Doctor Slump (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Sometimes, you suddenly lose
balance within your mind…
and you feel lethargic.
Did you really think this trash
was good enough material?
You feel lonely and exhausted.
And you feel depressed…
during this time of emotional fatigue.
The defendant, Yeo Jeong-woo…
- Died from excessive bleeding.
- Video was paused…
And they found
his fingerprints on it as well.
That's impossible.
As if someone was trying
to ruin your life on purpose,
life doesn't go your way
in times like this.
He hits the breaking ball.
They take the lead!
We call this a "slump."
He hangs his head. He's just unable
to pull himself out of this slump.
In his last game…
And this period of time,
no matter when, no matter who it is…
…and no matter the reason…
it will always come.
Hi, Mom. It's early morning over there.
Why are you awake?
I called because I was worried.
Are you okay?
Don't worry.
I'm innocent, so everything will work out.
Of course, it should.
Your father's a chairman candidate
for the American Heart Association.
He would be the first Asian.
So make sure all of his hard work
doesn't go to waste.
it's at the lowest point in your life.
Such as now.
Who are you?
- You…
- Why are you…
Hey, I only wear sports bras.
This is my mom's--
You're Yeo Jeong-woo, right?
- No, I'm not.
- Yes, you are.
If you knew, then why did you ask?
What brings you here?
Did you come here to see me?
- You wish.
- Then, why are you at my house?
You think I broke in or something?
This is my house too, you know.
That's right. And where do you live--
No way.
No way.
No way!
Darn it!
Kyung-min, it's me.
Jeong-woo, I was going to call you.
Did the move go all right?
That's not important. Didn't you say
your mentee introduced you to this place?
- Was the mentee…
- Hong-ran.
Hey, Ha-neul.
After collapsing in the street,
you must be feeling good
since you called me out for drinks.
- How are you?
- I'm fine as you can see.
By the way, did you tell Kyung-min
our rooftop room was for rent?
Yeah, didn't I tell you?
- No.
- Really?
I ran into him recently,
and he was looking at a real estate app.
His friend needed to move.
Then, I remembered your mother was worried
about no one renting the rooftop.
So I told him about it.
You shouldn't have done that.
So that mentee of yours
is Ha-neul's friend,
and I ended up renting
a room at her house?
I didn't know it was Ha-neul's place.
You know each other,
so it does sound embarrassing.
I'm not embarrassed. I'm in despair.
It's the worst thing
that could've happened to my ruined life.
What kind of relationship
did you two have?
In high school, she was--
Your first love?
Didn't you hear me say "despair"?
She's not my first love. She's my nemesis.
And not just any nemesis.
She's my biggest nemesis.
What exactly happened
to make you say that?
There you go again.
You're bothering me.
Jeez, what's his deal?
She's at it again. She downed
five instant coffee sticks today.
I've been watching. She's gone through
five coffees and seven pencils.
She studies so much
she uses up all her pencils.
Jeez. Who cares about what she does?
No one does.
But after only seeing
this type of top student,
it's fascinating to see a different type.
- You two are total opposites.
- Right.
How are we different?
How do I put it?
This is how you actually study.
You're kind of laidback.
- Okay.
- But Ha-neul studies like a bulldozer.
Something like this.
"I'm studying!"
"Math, English, social studies, science!"
- "I'll solve them all!"
- Hey!
- Be quiet.
- Sorry.
Look at how scary she is.
What if she ends up beating you
in next the midterm exams? I'm worried.
For what? She'll never beat me.
What? Then, why are you shaking your leg?
Be honest. You're worried too, right?
Aren't you guys cold? I'm freezing.
The sun's blazing today.
Why are you biting your nails?
They're checking our nails tomorrow.
Didn't you know? You fools are so filthy.
Who checks nails these days?
He's worried. He totally is.
Jeong-woo's going to get it for sure.
No way! It'll be Nam Ha-neul.
What are you doing?
We're just curious about who'll get
the top score on midterms.
So you're making bets on that?
Yeah, and it's pretty close.
Good luck, Jeong-woo.
Your midterm scores that you've been
dying to know are finally out.
