Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (2022) s01e02 Episode Script


# There's three of us, there's three
of us
# Look closely, you will see
# There's three of us, just three of
# There's him and you and me
# And every day we all hang out
to find out what we talk about
# I'm a talking crow like thing
# And I am red and made of string
# And I'm a yellow pig
# That's three of us, just three of
us, us three. #
Well, I'm dead.
Hmm. What?
I'm dead. Says here I'm definitely
What else does it say?
How did you die?
I forgot to drink water. Ha!
What about us? Does it What does
it say about me?
Am I dead? No, just me.
Why do you get tothat's, it must
be. That's a mistake.
Somebody's jealous.
Jealous? Jealous of me being dead.
You don't even know what it is.
So why would I be jealous?
Yes, I do.
As far back as I can remember,
I always knew I deserved to be dead.
Just, I'm more the kind of guy
that would be dead.
You're jealous.
That's just my kind of thing. I'd
better get changed into my Sunday
Oh. Did that fall out of your knee?
You laid an egg. Quick. Make a wish.
Is that an egg?
Hi. Hello. You all right?
Sorry about that.
Hey, cool place, guys.
Whoa. You've got one of those?
I've been thinking
about getting something
like that. What? A television? Yeah.
Don't tell anyone. What?
Hey, don't worry. Just a bit of
small talk to lighten the mood.
Now, which one of you is dead?
Oh, that would be Wait, don't
tell me I'm good at this.
It's you, isn't it? Well done.
No. It's me.
Yeah, well, you were my second
choice. Here.
Look at that. I've been given a
It's just him, is it? Cos I feel
like I could maybe be dead.
Yeah, I bet you do. But I've only
got one down here.
He doesn't look that dead.
Well, there's many ways to check
if you don't believe me.
You can do this.
Ooh. Doesn't that hurt?
Huh. Not that much.
My turn. Ow!
Not you, silly.
This must be a very hard
time for you.
And you can also check your ID card.
Hey, it's you.
Yeah. Listen, I just want to check
I get it. You want to learn
all about your identity.
Here you are. I was more hoping
that I was dead.
What? Don't be silly.
You don't die for ages.
Aww. You die in the lake. What?
I think you drown or
Whatever. Back in your cupboard.
Great. So what happens now?
Well, I couldn't see any money
in your record, so I've just put
you down for a basic, no
frills service.
For what? For the funeral, silly.
Come on. We've got a lot of work to
I said we've got a lot
of work to do.
What are we doing?
Oh, no, it's the funeral.
It's the funeral. Sorry.
Hey, guys. You all right?
Hello. Thanks for coming.
Look, I had my insides removed.
Hey, hey. No talking.
Remember you're dead. Sorry.
Yeah. Silly me.
Why does it say David?
That's his name.
He's David.
What? That's supposed to be your
What's his name?
What, the stone? Doesn't
have a name, it's a stone.
Right. This is very confusing.
Change it to my name, then.
Well, I can't now.
It's already engraved.
I can't unchisel it, can I?
Why not? I know.
Why don't you write David's
name on me?
OK, let's crack on, shall we?
Now it's time for some lovely
remarks by the best friend.
What? I'm not the best friend.
Yes, you are.
I'm your best friend?
Yeah, we're close.
I mean, I know you.
I know which one you are.
Look, I'm leaving you all my stuff.
Yeah. I don't want it.
I mean, that's justthat's just
our stuff anyway.
That's our plates And my diary.
There's nothing in it.
It's new. I just got it.
I could do the lovely remark.
I don't want you.
I want my best friend.
I'm not your best friend. Hey, look,
just speak from the heart.
He's a nice guy. He'she's the
smallest one.
Tell them about the tournament.
I don't know about a tournament.
I won a tournament, didn't I?
Did you? OK, great. Thank you.
Beautiful stuff. Very moving. Now
That's really nice.
Hey. Wow, I didn't like that.
Now, before we say goodbye forever,
there's one last thing.
If anyone knows any reason why
this person should not be dead, say
now or he will forever be dead.
But, isn't he Huh?
I think he'd
Great, now to play us out, here are
some of his best moments.
Goodbye to you.
But he didn't Farewell. any of that.
And goodbye to you, David.
What happens now? Now, you go home.
Well, that was a lot of fun.
See you later, floorboard person.
Not you, cheeky. You're dead.
Now get back in here.
Oh, yes. Silly me.
Right, down we go.
Bye. Good luck with everything.
Cheerio then. Bye.
I guess it's just gonna
be me and you now.
I said it's just going to be me
and you from here on.
Until the other guy comes back.
Yeah. Actually, I don't know
if he is going to come back.
I think he just sort of stays
in the hole. Huh?
I think he just stays
in the hole now.
He stays in the hole now.
Yeah. There's a lot of pictures
of him.
