Daily Dose of Sunshine (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Not in the Mood for Work

[whimsical music playing]
I'll start the IV for you, okay?
Just rest while you rehydrate.
Sound all right?
Oh, anything else?
My arm is sore and a bit painful.
Oh, some pain is relatively typical
with this type of procedure.
Seems to be flowing well though.
Uh, excuse me.
My arm, it's painful.
Uh, it's actually pretty normal
to experience an ache.
Yeah, it looks like it's flowing well.
The flow might be
a little on the quick side,
so I'll just slow it down.
[patient sighs]
Oh, that's so annoying.
[patient grunts and sighs]
Excuse me, Ms. Sae-bom.
Is everything okay?
My arm is painful.
Oh, well
People getting fluids
experience pain a lot?
Oh, um, yes.
And it seems to flow well, right?
- Right.
- Yeah.
That's what all the other nurses said.
It's all right. No need to bother with it.
- [whimsical music playing]
- [woman sighs]
Let's try switching out your needle.
People with smaller veins often
experience more discomfort than others.
So what about perhaps going smaller?
Child-size needles can be comfortable
in that case.
Well, I'm pretty sure it's not the needle.
Is it better now?
Actually, yeah.
[exhales] Ah, that's great. I'm glad.
I really appreciate it, thanks.
It's no big deal. Just rest now.
[upbeat music playing]
- Oh, thanks a lot!
- No problem.
[patient groans]
[Velcro ripping]
- What took you so long, huh?
- Oh.
An Jeong-su in 702 has insomnia, you know?
So I was just I took care to be quiet
so that I wouldn't disturb
his hard-earned sleep,
just to be considerate.
[wearily] Can you believe how many people
we have to take care of?
Sorry, but we can't help waking up
the patients while we do our rounds
'cause it's the only way to finish.
We're not telling you off
for showing consideration, you know.
It's the time you take. It means
that others just end up covering for you.
Come and look.
We still have so much to push through.
We're behind.
Oh, sorry, I didn't think of that.
I'm really sorry.
[woman] Drink up.
[woman humming contentedly]
They've all been struggling even more
lately thanks to me. Isn't that true?
[inhales and chuckles]
They've told me that.
I'm going to do so much better
from now on, I swear.
Ah, you're plenty committed already.
- Ms. Jung.
- Yes?
There's a need for a nurse
in the psychiatric unit.
The psychiatric unit?
[ominous music playing]
I suspect that you just might
get along somewhat easier there.
Do you agree?
I mean, you know how it is, Ms. Song.
I mean, being a good nurse is
more than just having a good heart.
But her, I think she's just a bit
a bit, I guess, too nice.
Well, the patients are
taking a liking to her.
Well, what use is having
the patients like her
when she's such a pain to the staff?
We were already neck-deep in work,
so her falling behind
certainly didn't help.
At the end of the day,
it meant other nurses covered for her.
[Internal Medicine head nurse sighs]
Anyways, Jung Da-eun,
I just don't think
she's cut out to be a nurse.
[Da-eun] I guess hurtful words just hurt.
Oh God, I'm sorry.
- God, I'm so sorry.
- [man] I got it.
Uh, let me get it.
[man] I'll get it.
[Da-eun panting anxiously] Oh God.
[melancholy music playing]
[upbeat ominous music playing]
Hey, Mom, I'm back.
Great. Thanks, sweetie.
- Da-eun's ever there.
- Huh?
[Yu-chan sighs]
Hey. Just what are you doing?
[slurring] I just felt
like getting smashed.
But why?
You wanna be smashed,
this is all you'll need, 'kay?
Now I'm gonna keep the rest. All right?
[sarcastically] Yeah, yeah, yeah,
I'm so impressed.
[Yu-chan sighs wearily]
Hey. You really
Hey, go away. Go away. Shoo. Scram.
[grunts in annoyance]
[Yu-chan sighs]
Drink up, then, huh?
[Yu-chan sighs] That girl
[exhales forcefully]
Oh, for
Yu-chan, hey, Da-eun got smashed.
The beer's not even gone.
- [gentle music playing]
- [sighs]
[slurring] Oh, please,
let's go to the beach!
Hey, the ocean's right there.
Since you're acting like this,
something must've happened
at the hospital, right?
What was it this time?
Want me to take you to the beach?
Where? Sokcho? Yangyang? Which one?
So just skip a day!
No way. I can't skip work.
You gonna put food on my table, Yu-chan?
Sure, if you wanna eat
nothing but chicken from now on.
[inhales sharply]
The beach is boring!
Then just enjoy the fresh air.
Hold on tight.
I'm heading to work, Mom!
Hey, take this too.
- What's this?
- They're rice cakes.
With mugwort. If they get cold,
just heat it up a bit at work.
[sighs] Mom,
people don't really like mugwort.
- It's my special dish, huh?
- [sighs] Mom, come on.
Make them try it.
They'll want more for sure.
Aww, Ma!
Sometimes I just wish you could step back
and let me do things my own way.
I'll bring them myself, then.
I'll bring them, and I'll say hi
Hey, hey, it's okay. It's okay!
All right, fine, I'll just I'll take it.
Don't follow me.
[Da-eun's mom laughs]
- [clattering]
- Oh!
[bus door opens]
[Go-yun] Hello again.
Oh? Oh, yes, hello.
Uh, you're the proctologist,
am I right? Or?
Yeah, uh
Do you live nearby?
Yeah, we've been on the same bus
a lot lately.
- Is that so?
- Yeah.
- Wait. Are you serious though?
- [sighs]
Is that mugwort?
Are those rice cakes?
Whoa, you've got quite a nose.
Uh, I just meant that you're pretty good
at smelling things.
- It's like I'm a dog.
- Right.
Wow, only a proper store
would have made them so well.
Ah, uh, well,
my mother grows mugwort in her garden.
