Dope Girls (2025) s01e02 Episode Script
Butter Wouldn't Melt
The business tanked,
and he used the house as collateral.
You know I'd keep you on
if I could.
You must have family,
somewhere you can go.
We need a place to stay,
just for a few nights,
while I find some work.
Does she even know who I am?
Did you even read it? The letter?
I read it.
Yet you turn up a year later with
a little sister I didn't know existed.
When a man takes his own life,
it's his choice.
What happens when people die?
I just need to make enough money,
and then figure out the rest.
- Policing London requires a steady hand.
- I understand, sir.
This is a competition, not a bake sale,
so show some desire to win it.
Miss Davies, if you pass selection,
you'll become one of the first female
police officers in this country.
It's not a privilege, it's a duty.
- Raid! Raid!
- Nobody move!
Hands on the table, everybody,
put your glasses down now.
You're a weak little bitch,
just like your sister.
You should've hidden
it better than that.
Now what?
You can't do anything, if you're arrested
for the murder of Silvio Salucci.
You have no idea
what you've just done.
I call for an offensive.
An offensive against every criminal
and dope fiend in Britain.
We must root into the dark cavities,
where they colonize like cockroaches.
And the darkest,
These temples of sin
and healed by the light of the sun.
I say this.
You now have the opportunity
to write your names
on the pages of history.
We have already won one war.
And now you women have
been chosen to fight another.
to rescue her fallen sister?
to rise up and fight against the tide
of sin corrupting our children?
I'm coming.
Who better than a woman
to shine her light into the shadows,
down into the depths of the dark,
to bring these criminals
and corrupters to justice?
Napkins, please.
Eat your breakfast.
We'll talk about your behavior later.
My behavior?
You know you're not
allowed to drink alcohol, Evie.
Now, eat.
Can I be excused?
We need to get out of here.
The worst thing we can do is run.
Trust me, it'll look suspicious.
Trust you?
Your boss is murdered,
and then you disappear? Think about it.
We just need
to keep our heads straight.
You don't get it, do you?
No, you've ruined my life.
- You weren't supposed to be there.
- So this is my fault, is it?
No one saw us.
Nothing can prove we were there.
I highly doubt the police will care
who killed a lowlife like him.
It's not the police
we have to be afraid of.
It's his whole family.
I'm sorry.
Am I going to die?
I think you'll survive.
Please don't be angry.
I'm not angry, sweetheart.
- Here.
- Do you have my pin?
My hairpin?
It's not here. It's not here.
Of course it's not.
You left it in his fucking neck!
- We're screwed.
- We're not screwed.
- It's fine.
- The pin has my name on it.
It has your name on it?
Engraved. It was a gift.
You said his family are bad.
How bad are they?
- Bad.
- How bad?
Jesus, Kate, really fucking bad.
The Saluccis
are criminally insane gangsters
who sell girls and dope in shitty clubs,
and they kill people.
And if you cross them,
which we have done in quite a big way,
their approach to revenge
is inhuman.
It's just a matter of time
before someone finds him.
We can go to the police.
We can try to explain what happened.
Explain what?
That I stole your boss's money,
and then stabbed him in the neck
with your personalized
fucking hair accessory?
What the hell
are we meant to do?
Look, if something happens to you,
the Saluccis are gonna come here
Go out. Meet your friends.
Act normal.
I'll take care of Evie.
Once she's safe,
I'll deal with the pin.
Just give us a moment.
Jasper, quiet.
One and two, hello.
Jasper, no.
Enough. Enough.
Jasper. Jasper, enough.
In your basket.
Christ almighty.
He's not normally like this.
It's only when Freddie
gets back from a shoot,
he gets the scent of death on him
and then that's it, he's off.
I mean, we can't take him
to the country place anymore
because he goes into the woods
and sniffs out a bloody deer carcass.
- Do you shoot?
- I can't stand it.
All that senseless killing.
Haven't we got enough death in the world
without choosing to add more?
And now this flu.
- You couldn't write it.
- I know.
Bundling bodies
into mass graves.
Positively medieval. I mean, maybe
if the foreigners had better hygiene,
it might not be necessary.
Now, take your coats off.
I'll have Elizabeth fetch you some tea.
No, actually,
I can't be stopping.
I've just brought Evie by
to help clean up.
Well, darling,
- See?
- No, I insist.
If she wants to go to parties, she should
have the manners to tidy up afterwards.
Of course.
Evie, darling, why don't you go upstairs
and find Alice,
while Mummy
and I talk downstairs.
