Dempsey and Makepeace (1985) s01e02 Episode Script

The Squeeze

There you go.
- Key.
- Ta.
And sign.
It is
07:54, June 16th.
And that's 522,655 exactly.
- Here you are, Charlie.
- Key.
- Thank you, Governor.
- Thank you.
Do you know, I wish I had a fiver
for every half million pounds
I've signed for.
Likewise, Charles. Likewise.
Right, then.
Whose turn is it in the barrel?
- Heads or tails, Charlie?
- Tails.
- Heads it is.
- Yeah, go on.
481, message. Over.
'481, send. Over.'
We are mobile
and have just left Bravo 39,
proceeding to location AD.
Time, 08:01. Over.
'481, Roger. Out.'
Young Terry seems a bit keen
on riding in the can.
Young Terry
is a bear of little brain.
He's in his own little world back
there, surrounded by all that money.
And reading his pornographic books.
- Does he?
- What? Spends a fortune on 'em, doesn't he?
Ah, the dirty little devil.
'Ey, I'll put a stop to his game.
Oi! What's your game?
Who's put the light out?
Put the light on, I hate the dark.
You're gonna hit him, Frank!
We've been hit, Terry!
I know what you're gonna say,
and the answer is no.
You are going to ask, in your
impeccable Bedales English,
whether I would reconsider
pairing you
with that Yankee Doodle Dandy.
- Look, sir, I can't work with
- Harry.
I don't want Dempsey in my firm.
My governor don't want him either.
But the Home Office
have different ideas.
Between you and me,
who else would I pair him with?
That bunch of animals out there?
He wouldn't stand much of a chance
with them, would he?
Besides, he's only with us
for 12 months.
Lie back and enjoy it.
Think of England.
There's a condition.
Oh, yes?
Four weeks leave
after my 12 months are up.
All right. Put it in the book.
Who's that? Oh, Harry!
Go and pick up Cagney or Lacey
or whatever his name is, will you?
And bring him in, he's late.
Who's that?
There's a heavy duty transit van
gone missing.
Left the Bank of England
08:00 hours this morning
on its way to Mitcham.
Disappeared off the map.
How much were they carrying?
How much?!
That's a bit premature, isn't it?
I mean, they're only an hour late,
after all.
They probably whipped the alarm fuse
out of the truck
and are stuffing their faces
with bacon and eggs somewhere.
Listen, we'll ring around,
see if we can come up with anything,
and in the meantime, I'll close
all major exits from the city.
Half a million in used notes.
- What's the time, Frank?
- Hang on.
It's quarter past.
Only two hours
since we left the bank.
Where do you reckon we are, then?
We did a lot of traffic work
to begin with, but I don't know.
I mean, I've lost all sense of time,
let alone direction. Yeah.
Try your door again.
I just tried it, didn't I?
It's wedged solid, it won't budge.
Hang on, me lighter's getting hot.
This might be a mystery tour for us,
but I'll lay money on
the geezer driving this rig
knowing exactly where we're going.
About another mile or so.
And remember, keep it smooth.
Nothing violent.
May I come in?
Yeah, I guess.
- Erm
- Hey, it's free.
- Thanks.
- Make yourself at home.
You know, before we go any further,
I think we ought to
get a few things straight.
Right now.
First off
I didn't ask for this transfer.
I got detailed.
Number two -
I don't agree with women having
anything to do with police work.
They don't know
how a criminal mind functions.
And they simply cannot cope
with the physical stress
that the job demands.
You know, having said all that,
assuming you've already tried
to get Spikings to change his mind
and you've failed
I figure we're
stuck with each other.
Here's what I propose.
I'm prepared
to overlook your shortcomings
if you're willing to ignore
my sometimes brash behaviour,
and, uh
my annoying little habit
of always being right.
Oh, yeah, and the fact
that you're a sergeant
and I'm a lieutenant.
What do you say?
If you're comfortable with that
great. I'll just treat you
like one of the guys.
The vehicle has now
been missing some three hours,
and between you and me,
the boys on the fifth floor
are on the verge
of having a coronary.
