Eleita (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Responsabilidade Fiscal

Good morning, Your Excellency.
Don't start.
Come with me?
Don't start.
It's my first day of work,
I need emotional support.
I have an important meeting.
What meeting? I didn't know.
I have my own life.
Since when?
What's this minipig's name?
What does a governor do?
I'm serious, people.
What does a governor do?
A governor uses public power
to reduce the social gap
with public policies towards the excluded.
It's difficult, right?
I meant like Today
What can I do today,
to leave this place carried
in the arms of the people.
This acclaim
will have to wait for another day.
Yeah, you have a very busy schedule today.
You have an appointment at 1 p.m.
with Souza,
the delegate mayor of Queimados.
At 2 p.m. with Sub-Lieutenant
Mayor Torres of Mangaratiba.
And at 3 p.m. with Mayor Angry Slab Girl.
And also 12 meetings during the day
that should last until midnight or 1 a.m.
Can we take three at once?
All the mayors thinks they're unique.
It's worse than the president.
I don't care, fix it.
-It's not even noon.
-She'll need it.
Governor. Governor.
Governor, you will be introduced
to various mayors
who have the most diverse demands.
It's very important that you do not commit
to meet any of them.
No, I hate to say no.
Who's asking you to say no?
A governor only says yes.
You'll never say no again in your life.
It's very simple.
You agree and say
that you will look at it carefully.
It's very important
for a hospital to have a roof.
We'll look at your request carefully.
Or you can pretend to be outraged.
20 robberies at the same place in a month?
Delegate the "no" to somebody else.
Secretary, deal with it!
And above all,
don't let it affect your emotions.
Of course, everyone must have
decent transportation
so they can visit their dying parents
at the roofless hospital.
We'll look at your request carefully.
Now that you have the hang of it,
may I leave you alone?
Please, no.
But I have a hot potato of yours
to deal with.
If the governor hadn't taken that selfie,
none of this would've happened.
The only thing that Pastor Hosana
got was followers.
Followers don't vote in the State Senate.
It's better to stop here, Philipa.
But things are working out.
I don't want to be known as the rep
who's fighting Maísa on Twitter.
Leftists love her.
The more you get pounded,
the more you grow.
This online presence
is not helping me offline.
The Catholic extremist wing
is backing her.
It's just 13 votes, Penna. You have 57.
We're going to get the votes, trust me.
It's tough, very tough.
Drop this negativity.
It doesn't do you any good.
There is no risk. The Moderates
are your base, that's 14 votes.
I guarantee another seven
from Equilibrium. That's 21.
Plus the 23 critical votes
from the Left Union,
that makes 44.
We still need 13?
The Moderate Evangelicals
will never back a preacher like Hosana.
I don't even have
the support of the evangelicals.
Not yet, but I discovered something
that you will be able to use
against Congresswoman Pastor Vera Simmehl.
Discovered how?
God told me.
I want to die!
Need help?
Clear my schedule for today.
No, are you crazy?
Netinho would kill me.
Don't you want to die?
Not murdered by my boss.
Netinho is not your boss.
Netinho is not my boss?
Wake up, girl! You're the governor.
There's no one above you.
Bring me the next mayor.
What do you need, Mayor?
You can call me K-du 180.
I wanted to plead with you, ma'am,
for some sports courts
No, I meant to drink.
Do you have energy drinks?
Well, I'd like something that's
around 20 sports courts.
You got it. What else?
I got it?
Just like that?
There are also a few neighborhoods
in need of basic sanitation.
Basic sanitation, K-du?
-Basic sanitation?
A city like Nova Iguaçu
needs top notch sanitation.
Fucking good sanitation.
And there are many things
to change there too.
Let's change it all.
Let's change Nova Iguaçu as a whole.
Let's make
a new Nova Iguaçu.
I have chills
From head to toe, a new
a new Nova Iguaçu.
Thank you, my mouth has gone dry
from such happy news.
Thanks, Juan.
To the New Nova Iguaçu!
Wish all the best to Mom.
Hello! Can I call you Fê?
Here I go by Nanda.
So, Nanda Sorry,
but I thought you'd be
more excited about the proposal.
But I am. My dream since college
has been to work with you.