Be good.
Darling, are you all right? Shall I have
Elizabeth fetch you something stronger?
No, I'm fine.
They're always with us,
those we've lost.
If anything
were to happen to me,
Evie has no one.
Apart from Alice, of course.
She thinks of Alice as a sister.
Evie is always welcome here.
Thank you. Thank you.
Sarge will see you now.
I want to apologize.
- Did I say you could speak?
I could have you suspended.
Running out like that.
It'll never happen again, sir.
You might have
everyone else fooled
with your little
"butter wouldn't melt in my snatch" act.
Excuse me?
about Sarah Fisher.
Scandalizing a fellow woman
to save yourself.
Must have been quite the performance.
I told the truth.
She tried to force herself on me.
I don't think you know
how to tell the truth.
I think you're ruthless,
and morally bankrupt.
And as you proved last night,
I think you're more than capable
of your share of violence.
If you're going to fire me,
just get on with it.
I'm not gonna fire you.
I'm going to use you,
and your talents.
There's a girl downstairs
we picked up last night in the raid.
She won't give us her name,
but we think she's an underage runaway.
Two weeks ago, she was caught soliciting
on an army base in Romford.
The month before, she started
a fight in a West End brothel,
and every time we arrest her, it's
the same. She won't say a bloody thing.
What do you want me to do?
Find out her name.
Anything we can use
to track down her family.
If she's as young as she looks,
then we're duty-bound
to tell her parents we found her.
What makes you think
she'll speak to me?
Because beneath
you're just like her.
You enjoyed it, didn't you?
watching me hurt
that Galloway woman.
We have to release the girl tonight,
so you don't have long.
Find out who she is.
Or pack your bags, and crawl back to
whatever disgusting hole you came from.
You two, search the place.
Check if he's passed out
under the bar.
I'll be outside.
Not to be found.
No sign of him, boss.
Right, well,
just get the money then.
Go on, fuck off.
Now, for the employment notices
of the week.
In this,
our great Parish of Soho.
The following club owners
auditioning for dancers.
Mr. Samuel Murray, of Murray's.
Mr. Ben White, of Jig's.
Mr. Frank Harris, of The Nest.
Mr. H. Edwards,
of the House of Saint Francis.
And Mr. J. Mortimer,
of Mortimer's.
You okay?
When did you get out?
This morning.
What did they do to you?
- Billie.
I have to tell you something.
You said she was dead.
I was three when she gave me up.
- I never knew her.
- Jesus, Bills.
- How did she find you?
- We met up a year ago.
It didn't go well.
I wrote a letter to her afterwards.
But she never replied.
Does the kid know who you are?
- I'm fine.
- Are you?
Don't worry.
The money's gone.
We checked everywhere.
Do you think he's on a tear?
- What, with all that cash, I hope not.
- Well, you know what he's like.
Got a light?
You need to ask around every
train station, pub, whorehouse.
- Find out if anyone's seen him.
- I'm sure he'll turn up.
Luca told me they went out one time.
Just for a few pints.
Next day, they woke up
in Glasgow Nick.
You shouldn't believe
everything my brother tells ya.
When's he home?
God, you must be so proud.
Having a real hero in the family.
You think I want to sit here, making
chitchat with you while my son's missing?
- Shut the fuck up!
I don't want another fucking word out
of your mouth until you find my son.
Otherwise, I'm going to take
that tongue,
I'm going to fry it in a pan,
and I'm going to feed it to my mother.
- You understand?
- Yeah.
- Do you understand?
- Yes, Damaso.
- Did the pigs take all the booze?
- Yes, boss.
Right, let's get
out of here, then.
Bloody hell.
That damn thing
near gave me a heart attack.
What the fuck did I just tell you?
You do not fucking listen!
Find my son!
Or find the fuckers who took him!
For fuck's sake.
Hurry up.
Oh, shit.
- Shit.
- Davies.
- Sir, I need a minute.
Come with me. Now.
I said now.
Get fucking out of my cell!
Oh, fuck.
I bet you wish you got
Kensington and Chelsea now.
Get your hands off me.
So, what you in for?
You got a smoke?
Are your ears fucking blocked
or something?
I said, "Have you got a smoke?"
I've been up all night.
I'm gasping.
You haven't been up all night.
- Oh, yeah.
- Oy, look at that.
- Volunteering.
There's a few of us helping out, bringing
them back to their wives and families.
Grown men.
You'd think they'd be able to handle
a few Scotch and sodas, wouldn't you?
He'll have a sore head,
but he'll be right enough in the morning.
