DNA Lover (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

(DNA Lover)
(All people, incidents, and backgrounds)
(in this drama are fictitious and unrelated to reality.)
A guy like you doesn't deserve to be loved!
Welcome to becoming Han So Jin's experiment!
My puzzles
Darn it.
- BK. - You didn't have to.
Say hello, Ms. Han. This is Dr. Sim Yeon Woo.
That Sim Yeon Woo was the Sim Yeon Woo?
A Ri, speak softer.
And this is Ms. Han So Jin on our genetics research team.
I see.
So Jin
She majored in molecular biology.
She has gotten into pseudoscience and is still writing her thesis,
- but - Good to see you.
We've met, right?
I think I'm meeting you for the first time.
You must not remember people's faces very well.
What's this? Did he recognize me?
But how could you not remember a face like his?
I know, right?
You didn't have to bring me anything.
So Jin, did you spray the Super Teol on his sideburn?
What's up with your sideburn?
A half retro concept is in right now.
Super Teol was designed just for Oh Sang Min. His hair wouldn't grow.
I'm sure it isn't.
But it's coming in right now.
Indeed, Sim Yeon Woo.
By the way, your face and name seem very familiar, Ms. Han So Jin.
What? Pardon? Oh, yes. My name?
Where did I see and hear it?
My name is so common, actually.
And my face is really common too.
So, this is how it's going to be?
- By the way, Yeon Woo, - Yes?
I think my meeting will run long.
- Ms. Han. - Yes?
We have all of the prenatal results for Sim Hospital's moms, right?
Of course.
- Please come this way. - Sure.
Oh, my goodness!
- Come this way. - Yes.
Take good care of him.
Right, he would never imagine that crazy woman was me.
I will wait until you fess up.
So, I have a question.
Yes, I've been waiting.
About the hair growth on your face,
is it hereditary?
It didn't happen all of a sudden or anything, did it?
Oh, well
I have lots of questions when I see unusual hair growth.
That sounds very mysterious to me.
- "Unusual?" - Pardon?
Our centre represents medicine, culture, and life.
It is a medical-cultural complex.
- When an individual is curious - Excuse me.
- about their DNA, - Pardon me.
- they can come here - Sorry.
- Gosh. - Out of the way.
- It is a very important thing to - Gosh.
My goodness.
What was that?
There's a baldness treatment presentation today.
We're developing a DNA-tailored hair growth essence now.
It's called Super Teol.
"Super Teol"?
Super T-E-O
(So Jin loves Sang Min, Super Teol)
Super T-E-O-L?
Become hairy!
We're developing a DNA-tailored hair growth essence now.
It's called Super Teol.
"Super Teol"?
"Super Teol"?
Ms. Han So Jin.
Ms. Han.
I think I may have seen that on the market by chance.
I doubt it. Super Teol is only in the clinical trial phase.
"Clinical trial phase"?
How were those clinical trial results?
We did animal testing, and it was incredible.
A mouse with severe hair loss,
became as furry as a rabbit in seven hours.
A mouse became a rabbit?
It's incredible, right? And it gets absorbed so quickly.
The moment you apply the treatment to the skin,
it seeps right in to the dermal layer.
Very deeply.
I'm so excited to see how it'll affect the human body.
For humans, it'll depend on the person's DNA and hormone levels.
However, if it's a hair loss treatment tailored to one's DNA,
it could cover the whole body with hair from the head, eyebrows,
facial hair, nose hair, stomach, armpits, and everywhere else.
The secrets of DNA exceed our imaginations.
- Oh, my. - Well
Yes, well, that's
There are lasers, waxing, and permanent hair removal.
We live in a time where that's possible anytime.
Hair removal?
Why? Your sideburns look cool.
No, so I mean that your hair growth
doesn't look bad, so I don't think you have to worry.
It doesn't look bad?
Of course, as long as it doesn't spread.
It could even spread?
Oh, we're here.
This is the lab. Come this way.
Darn it.
(Iroun Genetic Center)
Should I tell him the truth now? Or should I not?
What do I do?
Should I mention Super Teol now?
But what if she acts innocent?
Let's wait until I find concrete evidence.
Right, let's discuss work first.
- Come in. - Yes, I will.
(Iroun Genetic Center)
(High Risk Group List)
Among the pregnant women who underwent prenatal testing,
these were in the high risk group.
From Ms. Yoo Young A's amniotic fluid test,
there's a mutation on the 18th chromosome.
