Eli Roth Presents: My Possessed Pet (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Master of the House

[Donald] Sam was just, just
a super smart, super happy
fantastic, energetic dog.
It just Amazing dog.
[Eli Roth] Pets are our
most loyal companions.
[Donald] He didn't have a ba
bone in his body whatsoever
[Eli] But what happens when something
evil takes hold of your dog?
[Donald] The graveyard
was the start.
That was the beginning of when our
relationship started to change.
[Eli] And man's best friend.
[Donald] He's almost like
under a control of some sort
[Sam barking] - [Eli]
becomes your worst enemy?
It just became an actual
living, breathing nightmare.
He became the master and I was looking
for his affection and approval.
I felt like a hostage
in my own home.
You know, who do you call?
Like, there's no
There's no exorcist for this.
Something evil has taken
control of my dog.
I have to save my dog.
[Donald actor whispering]
Okay, okay. Okay.
[Donald] I'm in
the insurance business
and at this point,
I had just gotten
like, my first
really big promotion.
So I had been just eager to,
"A" get out of
living with roommates,
move on my own.
Just, just get some independence
at a point in life when I just,
I thought
I should be getting it.
You're going to be okay,
living here all by yourself?
After living with you pigs?
Yeah, I think I'll be okay.
Oh. Now I know why
the rent is so cheap.
Obviously, being young and
on your own, money's a factor.
So, I took
the cheapest place I found.
And it happened to be
next to a graveyard.
Nice view.
- Yeah, right?
That doesn't freak you out?
No. Why would it?
[Donald] You know,
I'm not superstitious.
I mean, for me it made
my rent very affordable.
It made the price right.
Living on my own was great.
You know.
The one downside is it did
get a little boring,
not having anyone to talk to.
So I just, I decided that I,
it would probably be
a good idea for me
to have a dog.
[Donald actor] There you go.
Welcome home.
What do you think? Oh, my God.
You like it? Yes?
There you go.
[Donald] Sam was just, just
a super smart, super happy,
fantastic, energetic dog.
It just Amazing dog.
[indistinct party chatter]
[Donald] Everyone
loved him, like
People would come to my hom
just to play with him,
hang out with him.
Are you so cute? Yes, you are.
You are the cutest.
Aww. [kissy noises]
I knew right there,
I was like, "Yeah, this
This is my guy right here.
This is him."
We were just really
in tuned to each other.
We were inseparable.
[blows air]
Okay, buddy.
We managed to get
into a routine super easy.
Super quick.
[Donald actor]
No ham for you, buddy.
Good boy.
Guard this place
with your life, all right?
[door closes]
- [Sam whines]
Let's see.
- [woman] Aww. What a cutie.
[Donald actor] Oh, look at that.
- Oh, my. How old is he?
He's, uh, around six.
He's awesome.
[door unlocks]
Oh, hey, buddy.
"I at least recognize you." Get the
leash, okay? Get the leash.
[Donald] We managed to
just get into that lifestyle
You know, coming home from work,
walking up in the morning,
talking him for walks,
taking him to the park.
It was everything
that you would ever want
owning a dog to be. Um
But it just, it grew
to something that it wasn't.
All right, Sam, let's go.
All, right. No, no. We're not going to
let you pee on somebody's grandma, buddy.
Come on. Nope. No, sit!
Hey, Sam.
Ah, come on.
Ah, Sam.
Sam, what are you doing?
Come here.
It's almost like
something called his name
out of the graveyard.
This was the first time
he's ever disobeyed.
You know, I pretty much
had to drag him
out of the graveyard
and into the home.
I really feel like that
was the start.
That was the beginning of
the change in him.
Dinner time.
[fork scrapes]
Sam, come on, buddy.
[exhales forcefully]
There you are.
What you looking at, buddy?
Okay. I'm leaving.
[door squeaks open]
[door shuts]
[Donald] He would just sit
in the home all day long,
looking out of the window that
kind of overlooked the cemetery.
And he was just
fixated on it all day.
[keys rattle]
Hey, buddy.
What's going on?
Hey, what's wrong, buddy?
Come on.
I started to notice a lot of
A lot of change in his behavior.
It became something just so
like scary.
[Sam barking]
[Sam continues
barking in the distance]
[Sam barking loudly]
What are you barking at?
[Sam continues barking]
Stay here.
Hey, Sam, stay here.