This is the second one this week.
And we're gonna look
pretty superfluous
unless we come up with an answer,
and I mean an accurate answer, PDQ.
So get out and about.
Get into gear.
Start leaning on a few people. OK?
- OK.
- Come on, lads.
- And by the way, Dempsey
- Hm?
- May I?
- May you what?
May I have that piece of artillery
that's slowly dislocating
your left shoulder?
It's not necessary,
it's against the law,
and it'll ruin
the cut of your jacket.
Dempsey, when the Prime Minister
and the Home Secretary
instructed me to set up this
special unit to combat major crime,
I did not expect to be wet nursing
ex-Vietnam soldiers
touting bazookas.
And when it comes to a Gunfight
At The OK Corral situation,
I will be the person in charge,
issuing the necessary hardware.
You're the boss.
I see you have already mastered
the art of English understatement.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have a briefing to attend
and a snout to pay off.
Go and find me half a million.
And what the hell is going on
out here?!
We're afloat.
We're on a boat.
We're on a bloody boat, Frank.
You're right, Charlie.
Think I'm gonna be sick.
Usually am on boats.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir. I
I fully understand that, sir.
I've got all my people
working on it.
Something should pop soon.
Yes, sir.
Yes, I will, sir.
Listen, gotta shoot.
I'll call you back, yeah.
- Governor.
- That was himself.
He's not what you might call
all sweetness and light.
Neither am I, for that matter.
- What have we got?
- Blanco.
- Blanco? Not even a definite maybe?
- No, Governor.
I suppose we've checked
those three security blokes.
They haven't gone AWOL,
disappeared off to South America?
- It's been known.
- We've done that,
and they all seem to be
on the level.
Well, I know his nibs upstairs
is convinced
that we are a major contribution
to the safety of the metropolis.
But if we don't come up with
something quick,
we'll just be a set of
old skid marks down memory lane.
If you follow my meaning.
Oi! Anyone home?
- Are you going deaf?
- Who's that?
It's Robin Hood.
Who do you think it is?
Shove all the money out through
the chute and you won't get hurt.
Any earaches, and that little prison
of yours turns into a coffin, OK?
I can't see!
There's no light in here.
Just start shoving the money
I know how much there should be.
I'll tell you when we've got it all.
And you can stop groping around
in the dark.
Sit back and enjoy the view, OK?
What do you mean,
shove the money through?
Open up the back, will you?
Do you think I've gone
soft in the head, or something?
Now, listen.
If you don't shove that money out
through the chute
in double quick time
we'll burn our way in.
That's not the plan.
What are you on about?
Well, get the keys from
the two in front and open up.
Get that torch over here.
What are you playing at?
I tell you, Chentzu won't
be too pleased about this.
For God's sake,
stop it and let me out!
What do you think you're doing?!
Shut up, Terry.
You're not in the game any more.
My God, the police
are gonna get this.
- A shotgun.
- They've killed Terry.
Frank, they've killed Terry!
We didn't get much
from my little bookmaker friend.
Even if he doesn't know names,
he usually knows something.
He knew.
I hardly feel
you're qualified to comment
on one of MY most reliable people.
You've only been in the country
a few days.
- He was scared.
- How do you make that out?
- I can smell them.
- Really?
- With a skell like that, you can always tell.
- A what?
A skell, a lowlife,
a germ, a worm, a mutt
All right, I get the idea.
- How many times do you see that guy?
- Once a week, maybe.
And he always gives you a hot tip
on the horses, right?
- Right.
- Wrong. Today, no tip.
He wanted us out.
I could smell him.
Are you married?
- I'm separated.
- Same difference.
- What's he do?
- He's a barrister.
- A what?
- A lawyer.
No kids, huh?
No, no children.
You live alone?
Yes, and he lives with
my ex-best friend
and we're all very happy. Why?
No reason.
So, what now?
Much more your type.
Say, what if she's got
her meter running?
Too early.
This is England, not 42nd Street.
Oh, Harry, love, how are you?
Come in.
Oh, hello, darling.
I won't keep you long.
