Eerie, Indiana: The Other Dimension (1998) s01e02 Episode Script

The Goody Two-Shoes People

Like many leaders of the
free world, I've learned that
battling forces of evil can
wreak havoc with your budget.
Unlike countries that can
float loans or issue bonds
to cover their debts, I have
to depend on my allowance.
After asking my dad for one
advance to many, he enrolled me in
Erie's Junior Executives Club for
an education in economic realities.
So far, I've learned
how to dress like a dork.
Image is everything. Before
leaving the house, the young
Junior Executive carefully
checks, double checks is image.
Mr. Steppard, now that we're in
Remember, you are all petals of
the future flower. That is business.
Yeah, right.
Mr. Covington.
I take it that you do
not see yourself as
the flowering of the
entrepreneurial spirit.
Am I correct?
No. I just don't think the world needs
more people with really shiny shoes.
Mr. Steppard.
What are you doing here Rodney?
My parents won't let me ride
my motorbike unless I come.
Your parents would like you to
have some kind of a goal in life.
I already have a goal in life.
To ride your motorcycle around the
world, not exactly a sterling ambition.
Mr. Steppard, I have this product.
Memory, Mr. Hope. Memory.
Meeting of the Erie Junior
Executives Club is terminated for today.
Except for you, Mr. Covington.
You and I are going to have a little chat.
I didn't know it then,
but Rodney's immediate
future wasn't as bright
as Mr. Steppard promised.
I do solemnly swear that
everything I'm about to tell you is true.
A spill of weirdness from
another dimension turned my
hometown into the center of
weirdness for the entire universe.
Don't believe me? Just watch.
All I'm saying is I think
Steppard's a real whack-a-doo.
Mitchell, it's easy for a junior
executive to get his corporate
leader's big picture thinking
messed up with whack-a-doo-ness.
Where'd you get that from?
The J.E. business primer.
It was under unquestioning loyalty.
See, that's what I mean. J.E. is all about
stuff like whose name goes first on a memo.
I really admire Rodney
for standing up to him now.
At least he won't have to
go to any more meetings.
You're both missing the point, Compadre.
Success belongs to the long-term player.
Maybe that's why Mr. Steppard's taking
such a long time on my marketing scheme.
Marketing scheme?
I'm launching a whole new
line of fridge magnets, which
unlike your ordinary fridge
magnets are shaped like
Got a whole box of them
down at the community hall.
Stanley, there can't really
be a lot of money in magnets.
You're talking about money,
Hope? Because it appears
we didn't collect any lunch
money from you today.
I knew I don't have any lunch money.
Everybody's got lunch money.
Newt? Lunch was four hours ago.
Stanley spent his lunch money.
He has?
Yeah. If you want to steal
a kid's lunch money, you
have to do it when he's
going to school, not from it.
Didn't anybody tell you that?
That's lesson 12.
Steal a kid's lunch money when
he's going to school, not from it.
How about taking it outside, huh, Newt?
You're a sanctioned street gang with the
store bullies won't like
you're horny in on their turf.
Next time, uh, catch me earlier.
Hey, pick up somebody your own size.
You're, uh You're
about my size, Taylor.
I'm in by weight. You got a scale?
Come on!
You could exemplify everything
that this club stands for.
Selfless dedication.
What about you care about?
It's what you should be caring about.
Well, I'm not interested.
And if that upsets you, I'm sorry.
If that upsets my parents, I'm sorry.
But I gotta be me.
This conversation is not over.
Mom, morning dad, Carrie.
Weren't we a little late
getting in last night?
Sorry, Tommy had car trouble.
Car trouble?
Yeah, when he dropped me off, we noticed
this hook hanging from the door handle.
Boning sure he has a check
before you go out again.
Morning, everybody.
Morning, Mitchell.
Isn't that the same shirt
you wore yesterday?
Don't we?
That's not the point.
You wear fresh clothes every day.
Sign of self-esteem.
I thought it was a sign
we like to do laundry.
Did you get all your homework done?
Most of it.
Oh, Dad, I need my
allowance early this week.
What do we decide about
these allowance advances?
I know, but I need to buy a
Philadelphia experiment kit.
But you already had one.
Well, I did, but it disappeared.
Are you learning anything at Jay?
Give me my allowance if I wear a tie.
Well, that would be a start.
I was hoping maybe you had a plan
for generating some capital of your own.
Well, I've got these treasure maps
that belong to a headless pirate.
I'll get it.
Probably Stanley.
We'll see if he wants breakfast.
Hello, Mitchell.
I'm collecting for my charity of
the day, victims of hostile takeovers.
Can I contribute?
Mom, Dad, Carrie.
This is Rodney Covington.
He's in Jay with me.
Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor.
My mind would have lovely home you have.
No offense to your
brother, but you've always
been blessed with
the looks in the family.
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, I'm not
sure whether Mitchell informed you,
but the club clucks
for a charity of the day.
We do?
Mitchell, why don't you
go change your shirt?
You do want to be like the other kids.
Rodney, do you manage to
do your homework every night?
Of course, sir.
A junior executive always completes the
task required within the timeframe required.
My sentiments exactly.
Now I'm sure that Mitchell wouldn't
mind contributing his allowance?
Rodney, is this some kind of joke?
Being late for school, Mitchell is no joke.
It's like being late.
For your own future.
It's going to rain.
It's been very nice to meet all of you.
He's different.
We rented to Miss
Lovelace, the French teacher.
He had a whole conversation with her.
In French.
Maybe he's practicing for his world tour.
One day he's a classic troubled teenager.
The next he's trying to
explain to me how an index
pension will keep me out of
trouble in my twilight years.
I'll get you twilight years.
You're in trouble now.
But come on, this is stupid.