Oh, of course, yeah.
They must be pretty fresh
to smell so good, wow.
[chuckles politely]
- Ahh
- Uh? Oh
They're still nice and hot, I see.
[chuckles politely]
Judging by the smell, those must be
regular ones. Flat, aren't they?
They don't smell much alike, see.
See, if you smash the cakes,
the scent is slightly different
than if you just make them flat.
- [upcoming stop announcement]
- I mean wow, those are
- Ah
- Oh, sorry.
You don't mind?
O kay.
[playful music playing]
[Da-eun sighs softly]
So you're a little more sane today, huh?
Oh, you were sort of conversing
with your own hand when I saw you.
Oh, that. [sighs]
- I was trying not to crack my knuckles.
- Oh.
I assume it's an OCD thing,
but that's why. Hmm.
Oh my God.
I wasn't doing it here.
Hey, how long was that?
- Were you talking to me just now?
- Huh?
No, uh, myself, I mean. Uh, I'm sorry.
[uncertainly] That's all right.
Do you normally announce your thoughts
for everyone around?
[bus-stop-requested beeping]
[Cheol-woo] It's not that complicated.
Why don't you try to find
something you like instead of cracking?
Did the rice cakes help me out?
Oh, you can't bring in rice cakes.
At another hospital,
there was a rice-cake incident.
- Ah.
- Ah, oh.
A rice-cake incident.
Oh, this isn't good.
Do I eat them before I go in, then?
There's a bunch though.
For now, I can just put these away.
Just get them later.
- Right.
- That'd be nice. Look after them, please.
Uh, hang on, sir!
Don't eat them, all right, sir?
Ah, so, then, uh,
how come you're at our unit?
Perhaps you're transferring?
Ah, no.
Huh? How'd I get here?
- Mm.
- Mm.
[inhales deeply]
Ah, the smell of your rice cakes
[Deul-re] Doesn't look reliable
at first glance.
[Soo-yeon] Must've been exhausting
for others to be around.
I heard they were really struggling,
having to mop up her mess.
[Deul-re] I couldn't stand
working with someone like that.
It's me again, isn't it, causing issues?
Watch it.
You can't go around badmouthing doctors.
There's enough division
without you adding on.
They won't suspect
we're trash-talking doctors.
So sorry, ma'am.
We'll be careful.
[Deul-re] See you later.
[Soo-yeon] Ms. Min, did you give notice
about Mr. Jung?
[Deul-re] Yes,
for his outpatient treatment.
[nurse 1] Yes, then Lee Won-mi
didn't sleep very well at all last night.
She was wandering
[nurse 2] He had another episode
at around 8:00 p.m.
With the falling risk,
we had her under observation.
And Mr. Kim Sung-sik, it seems,
will transfer hospitals today.
Did you hear that?
Yes, to a smaller place
because it's so hard
to arrange a long stay
at a university hospital
like ours, I heard.
Get Mr. Kim's transfer chart ready.
Yes, the referral form, treatment records,
and prescriptions, CT and MRI results.
Make sure the patient is sedated
an hour and a half before.
Yes, I will.
[Da-eun] Mr. Kim Sung-sik, hello.
I hope that you slept pretty well
last night.
[tranquil music playing]
Are you aware that you're being
transferred to a different hospital today
in the afternoon?
You must have some thoughts, huh?
Do you want any help? I'll listen.
No, I'm good.
I'm sure you're going to meet
a lot of wonderful people there.
Looks like you really love cats.
[Da-eun sighs]
I have to remove them though, sir.
Unfortunately, in our unit,
we can't have stickers.
[frantically] Oh, so sorry, so sorry.
I didn't know, sorry.
I'll hurry up and get them off.
- Ah, I'll get that.
- I can remo remove all of the stickers.
I really didn't know.
[voice breaking]
Oh God, this isn't working.
I mean, I just want a reason from you.
Not like I asked for a gun or a knife!
God, this is aggravating.
Why? Why is it a no?
During admission, I explained it once.
Do I need to explain it to you again?
[patient grunts angrily]
Look, missy, I don't care what you say.
Just get me a doctor.
She's a nurse.
Don't call her "missy," sir.
Don't be unpleasant, sir.
It was necessary
to prohibit writing utensils.
They could be a danger to yourself or
I told you I was done with you! [grunts]
Get me a real doctor.
I'll talk to a doctor.
Hmm, so, then, uh,
you'd like to write something?
Yes, Doctor.
And I certainly can't write
without pencils, can I?
You must understand that.
We can't make an exception
just for you, sir.
We must think about fairness.
Go ahead.
See? He says it's fine.
I'm grateful.
Thank you, sir.
He's an uncooperative patient
on his best days,
and when you give him what he wants,
it makes the nurses' jobs
a lot more difficult.
He's bipolar, and then he also
believes himself the son of God.
That, plus his hypothyroidism,
it's my opinion now
that it might actually help
to give him an outlet of a sort.
I trust you'll handle that.
Dr. Hwang really said that?
To look in on him more?
So why not just ask you
to move in with him?
Well, I couldn't exactly object,
but I still
I feel uncomfortable with it.
All he ever does is order us around.
We're the ones
who have to do all the work.
This kinda stuff
is why patients look down on us.
Like calling us nurses all "missy."
"Hey there, woman," all that bull, y'know?
"Old lady." They call me that.
Then they pull a complete one-eighty
as soon as the MDs show up.
I mean, being all, "Help me, Doctor!"
Ugh! It makes me angry.
It's always been this way,
and it always will be.
Try not to let it upset you now.
We'll just keep working.
I wish I was more like you.
You stay in control.
You really don't get worked up at all.
Ugh, I've got the willpower of a tissue.
- You'll totally be head nurse.
- Hey.
What are you talking about?
What? That's what we all think.
[Hyeok-soo] Hard at work, I see?