Goodness, you're that happy?
- Kim Do-hyeon.
- Here.
- Joo Yeong-ha.
- Here.
- Kim Mu-geun.
- Here.
- Chan-yeong.
- Here.
Yeo Jeong-woo.
All right. Who's next?
- Jeong-woo!
- Are you okay?
What's the matter?
- He's not breathing!
- The nurse's office!
- The nurse's office!
- The nurse's office!
That's it.
Watch his legs. Goodness.
What's going on?
Breathe, Jeong-woo!
- Make way!
- Where's the nurse's office?
To the right!
- Turn!
- Turn!
Jeong-woo got mad and fainted
after coming in second.
So that's why he went to the hospital.
There he is.
- But he looks fine.
- Right? What's going on?
I heard an ambulance came,
but he seems okay.
- You're right. He seems okay.
- I heard he fainted. He's fine.
He fainted because of midterms?
That's crazy.
That incident
provoked my dormant competitiveness.
After that incident,
he started to retaliate in childish ways.
I'll go on ahead. Take your time.
I'm going to eat two.
Goodness. Nice, Jeong-woo!
- He's really good.
- That's my friend.
Is he insane?
What happened?
We were at each other's throats, and then…
Forget it.
Come on. You stopped
right when it got interesting.
Are you building the suspense?
That's not why.
It's because the gist of the story is
I'm not happy to see him again,
so let's end it there.
Why? I want to know more
about your first love.
- First love?
- It's what you've been talking about.
After arguing like enemies,
didn't you end up liking him?
That's not true.
Then, you could've just called.
Why bring me out?
- I'm actually worried about something.
- Worried?
What is it?
I'm a bit depressed.
What? Depressed?
That makes two of us.
Everyone in this day and age is depressed.
Seeing how you're making up stuff
to change the subject,
he must really be your first love.
So tell me.
Is he cute? Are you two going to date?
Don't be absurd.
Forget him. He'll be moving out soon.
Moving out? Why?
He fainted after losing to me,
so you really think he'd stay at my house?
With that pride of his?
I can't stay here. Absolutely not.
If I haven't violated anything
in the contract,
I'm moving out immediately.
Let's see.
Here it is.
"If the lessee chooses to violate
this contract, the lessor…"
You startled me.
What is it?
Are you a thug? Why are you
in my way to pick a fight?
I'm not picking a fight.
I just have something to say.
- What is it?
- You see…
If you're uncomfortable
about me staying here,
just bear it.
You've seen the news, right?
I'm being sued right now.
I'm not doing too well,
so I can't move out.
I won't get my deposit back
without a new tenant.
Real estate fees, moving fees,
and compensation for damages.
- I--
- Just stay here.
Nam Ha-neul.
I don't care if someone
like you stays here or not.
What? Someone like…
This is strangely more offensive
than telling me to move out.
Forget it.
We always argue like this,
so I'd rather just move out.
- Really?
- What?
Yes, really. So what?
I'm 3.7 billion won in debt anyway.
A bit more won't make a difference.
You're 3.7 billion won in debt?
It was actually ten billion.
But I sold my house, car, and stocks.
So now, I'm 3.7 billion in debt.
I even put my precious clinic
on the market,
but no one wants it
because the incident happened there--
What was that?
I was telling a really sad story.
Goodness. I'm sorry.
I didn't know you'd go on for so long.
Anyway, I hope you move out soon.
That thug!
I wasn't talking about you, sir.
I was talking
about that woman who just went in.
That woman is my niece.
I see.
Gosh, the owner of this noodle shop
has quite a temper.
He's my uncle.
I see.
Have a nice day.
It's nighttime though.
Gosh. Her uncle, her mother,
and her brother all live here.
What a full house.
It must be great
to have so many on your side.
- I bought the gochujang.
- Thanks.
Why make all this food
when Ha-neul's only going to eat nurungji?
By the way, Mom.
- He seems familiar.
- Who?
I met someone strange on the rooftop,
and he looked familiar.
- Maybe we know each other.
- The guy on the rooftop's a doctor.
I see. Then, I don't know him.
