Destined with You (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Are you crying?
Do you want me to stay or leave?
I want you to leave.
I want you…
to come with me.
The demolition is done.
What's there to talk about?
I have a gift.
You were against
the demolition. Now a gift?
I won't accept it.
Anti-Graft Law, you know.
The law's not applicable.
I'm giving back what was yours to you.
Who said this black mini-coffin was mine?
Shaman Eun-wol did.
Oh, that cute lady.
She seemed really nice.
I don't want this.
She gave her consent for demolition.
Are you refusing a gift
from your lifesaver?
What's inside?
You should open it. It's yours.
I don't want to.
It looks like there would be bones inside.
There might be relics instead of bones.
Maybe a painting of Shin Yun-bok.
Hop in. I'll give you a ride.
It's okay.
I don't like getting rides
from people I'm not close with.
Using public transport must be hard.
It's not easy to get close to
bus, taxi, and subway drivers.
I wanted to give
this wooden box a ride, not you.
Because it seems like
a 300-year-old antique.
Call me when you open it.
I want to know what's inside too.
- You can do that, right?
- Well, sure.
I hope you meet a bus driver
you're close to and get a ride home.
I'll take a cab!
He's so full of himself.
Don't worry about your father.
He went to the vast ocean.
His dream was to travel the world.
He fulfilled his wish.
My baby.
You must've been so lonely.
How frustrating.
You're surrounded by dumb people.
They don't realize how sweet you are.
She was a nice lady.
She wouldn't have given me
something strange.
Should I bring this
to Authentic Masterpieces?
Could it really be
Shin Yun-bok's painting?
Don't jump the gun.
Let's open it first.
What's this?
If you're going to play hard to get,
get lost.
Isn't it too late at night for a call?
You made me call at this late hour.
Did you open the box?
Why didn't you?
I wanted to, but I couldn't.
I wanted to break it with an ax,
but I couldn't. Why?
I don't have an ax at home.
Are you drunk?
I don't get drunk on two cans of beer.
People won't open up to me.
Even the lock won't open up to me.
Why are they doing this to me?
Come and hang out with me.
I'm on the phone.
I'll join you after this.
Stop drinking
and open the wooden box first.
When you do, call me.
Someone must be happy
to have a friendly mom.
"Hang out with me."
Good morning.
It's not good.
My skull feels like it's crushed.
I thought my face was the only thing
that aged, but now my body has too.
Hong-jo. Can you go to a convenience store
and get some hangover drinks?
No, don't sweat it.
It's okay. I'll make it quick.
What if she reports me to the Audit
for making her run personal errands?
Mr. Gong…
You finished the report already.
I have a headache, so I'll read it later.
- Okay.
- Why? Can't I read it later?
You gave me such a rebellious look.
With those big eyes.
I'm not.
I'll be out for the hanging basket issue.
I'll eat lunch outside too,
so don't worry about me.
Let's go have hangover soup
at 11:00 for brunch.
We always do this around this time.
So we must hang them
by next week at the latest.
On top of that,
Mayor uses that road to get to work.
I could've been in serious trouble.
This is zonal geranium.
Calendula, Moulin Rouge,
Maverick Orange, and Horizon Appleblossom.
We have various types.
So choose what you like.
I met Lawyer Seo in the afternoon.
We lost the lawsuit against Haum.
- Again?
- The lawyers hired to represent Onju City
lose over 60% of the time.
So we've wasted more than
1.2 billion won of the city's budget.
Civil servants waste their time
and money consulting lawyers externally.
This is why I suggest
we hire a new legal advisor,
the role's been vacant for a year.
Just keep two law firms
and hire a competent lawyer in City Hall.
That is more cost-effective.
It is a good idea.
But would a cost-effective
and competent lawyer come here?
The salary is rather…
There might be someone
uninterested in money.
There is no such person.
"All the pain and curses will end."
"The owner of the wooden box showed up."
The box belongs to
Lee Hong-jo.
she's not calling me.
What is it?
Did you open it?
No. Not yet.
Why didn't you?
I was busy.
Hey, lady.
You can't sit on that swing.
Were you eating alone on a swing?
You must not know
what a civil servant does.
- It's all--
- I don't need to know. Do I?
When are you done?
I'm not sure.
- I might work overtime--
- Don't work overtime today.
Get off work early
and open it as soon as you go home.
Call me when you do.
I didn't hear an answer.
I don't want to call you.
Even Aladdin was polite to Genie.
But you're not polite to me at all.
Then, I'll ask you politely.
Please open the wooden box today.
Please give me a call too.
Okay. Then I shall think about it and--
Did he hang up?
I told you not to sit there.