[Sam barking in the house]
[Sam barking and growling]
[Sam whines and stops barking]
[faint ticking]
[ticking growing louder]
[shovel scraping dirt]
[breathing heavily]
Things just started to,
to unravel. Fast.
[door closes]
[Donald actor] So, where
you living these days?
Still with Meg and Jennie.
- Oh.
Full house.
- Yeah.
You got all this
space to yourself.
At that point in time,
I had met someone,
uh, a lady named Ashley.
We just kind of hit it off.
We get along great.
You know, she was pretty,
she was funny.
We were both into animals.
We were both into dogs.
You know,
it kind of just, it worked.
When Ashley was coming over
to hang out,
Sam wasn't really
having any of it.
You don't give him
raw meat, do you?
[Donald actor] No.
Of course not.
[Donald] He would just star
and it was like a
It was like a death stare.
It, it It definitely
put Ashley on edge.
I really don't want him
sleeping in here with us.
What? Why?
You know, you're making
a big deal out of nothing.
[sighs] Just, please.
- Okay, okay.
I'm sorry, buddy.
[rustling and soft thudding]
[tap running]
[tap stops]
[faint snap]
[Sam growls]
[continues growling]
This dog is freaking me out.
How do you not see this?
[Sam whines]
He's just sitting there.
I don't like it.
- What?
[Donald] At that time,
I just, I didn't feel it.
But it just became a nightmare.
[Benny yapping]
[Donald actor] Go.
Welcome home.
[Donald] Now,
when Ashley moves in,
that also means her dog
and her cat come with her.
[Donald actor] Hey, Sam.
Come meet your new pals.
[Benny barking] - [Ashley] Come on.
Come on, buddy.
And Sam didn't want them around.
He just became really withdrawn
from everything and everyone.
Like he, it's almost like
he disappeared.
And then, you know,
Ashley was freaked out.
She's on about me as well.
She My behavior
has changed.
[door opening]
Hi, babe.
What are you doing?
Oh. Hey, babe.
Uh, what are we doing
for dinner?
You want steak?
I feel like steak.
Yeah. Okay.
[Donald actor] How come
Benny gets to sleep in the bed
and Sam has to sleep outside?
[Ashley] Because Benny
doesn't scare me.
[Donald actor] What are you
talking about?
You and Sam.
You don't see it, do you?
[Donald actor]
You're imagining things.
[Donald] I didn't see it.
I didn't see it.
I couldn't see it.
You know, at that point,
it just,
it still just felt normal.
You know, I just
I didn't know what he was capable of.
It became very dangerous.
[Ashley] Got your keys?
- [Donald actor] Yeah.
[Ashley] Benny?
Sam, come here, bud.
[Ashley] Weird.
[Donald actor] Come here, boy.
What Where are they?
Maybe they got out.
The doors locked.
Okay, well, then where are they?
I have no idea.
I swear if your dog--
- If my dog what?
The animals
aren't in the house
Like, no one's been in.
There's no sign of forced entry,
there's no windows
that are broken.
So Ashley's like,
you know, "Let's go
check the graveyard."
[Ashley] Benny!
- [Donald actor] Sam!
[Ashley] Benny!
[Ashley] Benny!
[Donald actor] Sam!
[Ashley] Benny!
Benny. Benny!
It's Ashley's dog in the
bottom of the hole, whimpering.
And I mean, this is a deep hole.
It's too big for a dog
to have just jumped in.
I'm immediately like,
there's just no way,
like, Sam could've done it.
I call his name,
and he doesn't move.
He's almost, like,
under a control of some sort
Like, did he somehow have
something to do with this.
[Ashley] This would never have
happened if it wasn't for that dog.
[Donald actor] You saying
this is Sam's fault?
There is something wrong
with that dog.
You have to get rid of it.
I will make it easy for you.
It's him, or it's me.
Come on, Sam.
We don't need her.
We don't need anybody.
I'm not giving up Sam.
You know, he's my dog and
my dog's
my partner as well.
This is my dog. We're gonna
find a way through it.
I felt him change.
[breathing heavily]
I could feel myself change.
I started getting nightmares.
Everything about the whole
situation was just
It was just shifting,
it was just evolving,
you know, and not even
in a good way.
We were de-evolving.
Everything just felt different.
I don't seem like
myself anymore.
I felt like things that
should be aren't,
and things that aren't should be.
