Dragon's Dogma (2020) s01e02 Episode Script


It appears you are ready to join
the land of the living again, Arisen.
Who are you?
I am a Pawn,
and I shall be your protector.
How am I still alive?
I shouldn't be here.
The Dragon
it took everything from me.
You have been chosen.
You are an Arisen.
You keep calling me that.
But what the hell does it mean?
An Arisen is one
whose heart is taken by the Dragon.
But that does not kill the Arisen,
for the Arisen's heart exists
not in his body
but in his courage and will.
Pawns like me are drawn to the Arisen.
Do you know how insane that sounds?
It matters not how it sounds.
What matters is that it's real.
Why me?
I don't understand.
It matters not that you understand.
What matters is that it's real.
I should have died with my family.
Brave human.
Heed my words.
If thou desires thine heart returned
come to my lair.
I await thine arrival.
The Dragon
beckons me.
Mark my words.
The Dragon will die by my hand.
That is my one and only purpose now.
I shall accompany you.
Serving you is my one
and only purpose now.
The Dragon flew beyond those mountains.
Then that is where we go.
What's your name, girl?
Pawns do not possess such things.
Well, what am I supposed to call you?
You may call me
whatever you please, Arisen.
My father taught me how to hunt
and trap when I was a child.
That should do it.
No, thank you.
You have to eat something.
Even if you're not hungry,
your body needs it to survive.
Pawns do not need food to sustain life.
You're joking.
What is "joking"?
Well, I guess that means more for me.
How about Hannah?
Why that name?
It belonged to my mother.
Had Olivia given birth to a girl
I have no need
of hanging onto it any longer.
Hannah will do.
What are you doing?
I'm getting you out of here.
Why the hell were you up there?
Who did that to you?
Do you live nearby?
Thank the gods!
What? How?
I'm sorry, Father.
Hush, now.
Don't worry, angel.
This is a gift from the gods.
What have you done?
Have you any idea the trouble
you've brought upon this house?
The Arisen saved your daughter's life.
The Cyclops are known to be a cruel
and brutal race.
She was chosen as the sacrifice.
It was her duty and her honor.
It's the only way to keep that monster
from destroying our village.
Her honor? Are you mad?
You don't understand.
Your actions have put us all in danger.
Knock, knock.
Anyone home?
Looks like the rumors are true.
Your little bitch daughter is back.
Who are these men?
They're the ones what took Salai from us.
You know, the Mayor is going to be furious
when he finds out.
I know.
But, please
Better find a way to make it up to us.
Take whatever you want.
From this shithole?
Only thing you got is food,
so I guess that will have to do.
Round it up, boys!
You're lucky we're not taking
all three of your kids.
But who knows?
Maybe we'll come back.
See you around.
Why did they take our food, Mommy?
I'm hungry.
I know, sweetie.
I'm sorry.
But we'll have to wait.
No, you won't.
It's not much, but it's all I have.
Our soil has been barren for years.
We used to hunt in the forest,
but since the Cyclops came,
it's become too dangerous.
We've managed to survive
by scavenging and begging.
But why offer to sacrifice
your own daughter?
Every six months, a sacrifice is due.
Families that offer sacrifices
are exempt from levies,
and the Mayor gives them enough food
to make it through winter.
You and your wife will make it through
the next three winters,
but what about after?
I'm so ashamed of myself.
Tell us about the Cyclops.
Fine. You talked me into it.
Here you are.
No. We couldn't.
I'll eat it!
Don't be rude, now!
He's fine. Here.
I want some more, too.
Too bad!
Hey, now! That's not nice.
It's fine, son.
I didn't want any, anyway.
So, you two are responsible
for angering the Cyclops, huh?
My apologies.
Something about sacrificing children
just doesn't sit well with me.
What's wrong?
Is my humble feast not enough
for you two lowly travelers?
I assure you, this food is the best
you'll have had in weeks.
Where did you acquire all of this food?
Your people barely have enough
to eat themselves.
This is nothing but a gift.
My people understand
the pains we go through
to protect them from that savage giant,
and to show their gratitude
they've blessed us
with this rightful bounty.
I understand our practices
may seem a bit
but I assure you,
it's better than the alternative.
We're merely doing
what little we can to survive.
Survival is a natural compulsion.
Your friend gets it.
I've always liked Pawns.
They're not influenced by petty emotions
like we humans are.
We're leaving, Hannah.
And where are you off to, boy?
I'm going to do something
you should have done a long time ago.
I'm going to kill that monster.
You and what army, huh?
"I'm going to kill that monster."
I don't need an army.
Nevertheless, you showed great bravery,
even if it was a little stupid.
I could use a man of your nature.
No? Not interested?
Oh, well.
More spoils for us, then.
Are you sure about this?
There's not a doubt in my mind.
You feel connected to this family,
but the danger is great.
If we leave this Cyclops alive,
the Mayor will send for Salai again,
and eventually the other children as well.
I won't let that happen.
But we have other affairs to attend to.
The Dragon can wait.
They're good people, Hannah.
Scared, but good.
They were forced to make
a horrible decision
for the survival of their family.
Those parents are starving themselves
in order to fill their children's bellies.
I noticed that.
It didn't make sense.
They are larger
and require more nourishment.
It was a foolish decision.
My father used to do that sort of thing.
He did everything he could for me.
He taught me the importance
of protecting your family
what it means to be a man.
I've failed my wife and child.
I'll not fail this family.
I think I understand.
I'm impressed.
I was starting to think
you were too cowardly to actually show up.
What the hell are you doing here?
He's been using the Cyclops as a tool.
Your Pawn is quite perceptive.
You see, it becomes rather easy
to take people's meager belongings
when they're filled with terror.
It was an ingenious play,
if I do say so myself.
You son of a bitch!
Now, now, now.
Don't let your emotions rule you.
I'll tell you what,
if you come work for me,
help keep my people in check,
I won't feed you to my little friend here.
No more negotiating.
Your people starve in the streets
while you stuff your faces in the castle!
You're supposed to be protecting them,
not stealing from them!
Looks like he's made his decision, then.
Now, he normally doesn't like
the flesh of adults.
Too tough.
But considering
you robbed him of his dinner,
he's likely hungry enough
to make an exception.
You must run your sword through its eye.
We need to bring it down
to our level, then.
As you request.
Arisen, wait!
Before you attack
No way!
Sorry, boss!
What the hell are you doing?
Get back here!
We had a good run,
but I ain't dying for you.
Hey. Hold on, now.
I get it.
I've seen the error of my ways.
Please, don't kill me!
The people you once ruled
will decide your fate.
-You killed my daughter!
Skin him alive!
I say, let's raid the castle!
Yeah! I want my food back!
Let's do it!
Hey, that was mine!
Oh, yeah? Try and take it!
Calm down!
There's enough for everyone!
It's mine!
-I saw it first!
-Give me!
Give me that! I need more!
Humans are foolish creatures.
What's wrong?
Nothing's wrong.
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