Normally, there should be two,
but there's a third chromosome.
(Edwards Syndrome: a congenital defect syndrome)
(Many internal organs are malformed, and there are developmental delays.)
(Most babies die within 10 weeks of birth.)
What will Ms. Yoo Young A choose?
The choice is up to the mother, but we'll have to suggest surgery.
- What? - Even before its birth,
there's a high chance that this baby will die in the womb.
Even if it is born, there is only a five percent chance
it will live until its first birthday.
Even if it does survive, there will be visible deformities,
and its heart, lungs, digestive system, and kidney
won't properly function. Must we discuss this further?
There was another case like this before.
A child was born with anencephaly and lived only a day.
However, that child
was baptized in her mother's arms
and had a birthday party in the one day of her life.
- Happy birthday to you - Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday.
Happy birthday!
Let's make a wish.
Later, the parents said this.
They may have said goodbye to their child,
but they didn't regret their choice to have their baby.
The issue isn't the condition of the fetus, but Ms. Yoo.
She has pulmonary hypertension.
In the end, the mother and child will say goodbye in either way.
I am an OBGYN.
Thinking of the mother's health first and foremost
is my responsibility.
A mother and child
start interacting with one another from the first moment
she becomes aware of her pregnancy.
To some people,
that one moment where they can meet
could be the most precious thing in the world.
If they could postpone their parting by at least another day,
they might be able to handle any sacrifice.
There are some meetings like that.
Have you ever thought about how desperate
that meeting might feel?
That's when you say farewell.
When you feel sorry and sad.
Not when you're sick and tired and cursing someone out.
About your shoe.
You must part with the familiar to meet someone new.
Get rid of the other shoe. The sole was all worn out.
My shoe?
- No, wait! - Again?
- No, I - You can't!
Ms. Han So Jin.
Why are you giving me
You're in charge of prenatal tests for my hospital.
Of course, I should have your phone number.
Would that be really necessary?
You can contact me through BK
A rabbit?
For humans, it'll depend on the person's DNA and hormone levels.
However, if it's a hair loss treatment tailored to one's DNA,
it could cover the whole body with hair from the head, eyebrows,
facial hair, nose hair, stomach, armpits, and everywhere else.
Is that
Darn it.
No way.
I doubt it.
He probably doesn't remember my face, right?
(Chromosomal analysis)
I'm honoured to be a part
of Han So Jin's experiment.
Welcome to becoming Han So Jin's experiment!
It's over.
He knows everything.
Why did he act like he didn't know when he did?
Darn it!
Han So Jin, why did you do it? Why?
All I did was
punish a bad guy who hurt a girl.
Someone could become traumatized for life when it comes to dating.
But he can't be punished legally.
Right. When all considered, I am faultless.
Well, you could call it an interference of justice?
Right. This is a punishment from above!
This is a perfume I made with the scents of my favourite things.
All right.
There we go.
If there's a man who smells like this, you have to bark.
You have to bark, okay? Let's go.
Instinctively, human beings try
to complement their immune system
through the smell of the opposite gender
for the sake of their children.
The DNA related to the immune system can be found through smell.
Shai, have you finally found
- Wait, Shai. - If you're strongly attracted to
someone of the opposite gender,
that target could be
your DNA lover.
Hey, So Jin!
Hi, Shai.
That's Mayo.
Why are you here?
The hair salon was busy.
I said I'd walk Mayo to get some exercise.
Shai, you little brat.
You didn't use to like any boy dogs.
Look at her now. She's totally smitten.
So Jin, this dog looks totally fine,
but he flirts with all the dogs in the neighbourhood. Be careful.
That's not about the dog looking fine.
A female finds is great at finding its male partner's smell.
Hey, Mayo. Tell me. Are you our Shai's partner?
And what if he is?
He's not the type to love just one female for life.
Right, Mayo? You're not, are you?
Just you wait. He'll be different when he meets his match.
(Cheong Hair Salon)
Gosh, our Shai. You like me more than her.
Right? Gosh.
How pretty.
What are you doing?
That's strange. You never smell like anything.
How about you? Do I smell nice to you?
- Smell me. - Come here.
You smell burnt!
You play with fire so much.
I wasn't playing with fire. I was experimenting.
You should only experiment in a lab.
But if I still smell like that,
you and I must not be DNA lovers.
Gosh, that darned DNA
- I'm off. - One second.
Open it.
