Dudes (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Contemporary Dilemmas

[María Fernanda laughs]
How could you tell her that?
That's sick, Julian.
What a shame.
I left immediately.
I ran away. How could I stay there?
Of course not!
Do you think she told him?
I don't know, but that was cold!
How could you tell her that her father has
a reputation for being a dirty old man?
Oh, no!
Oh, no, I don't know what to do.
That conversation is long gone.
And she is gone as well.
- Oh, Juli!
- Don't tell anyone, please.
And what would you do for me
if I keep my mouth shut?
- No, this story is really juicy!
- No.
- Isn't it crazy?
- No, no, please shut up, please shut up!
[Julian] Ouch! Careful!
[María Fernanda] What?
So, don't ask me favors.
- You made me bleed. You made me bleed.
- Well, don't move, then!
[nostalgic music]
[Antonia] Well, it's really cool
he's not there trying
to impress my dad, you know?
He's not like most guys that, you know,
are there because of power or money.
- No, no, not at all!
- Yes, that's cool.
He's not like that, and that is cool.
- That's good.
- Yes. Really cool.
Now, the man might be kind of casual,
but he is so confident, you know?
- Isn't that cool?
- Yeah, whatever.
Hey, hey, hey, come on!
Leave the phone
for a moment, okay? Damn it!
Okay, sorry. The thing is
that I'm being ghosted. You know.
- Who?
- Who? Jonathan and Esteban.
I send them emojis, I send them photos,
I send them everything.
You don't do that!
- No! You don't do that.
- Hey, come on. I'll tell you this.
Don't be annoying, buddy. That's not cool.
They must be in a meeting
or something! Let it go.
Oh! Yeah, right.
Jonathan has so many meetings.
Yeah, for sure.
Hey you, what were you telling me?
That that Julian
was so cool and all of that?
- I didn't say that!
- Yes, of course you did.
- No.
- Yes, you did.
What do you think about those cool guys,
but those really cool guys, right?
- Come here!
- What?
Say it! Say it!
What's wrong with it?
I like him! I like him!
It's okay.
- Besides, you are in rehab, my friend.
- No. Me?
Yes, ma'am.
You are getting familiar
with the third world's second-hand market.
- Oh, give me a break!
- Yes, admit it, young lady.
You want to get laid with him. Yes, ma'am.
And have a bunch of third-world broken
entrepreneur babies, isn't that right?
Yes, that's all you want.
I can tell by the look in your face.
- No.
- What are you saying?
No, that's impossible.
- Oh, that's impossible? I see. Why?
- No. No way.
Tell me, how will he manage
to support two families?
No, Antonia, be careful!
Watch out! You need to recalculate.
You don't get involved with a slouch.
A man with children,
with three or four divorces
- No ma'am, you don't!
- Enough!
What's up?
No, well Fine.
I wanted to apologize
for what happened at your place, right?
That was wrong.
At my place?
You mean, the sculpture?
No, no. Sorry.
These millionaires that don't
know what to do with their money, right?
No, no, no. The octopus?
The peacock Is that so?
- Well, he's kind of an egocentric.
- No, no, no. Wait a moment.
I don't think your father is
an egocentric, or an egomaniac, or
He is. You are right about that.
[funny music]
Why don't we have lunch together?
I'd like to apologize,
really, I feel very bad.
Please accept my invite. Let's go!
Apology accepted, but no. Thank you.
And forgive me, please, but if I were you,
I would be more careful
with money, and save it.
I wouldn't spend it around,
inviting unknown ladies to lunch.
Be more careful!
I'm glad you know
how to spend your money, right?
- How convenient!
- Yeah, right.
Here's the conference room.
You can book it if you want,
you can send an email
to the person
that will be assigned to you.
Do it in advance,
because everyone loves this room.
And about lunch?
Yes, you can do it here,
as long as it doesn't smell much.
This way.
Mr. Miranda, good morning.
How are you doing?
Quintana, are you in your office?
Yes, sir, I'm here.
I'm coming up.
[office woman]
This is your desk. Go ahead.
The boss doesn't like disorder,
so please don't let your jacket
hanging in your chair.
And papers always inside your desk.
A golden rule: your laptop,
always inside the drawer, always.
Also when I'm using it?
Hope you make it!
[Julian] Gentlemen, sorry for being late.
- Julian!
Juli! Hold on,
you've got to read this article.
- Yes, in two minutes.
- It's urgent.
Yes, wait, wait two minutes.
Fernández is asking me about the budget.
- What should I tell him?
- Two minutes. Two minutes.
- Hello, Mafe.
- Julian!
