Do You Like Brahms? (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

Poco a Poco: Slowly, Gradually

- I'll major in violin.
- I'll quit violin.
I'll quit violin.
I'll major in violin.
What kind of plot twist is this?
As soon as you left the
army, you'll quit playing
and become a luthier?
Okay. Good luck, I guess.
Song Ah, instead of finding
a job, you'll major in music?
Yes. Good luck to me too?
No, not to you.
Are you insane? No way.
Why not? Wish me luck too.
I want to study music.
I want to play the violin.
You can't do that. Ask
anyone in the street.
"I studied business at
Seoryeong University,"
"and I want to study
the violin now."
Who would wish you luck?
What stupid idiot
would agree to that?
Don't ask me to.
Shall we go now?
I say yes.
You'll be a stupid idiot?
Don't say what you don't mean
for fear that I'm upset.
It's your decision.
Chae Song Ah's decision
and no one else's.
I know just how hard
you think and worry before
you make a decision.
I'm always on your side.
Getting into the
music department,
studying, and your
future career
It won't be easy.
But I'll root for you.
Thank you.
Did you find a violin tutor?
Not yet.
The lessons cost a lot,
and I haven't told
my parents yet.
How about me?
How about me?
Though I'm not sure
how reliable I am.
I'll work hard to teach you.
If you don't mind learning
from a post-army music major.
I trust you.
I hope you teach me well, sir.
You go ahead. I'll
go separately.
Why? I'll drop you off.
No, I'd rather take a bus.
I have some time
to kill. Go ahead.
Okay, then.
See you.
Take care. I'll call you.
I'm taking the
subway. I'll call.
- It was nice to see you.
- Bye, Dong Yun.
- Let's go.
- Okay.
Then, I'll see you around.
Hey, Park Joon Young.
How long has it been?
Why did you make me come here?
I knew you'd come to get me.
Did I make you wait? My
luggage took a while.
It's okay.
Why tell me to come
to the airport
if we're going to come here?
I know.
Let's eat something first.
Shall we grab something
from downstairs?
- Sure.
- Hang on.
Hey, Min Seong.
What? You're where?
- Congratulations.
- Congratulations.
That was awesome.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Give me some beer too.
- Watch the glasses.
- Be careful.
- So much alcohol.
- Thanks.
Song Ah.
- You're the last to come.
- Song Ah.
Sit here.
Why couldn't I reach
you? I kept calling.
Sorry. CEO Yoon,
Song Ah, scold him for me.
He ignored all my
congratulatory texts
and sent a reply only
after he landed in Incheon.
I said I'm sorry.
I was preoccupied.
I knew you'd come straight
here from the airport,
and called the others.
What a great ex-girlfriend.
Are you two getting
back together?
Why not? You made a nice couple.
Are you cursing me?
I live right here.
Where else would I go?
- That's true.
- I guess.
It makes sense.
- Let's eat.
- How much did we order?
- Did you have dinner?
- Not yet.
This is a new menu
and it's delicious.
I missed the Han River,
Seoul, and Korea.
Is it nice to be back?
Of course it is.
I'm done with my studies and
Jung Kyung came back with me.
And you're here too.
Has it been seven years
since you came back?
To rest and not perform, yes.
Did you sell your
place in Berlin?
I rented it out.
I'll go back one day.
And I don't have a
lot of furniture.
What about the piano?
Right. You returned Jung Kyung's
piano before moving to Berlin.
Doesn't it feel weird to let
someone else live in your home?
It's not my home.
I rented it too.
Where is home for you?
You moved to Seoul
alone in seventh grade.
Your parents' place won't
feel like home anymore.
I don't know.
When I'm on tour, I sleep
somewhere new every night.
It must've been tough on you.
Get all the rest you
need for the next year.
Have fun at university.
And date someone.
Be true to your identity
as a returning student.
A Seoryeong
University professor?
How many are they hiring?