Hey, what's this?
It's a safety bell.
We've installed new ones recently.
It worked fine from your house to our restaurant.
You're table number zero at our restaurant.
A safety bell?
Ta-da! I can receive the signal from this, instead of at the restaurant.
Want to see? The signal from table number zero?
Press it. in 1, 2, 3.
Ta-da! Table number 21 What?
Darn it. What on earth do you use your phone for?
That's because I can't answer my phone at the restaurant.
Still, if you page me anytime, you're going to get an earful.
You know what a safety bell is for, right?
I'm older than you, you know!
- I'm off. - Bye.
Bye, Shai!
Hey, if I page you and you don't come, you'll get an earful.
(Always Sushi)
Are you okay?
Seo Kang Hoon.
A guy who feels like family.
A guy who could risk his life for me.
Are you okay, sir?
But that's not just for me.
Shai, should we go now too?
Let's go, Shai. What?
Does she really like him?
Shai, let's go!
(Pheromones, MHC gene composition)
My gosh!
Did you really take my Shai
and go looking for your favourite man again?
Why do you always appear and disappear like this?
Did you run away from home again?
This was the only place where I could log out from the world.
I left the centre,
but I came here because I couldn't decide anything from
whether to take the subway or the bus
to whether I should eat before or after going home.
Have you not taken your medication?
I quit taking medication when I become dependent on it.
A Ri, I'm hungry. Should we cook something?
I'll decline.
I will regret eating anything
and think I should've eaten something else.
The man who can get you out of there will be your DNA lover.
I will be sure to find your partner too.
(Always Sushi)
Here's your order.
- Thank you. - Thank you.
- Dad, a couple's set. - Okay.
(OBGYN Sim Yeon Woo)
(Keywords: Edwards Syndrome, 18th chromosome)
(A symptom of Edwards Syndrome)
(The Effect of Early Intervention on Infant Development)
(Early Developmental Practitioners' Capabilities)
(Episode 2: The Man's Pheromones)
Instinctively, human beings try
to complement their immune system
through the smell of the opposite gender
for the sake of their children.
The DNA related to the immune system can be found through smell.
If you're strongly attracted to someone of the opposite gender,
that target could be your DNA lover.
(Dieting, maintaining your stamina)
Jab, eight!
Jab, eight! Two!
One, two, slip, counter!
One, two, slip, counter!
I hate such violent places like this.
Are you here to work out?
Well, I
Do you perhaps work here?
Oh, I'm not. I just work out here too.
Oh, right.
If you're interested, here you go.
Oh, okay.
My squad mates were interested in martial arts, so I took a few.
You can have one.
By squad mates, do you mean
you're a soldier?
Oh, I do get mistaken for one quite often.
I'm a firefighter.
- Oh, I see. - Bye, then.
What's wrong with me? I must be crazy.
How cruel.
I felt my baby move for the first time today.
But even before birth,
my baby was in pain, and I didn't know that.
According to an in-depth analysis,
you have some medical issues as well.
(OBGYN Sim Yeon Woo)
Ms. Yoo Young A, you have pulmonary hypertension.
What's that?
It's a rare and incurable disease.
However, with continued medication and treatment,
we can increase your survival rate.
This disease is hard to find early on.
Ms. Yoo, you were quite lucky.
Was I
really lucky?
Is it perhaps
my fault that Pu Reum is sick?
No, it has nothing to do with the genetic disease Pu Reum has.
However, if you continue with your pregnancy,
your pulmonary hypertension could get worse,
and you'd miss your window of opportunity for treatment,
leading to a critical state.
If that happens, both you and the baby could be in danger.
Also, if a mother with pulmonary hypertension gives birth,
6 out of 10
will die.
if I continue with my pregnancy, I could die.
And even if Pu Reum is born,
her lifespan won't be very long, right?
what do I do now?
Only you can decide what to do in this situation.
It's your life,
and neither I nor anyone else can live it for you.
However, I cannot suggest a decision in which both mom and baby
will end up
in danger.
I shouldn't find a woman's biceps pretty, right?
There was a woman I thought was pretty, so I followed her.
She's a firefighter.
I went there and did some research. That firefighter
is entering an amateur martial arts competition.
As the Fire Fist of Yeoksam-dong.
So, will you go work out there?
I've never once been attracted by a woman like her.
She's really not my type,
but why did she look sexy drenched in sweat?
Have I become a pervert in my old age?