Good for you.
Doing your bit.
Tom and I are just up
for the celebrations.
He's around here somewhere.
Do send my best.
Goodbye, Anne.
By the way,
I'm opening my own place.
You'll have to come by.
I'm glad
you're back on your feet.
If they found his body,
it was just a matter of time
before they worked out it was us.
You can't be serious.
I've done pigs and sheep.
- Can't be that different.
- I think it's quite different.
What's wrong with your jaw?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
If you don't want to help,
you should go upstairs.
I'd understand.
Let me out.
Let me out!
Let me out!
I need a piss.
- Knock yourself out.
- I'm not a fucking animal. Let me out.
I forgot, you must be special.
Would Madam like a powder room?
What the hell are you doing?
What are you gonna do, big man?
Hit me?
Go on then. Hit me.
Hit me.
Or are you just a weak little bitch?
Didn't matter
if we were handling explosives.
Prick would come up
behind us while we were working.
Rubbing it in.
Having a good old swirl.
Half the time you couldn't even notice,
it was that tiny.
- How tiny?
- Like a dog's lipstick.
Anyway, as soon as
the men started coming back,
he tossed us out like scrap.
Girls had lost fingers, hands, eyes,
but it didn't matter to him.
He couldn't get rid of us
quick enough.
Screw him.
Never going back
to that shit hole.
Don't you have any family there?
No one.
I had a sister.
She moved down here a while ago.
But we lost touch.
I'll never know.
I can get you work.
- What kind of work?
- Depends what kind of girl you are.
Come find me when you get out.
There's an alley just off French Street.
You'll know the place when you see it.
That where you're from?
No one's from Soho, love.
I'm Elephant and Castle.
Born and raised.
What's it like being blotto?
until this morning.
Your mum must have been
spitting feathers.
Not really.
She's being so weird.
Okay. Truth.
I'm fine.
Your turn.
- Hail Osiris.
- Hail Osiris.
- King of the dead.
- Who's that man?
Hail Osiris.
Oh, God. Not him again.
Daddy will go ballistic.
That's Mr. Huxley.
What are they doing?
Talking to her brother.
I thought
he died in the war.
Yeah. It's bloody creepy
if you ask me.
He gave her those cards.
He told her they summon the dead.
Osiris, taker of life.
He says the dead
are always with us.
Oh, Osiris. Oh, Osiris.
Oh, Osiris, hear our call,
as we summon thee.
Summon thy spirit.
You have to go in there
and talk to them for 30 seconds
using only the word "meaty."
No, no, no, no.
Let's just go up.
Daddy's back.
I used to imagine
the things we might do together.
Like a normal mother and daughter.
Theater trips. Shopping.
Stroll in the park,
You really outdone yourself.
How long do you think this will last?
A month.
Maybe two.
Then what?
I have a child to support
and you can't dance forever.
- You think I don't know that?
- We have an opportunity here.
What are you talking about?
I saw how much that place
was making last night.
And it was a cesspit.
Don't you think we could do it better?
You want to open a nightclub?
We're in the middle of the biggest party
the world has ever seen.
Why should bastards like him
be the only ones who profit from it?
Profit from it?
We've just cut
his fucking legs off, Kate.
We lease this place for just a few weeks
and we can double our money.
Triple it.
You really are something, aren't you?
You handle the entertainment
and I'll take care of the rest.
That's not even the risk, Kate.
It's you.
You're poison.
You ruin everything you touch.
I should have replied to your letter.
I'm sorry.
I was scared.
you'll be free to do whatever you like.
I'm going there tomorrow.
Come with me.
Just take a look.
This is our chance, Billie.
I knew you had it in you.
Lily Lee, reported missing
by her family two years ago.
Sir, I did what you asked.
Where's my uniform?
I want to get back to my normal duties.
You have to earn it.
If you leave now,
don't bother coming back.
If you're going to work for me,
I need to know I can trust you.
Can I trust you?
Have you ever taken dope?
Or is it just pitiful desperation
that runs in your family?
Fuck you.
You heard the good minister this morning.
We have a war on our hands.
Ever since we made cocaine illegal,
the dealers have been
flooding the pubs and clubs.
We keep trying to insert plainclothes
officers into these fucking sinkholes,
but unfortunately the kind of men
who join the City of London Police
don't tend to blend
into the background.
However, a certain
might go unnoticed in ways
that a man could not.
In places that a man could not.
I understand.
It's not exactly the kind of work you
imagined, but we all make sacrifices.
