Darwin's Game (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

Gemstone Mine

Um, Sh-Shuka?
Why are you naked?
Basically, if I slept in my clothes,
they'd get all wrinkly.
You could've always changed.
It was a real chore to carry you here,
even with my Sigil to help.
And I bandaged your wound, too.
So I was too tired to put on pajamas after that.
Well, I'm grateful for your help, but
P-Putting that aside, your earlier comment,
"Make a family with me."
What did you mean by that?
By that, I meant
I thought it was about time
to make my own clan!
The clans in Darwin's Game
are a lot like families.
In fact, they're true companions,
even more so than families!
You meant the game then
Like the guilds you often see in online games.
What did you think I meant?
A-Anyway, get dressed!
So if you use that shelter item,
no one can challenge you to a match?
All seasoned players use it.
Shelter costs 10 points each time.
For one week, your name won't be
on the Class Match competitor list.
One week for 10 points?!
I think I only have 40 points.
You beat me, so you should have more now.
Oh, you're right.
It went up to 639 points.
So I can buy shelter a bunch of times.
I wouldn't waste points if I were you.
Shelters can't prevent Encounter Battles,
when you're challenged by an opponent in front of you.
You can also convert your points to cash,
but I recommend doing that only if necessary.
I see.
Then just to test it, I'll use 10 points.
And what's your answer from before?
Sure, I accept your request.
I wanted a teammate
to work together with anyway.
I see.
But let's start by being friends, okay?
Didn't you say clans were true companions,
even more so than families?
Only class B2 players and up
are able to form a clan, after all!
Work hard to get there, Kaname.
But you're already class A4, aren't you?
So you could
No way.
With things like this,
the boy should take the lead.
Anyway, I'll send you a friend request.
I'll text you again tonight, too.
Roger. Talk to you later then.
Still, what an apartment.
I guess if she was rich from the start,
she'd have no interest exchanging points to cash.
But why is she playing the game?
I don't get the sense she got sucked in
and had no choice.
Well, it's got nothing to do with me.
So where am I?
Far from the factory where I left my scooter
And I don't have the money for a taxi
How much do I have left in the bank again?
I think it's about 50 thousand.
I-It increased by a million!
The 10 points I converted to cash earlier
has already been deposited?!
So this is the reward for a game
where your life's on the line.
But it won't matter how big
your balance is if you die.
Leave me alone already, stupid game!
You're mine!
Impressive as always.
Thought I'd get a punch in there at the end
Hey, are you the one
who slaughtered those 12 people in Shibuya?
At first I thought some Eighth flunkies did it,
but apparently they suspect my clan.
To be honest, it's a pain in the ass,
but I'm also curious of who really did it.
You'd be able to beat
a dozen people at once, wouldn't you?
Well, it could also be someone
who's still anonymous.
I heard there's a newbie who took out
that animal-suited rookie hunter.
Lately some players are receiving notifications
about new events starting,
so do you get the feeling major changes
are in store for the game again?
She wants to meet at the Moyai Statue.
This is the right place, isn't it?
It's covered with a sheet
for some reason, though
Yoo-hoo, Kaname!
Were you waiting long for me-ow?
No, I just got here.
Then let's set off on our first date!
H-Hey! You're supposed to tell me
about that event notification!
- Have you forgotten?
- Huh?
The stage for that event is right here in Shibuya.
It's normal to get the lay of the land, right?
So, Shuka, where are we heading?
For now, Yoyogi Park.
Have you ever been there?
No, but what does that have to do
with Darwin's Game?
The first thing you have to remember
is not to carelessly say the name of the game.
It could mean "game over" for you.
Game over?
You mean I'd die?
It's in the rules.
Disclosing any information
regarding the game is prohibited.
Violators' accounts are deleted
and they'll be forcibly teleported.
Forcibly teleported
Being teleported away piece by piece.
So when you're out in public like this,
it's best to refer to it as the "game."
Well, some people call it "D-Game."
D for "death" and "Darwin," huh?
That's clever.
Beyond that, you especially need
to be on guard in Shibuya right now.
Not just because an event has been announced.
You saw the blue sheet
covering the Moyai Statue, right?
Something D-Game related happened
there yesterday and 12 people were massacred.