One for strings.
Just one?
Then instead of a violin major,
they could hire a
viola or cello major.
Did all of your US
applications fall through?
It's so nice to have you back.
You studied for long enough.
Help with the
foundation now too.
Excuse me, then.
Goodnight, Mother.
Sleep well.
When you've sorted things out,
let's talk about the
foundation, okay?
Jung Kyung
will apply to teach at
Seoryeong University.
Why? She won't teach in the US?
It's not that she won't.
She didn't get any offers.
We thought she'd
get at least one.
Seoryeong University
won't be easy either.
But still,
I'm so grateful she's
back in Korea with me.
It's been so long since we've
been under the same skies.
Weren't you under the
same skies in the US?
New York and Indiana?
That's 1,100km apart. The
distance from Seoul and Tokyo.
I guess.
- Take care, Min Seong.
- See you.
- Song Ah.
- Yes?
We were all against you going
back to school to study music.
But now you're doing the best.
You live doing what you want.
I'm jealous.
Each time I have to
swipe in for work
There were things I
wanted to do at one time.
Weren't there?
You're a civil servant who's
guaranteed a job until retirement.
Don't complain to a self-employed
CEO and a long-time student.
Your taxi's here. Get in.
Get home safely.
How will you get home?
I'll manage.
- Let's get you home.
- Good for you, Song Ah!
You're doing great, friend!
Watch your head.
- Take care.
- Bye.
She has no idea how I feel.
I'm not doing well at all.
Shall we go? Let's
fix your violin.
I'm sorry I couldn't make it to
your New York recital last month.
My plane got delayed.
Jung Kyung said she
couldn't go either.
Are you upset that
neither of us went?
Forgive Jung Kyung.
She was sick.
Then has it been a while
since you saw her last?
I went to see Jung Kyung as
soon as I landed at the airport.
She looked terribly pale.
She gets bad migraines.
She was all dressed up.
But she couldn't make it.
I cared for her all night and
left early in the morning.
I had to travel to LA.
Did you go straight
to the airport after?
If you'd landed 1
or 2 hours earlier,
we could've met at the airport.
I know. It's a pity
it didn't work out.
It didn't work out.
You were shocked, weren't you?
You wouldn't have expected
to see us fly in together.
Jung Kyung didn't know
you'd be at the airport.
This is called a 2-birds-
with-1-stone surprise!
I feel so happy I'm delirious.
What's wrong?
Do you feel nervous to
play in front of me?
It's me, so you
don't have to be.
You haven't forgotten that when
you said you'd study music,
only I supported you
wholeheartedly, right?
How could I forget that?
So why feel nervous?
Relax and play.
It's open.
- What?
- It's bust open.
Give it to me.
It's cracked here.
So the sound leaks out
instead of filling the body.
I know you haven't
been practicing,
but don't you feel bad about
not knowing it's bust open?
I do.
Who would know about your
instrument if not you?
They all have a soul.
They've been around
for centuries.
Don't let it think that
they met a bad owner.
Okay. Sorry.
I love you.
Say it three times.
Profess your love
for your violin.
Say it three times.
Say it right into the f-hole.
So it can hear it all over.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
Song Ah, congratulations on
getting into the music department.
I hope you become a great
violinist in four years.
PS, poco a poco.
Let's take it slowly, gradually.
Good luck.
Let's start the meeting.
- Okay.
- Okay.
I don't want to.
- Song Ah, let's go.
- Okay.
Are you keeping in
touch with Joon Young?
About using the room.
He hasn't called me since.
Really? I guess
he's taking a break.
This afternoon
My gosh. Ms. Im.
- That really hurts.
- Ms. Im.
- Hang on, Ms. Im.
- It really hurts. What should I do?
- Ms. Cha.
- Sit back down.
I talked to Ms. Im.
She needs to be admitted,
so I told her to relax.
She's due the end of this month,
so she's on maternity leave now.
