Dope Thief (2025) s01e02 Episode Script
Bat Out of Hell
[Ray] We can't just run.
You got Sherry.
I got Theresa and [exhales deeply]
you know, I got Theresa.
Hey, at least we know Philly though.
Now we just gotta put our heads down
and hide everything we love.
[Manny] Yeah, but we don't even
know who's looking for us.
Well, we gonna figure that out, all right?
We'll figure that out.
I bet you I can throw mine
further than you.
- [chuckles] Come on, man.
- So stupid.
- And one
- You're so stupid. You're so fucking
[both] three.
["Point And Kill" playing]
[music ends]
- [Theresa] Are you high?
- What?
I can't just pick up
and go to Atlantic City. I'm an old lady.
What is you talking about? Atlantic City
ain't nothing but old ladies.
I'm in the middle of a legal thing.
Oh, yeah? [stammering] What kind
of legal thing? What?
This lawyer I found.
I got to meet with a lawyer tomorrow.
What you need a lawyer for?
I can go down the Shore next week,
thank you very much.
No, you can't. Not next week. Nah.
The reservation is for tonight.
So you gotta go.
And there's a shuttle, everything.
You gotta go tonight.
What is this? You come in here
with your hair on fire
and I gotta rush off to Atlantic City?
- [Ray sighs] Oh, my God, woman.
- [Shermie whimpers]
- [gasps]
- [grunts]
Do not go through
a woman's closet, Raymond.
Then pack. Please.
Look at this. Isn't this nice?
This is a violation here.
All you do is stay stuffed up inside
with your little scratch cards.
Now, you need to enjoy life.
- But why does it have to be this second?
- Because it's a prize.
You don't cash it in, you gonna lose it.
It's been that long since you won
something? You forgot how prizes work.
- Oh, it's a prize?
- Yeah, a radio prize. A call-in.
Oh, what station?
You know [singsongy] WMGK.
[normal] Yeah. Uh, I had to name a song.
Now, look, you need to go down the Shore
because you deserve it. You hear me?
- I didn't ask for this.
- That's the problem.
You don't ever ask for shit.
Except $10,000.
You know, you're welcome.
- Whatever. [mutters] It's all good.
- I'm not stupid, Raymond.
You and that dopehead, Manny,
think my head's in the sand.
Come on with that, Ma.
Like, what How about this?
How about you, um,
pack yourself something nice, you know?
'Cause you can probably go see
the Blue Man Group or something like that,
you know what I'm saying? Huh?
Put one of your your tiger stripe
shirts in there or something. [winces]
[Theresa] Are you dealing dope, Raymond?
Be honest with me.
No, Ma, come on. No, I swear to God.
Actually Actually,
I'm doing the opposite of that.
The exact opposite of that.
What's the opposite? A charity?
- Yeah, you the charity.
- [Shermie barks]
[Theresa] I paid a fortune
for this retainer, you know.
[growls, barks]
[Theresa] It gives me a headache
to think how much it costs.
- [sighs]
- [Theresa] These people,
they'll take advantage
if you're not watching them every second.
[Ray] Hey. Come on. Come on.
What you doing, hey?
Hey! No, no. You supposed to be packing.
Come on. Hey.
Didn't you hear me, Raymond?
I just paid a retainer
- and I gotta meet with this person!
- All right, wait. Okay, wait.
A retainer? What? What you need a ret
[breathes heavily]
Is that what the ten G's was for?
A retainer?
You better not tell me that this is
more bullshit for that nig for my father.
I won't tell you nothing.
Goddamn, Ma. Goddamn. Is that
Is that what this money was for?
- He's your father.
- Yeah.
Do you have any idea
God, do you have any idea how much
I've been through to get you that money?
You said the opposite of drugs.
- You're supposed to be painting houses!
- Do you know how terrible the houses are?
- I have to meet with this person, Ray!
- Okay. I'll meet with him.
I'll meet with him, okay?
Text me the place.
Tell the dude
that I'll meet with him, all right?
I mean, my father's guilty as shit,
but I'll meet with his ass, all right?
You're not gonna take it seriously.
I'ma take it so seriously
and I will do whatever it takes,
as long as you pack your shit
so I can take you down to the shuttle.
Atlantic City, baby. What you say?
What song was it?
- What?
- The song, shit-bird.
What song did you name?
- [Shermie growling]
- [scoffs]
[chuckles, sighs]
"Coming to America."
"Coming to America," Neil Diamond.
- I love that song.
- I know you do. I know.
Who's taking Shermie?
[Ray] Shit.
["Church" playing on radio]
[groans] Damn it, Shermie.
I would have pulled over
for you to do that.
You had to do it in here?
[Shermie whines]
- Hey. Hey, stay. You stay.
- [whining]
- [dog barking]
- [doorbell rings]
- [Ray] Hey. [clears throat] Hey.
- [barking, growling]
- [resident] Hey. Come in. Come in.
- Hey.
- All right.
- Enzo, stop.
- He probably probably smelled my dog.
- [resident] Yeah.
- Enzo.
- [Enzo growls]
[resident] Come here. [kisses]
You hungry?
Uh. No, I'm I'm all right. I'm all right.
Just in time for breakfast, so
- [Ray] Mm-hmm.
- [resident speaks Vietnamese]
- Kids, say hi to Ray.
- [Ray] Hey.
- [child 1] Hey.
- [child 2] Hi, Ray.
- Ray, do you want some coffee?
- Only if it's no trouble.
[child 1] She put a curse on you.
[child 2] Mom, she didn't, right?
[all chattering in Vietnamese]
- Fresh.
- [child 2] Stop it.
[chattering continues]
[child 2] Are you insane?
Oh, my God, Mom.
[Ray] Thank you. Thank you.
[child 1] Nobody eats soup for breakfast.
Stop making fun of Grandma.
[child 1] Nobody eats soup for breakfast.
[child 2] Yeah, it's true.
We're the only people
who are crazy in the world.
[Grandma speaks Vietnamese]
[sucks teeth]
That's not aloe vera gel, is it?
Liquid meth.
They dissolve it in here
to smuggle in bulk.
Somebody's gotta convert this to crystals
for the street,
but each spoonful is enough
for a whole hick town.
Yeah, and I couldn't carry half of it.
Bro, it was on the news.
You hit a conversion lab.
You went for a capillary,
you got an artery.
I'll hold on to this for a while.
There's gonna be a lot of heat.
[Ray sighs]
Hey, hey, can these guys
can can they find us, Son? Huh?
Who knows what you do, hmm? Other than me?
- But you had this third? Right?
- [sighs]
[Ray scoffs] Rick.
- Where did he come from?
- Well, he got out three weeks ago.
He heard about you on the inside?
And last week, where was he at?
Halfway house? Grandma's?
You know, anybody looking for you,
he's point A.
You get rid of his body?
[Son sighs] Ray.
- Dental records
- Yeah, man. I know, I know.
I know he got teeth, Son,
and I know what cops do.
But I'm I'm talking
about this this voice, man.
This voice from the walkie-talkie
and it was one of them fucked-up accents
from up north too.
Like, uh [New England accent]
"Larry Bird parked the car in the yard."
[Son] That's pretty good.
This guy saw you?
[normal voice, clicks tongue] No.
Could he just be some tweaker?
No, man. Nah, Son, nah.
The way this dude was talking,
he he's somebody.