In the first place, Shibuya is the turf
of a vicious large-scale clan called Eighth,
so there's a lot of players here.
So does this park also have
some D-Game connection?
No, not especially.
But this is a traditional date spot, you know?
Say what now?
Well, there is another reason
I don't know what
the Shibuya Treasure Hunt Game is about,
but this park is the biggest place in Shibuya,
so I wouldn't be surprised if it played
an important role in the event.
Hey, why are you playing
such a dangerous game, Shuka?
It doesn't seem to me
like you're short on money.
Do you have some special reason?
You have to let a beautiful girl
like me-ow have her secrets!
Well, we had our crepes, so let's go back
near the station and scope out the mall!
Hey, can we really afford
to shop for clothes right now?
We don't have much time.
We've come this far
and there isn't much we can do right now.
Besides, I need a change of clothes anyway.
Who cares about clothes?
Well, sure, girls probably care
But this is Darwin's Game.
And some event is starting soon.
She must have nerves of steel
Or maybe something's wrong with me
for panicking after all I've been through?
Right. Yeah, it looks good.
I mean, it suits you. Very cute.
Great! Then I'll buy it!
I'll try on the next outfit.
Huh? Next?
You're certain?
You're sure Kaname Sudo
is going to show up in Shibuya?
I'm 82% sure.
All of my predictions are based on probabilities,
so I can't guarantee anything 100%.
Well, 82% ain't bad odds.
But you're not selling that tidbit
to anyone else, right?
Not at the moment.
But this is my business.
The idea is to sell it to three, first-come-first-served
buyers, so thank you for understanding.
Well, as long as I'm the first,
I've got no complaints.
If I grab him first, it's a good deal for me.
That aside, Analyst
I don't mind you using a voice changer
to disguise yourself
but is your device busted?
M-More importantly, I'm curious about
the Treasure Hunt invitation you got.
What, you're interested in buying that info?
If it's information that has value.
The only thing I know is it's been delivered
to some, not all, players.
I'm hanging up now.
I want to find Kaname Sudo
before you sell that info to anyone else.
The problem is I got the invitation, too
Our mall investigation is just a shopping trip!
And only clothes.
This is a danger zone crawling with players, isn't it?
Is it okay to take it easy like this?
Well, take the game away
and Shuka would be a typical girl.
Darwin's Game.
No matter how you look at it, it's insane.
Teleportation, point conversion
It's common sense that either
of those things would be impossible.
But the craziest thing must be
the Sigil system, which suddenly gave me
and a normal girl super-powers.
You must be Kaname Sudo?
Let's have a few words.
What do you want? Are you a player, too?
Just shut up and follow me.
You want this back, don't you?
Who is this guy?
A member of that evil clan, Eighth?
Where are we going?
If you've got business with me,
then let's get it over with.
You're too careless about the phone
that has D-Game on it.
You don't get how important it is.
I see!
If he does stuff to the app on my phone
You look scared.
I can imagine what you're thinking.
Well, don't worry about it.
I don't know why, but you can't
play D-Game with someone else's phone.
But a player who lost their phone
would be screwed.
You wouldn't know about battles and couldn't
use a map to search for your opponent.
You wouldn't be able to buy a shelter
to avoid matches.
It'd be possible to use connections
to re-download the game, but it'd be a hassle.
More or less, it would mean losing your life.
Thanks for the warning.
I guess this'll work.
If that's all you wanted to say,
I'll have my phone back now.
Whoa, don't be in such a hurry.
People are talking about you.
About the solo noob who defeated
the rookie hunter and the Undefeated Queen.
That panda prick and Shuka?
In D-Game, it's unusual for a solo player
to even survive their first match,
let alone beat two famous players in a row.
Folks are gonna talk.
Well, I say "famous," but the rookie hunter
was just a colorful character.
But Shuka is a genuine A-class solo player.
The Undefeated Queen reached A class
without a single loss.
She hunted the Roppongi area so much,
there are hardly any players left.
So when a newbie beats someone like that,
it's only natural to want to face him!
I don't have a reason to fight!
I was only sucked in and I don't want to play!
Oh? I see. No reason to fight, huh?
Here's your phone back. Catch.
But the nice thing about this app
is that it makes a reason for you.
Time for D-Game!
Dammit! Again?!