The only doctors I know
are Ha-neul, Hong-ran,
and Doctor Strange.
Can two guys fit up there though?
Two guys?
No, he's the only tenant.
I think I saw another guy go up.
I shouldn't have said I'd move out.
Gosh, Ha-neul.
At least dry your hair before you go.
I'm running late. Bye.
Come home early today.
I'll make you some milmyeon.
I'll have to see.
Right. I don't need to make myself
more distraught by running into her.
I mean, there are
other rooftop rooms out there.
There are semi-basements
and goshiwons as well.
It's not a problem at all.
Of course not.
What are you doing?
Did it get in your eyes?
- My eyes…
- Gosh.
- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
- I'm terribly sorry.
- Gosh.
Come in.
What is it?
Why are you both here? It's scaring me.
We're here to tell you it's only noon,
but your schedule is completely empty
for the rest of the day.
I'm aware of that.
Dr. Bin, why don't we promote
our clinic more actively?
Come on.
The poster of me in Gangnam Station
is bigger than BTS's.
What more can we do?
Exactly. Who promotes their clinics
in Gangnam Station these days?
Every doctor has
their own NeoTube channel.
- So you should also--
- No.
I'll only do that as a hobby.
- It's to record my daily life.
- Look.
The name of your channel is
"The Michelangelo of Surgery."
But there's not a single thing
about surgeries here.
"The Temperature
at Which a Dog Feels Cold."
"What to Do With Leftover Tteokbokki."
That's all you upload.
So including us, no wonder you have
a total of five subscribers.
You already have a channel,
so why don't you upload videos
that help patients
like how Yeo Jeong-woo does?
Who knows?
You could take this chance
while he's gone and take his spot.
Ms. Han, what do you take me for?
I'm going to leave that spot open
until Jeong-woo returns.
- Yet he always bad-mouths him.
- Exactly.
I only did that out of love.
It's true that I talked behind his back,
but there's a story behind us
that no one knows.
- It was--
- We don't need to hear it, right?
But it's interesting…
Damn it.
I think it'll take a while.
We'll need to hang new wallpaper
due to the mold inside
and replace the broken windows.
Wouldn't the repairs take a while?
- I need to move in quickly.
- Don't worry.
It'll only take two days.
And you're not moving in today anyway.
By the way, what do you do for a living?
Teacher? Civil servant?
You're plastic surgeon,
Dr. Yeo Jeong-woo, right?
Yes, that's right.
Wait, is he someone famous?
Well… Ma'am, could I see you for a moment?
I think he's in the middle of a trial.
Right now?
- Isn't he the guy on the news?
- You're right.
- Is that Yeo Jeong-woo?
- Yes.
Hey, Jeong-woo.
You're early. You seemed to be outside.
I'm busy, so let's cut to the chase.
- What did you hear?
- Well…
I did ask everyone around me,
but not many knew of him.
All I found out was
he doesn't like to socialize much
and he doesn't panic
no matter what situation it is.
Why did you want me to look into him?
Everyone in the OR that day
was asked to give their statement,
- but he was the only one who refused.
- What?
Didn't you hire him two months ago?
I mean, you didn't know him from before.
You can't really trust him,
and his reputation's not that good either.
So why did you hire him?
He brought me his resume in person.
Usually, no one suddenly comes looking
for a job like that without calling.
So I thought he had his reasons
and didn't ask much more.
You're unbelievable too.
No matter what you thought,
that position's crucial.
You should've looked into him.
I know.
I'm sorry, Mr. Yeo.
I spoke with the landlady.
Since the verdict hasn't come out yet,
she feels a bit uncomfortable.
There's Ha-neul.
So did you guys talk?
I told her I'd move out.
It's too uncomfortable running into her.
Why would it be uncomfortable?
You may have been rivals,
but you're all grown up now.
Moving out over that is so childish.
You're right.
Why was I so childish?
As if anyone's willing to take me in.
Send them the consultation
we just went over.
Yes, Doctor.
My, what a successful doctor.
You're as impressive
as the ones in medical dramas.
Why are you here?
Definitely not to see you.
I came to see Kyung-min.
By the way…
How do you know Kyung-min?