Darn it.
You were three years ahead of me?
You won't know.
I was always in the library.
You were always out having fun.
I studied hard.
Every day and night.
You played basketball
in front of the library.
It was very noisy.
Are you here to claim damages for it?
I'm here to recruit you
as a City Hall lawyer.
Do you know how much I earn?
I'm not interested.
We can't pay you that much anyway. But…
I didn't know you were greedy for money.
I'm not greedy for money.
But I don't want a job
that doesn't motivate me.
You want me to counsel civil servants
and assist with lawsuits.
You'll deal with big firms.
Numerous big companies
that do illegal things
without paying tens of billions in taxes.
Tell me as soon as possible
so I can decide the next candidate.
Can I ask?
Among those numerous big companies.
Is Haum one of them?
Of course.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight,
nine, ten, eleven.
I knew it. Is this fate?
Both Mr. Kwon and I are working overtime.
What is it?
You told me not to
work overtime, but you are.
It's not your face that I want to see.
Have a video call with the wooden box.
Look for yourself.
The lock is strange.
It has no hole.
I didn't ask you to open a floodgate.
You can't unlock that small lock?
That's why I'm going to try
and unlock it again now.
As you said, I'll use my brain over brawn.
Now watch closely, in real time.
See? No matter how hard
I rub it, it won't open.
Genie won't come out.
Then, another method.
Instead of "open sesame,"
open, wooden box!
Look. It didn't open.
This is not the end.
The box could be from China.
From the Qing dynasty.
I'll go crazy like this
I used to be soft and kind
But I go crazy because of you
I become mean
I cast a spell on the wooden box
That looks like you
Wooden box, open
I even cast a magic spell.
But look.
It didn't open.
- Then--
- Wait.
Even dogs wait when they're told to.
They don't bark nor ask for food.
I'm not a dog.
You said you're cute like a puppy.
That means you're a dog.
I'll call you.
Don't ever call me first.
Do you understand?
There's no use waiting.
I did my best.
You call this a gift?
Still, I won't throw you away.
I know how painful it is to be abandoned.
Hi. Have a seat.
I heard Mr. Jang added a condition
in return for covering up the incident
that happened last time.
I'm sorry.
I did not behave appropriately
as an owner of a company.
For being rude to you all,
I sincerely… apologize!
Is this enough of a sincere apology?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, okay?
My sincerest apologies. I'm sorry.
I have a terrible habit when drunk.
I should quit drinking. Right?
It's not easy to do so
since I run a company.
Be generous and let it slide.
You can all get back to work.
I also had to make time
from my busy schedule.
Have a safe trip back.
Do you know how much
I spent on your watches?
Two, four, six, eight.
The CEO's and even yours. Fuck!
I spent 500 million won, damn it!
But why…
Why won't you bow to me?
Because I don't work for Law & High.
I just resigned.
Jang Sin-yu, what are you doing?
One lawyer and the biggest client.
Which one will you choose?
It's hot.
It tastes bad.
What am I doing?
Two, three…
The ballast was the issue.
Are you okay?
You should've let me do it.
Why would you do this?
Because you are
not here.
can you come?
Are you coming from the hospital?
I went shopping
as per Dr. Kim's recommendation.
I heard you quit work.
You should rest now.
Don't go and work elsewhere.
In high school,
I thought you were going to pass away.
But you're alive and well now.
Yours is incurable.
Mine wasn't.
Take a rest…
and get married.
Did you pressure him to get married? Why?
I don't want to marry him off.
Don't get married young.
Look at me.
I ruined my life as soon as I got married.
Just keep quiet.
You don't know anything.
What do I not know?
I also know
that Sin-yu quit his job.
You always loaf around at home.
How did you know that?
Did you see it?
How do you know
if I loafed around or ran around?
What is this?
"Spells of the Heavens."
What's this?
Is this a comic book knock-off?
"I, Aeng-cho, a shaman of Joseon,
write this spell book
after acquiring the secret skill
towards the end of my life."
Is this a spell book?
"Only I and the person I choose
can cast the spells."
"Pick clean and faultless ingredients."
"A spell for getting pregnant."
"Pass the Exam Spell."
"Good Fortune Spell."
"Fair Skin Spell."
"Anti-aging Spell."
"Love Spell."
How absurd.
So… if I do as Aeng-cho wrote,
I can give birth to a son, become pretty,
get a lover, and so on and so forth.
It's nonsense.
Genie of the lamp is more credible.
Why did I open it?
It's a bias.
Why do I believe
in Western spells but not Korean?
I like this.
"Love Spell."
Why are you here?
Did you open it?
I told you to wait.
