Dive Club (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

Flower of the Sea

[squealing] Stop!
[laughing] Stop!
[gentle music]
-I don't know.
-Yeah? Maybe?
Alright, love birds.
-You were talking about us, right?
All aboard.
-Out! Out!
-Alright! Alright!
Send us off!
You guys are doing it! You're doing it!
[triumphant laughter]
Henry! The answer's yes!
-Yes to what?
- She'll be my date.
The Salvation Day festival.
[siren wailing]
[jaunty sea-faring music]
[bell tolling]
Morning, Mrs. Volkov.
Please, it's Viktorya. Thank you for
heeding an old woman's request.
A good man comes when he's called.
True. Please sit.
[Viktorya] Such a sad business about the
Poor young Henry.
Did they find anything to explain
why Lauren just vanished?
Which brings me to the second sad point.
[Viktorya] Every year, you run the old
lighthouse for the Salvation Day festival.
It appears we have had
some damage to the old lighthouse.
If it's still standing,
we'll get it working.
[Viktorya] I overhead my Renee
talking to the engineer.
They want to put all their efforts
into the power grid,
so we can get ready for the festival.
So the old lighthouse might
not get the attention it needs.
I'm afraid so.
No one cares about
our old traditions anymore.
First festival without the lighthouse.
It's a shame.
Still, the man knows best.
I know that you
and your lovely wife Seraphine
were never too interested
in our little church.
But you are welcome anytime.
Thank you.
[Viktorya] I can imagine it can't have
been easy for you since she passed away.
I have my Maddie.
She keeps me on my toes.
I'm glad.
[Viktorya] It is not good for
an older person to be cooped up alone.
The mind starts to…
[girl] Hey, guys, I'm Lauren,
welcome back to the Diving Rose.
Today we're doing a deep dive down 30m,
one of my favourite dive sites ever.
And don't tell the girls,
we might see a reef shark or two.
They're going to be so angry.
See you down there. Bye!
Why are you watching The Diving Rose?
I'm so sorry, I was just curious.
Is that a bit weird?
This episode is so good.
Anna gets a jellyfish stuck in her wetsuit
and we had to cut it off.
-Just gonna do a little
-The WETSUIT, Stevie! Not my hair!
-[Maddie] Anna, Anna stop!
-[Anna] Get it off me!
I adored that wetsuit.
-Hey, question?
How are you watching this when there's no
[video stops]
Is that a tri-generation power
-[Izzie] Sure is.
-[Maddie] And a Hard Trek Communicator.
OK, now we've lost her.
And a K-917.
-Is this your mum?
-[Anna] Maddie!
Yeah, it is. She's on a dig
in the Middle East.
What about your parents?
Oh, they, um
they passed away a few years ago.
-I'm so sorry.
-Don't be.
Mostly it is loss that teaches us
about the worth of things.
Who even has walkie-talkies anymore?
When you travel with my dad, you just
never know where you're gonna end up.
[Izzie] Sometimes walkie-talkies
are all we've got.
[Maddie] Two-way radios are actually
incredibly useful
when infrastructure's compromised.
[Izzie] Yeah, well, authorities
tend to pick and choose
what information
they release to the public.
These make sure we get the whole picture,
not just what they want us to know.
[walkie-talkie crackles]
Shh! Shh!
[man on radio] Attention Chief Rose.
Mayor Volkov is at the station
requesting an urgent meeting.
[Chief Rose] I'm down at the wharf
waiting for a search crew swap-over.
If she wants to talk,
she can meet me down here.
Do you think they've found something?
Your gear, is it only for,
like, urgent situations, or?
Didn't he just say it was
an urgent meeting?
-Morning, Chief!
-Oh. Goodness.
I thought you were Stevie.
Nope. Just me. Me being nonchalant.
[Maddie] Same Jeep as last year?
Yes, Maddie.
Same car since 1997.
[Maddie] Still, I've always liked this
car. It's nice.
It's sleek.
It's good for catching bad guys.
