Dharavi Bank (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

You should have never
touched my family.
Don't you know Lord Ganesha's rule?
Please forgive me.
My boss told me to shoot him.
So, I shot him.
I was just doing my job.
Please forgive me.
Because of your job,
my sister has been widowed.
So what if you're a cop?
I'm answerable to Bonamma.
Please forgive me.
Hello, Jayant.
I've got an order to kill Thalaivan.
I'm leading the operation.
Finally, Ira.
I heard about Tripathi.
Sorry to know.
Because of you
He died because of you.
Your partner was the sacrificial lamb.
Your friend was the butcher.
And yet, you say
there's blood on my hands!
Do you want to lose again this year?
You'll be in the opposition
for another five years.
There's still time, Mr Mhatre.
I'm willing to form a coalition
for the upcoming election.
Here's the thing.
Nobody knows you for your work.
If you're on my side,
at least, people will
remember your name.
Ma'am, your face exudes
the fear of losing.
Otherwise, you'd never talk
of forming a coalition.
I will form a government either way.
To get votes,
you have to win people's trust.
And you don't
And to snatch victory
in an election,
you need money.
And your money is stuck
in Dharavi Bank.
Stop licking Thalaivan's a
for a change.
You'll understand the difference
between right and wrong.
Even five years ago, you were stupid.
Now, you're an old man as well.
Daaji, come out!
- Da
- What happened?
- Where are you hurt?
- Huh?
- What?
- Where
Do you want to grab me while
my face is covered in shaving cream?
- What happened?
- Where are you hurt?
Your shirt has blood on it.
It's not mine.
It's someone else's.
You're the one who risks your life,
but I'm the one
who dies of worry daily.
Why did you take up
such a dangerous job?
What has my job got to do with it?
- Go away.
- Hey!
Oh, sweetheart
If you sulk like this,
who will cheer me up?
Let go of me!
You'll ruin my sari!
So, let go of your sari.
All I have to do is
let go of my towel.
Damn it!
- Let go of me.
- Timing
God, what timing!
- Daaji!
- Who is it?
It's Mr Gavaskar.
When did the commissioner tell you?
He dropped by last night.
The CM tightened the screws
on him right on time, sir.
A big consignment is
coming from Daman
for Thalaivan tonight.
Francis is handling it.
How much is it worth? Any idea?
- It's huge.
- How much?
200 to 300 crores.
So, the street value in the market
will be twice as much.
They've been planning this
for a month.
It's his biggest consignment.
Thalaivan diverted a big chunk
of the money he made
from cricket betting into drugs.
What's up with our sharpshooter Joe?
He's completely ready, sir.
How much time will it take
to organise a raid?
One day at most.
We have two hours.
No problem, sir.
It'll be done.
How does a bird enter ♪
and escape from the cage? ♪
If I could catch it,
I would have shackled ♪
its legs. How does it
come and escape? ♪
How does a bird enter ♪
and escape ♪
from the cage? ♪
If I could catch it,
I would have shackled ♪
its legs. ♪
How does it come and escape? ♪
How does a bird enter ♪
and escape from the cage? ♪
Coming! Coming!
Why are you making so much noise?
Stop now. I got it.
I know you are hungry.
I got it.
Here. Eat.
It's good meat. It's very good meat.
He was a big businessman.
Here. Eat.
Listen. Quiet.
Calm down.
Keep quiet and eat.
It's the flesh of a big businessman.
Eat it.
Enjoy your meal.
Of course, sir.
Sir, just imagine.
When any car exits the Amboli Ghat,
your lavish house will be
the first thing they see.
It is going to be
a modern architectural wonder.
It will also be known
as Ghadge House.
All tourists will want to take selfies
with your bungalow, sir.
Okay, sir.
Sure, sir.
Tell me when we should start.
We're ready.
Okay, sir.
Alright. See you.
Yes, sir. For sure.
See you soon.
- How are you?
- Good. How are you?
Very well.