You know [stammers] he's the real deal.
Look, how do I cover my tracks, Son? Huh?
And don't tell me that you don't know,
'cause, you know,
this is basically
the safest place in Philly.
You basically shape-shifted
to get up here.
How long you been at this? Two years?
Not even. Fourteen months.
You couldn't have lasted what,
four months,
if you didn't know
how to keep your head down.
You wasn't saying that shit
when you needed us
to get rid of your competition though,
was you?
Let me show you something.
South Vietnamese. 1975.
Okay. Um.
[clicks tongue, inhales sharply]
What's it worth?
Now? Nothing.
My old man, he left Saigon with, uh,
three million dong. He was rich.
By the time he got here,
these were souvenirs.
Shape-shifting is just called life, Ray.
You can't depend on anything, man.
So that means all you got
is your heart and your wits.
And your family.
- [children laughing, chattering]
- [dog barking]
Go ahead. Keep that shit.
Bro, I came here for your help
and all you gave me was some Kevlar
and worthless dong.
You came here to see a real family, Ray.
Otherwise, you would have come on Monday.
[intercom chatter]
[crying, sniffling]
[groaning] Shit.
[breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
[Shermie whining]
[sighs deeply]
Hey, I'll be back.
You guard the house, all right?
[grunting] Shit.
- Fuck. [grunts]
- [Manny] Do you think there's
You think there's any way we could
- Can we still give this money back, Ray?
- [laughs]
- Give the money back? Yeah.
- Yeah.
Only if we wanna be standing still
when they kill us. Okay?
[Ray sighing, grunting]
All right.
Hey, look at this, man. Here you go.
[chuckles] You know,
I thought about having a garage sale.
I realized that'd be
the most depressing shit ever.
[Manny] This is probably
the worst garage sale I ever saw
- in my life.
- [Ray] That's what I'm saying.
When my dad went down, Theresa,
she had me, uh,
store all his fucking Lou Rawls and shit.
So I'm gonna put equal share in each bag
and, uh, if anything happen to me
Come on, man. Hey, hey, hey.
If anything happen to me,
give my share to Theresa, all right?
- I don't like this.
- Come on, man. Can you do that for me?
- Yeah.
- Thank you.
[Ray sighs, sniffs]
- Poor Rick, man.
- Poor Rick, man?
[scoffs] Poor Rick fucked us.
You know that, right?
I mean, did he even know
what was in that house?
Matter of fact, who gave him that tip?
'Cause that didn't seem like "his turf."
You know what I'm saying?
You think somebody sent him to us?
- I think I'm overthinking it, man.
- No, you're not over
Wait, Ray, let's talk about this.
This is fucking serious. This is like
He couldn't have played us like that.
You're right. He He wasn't that smart.
Yeah, but it don't exactly
take a genius, Manny.
What are you doing? Hey, yo.
Get up. Get off of that, man.
That shit got bad juju.
You don't want that.
[Ray sniffs, sighs]
Is that your father's chair?
[scoffs] King Bart's fucking throne, bro.
Dude, who knew about us?
What do you mean?
I mean, Rick was in the joint
with your father.
Does Bart know what we do?
[intercom chatter]
[gate buzzes]
[intercom chatter]
Come on through.
Hands up.
[Ray] What's with the robe?
Casual Friday.
So, look, I need to know
what you said about me in here.
Wh What are you talking about?
Rick Staley.
Paroled three weeks ago.
Came in here through Graterford.
[Bart] Tom Staley's kid?
I don't know Tom Staley.
[Bart] Then I don't know Rick Staley.
Look, if you said anything,
it changes my whole life, all right?
Are you getting married?
You queer for him?
[clicks tongue]
He worked for me, my painting crew.
If you
[clicks tongue]
said anything about me in here,
I need to know
and I need to know if I need to worry.
You worry about everything.
You could have had an ulcer
at five years old.
And why do you think that is, asshole?
Watch your language.
There are kids over there.
And on top of that,
what is Theresa getting you a lawyer for?
Probably our anniversary.
I swear, if you make her waste
any more money on your ass,
you can swear to God, man,
you gonna be lucky
that you locked up in here.
What does that mean?
- You safer in here.
- You'll be in here again.
[clicks tongue] You know, I
I keep remembering this thing, okay?
Hear me out.
We in our old house back in Nicetown.
Remember that?
And I'm, like, six, seven,
eight years old. I don't know.
And it's the middle of the night
and I'm half asleep, like I should be.
And you you got me downstairs
in the kitchen in my pajamas.
And Ma, she was high, been high all night,
and you were beating the shit out of her.
And I'm just standing there, scared
frozen, basically.
And you, you know, you [grunts] Right?
You You hold her and then you come to me
and you tell me to take a swing at her.
- No, no. Why would I do that?
- I don't know, man. I don't know.
Father-son lesson.
Teach me my lesson? I I don't know.
Whatever Whatever it was, all right?
You did it.
It's the clearest memory I got too.
Memories ain't always reliable.
You can't even admit it.
I did everything I could to raise you.
Your girlfriend raised me, nigga, okay?
Dressed me, fed me,
took me in like a stray dog.
And I still live like one too.
Still do, uh-huh.
Scared that any woman I bring home,
I'm gonna rip apart
like you did my mother.
Ain't one part of my life, one part,
that you ain't fuck up.
And now, even now, in here,
you may have ratted me out.
You're welcome for the cigarettes.
Smoke all them motherfuckers
at once maybe.
[breathes deeply] Look, I
I did say something one time at a meeting.
An AA meeting?
Sacred space.
Because nothing ever leaves that room.
Long haulers, man. Men out of the game.
Except th there was
this this one white boy
I I forget his name
and he just got paroled.
- Uh.
- Holy shit.
Danny. Danny Loebsack.
[mouths] Shit.
Look, he ran with this crew
called Eden's Gardeners.
You know, they must they used to
mow-mow lawns and shit like that.
Maybe that's where your boyfriend Rick is.
Maybe he ran with that crew.
Where can I find these Eden Gardeners at?
Hell if I know.
[Manny] How many Loebsacks
can there be out there?
[sighs] Too many.
And what do we do
if we find this Gardener anyway?
Are we threatening him?
Are we warning him?
Yo, that depend on him.
Hey, keep going. I found another Loebsack.
Yeah. Okay.
[Manny] I can barely move in this shit.
Mrs. Loebsack!
[Ray] Ms. Loebsack!
Federal agents!
[breathes sharply]
[door creaks]
[Ray breathes heavily] DEA!
Oh, shit.
[breathes heavily] Goddamn it.
[water dripping]
[breathing heavily]
[groans] Fuck.
Oh. Okay.
[Manny] Ray!
[breathing shakily] Manny. [groans]
Manny! Manny. Manny. Manny!
Manny! Manny!
Oh, fuck.
- [flies buzzing]
- Oh, shit.
You think this is Danny?
Or what, man?
Some other 'wood who got tortured?
- [sighs]
- [line ringing]
- [Sherry] Hello.
- [Manny] Sherry.
Hey, baby. What's going on?
Sherry, mi amor,
you need to get out of the house.
What are you talking about?
- I mean it.
- No
- Mi amor, don't take your car
- No.
take your mom's car
- and get the fuck out of town.
- No, no, no
Yeah. Tell her she needs to
get out of there right now.
[stammers] Okay, just do it,
- and don't tell anyone where.
