Demon's Path (2018) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

-Do you have a vacuum bag?
-What size?
What's the biggest size?
-What do you want to put in it?
-A person.
I mean, stuffs as tall as a person.
Two, please.
I also want gloves,
deodorizer and nylon bags.
Also some big rolls
of plastic wrap for moving.
Do you want dishcloth and thinner too?
Wait. I want them.
I don't have change.
Do you have the Octopus card?
Never mind, then. Thanks.
-Mr. Pang, you're so early today.
I'm on leave today.
-Where's Ms. Chin?
-She left early in the morning.
You bought so many things.
Are you having a spring cleaning?
Yes. I'm planning to clean up the house.
I also bought some beef to make steak.
Ms. Chin is so lucky to have met you.
-You'll even cook for her.
See you.
-Which floor?
-The seventh floor. Thanks.
Are you cleaning up
or renovating your house yourself?
A spring cleaning.
I do renovations.
I happen to be renovating
for a few units here.
If you need to make partitions
or paint your house,
feel free to find me.
There are new findings
in the new cardboard box murder
that happened yesterday.
This morning, the police sent more men
to carry out a survey at Happy Valley.
We rewatched the video from earlier on
and saw that the police sent out agents
to reenact the crime
in front of the shop
where the cardboard box was found.
The murderer's method was extremely cruel.
There were burn marks
on the nipples and lower body
of the 16-year-old female victim.
According to our source of information,
the representative
of the Correctional Services
refuses to confirm
whether Sito Wing Keung,
the perpetrator
of the cardboard box murder
from 33 years ago has been released or not
while the representative of the police
will not make any assumption
on the culprit of the recent case
which happened on the
same date at the same place
is Sito Wing Keung
who has secretly left the prison or not.
I just learned from my old colleague
who was just transferred
to the Correctional Services
that Sito Wing Keung
was recently secretly released.
You're so capable. Come and help me out.
Why hide in the evidence room?
No way.
There's air conditioning
in the evidence room.
Moreover, I can see all the guys
from different departments.
If I work for you
What? Are we that embarrassing?
Can we be serious?
The murder took place
on the 16th in the small hours.
Was Sito Wing Keung released
before or after the 16th?
Why would he be so stupid to murder again
right after his release?
Is he an idiot?
What? So many rapists raped women
as soon as they were released from prison.
Even if the culprit
isn't Sito Wing Keung this time,
this case must have something
to do with him.
But I don't get it.
If the culprit isn't Situ Wing Keung,
who would take the trouble
to recreate the murder
before his release?
On top of that, the culprit found
the same cardboard box
that was discontinued so many years ago
and even used the same method of murder.
What's funny is that
even the clothing fiber
and wire glue on him are the same.
Even the note on the elbow
is exactly the same.
Since he knows so many details,
is he the accomplice or something?
If he's so familiar with a case
from so many years ago,
the culprit must be around the same age.
Why are you looking at me?
Go and search on the Internet.
Many youngsters talk about it
on the forums.
When I was little,
my dad would always lie in his bed
and listen to Mary Jean's radio programme.
Over a decade ago,
this case garnered a lot of attention.
Would there be so many coincidences?
If it's deliberate,
then he's quite impressive.
Ding Kwok Lam is also 16 years old.
She's a relative of Bin Yuet Yin,
victim of the old cardboard box murder.
Enough. It's creepy.
It's not creepy. It's a copycat crime.
Many crazy murderers in foreign countries
receive a lot of fan letters in prison
that praise their murders.
Some are so crazy
that they deliberately commit crimes
to meet them in prison
or even copy their murder methods
to pay tribute to them.
You mean, the murderer
is Sito Wing Keung's admirer?
But there are so many cases he can copy.
Why did he pick the cardboard box murder?
It's troublesome and difficult.
I read some mystery novels
and articles about criminology.
Finding pleasure in challenges
and giving the police troubles
are obvious characteristics
of an anti-social personality.
The year the cardboard box murder
took place, on December 17, 1974,
I just became a police.
It was a case that shocked the world.
You guys weren't born yet,
so of course, you don't know.
All this while,
some people believe
that the convict is innocent.
They think Sito Wing Keung was unlucky
and made the scapegoat.
That's not right.
My senior told me
that this case was Hong Kong's first case
incriminated by forensic evidence.
That's because you don't know
the entire story.
The newcomer in charge
of this case back then
is my batchmate.
He said that there were
many doubts in that case.
For example, before she went missing,
the female victim only went
to the ice cream shop
where Sito Wing Keung worked
to borrow the telephone.
But there was a construction site
behind that ice cream shop.
The wire glue and clothing fiber found
on the female victim
were also found in that construction site.
But Sito Wing Keung didn't have access
to that construction site.
Why did the police
interrogate only Sito Wing Keung?
Why didn't they interrogate the workers
at the construction site?