- Hello, Dr. Im.
- Hello.
Mr. Kim Sung-sik is being transferred,
right, Ms. Jung?
Seems like it, yes.
Ah, I've treated him
ever since he first came to our hospital.
Oh, is that so?
He's most likely in his room
getting ready to go.
Ah. I'll say goodbye quickly,
then take good care of him for me.
Yes, you can count on me, sir.
[Hyeok-soo] Patient name, Kim Sung-sik.
Sex, male. Age, 40.
First came to us
due to a reduced desire to sleep.
He believes his symptoms are
a result of high stress levels,
caused by an excessive workload.
Sleep is
lately, it's difficult to get any.
[Hyeok-soo] Hmm.
Then a little time off
will be a good idea, right?
[breathing anxiously]
That's not really an option now.
But if work is causing insomnia,
the probable effects are pretty bad.
Uh, the thing is,
things with our new boss are
He likes to shame me if things go wrong.
That's not good.
[Hyeok-soo] But he was being
deliberately harassed
by his new boss at work.
I suppose it could be that he's new.
Or, uh, his style
isn't what I'm used to yet. D'you think?
And I'm, um I'd just like to nail
this project that I was put on.
Yeah, it's it's very important to me.
Uh, so [chuckles]
I'd like to come up
with a way to get rest again.
[Hyeok-soo] Hmm.
[foreboding music playing]
[Hyeok-soo] It looks to me
like a classic case of gaslighting.
[tense music playing]
[Hyeok-soo] The term "gaslighting"
is originally derived
from a film called Gaslight.
A man seduces the protagonist, Paula,
to steal from her
and proceeds to purposely dim
the gaslights in the house,
then goes on to chastise
and disbelieve Paula
whenever she says
that the house has gone darker.
Paula, subjected to this abuse,
increasingly doubts her ability
to discern reality,
and thus her judgement becomes blurred.
Eventually, Paula comes to believe
that what her abuser says is true.
[Sung-sik, nervously] I'm sorry, sir.
I wasn't thinking straight, sir.
Blubbering won't work. Can you show me
some reason you're still here?
- I'll just I'll work harder
- You know what?
Yang'll take the project.
You're team leader. How are you
worse than your subordinates?
Yes, I'm sorry.
You know, being this bad
is like stealing from the company.
Back in the day,
you'd get beat up for this stuff.
I'd beat you up,
and then you'd thank me for the lesson.
[chokes] I'm really sorry, sir.
[Hyeok-soo] In this way,
the abuse continues
until such a time as the victim
sees themselves as the abuser wishes.
Oh, no, don't worry about a thing.
Kim's team is
Well, he's got it all under control.
[Hyeok-soo] The patient fell completely
under the psychological stranglehold
of his abusive boss.
Uh, second is
an educational community complex,
focused on children.
The complex is designed
to align with the desires
that are important
to our probable complex residents,
like working couples
in their thirties and forties
and their kids.
[pensive music playing]
And up next, I'm
And next is our
swim our swimming
[tense music playing]
swi swimming
S swi
Swimming pool, huh?
I I don't I truly apologize. I'm, uh
Something about a pool?
[breathing anxiously]
I wo would like to take a break.
[frustrated sighing,
whispered conversation]
[Sung-sik] Uh
I'll continue after a restroom break.
[door bursts open]
[exhales deeply]
What was that?
Huh? You sabotaging us?
I No.
You wanna screw with me, am I right?
I I'm not I'm not. I'm
I'm really sorry.
Don't piss here at work anymore.
Use the toilet and you're dead.
[Hyeok-soo] The social-anxiety disorder
he developed as a result
worsened by the day.
- [door slams]
- [Sung-sik angrily grunting]
[Hyeok-soo] And his depression
only became more severe.
I'm cutting back on my water intake now.
- It's the restroom. I can't, so
- Oh
It's like I'll be desperate,
absolutely dying to find a bathroom.
But then nothing will come when I go.
And then it's like
I'm not able to do it.
The need to go is there
all the time, even now.
And another thing.
These days, I've got a strange habit.
See right here?
[turnstiles beeping]
This is what exactly?
A map, with bathrooms on the way to work,
where they are along the route,
and all their various features too.
He began exhibiting
obsessive and compulsive behavior
surrounding restrooms.
In that case, what do you enjoy?
[cat meows]
Most were abandoned before they got to us.
Oh, even these,
these pretty cats get abandoned? Wow.
- Tell me about it.
- [cat mews]
Anyway, we owe you one, so thank you.
You're really doing a lot of good.
I I owe you more.
It It's just that recently,
I've been, uh
[woman] Oh my!
[chuckles] Hi, honey!
What's going on, Captain Hook? Huh?
- What is he called?
- Captain Hook.
It's because he's got an injury.
When we found him,
he'd lost vision in one of his eyes.
He was abused
before he came to live with us,
and he's usually pretty scared
of anybody who's not on our staff.
- Hey.
- [cat meows]
- Hmm? [chuckles]
- [cat meows]
D Do you think it'd be okay if I were to
Oh, yes, I'm sure!
- That's it.
- [Captain Hook chirrups]
There you go.
You're so, so good, aren't you?
Oh! Look at that.
- [speaks in baby talk]
- [cat meows]
By any chance,
do you like this little one?
It sure seems like Captain Hook wants you
to be part of his crew, doesn't it?
- Hello, Captain Hook.
- [Captain Hook purrs]
Huh? Aw, yeah, that's right.
I'm your daddy now.
[woman chuckles] Aw!
What do you think, Captain Hook?
It's a good thing
you came to meet Mr. Kim, huh?
[Captain Hook purring]
[Sung-sik's boss] We have no use
for a pathetic idiot like you, bastard!
- [tense music playing]
- Huh? Why're you still here, huh?
To piss us off, is that it?