Since you're a newbie,
I won't use my power on you!
He's got surprisingly sharp eyes. But
He moves like an amateur!
Oh, come on. For real?
It can't end this quickly.
Maybe the bathroom?
What is it? I'm busy.
It's the results of the investigation
into that player you asked about.
Do you want to hear it?
I'm listening.
At the very least, Danjo's Boxing Club
has nothing to do with it.
I'm still looking into Eighth.
I don't have much on their newest member, Sig,
but they call him "Flame Demon,"
so I'm pretty sure he's not our man.
The problem is Wang.
There's hardly any info on him.
The reason being that he killed
everyone he's ever fought.
Thank you.
I'll pay you for checking out Danjo's Boxing Club.
Keep trying to get something on Wang.
If I keep going, it'll get extremely dangerous
Succeed and I'll pay triple the usual.
Can't turn that down.
But I'm holding you to it.
By the by, are you interested in the latest info
on the promising noob who beat you?
Tell me everything you know right now,
and I'll let you live.
Such a let-down.
Did you really defeat an A-rank opponent?
Give Shuka a Help Call. I'll wait a bit.
I heard you're working together.
I was going to wait a while
before challenging an A-ranker,
but moving up by going with the flow
isn't a bad idea.
Forget it.
Don't get cocky just 'cause you knocked me down.
And I'm not working with her.
What? You'd better not be lying to me!
You underestimated me, dumbass!
A stungun? Where were you hiding that?
No, wait, is that your Sigil?!
Don't move!
If you don't back down, I'll fry this thing!
My phone?!
You were distracted!
You should probably be more careful
with your phone when around other people!
Th-That's when you—
Shit! Don't think you can beat me that easily!
We're not true companions yet, remember?
But we're friends, aren't we?
You're working together after all!
If you don't back down,
I'll destroy this and then it's two against one.
What will you do?
Son of a bitch! Fine!
You win. I surrender.
Here, catch.
Hey, what grade are you in?
Me? Second year in high school.
Eh? A year ahead of me?
I'm Inukai with the Danjo Boxing Club.
First-year in high school.
What are you acting so chummy for?
You're the enemy, aren't you?
Where's the harm?
D-Game players are all older
and I feel kind of ashamed to be part of a clan.
I'm sure you understand that.
Yeah, I get that
What's that?
The Treasure Hunt Game
It starts in less than a minute?
So what do you think it's going to be like?
I've never participated in an event before
You guys got it, too?
Same here!
You challenged him knowing you
were going to participate in an event?
You should've just focused on the event!
Are you stupid?
Sh-Shut up!
Good point. Maybe we should've
prepared more for the event.
Like with a shovel, since it's a treasure hunt?
You gonna be diggin' holes?
Well, I guess there wouldn't be
any hole-digging in Shibuya
Since it's a treasure hunt,
I don't expect it to be a battle royale either.
Won't it be relatively peaceful?
That would be nice
Wh-What the hell?
Don't panic.
It happens before teleportation.
Looks like we'll be goin' our separate ways.
Well, you two, survive 'til the next time we fight.
Kaname, there's no guarantee
we'll end up near each other!
If we are separated,
let's quickly try to find each other.
Gotcha. I'll text you then—
Has the Treasure Hunt Game started?
A fun, friendly treasure hunt?
Seriously? I've got nothing
but a bad feeling about this!
Sudden teleportation
The silver lining is that I grabbed this on impulse.
I see. Gathering rings?
But this rule stands out.
For any player who
cannot complete the objective,
that of obtaining three rings
within the allotted time, it is "game over."
Honestly, I can't imagine the management
providing enough rings for everyone.
This isn't a peaceful treasure hunt game,
but a ring scramble survival game.
So maybe this is right up my alley,
fighting over something?
And the stage is Shibuya, my own backyard!
You're too good to me, D-Game! I love you!
Darn! That's Wang, the clan leader of Eighth!
I'm unlucky right out of the gate!
However, this could be my chance
to take a dangerous player off the board at the start!
Who are you?
Got a death wish right as the event starts?
Unfortunately, you're the one who's going to die.
In fact, it's already over for you.
I'm lucky that I get to kill you
before we have a real fight!
My flames are 4,000 degrees!
I'll incinerate you, bones and all!
Next time, "Ignition."
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