Well, we're still going to do it.
Get on the scale.
Gentlemen, please.
I'm sure we can reasonably
arbitrate a win-win solution here.
Uh, what he means is
I know what he means.
He means I'm a lame brain.
And he's a smarty-pants.
Close enough.
Bad boy!
Mr. Hope.
It is time that we discussed
your bright and shining future.
Then we still wasn't picking up.
Something must have gone wrong.
Maybe he decided to go
into the air mail food business.
Gotta go check it out.
Mitchell, what a still goodness.
I think it was the end of the world.
Just might be.
Hello, Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor.
I'm collecting for the brokers
restricted from insider trading.
It's the Junior Executive's
charity of the day.
People describe business in brutal terms.
Doggy dog killing the competition.
But I was sure Stanley had become
the victim of a real-life hostile takeover.
Mr. Crawford, how much do
you know about Mr. Stefford?
Oh, let's see.
He runs an investment firm.
Vice Sheriff's knowledge of the youngsters.
Does he really know
anything about business?
Many successful people have
gone through that club here.
There's Mayor Carver,
former Vice President.
And that guy from
Seattle with the computers.
Well, how long has he been running GE?
Oh, since I was a kid at least.
How can that be?
He doesn't look a day over 40.
Well, you know what they say?
Working with kids keeps you on.
Stanley, what's this all about?
Mr. Stefford says we
need to collect funds for
those fallen in the
endless corporate struggle.
Well, you guys want to
tell me what's with the hair?
A Junior Executive should always
reflect the image of his chief executive.
And never be late for a meeting.
Excuse us.
Stanley, I thought you might need
some cheering up like I got your present.
The Junior Executive
meeting is about to begin.
Will you be coming, Mr. Taylor?
Uh, yeah.
And how do we create these profits?
We create these profits by
Bringing more people into the
Any questions?
Can I help you?
Mr. Stefford, sir.
Allow me to introduce my parents.
Is there something wrong?
Oh, no, sir.
Exactly the opposite.
We'd just like to thank you for the
positive influence you've had on our son.
Rodney's always
been a A difficult child.
But lately, he's been well?
We just wanted to thank the man
who made our son what he is today.
Well, thank you.
Nothing gives me greater
pleasure than transforming
our youth into useful
members of our society.
Thank you.
Come home right after
your club meeting, dear.
I made your favorite meatloaf.
Of course, brother.
See you then, son.
Profits are are Motive.
Motive is profits.
Any questions?
Yes, Rob.
Alright, that's it.
Meeting is over.
Go and go.
Come on.
Meeting's over.
Now, there is no reason
you should be acting this way.
Now I warned you about these.
These disrupt your magnetic flow.
Unbutton your shirt.
Little juice, you'll be just fine.
Your replacements
are functioning perfectly.
So perfectly that tonight I
will get rid of the originals.
Hey, in there, Stanley!
You too, Rodney!
I'm going for help!
No! No! No!
Hello, Mitchell.
Uh, hi. Stanley?
I'm not supposed to be
in here after the meeting.
Well, I was, um, just waiting for you.
I was gonna walk you home.
You are going home.
Let me carry this for you.
Don't remember bringing that here.
Well, it's got your name on it.
Sorry about this.
I need some help.
Stepard had to build
enough of the real Stanley.
I need a passport stamp
and I just need to find it.
Well, Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer.
Dave, I'm scared, Dave.
Hello, Mitchell. What we do today? Today?
Okay, that'll have to do.
Okay, I need some help. Let's go.
Help! What friends are for?
We help Harry! Come on.
You gotta get through this door.
You're made of metal. You know what to do.
Door locked.
I know it's locked.
Break it down. Kick it into something.
Mitchell, you're the best!
No, no, get us out of here.
Come on!
Keep that thing away from me.
You seen it before?
I've seen it.
I had to watch Stepard make it.
If you trust me up, give
me the stupid haircut
and send that thing out collecting money
so that you can do this to somebody else.
Guys, get me out of these things.
Look out, look out, look out!
You're the one who
tried to sabotage Rodney.
That's not Rodney.
It will be soon.
And I have a feeling that he's
going to have some company.
Oh, don't worry.
Your parents won't miss you.
They'll be too thrilled
by their perfectly new,
perfectly obedient, perfectly diligent,
perfectly perfect child.
Nobody's perfect.
I am.
And you will be as well.
Pick up somebody your own size.
Pick on somebody your own size.
Let him go!
That was way cool.
Look at him.
He grabbed the one he built.
I would have told you sooner.
It's just he didn't own two.
Do you think you could save it for
later and maybe work on untying me?
Hey Mitch, y'all, what are
we going to do about him?
Who beat me?
This guy is living proof.
Or at least a good fact, simily,
that Erie really is weird.
Now people will have to believe us.
Well, yeah, that's if you tell him.
What are you kidding?
Why wouldn't we tell him?
Because then you'd
have to explain where I am.
And that might take some explaining.
Where you going?
Boys, come on.
It's my chance to see the world here.
I finally get what I want.
My parents finally get what they want.
And if I'm lucky,
I'll probably get back
right when this thing's
graduated from college,
probably top of its class.
If you ask me, I got a
pretty bright and shiny future.
We'll see you later, boys.
What are we going to do?
We'll never get away with this.
It doesn't look like we've
got much of a choice.
His parents were
pleased with a new version.
I sometimes wonder if
we made the right choice.
Covering for Rodney.
But he got to live his dreams instead
of becoming a real junior executive
and doing nothing more daring
than writing an occasional bold memo.
You know, I'm really going to
miss Rodney's goofing around.
He was pretty funny.
I've still got a couple of magnets.
The truth is, it's real easy to fit in.
But life's a lot more fun if
you could just be who you are.
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