Would you like to go through?
He's with me, unfortunately.
Oh, shame.
Well, let's all go through, then.
Just made a nice pot of tea.
I thought she was
supposed to be French.
Well, well, well. Who's this, then?
He's a bit of an improvement
on the run-of-the-mill fuzz
you normally tote around with you.
Gloria, this is Lieutenant Dempsey.
He's from New York, on attachment.
Ooh, attachment, eh?
I don't suppose you've heard
anything about a security truck
that went AWOL early this morning?
Oh, I bet that's got you lot
running about like chickens
- with their heads cut off.
- You could say that.
Have you got anything, Gloria?
Worth a bit more
than normal, then, eh?
It must be quite embarrassing.
Half a million.
I think the ante's been upped
all round with this one.
I heard a whisper
it was the Lewisham mob.
But I don't think so.
Well, it's too clever for them.
It's more like a contract job
for someone up Maida Vale way.
- Maida Vale?
- You won't know 'em,
nobody knows 'em.
They're new, foreigners.
The whisper is
Look, I'll need a bit more
on this one.
Plastic surgery comes expensive.
You'll get it.
Jimmy Reynolds
is under contract to 'em.
- Jimmy Reynolds?
- Yeah.
He's got a partner, Sammy Bryce. They
own a couple of barges down Wapping.
- Anything else?
- Look, I've been warned off, darling.
If my bloke comes back, one of
you'll have to shoot upstairs, OK?
Who warned you off? Was it Wesley?
Wesley's your pimp?
Yeah. Here, doesn't he talk nice?
He's coming. Quick, Harry, shoot
upstairs to Linda's for a while.
Wait until he's let himself in and
then leave, all right?
- All right.
- I'll phone you later.
OK. I'll see you in the car.
Well, we may as well
make ourselves at home.
You'll have to stay a bit now,
So, what do you think
of old London town, then?
Sorry, man.
What were you saying?
I was saying it's too early.
- For what?
- For England.
- Says who?
- Says my partner.
She knows nothing, that one.
Too highly bred.
You're not in that much of a hurry,
are you?
And I take American Express.
Quite finished?
Wesley bust in on us.
I had to make it look like
I was a paying customer.
Were you?
Like you said, it's too early.
Go, go, go!
How did it go, then?
Any trouble?
Like clockwork.
They never knew what hit 'em.
What's your game, then?
I thought we ought to, er,
consummate my alibi.
Know what I mean?
Who the bloody hell are you?
- Dempsey. Police.
- Get out! You
Sit down, lady.
Go ahead. I need the practice.
What do you want, pig?
I want some information.
- Argh!
- And I want it fast.
Look, he was with me
all night and all morning.
Prove I wasn't. Pig.
Next time,
get yourself a search warrant.
I'm gonna give you
some free legal advice.
Get yourself a good attorney,
cos you're gonna need it.
- Leave it out!
- Jimmy.
You want a drink somth?
You want something to drink?
- A St Clements.
- Say what?
He'll know what it is.
One of those and a bottle of beer.
Are you wanting it
in a straight glass?
I want it in the bottle.
You expect me to believe all that,
do you?
Well, I wouldn't be surprised
if you don't.
It sounds a bit bloody vague,
doesn't it?
You can say that again, sunshine.
So, you maintain
that at 08:20 this morning,
you, the transit, your mates,
the money,
were bulldozed into a container van?
You were driven for about two hours,
you know not where
transferred to a ship,
and some time later,
the money was demanded.
The bloke in the back,
Terry Bayliss,
who was blown away
by a sawn-off shotgun,
handed it over.
And at exactly 2:30 this afternoon,
you and your mates
were ejected from a van
right back where you were
this morning.
The boy on the bike and the blokes
with the shotguns were all masked.
The transit
was covered with a tarpaulin
for the duration of the trip.
At some stage, you think you heard
someone speaking French.
You heard the sound
of lapping water,
and you think you heard a name
that could have been Chinese.
That's about it, yes, sir.
But you're not at all sure.
That plot, my old son,
would look very good
on the back of a cornflakes packet.