- What's going on?
Mi amor, you can scream at me later.
Right now, just go, okay?
- I'm hanging up. I'm hanging up.
- Manny? Manny?
- [speaks Spanish]
- What? What the fuck?
Hey, if this Danny motherfucker
knew anything about us,
he gave us up right away.
- So, why the butcher routine?
- It's a statement.
A statement? What for, man?
I mean we out in the middle of
Fuck. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
[Manny] Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
[grunts] What the fuck?
[grunting] Shit. Shit. Fuck.
- Manny! [grunts] Shit. Fuck.
- [gunshots]
Fuck. Fuck. Oh, shit.
[grunts, groans]
Shit. [groans]
[thug 1 grunting, groaning]
Oh, fuck me. Fuck.
[thug 2] Hey, kid, you okay?
[thug 1] Fuck no!
[groans] Shit.
[groaning, coughing]
[breathing shakily]
[Ray groans]
Shit. Shit. Fuck.
- [grunts]
- [breathes shakily]
[breathing heavily]
[thug 1 groaning, choking]
[groans] Fucking asshole.
[Ray] Stop! DEA!
Stop. What the fuck is wrong with you?
I'm a cop.
Who cares?
Who the fuck are you people?
- [grunts]
- [exhales sharply]
[breathing heavily]
[groaning, wheezing]
[Ray] Hey, Manny, man. We leaving.
Gotta change this fucking tire.
I should be dead
four fucking times already, man.
Oh, shit. [groans]
Hey, man,
you think these dudes is from Ottsville?
- Manny? Manny.
- [snorts]
I don't know where
these guys are from, Ray.
You gonna be okay, bro? Hmm?
[phone ringing]
[Ray] What's that?
[Manny] It's his phone.
I kn I know it's his phone, man.
What song is that?
I know I know that song.
We need to close his eyes.
I know that song, man.
- Shit, I know I know that song.
- His eyes are freaking me out.
It's gonna drive me crazy
until I figure [grunts]
[muttering] Where's this at?
- [ringing stops]
- Why don't you guess his password?
I don't know. January 6th.
And it's got the dots on it.
Let's see.
Dumb motherfucker.
We have to give these guys
a proper burial.
No, man, we leaving.
[Ray] Yo, this dude's phone
a wasteland, man.
[Manny] What?
[Ray] Zero Fucks.
No contacts, no pictures.
- It's a new burner.
- Hey, hey, man. Watch the bullet holes.
You're getting water in here.
Hey, hey.
Stay away from all these cameras too, man.
[vacuum humming]
[Ray] Dude. Dude.
Dude, man, what is you doing?
Don't put that shit on your skin.
It's better than satanic biker blood.
[Ray] Okay. [chuckles] All right.
We're murderers now, Ray.
Man, fuck them dudes, man.
They weren't shit.
- They slaughtered innocent people.
- God made them too.
And I killed one of them.
You killed both of them actually.
- No, you shot the other guy.
- Yeah, but you hit him first, man.
He would have died from that injury.
I'm just saying.
Brother, you gotta stop doing that.
Really. You got
- Sherry is right about you. It's like
- Okay. There we go.
What else does Sherry say about me, huh?
Sherry says that you have
the need to control everything, man.
- You don't need that. Yeah. You do.
- I got a need to control everything?
Do I look like
I'm in fucking control, Manny?
And you know,
I bought her that houseplant too, man.
- I ain't gonna forget that shit.
- Thank you.
Dude, that's the last gift she get.
[phone ringing]
Okay. Okay. Just Just don't
don't pick that up.
- I'm gonna answer that shit.
- No, we don't need to.
- Why not? I'ma answer that shit, man.
- No, no.
Manny, stop playing, man.
Let me answer the fucking
[whispering] Ray, just don't do it.
You don't know who
[voice] You said you was
gonna call afterwards, dipshit.
- You there?
- [New England accent] I'm there.
I'm here.
[whispering] What? [grunts]
[voice] You find it or what?
Nothing. It's a It's a mess back there.
Not on the phone.
I want you to write down an address.
All right, go ahead.
Raymond Driscoll.
604 Madison Road, apartment 1B.
And if he ain't there?
You got someplace you gotta be?
Wait for him, retard.
On my way.
- [normal voice] Fucking shit. Fuck.
- Ray.
All right, man. Okay, uh Oh, shit, man.
How'd they find me? How'd they find me?
Okay, I I gotta go get
everything out of there.
You are not going back to your place.
- The dog, man. The dog there.
- The dog's a hundred, Ray.
- Theresa will kill me.
- Have you smoked your brains?
Yo. Chill, Manny. Chill, Manny.
Hey, Manny, Manny, Manny, chill.
- I'm chill. You
- Chill, man. Hold up, hold up.
[stammering] We, uh, got until they
find out that this dude is dead, right?
- Which dude?
- Zero Fucks, nigga!
The nigga that we shot!
Okay, until until
they go back there and they find out
that the Allman Brothers is dead,
I can go get Shermie.
I can get my records, my pictures
and you can pack your shit
and meet me back in storage.
Oh, sure. I'll go save your plant.
No, man. Wait, wait. They They
If they got my address then they know
my car so I need I need a car, man.
Hey, hey, man, hey, hey,
stop doing that shit.
Did Sherry take her car with her?
- You gotta be fucking kidding me, Ray.
- Come on, man. Did she? Come on.
If that dog pisses in her car
Oh, man. On my life. On my life.
I promise. Manuel, I promise. Okay?
[Manny] This Armor All fucking burns.
[Ray] I told your ass, huh?
Didn't I tell your ass?
This shit is meant for cars, man.
[police radio chatter]
We're out of evidence markers.
[DEA agent 1] What do you do
when you run out of evidence markers?
[DEA agent 2] Send you to Staples.
For some index cards.
Gentlemen, what are we looking at?
Gentlemen, what are we looking at?
Some real good mushrooms
all up and down that drive.
Multiple calibers?
[sheriff] 9s, .45s, .308s.
- [DEA agent 1] Anything in the house?
- [officer] Still in the victims.
Was this over drugs or money?
What do you know about the victims?
Kids. Unarmed. It's like a rumspringa.
Remind again who the Rumspringa are?
Amish kids rutsching around.
The Amish aren't Amish
until they're baptized at age 18.
- [phone rings]
- So from 16 to 18,
they go on a rumspringa.
- [DEA agent 1] Hello?
- Some experiment more than others.
If they were unarmed, who was firing back?
[DEA agent 1] Boss?
She's out of surgery.
[whispering] Fuck.
- [monitor beeping]
- [ventilator hisses]
The doctors are really optimistic.
[clicks fingers]
Front room. With two other bodies.
Uh, they haven't ID'd the third.
We're suspending all other investigations
until we can find these guys.
- [electronic voice] Stupid. Stupid
- Okay.
- [beeping rapidly]
- We got it.
I don't think
she's supposed to get excited.
- Don't suspend.
- Your case is over.
- Ducking DEA posers ducked it up.
- Yeah, and I need to control that.
- Mina, this is bad.
- Ducking DEA my ass.
- I can turn off autocorrect for her.
- Shut up.
- Jack had idea.
- Okay. Shut it off. Stop. That's enough.
Stop typing. Stop writing.
Everybody, just relax.
Shut it off. Stop. Relax.
