Dear Child (2023) s01e02 Episode Script


This is the story of my mom and my dad.
And how they fell in love.
It was very late at night,
and my mom was out all by herself.
She was very scared.
That's because she was lost.
But then along comes my dad.
He appears all of a sudden
and rescues her.
And they fall in love
from the very first moment.
And they move into a house
and have children and are a happy family.
How can this be?
The girl
she looks like our daughter.
But as a child.
Yes. Really exactly like Lena at that age.
Like a clone.
We used to be neighbors.
The woman has the scar, Gerd.
But it isn't her.
Are you sure?
The doctor said that with all the injuries
to her face, it'd be difficult to
Do you think
I wouldn't recognize my own daughter?
The girl stated
that the accident victim is her mother.
Why don't we ask the woman herself
who she is?
She hasn't regained consciousness.
-As soon as she's fit for interrogation
-Can't we wake her somehow?
No, we can't.
I need the case files
and the DNA profile for Lena Beck.
I'll take care of it.
The girl told the nurse
something about a house.
What house?
Apparently, there's another child there.
Another child?
Hannah's younger brother.
It was lovely, Lena.
Thank you.
Why don't you go home?
A DNA comparison
takes eight, sometimes nine hours.
I'll let you know
as soon as the results are in.
I'll stay here with my granddaughter.
Do you know your daughter's blood type?
AB negative, like me.
You're close friends with the family.
-Matthias and me, we were friends
-And you headed the investigation.
-And your supervisor didn't mind that?
-Is this turning into an interrogation?
Did he know about it?
At the time, I didn't exactly
shout it from the rooftops.
You jeopardized the investigation.
Every suspicion, every clue,
it could all have blown up in your face
due to a conflict of interest.
That's why no one needs to know.
This here, the girl, the woman,
it's the first real lead in 13 years.
In all those years,
there hasn't been a single lead?
Never anything concrete.
And we tried everything back then.
A big search operation,
appeal on television,
special investigation team
with umpteen officers,
and over 2,000 tips.
And then, well, you know how it is.
New cases, new names on the wall.
Every now and then, someone gets in touch
thinking they saw her.
I don't know, in Tenerife,
at a McDonald's or
On my way.
Send me a location, all right?
The Becks don't want to go home.
-Could you
If the patient wakes up
Then I'll talk to her and keep you posted.
I will take you home,
My name is Gerd Bühling.
State CID Düsseldorf.
I would like to ask you a few questions.
Can you hear me?
Maybe you could give me a sign?
Move a finger?
You have the scar, but you are not Lena.
Who are you?
Tell him.
What's your name?
Tell him your name.
Everything's all right!
-What are you doing here?
-Bühling, State CID.
Calm breaths.
You are in a hospital.
You were in an accident.
Breathe calmly, in and out.
-If you scream, I'll kill you.
-I'm your doctor.
If you don't do exactly as I say,
I'll kill you.
If you think wrongly, I'll kill you.
Those are the rules, Lena!
-What's your name?
-Cut that out!
my name is
You did well, Lena.
And now get up and do your work.
7:45 p.m.,
breakfast for the children.
One glass of milk, one vitamin bar.
The children need a regular daily routine.
They need rules.
And they need a mother
who takes care of them.
Catch me if you can, stupid face!
Can't catch me!
I'm about to get Miss Tinky,
then she'll bite you.
Be quiet already!
Should I help you, Mom?
Help me.
Please help me.
I'm sorry.
Sorry about that. Did I hurt you?
No. You'd never hurt me, Mom.
I'm sorry.
Dad! Mom is having an attack again.
He creates day and night.
Like God.
I will take care of Hannah.
-Where have you been all this time?
-Cappuccino, one sugar.
I called in sick at school
and left a message at your office, okay?
The woman was hit by a car.
We assume that there's another child
at the place she escaped from.
A boy, Jonathan, about eight years old.
We hope that he's still alive.
There's someone here.
Let's pack it up.
Road closed?
It will be a while.
What happened?
-Quite a bit of fuss for an accident.
-Do you drive past here often?
It's a shortcut on my rounds.
What does it look like?
You didn't, by any chance,
come this way last night as well?
Last night?
My rounds are mornings and evenings.
At night, it's as dark as a bear's ass.
Drive safely.
What happened here?
-Hey, Bühling here.
The patient was briefly awake.
-Well? What did she say?
-Only that her name is Lena.
But it's not her?
And the scar that Mrs. Beck mentioned?
She has it, but it's way too new.
Okay. If there's anything new, then
I'll let you know, yeah.
I could imagine that.
I think that's her.
Where are we?
First of all, have some breakfast.
And look. Doctor Hamstedt is back too.
Good morning, Hannah.
That hurts.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Is Grandfather still here?
What grandfather?
The grandfather from last night.
He's my mom's father.
Last night, a pair of visitors reacted
pretty hysterically upon seeing Hannah.
Those who whisper lie!
So, last night, that was your grandfather?
And you've met him before?
Where was that?
On a trip.
But that's a secret between Mom and me.
That's impossible.
-Hannah claims she has visited him.
-You believe her?
It's very possible
that she distorts parts of reality.
To some degree, at least, to make them fit
her own experiences and feelings.
Her assertions can be close to reality
without having happened
exactly as she says.
But that doesn't mean she's lying.
Wait a second.
That means it's possible that Hannah
has actually met her grandfather before?
I can't rule it out.
Is he actually her grandfather?
We'd like to take a DNA sample
from the girl to find that out.
Okay. But I need approval
from Child Protective Services first.
Mom and I went on a lot of trips.
