Dee & Friends in Oz (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Dee and the Ozling Rescue

[magical, ethereal jingles playing]
[Dee laughing hilariously]
[Grandma laughing]
Twirling is three points.
Oh wow! Whoa! Whoa!
Now it's two points
for every spin around the umbrella.
Spinnin'! Ha! Two points.
Four points.
Then, for another point,
you gotta wiggle with it.
Wigglin'. [chuckling]
And now, you gotta hop on one foot.
On one foot?
Uh-huh. Those are the rules.
Come on. Let's hop together.
[both] Hop! Hop!
[Grandma] Ooh!
Ah! This game is fun.
What's it called again?
Dee's Awesome-arella Umbrella
Fantastic Gymnastics.
I really like the name.
Ooh! Ha ha! Me too. You should show
your new friends this game.
I'm sure they'd love to play with you.
-[Rohan] I can't stop giggling.
-[Skylar] Me neither.
Um Er
Nah. I don't know
if they'd wanna play a game I made up.
Well, you won't know until you speak up
and tell them your idea.
Dee-Dee, be confident.
What you have to say matters,
and the whole world should hear you.
[groans] One point. Two points.
Three points.
See these hops? Grandma's winning
the next round, baby girl.
-[magical twinkling]
My key! Time to go to Oz.
-Dee and her friends
-And you ♪
-Unlocked somewhere new
-Come through ♪
-Take a leap, Oz is waiting for you
-Let's go ♪
-Dee and her friends in Oz
-Say hi ♪
-Adventure isn't far behind
-Go shine ♪
Let's see friends
And make new ones too ♪
-The story's hero is you
-Dee and friends in Oz ♪
-Dee and friends in Oz ♪
-[child 1] Lovey? Lovey?
-Who's making all that noise?
[huffs] That's what we're trying
to figure out.
I've looked everywhere,
but I can't find who it is.
-Will you help us, Dee?
-I got you.
[child 1] Lovey!
Nothing here.
[child 1 whining] Lovey!
[child 1] Lovey? [sniffles]
[tenderly] Aw! A baby Ozling!
You were the one making all that noise.
Are you okay?
[sniffles, babbles]
Oh no. You aren't okay.
Maybe I can help. What's your name?
Who bell?
Oh! Bluebell. I love that name.
Good work, Dee.
[sighs] Poor thing. What's wrong, honey?
-[continues babbling]
She says she's lost.
And even worse, she lost her lovey.
Oh no, not her lovey.
I would feel terrible
if I lost my favorite toy.
Lovey, lovey.
If you love your lovey, then I do too.
I can help you find it.
I found you, didn't I?
[Bluebell] Mm-hmm.
So, what does your lovey look like?
Roar! Sorry I'm late.
Lovey, lovey, lovey! [giggles]
Oh, hi. Nice to meet you.
But my name is not Lovey. It's Lion.
This is Bluebell, and she lost her lovey.
[gasps] Oh no! A lost lovey?
Bluebell must be so sad.
[Bluebell grunts, moans tenderly]
Bluebell, does Lion look like your lovey?
A-ha! I can work with that.
-Looking for a little Lion-y lovey.
-[magical bleeping]
And gotcha.
[Lion] Hey! That lovey does look like me.
It's really working that haircut.
And so am I.
[gasps] Looks like it's stuck
in the forest.
Lovey, lovey.
Dee, Lion, can you help Bluebell
find her lovey?
We got this.
Well, then, get out there
and be wonderful.
I believe in you.
-You know it. We're the lovey finders.
[both chuckling]
That means we find loveys.
Look out, world, we're on our way
Ain't gonna let nobody get in our way ♪
On a mission, got a vision
Seize the day ♪
Got my friends on the journey
I know the way ♪
The places we'll go
The highs, the lows ♪
My glow will lead the way ♪
Follow your heart, the tiniest spark
We'll journey to that place ♪
We'll look up, look down
Look all around ♪
Lovey Finders on the case!
-All will be well
-We'll help you, Bluebell ♪
We'll journey to that place ♪
Where I can do anything
I can be anything ♪
No matter what this day brings
I know I'm on my way ♪
Where I can do anything
I can be anything ♪
-No matter what this day brings
-I know I'm on my way ♪
[drumming music playing]
Miss Emerald said
Bluebell's lovey was in this forest,
but I don't see it anywhere.
Oh, oh, Lovey?
Aw! It's okay, Bluebell.
The Lovey Finders are here to help.
Right, Lion?
Lovey Finders to the rescue.
Lovey! Oh, Lovey!
[grunts] Where are you, Lovey? Lovey?
[grunts] Lovey?
Lovey? Where did you go?
[gasps] There it is! There it is!
I found it! I found it!
I think that's your tail, Lion.
Oh! I thought it looked familiar.
When something's this lost,
there's only one thing
for a Lovey Finder to do.
