Django (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

The Lady

What happened?
What happened to you? Huh?
What happened
It's OK
It's OK
It was supposed to be a ceremony.
John. Turn around.
You know, abandonment's the most primal
feeling we've got.
Turn around and look at me.
Yesterday that hall
..I saw a little girl.
She was staring at us.
She's still in pain, but
She showed me our salvation.
Tell me what you feel.
Deep down. What you really feel.
I never liked it in school.
I like it a lot better here.
The reason that is, is because
I can do whatever I want
without anyone thinking
that I'm strange.
You're not strange,
don't ever think that.
You remember those moments at sunset
that we watched together
many, many times?
When everything turns
into the same colour?
The trees, the grass, your little
your little hands. Your eyes.
Remember that colour? What is it?
- Red.
- Red.
And I call it "absolute
red." And that's what you are.
When did this new music arrive?
The composer's name is Tchaikovsky.
Aaron read me the notes.
He learns fast.
He has a gift for music.
No. You have a gift for music.
Which the Lord has given you
because you were deprived
of the gift of sight.
he is only here to make you blossom.
Hmm Adam
The world is divided
between masters and servants.
The Creator did not place
different races on the Earth
just so the strong
could destroy the weak.
That's what the president said.
President Grant doesn't
speak for the Lord.
And you do?
I'm an echo of our Lord's wisdom.
Back to Beethoven.
You seen our father?
He left town an hour ago.
Left for where?
Elmdale, to the bank. With Sarah.
They asked me to unlock the
armoury, took extra guns.
They said they have a deal so
good, no one in Elmdale can say no.
He lost his mind.
If the Lady finds out they're
at the bank of her city,
she'll kill'em.
We need the stranger.
'Sing my father with my child'
- Spread the Lord's word.
- 'With your blessings'
The Lord is our Saviour!
- Praise God.
- Remember the word!
No sinners in this town!
Mr. Donovan.
John Ellis.
To what do we owe this visit?
Well, we're here to make you rich.
I see.
Why'd you break into our home?
Hey, I'm talking to you.
Came to get my money.
Where'd you learn to fight like that?
It doesn't matter.
Are you good with a Colt?
Well, today's your lucky day, stranger.
If you help us, I'll double your money.
But don't push your luck.
Come with us.
I'll be damned.
Does Mrs. Thurmann know you're here?
Mr. Donovan, we're here
to offer you a deal.
Oil. From my land.
I don't see why the
Lady should be involved.
What we have here is just surface seep.
There's plenty more underground.
How can you be sure?
Well, finance us an oil rig
and we'll prove it to you.
And in your educated opinion, Mr. Ellis,
how much you gonna need?
Two thousand dollars.
And you understand, we
can't give 2,000 dollars
to any man who just
walks through the door.
Well, I'm not just any man.
If we're wrong, the land is yours.
I'm not interested in getting
caught up in a land dispute
- with Mrs. Thurmann.
- There's no dispute.
What Mrs. Thurmann conveniently
forgot to tell y'all,
was that, uh
..her father gave me that
barren crater after the war.
You have paperwork to that effect?
As a matter of fact, I do.
Now, that's a little more interesting.
Well, if you both just step
outside, it'll take me a few moments
to get the loan documents started.
Why, of course.
Come in.
Forgive me ma'am, Mr. Lindon is here.
John Ellis and his tramp
are in town, Mrs. Thurmann.
They've made a proposition at the bank.
Mr. Donovan sent me here
to find out what to do.
What kind of proposition?
They say they found some oil.
Need a loan to extract it.
Oil? Where, in New Babylon?
Appears so, ma'am.
Yes, ma'am?
Get the Forrest brothers,
and tell them to gather
the brotherhood and meet at the church.
We'll take it.
First time I've seen y'all in town.
Well, we're here for the Crusade.
That so?
My father was an alcoholic who used
to beat the shit out of my mother.
Real sorry about that.
I'll see you at the parade.
Now what?
Now we wait.
We'll have your money ready by Friday,
you can come collect then.
Friday, then.
Please, leave!
This way, this way!
Let's go now!
Sarah, to the horses. Run!
Come with me.
Sarah, come on, they'll be fine.
What's going on?
The Comanches, they're coming.
Hurry up, we're probably
in their territory.
Take a horse! Hide behind those rocks.
- Hurry up!
- Maggie! Go!
- Come on, Caroline.
- I can't
Yes, you can.
Come on. We just need
to get to that rock.
Look at me.
We're gonna die out here.
Don't you ever talk like
that. You're gonna be fine.
Your baby's gonna be fine. Let's go.