Plainclothes work is the only way
of infiltrating these places.
I don't see you
on the street playing a whore.
Your dedication to the force
would not go unnoticed.
Or unrewarded.
Upstairs have their doubts
over inexperience.
But after your little
I have convinced them
to give you a try.
I think you'll be rather believable.
If I get my throat cut,
there's no one to miss me.
- When will I start?
- You already have.
You want me to use her?
She trusts you.
She works the clubs.
She knows all the wrong types.
If we let her back out onto the streets,
she is your way in.
I joined the police
to help girls like her, not exploit them.
we have to be bad to be good,
Miss Davies.
The choice is yours.
Well, what do you think?
This is wild. Even for you.
Where are you getting the money?
Her husband's life insurance.
So she's fronting it all?
Yeah, we'll be partners.
You'll be like every other Black woman
working for their white boss.
Look, it doesn't matter
if she's full of shit.
She'll be gone
in a couple of weeks.
And it'll be ours.
Women running a club,
you'll be a target.
We'll be pioneers.
It'll be our stage. Total freedom.
We could perform
whatever we want.
This isn't freedom.
What's the alternative?
Spending the rest of your life
singing and tap dancing
to the sound of coffee and cutlery.
I thought
you wanted more than that.
I want something that's mine.
Sarah, wait.
Here. What I owe you.
I got paid.
A clear conscience
will cost you more than that.
- I had no choice.
- Of course you did.
- You have money, a house.
- It's not good enough.
We were arrested, force-fed.
Some women even died.
Not just for their freedom,
for yours, too.
Do you not understand
the meaning of solidarity?
I don't have the luxury.
I'm just trying to survive.
If it helps you sleep at night.
You scared me.
You are all wet.
I wasn't sure what time you'd be home,
but this is perfect. Sit.
It's her special shepherd's pie.
She thinks it's amazing, but it's rank.
You just have to pretend.
Now, I know shepherd's pie
isn't exactly gourmet,
but this isn't your average
shepherd's pie.
It's been quite the 24 hours.
For all of us.
But I thought it would be
nice to eat together.
Raise a glass.
And for Evie and I to say thank you.
Thank you, Billie.
For everything.
To the future.
Whatever it may hold.
Would you ever lie to me?
Of course not.
Why would you even ask me that?
Was Daddy a good man?
Your father was a wonderful man.
And he loved you more
than anything else in the world.
And I do, too.
You're the only thing that matters to me.
Hello, Frankie.
What do you want?
Surely you won't make an old lady
eat alone.
The raid last night wasn't my fault.
Somebody called it in.
There was no time to warn you.
And the money?
What about it?
It's gone.
Along with my grandson.
I don't know anything about that.
I swear.
What are we paying you for, then?
I'm sorry.
But I can't help you anymore.
I'm done.
I used to help my father
look after our sheep
in the mountains.
We would stay up there for weeks
protecting the flock.
But wolves come with many faces.
my father's brother crept up the mountain
and shot us both in our sleep.
He wanted to steal our land.
So, he made sure my father was dead
and left our bodies for the wolves.
But he didn't think
to check on me.
I dragged myself through the snow.
Following my uncle's tracks.
I was nearly starving with hunger.
You should never eat an animal
that died when it was afraid.
You can taste the fear in the meat.
Sometimes, Frankie,
that is the sweetest flavor of all.
in Sicily, land is power.
Now Soho is my land, Frankie.
who is trying to take it from me?
It needs a little updating on the inside,
but it's such a vibrant area.
The lease is for the whole building.
Four floors in total.
The new club is off Brewer Street.
It's called The 33.
A girl from Danton's is opening it.
Silvio Salucci used to run that place.
Now, he's missing.
- There are bigger things at stake.
- He's your grandson.
Welcome home, my son.
We'll find him.
Someone must be hiding something.
So get yourself in there.
That bastards sold us fucking water.
- We need to rob a restaurant.
- We're not robbing a restaurant.
We could rob the police.
- Do you want a job?
- Yeah.
Whatever you find out,
just bring it straight to me, understood?
Well, you just got home.
You should focus on your wife and kids.
Let you get on with business?
And we both know I'll be running it.
If they knew, we'd already be dead.
We just need to treat them
like anyone else.
Anyone else?
How many other people have vested interest
in cutting out our tongues, Kate?
The ritual is complex
and not for the faint of heart.
Hail Osiris, King of the Dead,
Renewer of Life.
- Lord Osiris.
- Hail Osiris, Lord of Silence.