I don't want to hear
Jack's big idea right now.
Can you imagine
if the press gets a version of this?
So, when you're better,
you only talk to me.
If I'd been your sup,
I never would've partnered you with Jack.
But we need to drape a flag
over his coffin now
and carry him through City Hall.
He is officially a saint,
which means
the questions are coming for you.
This is not your case anymore.
It is ours and it is Homicide's
and you are the only surviving witness.
Keep it that way.
Keep my cover.
Put me in custody.
You're a criminal in our custody.
A federal witness.
We'll sit a marshal by that door.
God help him.
[breathing heavily, sniffs]
[sighs] Fuck.
Fuck. Fuck. Damn. Fuck.
[sighs] Shermie.
Did you do this shit?
You did all this shit?
Bad dog, okay?
Bad dog!
- [music playing on radio]
- [exclaims] Shit.
[Shermie barking]
[channel switching]
Hey, come on.
[thug's phone rings]
[voice] So what'd you find, pal? Anything?
[New England accent] I'm waiting.
New plan. Come on back here.
We got steaks on the grill.
Great. 'Cause I'm starvin'.
So, you're not a vegetarian no more, huh?
You must have had
a real life change today, Elden.
You got potato salad?
Fuck you
- You know what you are?
- [whispering] Shit.
You are that particular breed of asshole
who thinks he's outsmarting everybody.
But guess what? I know you now.
I know everything about you.
I know your whole fucking family.
I know everything.
Maybe tomorrow
I'm gonna say hello to your father.
- [normal voice] Like I give a shit.
- Or he could catch a shiv tonight.
Okay. Knock yourself the fuck out, pal.
I've got guys inside
on a landscaping crew.
That means a big pair of pruning shears.
We're gonna use these shears to take off
your old man's fingers one by one.
And there are other appendages.
Oh, well, now you just flirting
with me, man.
Can you send me a picture?
You heartless prick.
Oh, shit.
Then, I know your friend Che Guevara
over there in Fairhill.
Maybe I'll pay a visit to him.
I I can get you
your money back, man, okay?
Oh, that's moving, chief.
You'll lay out for your compadre.
You don't even know what you started.
All of it. All the drugs.
All of it, man, okay?
You can't even begin to understand
the scope of this problem.
I have to kill everybody you know,
just for the principle of it now.
So I'm gonna visit your amigo right now
and scatter tiny little pieces of him
all over this shithole town.
- [line beeps]
- H Hello? H
Fuck! Mother Fuck! Fuck! [grunts]
[phone dialing]
[through phone] This is Manny's phone.
Peace on Earth, guys.
I just got off the phone
with Whitey fucking Bulger, man.
And you need to get out of your house now,
Manny, all right?
And answer the fucking phone.
- [phone rings]
- [mutters]
Hey. Hey, hey, hey, Ma.
Ma? Yeah, you okay?
[Theresa] You're in big trouble, Raymond.
Did you lie to me?
So help me God if you lied to me.
What I lie about, Ma? Which lie?
What are you talking about? What lie?
The appointment, it's at 4:30.
- You're not there, Raymond.
- Holy shit.
Cancel the goddamn appointment, Ma.
It's not life or death.
It's life or death to me.
It took me weeks
to get these people's attention.
And it's expensive.
[sighs] Yeah, I know.
I I know it's expensive.
How's Shermie doing?
He pissed on everything I own, okay?
Oh, what do you got that's so fancy?
Hey, Ma, I gotta call you back, all right?
Have fun at the slots, okay? I love you.
[chattering on TV]
Hey, Manny, man. Where you at, man?
Manny, man. Talk to me, man.
Come on, Manny.
Come on, Manny, man. Where you at, bro?
[breathing heavily]
Shit. [grunts]
[grunting, panting]
[dog barking]
Shit. [panting]
Fuck! Fuck!
- [yells]
- [horn honks]
Oh, shit.
- Sorry. Sorry, man. Sorry.
- [grunting]
[panting, sniffs]
[tires squealing]
Oh, shit!
- [panting]
- [yells]
- [honks]
- [tires squealing]
- [metal screeching]
- [grunting, groaning]
[engine stops]
[cars honking]
[drivers chattering]
- [Ray gasps]
- [honking]
[sirens wailing]
[grunts, coughs]
[line ringing]
Answer, Manny, man. Come on.
[sighs] Come on, man.
[sighs] Answer, Manny. Answer, man.
This is Manny's phone.
- Peace on Earth, guys.
- Fuck!
Are you Ray?
Are you the lawyer?
I I'm Michelle Taylor, Sullivan, Whitmore.
Your mother called.
She told me you might not be coming.
I was just heading out.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
I got caught up in traffic.
It's okay.
Let's go inside.
[Michelle] Okay. [sighs]
Come on in.
Uh, just over there.
Please, have a seat.
Uh, are you all right, Mr. Driscoll?
Can I get you a cup of tea? A towel?
Uh, can I get a a glass of water, please?
- Of course.
- Thank you.
[exhales shakily]
[Michelle] It hurts.
I know how hard it is.
[crying] Sweet Jesus.
- [whispering] Hey.
- [sobbing]
We are at the mercy of our past.
We push all these feelings down.
Times like this, they surge back up.
I'm sorry.
I'm just, uh
I'm just
I'm just worried about something.
[sniffles] Someone.
Of course.
- You love him. No.
- [crying] Oh, Jesus, I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- No, no.
It's okay.
Um. [chuckles]
This is good. Really.
You don't know how many people
come in here and put up a wall.
Thank you for for reminding me
what this is all about, you know.
[Ray] Jesus.
You seem like an honest person.
[crying] Oh, God.
Oh, God.
[breathing heavily]
[sighs, sniffles]
Uh, so, in the past
it's been like playing the lottery,
but with COVID,
I think this could be a perfect storm.
He's definitely eligible.
For compassionate release.
It may just be
a matter of checking all the boxes,
making sure the paperwork is airtight.
That kind of thing.
Paper um
Paperwork. What What paperwork is that?
From the oncologist.
The bronchoscopy, CT scan.
His cancer is pretty advanced,
but combine that
with a good prison record, which he has,
I I think we have a real shot.
I can't cure him, Mr. Driscoll,
but I can help get him home.
[grunts] How How long will this take?
Hmm? This [chuckles, cries] compassion.
Well, the bureaucracy grinds pretty slow.
[chuckles] The good things in life
usually take longer than the bad.
[scoffs] Yeah,
'cause bad is pretty immediate.
[sniffs] Oh, my God.
Them butchers are gonna kill his ass.
Uh, well, we can move him
out of the infirmary first.
Get him to a dedicated wing
at Chester County Hospital.
He'll have a marshal assigned to him.
A marshal? [chuckles]
They gonna put marshals with him.
Yeah, until his release.
- [knocks on table] Yeah.
- Touch wood. [chuckles]
Now, I hate this part, but, uh,
Theresa still owes
the rest of the retainer.
I can get you the money.
- [Elden's phone rings]
- Oh, shit.
[clicks tongue, sighs]
Now you have gone too far, Mr. Driscoll.
- Uh Uh, Ray. It's just Ray.
- Ray.
Let me get this straight, Ray.
Your ringtone is "Bat Out of Hell"
by Meat Loaf?
[both chuckle]
Thank you. [laughs]
Thank you. [laughing]
'Cause 'Cause it's been
driving me fucking insane.