What? Just try dating her and think of it as an affair.
If you date her, you'll go back to your type.
So, who's your type?
My type?
Why won't you answer?
That's just my type.
If it's your type, why won't you answer? Hey.
Hey, Dr. Sim. Tell me how to go back to my type.
(Jang Mi Eun, Polyamorist)
When you look at this picture, which word do you think of?
Cheating? Gosh, how messy and promiscuous.
Come on. That's not true love.
No, these people are polyamorists.
If I were to explain this word in an easier way,
"poly" means multi. "Amor" means love.
These two word roots were combined to make this compound word.
Then, why did polyamory come into existence?
I think it's because
the individual's joy has become important these days.
The pressures of a relationship How should I put it?
It has become less heavy?
But the main point of polyamory
isn't that it involves multiple people.
It's about non-exclusivity.
That's because love is the most beautiful and amazing
when that person can be truly themselves.
Side note, as a polyamorist myself,
I'm also truly in love just as anyone else.
Just like you.
("The Time I Cry For Myself," Yoo Myung Hee Exhibition)
The coolest mom in the whole world.
You know I came back to Korea during my travels, right?
I smell sweaty, don't I? I'm so busy right now.
You still can't let anyone else do the work, can you?
It's mine. Of course, I can't.
Come here.
- What do you think? - Gosh.
It's so amazing.
Did you make that tear a diamond?
Mom, you have the best taste.
You can't measure its value in money. It's my ego.
My ego I lost after getting married and raising a child.
You know what?
That self-portrait is my face when I had facial paralysis
in the middle of recovering from giving birth.
How could I express the tears I shed then?
Is that what the red thread around your body is supposed to mean?
Maybe a vein?
Oh, Mi Eun.
You could quit being a dating columnist
and write an art column instead.
I'm not that good, Mom.
Whether it's love or art, that's how it should be, Mi Eun.
You have to have a distance you can enjoy it from.
So, will you not invite me or anyone else close to you again?
Why should I, on such a good day?
It's stifling and nauseating.
I didn't know either.
How uncomfortable it could be to share blood.
We are mother and daughter, but only socially.
We're free, but sometimes, slightly lonely.
Therefore, we won't lose to freedom.
Either have freedom or be lonely.
What are a social mother and daughter?
Did she give birth some other way?
When did Jang Fox become so close to my mom?
It seems like it's been a while.
Ms. Jang Mi Eun came to my salon with that woman too.
Why does she keep poking around here and there?
She drinks with guys.
She seems to have so much time.
Come on. With her looks and talent, she can't stay home.
I'm a homebody.
So Ri, you look attractive to women.
Jang Mi Eun looks attractive to men.
Men follow me even if I don't show off to men.
Goodness, that's why they're no good.
Among the guys who followed you around,
were there any good enough to keep?
What? You want me to battle it out with Jang Fox?
To see who can get a better guy?
Then, I will bet on Jang Mi Eun.
Hey, Hwang Geum Soon.
Oh, you mean "to seduce?"
When did he learn that?
The pure Korean word
to attract someone with one's charm and make the other feel confused.
Well, yes, Jake. I seduced you.
Yes, that's right.
So, don't ever think of coming to Korea to see me.
Excuse me.
You must've just broken up with your boyfriend.
Do you have a boyfriend, perhaps?
It's fine. I've just found a new boyfriend.
Just now?
You've been glancing at me for a while.
I caught you. You're interested in me.
Well, I admit it's true,
but I'm a bit too mature
to see all the women I'm interested in.
Why don't we meet only on Thursdays?
I happen to not have any men booked on that day.
That's really cool.
If you're here to see a doctor, I'm afraid it's closed.
Hey, Sim Yeon Woo!
- Is that a real no? - I'm too busy.
Are you getting back at me for disappearing for six months?
Didn't you miss me? I didn't know you were that patient.
It's a rule for obstetricians to be patient.
What about a girlfriend? Is the spot vacant?
I want to be serious this time.
Unfortunately, there's only one spot for it at a time.
I never asked for it.
I didn't offer it either.
You've gotten pretty.
I need a hug.
Mi Eun.
- Yes? - You're stepping on me.
- What? - Friday.
- What is this? - I'm only free that day.
Call me.
Hey, Yeon Woo
Was it always like that?
(Sim General Hospital's Sim Yeon Woo)
(Sim General Hospital's Sim Yeon Woo)
Pick up the phone. Pick it up.