I don't remember this many pictures.
He stays in the hole.
Oh, come on. It's not that bad.
We didn't really like him anyway.
Remember how he used to bite you?
Yeah, quite like that.
Hey. How are you guys holding up?
Did someone break something?
You should really eat something
at a time like this.
Have a sandwich.
Sandwiches. We don't want a
You're very brave.
How about a tissue? No.
How about a sandwich wrapped
in a tissue?
Who are they? We're just friends.
Friends of David.
He wasn't called David.
So quiet here without David, isn't
Here. Come and sit with us.
We're all sharing stories about him.
You didn't even know him.
Who really did? So brave.
I think maybe it's best
if you all go.
Yeah. Don't forget about your goody
Sorry for your loss.
What's that?
Well, thanks for this, but you guys
all need to
What do you think happens
when we die?
Do we ever come back?
Well, I guess nobody really knows.
Some people think we go
to a new place like a paradise
and some people think we even
come back as our favourite
animal or object.
Wow. Object.
For me, well, something tells me
that when we die, we go
into the centre of the earth.
Well, it's not quite the centre.
It's in between the core
and the surface.
And we must relive our lives.
But as a performance for a new super
race known as the council.
And every time you get it
right, you get a pound.
But? What?
I need to go to sleep now.
Good night.
Hello, I am Mrs Grelch.
Nice to meet you.
Hey, she seems fun.
Says she's a classic.
Look, I have a hat for weekends.
Nice. And a cheeky sense of humour.
She comes with her own debt. Cheeky
credit card debt. We're already in
loads of debt.
What about this guy? He looks fun
and he's got his own catchphrase.
Fudge. That can't be right.
I like fudge.
Oh, he's too opinionated.
All right, well,
what about Lucky Mo?
He's on special offer. He's got no
opinions and no reviews.
I'm up for anything. Let's have fun
or not have fun.
Oh, no, no. I don't like him.
I don't like any of them.
Hey. I want the old one back.
Yeah, I guess you're right.
There's no replacing this guy.
Maybe we just need to accept
that when someone goes
away, things change.
# When someone goes away, the
world is #
Urgh, claymation. Hey, don't say
You'll hurt its feelings.
Sorry about him. He's just upset
because the other guy went into a
Hole. I am hole.
No. You're Happy Rex or Lucky
Grouch or something?
Something. Something.
Eurgh, what's she doing?
Just mucking around.
You've angered the demon.
Hold on. Give it a chance.
So now that you're one of the main
guys around here, there's a few
ground rules you should be aware
of. Ground.
Yeah, if you want to use
the phone, you're gonna need to
book that in.
We don't share food, but we do
share a wallet.
Hang on. This thing.
One of the guys?
Yeah, one of the main three
guys around.
# There's three of us, three of us
# Look closely, you will see there's
three of us
# There's three of us #
No, no, stop it! That's not him.
# There's him and you and me. #
No, not that thing.
Yeah, it's basically the same.
# Three of us #
It's a blob. Hello.
Wow. What a beautiful service.
Very moving.
Great. So what happens now, then?
That's it now. It's just this.
Is it? OK, great.
So it looks like you're all set.
I'm going to shoot off. Got quite a
lot of admin to do.
You'd be surprised how much
paperwork there is.
What do I do then? Is he involved?
No, no. It's more sort of personal
time now.
But if you need anything
urgent, just press the buzzer.
OK, I'll leave you to it. Bye.
Hey, how can I help?
Hello. Shall we play a game?
Shall we play snooker?
Or maybe beach volleyball.
I never tried that. Wow. Games?
Yeah. I'd love to play a game,
but actually, I've got a lot to do,
so it's going to have to be a no.
And remember, the buzzer is only
for when you really need.
OK. You don't need to press
it when I'm here.
It still works. It works.
What if I need the toilet?
You won't need the toilet.
I drank a milkshake during
the service.
Well, you shouldn't really
have done that.
Let's get to know each other.
Ask me some questions.
Let's listen to some music.
Where did you get that?
What is this?
I made it myself.
OK. On the computer.
Hooray, Hovris.
It turns out my mother has left me
£40 in her will.
Wow. This is cause
for celebration, my boy.
Let's heat up some water.
Yes. That's the TV.
Uh, this is the other light switch.
And this is where we keep the stain.
Wow. Hello, stain.
That's a funny word.
Maybe I could be called stain.
No, that's not really a name.
Stain Edwards, the forever boy.
No, no, I'm notI'm not
comfortable with that.
OK. And I sit here, do I?
Hey. But that's his chair.
Comfy. Where else is he going to
So what do we do?
We do whatever we want.
Well, we mainly go in here.
Or sometimes we go in there.
Wow. Can we go outside?
Right. And we see the world.
And we go on adventures. Do we?