["Bat Out of Hell" playing]
You got Sherry.
I got Theresa and [exhales deeply]
you know, I got Theresa.
Hey, at least we know Philly though.
Now we just gotta put our heads down
and hide everything we love.
[Manny] Yeah, but we don't even
know who's looking for us.
Well, we gonna figure that out, all right?
We'll figure that out.
I bet you I can throw mine
further than you.
- [chuckles] Come on, man.
- So stupid.
- And one
- You're so stupid. You're so fucking
[both] three.
["Point And Kill" playing]
[music ends]
- [Theresa] Are you high?
- What?
I can't just pick up
and go to Atlantic City. I'm an old lady.
What is you talking about? Atlantic City
ain't nothing but old ladies.
I'm in the middle of a legal thing.
Oh, yeah? [stammering] What kind
of legal thing? What?
This lawyer I found.
I got to meet with a lawyer tomorrow.
What you need a lawyer for?
I can go down the Shore next week,
thank you very much.
No, you can't. Not next week. Nah.
The reservation is for tonight.
So you gotta go.
And there's a shuttle, everything.
You gotta go tonight.
What is this? You come in here
with your hair on fire
and I gotta rush off to Atlantic City?
- [Ray sighs] Oh, my God, woman.
- [Shermie whimpers]
- [gasps]
- [grunts]
Do not go through
a woman's closet, Raymond.
Then pack. Please.
Look at this. Isn't this nice?
This is a violation here.
All you do is stay stuffed up inside
with your little scratch cards.
Now, you need to enjoy life.
- But why does it have to be this second?
- Because it's a prize.
You don't cash it in, you gonna lose it.
It's been that long since you won
something? You forgot how prizes work.
- Oh, it's a prize?
- Yeah, a radio prize. A call-in.
Oh, what station?
You know [singsongy] WMGK.
[normal] Yeah. Uh, I had to name a song.
Now, look, you need to go down the Shore
because you deserve it. You hear me?
- I didn't ask for this.
- That's the problem.
You don't ever ask for shit.
Except $10,000.
You know, you're welcome.
- Whatever. [mutters] It's all good.
- I'm not stupid, Raymond.
You and that dopehead, Manny,
think my head's in the sand.
Come on with that, Ma.
Like, what How about this?
How about you, um,
pack yourself something nice, you know?
'Cause you can probably go see
the Blue Man Group or something like that,
you know what I'm saying? Huh?
Put one of your your tiger stripe
shirts in there or something. [winces]
[Theresa] Are you dealing dope, Raymond?
Be honest with me.
No, Ma, come on. No, I swear to God.
Actually Actually,
I'm doing the opposite of that.
The exact opposite of that.
What's the opposite? A charity?
- Yeah, you the charity.
- [Shermie barks]
[Theresa] I paid a fortune
for this retainer, you know.
[growls, barks]
[Theresa] It gives me a headache
to think how much it costs.
- [sighs]
- [Theresa] These people,
they'll take advantage
if you're not watching them every second.
[Ray] Hey. Come on. Come on.
What you doing, hey?
Hey! No, no. You supposed to be packing.
Come on. Hey.
Didn't you hear me, Raymond?
I just paid a retainer
- and I gotta meet with this person!
- All right, wait. Okay, wait.
A retainer? What? What you need a ret
[breathes heavily]
Is that what the ten G's was for?
A retainer?
You better not tell me that this is
more bullshit for that nig for my father.
I won't tell you nothing.
Goddamn, Ma. Goddamn. Is that
Is that what this money was for?
- He's your father.
- Yeah.
Do you have any idea
God, do you have any idea how much
I've been through to get you that money?
You said the opposite of drugs.
- You're supposed to be painting houses!
- Do you know how terrible the houses are?
- I have to meet with this person, Ray!
- Okay. I'll meet with him.
I'll meet with him, okay?
Text me the place.
Tell the dude
that I'll meet with him, all right?
I mean, my father's guilty as shit,
but I'll meet with his ass, all right?
You're not gonna take it seriously.
I'ma take it so seriously
and I will do whatever it takes,
as long as you pack your shit
so I can take you down to the shuttle.
Atlantic City, baby. What you say?
What song was it?
- What?
- The song, shit-bird.
What song did you name?
- [Shermie growling]
- [scoffs]
[chuckles, sighs]
"Coming to America."
"Coming to America," Neil Diamond.
- I love that song.
- I know you do. I know.
Who's taking Shermie?
[Ray] Shit.
["Church" playing on radio]
[groans] Damn it, Shermie.
I would have pulled over
for you to do that.
You had to do it in here?
[Shermie whines]
- Hey. Hey, stay. You stay.
- [whining]
- [dog barking]
- [doorbell rings]
- [Ray] Hey. [clears throat] Hey.
- [barking, growling]
- [resident] Hey. Come in. Come in.
- Hey.
- All right.
- Enzo, stop.
- He probably probably smelled my dog.
- [resident] Yeah.
- Enzo.
- [Enzo growls]
[resident] Come here. [kisses]
You hungry?
Uh. No, I'm I'm all right. I'm all right.
Just in time for breakfast, so
- [Ray] Mm-hmm.
- [resident speaks Vietnamese]
- Kids, say hi to Ray.
- [Ray] Hey.
- [child 1] Hey.
- [child 2] Hi, Ray.
- Ray, do you want some coffee?
- Only if it's no trouble.
[child 1] She put a curse on you.
[child 2] Mom, she didn't, right?
[all chattering in Vietnamese]
- Fresh.
- [child 2] Stop it.
[chattering continues]
[child 2] Are you insane?
Oh, my God, Mom.
[Ray] Thank you. Thank you.
[child 1] Nobody eats soup for breakfast.
Stop making fun of Grandma.
[child 1] Nobody eats soup for breakfast.
[child 2] Yeah, it's true.
We're the only people
who are crazy in the world.
[Grandma speaks Vietnamese]
[sucks teeth]
That's not aloe vera gel, is it?
Liquid meth.
They dissolve it in here
to smuggle in bulk.
Somebody's gotta convert this to crystals
for the street,
but each spoonful is enough
for a whole hick town.
Yeah, and I couldn't carry half of it.
Bro, it was on the news.
You hit a conversion lab.
You went for a capillary,
you got an artery.
I'll hold on to this for a while.
There's gonna be a lot of heat.
[Ray sighs]
Hey, hey, can these guys
can can they find us, Son? Huh?
Who knows what you do, hmm? Other than me?
- But you had this third? Right?
- [sighs]
[Ray scoffs] Rick.
- Where did he come from?
- Well, he got out three weeks ago.
He heard about you on the inside?
And last week, where was he at?
Halfway house? Grandma's?
You know, anybody looking for you,
he's point A.
You get rid of his body?
[Son sighs] Ray.
- Dental records
- Yeah, man. I know, I know.
I know he got teeth, Son,
and I know what cops do.
But I'm I'm talking
about this this voice, man.
This voice from the walkie-talkie
and it was one of them fucked-up accents
from up north too.
Like, uh [New England accent]
"Larry Bird parked the car in the yard."
[Son] That's pretty good.
This guy saw you?
[normal voice, clicks tongue] No.
Could he just be some tweaker?
No, man. Nah, Son, nah.
The way this dude was talking,
he he's somebody.
You know [stammers] he's the real deal.