I'm sorry, sir.
[Sung-sik's boss] Just resign already.
Send you packing.
The company'll do better, you know.
[Hyeok-soo] Soon, not only the victim
- Yes sir, I'm sorry.
- This won't do.
[Hyeok-soo]but the abuser as well
- I better beat you up.
- [man] Sir, sir!
[Hyeok-soo] became more and more
desensitized to the violence.
After enduring such ceaseless abuse,
the patient, Mr. Kim,
reached a breaking point.
And as a result of his boss's oppression,
he had lost the will to live.
[jet engines roaring]
- [Cheol-woo] You crying, Ms. Jung?
- Oh, not at all.
It's my eye.
It's irritated or something. That's all.
Ah, not "not at all" at all.
Talk to me about ailments.
I can go get you Argh!
Don't just make everybody patients.
- Kim Sung-sik's moving today, right?
- Oh, yes, Dr. Cha.
- That patient of Im's? Anxiety disorder?
- Mm-hmm.
So, um, does social anxiety
kinda make carrying on a social life hard?
Sure does.
Social anxiety patients will usually shun
social expectations, all because of fear.
They tend to feel they're being
observed by others. It's constant.
Ah, so I guess
they may be concerned others talk?
That's right. More than most,
they always dread the judgement of others
or getting talked about. [sighs]
You gotta wonder
how it is to experience it,
paranoia like that.
I think it's like
if you're in a see-through cage, trapped.
[suspenseful music playing]
[suspenseful music building]
[Da-eun] And it's as if
everyone's watching you,
like you're a spectacle on display.
Even people who don't know you.
And it's nerve-racking,
That seems like you understand it, then?
Huh? Oh, I just took a guess at it.
patients with social anxiety
typically aren't aware of their illness.
- And won't seek help even if they are.
- Yeah, correct.
And they tend to believe
that they must just be shy,
like, from birth.
You know, back in the day,
kids like that were sent off
to speech and acting academies
to fix their dispositions.
- Oh, I used to go to one of those.
- Really?
Miss, you worried about a lot
as a kid, huh?
Oh, I Uh, well, a bit.
The obvious, clearest expression
of the disorder is constant worry.
It's fretting the little things
way too much.
Secondly, that anxiety will persist
until it's just the way
you live your life.
And lastly, the anxiety brings headaches,
chest pains, and some indigestion.
And actually, you can go to a hospital
for evaluation
because symptoms like that,
all without physical cause,
is probably mental.
Aren't you impressed
with all my knowledge?
I feel like I'm prepared to treat
all the social anxiety disorders
in the world.
[stomach rumbling]
[curious music playing]
A Mongolian spot, I believe this is.
Oh, yeah.
I assumed it'd be gone
once I got older, but it's still there.
Oh, right, it's, um
a Mongolian spot that
looks exactly like a mugwort rice cake.
- Huh? Did you
- Ah, I became just a little distracted.
[clears throat] Your surgery went super.
- Mr. Ji Hong-ju, we'll see you next month.
- Right, thank you.
Goodbye now, sir.
[chuckles] Mugwort rice cakes?
Last time, it was
Rice cakes
with, mm, delicious sponge-cake bits.
My friend runs a rice-cake store.
I'll bring some for you.
Seriously? I'm so happy. Yes!
I noticed you haven't been cracking away.
Yeah, I know.
And even without it,
my little mind's at ease.
Squat down, then return to standing.
Participate, sir.
Arms out, stretch them way out.
Yes, way out, good.
Kim Jae-hwan, is everything okay?
My stomach feels bloated.
It's really painful.
[Jae-hwan groans]
[enigmatic music playing]
Wait here a moment, sir.
Dr. Hwang!
Doctor, come inspect a patient, please.
His abdomen is hurting.
Oh, now, you mean?
- Yes.
- Pain, huh? In his stomach?
Dr. Kong, he's Dr. Hwang's patient.
Ah, my patient, his patient,
there's no need for such distinction
when it comes to care.
Since all of the patients are ours, it's
It's you who needs the meds around here.
- [Cheol-woo groans]
- It's obvious, see?
I was kept up by my thesis.
She knows that.
She purposefully chose me to ask.
What, really?
He's been given his prescribed
digestive medication already,
so you should perhaps consider
tests during consultation.
Kim Jae-hwan, yes?
Bring him, then.
[Jung-ran] Ms. Min, let's go eat.
It'd be nice to get away
for a minute, right?
You're right.
[door opens]
Ah, Nurse Min.
Here, this, uh, is
Mr. Kim Jae-hwan's aunt.
It's her first time visiting here,
so a special occasion, huh?
[marching music playing]
- It's so nice to meet you.
- Oh, good to meet you, miss.
I hate to say this, but in our unit,
only a patient's closest family
is allowed to visit.
Yes, I'll allow it though.
You see, since I'm his doctor.
She has many, many things to ask,
so go on, spend some time with her.
[Jung-ran] You've been with her
this whole time?
Yes, he's upsetting me
intentionally. I'm right, right?
Seems like he's succeeded already.
It's strange. I thought
only his mom came to visit, right?
Apparently, his other relatives will
take turns visiting for the time being.
My issue is
I'll need to re-explain his condition
to everybody who's never been to the unit.
- Can't Dr. Hwang just do all that?
- You know how it is.
The doctors get away with short answers,
while nurses explain it all in detail.
True, we're a bit more convenient.
[Deul-re exhales sharply]
There can be no mistake now. He just
stood and smirked at me while he did it.
She has many, many things to ask,
so go on.
Go on. Spend some time with her.
He's retaliating against me
over when I sent him a patient.
That's all.
Dr. Kong, you shouldn't be
going about eating things.
I've told you this again and again.
I'll hide it the moment someone sees me.
- [gasps]
- Dr. Kong. Kong Cheol-woo.
Cheer up.
