Dekalog (1989) s01e02 Episode Script

Part 2

Good morning Good morning Is this perhaps yours, sir? Fell out of somebody's window No May I Oh, sorry want anything from me? Yes What is it? I live in the upper floor I hope you remember me Yes.
You ran my dog over two years ago My name is Dorota Geller My husband's a patient of yours It's possible I don't remember all the names You wanted to ask me about his health? Yes I inform the families on Wednesdays 3 to 5 pm.
Come to the hospital But Wednesday's only the day after tomorrow Yes.
It's Monday today I'm sorry I didn't run you over instead of your dog Come on in, Barbara Good morning, Doctor Barbara There's something wrong, Barbara Dorota? Are you there, Dorota? Why don't you answer the phone? Then perhaps you're out This is Abka speaking I'm going away for a week with the class I'll let you know when I'm back Bye This is Janek Wierzbicki I must talk to you Could I perhaps drop in tonight? Well, what was it? Not the cold, you know He's teething He cried all night Only went to sleep at dawn I spent the night at his bed She didn't sleep, either She was worried about the two of us getting no sleep Well, father came into the room in the morning All dressed, he was, and laughing he opened his mouth and showed us a hole where a tooth had been He extract that tooth himself Well, I told him the little one had just out his first tooth the little one had just out his first tooth and he just laughed and said "True enough" Yeah, that's how it is, Barbara I tie my scarf The kid's sleeping peacefully I can see the man through a half-open door Father holds his grandaughter on his knees She's laughing and trying his tooth on And then that lady comes to meet me in the hall Tall, up-right her eyes are black-ringed for lack of sleep for lack of sleep She says, "I don't like it Too many teeth here Better take care" Well, I answer, "Go get some sleep Father's staying home today" She nods and says, "O.
" Well, the next episode coming to you next week Excuse me, madam Yes? A hare fell out somebody's window The caretaker was asking Was it perhaps yours? No I can see you this afternoon if it's really urgent Mrs.
Geller? Money order Your husband's sick benefit May I see your identification card, please? I only have a passport That will do Here you are Do you know the time? It's past ten Thank you Good morning Good morning Good morning Which room is Mr.
Geller in? Geller The one we've operated on? Yes Room 12 Twelve, I see I'd like to see his records Yes, sir Just leave it here Perhaps he'll feel like eating it later Has he had anything today? Not much May I help you? I have an appointment with the ward head No families received today But he told me to come My name's geller A lady to see you, Doctor Mrs.
Geller Is it afternoon already? Ten past twelve The doctor will see you Sit down, please Can I smoke? I don't smoke.
But if you have to The diagnosis the treatment, the operation rather belated, all of that What do you mean? Things are in a bad way Will he live? I don't know But I've got to know You've got to know it, too No.
The only thing I've got to do is treat your husband as best I can And I know just one thing that I don't know Give me the district clinic, please Yes, the district clinic Sall I give you a lift? No, thank you, I always walk Your soup's in the fridge I repotted your cactus Please don't touch it I checked ont he ads.
Will tell you about them when I come on Wednesday Barbara Just a moment I took the other staircase Smoke if you like How do you cope with bathing? I warm potfuls of water on the stove Look here, Madam I really don't know You see I We're very happy together my husband and I I love him very much I saw you together several times You seemed happy Please try to understand me We know nothing about causes very little about effects and next to nothing about prognosis They tell patients the Truth in America So they do They usually prove right Provided the prognosis was pessimistic It's different with optimistic forecasts I don't care I can stand a pessimistic prognosis Please tell me: Is he going to die? I have to know.
I want to do everything I can for him There's nothing you can do Just wait If you let me talk just a minute longer I'll tell you about my problem Go on You see, I couldn't get pregnant before I'm pregnant now, three months gone The father is another man not my husband I know I won't ever have children again if I have an abortion now I know it But if my husband is to live I can't have that baby The man I've told you about is a very close friend I don't know what to do Do you understand? Do you know it's possible to love two men at one? It is Do you understand? He has little chance to get better, only few per cent The odds that he's going to live are, say, fifteen per cent.
That's what you can find in scientific books But I've seen too many people in my life who ought to have died, but lived on and too many other who died for no reason.
I can't pass the sentence You see, one of them that is, my husband made me feel safe and comfortable The other one Well, it's wrong to want too much It's conceit Do you believe in God? I have a God that's enough for myself only, I guess Your private one? Yes Then ask your god for absolution Janek I phoned Didn't you listen to the recordings Yes.