- Hold on, I'll be right
- Hold on, I'll take care of it.
What's the matter? Why that face?
- Mr. Miranda is coming here.
- When?
Now, he is coming.
Do you think he will go for you?
Or he will reject me.
Do you think Antonia told him?
I met up with her this morning,
she was still upset.
- What are you going to do?
- I don't know.
Well, think of something,
because he's coming in this instant.
[tense music]
Mr. Miranda, how are you?
How are you? Sorry for the delay.
Welcome! These are Billuka's headquarters,
and this is my working team.
Mr. Miranda. Pleased to meet you.
Santiago Herrera.
- My pleasure.
- Welcome.
Can we talk in private?
Yes, of course. Please, this way.
- Welcome.
- Please.
[tense music]
Please. Have a seat.
Mr. Miranda, would you like anything
to drink? Kombucha, tea, water?
Julian, I don't have much time.
I came because I was thinking
about what we talked at home.
All those documents
and projections are very promising.
But in the end, they are just projections.
What guarantees do I have
if I decide to invest?
To recover my money?
This start-up business
is full of good ideas,
but also failures.
[Daniel] Honestly, I don't understand
how this dude met Miranda.
That old fellow is impossible to please.
- Oh, you are so jealous!
- No, come on!
Let's see, he was at the event, right?
Maybe he's going to invest, or what?
And he might end up as a father-in-law.
[Miranda] All this is very good,
but it still is unclear to me,
how you can project such rapid growth
in a market that, well
poses an opportunity for innovation.
But it's saturated.
Saturated of startups,
which is the copy of traditional banking.
It's a business
that is focused on commissions.
Which is a good business,
but just one of the parties
gets the benefits.
Also the middlemen.
[Santiago] Can't you see?
No, no, no. I asked Julian,
and he almost kills me.
You know how he is.
Just imagine that he gets Miranda
as partner and father-in-law?
That would be a done-deal.
I've never had a wealthy father-in-law.
No, let's be clear. Actually,
you've never had a father-in-law.
But I've been told that he's got
a strong personality, he must be intense.
And what about you, man?
So quiet now, while you are so talkative?
I can't believe it!
Look at her, she's so hot!
The daughter of that African pygmy.
[Daniel] What about her?
[Santiago] Oh, he's smoking hot!
[Daniel] And he's so ugly.
He's so handsome!
I think he's got that something.
Oh! Would you do him?
You don't let go anything, do you?
Oh, you didn't like what I said, right?
There's no accounting for taste.
How Grose!
- Standards are very low.
- Lost respect.
[Miranda] How much do you need?
From six to eight million.
But prospects of twenty-four million.
I could offer you
a two-million investment.
And not twenty-four, but twelve.
I think that's a more accurate evaluation.
[Julian] Mr. Miranda, those two million
would be the most important
contribution of any investor so far.
I'd love to say yes.
I respect you and admire you a lot.
But it would be like
giving this business to you.
Like buying the watch you're wearing.
And offering exactly the same money
that you paid for it as new.
Your watch,
which you have used for many years,
and you won't lose a dime
in the transaction.
- Is that a good deal or not?
- No.
That's right.
Billuka is exactly the same.
Its value will grow in the future.
[Leopoldo] Antonia?
- Tell me.
How are you? Leopoldo Vargas.
I'll be your direct boss.
Oh, Leopoldo, nice to meet you.
A pleasure.
Did you receive the email I sent you?
It's about your first assessment visit
to a company named Token.
- Token?
- But that's now, right now!
- What is it?
- Well, the visit!
Okay. Token.
It's a company that,
like all companies in the beginning,
has received many investment proposals
because it has an enormous potential.
- Yes, sir, understood!
- Isn't it very promising, Antonia?
So, be extra careful with it,
with everything, okay?
Yes, sir, understood.
Let's see?
what part of "now" you don't understand?
Yes. I'm on it. Now means now.
Yes? Now is now! Exactly.
Yes, got it. Excuse me.
- Antonia?
- Sir?
Is that a "no"?
That's a yes.
But for the correct evaluation.
please Send me the terms
and conditions for review with my team.
But we've got a deal.
We've got a deal.
Mr. Miranda, thank you very much.
This way, let me escort you, please.
Mr. Miranda.
This way, you are always welcome here.
- See you soon.
[Santiago] You are always welcome.
- I lost my voice.
- You got nervous.
Yes, I know, I know, I know.
Nobody noticed.
Like an energy, he's got an energy,
did you see that?
Presence, he's got presence.
Hey, Julian, tell us. What happened?
- Are you partners or not?
- What?