But you're going to have to
do a little better than that
for me, Frank.
- Yes?
- Telephone.
- Who is it?
- I'm afraid I didn't ask, guv.
If it's my wife, Chas
you're in dead trouble.
Who's that?
Oh, Harry. Where are you?
Hang on.
Now, start again.
It's sketchy, sir,
but we've come up with
'Harry, before you go on,
the guards have turned up,
'with one of them dead.'
He's gone to the morgue
in lots of little plastic bags.
So it's a murder job now.
'So what have you got?'
Gloria thinks that the job
has something to do with a man
called Jimmy Reynolds.
'That's why we're down here.
'Well, we went to see Reynolds,
but didn't get anything out of him.
'He looks dodgy, though.'
Reynolds? Jimmy Reynolds?
Yes. Do you know him?
A particularly nasty
ex-security guard
just out of Butlins
on the Isle of Wight.
Well, apparently, Reynolds
owns a couple of barges down here
with a Sammy Bryce.
He's a waterman, works a small tug.
'And where's Bryce now? Do we know?'
The barman says
Bryce moved one of his barges
down to Greenwich this morning.
'I'll send the lads down
to check it out.'
Listen, there's not a lot more
you can do down there now,
and it looks like
it could get a bit heavy,
so you'd better come back
to the office.
By the way, how's
the great American disaster?
A long way up my nose.
Chas. Punch the buttons
on Harry's computer,
see what we've got
on Jimmy Reynolds.
And get a couple of units
down to the pier at Greenwich
to check on a bloke called Bryce.
Tell them to take shooters,
just in case.
We've got to get back to the office.
The security guards have turned up,
dumped out of a truck.
- Excuse me, are you with me?
- Maybe they didn't.
- Sorry?
- Maybe they never left the city at all.
Maybe the money's still right there.
- Could you expand on that a bit?
- Let's suppose that they didn't.
They couldn't drive the money
out of the city
because Spikings
sealed the city off, right?
Maybe they never left London at all.
Perhaps I could help you if I knew
what you were talking about.
- There's only one way to find out.
- I'm going back to the office.
You want to play Cub Scout, fine.
I'll catch a cab.
- Dempsey.
- Makepeace.
Take a look out there,
will you, Sergeant?
Reynolds owns a barge
somewhere down on the river.
A barge that he and Bryce moved
down to Greenwich this morning.
A barge big enough
to hold a security truck.
Make any sense to you?
Say, Mac,
you know a guy named Bryce?
He's a tug man around here.
Sammy Bryce?
What do you want with him?
Oh, we've got a houseboat
that we gotta have moved,
and we heard that he could do it.
We understand he'll do most things
for money.
Ha. He'll do anything for money,
more like.
That's him, over there, on his tug.
Will you take us out to see him?
Not me, lady, I'm off.
And Sammy Bryce doesn't
take too kindly to visitors.
Let's go.
Go? Go where?
You can't just commandeer
people's property like that.
The ship is sailing, sweetheart.
Are you on or off, in or out?
This river's quite dangerous,
you know.
There's about a seven-knot current.
Do you know much about boats?
Not a whole lot.
You're the Cub Scout,
you wanna take over?
Turn round there.
Hi. Mind if we come aboard?
- Who are you?
- Police.
Stop these guys!
Hands up. Turn around.
You move,
you'll lose the rest of the hair.
Now, where's the money?
Money? What money? I don't know
what you're talking about.
I have been appointed
to well and truly serve
your sovereign lady, the Queen,
in the office of Constable.
That means you tell me
what I want to know,
or I'll blow your head off.
Was that gunfire?
Yes, sir, from that tug out there,
Can you see anything?
No, sir.
But Harry's car's parked over there.
It's Reynolds.
I'm down at the pier.
It's crawling with fuzz.
Yeah, all over the place.
I don't know,
the money's on the tug.
I think I'd better hang about
for a bit, I don't trust Bryce.
I tell you,
he'll sing like a canary,
given a little bit of encouragement.
Do what?
With this heavy duty mob about?