She'll be okay, right?
Who will take over from her?
The doctor said she
doesn't have to worry.
Let's get back to work and
discuss her duties later.
- Okay?
- Okay.
- Hey, Hae Na.
- Yes?
Director Nah's granddaughter
plays the violin. Do you know her?
Yes. Lee Jung Kyung.
As a kid, she was called
the next Sarah Chang.
She played with the
New York Philharmonic.
We had the same
tutor for a while
when she returned to
Korea in middle school.
She was famous because she was
pretty and got good grades.
Why do you ask?
Just because. So she's
a great violinist then.
She used to be.
Right now, it's hard to say.
She returned after her
mom died in an accident.
Since then, she still plays
better than her peers,
but not half as good as
people expected her to.
Not all child prodigies do
well after they grow up.
Lots of people become
ordinary, like Jung Kyung.
And even if she is ordinary,
she's still a very good violinist.
- Hello.
- Hello.
You came early.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
I'm Nah Moon Sook of
Kyunghoo Cultural Foundation.
It's nice to meet you.
Gosh. Seung Ji Min sold more
than 200,000 debut albums
in Korea.
That's incredible.
It's a bit sad though.
When Park Joon Young won
second place in the
Chopin Competition,
people went crazy since he was
the first Korean to win an award.
But after Seung Ji Min won first
place in the same competition,
- it's a bit
- A bit what?
He doesn't stand a chance now.
That's why they say
ranks are so important.
Even if there wasn't a first
place winner that year,
he still only got second place.
I know that too.
So before Park Joon
Young gets too old
to participate in
more competitions,
he should participate
in another competition.
The Tchaikovsky Competition
next year, or
"The Tchaikovsky Competition"?
Why would he take
such a crazy risk?
What if he participates and
comes in 3rd instead of 2nd,
or even fails to win an award?
I'm just saying, as a fan.
Rather than waiting for him to
win the Tchaikovsky Competition,
I recommend you become
Seung Ji Min's fan.
I'll be going then.
Go get some coffee.
- Buy us coffee.
- Next time.
I have work to do too.
- I'll buy you coffee.
- No, thanks.
Why are they all
leaving suddenly?
I started working as
my father's secretary.
After he passed away,
the company was passed down to
me and I've been working since.
I don't know music that well.
After retiring 15 years ago
and establishing the
cultural foundation,
I tried studying music
since I was the director
and all, but gosh.
I doubt I know as much as you.
I'm just someone who
buys you food like today.
For the performers
who make good music
and staff that work
hard behind the stage.
I'm someone who wants to
treat you to a decent meal.
So whenever new members
join our foundation,
I always make time
to share a meal.
So I can ask you to work
hard for our foundation.
Please work hard for
Kyunghoo Cultural Foundation.
- We're back.
- Hello.
Ms. Cha, we're back.
Did you meet the
director? Have a seat.
I want to talk about
your work allocation.
What is the matter
with my bangs?
Hae Na will be
working with me then.
I wonder if Ms. Chae
Song Ah will do well.
Can she handle being the liaison
for Joon Young's piano trio?
Do you need my help?
Don't worry.
Mr. Park, you know me.
I've been doing my
bangs for 10 minutes!
What do you do all day?
I go on walks and read books.
What about practice?
I heard you practice at
the foundation office.
Yes, sometimes.
About that night
That night
when I performed in New York.
Yes. What about it?
Change seats.
The sun is too
strong, so scoot over.
I'll get three iced
Americanos since it's hot out.
Shall I
get married?
I've been seeing Hyeon
Ho for a long time.
Shall I get married?
Are you serious?
No, it was a joke.
Jung Kyung.
When I said I was going
to marry Hyeon Ho,
I thought you would
congratulate me.
What's with the face?
did you do it that night?
No particular reason.
I was glad to see
you. That was all.
I guess I lived in the US for
too long. I went overboard.