It felt like a big dream.
Like, I don't know
what is going on.
Something's happening
to Sam and I,
and I don't know what.
Maybe I am the one that's crazy.
[knocking at door]
Are you here?
What's going on?
What are you doing here?
[Justin] I haven't heard from
you for days. - Leave us alone!
[dog barking]
- [Justin] Are you okay?
[grunts] Get out of our house!
Get out of our house!
- [Justin] Okay, okay, okay.
You're bugging us.
- [Justin] Okay.
I was volatile.
You know, emotionally unstable
in my personal life.
Like, I have not been sleeping.
I was literally detaching
from everyone,
my family, my friends,
my coworkers.
[phone ringing]
My quality of my work
definitely went down.
Like, it just, it
He became an obsession.
When I got him,
I was his master,
and he was looking
for my affection and approval.
Like, it changed.
He became the master,
and I was looking for his
affection and approval.
It just became the polar
opposite of what you'd expect.
It was to the point where I
felt like he was in control
over the entire home.
It just It
It was all just uneasy.
You know, none of it
felt normal.
It all just felt like a dream.
Even still now looking back
it just didn't seem real.
[breathing heavily]
[Sam whimpering]
What's going on, buddy?
- [growls]
I was actually in fear
of getting attacked.
Like, it became
It became like I felt like
a hostage in my own home.
My entire place was trashed
It looked like a pack of dog
had attacked my home.
It's a scene, like,
it looks like a crime scene.
I felt like
reality was slipping.
It just became an actual
living, breathing nightmare
Something evil
has taken control of my dog
And I know if something did
and Sam's still in there,
he's probably just
as terrified as I am.
And I owe it to him and myself
to help him, to get
to the bottom of this.
Like, I have to save my dog.
Every once in a while,
he would just give me enough
to understand
that he was still there,
my Sam was still in there.
We had to get to the bottom of it.
I had to figure it out.
It was something that had to
have come out of that graveyard.
You could just tell,
like you could sense it.
It was just so heavy and thick
in there, the atmosphere.
It was just dripping
with bad energy.
So at this point, I think
it is something paranormal.
Like, the dog
is probably possessed.
I was starting to worry
for myself now,
as well as Sam.
I thought
that maybe
something bad
was gonna happen to me.
I wanted answers.
So I, uh, went online,
looked for some resources.
You know, who do you call?
A puppy priest?
Like, there's no
There's no exorcist for this.
It's, you know
But I just, I wasn't
I wasn't going to have
someone tell me I was crazy
or even look at me
like I was even more crazy.
I was past that point.
I wore a crucifix
around my neck now.
Sam sort of reacted.
- [barking]
When I show him
a crucifix, like, he cowers.
So I just
I put them everywhere.
I put them all over the home
I lit candles,
St. Christopher, St. Jude,
I lit all the candles
I possibly could.
He would just
- [dog barking]
whine and kinda, like,
shriek and make noises
Like, it was It was
I've never seen a dog
do it before or since.
So with the crucifixes
all over the home
Sam retreats
into the basement.
He doesn't want
to be around the crucifix.
He doesn't want to be
around the crosses
or religious symbols.
[barking and growling]
He just stays in the basemen
and the longer he stays there,
it's, like, the more
you just hear, like, noises.
[barking and growling]
Something awful was happening.
Sam! Run!
Something was coming after me,
and it was taking
control of him.
[barking and growling]
Whatever was happening
in there
it was coming for us both.
I grabbed what stuff
we had there,
and we jumped in my car,
and we drove
until we found a hotel
that took dogs.
The further we got
away from that place,
it's just like he
Every mile we drove was a mile
back towards his old self.
Like, he was back to the dog
that I had originally got.
After we got out of there,
Sam went back to normal. He.
I mean, sadly, he did pass,
but he lived a long,
healthy life after that.
There was no
There was no more issues.
Uh, everyone went back
to loving him.
Sitting here,
talking to you now,
looking back,
it's like he
took a paranormal
bullet for me.
You know, whatever it was, it
He took it for me.
Sam was a great dog.
I'll never have
another dog like Sam.
There will probably be
[laughing] never another do
to bring me on
a roller coaster,
the way he did.
But in the end,
our bond was super strong.
Today, I still own dogs.
I still completely
adore my dogs.
Um, just when we do
go for walks now,
we avoid cemeteries
at all costs.
[narrator reading]
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