Doesn't seem like it.
It's because my whole life is here.
This city is a funeral, baby.
I'm attached.
Everybody's moving to São Paulo.
Are you going to be
the last publicist left in Rio?
Write it down, Juan!
Green buildings. What if we forced
everyone to paint the buildings green?
Zero carbon emissions.
We could lick the air of New Nova Iguaçu.
The Tokyo subway.
What if we made one just like it
under the bridge?
No, not just like it.
Way, way better!
That's it! I'm so excited!
Picture this.
-A jet backpack. Have you seen it?
-No way.
The one trending last Carnival.
What if we gave one to each man
that works hard and cares for his family?
So they could commute
to work faster and be home for lunch.
-That's brilliant!
K-du, come here.
We're going to change the world, K-du.
Starting with Nova Iguaçu.
New Nova Iguaçu.
I had a great idea.
What if we build a subway
above the ground?
That's a train.
They've already invented everything
Don't give up, girl,
your ideas are very good.
I know
I want to come up
with some badass transportation.
You know what transport would be dope?
"Communist, don't masturbate your baby."
It can't be.
Then, they all say we are crazy.
Pastor Vera, that's Internet bullshit.
Look who got elected in the last election.
The governor herself.
No one won by being moderate.
We should not surrender
to the insanity of the times.
I agree.
But as my assistant, Philipa, says,
"There are feeds that justify the mail."
some of us still cherish dignity.
You are an extremist.
You don't represent
the evangelical people.
-Is that all?
Unless the name "Copa Pole"
means something to you.
Never heard of it.
Funny, I thought it was you
in these photos.
You're quite flexible,
aren't you, Congresswoman?
What do you want, Hosana?
I just want evangelicals
voting for evangelicals.
Your Excellency, you're tired.
You need to rest.
I can't, my mind is on fire.
But you must.
Tomorrow you have
meetings with six mayors.
We're thinking Wi-Fi
for the whole city. Is it doable or crazy?
Governor, where will you
get the funds for this?
From the state budget.
the state has a deficit
of 18 billion reals.
18 million?
18 billion. Billions!
Then I know what to do.
Hold still, this is a robbery!
No, just kidding.
It was just to get your attention.
Actually, I'm here to ask you for money.
When you think about
the city of the future,
which one comes to mind?
New York!
The city that never sleeps?
By the look of it, it needs a rest.
What year are we in? 2018?
More like Lis-been
No, the city of the future
is New Nova Iguaçu.
And with your collaboration
we can make this dream
come true.
-It's perfect!
-Very good!
Let's record?
-Leleco, what the fuck?
Secretary. Are the rumors true?
First, what rumors?
That a huge company is interested
in the governor's crowdfunding
and made an offer to buy Nova Iguaçu.
I can neither confirm
nor deny this information.
Sources from the city department
are saying this company is Amazon.
Is that true?
I can neither confirm
nor deny this information.
So, it is Amazon?
I can neither confirm
nor deny this information.
So, it's not Amazon?
I already said
that I can't confirm it is Amazon!
I just wanted some sports courts,
that's all.
K-du, you're being selfish.
I'm doing this for the people
of New Nova Iguaçu.
They will love me.
Amazon will replace me
with a foreign administrator.
I'll be the Queen of England
of New Nova Iguaçu.
No, not New Nova Iguaçu,
Amazon New Nova Iguaçu Prime City.
Fuck me
Do you agree with this, Congressman?
No, I'm sane.
He's just repressed
because he didn't believe in my dream,
but Amazon did.
Simply the greatest company in the world.
Suck it, Netinho!
-No, my only
-Suck it, Netinho!
Can you stop for a moment?
I'll have to move back in with my parents.
-I just moved out.
-Don't worry, K-du.
The State Senate
will never approve this madness.
They need to approve it?
As far as I know,
we're not living in a dictatorship yet.
Your Excellency,
your proposal is
the beginning of the end of politics.
You can't simply put the government
in the hands of businessmen, right?
At least not so explicitly.
Your Excellency did not understand.
Your Excellency did not understand.
Your Excellency did not understand.
Your Excellency did not understand.
-Your Excellency did not understand.
-Your Excellency did not understand.