- I need to go to the bathroom.
- No, no, no!
- Come, come, come!
[Daniel] Julian!
Do you know that money
is more important than your bootie?
["Tacones rojos" playing]
[Antonia] No, no, no!
Wait, wait, wait!
My love!
Dad, hello!
What are you doing?
Are you spying on me?
Sweetheart, I have so much to do,
so I couldn't even think
of spying my daughter.
I was visiting these young men at Billuka.
The company of this young man
who went to our house.
Julian, Julian. Yes.
- And how did it go?
- I like them.
- Oh, God!
- Are you waiting for a taxi?
Yes. I expect it arrives
in fifteen minutes.
Do you want a ride?
Could you?
My dear, of course I can.
Look, here's the truck coming.
I'm going home,
but I'm not in a big hurry.
Perfect. Thank you. Yes.
Oh, yes!
What's your position?
- Do you have an office?
- Yes.
With a window?
Yes, dad.
But, and office with a door?
Dad, it's an open office.
So, you have a cubicle with a view.
Dad, all the offices
are like that nowadays. All of them.
This young man Julian
is very nice, isn't he?
It seems he's got nuts.
And he seems to be a good person,
don't you think?
Yes, especially the nuts part.
He's going to be a father.
So, they seem to be working well.
I wasn't expecting that.
He must have screwed up, such a dummy.
Sebas, the same as usual, please.
[Sebas] Straight whisky?
Oh, no! Pour some more. You are so stingy!
- A bit more, it's okay.
- Okay.
Thank you, Sebas.
- Hello.
- Mafe.
It's a pleasure. Marcel.
How are you doing?
Nice to meet you. Thank you.
Do you work at Invest Colombia?
No. No, no, no.
You look so familiar.
No, no. You know?
Maybe it's because I often
have lunch with Antonia Miranda.
Don't take it wrong,
but I don't know everyone in the building,
and I don't know
what Antonia you are talking about.
Mario Miranda's daughter.
Oh, got it! Yes.
We've talked with him about the company.
Oh, got it! You are the ones
behind the investment.
- Come. Have a seat. Follow me.
- Thank you.
- What are you having?
- Can I have a Negroni, please?
- Sebas, a Negroni for the young lady.
- Certainly.
Yes, I saw you around the other day,
you were with your boyfriend.
He was at Antonia's house,
he went to talk to Mario Luz.
Juli? No, Juli is my best friend.
Well, he's also my company's CEO.
[Daniel] Two million US dollars,
that's a lot of money.
With such a solid backup
we will be successful.
- We will be successful.
- Sure. Sure.
A little whisky to celebrate.
Victor, two whiskies.
No. Do you want me to get hammered?
Don't even think of it.
Just a little. Two little whiskies.
Yes. Have one, it won't hurt you.
Where did you guys meet?
- I don't know. At school?
- What?
I mean, you've been together since school?
- What? No, no, no, no!
- Oh, okay!
Anto is my bestie.
Look, my dear,
I have a lovely relationship
with two handsome, divine,
delicious men that I adore.
Oh, I see!
And where are these
delicious men of yours?
Oh, no! No, Mafe, they are so boring.
They told me they'd stay
having an intellectual evening.
French cinema.
- Cheers!
- Thank goodness you came.
Hey, hey. What's this beauty?
Is that a Versace?
Oh! What an eye!
That's me.
Divine. Beautiful.
Look at this, I'm going
to improve the evening for you.
Scroll down.
[Daniel] Hottie!
[Julian] She's hot!
[Daniel] Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!
She's hot, but hold on,
because I guess she might be
very well accompanied, lucky lady.
So what, you dummy!
A beautiful lady improves our defenses.
No, no, see, this lady must be have
fifty dudes behind, all dangerous.
- Watch out!
- It doesn't matter. You only live once.
- Was she going to get married?
- Careful!
Nobody can know about this, okay?
Just imagine,
she was going to marry Andrew.
A beautiful, delicious, divine black guy,
and the dumb-ass told her that he was
in an open relationship with me.
I think that he had cold feet.
But, you know what?
Things happen for a reason, Mafe.
And Anto is okay,
she's getting over the situation.
The thing is that: Once you go black,
you never go back.
Oh, no! I hadn't heard
that phrase since 2004.
Oh, no! What's the problem with that?
- Marcel, marica
- What? Sorry?
That's not in fashion since 2015, my dear.
You know what? I think that's what I need.
- A yummy piece of chocolate?
- No, no, no.
- Yummy!
- No, no, no.
Seriously, listen.
I think that what I need
is to find someone
so that I can have
a stable relationship, you know?