Look, how do I cover my tracks, Son? Huh?
And don't tell me that you don't know,
'cause, you know,
this is basically
the safest place in Philly.
You basically shape-shifted
to get up here.
How long you been at this? Two years?
Not even. Fourteen months.
You couldn't have lasted what,
four months,
if you didn't know
how to keep your head down.
You wasn't saying that shit
when you needed us
to get rid of your competition though,
was you?
Let me show you something.
South Vietnamese. 1975.
Okay. Um.
[clicks tongue, inhales sharply]
What's it worth?
Now? Nothing.
My old man, he left Saigon with, uh,
three million dong. He was rich.
By the time he got here,
these were souvenirs.
Shape-shifting is just called life, Ray.
You can't depend on anything, man.
So that means all you got
is your heart and your wits.
And your family.
- [children laughing, chattering]
- [dog barking]
Go ahead. Keep that shit.
Bro, I came here for your help
and all you gave me was some Kevlar
and worthless dong.
You came here to see a real family, Ray.
Otherwise, you would have come on Monday.
[intercom chatter]
[crying, sniffling]
[groaning] Shit.
[breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
[Shermie whining]
[sighs deeply]
Hey, I'll be back.
You guard the house, all right?
[grunting] Shit.
- Fuck. [grunts]
- [Manny] Do you think there's
You think there's any way we could
- Can we still give this money back, Ray?
- [laughs]
- Give the money back? Yeah.
- Yeah.
Only if we wanna be standing still
when they kill us. Okay?
[Ray sighing, grunting]
All right.
Hey, look at this, man. Here you go.
[chuckles] You know,
I thought about having a garage sale.
I realized that'd be
the most depressing shit ever.
[Manny] This is probably
the worst garage sale I ever saw
- in my life.
- [Ray] That's what I'm saying.
When my dad went down, Theresa,
she had me, uh,
store all his fucking Lou Rawls and shit.
So I'm gonna put equal share in each bag
and, uh, if anything happen to me
Come on, man. Hey, hey, hey.
If anything happen to me,
give my share to Theresa, all right?
- I don't like this.
- Come on, man. Can you do that for me?
- Yeah.
- Thank you.
[Ray sighs, sniffs]
- Poor Rick, man.
- Poor Rick, man?
[scoffs] Poor Rick fucked us.
You know that, right?
I mean, did he even know
what was in that house?
Matter of fact, who gave him that tip?
'Cause that didn't seem like "his turf."
You know what I'm saying?
You think somebody sent him to us?
- I think I'm overthinking it, man.
- No, you're not over
Wait, Ray, let's talk about this.
This is fucking serious. This is like
He couldn't have played us like that.
You're right. He He wasn't that smart.
Yeah, but it don't exactly
take a genius, Manny.
What are you doing? Hey, yo.
Get up. Get off of that, man.
That shit got bad juju.
You don't want that.
[Ray sniffs, sighs]
Is that your father's chair?
[scoffs] King Bart's fucking throne, bro.
Dude, who knew about us?
What do you mean?
I mean, Rick was in the joint
with your father.
Does Bart know what we do?
[intercom chatter]
[gate buzzes]
[intercom chatter]
Come on through.
Hands up.
[Ray] What's with the robe?
Casual Friday.
So, look, I need to know
what you said about me in here.
Wh What are you talking about?
Rick Staley.
Paroled three weeks ago.
Came in here through Graterford.
[Bart] Tom Staley's kid?
I don't know Tom Staley.
[Bart] Then I don't know Rick Staley.
Look, if you said anything,
it changes my whole life, all right?
Are you getting married?
You queer for him?
[clicks tongue]
He worked for me, my painting crew.
If you
[clicks tongue]
said anything about me in here,
I need to know
and I need to know if I need to worry.
You worry about everything.
You could have had an ulcer
at five years old.
And why do you think that is, asshole?
Watch your language.
There are kids over there.
And on top of that,
what is Theresa getting you a lawyer for?
Probably our anniversary.
I swear, if you make her waste
any more money on your ass,
you can swear to God, man,
you gonna be lucky
that you locked up in here.
What does that mean?
- You safer in here.
- You'll be in here again.
[clicks tongue] You know, I
I keep remembering this thing, okay?
Hear me out.
We in our old house back in Nicetown.
Remember that?
And I'm, like, six, seven,
eight years old. I don't know.
And it's the middle of the night
and I'm half asleep, like I should be.
And you you got me downstairs
in the kitchen in my pajamas.
And Ma, she was high, been high all night,
and you were beating the shit out of her.
And I'm just standing there, scared
frozen, basically.
And you, you know, you [grunts] Right?
You You hold her and then you come to me
and you tell me to take a swing at her.
- No, no. Why would I do that?
- I don't know, man. I don't know.
Father-son lesson.
Teach me my lesson? I I don't know.
Whatever Whatever it was, all right?
You did it.
It's the clearest memory I got too.
Memories ain't always reliable.
You can't even admit it.
I did everything I could to raise you.
Your girlfriend raised me, nigga, okay?
Dressed me, fed me,
took me in like a stray dog.
And I still live like one too.
Still do, uh-huh.
Scared that any woman I bring home,
I'm gonna rip apart
like you did my mother.
Ain't one part of my life, one part,
that you ain't fuck up.
And now, even now, in here,
you may have ratted me out.
You're welcome for the cigarettes.
Smoke all them motherfuckers
at once maybe.
[breathes deeply] Look, I
I did say something one time at a meeting.
An AA meeting?
Sacred space.
Because nothing ever leaves that room.
Long haulers, man. Men out of the game.
Except th there was
this this one white boy
I I forget his name
and he just got paroled.
- Uh.
- Holy shit.
Danny. Danny Loebsack.
[mouths] Shit.
Look, he ran with this crew
called Eden's Gardeners.
You know, they must they used to
mow-mow lawns and shit like that.
Maybe that's where your boyfriend Rick is.
Maybe he ran with that crew.
Where can I find these Eden Gardeners at?
Hell if I know.
[Manny] How many Loebsacks
can there be out there?
[sighs] Too many.
And what do we do
if we find this Gardener anyway?
Are we threatening him?
Are we warning him?
Yo, that depend on him.
Hey, keep going. I found another Loebsack.
Yeah. Okay.
[Manny] I can barely move in this shit.
Mrs. Loebsack!
[Ray] Ms. Loebsack!
Federal agents!
[breathes sharply]
[door creaks]
[Ray breathes heavily] DEA!
Oh, shit.
[breathes heavily] Goddamn it.
[water dripping]
[breathing heavily]
[groans] Fuck.
Oh. Okay.
[Manny] Ray!
[breathing shakily] Manny. [groans]
Manny! Manny. Manny. Manny!
Manny! Manny!
Oh, fuck.
- [flies buzzing]
- Oh, shit.
You think this is Danny?
Or what, man?
Some other 'wood who got tortured?
- [sighs]
- [line ringing]
- [Sherry] Hello.
- [Manny] Sherry.
Hey, baby. What's going on?
Sherry, mi amor,
you need to get out of the house.
What are you talking about?
- I mean it.
- No
- Mi amor, don't take your car
- No.
take your mom's car
- and get the fuck out of town.
- No, no, no
Yeah. Tell her she needs to
get out of there right now.
[stammers] Okay, just do it,
- and don't tell anyone where.
- What's going on?