[Chief] Maddie, is there something
we can help you with?
Ah, what do these buttons do?
[siren wails]
Don't touch that! That's the siren.
I'm incredibly busy,
I don't have time for this.
I better go, Chief.
It was nice being out with you, you know,
my dad's not around and all that.
- Oh, well
-I gotta go. Bye!
All good?
I see two search crews
have gone out this morning.
Thought I'd take advantage
of the receding tide.
I can't imagine what you must be feeling.
Perhaps finding the 'Indy'
provides some closure.
Closure on what?
Time is not on our side.
[Chief] We still have a window.
[Mayor] It's been four days, Jack.
You know protocol better than anyone.
[Chief] Renee! Please.
[Mayor] We're exhausting the little
resources we have.
We're burning through the budget,
which I wouldn't mind if there was
It's protocol.
After tomorrow, search and rescue teams
will scale down.
Efforts will focus on recovery.
We're not giving up, Renee!
If I need to dredge the entire ocean
to make things right,
then that's exactly what I'll do.
Now, if you'll excuse me
..I've gotta do some work.
Perhaps you should do the same.
At least the Chief isn't giving up.
[Stevie] Man, Henry looks miserable.
[Maddie] He was Lauren's boyfriend.
Well, they broke up two weeks ago.
One of us should see how he's doing.
She doesn't wanna talk to you.
Wow! You got a chaperone now.
[Anna] Nope! Just standards.
Ouch. But let me guess - a cheeseburger
with no cheese for Anna,
cheeseburger with extra cheese for Stevie,
mac and cheese,
side of pickles for Maddie?
-I'll grab a tropical burger, thanks.
Coming up.
Don't feel guilty, Stevie.
You did the right thing
breaking up with Hayden.
Yeah, well he was in juvenile detention.
I didn't really have much choice.
He had choices and they led him
to a six-month sentence!
Only went for three, though.
Well, isn't that a good thing?
I mean, they wouldn't let him out if he
was a criminal mastermind or someth
I'll be at the skatepark later
if you're around.
[slurps loudly]
-How's Henry?
Irrefutably thoughtful, as always.
But I got him to talk.
I know where he found the 'Indy'.
Anna, eyes on the sand.
Maddie, you scan the drop-off.
I'll focus on the rock bed.
Slow and methodical.
Are you guys sure I should be here?
I'm gonna be honest with you, Lizzie.
Ikind of forgot you were here.
More eyes, the better.
[Anna] Izzie, you're gonna be on coral.
The current might have
wedged something in there.
And when we're underwater,
this is the symbol for 'OK'.
-And remember, 'fins', not 'flippers'.
-[Anna] 'Mask', not 'goggles'.
-Not 'goggles'.
-Is that heavy?
-You get used to it.
Besides, it's lighter underwater.
Stevie's sister is a dive master -
she can teach you.
I might just I might just stay here.
Come on!
If she wants to just read her book, it's
fine, the tide's not gonna wait.
[gentle music]
[music intensifies]
-[Anna] Where did you find that?
-[Stevie] Are you sure that's hers?
Yeah, I'm sure.
That's the scratch
from Lauren's dive knife.
I'm going back down.
There might be more.
Wait, Stevie, how much air
do you have left?
I've got plenty.
- Stevie
-OK, I've got 30.
That's not even half a tank!
This is where people do
stupid things and get hurt.
-I don't care!
-Well, I do!
And I'm not adding your mum and dad
to the list of greedy parents.
Fine! Fine!
Alright, let's get it to the clubhouse.
Welcome to Dive Club.
This is magical.
Yeah, well, we don't normally let
strangers in here,
but you helped us out today, Lizzie,
so we're willing to make an exception.
These are our dive logs.
There's an app for it now but
I like to keep things analogue.
[Maddie] This is a map of every shipwreck
along the reef.
And that's where we keep our tanks
and wetsuits and all that stuff.
Grand tour later, Maddie.
We need to see what's on Lauren's phone.
Guess we'll wait for the phone to charge.