Mary Jean Reimer
said in her radio programme
that Sito Wing Keung's fingerprint
wasn't found on the cardboard box.
Of the 269 fibers found
on the female victim,
only seven came from Sito Wing Keung.
If those old movies
about Lui Lok are true,
Sito Wing Keung was very likely
the police's scapegoat
for closing the case back then.
I went to a forum
to investigate this case.
They say that this case
has something to do
with the ICAC's establishment
and the police's corruption.
Back then, the police led by Lui Lok
was very corrupted.
They were cornered by the ICAC.
So they took a series of actions
to protest against the ICAC.
In the end,
the Governor of Hong Kong gave in
and ordered not to investigate cases
of corruption before January 1, 1977,
and that was how it all ended.
This murder happened at year-end of 1974.
That's when the corruption
in the police force was the worst.
So Sito Wing Keung appealed many times,
but his appeals were rejected
by the Privy Council.
The case was actually political.
The government of British Hong Kong
owed him justice.
If I were Sito Wing Keung,
after being wronged like this,
I'll definitely get my revenge
after getting released.
Or maybe someone knows
that Sito Wing Keung is innocent
and committed this murder deliberately
to tell the whole world
that we've all misunderstood
and wronged him.
Where are you going?
Did the one in 2067 come back?
-What about the reporters?
-I think they all left.
They left? Thanks.
Let's go home.
The security guard said
the reporters left
because they were sick of waiting.
That guy didn't come back.
My friend said
that Wing Keung's wife and daughter
already left Hong Kong.
They never came back to visit him
over the past decade.
He was in prison for more than 20 years.
He came out
and doesn't have family or home.
-Unless he's aided by a friend or so.
That's not right.
The netizens said Wing Keung
was the model inmate in prison.
He never caused any problem
and was very hardworking.
He obtained several PhDs
and has no connection
with any gangster group.
By right, he won't have
any friend to rely on.
He disappeared right after his release
and no one can find him.
-Something must be wrong.
-Calm down.
How do I calm down?
Whenever I think of Lam Lam--
Hello. That's me.
What? Then do you have
his students' phone numbers?
It's okay. Thanks.
What's the matter?
My friend helped me to ask an officer
who guarded his cell.
He said Situ behaved very well in prison.
He started helping to lead
the new inmates a few years ago
and even helped them adapt
as a group mentor.
If Wing Keung was really wronged,
those clueless new inmates guided by him
could be easily brainwashed
into his believers by Wing Keung.
Where are his students?
There are about 12 of them
he's close with.
They were released over the recent years.
Days before Wing Keung was released,
his most senior student was just released.
He even went back to visit Wing Keung.
What's his name?
He's Lan Chai Tung,
wrongly accused of possession of drugs.
Before entering prison,
he served Brother Hu at Wan Chai.
Hey, don't go.
Have you seen Lan Chai Tung?
He just left. Who are you?
-Do you have information on him?
-Hey, Tung.
Someone is looking for you.
Stop right there!
Stop right there!
Stop running!
Where are you going, Lan Chai Tung?
Where is Sito Wing Keung?
Who says I'm Lan Chai Tung?
You've got the wrong person!
Give me your ID.
Why did you run then?
You looked so hostile
and told me not to run.
Anyone would run away.
Who knows what are you police
trying to do?
Do you know him?
Sir, are you kidding me?
That guy at the billiard table
is Lan Chai Tung.
Hello, Mentor.
The police just came to look for me.
But don't worry. I took care of it.
Lan Chai Tung!
Speak! Where is Sito Wing Keung?
-I don't know!
-Did you commit that murder?
I really don't know!
-Why are you lying?
Don't stop me!
Speak! Did you kill Lam Lam?
-The police attacked me!
-People will see you.
-Take him back and question him.
Put down the gun. Let's talk calmly.
-You can't get away!
-Turn around!
Put down the gun.
I'm telling you to turn around!
Do you hear me?
Calm down. I'll turn around.
Turn around.
Let me tell you again!
It wasn't me or my mentor!
Why do you guys always wrong us?
Tung, don't die.
Tell me. Did you commit that murder?
One mistake can leave you
with regret forever.
Repent and be
Don't die!
Take it away if I can't dissect it.
Don't bother me.
Sure, but please wait for a minute.
He's coming.
For how long? I've already waited
for 18 minutes and 26 seconds.
-He's arriving.
-I came as fast as I could.
You always call me so urgently.
-You need to pay extra next time.
-Why get this irrelevant man?
-Irrelevant man?
I'm a famous expert
in Chinese ancient civilization.
You think you're high-class,
Mr. High-class Butcher?
Please leave immediately.
Dr. Ho, please help.
This is very important.
Give us five minutes.
We'll leave after that.
-How about you take a puff?
-I don't smoke.
-Four minutes fifty-nine seconds left.
-Thank you, Dr. Ho.
-I'm starting.
I'm reminding you. Three lines only.