[Da-eun] I see you've finished your lunch.
Please get back to your room.
I'll bring your meds to you.
Are they talking about me?
[mysterious music playing]
[exhales deeply]
God, I'm pathetic.
[inhales deeply]
[exhales deeply]
You gotta be hungry.
Well, I stashed away snacks.
[tense music playing]
Kong Cheol-woo, that bastard!
Those snacks he ate were mine!
Ugh, I'm just starving!
Ugh, I'm famished!
Do you guys,
by chance, like mugwort?
[Jung-ran] Mmm!
- [Deul-re] Are they good?
- [Jung-ran] Mm-hmm!
[Deul-re] Who will you throw
your bouquet to?
Oh, hey! Sit here.
Hey, you've met Da-eun, right?
I have, of course. She was in
internal medicine with me then.
Are you getting along here better?
- Macarons. Have some with us.
- Were there rice cakes you brought?
- Oh, uh-huh.
- [Jung-ran] Is that it?
- Mm-hmm.
- [Jung-ran] It's all wrapped up.
- [Deul-re gasps]
- [Jung-ran] Wow!
- [Deul-re] What's all this?
- Mugwort rice cakes, that's all.
- 'Cause my mother likes to grow it.
- Looks delicious.
- Mmm! So sweet.
- Great, right?
I'll start off with this.
Get that sugar boost.
Like they're the ones spent from working!
Shameless, acting the way they do!
I know, right? They wouldn't be able
to operate like we do.
Wow, I guess all the units work like that.
I'm dreading the team dinner.
I'm just so over it.
We grill the meat at these parties.
They're busy pigging out.
I should get going. Thanks for this.
- Bye.
- I should head out. You coming?
I will.
I'll just put these away real quick.
Just hurry.
Thanks again!
People aren't comfortable with those.
Rice cakes, you know?
Didn't you bring those to our unit?
I mean, nobody even eats
those things anymore, rice cakes.
[triumphant fanfare]
[Go-yun] Mmm. Mmm.
[heavenly music playing]
So amazing.
[Go-yun chuckles] Mmm.
[lighthearted music playing]
Tastier than any at the bakery, for sure.
[inhales and sighs contentedly]
The smell's better. Mmm.
- They're pretty much the best. Wanna try?
- Oh, no, I'm stuffed with macarons, see?
Macarons, here.
[decreasingly pitched tone]
Ah, macarons.
Macarons and rice cakes are not related.
Mugwort is exceptionally good for you,
you know?
Come on, try it.
[lighthearted music continues]
- Perfection.
- Yes, well, it's it's pretty good, yes.
Oh, I spent so long promoting it to you.
The chewiness is on point.
Wow. Is this made with rice powder?
Ma'am? Hmm?
[door lock beeps]
Ms. Jung, let's get Kim Sung-sik ready
for his transfer.
Just so you're aware,
he could be resistant to the shot.
Just explain that the sedation
is so that he can relax
and go to sleep on the ride, all right?
- Yes, ma'am.
- You got it, right?
- Yes.
- All right.
[relaxing music playing]
Hello, Mr. Kim.
The ambulance for your transfer
will be here soon.
[breathes deeply]
About ready to go? What do you think?
Oh, Mr. Kim. What's wrong?
You're trembling.
[breathing shakily]
Do you think I'm
that one day, I can recover?
[mournful music playing]
Yes, I really do.
I can't see any reason
why I'd be worth saving.
[Sung-sik's boss] Get lost, you prick.
I'm not gonna hit you. I won't.
Not like beating you up
would accomplish anything. Shit.
I'd just really appreciate you being gone.
[Hyeok-soo] Despite treatment with both
prescription medication and therapy,
the patient's condition did not improve.
That must have been very hard.
Ah, I can put up with him now.
All right.
So tell me what's bothering you.
Other people.
[ominous music playing]
Their collective gazes
fixed on me,
and everyone
talking about me.
[Hyeok-soo] Did you actually hear anyone
talking about you behind your back,
or is it just how you're feeling
right now?
It's just how I feel.
I understand how painful
this must be right now.
The pain's not it.
[inhales shakily]
Everybody hating me is the issue.
[ominous music continues]
[soothing music playing]
[jet engines roaring]
[breathing shakily]
Oh, Ma.
I miss you.
[sweeping string chords playing]
[Sung-sik breathing shakily]
[gentle piano music playing]
I'm going to give you a shot.
It'll help you relax
on the ambulance ride.
Do I really need to go?
It's just the hospital's pretty far away.
My Captain Hook, I just I just worry.
When you say Captain Hook,
your cat, do you call him Captain Hook?
I left him with an acquaintance,
except I just worry so much, you see.
Ah, I'm not going.
He's likely doing good.
Don't worry about him too much, okay?
But But Captain Hook
doesn't eat well when I'm not there.
Please let me see him before I have to go.
But animals aren't allowed.
It's against hospital rules.
I know that, just
[sorrowful music playing]
I know.
I know that it's not allowed, but, miss,
I get it, but please.
I'm begging you. Hel Help me, please.
[sobbing softly]
[phone buzzes]
[Yu-chan] What's up? Feeling any better?
Should I send a video of the ocean waves?
[hopeful music playing]
Hello, may I please speak
to Mr. Kim Sung-sik's guardian?
[man] Here you go. That's all you need.
- How is Sung-sik doing?
- Good.
He's getting stronger.
You see?
He looks happy there, wouldn't you say?
Yeah, he he looks good.
His coat looks so glossy,
and his nose is shiny too.
I'm so, so happy to see him.
Maybe he'll be just a bit bigger
when you see him.
He's been eating quite a lot. [chuckles]
Apparently, Captain Hook
is such a good boy,
your friend said
they'd be willing to hold onto him.
Now, if you're done with him,
it's time for your shot.
So you're saying that
that Captain Hook likes it over there?