-Your Excellency
-Your Excellencies,
let's calm down.
Nova Iguaçu loved the idea.
The people often don't know
what's best for them.
This is all because
of the selfie with Hosana, right?
Please, we're all adults here.
I thought you were my ally.
What good is an ally
who doesn't do what I want?
Penna is so sensitive, right?
I texted the party message group
not to vote for him.
Our candidate now is Pastor Hosana.
I beg your pardon?
She assured me,
if elected for the House Speaker,
she'll approve the sale of Nova Iguaçu.
-By audio message.
Blessed woman
We're still missing three.
Only three.
What have I said about this negativity?
There's nowhere to find the missing votes.
Moderates will never betray Penna.
Penna is the Moderates.
The only way out is
the left wing.
What is it, Philipa?
Sorry, Pastor,
with all due respect,
I think the Left Union
will never accept a meeting with you.
Never underestimate
the will of a leftist to pose
as open-minded.
I would like to thank you
from the Left Union for your time.
I know this is a very extreme proposal.
I know we have disagreements.
Congresswoman, I find it interesting
to go through various experiences,
but supporting your candidacy is too much.
If you say "go through" again,
I don't know what I'll do.
But I truly feel
we must have an open dialogue.
There's no dialogue with fanatics.
Fanatics? Please
"Communist, don't masturbate your baby."
Gentlemen, please
-And ladies.
-Ladies and gentleman.
I'm here today
because I believe that together
we can put an end to this polarization.
Nobody can stand this anymore.
We need a fresh start.
Where the left and right are united
for everyone's sake.
United how?
Will you support
demilitarizing the police?
Our goal is free public transportation.
That's your goal. The goal of the left
is minimum state income.
-Who decided this?
-I did.
-I did.
-I thought this was a horizontal decision.
I prefer to call it
a broad democratic front.
No one speaks for the Left Union.
-I thought everyone had a voice.
Only when there is consensus.
Not even this is a consensus!
-Of course it is!
-No, it isn't. Who said so?
-We agreed.
-When? That's nonsense.
-Are you crazy?
-I sent an email!
I wrote you. It was the agenda.
Email? What email?
The Left Union announced today
that it will break down
and launch three different candidates
for president of the State Senate
surprising a total of zero persons.
After the break, why is your water green?
The Health Secretary
will try to convince you
that it is all in your head.
Brought to you by Tasteless,
water without taste, just like old times.
Session is adjourned.
Congresswoman Hosana, 20 votes
TOTAL - 70
Hey, it's important to me.
It's my first action as governor.
Boring. Sorry, Nova Iguaçu is too far.
I'm not sure I agree with this.
No, don't ruin my moment.
Girl, I don't know,
I just
I think about Jorginho's bar, you know?
The smallest toilet in Rio,
cockroaches on the counter,
and the two of us there every week.
Then Devassa bought it.
The toilet got bigger, no more roaches.
It looks better now.
But we're never going
It's not our bar anymore.
It doesn't have our history.
So they can sell Luxembourg to Burger King
but I can't sell Nova Iguaçu to Amazon?
Did you see what happened
to Luxemburger King?
It's going to be different with me.
Forget it. Do whatever you want.
Hey, sorry to interrupt,
you said you were going
to get a glass of water
and that was an hour ago.
I completely forgot about you.
My bad.
Fefê! Fefê! Fefê!
Thank you, Governor,
for changing my future!
Thank you, Little Governor.
Fefê! Fefê! Fefê!
Now you believe in me?
Of course I believe in you.
Despite disagreeing to what is happening,
it's beautiful to see
all you're doing for this city.
Even more, since they didn't vote for you.
They didn't vote for me?
You will have to deal
with the old Nova Iguaçu.
The worst of the Iguaçus.
Have you been to Foz do Iguaçu?
Exactly, it humiliates you all!
What? This is a total lack of respect!
It is uncalled for!
Where's my piece? Where is my piece?
Go away and never come back here,
Bitch! Bitch!
Did you really need
to tell a whole city to fuck off?
It's so they learn how to vote.
Bunch of hypocrites!
-We left Altair behind!
-Who's Altair?
Are you busy?
How was it?
I don't want to talk about myself.
Let's talk about you.
Did you vote for me?
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