I mean, to go beyond
two months of relationship
and spend Sundays cuddling together,
but without the boredom
and weariness of long relationships.
Hold on, hold on, but I'm going
to ask again because I'm going crazy.
Mafe, are you part of any
of those holistic or yoga cults
which say that no matter
what you drink during pregnancy,
the kid will be okay no matter what?
What are you talking about?
How come, my dear? Aren't you?
What? Oh, Marci! You evil!
Really? That bad I look?
- No. No, no, no.
- No?
No, well, I go the extra mile at the gym.
No, wow! You look gorgeous.
No. You look divine. Sorry, sorry.
Let me explain.
I think I heard,
I heard Julian, a few days ago,
I don't know for sure, but I heard
Oh, no, no, no! Oh, got it! No. No.
That was a few days ago, when I thought
I was pregnant for a couple of hours.
No, no, no.
From now on, I'll listen to Julian.
I'll use a condom no matter what.
Because they don't like condoms.
Excuse me?
What kind of man are you talking about?
Do you remember?
Come here, my dear.
I'll be glad to dance with you.
Come here.
- I'm a wonderful dancer.
- Oh, yeah? Let's see.
Now I understand
why you have two teddy bears!
Am I waking up?
Have you ever considered
that you might a sex addict?
Well, what's wrong with my addiction?
What's the problem with my addiction?
That I won't deliver?
And I do deliver, look,
I don't have a gambling problem,
I'm not a drug addict,
I'm not an alcoholic, and it's genetic.
All men in my family are like rabbits.
For real, my cousins,
my uncles, my grandparents.
It's in our blood, in our blood.
- No, it's the truth. It's true.
- That's not genetic, that's not genetic.
- You are sick.
- No, no, no. That's not true.
- And what about you?
- What about me?
Mario Miranda's daughter?
- Nothing.
- Nothing?
No. Nothing, nothing.
I don't like her, you know.
Do you know that's off limits, right?
Obviously. I know, I know.
What? Shall we go or what?
To a club that is really cool.
To feed your addiction?
I know a place that is very close, dude.
Young school graduates,
we won't go to jail,
they'll get wet as soon as
they see us in these outfits.
- Let's go.
- Pay.
- Am I the one to pay?
- Invite me, dude.
- Who's been paying for these drinks?
- Pay, pay.
- I did.
- No, I did, so Pay.
[man in TV] There are two things that
drive foreign ladies crazy in these lands
The pig and the Eden.
[Antonia laughing]
The Eden.
[man in TV] My ideal woman
has to work side by side with me.
The field is my entire life.
She must understand that.
Hello. I'm from Russia,
but here in Colombia
everybody call me Gringa.
I hope to meet
the man of my life in this show.
And we'll be right back
with "Province Beau".
- Hello.
- Wow!
Wow! Wow! Wow!
Okay, what's the matter? What do you want?
Do you need the bathroom?
- I'm going to tell you something
- A cup of coffee?
That will leave you astonished.
- Where's my drink?
- To your right.
- There, there, there, there.
- There? Here? How?
- What? Tell me.
- Well, hey.
What a great apartment
your dad gave you, huh?
It's an apartment
that I'm renting while I decide
if I stay or not if what I do?
Okay, tell me.
First, news.
- What?
- Julian won't be having a family.
Poor Julian, is he going to have a child
because he impregnated some random lady?
No, no, no. Not at all.
He won't be a father.
How about that?
So what? You dumb-ass
The road is clear.
No! This is boring gossip. For real.
I'm missing important stuff.
Of course. Sure, play dumb.
You love gossip. You love it!
And you know why?
- Because that cookie is almost baked.
- No.
Hey, how did you find out about this?
- I have my sources.
- Which ones? Tell me.
Which Mafe?
The pregnant lady
who is no longer pregnant.
She's divine, she's beautiful.
In fact, I love her. She's the best.
I want her to be my best friend. Really.
- My best friend, my best friend.
- No, no. I'm lying.
I'm lying, I'm lying, my love.
My second best friend!
I want Julian to continue to be
your first worst best friend.
Oh, Marci! I messed up, really bad.
How come? What did you do?
No, really, I treated him really badly.
I'm so ashamed.
- What? Why?
- Shame.
The man arrived
all peace and love.
He invited me to lunch
to apologize, and I
I was you know how I am sometimes.
Well, really bad.
Worst, I was so contemptuous.
- I'm so ashamed!
- No, no, no. How come?
Why? You have to talk to him.
I don't know what you are going to do.
But, do you think so?
We only saw each other twice.
Literally, he screwed up
the first time, really bad.
