Dr. Brain (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

Chapter 2

[Sewon grunts]
What time is it?
You can sleep some more.
Where's Doyoon?
He's gone, Sewon.
Can you look for him?
[Jaeyi] There you are! [laughs]
Was that fun?
Higher! Higher!
-[cat meows]
-[parent gasps]
Your little kitty looks upset
we're having fun without her.
[Doyoon] Oh, Mika!
-[Jaeyi chuckles]
Looks like Doyoon is going outside.
[item thumps]
Doyoon is going out the gate.
No, please. Stay here.
Doyoon just left though
Can't you please just listen?
Why is it impossible
for you to just listen?
Doyoon is out there all alone!
And it's safer that way!
The father away he is from you,
the better! You hear me?
[breathes heavily, gasping]
[breathes heavily]
[Sewon] Jaeyi.
[breathes heavily]
What's the matter? Huh?
[distorted] Sewon
Listen, I'm begging you.
Go and find our Doyoon, please
[ticking stops]
-[arrhythmic beeping]
-[gasps, breathes heavily]
-[Sewon] Jaeyi!
-[rapid beeping]
[monitor blaring]
[blaring stops]
[rhythmic beeping]
[breathing deeply]
[syringe clatters]
Brain sync attempt.
LIA, 6.9 hertz.
Stimulation interval, 2.1 seconds.
Brain sync was successful
for a brief moment.
Sync aborted due to a seizure
in the subject's temporal lobe.
The memories accessed were
It's safer that way!
They felt like dreams or fantasies.
Perhaps they were hallucinations
reflecting Jaeyi's psyche.
Most probably because
the brain waves of the living
are much more difficult to control
and interpret than the dead's.
Executing a brain sync
with the living is most unstable
and dangerous.
Until I can find a solution
No more attempts will be made.
Don't you worry.
I promise to find Doyoon another way.
-[ringing continues]
Hey, I was just worried
because you're not at work.
-How are you feeling?
-I'm fine.
I'm just staying home today.
Okay All right.
Let me know immediately
if you feel weird or--
I'll call you later.
-[door lock beeps]
-[door opens]
[door closes]
[gasps] Oh
Oh, you're home?
Hmm Did something happen to Jaeyi?
No, I just wanted to work from home today.
That's all.
Oh, I see. I'll be downstairs then.
[Sewon sighs]
-[mouse clicks]
-[doorbell rings]
You have some explaining to do.
Why wouldn't you tell us
that your wife tried to commit suicide?
Not sharing personal information
with you a crime?
It is when you're clearly doing it
to avoid suspicion.
Why would I purposefully
incriminate myself?
[police officer]
Your wife attempted suicide.
And a man she was close to was murdered.
And her husband
is still trying to hide something.
I have to say,
this reminds me of Occam's razor.
The theory states that the easiest
explanation is the most likely.
A husband knew his wife was cheating, so--
So of course, I must have
killed my wife out of jealousy.
And naturally, murdered her lover as well.
I think you brought your wife home
to finish the job you set out
to do in the first place.
That's a good point.
So see for yourself.
If I wanted my wife dead
Then why would I bother doing this?
I don't know why
you're keeping your wife like this, but
This doesn't mean
you're free of suspicion.
You're still a suspect
for murdering Junki Lim.
We'll be back.
[distant footsteps]
[cat meows]
[child] Mika!
Hey, kid! Come here!
[man] Heejin!
-[man] Heejin! Come here!
-[Sewon breathing heavily]
[man] Heejin, come here, sweetie!
The brain sync with Jaeyi
wasn't a complete failure.
Traces of her memory are clear.
The little girl I saw
came to our house with Junki Lim.
I think Heejin is Junki Lim's daughter.
I have to find this girl who saw Doyoon.
[recorder clicks]
Can't say I expected you to call.
Why did Junki Lim
tell you to look into me?
He was under the impression
that you killed your wife.
By the way, did you kill my client too?
I had absolutely no clue
who Junki Lim was until I met you.
[scoffs] All right, relax
So then, tell me why I'm here.
Jaeyi and that man
How did they meet exactly?
The info I gave you earlier was for free.
If you want more, you'll have to hire me.
If I do,
will you find out what was really
going on between those two?
Come on That's what I do.
All right, fine. You're hired.
They met at this special clinic
for children with issues,
who have trouble communicating.
Children's clinic?
[high-pitched ringing]
[groans, gasps]
[ringing fades]
[Heejin] Daddy!
Hey, say hello. This is Jaeyi and Doyoon.
-Hello, nice to meet you.
-[Jaeyi] Hello there.