You know, Deepa?
Last night was so much fun!
Everyone had prepared
uncle's favourite song.
Rakamma Rakamma.
And uncle laughed like a child,
as if it were his first birthday.
Everyone was there except you.
I really think, Deepa,
you should have been there.
Not again, Mahesh, please.
He's your father!
And it was his 65th birthday.
I think it's an important occasion.
You know everything.
Why do you keep bringing it up then?
I can't go back to that life again.
I'm not asking you
to go back to that life.
All I'm saying is
that your presence matters.
He misses you.
I swear. Veera told me.
Please respect my feelings on this.
My US visa is going to arrive
in a month at most.
So, start wrapping up soon.
Oh God! I'm getting late.
Where are you going?
I have to attend a court hearing.
Okay, you're coming home
on Saturday, right?
I'm trying out a new chicken recipe.
Go on. Answer the call.
- I'll see you on Saturday.
- See you.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Mahesh Krishnan?
Yes. Speaking. Who is this?
Joint Commissioner Gavaskar.
How may I help you?
Even God can't tell how Kukupudi
can sleep with that hoarse voice.
Bonamma, you can't sing.
So, I have to sing. What can I do?
But if you had heard mother sing,
you could have never forgotten it.
Well, dinner is served.
Everyone is waiting.
- I'll take her out.
- Okay.
Come on.
This consignment must be worth
at least 200 or 300 crores.
Guys, the truck is here.
Unload the stuff.
Come on. Bring the truck inside.
Turn left.
On my count. Three, two, one.
Go, go, go!
Come on, boys.
Unload the brown boxes. Hurry!
I need you guys to hurry! Come on!
Come on, move it!
We have to go home, guys! Hurry!
Kill the motherfker!
Joe, let's get out of here!
The car is here, motherfker!
Come on, fast!
Come on!
Joe, get up! Let's go!
Turn the car around.
Turn it around fast, motherfker!
Speak up, Shiva.
Otherwise, how will I know
what happened?
last night,
our consignment was seized
in a raid.
Two of our boys were killed
in the shootout,
and another was shot.
Right now,
he's in police custody.
- Did you talk to Francis?
- Yes.
He doesn't know anything.
Thalaivan, he's very scared.
Dad, let's abduct Francis.
Otherwise, he'll flee.
He won't go anywhere, Shiva.
Hey, be quiet.
What do you know about all this?
Who was caught by the police?
One of Francis' men.
His sharpshooter.
Thalaivan, he works at Rafiq's garage.
He's been shot, right?
Yes, dad.
What do you mean?
I don't understand.
I mean, where was he shot, Shiva?
Here, here or here?
He must have got shot somewhere!
Where was he shot?
Bring that scoundrel Francis here.
- I wonder what condition he's in.
- Where are those fkers?
Hey, Nepali! Hey, Bihari!
Guys, I've been constipated
since morning due to Rajan!
- Here he comes.
- I called him many times for Thalaivan!
But he neither says yes nor no!
My good man, Francis, listen to me.
Come here.
- What is it?
- Here's what I think.
- Yes?
- You should disappear for a few days.
Tara must be sharpening his knife
to kill you!
Bihari, don't talk nonsense.
- Boss, don't listen to this idiot.
- Okay.
- Look, you didn't do anything wrong.
- Exactly!
The government is after Thalaivan.
- How the fk is it your fault?
- Exactly!
Look, two of our offices were
raided recently.
- Don't you know that?
- Yes.
I'm not asking him
to go away permanently!
I'm saying, go underground
for a few days
until we find out
who was behind this conspiracy!
- Here's my advice.
- What?
Francis, gather evidence
and give it to Thalaivan.
I swear to God, he'll forgive you.
Sure! You swear to God
that he'll forgive me!
Is your brain full of sht?
How can I disappear just like that?
Thalaivan will send you both
after me again
to shoot me in the a.
Boss, just put the blame
on that motherfker Joe.