He tutored me
when I was a senior in high school. Why?
No reason.
- I guess he wasn't a competent tutor.
- And why is that?
I beat you on the first semester midterm.
Is that so?
I believe I beat you.
You fainted after getting mad at losing.
Don't play dumb.
I didn't faint. I just briefly sat down.
Those strange rumors--
I even beat you
on the first semester finals too.
Why do you keep saying that?
We each got one question wrong.
- Don't you remember we tied for first?
- I do.
- Exactly.
- But I got a math problem wrong.
They never taught me that in Busan.
And when I came to Seoul,
it had already been covered.
I had to study on my own,
so I was at a disadvantage.
Technically speaking, I basically won.
We both aced all our tests
during second semester, so it was a draw.
But I pretty much beat you twice
during first semester--
And the college entrance exams?
I got a higher score than you.
I only had one wrong and got into HNU.
You made so many mistakes
and got four wrong.
Aren't you busy?
Aren't you really busy house-hunting?
I actually wanted
to talk to you about that.
Good luck then.
Okay, good for you.
You have a job,
and your family owns a building.
But guess what?
Those things won't last forever.
You could lose them at any moment like me!
Ms. Nam, your next appointment
is tomorrow at 1:00 p.m.
Yeah, it must feel great to be happy.
I'll go on ahead.
Right. Even guys like him are doing fine.
Everyone is a bit unhappy in life.
It's not just me.
So I should stay strong and--
Damn it! Hey.
Our department has the lowest reviews
from students for practical training.
I have the lowest score
among all anesthesiologists.
Dr. Nam.
What have you been doing?
I'm sorry, sir.
Did you just sigh? Did you?
I asked if you just sighed. Well?
Professor Kim.
We got a call from the OBGYN.
The patient's 34 years old.
She's 36 weeks and four days pregnant.
She has placenta previa. She's bleeding
and needs an emergency C-section.
- Can you carry it out right away?
- Gosh.
- She's the chairman's daughter.
- You're telling me that now?
- You can come in too, right?
- Sorry?
It's surgery for a VVIP.
I can't bring in an intern or a resident.
Follow me.
He must be scared to do it alone.
Is the blood ready?
Yes, sir. We have two ready.
- I'll insert the line.
- Yes, sir.
Darn it. I broke a blood vessel.
I'll insert the P-line first
for transfusion.
Her blood vessels are too weak
and keep bursting.
Professor Kim, should I do it?
Insert the A-line. I'll do the P-line.
The line, please.
They're too weak.
Give me another angiocath.
We're in a time crunch. May we begin?
Sir, I'll give it a try on this arm.
Go on, then.
The line, please.
You may begin.
Dr. Nam.
How did our VVIP's surgery go?
Good. Both the mother and baby are fine.
I'm glad to hear that.
Right. You didn't forget
about the lecture this week, right?
The lecture material we discussed before.
Update and send it to me by tonight.
- Bye.
- Bye, Professor.
By tonight?
Have you been okay this past week?
No, I haven't.
I actually wasn't going to come
since I wasn't that depressed.
But my heart was racing painfully,
and it felt suffocating.
So I was wondering why.
They're physical symptoms
caused by depression.
Many think depression
is solely an illness in the mind.
But it's not just an emotional state
where you simply feel sad and suicidal.
Some physical symptoms
of depression are insomnia,
changes in appetite, indigestion,
and even headaches.
Another symptom is when your chest
feels rock hard and as if it's tightening.
Then, what should I do?
The best thing
you can do right now is rest.
It's not an option. It's a must.
Is my condition that bad?
Some people have broken limbs.
For you, it's your mind.
If you break a bone,
you should stop running and rest, right?
"I can't stop now.
I can just use crutches."
"It'll feel better if I run faster."
You can't do that.
I think the best thing to do now is
to take care of yourself as you rest.
I see.
Hello, Dr. Lee.
Look at this.
I donate tens of billions to this hospital
and this is what you do to my daughter?
I apologize, ma'am.
What happened?
There she is.
Yesterday, I brought
my fellow into the OR,
and she kept messing up.