I can't feel the baby.
I can't
I know it hurts, but you can't scream.
- We need to find the others.
- Okay.
Oh we-ee oh
Just close your eyes.
Sarah, put the gun down.
Give me the gun.
Give me the gun, kid.
Come here, I'm here.
Look at me, look at me.
Look at me, you were brave,
you were brave. I'm right here.
You use your Colt well.
You're free, stranger.
You can go.
I ain't going nowhere.
We can't come back empty-handed.
- What the hell is this?
- Sit down.
- Marty?
- Sit down!
- What're you doing?
- He didn't do anything, please!
Shut up! Sir, give us
the keys to the safe.
Boys, come on.
- Keys!
- Just give us the money, bastard!
No good, nigger bastard,
you're just a useless slave.
What'd you say?
You heard me, shit for brains.
Which one?
- Does it hurt?
- Ah
Ah, God!
Thank you, kindly.
These are for your trouble, stranger.
There's a city up by the
Pacific where it's always warm
and it never rains.
Bet you that'd make a good home.
Well, I'm sure it would, but
..I want to stay here in New Babylon.
Nothing's changed.
Least of all our father's mind.
Well, he hasn't seen the money yet.
Hey! You there, come
on, come down. Quick!
Hey! Hey, over there! Come on!
Hey! Everybody, gather round.
Come on, come on, come
on, come on, come on!
What's he got?
What's that?
Ah! Yeah!
- OK?
- God bless you, sir.
God bless you!
Sarah, stop.
It's me.
Look at you.
They're all dead.
Sammy Timmy
Uncle Elijah and Aunt Caroline
They're all dead.
And I died too, right
there in that farm.
So, just go.
Go west and forget about me.
- Come with me.
- No, I'm not leaving here.
Then neither am I.
If John finds out you fought
for the South, he'll kill you.
Are you gonna marry him?
Are you gonna marry him?
John saved my life.
He was there that night, you weren't.
What're you doing?
- You have to go.
- What're you doing?
You have to go!
I can't ask you again.
Go ahead and do it.
They will find out who I am, anyway.
And they'll hang me,
outside your new house.
And you can watch me hang.
So please shoot me, just
go ahead. Just do it.
Do it!
Just shoot your father.
I'm very aware we lost control
yesterday. We lost innocent lives.
Tonight, someone robbed our bank,
I'm sure it was people from New Babylon.
And I know there's a
spy on our plantation.
Let's make no mistake
about who's at fault.
I've known John Ellis
since he was a boy.
The only thing that
ever moved him is hatred,
even when he pretends it's love.
John Ellis is chaos.
He, his children, and his whore
want to wipe us off the face
of this Earth and drag us
into the kingdom of Satan.
No, he won't.
We will never give in.
We will fight back.
And we will destroy what
needs to be destroyed.
Let's pray.
Sixteen, seventeen
..two, three
Thank you. Sixteen
I got mine.
You wanna stay in this place,
you gotta have a vision.
You gotta have dreams.
A man who can't dream
..that's a man lost.
My sons told me what you did in Elmdale.
You want a home, it's yours.
Father says you gotta
give back the gun though.
Don't make us regret it.
Welcome to New Babylon.
Did you give the stranger a house?
It was Father's decision.
One last time: who robbed our bank?
Please, I'm begging you.
I don't know. I'm begging you.
I came here to your plantation
to work and feed my son.
I had nothing to do with
the business of New Babylon.
Was it ordered by John Ellis?
You see, my son is blind
because of sinners like you.
So you need to speak up.
I don't know anything, ma'am.
I'm begging you, I'm
begging you, I'm begging you.
Somebody, somebody,
somebody Somebody, please!
Help me, Lord-
The Lord won't save no liar.
Two days ago you wanted to hang
him and now you give him a roof?
Two days ago you were
the one who stopped me.
I never told you to let him stay!
Elizabeth tried to kill
us in cold blood, Sarah.
I didn't think she'd go that far.
And that's why we're in
more danger now than ever.
And that man That man
..he might come in useful.
We don't need him.
We are fine without him.
Why do you care about this so much?
Because I don't trust
a cowboy with no ideals.
I, Sarah X standing here today offer you, John Ellis
- unconditional love
- Ah
..and eternal devotion.
Until death do us part.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry
I'm sorry.
- He comes to me in my dreams. He's all I see.
He's all I see. I
- I feel him inside me.
I ask for redemption. Please,
don't leave me, my Lord.
He asked me again to forsake my faith.
To deny You and Your mother,
and all the angels, and
all the saints in heaven.
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