[Junki laughs]
[children chanting] You're gonna lose!
Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!
Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!
Doyoon, are you ready?
[groans, breathes heavily]
I told her not to take Doyoon there.
Not as obedient
as you thought she was, huh?
Let's take a walk.
Where is Heejin now?
You don't know Lim,
but you know his kid's name?
It's a long story.
Do you know where she might be?
I assume she's with a relative
now that her father's dead.
What's so important about her?
I think she knows something about my son.
The one who died in that fire?
Just how much do you know about me?
And how do you know about that?
It's my job to know things, all right?
Let's go to Lim's house.
Go straight,
turn right at the intersection,
and keep going.
You'll see a white wooden house.
That's Lim's house.
What exactly do you need
to find out about him?
Was there anything strange
about your son's death?
Do you have regrets about anything?
Something you wish you hadn't done?
Regret is
a non-productive emotion.
Can any father-son relationship
not have regrets?
I lost touch with my father
a very long time ago.
[clicks tongue]
Turns out the things we fought
about then really didn't matter.
I don't want to hear it.
I don't need to know
about your personal life.
We're gonna get along just fine.
[lock beeps]
[keypad beeping]
[lock clicks]
[investigator] What the hell?
How'd you know the code?
[alarm chirps]
[investigator] What's wrong?
Hey! You all right?
[grunting, breathes heavily]
Abdomen, solar plexus,
and here at the neck.
The fatal blow must have been to the neck.
Sure looks that way, but take a look.
This stab here is what killed him.
It pierced through his liver, stomach,
and aorta into the lumbar vertebrae.
He would've been instantly paralyzed.
But they also stabbed the neck
then went for the chest too.
Eliminating any chance of survival.
What did they use?
It's no ordinary weapon, that's for sure.
22 centimeters.
These knives are about
22 centimeters long.
And the killer was an expert
at handling these knives.
Three perfect strikes.
Your killer is skillful.
So a professional hit?
Or maybe it was a doctor
with serious medical knowledge?
Is your main suspect a doctor then?
Well, then here's something
even more surprising.
If this here is film noir,
then this part is mystery.
Take a look at this.
You see this hole?
This hole was made long after he died.
What's bizarre here
is that this was
an extremely delicate procedure.
It was done with great care
on a person who was long dead.
So that about catches us up.
So you're saying
Lim's memories are somehow
now inside your head?
And Lim's daughter, Heejin,
told you your son's still alive?
-Something like that.
Do you do drugs?
Forget that brain sync bullshit.
They're more likely
to believe that you killed Lim,
seeing as you knew the code to his house.
I knew you wouldn't believe me.
Listen, Dr. Koh.
It doesn't matter
what I believe or don't here.
If what you say is true, why are we here?
If you have Lim and Jaeyi's memories,
you should know how it all went down,
isn't that right?
Memories can't be controlled like that.
It's nothing like recalling the past
or trying to remember a phone number.
All these different memories
are tangled up in my head now.
I can't really tell them apart just yet.
So you have the memories,
but you can't control them yet?
-I see.
Okay, let's say that's true.
What can help you recall
the info you need?
I'm not sure. Not yet.
But I believe that certain places,
objects, and smells or feelings
All seem to intensify the memories.
Like what just happened.
How about we scan your brain then, Doc?
[detective] Pause it.
This is just getting spooky now.
This kind of behavior isn't bold.
It's insane.
We met him that day.
He denied ever knowing Lim,
but then came straight here?
What a total psycho.
This guy is seriously dangerous.
This has got to be her room.
What's this?
Did that girl draw all this?
She's an extremely rare case.
Born a genius,
but has developmental issues.
[high-pitched ringing]
[cat meows]
[cat meows]
It's Mika. Doyoon's cat.
You have to take care of Mika from now on.
Doyoon isn't with us. Not anymore.
Where is he then?
He lives in heaven now.
But Doyoon's not dead.
I saw him this morning.
Heejin, what did you say?
Heejin sometimes talks about things
that she imagined or dreamed
as if they were real.
She doesn't understand
the concept of death yet.
So, Heejin
Where did you see him? Tell me.
Did you see something again?
[cat meows]
[cat meows]
I want to put Mika in my treasure box.
[Junki scoffs]
Ah, that's going to be tricky.
Mika is a living, breathing creature.
Mika needs water and sunlight.
[items clattering]
[Sewon] "Grandma"?
There's an address.
[cashier] Good evening.
[scanner beeps]
[dogs barking in distance]
[lock clicks, beeps]
[Sewon] What are you doing?
What is it?
There's a dead cat.
It's my son's cat.
Looks like it got hit by a car.