Yes, I did What's the matter? We're going away When? In a week's time To Delhi And then we're going on to the first camp, with the Sherpas What have you brought with you? Andrzej's rucksack Why should somebody else bury it Isn't it a bit too early for the funeral? We'll miss him up there in the mountains Take it Take it away! Dorota he's still member of the club isn't he? Yes Then his rucksack can be kept in the store Yes Then let it stay there, damn it! At least until he dies I'm sorry I didn't mean to I know My poor girl No, no.
Not any more This is 31-23-67.
Please leave a brief message after the electronic signal Hallo, Dorota It's me.
It's afternoon here I know it's already dark back home I've just returned from a rehearsal Lots of friends but I don't feel good here I can't wait to see you I'll phone you again tomorrow evening Tomorrow night, to you I'd like to tell you one more thing but perhaps the recording will soon end Everything's fine Wonderful All right, you can get dressed I must get rid of it, Doctor Everything goes so well All right, if you insist It's the last moment to do it Have you ever been my patient? No.
This is my first visit Let me see the day after tomorrow, one o'clock Your name please? Dorota Geller Dorota.
A pretty name It's you, isn't it? Yes Good morning Good afternoon, Madam When have you arrived? Yesterday night He wanted me to tell you about himself Please do Well, he rehearses a lot Had one concert already He thought you'd be there Can't get through to you Said to tell you he'd try again tonight I know well, that's about all Have you got the key to his flat? Yes He wants you to take the scores with you when you're going to join him They're on the piano Several sheets in a green cover All right Ah, that's your coffee It's cold already Excuse me This is the previous segment And the one before that Just look at them This one's a month old and this one just two weeks And this is the latest one You've always taught us, sir Forget it.
What do you think? Answer it, Dorota You're there, aren't you? You are! Can you hear me? Dorata? Yes At last! Good morning or is it good evening? Good morning, I guess Good morning, then I tried to get hold of you the last few days I know, I'm sorry.
I was out Have you got the passport? Yes.
But it doesn't matter anymore Why? How's Andrzej? Pretty bad But why doesn't it matter? What you said about the passport? I'm going to have an abortion Tomorrow I don't get you I'm having an abortion tomorrow Do you understand? Yes.
I do If you do it and Andrzig dies, Dorota.
You will never want me again I know You'll pay a fortune for this call Yes.
We won't be together Do you understand? Yes I want to be with you Remember, I want it very much You'll have to ask somebody else to bring you the scores All right Dorota, I love you Just a short story today, Barbara I went to work, to the hospital A man came to see me And said we had to make a transfer to England That night.
I phoned hom Father answered it and said she was asleep He had to speak softly I asked about the kids They're fine he said The girl laughed so much she wetted her panties I had to change her clothes And the boy woke up ever so hungry I fed him And then I couldn't hear him anymore just ga-ga-ga He must have put the receiver right up to the kid's mouth That was at eleven o'clock Soon after twelve I obtained a release and went hom But there wasn't any home So it was then Yes.
It was then, Barbara Where our house used to stand there was just a hole in the ground It was on that day A few minutes past twelve The boss said it was only exceptionally Yes Andrzej? Can you hear me, Andrzej? I I love you so much Will you please excuse me gentlemen We'd like to talk in private No, please stay.
It won't take long You didn't want to pass a sentence in my husband's case But I don't want you to have a clean conscience.
I'm having an abortion in an hour Go out! Didn't I tell you? Please don't do it What do you mean? Don't do it Why not? He's going to die How do you know? Metastasis proceeds quicker and is more dangerous than before He hasn't the ghost of a chance Can you swear? I swear And, Madam You play with the philharmonic don't you? Yes I'd like to listen to your performance May I? Yes, please Come on in I'm sorry.
You've been sleeping No, just dozing Please sit down I'd like to thank you There's nothing to thank me for Nothing really You see, we've only just learned once again that it's not the X-ray pictures that we're treating I'm coming back from the other side Yes You know, the world seemed to me to be disintegrating Everything grew uglier More hideous As if somebody did it on purpose So that I wouldn't be sorry But now Yes? Now? I can touch the table And what's more you know We're going to have a baby I'm glad to hear it Do you know what it means to have a baby? Yes.
I do
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