Mi amor, you can scream at me later.
Right now, just go, okay?
- I'm hanging up. I'm hanging up.
- Manny? Manny?
- [speaks Spanish]
- What? What the fuck?
Hey, if this Danny motherfucker
knew anything about us,
he gave us up right away.
- So, why the butcher routine?
- It's a statement.
A statement? What for, man?
I mean we out in the middle of
Fuck. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
[Manny] Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
[grunts] What the fuck?
[grunting] Shit. Shit. Fuck.
- Manny! [grunts] Shit. Fuck.
- [gunshots]
Fuck. Fuck. Oh, shit.
[grunts, groans]
Shit. [groans]
[thug 1 grunting, groaning]
Oh, fuck me. Fuck.
[thug 2] Hey, kid, you okay?
[thug 1] Fuck no!
[groans] Shit.
[groaning, coughing]
[breathing shakily]
[Ray groans]
Shit. Shit. Fuck.
- [grunts]
- [breathes shakily]
[breathing heavily]
[thug 1 groaning, choking]
[groans] Fucking asshole.
[Ray] Stop! DEA!
Stop. What the fuck is wrong with you?
I'm a cop.
Who cares?
Who the fuck are you people?
- [grunts]
- [exhales sharply]
[breathing heavily]
[groaning, wheezing]
[Ray] Hey, Manny, man. We leaving.
Gotta change this fucking tire.
I should be dead
four fucking times already, man.
Oh, shit. [groans]
Hey, man,
you think these dudes is from Ottsville?
- Manny? Manny.
- [snorts]
I don't know where
these guys are from, Ray.
You gonna be okay, bro? Hmm?
[phone ringing]
[Ray] What's that?
[Manny] It's his phone.
I kn I know it's his phone, man.
What song is that?
I know I know that song.
We need to close his eyes.
I know that song, man.
- Shit, I know I know that song.
- His eyes are freaking me out.
It's gonna drive me crazy
until I figure [grunts]
[muttering] Where's this at?
- [ringing stops]
- Why don't you guess his password?
I don't know. January 6th.
And it's got the dots on it.
Let's see.
Dumb motherfucker.
We have to give these guys
a proper burial.
No, man, we leaving.
[Ray] Yo, this dude's phone
a wasteland, man.
[Manny] What?
[Ray] Zero Fucks.
No contacts, no pictures.
- It's a new burner.
- Hey, hey, man. Watch the bullet holes.
You're getting water in here.
Hey, hey.
Stay away from all these cameras too, man.
[vacuum humming]
[Ray] Dude. Dude.
Dude, man, what is you doing?
Don't put that shit on your skin.
It's better than satanic biker blood.
[Ray] Okay. [chuckles] All right.
We're murderers now, Ray.
Man, fuck them dudes, man.
They weren't shit.
- They slaughtered innocent people.
- God made them too.
And I killed one of them.
You killed both of them actually.
- No, you shot the other guy.
- Yeah, but you hit him first, man.
He would have died from that injury.
I'm just saying.
Brother, you gotta stop doing that.
Really. You got
- Sherry is right about you. It's like
- Okay. There we go.
What else does Sherry say about me, huh?
Sherry says that you have
the need to control everything, man.
- You don't need that. Yeah. You do.
- I got a need to control everything?
Do I look like
I'm in fucking control, Manny?
And you know,
I bought her that houseplant too, man.
- I ain't gonna forget that shit.
- Thank you.
Dude, that's the last gift she get.
[phone ringing]
Okay. Okay. Just Just don't
don't pick that up.
- I'm gonna answer that shit.
- No, we don't need to.
- Why not? I'ma answer that shit, man.
- No, no.
Manny, stop playing, man.
Let me answer the fucking
[whispering] Ray, just don't do it.
You don't know who
[voice] You said you was
gonna call afterwards, dipshit.
- You there?
- [New England accent] I'm there.
I'm here.
[whispering] What? [grunts]
[voice] You find it or what?
Nothing. It's a It's a mess back there.
Not on the phone.
I want you to write down an address.
All right, go ahead.
Raymond Driscoll.
604 Madison Road, apartment 1B.
And if he ain't there?
You got someplace you gotta be?
Wait for him, retard.
On my way.
- [normal voice] Fucking shit. Fuck.
- Ray.
All right, man. Okay, uh Oh, shit, man.
How'd they find me? How'd they find me?
Okay, I I gotta go get
everything out of there.
You are not going back to your place.
- The dog, man. The dog there.
- The dog's a hundred, Ray.
- Theresa will kill me.
- Have you smoked your brains?
Yo. Chill, Manny. Chill, Manny.
Hey, Manny, Manny, Manny, chill.
- I'm chill. You
- Chill, man. Hold up, hold up.
[stammering] We, uh, got until they
find out that this dude is dead, right?
- Which dude?
- Zero Fucks, nigga!
The nigga that we shot!
Okay, until until
they go back there and they find out
that the Allman Brothers is dead,
I can go get Shermie.
I can get my records, my pictures
and you can pack your shit
and meet me back in storage.
Oh, sure. I'll go save your plant.
No, man. Wait, wait. They They
If they got my address then they know
my car so I need I need a car, man.
Hey, hey, man, hey, hey,
stop doing that shit.
Did Sherry take her car with her?
- You gotta be fucking kidding me, Ray.
- Come on, man. Did she? Come on.
If that dog pisses in her car
Oh, man. On my life. On my life.
I promise. Manuel, I promise. Okay?
[Manny] This Armor All fucking burns.
[Ray] I told your ass, huh?
Didn't I tell your ass?
This shit is meant for cars, man.
[police radio chatter]
We're out of evidence markers.
[DEA agent 1] What do you do
when you run out of evidence markers?
[DEA agent 2] Send you to Staples.
For some index cards.
Gentlemen, what are we looking at?
Gentlemen, what are we looking at?
Some real good mushrooms
all up and down that drive.
Multiple calibers?
[sheriff] 9s, .45s, .308s.
- [DEA agent 1] Anything in the house?
- [officer] Still in the victims.
Was this over drugs or money?
What do you know about the victims?
Kids. Unarmed. It's like a rumspringa.
Remind again who the Rumspringa are?
Amish kids rutsching around.
The Amish aren't Amish
until they're baptized at age 18.
- [phone rings]
- So from 16 to 18,
they go on a rumspringa.
- [DEA agent 1] Hello?
- Some experiment more than others.
If they were unarmed, who was firing back?
[DEA agent 1] Boss?
She's out of surgery.
[whispering] Fuck.
- [monitor beeping]
- [ventilator hisses]
The doctors are really optimistic.
[clicks fingers]
Front room. With two other bodies.
Uh, they haven't ID'd the third.
We're suspending all other investigations
until we can find these guys.
- [electronic voice] Stupid. Stupid
- Okay.
- [beeping rapidly]
- We got it.
I don't think
she's supposed to get excited.
- Don't suspend.
- Your case is over.
- Ducking DEA posers ducked it up.
- Yeah, and I need to control that.
- Mina, this is bad.
- Ducking DEA my ass.
- I can turn off autocorrect for her.
- Shut up.
- Jack had idea.
- Okay. Shut it off. Stop. That's enough.
Stop typing. Stop writing.
Everybody, just relax.
Shut it off. Stop. Relax.
I don't want to hear
Jack's big idea right now.
Can you imagine
if the press gets a version of this?