She must've been very nervous
since you're the chairman's daughter.
I thought I could depend on her.
I would've done it myself otherwise.
It's my fault, ma'am.
I'm sorry.
Given the situation,
you should just take the blame.
I'm a candidate
for Chief of Anesthesiology next year.
I can't let something like this
get in my way.
If I go down, it's over for you too.
They want a minute-by-minute record
of the surgery, so do what they want.
Give them a heartfelt apology.
Kneel if you must.
You want me to kneel?
They're taking this pretty seriously.
So just pretend like you care.
Just do as I say!
What? You can't do it?
Is kneeling too much for someone like you?
Does it hurt your pride?
And you can't even do your job right.
Am I incompetent?
I believe I never messed up
the patient's arm like you did.
Are you serious right now?
Please stop blaming others.
We got the lowest student reviews
because your classes are lousy.
The dissertation was rejected
because you planned it wrong.
You lost the grant
because that idea was five years old.
How could you expect it to pass?
It was embarrassing
how you always used me as an excuse.
And now you want me to kneel for you?
Have you gone insane?
Are you crazy?
You go and kneel. Just like this.
Is kneeling too much for someone like you?
Hey! Do you think
you'll get away with this?
I'll make sure you never set foot
in this field ever again!
Say goodbye to being a doctor!
Do as you please.
I won't sacrifice my health for this.
Nam Ha-neul quit.
- What? Really?
- Yes.
Dr. Nam confronted Professor Kim and quit.
I heard Dr. Nam
beat Professor Kim to a pulp.
Professor Kim needs
to recover for four weeks.
How badly was he beaten?
Someone saw him and said
he might need more than that.
Is she crazy?
What's going on?
Come on.
I'm sorry!
- Are you okay?
- Yes.
Gosh, my rotator cuff.
One cold and one spicy noodles.
All right.
Thank you.
This is so good.
One cold and one spicy noodles.
- Cold noodles?
- Here.
Here you go.
You know what? You can have this.
Thank you very much.
Were you just talking about my daughter?
No, we weren't.
Come on. I heard everything.
I think I heard you mention her job.
Weren't you talking
about my anesthesiologist daughter?
Not at all.
She gave me the last dumpling,
so I said, "Thank you very much."
I see. So that's what you said.
I misunderstood what you said.
Have I told you?
My daughter might become
a college professor next year.
No one can hold a candle to her
when it comes to anesthesiology.
You must be so happy.
Much, much, thank you very much.
I should tranquilize you.
- Excuse me.
- Go take their order.
Yes, sir.
The number…
Why isn't she picking up?
Sir, I'll get out here.
Hey, what's going on?
I heard you quit.
Word travels fast.
I heard you beat up Professor Kim too.
If you hit your professor like that,
no hospital will take you in.
Why did you quit?
- Why?
- That hurts.
Be quiet. My mom will hear you.
Let's talk else…
You quit the hospital?
What does that mean?
Damn it.
I'm sorry I quit without telling you.
Let's at least hear the reason.
Why on earth did you quit?
I thought I needed a break.
Then, just take some time off.
Isn't this a waste of your hard work?
Of course, it is.
That's exactly what I'm saying.
I heard you hit your professor.
Dealing with others at work
isn't always easy or smooth.
You could've talked it out.
You had a great job--
- Great for who?
- What?
The humiliation I get at work
is more than you can imagine.
I studied 17 hours a day as a student.
And I work 17 hours a day now
but still get scolded.
I'm always insulted
and called a fool at work.
I get scolded all the time
for absolutely no reason.
Everyone gets scolded in life.
You're right. I was wrong.
I should've let them
keep insulting me so I was miserable
and let my body deteriorate.
- That's not what--
- I have depression.
I pushed myself too hard
and couldn't rest when I was tired,
so it became an illness of the mind.
That can't be.
That's just ridiculous.
I raised you the best I could!
I sacrificed everything for you.
That could…
never happen to my daughter.
I don't know who told you that nonsense,
but you of all people can't be depressed.
I can't even be sick?
I've lived my entire life
the way you wanted me to.
So can't I at least be sick?
The number you have dialed…
- She's not answering you either?