But don't mess around
like that ever again.
It's not funny at all.
I spilled some.
I should've checked the lid.
Thank you.
Shall I
get married?
Are you serious?
- Can I get you to sign this?
- Sure.
- What's your name?
- Carina.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
She's Anna from Moscow.
Oh, Anna?
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Thank you for coming.
- Thank you.
Hey, are you a fan of his?
If you want, I can
get you his autograph.
Please sign this for me.
- Okay.
- Sign it for me.
Yes, I'll sign it for you.
Thank you.
Jung Kyung.
Jung Kyung.
She said later
that she felt jealous.
She didn't like seeing
him somewhere
she couldn't be.
That's why she wanted to check.
Whether she was still
an important person to him.
Jung Kyung!
Joon Young, you're here too.
Did you sleep well?
- Did you have breakfast?
- No.
I'm starving.
She's in the hospital?
Is she okay now?
Yes, fortunately.
So your liaison will be
I'm sorry I'm late.
You're just on time.
Ms. Chae Song Ah will take over.
- Nice to meet you.
- Hello. Same here.
I hear you all happened
to meet this past weekend.
It was meant to be.
- I hope we get along.
- I do as well.
I'll let you get on
with the meeting.
Oh, right. Can you
stay for dinner?
I made reservations.
I was hoping to treat you
all since it's been a while,
but something else came up.
I thought of
postponing the dinner,
but since you're all here,
you can take Song Ah instead.
We'll do that. Thank you.
I'll eat out with
you another time.
Go ahead with the meeting then.
- See you.
- Bye.
Have some coffee.
I didn't know what you'd like,
so I got iced Americanos.
- Thanks.
- Thank you.
Your coffee is
I spilled it on
the way. It's fine.
- Drink this instead.
- It's okay.
You don't drink coffee because
it makes your heart race.
Don't you drink coffee?
- There's Solomon's seal tea
- No, no.
- I drink it now, sometimes.
- Really?
He wouldn't even eat chocolate
because of the caffeine.
It doesn't matter.
You're so sensitive.
Song Ah.
We first played together
in eighth grade.
Jung Kyung had just
moved back from the US.
I fell in love at first
sight and got so nervous.
I couldn't talk to her,
so I dragged him along
when he wasn't interested.
I used music as an excuse
and asked her to enter the school
chamber music competition with us.
But she refused right away.
That was so mean of you.
She told me not to bug
her, that I was annoying.
My first love is
marred with wounds.
But in the end,
we played together
in the competition.
How did you manage
to persuade her?
I don't know. Why did you
suddenly change your mind?
I don't remember.
I see.
Do you remember?
No, I don't either.
What? The three of
us sound like idiots.
It's late. Let's go home.
Where else should we go?
All right. You can begin now.
What is this? Do you
think I'm Stevie Wonder?
Show us if you're
as good as him.
Mr. Park, do you
accept song requests?
I will.
Song Ah, if there's anything
you want to hear, ask him.
Me? It's okay.
Go on, ask him.
Since you're now a
member of our team.
This may be your last chance,
so just ask him.
Schumann's "Träumerei".
I heard you play that
piece by coincidence.
That song from Schumann's
Right, Jung Kyung.
Did you say you got your
name from that piece?
Did your mother like this?
That's not true. I got my
name from my mom's name.
I see. Sorry.
Anyhow, Joon Young liked
Schumann since he was young.
But I've never heard
him play "Träumerei".
Well, then.
Mr. Park, please play
Schumann's "Träumerei"
from his collection,
- You can play another song
- I'll play it.
Listen carefully,
since I'll never play it again.
Listen carefully,
since I'll never play it again.
I love you.
I know. Of course I do.
Go back to sleep.
Jung Kyung.
I love you.
I love you so much.
Mr. Park is at the hotel
with the conductor,
so Hae Na, you can go there
and come back with him.
- He might need a hand.
- Okay.