So, when you're better,
you only talk to me.
If I'd been your sup,
I never would've partnered you with Jack.
But we need to drape a flag
over his coffin now
and carry him through City Hall.
He is officially a saint,
which means
the questions are coming for you.
This is not your case anymore.
It is ours and it is Homicide's
and you are the only surviving witness.
Keep it that way.
Keep my cover.
Put me in custody.
You're a criminal in our custody.
A federal witness.
We'll sit a marshal by that door.
God help him.
[breathing heavily, sniffs]
[sighs] Fuck.
Fuck. Fuck. Damn. Fuck.
[sighs] Shermie.
Did you do this shit?
You did all this shit?
Bad dog, okay?
Bad dog!
- [music playing on radio]
- [exclaims] Shit.
[Shermie barking]
[channel switching]
Hey, come on.
[thug's phone rings]
[voice] So what'd you find, pal? Anything?
[New England accent] I'm waiting.
New plan. Come on back here.
We got steaks on the grill.
Great. 'Cause I'm starvin'.
So, you're not a vegetarian no more, huh?
You must have had
a real life change today, Elden.
You got potato salad?
Fuck you
- You know what you are?
- [whispering] Shit.
You are that particular breed of asshole
who thinks he's outsmarting everybody.
But guess what? I know you now.
I know everything about you.
I know your whole fucking family.
I know everything.
Maybe tomorrow
I'm gonna say hello to your father.
- [normal voice] Like I give a shit.
- Or he could catch a shiv tonight.
Okay. Knock yourself the fuck out, pal.
I've got guys inside
on a landscaping crew.
That means a big pair of pruning shears.
We're gonna use these shears to take off
your old man's fingers one by one.
And there are other appendages.
Oh, well, now you just flirting
with me, man.
Can you send me a picture?
You heartless prick.
Oh, shit.
Then, I know your friend Che Guevara
over there in Fairhill.
Maybe I'll pay a visit to him.
I I can get you
your money back, man, okay?
Oh, that's moving, chief.
You'll lay out for your compadre.
You don't even know what you started.
All of it. All the drugs.
All of it, man, okay?
You can't even begin to understand
the scope of this problem.
I have to kill everybody you know,
just for the principle of it now.
So I'm gonna visit your amigo right now
and scatter tiny little pieces of him
all over this shithole town.
- [line beeps]
- H Hello? H
Fuck! Mother Fuck! Fuck! [grunts]
[phone dialing]
[through phone] This is Manny's phone.
Peace on Earth, guys.
I just got off the phone
with Whitey fucking Bulger, man.
And you need to get out of your house now,
Manny, all right?
And answer the fucking phone.
- [phone rings]
- [mutters]
Hey. Hey, hey, hey, Ma.
Ma? Yeah, you okay?
[Theresa] You're in big trouble, Raymond.
Did you lie to me?
So help me God if you lied to me.
What I lie about, Ma? Which lie?
What are you talking about? What lie?
The appointment, it's at 4:30.
- You're not there, Raymond.
- Holy shit.
Cancel the goddamn appointment, Ma.
It's not life or death.
It's life or death to me.
It took me weeks
to get these people's attention.
And it's expensive.
[sighs] Yeah, I know.
I I know it's expensive.
How's Shermie doing?
He pissed on everything I own, okay?
Oh, what do you got that's so fancy?
Hey, Ma, I gotta call you back, all right?
Have fun at the slots, okay? I love you.
[chattering on TV]
Hey, Manny, man. Where you at, man?
Manny, man. Talk to me, man.
Come on, Manny.
Come on, Manny, man. Where you at, bro?
[breathing heavily]
Shit. [grunts]
[grunting, panting]
[dog barking]
Shit. [panting]
Fuck! Fuck!
- [yells]
- [horn honks]
Oh, shit.
- Sorry. Sorry, man. Sorry.
- [grunting]
[panting, sniffs]
[tires squealing]
Oh, shit!
- [panting]
- [yells]
- [honks]
- [tires squealing]
- [metal screeching]
- [grunting, groaning]
[engine stops]
[cars honking]
[drivers chattering]
- [Ray gasps]
- [honking]
[sirens wailing]
[grunts, coughs]
[line ringing]
Answer, Manny, man. Come on.
[sighs] Come on, man.
[sighs] Answer, Manny. Answer, man.
This is Manny's phone.
- Peace on Earth, guys.
- Fuck!
Are you Ray?
Are you the lawyer?
I I'm Michelle Taylor, Sullivan, Whitmore.
Your mother called.
She told me you might not be coming.
I was just heading out.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
I got caught up in traffic.
It's okay.
Let's go inside.
[Michelle] Okay. [sighs]
Come on in.
Uh, just over there.
Please, have a seat.
Uh, are you all right, Mr. Driscoll?
Can I get you a cup of tea? A towel?
Uh, can I get a a glass of water, please?
- Of course.
- Thank you.
[exhales shakily]
[Michelle] It hurts.
I know how hard it is.
[crying] Sweet Jesus.
- [whispering] Hey.
- [sobbing]
We are at the mercy of our past.
We push all these feelings down.
Times like this, they surge back up.
I'm sorry.
I'm just, uh
I'm just
I'm just worried about something.
[sniffles] Someone.
Of course.
- You love him. No.
- [crying] Oh, Jesus, I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- No, no.
It's okay.
Um. [chuckles]
This is good. Really.
You don't know how many people
come in here and put up a wall.
Thank you for for reminding me
what this is all about, you know.
[Ray] Jesus.
You seem like an honest person.
[crying] Oh, God.
Oh, God.
[breathing heavily]
[sighs, sniffles]
Uh, so, in the past
it's been like playing the lottery,
but with COVID,
I think this could be a perfect storm.
He's definitely eligible.
For compassionate release.
It may just be
a matter of checking all the boxes,
making sure the paperwork is airtight.
That kind of thing.
Paper um
Paperwork. What What paperwork is that?
From the oncologist.
The bronchoscopy, CT scan.
His cancer is pretty advanced,
but combine that
with a good prison record, which he has,
I I think we have a real shot.
I can't cure him, Mr. Driscoll,
but I can help get him home.
[grunts] How How long will this take?
Hmm? This [chuckles, cries] compassion.
Well, the bureaucracy grinds pretty slow.
[chuckles] The good things in life
usually take longer than the bad.
[scoffs] Yeah,
'cause bad is pretty immediate.
[sniffs] Oh, my God.
Them butchers are gonna kill his ass.
Uh, well, we can move him
out of the infirmary first.
Get him to a dedicated wing
at Chester County Hospital.
He'll have a marshal assigned to him.
A marshal? [chuckles]
They gonna put marshals with him.
Yeah, until his release.
- [knocks on table] Yeah.
- Touch wood. [chuckles]
Now, I hate this part, but, uh,
Theresa still owes
the rest of the retainer.
I can get you the money.
- [Elden's phone rings]
- Oh, shit.
[clicks tongue, sighs]
Now you have gone too far, Mr. Driscoll.
- Uh Uh, Ray. It's just Ray.
- Ray.
Let me get this straight, Ray.
Your ringtone is "Bat Out of Hell"
by Meat Loaf?
[both chuckle]
Thank you. [laughs]
Thank you. [laughing]
'Cause 'Cause it's been
driving me fucking insane.
["Bat Out of Hell" playing]