two a day, no more.
Three maybe, but that's the max.
No bullshit.
Even if your body can take it,
that egghead of yours sure can't.
Keep fucking around and that implant
gonna scramble ya brain.
You're saying a single implant
could make me a cyberpsycho?
Is that even possible?
Never heard of that happenin' before.
Well, Davey,
guess you just heard it from me,
didn't ya?
[shy chuckle]
- So, you all done?
- Uh, yeah.
Well, then I guess
that's a wrap for today.
I'm good. I can keep running.
You big dope. I'm not about to start
babysitting a cyberpsycho.
Sandevistan, only use it
when you got no other choice.
Lots of other ways to turn out eds.
Still wanna work with me even after that?
Think I'd let you go
without paying me back first?
[shy chuckle]
[David] Good. I definitely need
the eddies.
[Lucy] That's the spirit.
[David] Sure you're not up
for some more tonight?
I'm kind of lagging on rent.
- [Lucy] Not tonight. Tomorrow.
- Okay, okay.
- [Lucy] Come on.
- Huh? I knew you'd want to!
[Lucy] It's not work-related.
[David] Huh?
[Lucy] Right here.
[David] You, uh live alone?
- [Lucy] Hm-mmm. And?
- Nothing.
- [chuckles] What? Nervous or something?
- Of course not.
- This your first time?
- Hell, no.
- [giggles]
- Shut up, will ya!
[Lucy] Sit down. Relax.
Beer's all I got. You drink?
[David] Uh, of course, yeah.
- [choke, coughs]
- [chuckles] Oh, boy.
Seriously? So, it is
your first time drinking.
- No, I have. It's just
- Hm-mmm.
Fizzy drink and smokes, don't do neither.
[chuckles] I wouldn't
tease you about that.
I'm telling the truth.
[Lucy] Sure you are.
What's with the getup anyway?
[rustling sound]
[Lucy] Take it off.
[David] What? Why?
[Lucy] Just do it. Come on.
- [rustling sound]
- [David] Hey!
Uh, wait. Don't mess with that. Come on.
Uh Edgerunners?
[Lucy] Another word for cyberpunk.
It's who you wanna be, don't ya?
JK's Edgerunners series.
Shit, yeah, I'm a fan.
You serious?
[scoffs] Right back at ya.
[David] Like that kinda gunk poster.
Got a problem?
- [somber music]
- Uh No problem.
Just always whacked me out.
All of those ads makin' it seem like
it's some kind of paradise or something.
Lots of peeps died tryin' to turn
that dumb rock into something useful.
More like a prison camp than a paradise,
if you ask me.
[Lucy] Sounds to me like someone
did their homework.
[David] Uh, not really.
Just a bunch of shit I learned in school.
[Lucy] Begging your pardon, prep boy.
[David] It ain't like that.
[Lucy] Isn't it? Never met a pleb
who attended a 'Saka school.
It's not!
My, uh, my mom and I
weren't very well off.
There's no way they would have
accepted me off the street like that.
She worked damn hard to keep me
in the Academy,
scraping together eddies
anyways she could.
You wanna know the real kicker though?
I knew from day 1 I'd never belong there.
[Lucy] So why stick around for so long?
Or at all.
[David] Good fuckin' question.
Guess it was for Mom. You know.
"You'll get a job at Arasaka,
climb the corpo ladder."
Was kinda her dream, all that 'Saka stuff.
Our dream, I guess.
Or whatever.
- It's not your dream, though, is it?
- My dream?
Well, yeah. You, your mom,
you're different people.
Why should you work to achieve her dream?
Actually, there's nothing wrong with that.
[Lucy] You need to find your own dream.
[David] Sounds to me
like you already found yours.
Is that a joke, or what?
[Lucy] You called it a prison camp.
To me, this city is a whole lot worse.
[David] This place?
[Lucy] I wanna go away. Far as possible.
- Come on. Got something to show ya.
- Huh?
[ethereal music]
Whoa! Check out this resolution!
I can feel the fucking sun.
That's through your personal link.
It's what allows you
to feel the heat of the sun.
Of course, you'd be fried crispy
if I gave you the actual temp.
I made sure to lower the settings,
mellow out the experience.
[David gasps]
Dial it back up?
No way! This is totally preem!
You look ridiculous!
[gasps, chuckles]
[moans, chuckles]
- Nova, huh?
- [chuckles] Fucking awesome!
- Isn't it?
- [chuckling]
Over here.
["I Really Want to Stay at Your House"
Another evening I'll be sitting
Reading in between your lines ♪
Because I miss you all the time ♪
So, get away ♪
Another way to feel
What you didn't want yourself to know ♪
And let yourself go ♪
You know you didn't
Lose your self-control ♪
Let's start at the rainbow ♪
Turn away, another way to be where ♪
You didn't want yourself to go
Let yourself go ♪
Is that a compromise? ♪
So what do you wanna do ♪
What's your point of view? ♪
There's a party soon ♪
Do you wanna go? ♪
A handshake with you
What's your point of view? ♪
I'm on top of you
I don't wanna go ♪
'Cause I really wanna stay ♪
At your house ♪
And I hope this works out ♪
But you know how much
You broke me apart ♪
[David] Hm?
- [laughs]
- [grunts]
[Lucy] First time I've shown anyone this.
[David] Oh, really?
Uh, so, like, why me?
[Lucy] Dunno. Guess it just felt right.
[David chuckles shyly]
Got this feeling.
Think you and I'd make a pretty good team.
[David] I think so too.
So what do you wanna do
What's your point of view ♪
There's a party soon, do you wanna ♪
[automate voice] You fell
over the edge, punk.
Huh? [shouts]
Tough deal, bud. That implant
you chipped is all mine.
I'm taking it back now.
[exhilarating music]
Uh [shouts]
["Let You Down" playing]
They will finally feel the flames ♪
Flames that run through my veins ♪
I will make this city burn ♪
We're not planning to return ♪
Trying so hard to be free ♪
To make you see what I see ♪
Hold on to your wishes ♪
If you can't hold on to me ♪
Forgive me for letting you down ♪
Forgive me for letting you down again ♪
Guess I'm not strong enough ♪
Right now ♪
Oh, my love ♪
Love ♪
Love ♪
Love ♪
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