If you want to reopen,
you're going to need to pay.
For what?
I'm in.
and he used the house as collateral.
You know I'd keep you on
if I could.
You must have family,
somewhere you can go.
We need a place to stay,
just for a few nights,
while I find some work.
Does she even know who I am?
Did you even read it? The letter?
I read it.
Yet you turn up a year later with
a little sister I didn't know existed.
When a man takes his own life,
it's his choice.
What happens when people die?
I just need to make enough money,
and then figure out the rest.
- Policing London requires a steady hand.
- I understand, sir.
This is a competition, not a bake sale,
so show some desire to win it.
Miss Davies, if you pass selection,
you'll become one of the first female
police officers in this country.
It's not a privilege, it's a duty.
- Raid! Raid!
- Nobody move!
Hands on the table, everybody,
put your glasses down now.
You're a weak little bitch,
just like your sister.
You should've hidden
it better than that.
Now what?
You can't do anything, if you're arrested
for the murder of Silvio Salucci.
You have no idea
what you've just done.
I call for an offensive.
An offensive against every criminal
and dope fiend in Britain.
We must root into the dark cavities,
where they colonize like cockroaches.
And the darkest,
These temples of sin
and healed by the light of the sun.
I say this.
You now have the opportunity
to write your names
on the pages of history.
We have already won one war.
And now you women have
been chosen to fight another.
to rescue her fallen sister?
to rise up and fight against the tide
of sin corrupting our children?
I'm coming.
Who better than a woman
to shine her light into the shadows,
down into the depths of the dark,
to bring these criminals
and corrupters to justice?
Napkins, please.
Eat your breakfast.
We'll talk about your behavior later.
My behavior?
You know you're not
allowed to drink alcohol, Evie.
Now, eat.
Can I be excused?
We need to get out of here.
The worst thing we can do is run.
Trust me, it'll look suspicious.
Trust you?
Your boss is murdered,
and then you disappear? Think about it.
We just need
to keep our heads straight.
You don't get it, do you?
No, you've ruined my life.
- You weren't supposed to be there.
- So this is my fault, is it?
No one saw us.
Nothing can prove we were there.
I highly doubt the police will care
who killed a lowlife like him.
It's not the police
we have to be afraid of.
It's his whole family.
I'm sorry.
Am I going to die?
I think you'll survive.
Please don't be angry.
I'm not angry, sweetheart.
- Here.
- Do you have my pin?
My hairpin?
It's not here. It's not here.
Of course it's not.
You left it in his fucking neck!
- We're screwed.
- We're not screwed.
- It's fine.
- The pin has my name on it.
It has your name on it?
Engraved. It was a gift.
You said his family are bad.
How bad are they?
- Bad.
- How bad?
Jesus, Kate, really fucking bad.
The Saluccis
are criminally insane gangsters
who sell girls and dope in shitty clubs,
and they kill people.
And if you cross them,
which we have done in quite a big way,
their approach to revenge
is inhuman.
It's just a matter of time
before someone finds him.
We can go to the police.
We can try to explain what happened.
Explain what?
That I stole your boss's money,
and then stabbed him in the neck
with your personalized
fucking hair accessory?
What the hell
are we meant to do?
Look, if something happens to you,
the Saluccis are gonna come here
Go out. Meet your friends.
Act normal.
I'll take care of Evie.
Once she's safe,
I'll deal with the pin.
Just give us a moment.
Jasper, quiet.
One and two, hello.
Jasper, no.
Enough. Enough.
Jasper. Jasper, enough.
In your basket.
Christ almighty.
He's not normally like this.
It's only when Freddie
gets back from a shoot,
he gets the scent of death on him
and then that's it, he's off.
I mean, we can't take him
to the country place anymore
because he goes into the woods
and sniffs out a bloody deer carcass.
- Do you shoot?
- I can't stand it.
All that senseless killing.
Haven't we got enough death in the world
without choosing to add more?
And now this flu.
- You couldn't write it.
- I know.
Bundling bodies
into mass graves.
Positively medieval. I mean, maybe
if the foreigners had better hygiene,
it might not be necessary.
Now, take your coats off.
I'll have Elizabeth fetch you some tea.
No, actually,
I can't be stopping.
I've just brought Evie by
to help clean up.
Well, darling,
- See?
- No, I insist.
If she wants to go to parties, she should
have the manners to tidy up afterwards.
Of course.
Evie, darling, why don't you go upstairs
and find Alice,
while Mummy
and I talk downstairs.
Be good.