Keeping a dog waiting for a week is abuse.
Even border collies
can't wait more than a day.
Did you come here to ask that?
I'm going to work.
Your office is in Gangnam.
But you're here for work?
- Answer first. Did you open the box?
- No.
Then give it back.
I don't think
you're the owner of the wooden box.
You're wrong.
I think I'm the owner of the wooden box.
- Did you open it?
- I didn't. It opened on its own.
Why didn't you call me?
I said it opened on its own.
I didn't open it.
As a lawyer,
you should know the difference.
What was inside?
- A book.
- A book?
It was ridiculous.
It was written
by some shaman named Aeng-cho.
Saying if you do this and that with stuff,
you'll be pretty and get a son.
It's a spell book that grants your wishes.
Elaborate on it.
I can't. It makes no sense.
It's absolute nonsense.
It was so hard to read it too.
It was like the Old Korean
from the Joseon Dynasty.
Do you know each other?
I know him
due to the demolition of the shrine.
He's the owner of the land.
I see.
Wait, what happened?
Your forehead is bruised badly.
Is it obvious?
I put on a lot of concealer.
Why are you
tucking your hair behind your ears?
Let's go up.
Isn't Mayor waiting for me?
I told you I was on my way to work.
Today is my first day
as the City Hall's lawyer.
Did he get fired?
Good morning.
Good morning.
- Yes.
- By any chance,
do you know Mr. Kwon Jae-gyeong?
Who in this City Hall
doesn't know Mr. Kwon?
He's well-known as PV.
So you don't know him personally.
Then why did he post this?
What post?
Someone complimented you
on the City Hall message board.
But the thing is,
the poster is Kwon Jae-gyeong.
Mr. Kwon has no time to compliment
a mere ninth-grade civil servant.
It must be someone else.
Kwon Jae-gyeong.
Such a common name.
Why is the chart broken?
What happened?
Your forehead is bruised badly.
You must like PV too.
No, I--
You better get in line.
If you line up behind me,
you'll be like… 102nd in line.
Your face is very red now.
I see.
It's nice.
It's simple
and neat.
This is Park Gi-dong from the Legal Team.
He's been dealing with law-related tasks.
Mr. Park, make an announcement
and tell people to consult
Mr. Jang regarding lawsuits.
I have a meeting, so I'm off.
Thank you.
Your nameplate.
Nice to meet you.
You'll have a hard time for about a month.
The work isn't easy.
The work is very different
from that of law firms.
I see.
Then can you find all the documents
that the previous advisor dealt with
by today so I can learn?
Take your time.
There won't be anyone
who comes for a consultation for a while.
They wouldn't trust
a novice legal advisor.
That's good.
I had an urgent personal business.
It was written
by some shaman named Aeng-cho.
Saying if you do this and that with stuff,
you'll be pretty and get a son.
It's a spell book that grants your wishes.
Aeng-cho was a real person.
The person who killed Aeng-cho
was Jang Mu-jin.
Did you stay here to have fun?
Is this how you get overtime pay?
You startled me.
That's not it.
I'll drive you home.
I told you last time.
We're not close enough for that.
What's your definition of being close?
If we eat together? Or if we hold hands?
Tell me how you define it.
I'll do whatever, so let's get close.
Why must we get close?
I want to see…
the spell book in the wooden box.
That was your goal.
But I can't let a man
into my house at night.
I didn't say I would go inside.
I'll return it tomorrow.
I can drop by on my way home
and read it. Right?
Sure, then.
I'll think of it as a cab.
It's not that way.
I'm saying this just in case.
Don't change your mind later.
You said it was mine.
You said it didn't make sense.
You want to keep it?
You clearly said this
when you gave it to me.
"I'm giving back what was yours…"
Turn right.
Stop in front there.
Is your house the bus stop?
It's a quick walk up the alley.
It takes longer by car.
You need to pay.
You said this was a cab ride.
How much is it?
Keep it. It's my donation.
So bothersome.
Hey, Cheong-ah.
Cheong-ah, where have you been?
Cheong-ah, where are you going?
- What are you doing?
- Come here.
What's wrong with you? Don't do this.
- That's not me.
- Cheong-ah.
What are you doing?
- Cheong-ah.
- You got the wrong--
Who are you?
I told you to wait.
You should wait when you're told to.
Why would you go up alone?
I'm sorry.
Why did you follow me?
I was bored.
Can I let go of your hand now?
By the way,
don't you know how to file a complaint?
If the street lamps are bad,
ask for replacements.
They said I should wait
until they change them to LEDs.
Then ask your family to pick you up.
I don't have a family.
Ever since I was transferred to City Hall,
I've been eating alone.