- Pick it up. - Right.
- Pick it up. - It's not like
I can avoid it.
Pick it up. Come on.
Pick it up.
Ms. Han So Jin, I'm so sorry to call you late.
I have something to say to you.
Sure, go ahead.
Your Super Teol is causing my DNA to mutate.
What do you mean?
I'll go to the centre tomorrow Wait, there are too many people.
We can meet in my office tomorrow.
Come and check in person
why my hair is growing.
- Okay? - Okay, I'll be there.
What do I do, Shai?
It was custom-made for Oh Sang Min,
so it must cause an abnormal hair growth on others.
Our hospital's OBGYN puts
the parents and the child first.
We'll be with you through the pain and hardships
of the mothers' pregnancy and delivery
(Sim General Hospital)
- Trust us and - No
We provide 24 hours
- of service - This is driving me crazy.
Our OBGYN will provide
all the care you need after giving birth.
This was what was on my face.
Gosh Why do you have this?
I'm sure you remember.
(So Jin and Sang Min)
When you got drunk last year,
you couldn't remember a thing from the night before.
I've had this thought for a while.
I think you have REM sleep behaviour disorder.
It's when people subconsciously act out their dreams!
I've had REM sleep behaviour disorder since I was a child.
Apparently, I subconsciously act out dreams.
I'm not sure how my Super Teol got on you,
but did I do something
How interesting.
Did you carry it around like this?
That's not important now, is it?
I can't see patients like this, nor anyone in general.
I don't intend to permanently remove my sideburn.
There must be a solution, right?
You're the inventor, after all.
I assume you have such professional ethics, Ms. Han So Jin.
Well Could you take off the mask?
- Sure. - My goodness!
Can you try turning your face?
Will looking at it help you figure it out?
Could I touch it?
Will touching it help
Please look the other way.
Aren't you examining it right now?
I'm asking to look at your other sideburn.
I have to check how it's different from your original hair.
There's no need.
I prepared samples for you.
This is my original hair. This is the super hair.
I made sure to get hair follicles so you could test them.
I want these nightmarish days to end as soon as possible.
Polyphenol, catechin, biotin, heartleaf, false daisy.
42.3 percent, 27.6 percent,
0.3 percent, and 0.2 percent.
What are you saying?
I'm sorry.
It wasn't enough that I ambushed your place drunk,
I also turned you into a hideous hairy guy.
"A hideous hairy guy?"
You look like an Elvis impersonator.
"An Elvis impersonator?"
Let's try it. I'll be responsible for everything.
I'm so sorry.
Forget the apology.
It's just regrettable that your Super Teol
and my DNA were so compatible.
All right. Open up.
- What are you doing? - A test.
- Don't be nervous. - Me?
To me, you're the nervous one.
Let's do the test.
- Open up. - Here.
A bit wider.
- Here. - Open up.
Open up!
I'll be gentle.
All done.
(Sim General Hospital)
You're good considering it's your first time.
- All right, then - Hey.
I think you have enough.
Are you feeling hot?
Well, a woman I didn't expect
is approaching so suddenly. Of course, it could make me hot.
I see.
Then let me just dry this.
Why won't this open?
Ms. Han So Jin.
Find me the antidote
to Super Teol.
I'll give you 24 hours.
Let's meet back here tomorrow night at 8pm.
If you can't find the solution until then,
I'll have to use other means
to hold you responsible.
Do you understand?
- "Other means?" - Yes.
Please also check for any other test results
and major records from Ms. Yoo Young A's DNA test.
I need to prepare for her next appointment.
(Sim General Hospital)
(Dr. Sim Yeon Woo, on break)
How can I make it in a day?
That's mission impossible.
No way.
Is this his revenge?
I'm in no place to say that.
It's when one dates several partners at a time.
Have you ever considered one might love several at once?
How is that different from cheating? How is that possible?
Why wouldn't it be possible?
Are you afraid you can't be your partner's exclusive lover?
No, not at all.
It's just one way of dating out of many.
Why bother changing yourself to continue dating the man
who doesn't love you?
But isn't it also a part of the fun to find someone different
to work on being together?
Yes. And that's another way of dating.
But polyamorists share the fact
that they're polyamorists.
Mom, I'm here.
Did you fire all your helpers again?
I don't want to leave our house in the hands of strangers.
I should clean it with my own hands.
Did you do the gardening yourself too?
I hired a gardener.
Your father loves flowers.