Are these real?!
Real diamonds are the hardest substance
in the world. Give me.
See? Scratched.
-They're never real.
And what about this?
[Maddie] There are heaps of shipwrecks
along the coast.
Tide brings all sorts of
stuff into the bay.
Maddie pulled it out of a rock
like King Arthur.
It was pretty incredible.
So was the shark that followed us
back to the boat.
-He was alright.
-Easy for you to say. You had the sword.
[girls giggle]
Oh Anna! Your great-grandmother, right?
[Stevie] [rolls tongue]
Mercy of the Russian shipwreck.
The town's obsessed with her.
Well, that is who Cape Mercy
was named after.
Anna's family is really fancy.
She's just slumming it with us.
So what did Mercy do?
[winding, clicking]
[Maddie] 1918, a convoy of Russians
fleeing the Revolution
are shipwrecked off the coast
of an unknown island.
[Anna] Their ship sinking fast,
the passengers huddle
in on their little lifeboats,
alone in darkness,
unable to make out land.
[Anna] Their only salvation.
Then, suddenly, a light pierces the gloom.
[Stevie] A young woman stands up,
a lantern burning in her hand.
She scans the dark and churning waters
and demands they sail west!
All night, she braved the journey
from the shore to the wreck
'til all souls were saved from the ravages
of the heartless sea.
Nothing but a single flame in her hand.
She was a guiding light.
A star - nay, a lodestar.
[Stevie] Once on land, she stood atop
Flagstaff Hill,
her lantern burning bright,
shouting at the wild sea,
"That all you got?!"
And that's the story.
With a bit of artistic license.
[Anna] Every year, the Salvation Day
festival celebrates Mercy's rescue.
People get dressed up, tourists love it.
You'll probably get roped into it.
Not likely, we usually
don't stay put for long.
[beeping and buzzing]
[all gasping]
That's a good case!
I'm in!
Ah, you're a good man, Henry.
Look at you.
You got no wind in your sails.
When's your father get back?
He's still trawling.
For another few weeks.
[Henry] Big water's kept them away.
Well, you pop in whenever you
feel like a feed, lad.
Sugared lobster is just next door.
Yeah, I'll remember that.
Henry, you did an important
thing finding that boat.
Thanks, Sea Dog.
Hey, bro. Heading for a skate.
You wanna come?
Can't, man. Chief's going out again.
I wanna help.
I heard the Chief's gone rogue,
he's doing his own search.
Yeah, well, she might still be out there.
Henry, it'll be alright, she'll turn up.
I gotta go.
Does the Chief know
Lauren broke up with you?
-It was mutual.
-Come on, bro.
OK, mutual-ish.
I'll catch you later, man.
[tense music]
[Anna] OK, let's watch Lauren's videos.
Chief's out searching again.
[Lauren] So we're gonna have a bit of a
race today on my channel.
It's Hayden versus Henry.
Alright, Maddie, call it.
Oh, my god! [laughing]
[Lauren squealing]
He's picked me up!
[contemplative music]
[squealing and laughing]
Wait, wait, wait! [laughing]
Hey, Dive Club, it's, er, Hayden.
Just third-wheeling again with these
-You ready?
-[Henry] I don't know what to say?
I've never been on YouTube before.
-[Lauren] Say hi to my channel,
my audience.
-[Henry] What's going on, Dive Club?
We're about to take the boat out.
The 'Indy'.
Yeah, it's a beautiful day.
It is a lovely day.
[contemplative music]
To be able to hang out with Stevie,
Anna and Maddie every single day
going out on the 'Indy' diving
has been one of the most incredible
experiences of my life.
To not have a mum in my life has been
really heartbreaking,
but with those three girls
It's just this sisterhood that we're
going to have forever.
Love you all.
[thunder rumbling]
I think someone is following me.
I found something and they want it.
[Lauren] They broke into my room
trying to find it.
I don't know who to trust.
I don't think I can trust anyone, not even
my dad.
[music intensifies]
[music intensifies further]
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