Joon Young said he'll be coming
to Hannam-dong on his own.
Right, Song Ah.
I want to give the conductor
Joon Young's album,
but we don't have any
left in the office.
Can you go buy it?
- Song Ah, look at that.
- What?
Seung Ji Min's photo is posted
almost everywhere we go.
I guess Park Joon
Young is done for.
What if Park Joon Young came
back since he failed abroad?
Maybe the sabbatical
is just an excuse.
To be honest, although he's
pretty good at the piano,
he's popular thanks
to his looks.
If he was a bit uglier,
no one would know him.
It's Mr. Park.
Yes, Mr. Park. Yes.
Hey, wait Wait
Wait, why is this
beeping? I have to go.
Ma'am, you didn't pay for that.
I'm sorry.
Oh, gosh.
There's a moment when we
suddenly realize something.
I have never enjoyed
participating in competitions.
I always lost weight
and suffered from insomnia.
I had to keep participating
for two reasons.
First, I had to win the prize
money to support my family.
Joon Young, your dad
really didn't mean to
stand surety for that person.
After coming to Seoul alone
to study at an art school,
I had to make a
living for myself.
And the other reason was
the one person who
lent her hand
when I was about to give up.
The money that was given
to me as a scholarship
was the price for a
young girl's grief.
I hated the fact
that her tragedy
became my fortune,
but I wanted to continue
playing the piano
and I didn't want
to go back home.
So I
decided to become
friends with her.
I hoped
that would make me
feel a bit better.
Let's do the chamber music
competition together.
After that,
I began participating in
competitions endlessly.
So that person who helped me
would feel proud.
However, after the last
competition where I came in second,
I realized how unbearable
it was to leave my home
and fall asleep
alone every night
in another hotel room.
After pouring all my energy
out on stage every night,
I came home and
thought about her,
and about my other
friend as well.
Was this emotion friendship,
Joon Young.
or a sense of being indebted?
The more I thought about it,
the more it frightened me,
so I tried to ignore it.
But I realized it
at that moment.
That I
loved her.
But to be honest, I
always knew how I felt.
But I had already realized
I couldn't express it.
I was looking forward to my
sabbatical for several years,
but everything got messed
up from the beginning.
What if Park Joon Young came
back since he failed abroad?
Maybe the sabbatical
is just an excuse.
He's popular thanks
to his looks.
If he was a bit uglier,
no one would know him.
Hey, wait Wait
The things that I knew
but chose to ignore
because I didn't want
to face reality
are starting to show one by one.
What will be
waiting for me next?
Young In said that
little kid is amazing.
I wonder how good she is.
She said that?
Yes, she said she's
really talented.
I heard she's Professor
Song's student too.
Professor Song always knows how
to choose the cream of the crop.
I hope she turns
out better than me.
I'm not sure about that.
But I doubt she'll turn
out prettier than you.
What are you saying?
Joon Young, you're here.
- Did you eat?
- Yes, a little.
I told you to eat properly.
You haven't met
Ji Won, have you?
- No.
- I'll introduce you.
Why is this so hard?
How's your migraine?
You suffered so much when
you were in New York.
Do you know how worried I was?
You were so sick that you
couldn't even go see Joon Young
I did it.
Did Joon Young say that?
That I didn't go
see his recital?
The only person who knows
how to read music
is Song Ah.
Song Ah.
Could you turn the pages for me?
Have you ever done page-turning?
No, it's my first time.
It's okay.
Even if you make a mistake, I've
memorized almost everything.
Give her some more
specific tips.
You must've done this often
when you were in school.
I'm not sure if
this will be useful,
but you need to feel
the pianist's breath.
Gosh, that's so vague.
Well, it's a bit difficult
to explain in words.
Song Ah, you know
what I mean, right?
Yes. I'll try it.
Is this something that
only musicians get?
Then you two figure it out.
Let's see
Did he say I didn't go?
Am I wrong? Did you go?