Do me a favour.
Jimmy, there's got to be
another three in it for you.
See what you can do.
We need more time.
Yeah, well, let me know.
Reynolds says the police have
laid on a reception committee.
Just keep quiet, old lady,
and you'll be fine.
Do you see who I see
at the end of the pier?
Don't mean Big Ben, that's for sure.
All right, slow this tug down,
One way or another, you're gonna
tell me where the money is.
Get down!
Come on, get cover!
Up there.
It came from up there.
You two, go and help them
with that boat.
Go, go, go!
You other two, come with me.
Is he dead?
Just a bit.
Someone seems pretty keen
on protecting their interests.
Take the wheel. I'll search him
to see if I can find anything.
And please
don't knock the pier down.
- Anything on him?
- Nope.
Except a number on
a brand new packet of cigarettes.
Which probably means it was written
not so long ago. What do you think?
I think we're gonna hit the pier.
Hold it right there, Reynolds!
I'm an armed police officer.
Don't move, or I'll fire.
Drop that rifle,
or I'll fire my weapon!
Drop it!
Now, slowly, down here.
There are no witnesses.
One move out of order,
and you'll go down as self-defence.
'Echo one, Echo one.
Number 48.4-8.'
What are you playing at?
Just returning the money, sir.
I see you managed it
in your usual fashion.
There's no stopping him,
I'm afraid, sir.
Well, you two wait here.
I've got to talk to Reynolds.
Yes. He was up in those flats
with a rifle.
Anybody else?
Who else, Dempsey?
You think the whole firm's
gonna come down here
and get themselves arrested?
Wait here, both of you.
You're the boss.
Get those boxes.
Let's get out of here.
- But he told us to stay here.
- Do you always do what you're told?
Listen, that number could take us
to who organised this thing.
- Spikings will skin us alive.
- He'll try it.
Listen, sarge, let's get on
the radio, trace the phone number.
I think a public phone will be
slightly more subtle, don't you?
Hello, Charlie one.
Can you relay this transmission
to my control? Over.
'Charlie one. No.
'You'll have to relay through me.
I can do without this.
Is that the best
modern high-tech can do?
Contact my control
and tell him I'll phone him.
Where's the nearest phone box that
hasn't had a full frontal lobotomy?
There's one around that corner, sir.
Oi! You lot, come here.
Don't mingle with uniforms,
it's bad for my blood pressure.
- Where's Batman and Robin?
- They've just gone, sir.
Gone? Gone where?
I don't know, sir, they didn't say.
Get in your cars and try
and raise them on the radio.
I've got to talk to Chas.
Chas? Listen, I'm at Greenwich.
That name that the security driver
couldn't remember,
he said it sounded Chinese.
Well, I don't think it was. Harry
Harry said something about some
other foreigners being involved,
and I've just captured Reynolds.
He snagged at the skipper of a tug.
Oh, yeah.
It's the 4th July down here.
'Anyway, we've recovered the money.
'Reynolds has gone all tight-lipped,
won't say a word.'
But I'd put money on him being
in cahoots with them Maltesers,
those villains we had a whisper
about some days ago.
Spiceri, that's the name.
Check 'em.
Spiceri. Hang on.
There's not much.
There are two of them.
Chentzu and
Mikel. They're cousins.
And there's an address in Balham.
What's that address again?
Yeah. I've got that.
And the names again?
Mikel and
Say, uh, can I talk to you
for a few minutes?
Who are you?
Name's Dempsey. Police.
Just a few routine questions,
nothing important.
I think we'd better get out of here.
What did you do? Start the car!
You dumb broad,
get us out of here!
- Chentzu!
- Dempsey!
Hold on.
Hold on.
'Control to Charlie five,
control to Charlie five.
'Send location. Over.'
Charlie five.
They'll never believe me.
That's what I like to see.
A close working relationship.
See there's nothing left
in the car there.
Let's get out of here.
You can buy me a pizza.
Before you go gimme.
This is not New York.
I'll keep it safe.
I'll lock it up.
You're the boss.
This is a fact.
Can you handle it?
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