Rigor mortis hasn't set in yet.
And her body's still warm.
[investigator] What is it?
Are you burying it?
I'm going to brain sync with her.
[investigator] What?
You can't be serious.
You want to do what with that dead cat?
I think she might have seen the killer.
Or more importantly, she could've
seen what happened to my son.
I really think we're better off
checking out the grandma's house.
I'm syncing with Mika.
If we wait too long to synchronize,
her neurons will be too deteriorated.
-[person breathing heavily]
[zipper opens]
[rustling continues]
Are you Heejin?
You should get out here.
They don't let outsiders in the lab.
No point in wasting more time then.
I'll go visit the grandmother.
No, let me go.
Don't you trust me?
I have something important to ask her.
I'm not really sure I trust you either.
I'll reach out to my informant
about Lim's autopsy, all right?
-He might tell me something useful.
Let's talk tomorrow, around
Wait, when did this piece of junk die?
Anyway, I'll be in touch.
Are you really doing
a brain sync with that cat?
I'm sure she saw something.
You're most definitely off your rocker.
[taps on roof]
[clicking, whirring]
-[Jaeyi] Mika.
-[Doyoon] Mika!
[Jaeyi] Good girl.
[Junki grunts]
[pants] Sewon!
Are you okay?
-What time is it?
-About 7:30.
-Sewon, what happened?
Over there.
-Mika, the cat
-Oh my God!
-Oh my God!
-[table thuds]
[groans, breathes heavily]
Can you put her in the freezer
and clean this place up for me?
Wait a minute
Just like a cat
[breathes heavily]
[car alarm beeps]
Since feline visual fields are different,
I saw strange
and indistinguishable phenomena
and heard sharp noises.
I think I saw someone
attacking Junki Lim, but
I couldn't identify him.
[recorder beeps]
[siren wailing]
[siren wailing continues]
[children cheering indistinctly]
[children chattering]
[motorcycle approaching]
[dog barking in distance]
[children cheering]
[residents chattering]
[police radio chatter, static]
[faint chattering]
[resident chatters, indistinct]
[chattering continues]
Excuse me, what happened?
Why? Are you a journalist?
No, I'm not.
I was just passing by
and stopped to admire the view.
[resident] Oh.
They say that
the old woman who lives here,
her son and her granddaughter
from Seoul, all just vanished.
Goodness, can you imagine
how shocked her husband must've been
when he saw that the house was ransacked?
[resident 1]
At least the cops came immediately.
[resident 2] Yeah.
[resident 1]
They've been searching all night
but can't find any clues.
-How can something like this happen?
[resident 2] That family must be cursed.
Her son-in-law died a little while ago.
Anyway, there isn't much
to see around here.
But if you go down that way,
you'll see a creek and a temple.
[resident 1] My goodness
I hope nothing serious happened.
[indistinct chatter]
[Sewon] The child has gone missing.
Frightening things keep happening.
Where did Heejin disappear to?
I don't know what to do anymore.
[growling, barking]
[children] Wow!
[Sewon] Dynamic visual acuity!
Hey! Sir, over here!
Sir, can you throw us the ball?
[Sewon] This is a cat's perspective.
Have cat traits been transferred to me,
just like Lim's?
-[cat yowls]
-[person] Oh my God! That was scary
[Junki grunts]
[wings buzzing]
[Sewon] I saw it!
05 NA 2046
-This is Sewon Koh.
Dr. Koh?
I need a favor.
Could you run a license plate for me?
Dr. Koh, if you have something to say,
come into the station.
I know that Lim's daughter, Heejin,
and her whole family have disappeared.
How do you know that?
I was just at her grandmother's house.
If you agree to help me,
then there's a chance
I might be able to find her.
You have to run the license plate.
I think I saw that same car.
It was in front of the house
when Lim was killed.
05 NA 2046.
So what if Dr. Koh is also responsible
for Heejin's disappearance?
It's quite possible.
But why is he asking me for a favor then?
What could he be up to?
[garage motor humming]
[creaking continues]
[computer chimes]
What the hell?
[cell phone vibrating]
This is Lieutenant Choi.
We found the owner of the car
you were talking about.
The name is Kangmu Lee.
He's an ex-cop
turned private investigator.
Do you know him?
Are you saying that Lim's killer is
Kangmu Lee?
That's impossible.
What are you talking about?
Kangmu Lee has been dead
for four days now.
He died before Lim was killed.
That car was scrapped
the day we found him dead.
Are you there?
Dr. Koh?
[doorbell rings]
Hold on.
I have to call you back.
[phone beeps]
[door rattles]
Who is it?
[investigator] It's Kangmu Lee.
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