Darling, are you all right? Shall I have
Elizabeth fetch you something stronger?
No, I'm fine.
They're always with us,
those we've lost.
If anything
were to happen to me,
Evie has no one.
Apart from Alice, of course.
She thinks of Alice as a sister.
Evie is always welcome here.
Thank you. Thank you.
Sarge will see you now.
I want to apologize.
- Did I say you could speak?
I could have you suspended.
Running out like that.
It'll never happen again, sir.
You might have
everyone else fooled
with your little
"butter wouldn't melt in my snatch" act.
Excuse me?
about Sarah Fisher.
Scandalizing a fellow woman
to save yourself.
Must have been quite the performance.
I told the truth.
She tried to force herself on me.
I don't think you know
how to tell the truth.
I think you're ruthless,
and morally bankrupt.
And as you proved last night,
I think you're more than capable
of your share of violence.
If you're going to fire me,
just get on with it.
I'm not gonna fire you.
I'm going to use you,
and your talents.
There's a girl downstairs
we picked up last night in the raid.
She won't give us her name,
but we think she's an underage runaway.
Two weeks ago, she was caught soliciting
on an army base in Romford.
The month before, she started
a fight in a West End brothel,
and every time we arrest her, it's
the same. She won't say a bloody thing.
What do you want me to do?
Find out her name.
Anything we can use
to track down her family.
If she's as young as she looks,
then we're duty-bound
to tell her parents we found her.
What makes you think
she'll speak to me?
Because beneath
you're just like her.
You enjoyed it, didn't you?
watching me hurt
that Galloway woman.
We have to release the girl tonight,
so you don't have long.
Find out who she is.
Or pack your bags, and crawl back to
whatever disgusting hole you came from.
You two, search the place.
Check if he's passed out
under the bar.
I'll be outside.
Not to be found.
No sign of him, boss.
Right, well,
just get the money then.
Go on, fuck off.
Now, for the employment notices
of the week.
In this,
our great Parish of Soho.
The following club owners
auditioning for dancers.
Mr. Samuel Murray, of Murray's.
Mr. Ben White, of Jig's.
Mr. Frank Harris, of The Nest.
Mr. H. Edwards,
of the House of Saint Francis.
And Mr. J. Mortimer,
of Mortimer's.
You okay?
When did you get out?
This morning.
What did they do to you?
- Billie.
I have to tell you something.
You said she was dead.
I was three when she gave me up.
- I never knew her.
- Jesus, Bills.
- How did she find you?
- We met up a year ago.
It didn't go well.
I wrote a letter to her afterwards.
But she never replied.
Does the kid know who you are?
- I'm fine.
- Are you?
Don't worry.
The money's gone.
We checked everywhere.
Do you think he's on a tear?
- What, with all that cash, I hope not.
- Well, you know what he's like.
Got a light?
You need to ask around every
train station, pub, whorehouse.
- Find out if anyone's seen him.
- I'm sure he'll turn up.
Luca told me they went out one time.
Just for a few pints.
Next day, they woke up
in Glasgow Nick.
You shouldn't believe
everything my brother tells ya.
When's he home?
God, you must be so proud.
Having a real hero in the family.
You think I want to sit here, making
chitchat with you while my son's missing?
- Shut the fuck up!
I don't want another fucking word out
of your mouth until you find my son.
Otherwise, I'm going to take
that tongue,
I'm going to fry it in a pan,
and I'm going to feed it to my mother.
- You understand?
- Yeah.
- Do you understand?
- Yes, Damaso.
- Did the pigs take all the booze?
- Yes, boss.
Right, let's get
out of here, then.
Bloody hell.
That damn thing
near gave me a heart attack.
What the fuck did I just tell you?
You do not fucking listen!
Find my son!
Or find the fuckers who took him!
For fuck's sake.
Hurry up.
Oh, shit.
- Shit.
- Davies.
- Sir, I need a minute.
Come with me. Now.
I said now.
Get fucking out of my cell!
Oh, fuck.
I bet you wish you got
Kensington and Chelsea now.
Get your hands off me.
So, what you in for?
You got a smoke?
Are your ears fucking blocked
or something?
I said, "Have you got a smoke?"
I've been up all night.
I'm gasping.
You haven't been up all night.
- Oh, yeah.
- Oy, look at that.
- Volunteering.
There's a few of us helping out, bringing
them back to their wives and families.
Grown men.
You'd think they'd be able to handle
a few Scotch and sodas, wouldn't you?
He'll have a sore head,
but he'll be right enough in the morning.
Good for you.