Come forth,
powers of the heaven and earth.
I, Chow Chu Kei,
humbly borrows your power.
Where am I? Why can't I move?
Tung, I know you and Sito are innocent.
I just want to help you.
Tell me how to find your mentor.
You guys caused my death.
Do you think I'll tell you
my mentor's whereabouts just like that?
We're out of time.
Tell us where Wing Keung
is hiding himself.
Come closer and I'll tell you.
What? If he didn't interfere,
I would crush his soul with my punch.
What now? Is that all?
We lost the clue we finally found.
Is there any other method?
I'll take any risk at all.
Yes. When I was little,
I didn't want to be a shaman.
My dream was to be a forensic pathologist.
But I ended up becoming
a legal consultant.
-I'm my mom's only son.
Why are you telling me this?
I want a solution.
-Do you have any solution?
-I've answered you.
Actually, I'm incompetent.
I'm half-baked.
So I assume you understand.
You'll really take any risk at all?
Come with me.
Body donation registration form?
Lam Lam and my brother?
-If I sign it,
will you help me to find Sito Wing Keung?
Don't trust him.
If you covet Lam Lam's body,
you ask her family to sign it.
My brother has no right to decide on this.
How did you know that
Lam Lam and I registered for this?
Many people believe
that dead people can't speak.
But the truth is
That baby
So this is the important thing
she wanted to tell me back then.
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
I'm sorry.
I'm useless.
I had no idea.
I only cared about work.
I didn't know that you
Will you help me if I sign it?
When a person is pronounced dead,
within 30 seconds
after his or her heart stopped,
the brain activity and consciousness
will become eight times
stronger than usual.
There will be images stored within
this short period called clinical death.
After the Golden Eight Hours after death,
the brain activity
will gradually slow down.
Everything seen or recalled
within the 30 seconds
will be buried alongside the deceased.
That's when the soul is still in the body.
It's when he sees a bright tunnel.
-Keep quiet.
-It's been over seven hours
since it was sent over.
In less than a few more minutes,
no one will be able to know
or find out anything out of him.
Don't trust him.
Once my mom comes back a few weeks later,
she'll summon Tung
and tell you all his secrets.
Stay here. I'll call my mom
and ask her to come back.
I can uncover all secrets of the deceased.
Don't trust him.
-I'll sign it!
Hey, what are you doing?
What will happen to my brother?
Let me tell you.
If anything bad happens to him,
I won't forgive you.
Yik Yan.
If I was the dead one,
you would do the same, wouldn't you?
This equipment will sync
the near-death experience
of the deceased with another
through extreme pain
caused by electric current
and convert the brain's
electrical activity into images
that'll be transferred into your vision
through those two.
So the moment your heart almost stops
and your brain experiences
short-term hypoxia,
you can see the last images
the deceased saw
in the last 30 seconds very clearly.
The heart will stop
and his brain will experience hypoxia?
Won't he become retarded?
It's not worth it at all.
You still have a few seconds to consider.
Press the button.
On September 19, 1995,
several major newspapers in America
published the pledge of Kaczynski,
whom we all call Unabomber.
This high IQ criminal genius who entered
Harvard University at the age of 16
who once gave the FBI a lot of troubles
said in his writing
to threaten the country,
"If a society needs a large and powerful
law enforcement institution,
there must be some problems
in this society."
I believe that just like me,
all of you were severely
misunderstood and hurt
by this law enforcement institution
and social system.
Mentor is right. They wronged us
and we need to do something about it.
Mentor is speaking. Keep quiet, Peter.
"If this system collapses,
the outcome will be very sad.
If it is destined to collapse,
we can only say that it is better
to let it collapse sooner."
Now that I've been released,
I'd like to borrow your power
to let this system and everybody
Are you okay?
Wake up.
What are you injecting into his body?
I'm sedating his heart.
He'll regain consciousness later.
How was it?
If there's no clue, just tell me.
I'll break into hell for you
or go to the afterworld with you
to find him.
Shouldn't it be Sito Wing Keung?
Who is this Peter?
Don't be so reckless.
You'll get into trouble.
His name is Peter.
If we can find him,
we can find Sito Wing Keung.
-Can you walk?
Let me support you.
I'm warning you.
If you dare to hurt me,
he'll chop you into pieces!
Where is he?
Dude, you need to at least tell me
who you are looking for.
Sito Wing Keung.
The more you push the blade out,
the easier it'll snap.
When the blade is in your mouth,
will you swallow it or spit it out
as natural reaction?
I don't know.
I only went to welcome Mentor
back that day.
I didn't see him again after that.
Believe me.
You must believe me too.
The more you lie,
the deeper the blade will go.
By then, you'll be begging for death.
I recalled. I'll tell you.
I really don't have his phone number.
Only John and Yu Lou can contact him.
If you don't believe me,
you can check my phone.
Only the dead will keep a secret forever.
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