[chuckles] Yeah.
No, that's not right. He can't
be better without his dad, or
or there's no
- Huh?
- But when I See, he won't
W When I was there
was the only time he'd eat.
[agitatedly] I was his He only liked me.
I No, I don't, I I mean
I'm the only only person that Huh?
[Da-eun] I just
Then what's the point of me,
then, huh? Huh?!
- Oh no, that's not what I
- No, this isn't right!
I need I gotta go.
Captain Hook, I need to go there.
Hey, Mr. Kim, calm down.
Please, your shot.
- Back off!
- [gasps]
- [Da-eun] You can't act like this!
- [Sung-sik yelling]
I need to get back to my Captain Hook now!
[Da-eun gasping]
- [patient] Stop it!
- Sir, no, please!
- Sir, please step back now!
- [patient] Stop!
[patient] Look out!
[tense music playing]
[Soo-yeon] Stay in your rooms, please.
Get back inside. Inside, please.
- You need to settle down!
- Let go of me! Let go!
- [Da-eun] Sir, calm down!
- [Sung-sik] Let me go!
- Get Mr. Yoon here!
- No, just calm down, Mr. Kim!
- [Soo-yeon] Yes, okay.
- Let go!
All right, just relax now.
- Just let me go home!
- All right, please calm down! Over here!
[Deul-re] Calm down, Mr. Kim.
- [Soo-yeon] Don't struggle.
- No, I want my Captain Hook!
[muffled wailing]
[Sung-sik, muffled] I have to go home.
Just let me go!
- It's all right, sir.
- Please hold him down.
[Sung-sik] Please, just once
Let's get to the seclusion area quick,
- I'll let them know.
- [Sung-sik] Let me go home just once!
[Mr. Yoon] Hold down his legs, please.
- [Sung-sik] I have to go!
- [Jung-ran] Calm down.
- [Soo-yeon] Okay.
- [Sung-sik] No, no! Captain Hook!
[Soo-yeon] It's okay. Yes, it's okay.
[Yeo-hwan] He's calmed down
for now, but, uh,
I'm afraid it's not possible
to transfer him now.
Yes, but the hospital spot'll be gone
if we don't.
That nurse told me
that my little brother should see his cat!
We do apologize.
I know it isn't much, sir,
yet I'm truly and deeply sorry.
He just needed to be injected, but you
somehow got him in hysterics instead! How?
I really am sorry. I tried to help,
but I just messed up
and wasn't helpful at all.
[Soo-yeon] Regardless of your intentions,
he wasn't able to get his shot
to sedate him for riding in the ambulance.
Because he missed the ambulance,
the other hospital backed out,
and it's your fault.
[exhales sharply]
I'll pass the Kim case to the night team,
so you should just
just go to the dinner, all right?
- Okay.
- [Soo-yeon sighs sharply]
[door opens and closes]
- Sorry, guys.
- [somber music playing]
[Hyeok-soo] I heard what happened
with Kim Sung-sik.
Da-eun's a bit new, so let's help her out
so she can learn more.
Let's all move past this
and have some drinks.
Get your glasses up, everyone.
- Wait, what? Drink too much again?
- [scoffs]
All right, teammates!
- Yes, teammates!
- [all] Teammates!
Aren't you the grill master?
I just mean you are, usually.
You're missing out.
I wanna eat the meat,
not barbecue it, all right?
Huh? I wasn't trying to say you should.
We're just a little burnt out
from taking care of patients
and consulting with their guardians
all day.
- So please don't make us cook too.
- [Min-seo sighs]
The way you put that,
I'd guess you're a little bit angry.
It's great that you caught on.
My biggest fear was you wouldn't.
I'm curious about how our patient's spot
got lost, under our care.
Since the family could be angry at us.
That one's your fault, Ms. Jung, right?
Yes, we know all about it.
Hey, I don't wanna accuse anyone.
It's a better move to try
to just clear it up sooner than later.
I think it'd be good if Ms. Jung
went through a basic orientation again.
I mean, how could she even
make a mistake like this?
Yes, the nursing staff will handle things,
please rest assured.
That's as you should.
Hey, stop it, hmm?
She might just hear.
Do you happen to recall,
all those years ago,
when I was just starting,
the doctors were so amazing
back then, remember?
If any nurses were, say,
to b b be struggling with some patient,
they'd charge in to give us a hand.
- [Hyeok-soo] We sure did.
- They did that then.
But it seems doctors in modern times
are lacking some grit, huh?
- Damn straight.
- You said it, girl!
Their skin is pasty, they're scrawny,
and they have beautiful hair
nobody's pulled out yet.
Like when Mr. Kim was acting out,
and the doctors put their arms down
and just stood there.
- That was just We couldn't
- [Jung-ran] And Dr. Kong?
I hate to bring this up.
- Quit scarfing my snacks, all right?
- What?
We all pool our money
to get those, you know?
You doctors get so much awesome crap.
Stay out of our snacks!
Well, it's just
the doctor's station is far away!
Come on, I can't just be running
over there to get snacks all day!
- Whoa, seriously?
- [Hyeok-soo] Oh, those snacks?
I had some too. It's not a big deal.
[marching drum playing]
Dr. Im, that's not right, you know.
They bought those biscuits
with money that they earned.
It's clearly a problem
if doctors take them whenever they want.
Let's resolve this with a tradition
that has survived many years.
[siren wailing]
[cheering and whooping]
- [Cheol-woo] Yeah!
- [Jung-ra] Come on, keep going.
- [Cheol-woo] You've got this!
- [Jung-ra] You got it!
- [all shouting encouragement]
- [slurping]
[shouting and slurping continues]
- [Yoo-seon] You can do it, Ms. Song!
- [Cheol-woo] Yeah!
[all shouting encouragement]
[Yeo-hwan] Go, go, go, go, go!