Doing your bit.
Tom and I are just up
for the celebrations.
He's around here somewhere.
Do send my best.
Goodbye, Anne.
By the way,
I'm opening my own place.
You'll have to come by.
I'm glad
you're back on your feet.
If they found his body,
it was just a matter of time
before they worked out it was us.
You can't be serious.
I've done pigs and sheep.
- Can't be that different.
- I think it's quite different.
What's wrong with your jaw?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
If you don't want to help,
you should go upstairs.
I'd understand.
Let me out.
Let me out!
Let me out!
I need a piss.
- Knock yourself out.
- I'm not a fucking animal. Let me out.
I forgot, you must be special.
Would Madam like a powder room?
What the hell are you doing?
What are you gonna do, big man?
Hit me?
Go on then. Hit me.
Hit me.
Or are you just a weak little bitch?
Didn't matter
if we were handling explosives.
Prick would come up
behind us while we were working.
Rubbing it in.
Having a good old swirl.
Half the time you couldn't even notice,
it was that tiny.
- How tiny?
- Like a dog's lipstick.
Anyway, as soon as
the men started coming back,
he tossed us out like scrap.
Girls had lost fingers, hands, eyes,
but it didn't matter to him.
He couldn't get rid of us
quick enough.
Screw him.
Never going back
to that shit hole.
Don't you have any family there?
No one.
I had a sister.
She moved down here a while ago.
But we lost touch.
I'll never know.
I can get you work.
- What kind of work?
- Depends what kind of girl you are.
Come find me when you get out.
There's an alley just off French Street.
You'll know the place when you see it.
That where you're from?
No one's from Soho, love.
I'm Elephant and Castle.
Born and raised.
What's it like being blotto?
until this morning.
Your mum must have been
spitting feathers.
Not really.
She's being so weird.
Okay. Truth.
I'm fine.
Your turn.
- Hail Osiris.
- Hail Osiris.
- King of the dead.
- Who's that man?
Hail Osiris.
Oh, God. Not him again.
Daddy will go ballistic.
That's Mr. Huxley.
What are they doing?
Talking to her brother.
I thought
he died in the war.
Yeah. It's bloody creepy
if you ask me.
He gave her those cards.
He told her they summon the dead.
Osiris, taker of life.
He says the dead
are always with us.
Oh, Osiris. Oh, Osiris.
Oh, Osiris, hear our call,
as we summon thee.
Summon thy spirit.
You have to go in there
and talk to them for 30 seconds
using only the word "meaty."
No, no, no, no.
Let's just go up.
Daddy's back.
I used to imagine
the things we might do together.
Like a normal mother and daughter.
Theater trips. Shopping.
Stroll in the park,
You really outdone yourself.
How long do you think this will last?
A month.
Maybe two.
Then what?
I have a child to support
and you can't dance forever.
- You think I don't know that?
- We have an opportunity here.
What are you talking about?
I saw how much that place
was making last night.
And it was a cesspit.
Don't you think we could do it better?
You want to open a nightclub?
We're in the middle of the biggest party
the world has ever seen.
Why should bastards like him
be the only ones who profit from it?
Profit from it?
We've just cut
his fucking legs off, Kate.
We lease this place for just a few weeks
and we can double our money.
Triple it.
You really are something, aren't you?
You handle the entertainment
and I'll take care of the rest.
That's not even the risk, Kate.
It's you.
You're poison.
You ruin everything you touch.
I should have replied to your letter.
I'm sorry.
I was scared.
you'll be free to do whatever you like.
I'm going there tomorrow.
Come with me.
Just take a look.
This is our chance, Billie.
I knew you had it in you.
Lily Lee, reported missing
by her family two years ago.
Sir, I did what you asked.
Where's my uniform?
I want to get back to my normal duties.
You have to earn it.
If you leave now,
don't bother coming back.
If you're going to work for me,
I need to know I can trust you.
Can I trust you?
Have you ever taken dope?
Or is it just pitiful desperation
that runs in your family?
Fuck you.
You heard the good minister this morning.
We have a war on our hands.
Ever since we made cocaine illegal,
the dealers have been
flooding the pubs and clubs.
We keep trying to insert plainclothes
officers into these fucking sinkholes,
but unfortunately the kind of men
who join the City of London Police
don't tend to blend
into the background.
However, a certain
might go unnoticed in ways
that a man could not.
In places that a man could not.
I understand.
It's not exactly the kind of work you
imagined, but we all make sacrifices.
Plainclothes work is the only way
of infiltrating these places.