- No.
She's still not home?
- Something's up, right?
- Of course not.
Actually, I needed a facial cleanser
for my fair and beautiful skin.
So I went searched her room to get one.
Actually, I looked around to see
if she had any cash hidden.
But I found a bunch
of medicine in her closet.
Hold on.
Gosh, what's all this?
What kind of medicine would she hide?
There's an app that can tell us.
Should I look it up?
- Yes.
- Let's see.
I thought she was doing just fine.
Hey, Ha-neul.
Want to have some soju?
Just have a drink with me.
I'm feeling pretty down today
and need someone to talk to.
One drink isn't enough.
- What?
- I'll go if it's at least three bottles.
Three bottles?
Let's go.
Hold on.
Jeez, what are you doing?
I just got chills down my spine.
I got chills too as I was doing it.
I'm just embarrassed
to drink with you in those scrubs.
I get that they're comfortable,
but you can't wear them outside.
Hurry and zip it up.
Gosh, it's long.
Good. That's a bit better.
Let's go.
Have some.
We'll take it easy
with three bottles and leave.
How is that taking it easy?
And don't pretend we're close
because we drank together.
Please. I'd like to say the same to you.
Hey, Jeong-woo!
It is him.
Holy cow.
He looks like a celebrity.
Do you remember Min-ho?
He opened a barbecue restaurant last week.
This year's reunion will be there.
Let's leave.
Wait, Jeong-woo.
You're here, so sit. Where are you going?
I wasn't planning to come here.
Come on, don't lie. Sit down.
- No.
- Come on.
You… What?
Aren't you Ha-neul?
- It is her. It's Ha-neul.
- Holy cow.
We wondered how you were doing.
Come sit with us.
Sit down.
What's with you two?
You used to be enemies.
You've been keeping in touch?
That's not it.
I'm staying at--
I had to discuss my dissertation with him.
I reached out to him.
That's so cool.
I heard you two are doctors.
You look the part.
Honestly, it's just one of them.
Jeong-woo's hit rock bottom.
What? You were all bad-mouthing him.
Mu-geun and Chan-yeong quit their jobs
and started a NeoTube channel
because of him.
But thanks to him, no one watches anymore.
Hey, that's enough.
It's odd how only that part
of the CCTV footage disappeared.
Maybe he was involved
in the patient's death--
You can stay. I have to go.
Have fun.
Watch what you say.
Hey, Jeong-woo!
- Let's talk.
- About what?
Aren't they the ones you need to talk to?
They had a lot to say.
- He's just drunk.
- Hey.
Why the hell are you upset?
It's the truth.
We were ruined too because of you.
Come on.
Really? Did you really
quit your jobs because of me?
Yours was going bankrupt
and was about to ask you to resign.
And you quit while drunk
because you hated your job.
I knew you were secretly taking
most of the ad revenue.
But I kept quiet
because I thought you needed it.
I didn't want you two to suffer
because of what happened to me,
so I paid off your penalties first.
But what did you say?
I guess only I thought we were friends.
Have a good life, you two.
Why would you say that?
Damn it.
Why do you keep following me?
Why are you doing that? It's embarrassing.
We live in the same house.
Are you still up
for three bottles of soju?
Of course.
You're a good drinker.
Didn't you only study and work?
When did you learn to drink?
My best friend is a heavy drinker,
so drinking with her helped.
I'm competitive, so I didn't want
to lose at drinking either.
That's a shame.
You won't beat me tonight though.
I'm a bit of a drinker too.
Yeah, right.
Are you going to lose
and faint out of anger again?
Hey, I said I didn't faint that time.
I just briefly sat down.
You should know.
Well, I'm not too sure about that.
I'm just worried
I might have to call 911 again.
Hey, let's go.
All right. Bring it on.
See? I can drink more than you.
No, I'm a better drinker than you.
Look at how accurate my pronunciation is.
Look how clear my eyes are.
Mine are clearer.
Mine are the clearest.
Mine are the clearest
you've ever seen! Hold on.
Jeez. Forget it.
I'll let you win out of pity.
What the hell?
You're suddenly pitying me?