- [bowl clatters]
- [Cheol-woo] No!
[Hyeok-soo gurgling]
[Hyeok-soo spluttering]
[Cheol-woo groaning]
[coughing and spluttering]
[slurring] You are just the worst, noona.
She crushed him,
so the doctors buy the nurses' snacks
from now on.
Till when? Till Myungshin's University's
medical program stops dead, man.
[Jung-ran] Till it shuts down!
All right, fine.
[cheering and laughing]
[Jung-ran] Thanks for the snacks!
[Soo-yeon] Oh, right,
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Mommy's going to be late today,
so go to bed with Daddy, okay?
Uh-huh. Right, sweetie. Good night, yeah.
Good night.
Hey, it's me. So did you get the coffee
for my night crew?
Oh, yes, the coffee's here.
Oh God, I'm I'm so sorry
one of my nurses caused work for you.
And you're plenty busy as it is.
It's all right.
That's why we have different shifts.
Nobody can finish everything.
The next shift'll make sure
to cover it for you.
That was the first lesson
my teacher taught me.
Just take care of the mistakes
that we'll make, all right?
Of course, of course.
I've got your back, too, always.
It means a lot to us.
Right. Good luck.
- Ms. Park, I, um
- Oh, hey.
- I have something I want to tell you.
- Sure.
I'll head back to the hospital,
if that's okay.
Right now? But why?
Kim Sung-sik, ma'am, I just feel,
maybe I could try to be helpful
just by calling around
No, the night team
is already managing that task.
It's their responsibility, Ms. Jung.
You'd be in their way.
- Oh, I could still be some use
- Ms. Jung.
I understand it, at last, why your old
boss in Internal Medicine sent you.
In case you forgot,
we're at your welcome party.
How will the others respond
when you just up and skip
the party in your honor?
You're not truly brainless, right?
They'll be hurt.
You'll be the office jerk, just like that,
and that's not something I can control.
- I still
- [wistful music playing]
Well, I think helping
is the right thing to do, ma'am.
Go, then. Make the decision,
but I'm against it.
[exhales deeply]
Food was great, don't you think?
I'm more of a pork-neck guy,
but, um, the belly,
it was pretty good too.
Um, plus, I'm a big fan of green onions
Is pork the reason
you asked to meet me tonight, Dr. Hwang?
Ah, no, no, not quite.
Then please get to the point soon.
I feel like you sorta know
where this is headed. Uh Yeah.
[inhales deeply]
What I, uh, wanna say is
I know.
Y You do?
You've already told me
that you have feelings for me.
Ah, well, uh
well, because you didn't give me
a straight answer, I thought I'd
I don't feel the same as you.
I'm not surprised, really.
Although, uh, you you got a reason?
You dating me is like
you would be stepping in shit.
Uh, you can't talk about yourself like
You're not shit.
[chuckles lightly]
Yes, well, comparing myself
with someone like you, it's true.
Hmm, your father makes a living
as a cardiothoracic surgeon
at our hospital, right?
Then your mother's a doctor in nephrology.
All your siblings are doctors as well.
Do you seriously believe
that someone like me
should be with someone like you?
I'm sorry. I just mean
Just come on,
I mean, it's the 21st century.
It doesn't matter.
Some customs are here to stay.
Customs like social hierarchy.
If you're naive to that reality,
I have even less reason to date you.
So what I'm saying is no.
Uh, Ms. Song, you there?
Ms. Song?
Oh God. Uh, uh, um
All right, here I come!
I'll just let let myself in, okay?
Are you okay? Ms. Song?
Are you going to be all right? Goodness.
Is it so important
that you'd risk your life
to win like this?
I did it
so they'd have to respect us nurses.
[both chuckling]
You saw their sorry faces, huh?
[both laughing heartily]
Ah, all right, now I'm good as new again!
- Aren't I?
- [both chuckling]
Hey, so where did Da-eun go anyway?
[sighs] That patient's her priority.
- She's back at work already.
- What?
I get it. It's her mistake,
but we all bothered
to put this together for her.
It's kind of rude to split
before the party's done, isn't it?
I do think she's a nice girl,
but it's just that she's she's so
she's just so, so stubborn, really,
and a little bit almost pigheaded.
- Soo-yeon.
- Yeah.
Do you think missing this dinner
with some of your senior coworkers
is really as bad as all that?
Do you think it's more important
to get in good with our colleagues
or with our patients?
Did you know
the patient adopted a pet cat?
Uh, no, why do you ask?
She knew his cat's name.
I only learned about it today.
The one person
who'd bothered to learn something
that was so important to that lonely man
was Jung Da-eun.
The way she is with patients,
it's exactly what we used to do.
Back when all that truly mattered
was making patients feel safe and seen.
Those people are
the reason that we do this.
Hey. You were once like her.
You'd end up so attached,
you'd cry your eyes out.
I No. Why would you even mention that?
It was ages ago!
She's a good kid, all right?
Her judgement was flawed,
but, ultimately, she just wanted to help,
so maybe we treasure that spirit.
I dragged the healer out here.
Sorry you had to do this so late and all.
Thanks for everything, for seeing me.
Truth be told,
leaving this space is kinda weird,
like some MP and HP,
like, mega-drain type thing, you know?
Oh! It's fine, really. [chuckles]
See you back soon for your joints.
- Right.
- [nurse] Oh, are we done here?
- All right, clean that off
- [nurse] Shall we go?
Oh, let's pull down that shirt.
- [melancholy music playing]
- [cracks knuckles]
[Da-eun] Oh, hello.
This is Nurse Jung Da-eun
from Myungshin's Psychiatric Unit.
Yes, I know it's late
for a call like this. I'm sorry.
Do you happen to have
an opening for a patient right now?
- Couldn't we try though?
- Looks like she's busy.
[Da-eun] I see. Thank you anyway.