Yeah. Us three on crazy adventures.
Who knows what might happen?
There'll be ups and downs for sure.
Maybe we'll even fall in love. Fall
in love, what's that?
We can take on anything life throws
at us.
# I used to be a blob of nothing
at all
# But now I walk and talk
and I'm 20 foot tall
# I'm the new one in the family. I
want to thank you for the
# To see the sky is blue and the
ocean is too
# And when the world spins
around, you can see the moon
# There's a million stars
inside this grain of sand
# And there's still so much we don't
# Like who really built the pyramid
and why are we even here?
# What's our purpose? Some people
think we're in a simulation
# It's interesting just to think
about that. #
Look, guys, I'm getting
my core values.
Honesty, the spirit of adventure.
Finance. Stop it.
Yeah. That's not really the kind
of thing we do.
Oh, why not?
Should I do it again? No. Just sit
here and stuff will happen.
Something normally happens.
Oh, what happened over there?
We don't talk about that area.
Yeah, don'tdon't look at that.
Can't help it. Stop looking at it.
It's beautiful.
Why are you looking at it?
Kind of terrible and wonderful
at the same time.
Stop saying stuff like that.
You're not supposed to say
that kind of stuff.
You're supposed to say
that the floor is too loud
or the window is disrespecting you.
Why would I say that when the world
is so full of wonder?
No, it's not. It's all wrong
What's the matter with him?
Nothing. Just don't look at him.
What? Where can I look?
Can't look at him.
Can't look over there.
Look, if you want to look at
stuff, tell me and I'll make a list
of where you should
and shouldn't look.
Seems like a weird system.
Yeah, well, you seem
like a little thing with
and even the other guy
at least had his own clothes.
You don't have clothes.
Yeah. I'm not supposed to have
This is how I look. OK.
Yes. What do you want?
Look, I've made some new friends.
It tickles. Great. Great.
Yeah, that's all part of it.
I wonder what my old friends are
They're probably just trying
to move on.
Speaking of which, you should
Move on? Move on to what?
Well, when somebody goes
away, they tend to
Ow, what are you doing?
Just keeping track of time.
We've only been here for half a day.
I'm doing it in seconds.
We've obviously been here
for more than 5 seconds.
Have we? Oh. Stop. Stop it.
What's that? What's that smell?
Oh, yes. Turns out I did need the
toilets, actually, quite a lot.
Maybe that's what the tally was for.
What? Oh, here I go again.
No, no. Right. That's it. I'm done.
I don't have to put up with this
But I'm dead.
Yes and you're terrible at it.
You're on your own now.
If you want to do something,
just lie here and think
about your life, OK?
All those memories.
Memories? Yes. My memories.
# My memories
# Memories of him
# Memories of him standing here
# I can still hear his voice
in my ear
# Memories of him talking to me
# He told me about the military
# Memories of us laughing together
# When I asked him for help
with the rash of my back
# Memories of him explaining to me
# Why I couldn't join the military
Far too weak.
# Memories help me remember him
# The things he did, the life we
# Memories of his favourite food
# This homemade curry that he left
in the fridge
Oh, that's gone off. Sorry.
# Memories of him having a beak
# I really feel like he used
to have a beak
# Memories help me remember him
# The things he did, the life we
# Memories of his overcoat
# Something he wore when he went
# Memories of me going outside
# All by myself for a walk outside
# Memories of me finding the shovel
# Finding the shovel that we left
# Memories help me remember him
# The things he did, the life we
# Memories help me remember him
# The things he did, the life we
lived #
And then I woke up and I read
the newspaper.
Shut up. I was dead.
Stop it. Stop it.
I can't do this any more.
Now, you hold the newspaper.
Do I? I'm not sure this is such
a good idea.
I feel like you have some issues
you need to work on.
Hold the newspaper. Says here I'm
No, no. That's the old one. Right?
Yeah. It's a confusing situation.
Hello. Oh, hi.
I dug the old one back.
But what do you mean?
I thought you're supposed to stay
in the ground.
Oh, that. That was all a bit
nothing. Not really for me.
Now I want to sit in my area.
Who's this?
Well, we didn't think
you were coming back, so.
So you replaced me with this thing.
But there's only supposed
to be three of us.
Well, now there's four of us.
# There's four of us, there's four
of us
# Look closely, you will see
# There's four of us, just four of
# There's him and you and me and me
# Every day we all hang out to find
out what we talk about
# Sometimes we have too much fun
# We have to go to bed. #
Actually, no, four doesn't work.
There's three of us.
# When you meet a businessman,
you must shake him by the hand
# When you meet a family man,
you must shake him by the hand
# When you meet the choo choo
man, you must shake him by the hand
# When you meet the friendly fellow,
you must shake him by the hand
# When you meet the man, you must
take him by the hand. #
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