[breathes deeply, shouts] Lovey!
[shouting] Lovey!
Nice, Bluebell.
You are one loud little Ozling.
Now try this. Roar!
That's the kind of confident roar
I'm looking for.
Now, how about this?
[takes a deep breath]
[very loudly] Roar!
Yeah, Bluebell! Let me hear that roar.
[Bluebell] Roar! Roar! Roar!
[both chuckling]
[Bluebell] Roar!
-[all chuckling]
Wow! You're so confident, Lion.
I love that you're not scared to speak up.
Thanks, Dee.
Guess I've always been proud to be loud.
Sometimes, being confident is hard for me.
I feel like maybe
what I have to say might not matter.
What? Dee, of course what you say matters.
And the world's gotta hear
what you have to say.
But how do you feel confident
when you're not feeling so confident?
I could tell you,
but let me show you instead.
Confident, I'm positive
I'm working on my roar ♪
You gon' hear me before you see me
A roar you've never heard before ♪
What we say is gonna matter
Say it loud and standing tall ♪
I am one proud lion
And together we'll discover ♪
All the things that make us special
And so different from each other ♪
-You gotta be confident
-Confident ♪
It's the coolest thing to be ♪
-You gotta be confident
-Confident ♪
When you roar as loud as me ♪
-You gotta be confident
-Confident ♪
It's the coolest thing to wear ♪
-You gotta be confident
-Confident ♪
I can feel it in my hair ♪
I'm loud, I'm proud
I'm confident now ♪
I'm loud, I'm proud
I'm confident ♪
Now ♪
Guess what I'm saying is
we can be loud, and we can be proud.
And what we say matters.
You're right, Lion.
[Bluebell] Lovey! There! There!
Bluebell? What are you saying?
[imitates snoring]
Is it nap time?
[imitates snoring]
Oh, um Sleepy tree?
[gasps] Yes! The sleepy trees!
They're right up ahead.
That must be where her lovey is.
Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
Lovey Finders to the rescue. This way.
[suspenseful, playful music playing]
-[soft snoring]
Bluebell, was that you?
Don't look at me.
Hmm. Well, if it wasn't you or Bluebell,
and I'm pretty sure it wasn't me,
that must mean
-We found the sleepy trees!
-[soft snoring]
[rustling] Cauliflower.
-Ah, ah, ah!
[Dee] There's Bluebell's lovey!
[grunts softly] I can't [sighs] reach.
Huh. How do we get it?
I know. I can climb up there to get it.
But we don't wanna wake him up.
[snoring, crackling, rustling]
Got it.
Now, Lovey Finders to the rescue.
-[Tree snoring deeply]
-[Lion panting]
[gasps, thuds]
[Lion] Awww!
I said Lovey Finders to the rescue.
Ew! Whoa!
Oof! I don't think this is gonna work.
-[Tree snoring, rustling]
-[Dee] Hmm.
[Tree] Hey, don't you eat my cauliflower.
Maybe there's another way.
Huh. Never mind. It doesn't matter.
[Lion] Come on, Dee.
What you have to say does matter.
Well, we've been trying not to be loud
and wake the trees up,
but what if waking them up
is exactly what we need to do?
If we can get them to move their branches,
the lovey will fall down to us.
Aah! That's a great, great, great idea!
And I think I know
just how to wake them up.
[deep breath]
Wake up ♪
[Tree snoring]
Wake up ♪
Wake up ♪
Wake up ♪
[funky music playing]
Wake up ♪
Wake up ♪
Wake up ♪
Who put cauliflower in my shoes?
Hey, sleepy trees
Is all you do snore? ♪
It's time to get loud
Let me hear you roar ♪
Roll call!
Lion. Roar!
Uh uh
That was Oz-nificent!
All together now.
You gotta be confident
It's the coolest thing to be ♪
You gotta be confident
When you roar as loud as me ♪
-[Tree] Good morning.
-[Dee] It's working! They're waking up!
This gots my roots rockin'.
Mmm. [laughing]
I'm loud, I'm proud
I'm confident now ♪
I'm loud, I'm proud
I'm confident now ♪
[funky music continues]
Your plan's working, Dee.
The lovey's getting closer.
Hey, who turned off the music?
I'm shaking my leaves over here.
Lion. We've gotta keep singing.
You don't have to tell me twice.
You gotta be confident
It's the coolest thing to wear ♪
You gotta be confident
I even feel it in my hair ♪
Hey, sleepy trees, you're not sleepy now.
Yeah, looks like we're branchin' out!
Now, roar as loud as you can, please.
We prefer tree-part harmony.
Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
You shake your mane
We'll shake our leaves ♪
Yeah, yeah, yeah
But we'll be loud, you best believe ♪
[panting] We got it. We got it.
[Bluebell babbling]
We did it!
Aah! Woohoo?
Hey! Bring that back.