We went to the sea and to Paris.
We even went up the Eiffel Tower.
The Eiffel Tower?
The Eiffel Tower is 324 meters in height.
It was built to commemorate the 100th
anniversary of the French Revolution.
Look here, Hannah.
A gift for you.
So your eyes won't hurt anymore.
A gift is a gift.
And taking it back is stealing.
Exactly. Put them on.
Shall we take a look outside together,
the two of us?
Anything new?
The patient, she told me her name is Lena.
I know! It's not her, but
but there's something else.
The girl,
she says you're her grandfather.
Matthias, I have to ask you now.
Have you ever seen this girl before?
Have you ever seen this girl before?
What's with that question?
Hannah claims that she recognized you.
What do you think?
Do you think I kidnapped Lena?
My own daughter?
Matthias, I
All right.
I'm fine.
Is it possible
that Matthias has seen the girl before?
You're crazy.
You're doing so well.
I'll go deliver that, then.
I'll see you downstairs later, okay?
You know, Hannah,
Doctor Hamstedt
will take you with him to his hospital.
Can't I stay here? With you?
that's not possible, sweetie.
But I'll visit you there, okay?
Can I go see my mom now?
Yes, you can.
But that should probably remain
our little secret.
Körber with May. We've found something.
I repeat, we've found something.
A piece of fabric on a fence.
It looks like
a decommissioned military area.
Send the coordinates
to the team right away.
He is always with you.
All good?
Site of the find? That's back there.
-Behind the fence?
-No upsetting her.
The patient needs rest.
I know you're not Lena.
Wouldn't you like to tell me
your real name?
Did you know Lena?
This police officer is talking about you
in the past tense, Lena, but
but if you are no more, then all of this
then all of this happened to me.
Did you meet her?
what was she like?
She was
A delightful person.
Loved life, smart.
Everyone liked her.
I always thought she'd become
an author or a painter.
She was really good at drawing.
But then she studied law.
She was in her fourth semester.
She had such a vivid imagination.
She would make up the wildest stories
and could tell them amazingly well too.
She had everything ahead of her,
her whole life.
And then, after a party
she simply disappeared.
According to the others' testimonies,
she had had a lot to drink,
as well as other
Her last call was registered at 4:10 a.m.
She was on her way home then.
Okay, yeah.
I was in the bathroom with Flo.
If you really want to know. So?
He flirted with you, but
he's like that with every girl!
After that, her phone remained
switched off, and she was gone.
As if the ground had swallowed her up.
Is that you?
We then considered every possibility.
Party guests, fellow students.
We suspected her boyfriend
or ex-boyfriend.
They were always on and off.
But the fact of the matter is,
to this day, we don't know
what happened to her back then.
And I'm telling you all of this because
because Lena's parents are here.
And they've been looking for her
for almost 13 years.
So if you can help us in any way
I'm always with you, Lena.
-I'm always with you, Lena.
She needs a break.
It's okay. Everything's all right.
Calm down.
Just breathe calmly.
It's all right.
I need to know something.
What is it?
Whether I'm pregnant.
Come, Mom.
You have to sit down here, Mom.
That's the way you always do it.
And now you tell us a story. Like always.
I want to hear one with airplanes.
No, I'm the older one! I get to choose.
-You always want to decide!
You can't agree, story time is cancelled.
Get up, Lena.
You have to get up, Mom.
You really don't want any?
They're taking her away.
They're taking her from me.
I won't run away.
This is a safety belt.
So that nothing can happen to you.
See you, little Goliath.
See you, Nurse Ruth.
Where are they taking her?
It's probably already been arranged
with the CPS agency in charge
Traffic light.
Do you like music?
I like to listen to music.
Always puts me in a good mood.
Did Nurse Ruth tell you where we're going?
To a clinic for children
with mental or emotional illness.
But I'm not sick.
It's very nice there with us. Really.
We have a library.
And there are other children.
There's a garden.
I think you'll like it.
One sugar.
Where's Matthias?
I don't know.
I'm sorry about earlier.
-It's all right.
-He's just so
Are you okay?
You know,
things had really gotten better lately.
He even wanted to come
to the victims' support group.
Sometimes he was almost his old self.
He was laughing.
We were planning to go to Paris next week.
Our wedding anniversary.
I really thought we had turned the corner.
And now
And you? How are you?
I'm stable.
Feels good to be working again.
You don't look good though.
-Karin, why don't you go home?
I'll call you if there's any news.
All right, here we are.
One more song.
No, I've already tried there.
You don't have
another phone number for me?
And jurisdiction?
-That's still being clarified.
-Yeah, I'll wait.
This is military territory.
Without permission
-The boy who's in there
-Who is probably in there.
He's at most eight years old.
If he's even still alive, he's sitting
in there next to his dead father.
Max, you have kids yourself.
Just imagine if it were one of your boys.
Aida Kurt, CID Aachen.
Are you responsible for these grounds?
-We met at the accident site
-Did you get permission?
-Who do I have to talk to?
To NATO, of course.
-Who exactly?
-How would I know? The office knows.
Okay, then give me the number.
There's no one there yet.
This is within my purview.
Do you know your way around these grounds?
No. I just check the fences
from the outside.
I don't have access.
-It's a restricted area!
Let's go!
I need to see your ID.
And then I'd like to take your statement.
As soon as SWAT gives the all-clear,
we're going in with the dogs, okay?
Max went in. We're just waiting for
My boss says it's NATO territory.
It falls under military law.
Without authorization,
you're not allowed
Don't move! Booby traps!
There are mines all over the place!
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