How did you know I'd be here? You look ready to go out.
Shall we go to a nice place to eat since it has been a while?
I won't go without your father.
how can I go out when I don't know when your father will be home?
Then let's eat at home.
The table's already set. Go and eat if you're hungry.
I have no appetite.
(Sim Yeon Woo)
Yeon Woo.
Listen carefully.
Starting from today, your dad won't be coming home.
It'll be just you and me
in this house
from now on.
Some pheromones can draw you in intensely for a moment,
but it might not be a scent that suits you.
Because such pheromones
intoxicate one another with dangerous chemicals
and lead to tragedy.
But if you find a pheromone that brings back happy memories,
some pheromones can be remembered forever.
Each of us has different memories,
but a strong passage to memories is the sense of smell.
Such pheromones are engraved deeply in us.
If you've felt such a pheromone,
and if you've met such a person,
they're your DNA lover even death can't tear you apart.
Is today the day?
It was yesterday. My parents' wedding anniversary.
Your parents' is today, right?
How do you remember that? I should learn from you.
They're only a day apart.
Did you visit your mom?
I know you go see her twice a year.
On their wedding anniversary and on her birthday.
You should visit her more often since she lives alone.
You're her only child. I bet it makes her upset.
How does it feel?
- What? - To have one person in your heart.
The earth is round.
Just like how the earth is round,
it's a fact that never changes.
The fact that I love that person
doesn't change even if either of us dies.
That's a bit scary.
If one side changes, the other side should too.
I'd prefer it to change rather than not change.
Is that why you always change?
- Perhaps. - Hey.
Why don't you take the opportunity to stay single?
No way. I love women.
You're so selfish.
You know,
I just wonder how it would've been if they had never met.
My mother is still waiting
for that man I call father.
She must think it's fate.
Kang Hoon.
The moment you think it's fate,
everything will become torture.
That's how it works.
It's nice.
If I continue with my pregnancy, I could die.
And even if Pu Reum is born,
her lifespan won't be very long, right?
I won't recommend a decision that would put both the mother
and the baby in danger.
- Thank you. - Take care.
Thank you.
(OBGYN Sim Yeon Woo)
Dr. Sim. Ms. Yoo Young A came and set her surgery date.
(OBGYN Sim Yeon Woo)
I see.
But she looked torn.
By the way,
when I was a child,
my mother committed suicide
and left me behind.
I used to blame her so much,
but strangely enough,
I also have been feeling the desire to die since I was young.
While I was with Pu Reum,
I never wanted to die.
I didn't take any depressants either.
If Pu Reum leaves me,
I might go back to
Ms. Yoo.
Whether it's giving birth or raising a child,
the mother has to be happy.
If the mom isn't happy,
the child won't be either.
If you get those bad thoughts again,
please call
instead of writing a will. Okay?
(Seo Kang Hoon)
Are you all right?
Wake up.
The person you have reached is unavailable.
The injury isn't severe.
His nose is bleeding.
Wake up. Are you okay?
In order to separate the DNA in someone's blood,
place it in a centrifuge first
and set it to 3,000 rmp for 30 minutes
to remove the buffy coat on the cytosol.
After removing the buffy coat layer,
add 150 microlitre of cell lysis solution before vortexing.
Then set it to 10,000 rpm and repeat the process
until the three layers turn clear.
Lastly, add about 20 to 50 microlitres
of the DNA rehydration solution
and incubate it in a heat block
at 56 degrees Celsius for an hour or two.
That gives you that individual's unique DNA.
It's the only thing in the world that doesn't lie.
How one will be born,
and how one will live
It's the window to one's full life.
(All Categories)
(Personal Characteristics)
That's not good.
(Missed call)
The person you have reached is unavailable.
Please leave a message after the tone.
(Vice Director Sim Yeon Woo)
(Iroun Genetic Center's Han So Jin)
Ms. Han So Jin?
You have one hour left until our meeting.
I'm looking forward to it.
I found something very important from Ms. Yoo Young A's results.
She has the dying gene.
Did she show any signs of depression?
What do you mean, Ms. Yoo has the dying gene?
It's something I named.
I know someone who has this DNA.
Their grandfather died, then their father and their uncle,
and this person also tried to die.
The dying gene runs in the family.
If it runs in the family,
does that mean she'll definitely die?
Whoever has this gene
could want to commit suicide over a very small issue.
They could impulsely feel the desire to commit suicide.