The second time was on me.
We are even now.
Look, I don't give a shit.
You must tell him, I don't know,
that you had a mental breakdown,
but that this is not who you are.
That you are decent people.
That you were nervous,
that you were on your period,
that you had a bad tummy, I don't know,
but you have to make something up.
Got it! Thank you.
Thank you. I'll see what I tell him.
Oh, you too?
Have you also fallen
into the clutches of Province Beau?
Oh, goodness, Marci!
Come on, come on.
I imagine you are team Jason, right?
I haven't decided yet.
You know what? I'm team Henry.
I love that guy.
[Antonia laughing]
What's up, dude?
What's up with you, champ?
Look at this sexy chest, man.
[Antonia laughing]
- Sexy.
- Look at that.
[Julian] Okay, two missed calls,
three text messages at 3:00 am.
You are unbelievable!
I went out for drinks last night, and you
can't imagine the piece of news I have.
Oh, yeah? What? Tell me.
Oh, no! What's that attitude
in such early hours, my dear?
Okay, I have so many things to do.
Tell me.
The man Antonia was with
a few days ago, his name is Marcel.
He's a lovely gay dude.
He's competing with you.
I'll make him mine.
Honestly, you know, I don't give a damn.
I don't care anything, just Billuka.
- Yeah, right!
- Here they come.
You are terrible! I haven't forgiven you.
I've already forgiven you.
- What's going on?
- All good?
Everything's okay.
Juli, let's get some coffee, shall we?
- Yes?
- Yes, absolutely.
- We'll be right back.
- We'll be right back.
Some coffee?
Oh, what a bummer, isn't it?
That someone comes up
with such story before marrying. No.
Really bad.
Yes, totally.
But, you know what?
That I should be considering that.
Maybe that's what I have to do.
Having an open relationship.
No strings attached
and dating other people?
No! Yes, that's it right now,
but how many men
are really confident to accept
that a lady's life is to be
lived like other men's lives?
- It's more complicated. Complicated.
- No.
- How's your beautiful mother?
- Good.
With her new-age hippism.
She was happy about Miranda.
I can imagine.
It's an amazing achievement.
And your mother is fantastic.
Yes, but her expenses
aren't very hippie-like,
and she always hanging out
with her boyfriend and all of that.
Stop complaining.
It's been to two years, let it go.
No, it's not that.
The thing is that he doesn't work,
he does absolutely nothing,
and I have to financially support him.
I mean, yesterday I went to visit my mom.
I opened the fridge
and it looked like a butcher's shop,
and my mom is a vegetarian!
But not everyone
can become a vegetarian, right?
Yes, but Uruguayan cuts,
Argentine cuts, coppa, Parma ham.
Come on, I don't even do that!
Oh, but you don't even go to the market.
If it wasn't for me,
you wouldn't eat at home.
Besides, well
he also gives her
love and affection, right?
That's the only thing that matters.
- Are you going to do that?
- No!
No, that's an article that
just popped up. I don't need that.
No? Doesn't it get wrinkled with time?
Yeah, you'll gonna do that.
No! No! Why would I do that?
- Richie, come on, would you do that?
- No, no.
Well, it's just a cosmetic procedure,
which is now advertised here, you know?
- I've seen that. It's very good.
- Yeah?
- Yes. Yeah, man, for sure.
- What are you saying?
Yeah, right, we might do
some enhancements.
But, what about it?
I mean, does it enlarge it?
No, no. Makes it "gland it."
Let's see if they accept credit card?
You are considering it, aren't you?
I've heard Cristiano is having it.
If Cristiano is having it,
we'll see, then.
No, you go first.
If it hurts, I won't have it done.
- Hello, gentlemen. Gentlemen!
- Hello.
I was looking for you.
I was looking for Julian.
Could you come for a moment, please?
- Yes, yes.
- In private.
Yes, no, no Right on.
Come, come. It'll be quick.
- Excuse me.
- Please.
- Please.
- Thank you.
She's hot!
Oh my god, what's going on?
Now then show me
what you guys were looking at come on.
Give me a date.
- Would you like to have a seat?
- No, thank you.
I'm sorry for that awful spectacle
I gave you yesterday!
I'm sorry.
Yes, to be honest, it was quite ugly.
Yes, like you said at my father's
house a few days ago. Same. Bad.
But, well, yes, it's just that
- We both screwed up.
- We screwed up. We screwed up.
That's right. So, I came here like
let's have a fresh start, shall we?
In peace.
- Monica.
- Monica? Monica?
Antonia Miranda.
Nice to meet you.
Julian Quintana. My pleasure.
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