We won't spare him anyway.
Listen, Joe is not to blame.
If he were a police informer,
they wouldn't have shot him.
Who do you think you are?
Harishchandra, the truthful? Look!
You want to salute the canon
that blasted your a!
- Look, Francis.
- Yes?
Your a is on fire.
And you're trying to defend Joe!
Don't be a fking moron, man!
- What happened?
- Just a minute.
It's Rajan.
Hello, Rajan. Tell me.
Open your mouth.
- Sir.
- Yes?
Feed me with your hand.
Am I your wife, motherfker?
- You want me to fking feed you!
- It tastes better that way, sir.
Take it easy.
Your wife has magic in her hands.
I know. I taught her the tricks.
- Motherfker
- Don't make me laugh!
- What do you mean?
- You're making me laugh!
- Listen.
- Yes?
You should handcuff me.
Thalaivan has moles right up
to the top in our department.
They shouldn't suspect me
of being a police informer.
- I have an idea.
- Yes?
Do you want to go underground?
No, sir.
They'll definitely suspect me then.
Here's what I'll do.
I'll make a few of my men
guard this room.
Don't do anything just yet.
Wait for a couple of days.
After that, you escape.
I'll arrange everything. Don't worry.
Nobody will shoot you in the a.
- Got it?
- Ouch! Don't make me laugh!
Why do you laugh?
Control your laughter, fker.
- Open your mouth, ale.
- Eat it.
Don't make me laugh.
Once you escape this place,
go and rest your head
on Francis' hairy chest.
For that, he has
to stay alive till then.
You wanted to talk about my dad.
You really don't remember me, do you?
We've met before.
You were
12 or 13 years old, maybe.
I was your father's right-hand man
in the force.
We worked together.
What an honour it was
serving under him.
Okay, but
What do you want?
I just wanted to tell you
how your father was murdered.
I think there's some misunderstanding.
He died by suicide.
How do you know?
You were at your grandma's house
with your mother when it happened.
You just believed
what you were told, Mahesh.
What do you mean I just believed
Where were you all these years?
Do you know what you're saying?
What I'm saying
It's very important for you
to hear it, Mahesh.
You need to know how your father died.
Ram was one of our best
and most honest officers.
- He was caught taking a bribe, sir.
- Bullsht!
He chose his duty over his corrupt cousin.
That's what happened.
What do you mean by cousin?
Which cousin?
Thalaivan framed him in a bribery case.
Because back then,
our case against Thalaivan
was so strong
that he could have even got
a death sentence.
That's why he killed Ram.
And he made it look like a suicide.
How can you say that about Thalaivan?
How do you know all this?
I know thanks to this.
What is this?
Open it.
Where did you get this?
I thought I had lost it.
I found it near Ram's body.
I didn't want to tell you
because no child should have to hear
their parents suffer like this.
But it's important for you
to know and hear this.
I know this voice.
I know this voice!
Tambe, ask the commissioner
to organise a press conference.
The details of the trucks
seized last night
should be aired on every channel
and published in every newspaper.
I want that old bard
to know we're coming for him.
killing Thalaivan like this
in front of the people in Dharavi
It could be more dangerous.
That's what I want.
I want him to think I'm stupid
and sentimental.
If I provoke him from the front,
he won't be able to prevent
the danger coming from behind.
You have full faith
in Commissioner Singh, right, ma'am?
The officer chosen by the commissioner
I trust him.
Ramkrishnan Iyer
why die unnecessarily?
There will be no interrogation.
Where is the file?
Try with all your might,
but you won't get the file.
Just to get a medal
from the government,
will you send your elder brother
to the gallows?
I'm asking you for the last time.
Will you give me the file or not?
I came looking for you. ♪
I won't go away from you. ♪
Close your eyes, love,
without any worries. ♪
I sing a beautiful lullaby
for you, my dear. ♪
My dear, go to sleep. ♪
My dear, go to sleep. ♪
My dear, go to sleep. ♪
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