In my case, I'm guilty for my actions.
But you're being falsely accused.
Is that what you think?
Well, you're pretty childish.
But you'd never do something bad
and brazenly lie about it.
What's with that face?
No, it's nothing.
Don't lie. You look so sad.
You're about to bawl.
Damn it.
I must be insane.
Even the most trivial words these days
make me want to cry.
Do I have depression?
Damn it.
Sorry. You're the one with depression.
What did you say?
- How did you know?
- Let me explain.
Don't take it the wrong way.
I was coming down from the rooftop
and I heard you
and your mom talking by coincidence.
God, this hurts my pride.
I'm sorry.
I really wasn't trying to eavesdrop.
No, that's not why.
The fact that I'm depressed
hurts my pride so much.
You see…
I'm the type who saves
their most favorite food and eats it last.
And that's what I did…
with my happiness as well.
"I bet food will taste better
once I become a professor."
"Trips abroad would be more fun
when I become a professor."
"Riding first class
would make it even more fun."
I kept postponing everything
and worked like a dog.
But look at me now.
I slaved away
and only ended up with depression.
I was the top student in Korea
and graduated med school with honors.
I was truly remarkable.
Of course, you were.
So how in the world do I have depression?
They said my mind has an illness.
Like panfacial fractures,
my mind has been shattered into pieces.
It's really rare
to have panfacial fractures.
You need to have been
either shot in the face
or hit by a piece of rebar falling on you
for such fractures to happen.
The skull
is very complex and has sturdy buttress.
Only parts like your cheekbone
or jawbone will separately break.
Damn it, that's not the point.
Are you acting out
Grey's Anatomy in this bar?
Right. Sorry.
You were using medical terms so…
Hey, we still got it.
No. It's "We got it."
Right. We got it.
This is depression and anxiety medication.
As her mother, how could I have not known?
What? What was that?
You startled me.
This is a secret.
But I get scared
whenever I see people in black suits.
I'm worried someone
will hire thugs to go and punish me.
Hey, that's a bias
against black suits. Right?
Some good-hearted people wear black suits,
while some thugs wear colorful clothes.
So tell me. What's your plan?
Beats me.
I don't know what I should do from now on.
That's not what I'm asking.
When will you move out?
Damn it.
I'm not moving out.
I'm going to stay here.
Can't I?
Do whatever you want.
I told you before.
I couldn't care less if you stayed or not.
You and your words.
"I'll let you stay since I believe you."
Can't you say it nicely like that?
It's too cheesy.
Damn it.
I've kept this one small wish
ever since senior year in high school.
I really wanted to flick you
once in the forehead.
Then, should we
flick each other just once?
- What?
- You see,
I really wanted to do the same to you too.
Let's flick each other just once.
I can't hit a woman.
Hey, is that how you think of me?
- Fine, give me your head.
- No, me first. Show me your forehead.
All right. Hey.
Let's leave no regrets and show no mercy.
- Okay, deal.
- Okay, deal.
Me first? I don't know
why I'm listening to you, but okay!
Bring it on!
Come here. It's my turn.
You're dead meat.
- Hold on.
- Come here. Damn it.
Ha-neul, I want a healthy daughter
instead of a successful one.
No matter what you do,
I love you and care about you so much.
My turn. You better not regret this.
- Wait, why are you crying?
- No, I…
I don't know.
I just suddenly started to cry.
This isn't fair. It's my turn now.
That's not why.
What's going on?
Seeing you cry…
is making me want to cry too.
I was barely holding back my tears.
You're making me want to cry too!
Once I sober up the next day,
I know I'll regret hugging him.
But the warmth she gave me
that day was so comforting…
it helped me forget
all the pain in that moment.
I drank too much last night.
Let's stay away from alcohol
and each other.
Promise… Right.
We said we should stay away.
He's Yeo Jeong-woo, the plastic surgeon.
He totally lied.
What in the world?
Let's go get some ice cream.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
She's a good judge of character.
She has a cute side too.
Let's have all the fun we can tonight.
- How about we go see the sunrise?
- What?
Let's go see the sunrise.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
Ripped and synced by
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