What I asked you to check
was Ms. Yoo's health.
I don't want to know about something ridiculous like
Dr. Sim, there's a pregnant woman on the rooftop!
Ma'am, please step down so we can talk.
He's right. Don't do that. Why don't we talk about it?
Hey, hurry. Do something.
I'll stop her.
I'll do it.
Ms. Yoo.
It's me, Sim Yeon Woo.
Please let me say one thing.
(Sim General Hospital)
Step back.
Step back.
This is the Jeongin Rescue Team. We arrived on site.
The person in need of rescue is standing on the rooftop.
We'll set a rescue mattress and send a rescuer up. Over.
Check the position of the rescuee and set the mattress carefully.
This area needs to be cleared, so contact the car owners. Move!
Anyone with license plate 4166?
Do I have to move my car?
Yes, you do.
No, Ms. Yoo Young A doesn't have a guardian as far as I know.
"Ms. Yoo Young A?"
If you get those bad thoughts again,
please call
instead of writing a will, Okay?
Thank you.
(Missed call)
It was her call.
I have to save her. I have to.
Ms. Yoo.
Are you sure
this is the mother you want Pu Reum to see?
For once,
I wanted to live for the first time in my life.
Because now I have a family.
I wanted to give my baby birth.
I wanted to give my baby birth!
This is something
Only you can decide what to do in this situation.
It's your life,
and neither I nor anyone else can live it for you.
However, I cannot suggest a decision in which both mom and baby
will end up
in danger.
I thought
I could get a different answer from you.
That it's okay to give Pu Reum birth
and that I can do that.
No matter how dangerous,
there can be miracles.
Just once
Just this once
Couldn't you have said that to me?
Whether it's giving birth or raising a child,
the mother has to be happy.
If the mom isn't happy,
the child won't be either.
- The reason why I said that - Pu Reum.
They say I can't give birth to you.
But I can't give you up either.
So why don't we go
to a place
we can be happy together?
Wait Pu Reum!
bring Pu Reum to this world.
If that's what it takes to make you happy,
I'll do my best.
Please give me the chance. Won't you?
Why is this car still here? Did you call the owner?
They're on their way but they need 10 more minutes.
No, there's no time. We must lift it.
Everyone, get on it!
- Hurry and lift it. - Let's go!
We're going to lift it. One, two, three!
One, two, three!
One, two, three!
One, two, three!
Excuse me. I'm sorry, excuse me.
I'll be
with Pu Reum forever.
I'm not like my mom who left me.
Are you sure you won't regret it?
Ms. Yoo.
From the moment you found out about your pregnancy,
you fell in love with Pu Reum.
That single moment to meet each other
might be more precious than forever.
To some people,
that one moment where they can meet
could be the most precious thing in the world.
If they could postpone their parting by at least another day,
If they could postpone their parting by at least another day,
they might be able to handle any sacrifice.
They might be able to handle any sacrifice.
You have a lot more time you could spend with Pu Reum left.
You should hold Pu Reum in your arms and meet eyes with her.
You'll even get to hear Pu Reum's cries.
Are you sure
you won't regret this decision?
What if
I have to let go of her after I get to hold her?
It would pain me more.
Do you think Pu Reum thinks the same?
Don't you think
Pu Reum would want to try holding your hand?
No matter how dangerous it might be,
I know you still want the baby.
If that's the path to your happiness,
Dr. Sim is a skilled doctor.
He says he'll try his best.
Are you going to give up like this?
Even if Pu Reum is born,
this poor baby
might not have much time.
I understand
how you feel.
Ms. Yoo.
My family died.
I know how it feels
to lose the family you love.
If they could breathe again even if it's just for a minute,
I'd do everything for them and tell them I love them.
I could give up my life for them.
I know how it feels.
But Pu Reum is still alive.
Please give Pu Reum a chance
to seek for a miracle.
Keep on living.
Both you
and Pu Reum.
keep on living.
Don't die.
That was when
I smelled something nice
from that man.
I'm in trouble.
Some nerd barged into my lane.
(DNA Lover)
It's a sweet and dim scent
I couldn't find from any of my previous DNA lover candidates.
I'm going to steal
- So cool! - that scent.
He was number seven.
What is she doing?
Calm yourself, Han So Jin.
You've only gotten over the first hurdle.
Then what's the next hurdle?
He must not have
the cheaters' gene which makes one a cheater.
The DNA with a scent.
I really hope you don't have it.
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