No, I didn't go.
I didn't see Joon Young.
Don't they look nice together?
You need to feel the
pianist's breath.
Good job, Song Ah.
Joon Young, I'm heading off.
You won't stay and watch?
I'm rehearsing with the
philharmonic as a guest cellist.
Oh, right. Take care.
- I won't go far.
- That's fine.
- See you soon, Song Ah.
- Okay. Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
- Take care.
Jung Kyung, can we borrow
some black clothes?
- Clothes?
- Yes.
Song Ah is the page-turner
and her suit is too bright.
- Okay.
- Is that your best?
Your righthand pizzicato
is not loud enough.
The blisters hurt so much.
You still have blisters?
If you practiced hard enough,
your fingers would
be callused by now.
Then it wouldn't hurt.
- Song Ah, does it fit?
- Yes.
Your hands. Are they okay?
It suits you.
Oh, thank you.
Page-turning is
tiring, isn't it?
Is this the one I gave you?
Before the Chopin Competition?
You still use it?
You haven't played this
piano in a while then.
No, I haven't.
Do you want a snack?
No, I'm fine.
Drink something then.
Welcome, maestro.
Come inside.
Today's performance
was just Bravo.
Thank you.
From what I heard today,
your Schumann must
be impeccable.
You could play Brahms
pretty well too.
Hey. Is that a
matching couple's ring?
It is.
It's amusing how string musicians
wear rings on their right hand.
- Did you meet on campus?
- Yes. He's my year and plays cello.
I'm jealous.
After you graduate, will you
work instead of studying abroad?
Yes. I got a few post-grad offers
from universities overseas,
but I'm interested
in planning events.
What about you?
- Pardon?
- What will you do after graduation?
You're interested in planning
concert events too, aren't you?
For now, my first
goal is to graduate.
We have to do senior
recitals next semester too.
What a nice breeze.
try too hard to play
and impress everybody.
If all the judges
of a competition
give you eight points,
then of course you
might come in first.
But it could be better to
get 10 points from 1 or 2,
and 6 or 7 points from the rest.
Because in that case,
those 1 or 2 judges
will go home having seen a
performance they'll never forget.
Don't fear anything.
Follow your heart.
I'll take this one.
- Good job.
- You too.
See you tomorrow, Song Ah.
- There are no more taxis.
- No.
- Where do you live?
- Seocho-dong.
- Near Seoul Arts Center?
- Yes.
It's not too far
from here by taxi.
It takes just as
long to go by subway.
Were you
waiting for my taxi with me?
Pardon? Well, yes.
I was waiting with
you for your taxi.
- Oh, I was waiting with you.
- Right.
My goodness.
I hope you get home safely.
I'd like to get
something to eat.
Didn't you eat earlier?
Well, I usually find
it hard to eat
before or after a performance.
I see. Then have a good night.
By the way.
How did you like
today's performance?
- What?
- Today's performance.
Did you like it?
I did.
I'm glad.
How about you?
I'm satisfied too since
everyone liked it.
Not what others think.
I mean, did you like it?
I think
the last time you
played was a bit better.
"Last time"?
When you played "Träumerei" in
the rehearsal room that night.
Today was great,
but strangely, I keep thinking
of you playing that night.
Whenever I think about it,
it touches someplace
in my heart.
I better get going.
Okay, have a good night.
I'm satisfied too since
everyone liked it.
Not what others think.
I mean, did you like it?
Song Ah.
Can I sit here?
Sure Of course, take a seat.
Do you have someone you like?
Jung Kyung went to see
Joon Young's recital.
Really? She did?
Don't tell Song Ah
about you and me.
Song Ah, Dong Yun and I
I like him too.
I really like that song,
- so I don't want to hear it now.
- I'm sorry.
Joon Young has never
played that piece.
It was Brahms' way of
finding comfort and solace.
Through music,
rather than words.
Do you want to be friends?
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