I don't see you
on the street playing a whore.
Your dedication to the force
would not go unnoticed.
Or unrewarded.
Upstairs have their doubts
over inexperience.
But after your little
I have convinced them
to give you a try.
I think you'll be rather believable.
If I get my throat cut,
there's no one to miss me.
- When will I start?
- You already have.
You want me to use her?
She trusts you.
She works the clubs.
She knows all the wrong types.
If we let her back out onto the streets,
she is your way in.
I joined the police
to help girls like her, not exploit them.
we have to be bad to be good,
Miss Davies.
The choice is yours.
Well, what do you think?
This is wild. Even for you.
Where are you getting the money?
Her husband's life insurance.
So she's fronting it all?
Yeah, we'll be partners.
You'll be like every other Black woman
working for their white boss.
Look, it doesn't matter
if she's full of shit.
She'll be gone
in a couple of weeks.
And it'll be ours.
Women running a club,
you'll be a target.
We'll be pioneers.
It'll be our stage. Total freedom.
We could perform
whatever we want.
This isn't freedom.
What's the alternative?
Spending the rest of your life
singing and tap dancing
to the sound of coffee and cutlery.
I thought
you wanted more than that.
I want something that's mine.
Sarah, wait.
Here. What I owe you.
I got paid.
A clear conscience
will cost you more than that.
- I had no choice.
- Of course you did.
- You have money, a house.
- It's not good enough.
We were arrested, force-fed.
Some women even died.
Not just for their freedom,
for yours, too.
Do you not understand
the meaning of solidarity?
I don't have the luxury.
I'm just trying to survive.
If it helps you sleep at night.
You scared me.
You are all wet.
I wasn't sure what time you'd be home,
but this is perfect. Sit.
It's her special shepherd's pie.
She thinks it's amazing, but it's rank.
You just have to pretend.
Now, I know shepherd's pie
isn't exactly gourmet,
but this isn't your average
shepherd's pie.
It's been quite the 24 hours.
For all of us.
But I thought it would be
nice to eat together.
Raise a glass.
And for Evie and I to say thank you.
Thank you, Billie.
For everything.
To the future.
Whatever it may hold.
Would you ever lie to me?
Of course not.
Why would you even ask me that?
Was Daddy a good man?
Your father was a wonderful man.
And he loved you more
than anything else in the world.
And I do, too.
You're the only thing that matters to me.
Hello, Frankie.
What do you want?
Surely you won't make an old lady
eat alone.
The raid last night wasn't my fault.
Somebody called it in.
There was no time to warn you.
And the money?
What about it?
It's gone.
Along with my grandson.
I don't know anything about that.
I swear.
What are we paying you for, then?
I'm sorry.
But I can't help you anymore.
I'm done.
I used to help my father
look after our sheep
in the mountains.
We would stay up there for weeks
protecting the flock.
But wolves come with many faces.
my father's brother crept up the mountain
and shot us both in our sleep.
He wanted to steal our land.
So, he made sure my father was dead
and left our bodies for the wolves.
But he didn't think
to check on me.
I dragged myself through the snow.
Following my uncle's tracks.
I was nearly starving with hunger.
You should never eat an animal
that died when it was afraid.
You can taste the fear in the meat.
Sometimes, Frankie,
that is the sweetest flavor of all.
in Sicily, land is power.
Now Soho is my land, Frankie.
who is trying to take it from me?
It needs a little updating on the inside,
but it's such a vibrant area.
The lease is for the whole building.
Four floors in total.
The new club is off Brewer Street.
It's called The 33.
A girl from Danton's is opening it.
Silvio Salucci used to run that place.
Now, he's missing.
- There are bigger things at stake.
- He's your grandson.
Welcome home, my son.
We'll find him.
Someone must be hiding something.
So get yourself in there.
That bastards sold us fucking water.
- We need to rob a restaurant.
- We're not robbing a restaurant.
We could rob the police.
- Do you want a job?
- Yeah.
Whatever you find out,
just bring it straight to me, understood?
Well, you just got home.
You should focus on your wife and kids.
Let you get on with business?
And we both know I'll be running it.
If they knew, we'd already be dead.
We just need to treat them
like anyone else.
Anyone else?
How many other people have vested interest
in cutting out our tongues, Kate?
The ritual is complex
and not for the faint of heart.
Hail Osiris, King of the Dead,
Renewer of Life.
- Lord Osiris.
- Hail Osiris, Lord of Silence.
If you want to reopen,
you're going to need to pay.
For what?
I'm in.