[exhales forcefully]
Well, you're just
Huh? Oh, Ms. Park,
why are you here so late?
Can't you guess? I'm here
to help our resident troublemaker.
Oh my gosh, I'm sorry.
Ugh, you know, Ms. Song gave me
an earful for snapping at you.
I'll be careful not to make
any more mistakes.
Hey, nobody's ever flawless, all right?
Just avoid ones you've already made.
- Can I ask
- Mm-hmm?
You don't make mistakes at all, do you?
I'm not Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?
Back when I was a rookie,
I went into a room,
and the patient
didn't seem to be breathing at all.
I was surprised,
so I made a call for help,
and then, well, CPR was my next instinct,
though sleep apnea was the real cause.
Huh? Are you serious?
And then Ms. Song was preceptor
for my unit.
She was so terrifying back then.
I was scared of her being angry,
so I just pretended
and kept on doing CPR on the guy,
and we even made eye contact,
and I still pretended anyway.
- Is that funny?
- Uh, no, it's not.
Really? It seemed pretty hysterical.
Now then, let's have you look up
some potential hospitals, Ms. Jung.
Meanwhile, I'll call
a few contacts of mine.
Of course, ma'am.
[Soo-yeon] Mm.
[Soo-yeon breathes deeply]
I think you'll fit right in here,
Ms. Jung, don't you?
[sentimental music playing]
[Soo-yeon sighs]
I wonder if this nurse still works there.
I'll give her a call.
[Deul-re] Oh, you're here, Ms. Kim?
Oh my, hey!
Huh? Looks like we gathered here, huh?
- [Da-eun] Wha
- Oh, ladies.
- [Soo-yeon] Goodness.
- [Jung-ran] "Going home," you said?
[all laughing]
[Jung-ran] This stuff is delicious.
I shoulda had some for lunch!
I mean, macarons compared to rice cakes?
I vote cakes.
Do you have stomach pain?
Start munching away!
But I still feel so awful.
It's really all my fault you're awake.
Just say thank you
because sorry's not what matters.
It's gratitude.
- Right, that's nicely said.
- Mm, pretty great.
- Whoa, how many have you had?
- Just the three.
- You'll get sick.
- [Deul-re] Ease up, will you?
[Jung-ran] Nuh-uh.
Hm? Dr. Dong?
[Jung-ran] Huh?
- Hello.
- Hello.
Oh, it's the Psych Unit, huh?
You're still here too?
I had to treat Mr. Kim Seo-wan.
- Oh
- [Soo-yeon] Yes, Mr. Kim Seo-wan.
- I lost something out here.
- Dr. Dong, just have some rice cakes!
They're so amazing. You gotta try one!
Wow, you gotta be starving
to grab two sandwiches, huh?
Yeah, I'm Yeah.
Sandwiches for us two might cross a line.
[vehicle approaching]
- Oh! Hi, hello.
- Hello.
You haven't left yet.
Is the bus late or were you?
It seems like the bus is late today.
Oh, I see.
[sentimental music playing]
It's not the mugwort rice cakes.
[Sung-sik] I heard you looked
into hospitals I could transfer to.
Yes. I found a nice one for you,
and they've got an empty spot.
A great place. You're gonna love it.
Um, I put you through so much.
Oh, no, gosh. No, no, no, sir.
Don't apologize. It was all my fault.
I should've given you your shot
like I was told.
No, it was
All of it was my fault, truly.
Please, Mr. Kim, don't take the blame
for someone else's mistakes
I do hope you can love yourself
a little more in the future.
It seems unfair
that only nice people come here, you know?
I guess.
Then that explains why you're here, miss.
You said that
only nice people come here.
[gentle music playing]
[Da-eun] What we probably need right now
is the courage to face down
the hate directed at us.
Yet our longing to be loved by others,
our need for approval,
they cause us to take knives to our souls
and carve out what we want others to see.
That's the reason
we are always enduring
unhappiness and pain.
Ah, I'm tired.
We've got another order.
Ocean Park Building B, upstairs.
Unbelievable. God!
[inhales, sighs deeply]
[door beeping]
You do deliver lighting fast.
Chan's Chicken is grand indeed.
Sir, listen.
You're in the same building.
Why not just eat downstairs?
I believe
that's the customer's prerogative.
Is a simple trip down the lift
so much to ask?
Is a simple trip up the lift
so much to ask?
[mysterious music playing]
There's a leg missing.
[suspenseful music playing]
Ah, shit.
Yo, Song Yu-chan.
Where's the other chicken leg at?
Hunger got the best of me
on the journey, so I pinched one.
You really wanna die?
Oh, come on. You can spare that
since I'm your friend.
Who's my friend? Certainly not you.
I'm a doctor over here.
We were classmates, you know.
Ah, you know what? Stay right there.
- [line disconnects]
- [chuckles]
[softly] Little shit.
[Yu-chan] Welcome!
[man 1] I can't believe
we're getting chicken.
[man 2] Fried chicken is required
for team dinners!
Wouldn't be a team without some chicken!
[man 1] One fried chicken
and whelk noodles.
- [man 2] Oh yeah.
- [woman] Sounds good.
Oh! You're Song You-chan, aren't you?
It's been a while.
- Here, what d'you want?
- Uh
You know him, then?
Ah, he's a work colleague.
I Uh, no, he was a colleague.
- [man 2] Ah
- [man 1] Let's order.
What kind of fried chicken, huh?
[woman] Uh, let's see
- [man 1] This garlic?
- [woman] Garlic?
- [unsettling music playing]
- [gasps]
[elevator bell dings]
He does it to piss me off.
- The legs are the best. He knows
- [gasping]
[unsettling music playing]
[gasps and groans]
[disconcerting jazz music playing]
[jarring percussive Latin music playing]
[sinister orchestral music playing]
[music fades out]
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