I eat alone at home,
so I don't want
to eat alone at work as well.
They'll know I'm an outcast.
Do you live here alone?
The owners used to live
on the first floor.
But they went to the countryside to farm.
Thank you for earlier.
I'll bring it down soon.
Do you want to come up for a while?
This wasn't what you said.
You told me to replace the ballast,
because you'd show me the spell book.
I said I would show you the book
if you replace the ballast.
What if I get electrocuted?
You have gloves on.
It might explode.
Who is your match?
If you can't do it, come down.
That's not it. I just need more time.
I'm doing something
I've never done before.
I never did it before,
but once I set my mind to it,
there's nothing I--
Look at you.
Stop acting like
you're in pain. Come down.
I'm not acting. I'm actually in pain.
You haven't done it
and you're in pain, so you can't do it.
So come down.
Give me a glass of water.
I have a good idea.
Call a repairman.
Nobody uses lights like that.
The street lamps will be LED--
Read it.
Gosh, as if it's something special.
Read it and laugh with me.
You know,
everything's funnier
when you do it together.
Even the title is funny.
I thought it was
a knock-off of a comic book.
Isn't it funny?
The book is funny overall,
but "Good Fortune Spell."
This spell is the funniest.
It's telling you to raise
a shaggy dog for ten years.
Isn't it funny?
Am I the only one?
"Cure Disease Spell."
"The spell that cures your disease."
I showed you the spell book, so leave now.
Lee Hong-jo.
I want something.
Take all the other spells in the book.
But can you give me
just one spell?
Which spell do you want?
Don't worry.
I won't take the Fair Skin Spell.
I wasn't planning to give you that.
I'll take that as
you agreeing to the deal.
- Still--
- Hong-jo.
Please do me a favor.
No, you don't have to.
I'll visit Dad first.
Yes, it might look strange
if all three of us leave together.
Okay. See you at the restaurant.
I might run late.
No. I'll talk to you later.
Why are you here?
That's what I want to ask.
Are you the mayor's daughter?
How interesting.
Only for you.
I don't think we're close enough
to drink tea together.
It's late, but let me apologize.
I'm sorry.
Why the sudden apology?
You weren't the only one who had it rough.
I had to go overseas too.
I didn't know anyone
and couldn't make friends.
I was so lonely.
You were lonely
because you went to study overseas?
I said I was sorry.
Too bad.
Because I don't believe that you changed.
So I won't believe in your apology
nor accept it.
- Hong-jo.
- Stop.
Have you never
made a mistake in your life?
She apologized. Can't you accept it?
You don't know anything.
I know one thing for sure.
The reason why you eat alone.
The reason might not lie in other people.
Let's go.
She transferred to my high school.
Her father was someone's driver.
The students bullied her badly
because she lived in a semi-basement.
She looked so pitiful,
so I approached her first.
But she took the boy I liked from me.
I couldn't endure it.
So I cut off ties with Hong-jo,
and the process wasn't pretty.
My parents got divorced then,
so I was too sensitive.
What's this?
Oh, my goodness!
Park Ju-won cheated!
"A stunning golfer 20 years younger."
He's been cheating for two years.
There are photos too.
He's insane.
- Let me see.
- Gosh.
Did Ms. Ma go on leave because of this?
She doesn't take days off often.
You're right.
- Oh, no.
- Be quiet.
Hey. Let's finish work and talk.
When Eun-yeong was getting married,
I tried to stop her.
He looked like he would cheat.
Now look. He really cheated.
You're right.
I know one thing for sure.
The reason why you eat alone.
By the way,
shouldn't we call Ms. Ma?
I'm so worried.
The Ms. Ma I know
wouldn't want you to call her.
Let me join the team dinner too.
You startled me.
You're more thoughtless than I thought.
We're not having a team dinner.
We're having a meeting.
I want to join
that meeting too.
Today's not the right day for it.
I thought about
what someone told me today.
Everyone makes a mistake.
To what extent should you apologize?
And to what extent can you forgive?
What's this about?
I'm sorry about last time.
It's late, but I apologize.
It was my third day as a civil servant.
I didn't know
your mother passed away that day.
I also didn't know
the envelope had condolence money.
- If I had known--
- Sit down.
- Pardon?
- Shut your mouth and sit down.
Gosh, Mr. Kwon!
Do you have team dinners
in a place like this too?
You sure are wholesome.
Who is that with you?
Haven't you read the email?
He's Jang Sin-yu, our new legal advisor.
He looks better in real life.
He's so handsome I couldn't recognize him.
We must be meant to cross paths.
Let's eat together.
- No, we'll--
- Put the tables together.
- Come on.