Hmm. That woo-hoo is ru-hoo-d.
[sniffles, sobs] Lovey!
Aw. Poor Bluebell. I'm so sorry.
We can't give up now.
We have to find that lovey.
-We're the Lovey Finders, right?
-Right! I know we can get the lovey back.
So, um, Dee,
how are we gonna get the lovey back?
We follow the Woohoos.
Woohoo, woohoo!
[funky music stops]
[flowers humming rhythmically]
[both] Wow!
Look. There's the Woohoo bird.
Bluebell, we're gonna get you your lovey.
Lovey! Lovey, lovey!
Bluebell, wait!
We have to follow her! Bluebell?
[Dee] Bluebell. Come back!
-[Lion] Bluebell, Bluebell!
Lion? Where are you?
[panting] There's too many flowers.
[rhythmical humming continues]
I think I'm lost.
How am I gonna find Lion and Bluebell now?
Lion! Bluebell!
They're never gonna hear me
over all these musical flowers.
Lion? Bluebell?
I think
maybe I'm gonna need to be loud
and proud like Lion to find them.
But can I be confident
When I feel unsure? ♪
Am I confident?
Am I different than before? ♪
The change can begin
when my small voice ♪
Dares to become a bit more ♪
[Lion Bluebell] Roar!
Aah! It's working!
Confidence ♪
I'm confident. Yeah!
[deep breath] Roar!
[Lion] Roar!
I know that I'm sure ♪
I am confident
I'm the coolest thing to be ♪
When you're confident
You can lead the way like me ♪
You gotta be confident
Everybody has the choice ♪
Now that I'm confident
I'll stand up and use my voice ♪
Thanks to my friend Lion
For helping me discover ♪
We're our loudest and our proudest
When we're roaring with each other ♪
What I say is gonna matter
Say it loud and standing tall ♪
I'm so proud I found my voice, y'all
Everybody, hear my call ♪
I'm loud, I'm proud, I'm confident now ♪
I'm loud, I'm proud, I'm confident now ♪
-Woo Ahhh!
There you are!
[gasps] And there's your lovey!
I found you both.
Hiya, Lovey. My name's Lion.
You know,
you really remind me of somebody.
-Have we met before?
-[Bluebell laughing]
Thank you for finding us, Dee.
Thank you.
I couldn't have done it without you, Lion.
Thanks for helping me find my confidence.
I'm proud to be loud,
because what I have to say matters.
The world's gotta hear
what you have to say.
And I know they will,
'cause that was the biggest,
bestest, loudest roar I've ever heard!
So, now that the Lovey Finders
found the lovey,
wanna sing our way back to school?
Hmm. Any requests?
Know any songs about being confident?
Oh, you know it.
-We are confident
-Confident ♪
It's the coolest thing to wear ♪
-We are confident
-Confident ♪
We even feel it in our hair ♪
What we say is gonna matter
Say it loud and standing tall ♪
I'm so proud I found my voice, y'all
Everybody hear my call ♪
I'm loud, I'm proud, I'm confident now ♪
I'm loud, I'm proud,
I'm confident now ♪
I'm confident now ♪
-Look! We found it! We found it!
-[all cheering]
Oz-believable! You did it!
You found Bluebell's lovey.
-And Bluebell, I have a surprise for you.
[playful music playing]
We were looking all over for you.
Ah! Thank you so much
for taking care of her.
Great work, you two.
Lovey Finders always save the day.
Lion, thanks for helping me find my roar.
You had the bestest,
loudest, most powerful roar
in there the whole time.
[Bluebell] Roar!
[all laughing, cheering] Woo-hoo!
[magical twinkling]
-[child 1] You can't catch me.
-[child 2] laughing
Hey, Rohan! Hey, Skylar!
-Hi, Dee.
-How's it going?
Wanna play my game?
-What's it called?
Dee's Awesome-arella Umbrella
Fantastic Gymnastics!
Ooh! Love that name.
So, you take your umbrella
and you stand on one foot,
then you hop, hop, hop.
-This is so fun.
Nice. That's three points, Rohan.
Now, you gotta wiggle with it. Like this.
[Rohan] Wiggle.
[ethereal, magical jingles playing]
Let's go ♪
-Dee and her friends in Oz
-Say hi ♪
-Adventure isn't far behind
-Go shine ♪
Let's see friends
And make new ones too ♪
-The story's hero is you
-Dee and friends in Oz ♪
Dee and friends in Oz ♪
Dee and her friends
Unlocked somewhere new ♪
Take a leap
Oz is waiting for you ♪
You're wonderful and you glow
Dee's got the key and we're heroes ♪
Oz is full of friends
Here we go ♪
I know you know the song
Everybody sing along ♪
Dee and friends in Oz ♪
Dee and friends in Oz ♪
Dee and friends in Oz ♪
-Yeah, yeah
-Dee and friends in Oz ♪
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