- Okay!
Come here.
Excuse me.
I've been dying to know.
Can I ask you a question?
The post on the City Hall message boards
complimenting Hong-jo.
You didn't post it,
did you?
I posted it.
I visited the Dong-gu Office often
to see the district head.
And I liked how she treated
those who filed complaints.
Why would you compliment that?
Aren't all civil servants supposed
to be nice to citizens?
I'm sorry. We'll get going first.
What? Why…
Why are you leaving?
What do we do?
She seems very drunk.
What do I do?
I misjudged you completely.
I thought you were foolish.
But you're a fox.
Stop being flirtatious at work.
Public service
isn't easy, so keep that in mind.
Stand up now.
- The second round is on me!
- Whoa!
That's good.
Let's go to karaoke.
Watch out.
Where are you going?
We have a meeting to hold.
We'd like you to go home.
See you tomorrow.
Let's go.
See you tomorrow.
- Let's go.
- Yes.
Can you come with me for a second?
I bought it earlier.
Your shirt got dirty because of me.
I washed it and it's fine now.
Thank you anyway.
Your face is red whenever I see you.
Is it owing to your name?
I become red
only in front of someone I like.
Did what I say just now
sound like a love confession?
Yes, it did to me.
Was it not?
it is.
I had no idea that you were interested
in me too.
Honestly speaking,
since I was in Onju Dong-gu Office, I--
I like you too.
But I like you as a person.
If someone deserves
a compliment, I'll make a post.
If I dirty someone's clothes,
I'll gift them new clothes.
I'll forget what happened just now.
I hope you won't act awkward
when you see me.
I understand.
In what way was that boy nice?
Did he buy you pens
and tteokbokki?
What do you mean?
I was wondering why you knowingly stole
your friend's boyfriend.
Now I understand.
You're the type to get excited
about the smallest gestures of kindness
and confess your feelings impulsively.
What do you even know about me?
I just said what I saw.
You're right.
Even the tiniest acts of kindness
excite me and make me happy.
Because nobody is kind to me.
Happy now?
You're right.
Even the tiniest acts of kindness
excite me and make me happy.
Because nobody is kind to me.
Happy now?
I have big news.
Do you remember Lee Hong-jo?
Drink this as you work.
Thank you.
Sir, aren't you tired?
Thank you.
- Hello.
- What brings you here?
I'm here to check.
- Is everything fine?
- Yes.
Once we finish this side, we're done.
I'll help too.
You don't have to.
They're so pretty.
- Your clothes will get dirty.
- Don't worry.
It's nothing.
How could she do that to PV?
- Hello.
- Hello.
It's her. What is she going to do now?
Isn't it her? It is, right?
- Seriously.
- Hey, look.
She got turned down.
- So embarrassing.
- Keep it down.
Hold on.
Ms. Lee.
- Yes.
- Did you move all the pots?
- Yes.
- Good work.
Nothing's better than work
to get over the pain
of being dumped.
Especially for a tragedy like this,
I think working outside is better
than working inside.
I only had a sip.
Drink this and cheer up.
Thank you.
Let's talk upstairs.
Gosh, I feel sorry for her.
It's not me.
- Liar.
- It's not me.
Who is it then? Me?
Mr. Kwon?
Do you really need proof?
"Ninth-grade civil servant
dumped before confessing love."
The angle of the picture
proves that I didn't take it.
What's this?
"For Lee Hong-jo"?
Farming is so difficult.
We started raising
chickens, ducks, and goats too.
That's pretty fun.
They even gave birth to their younglings.
They're small and cute.
Anyway, I sent you
a lot of stuff, so eat well.
They're all organic.
I like this.
"Love Spell."
"Be neatly dressed."
"The milk of a goat
with deep maternal love."
I like you too.
But I like you as a person.
I'll forget what happened just now.
I hope you won't act awkward
when you see me.
"Love Spell."
"It's a spell to win the love
of someone you like.
Before casting the spell,
cleanse your mind and body by bathing.
Be neatly dressed.
Do it quietly at night
when the moon is at the highest.
Pour the milk of a goat
with deep maternal love into brassware.
Add canola honey,
powdered poria mushrooms,
dodder seeds…
and a red rosebud."
"When the rose
starts to bloom in the milk,
burn this page
and mix it with the ingredients."
"It'll become a love potion.
Make the person you want
to charm drink it."
You must've believed
in such a superstition.
You said it was mine.
It doesn't matter how I use it.
You promised to give me one spell.
I want my spell today.
Let us disappear for a day.
- Can we meet after work tomorrow?
- Me?
What should I do?
I think the Love Spell worked.
Ripped and synced by
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