Enheraf (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

The ministry of interior
has just announced
That the circumstances
surrounding the murder
of the famous businessman
Talaat Eldakkak
will be revealed
in the upcoming few hours.
The show staff send their
condolences to his family
The late businessman was
known for his philanthropic work.
Mr. Sherif. Welcome back.
Is there anything unusual
regarding this incident?
There are no signs of
violence in the scene, sir.
He's dead with the gun in his hand.
Is there a reason
to suspect criminal motive?
-It's a possibility, sir.
-A possibility?
What do you mean
with a possibility, Mr. Sherif?
The public opinion
is obsessed with the case.
He was a well-known businessman
and he was under the spotlight
until recently.
You have 48 hours, Mr. Sherif.
Have I ever let you down, sir?
Never. You're always up for it.
God bless you.
God speed, sir.
- Let's go, folks.
- At your command, sir.
What's up, Talaat?
Did you do this to yourself
or did somebody do it to you?
Why aren't you answering me?
We'll see.
Hi daddy.
Was it acceptable,
what you did yesterday?
Sorry, daddy. I got confused and
I didn't know what to do
so I got back to mommy.
It's OK, sweet heart.
I had other things planned, but
You've seen for yourself.
A thief stole a purse from an old lady.
Should I let him
be and turn a blind eye?
Hello, Sherif.
SHH Isn't it enough?
If someone saw your attempts
to take her away from me
Would think you'd deal
with her better than me.
Try to be well-intentioned
for once, Hanaa.
Shh. OK. OK.
Either way, she's staying with me
those couple of days until I travel.
So she can, at the very least, forget
what she witnessed
when she was with you. Goodbye.
Have you thought well?
What did you decide?
I'll tell you everything.
Do you remember when I visited
you at the clinic for the first time?
I don't understand anything, doctor.
I've been talking for half an hour.
You haven't said a coherent sentence.
I'm sorry, I
It's true I'm
I can't express what's inside of me.
What's inside of me is a lot.
I can't imagine myself
sitting in front of a psychiatrist.
OK. Let's try and
rearrange from the beginning.
How do you feel?
I feel that my wife is cheating on me.
What makes you feel this way?
It's because of her.
No. It can't be
I'll tell you later.
I told this was
an obsessive compulsive disorder
and it has nothing to do with her.
When someone tries to prove an idea
He accommodates
whatever happens to him to prove it.
It's a result of life stresses.
And I believed you.
And I left here convinced
they were mere hallucinations.
Until I saw the truth with my own eyes.
What did you see?
After my wife died
The house was bleak.
It's become like an endless funeral.
And my daughter, Mayan, was depressed.
I couldn't pull her out of it.
Because I might have been
more depressed than she was.
After my wife
I had no intention
of allowing any women to my home.
Until I met Fairuz.
She was a patient
of mine at my clinic, fixing her teeth.
As you know,
treating teeth is a prolonged process.
She was a widow, like me.
And I felt she was kind and nice
I asked Mayan for her opinion.
And she said that if this would make
you happy, then I'd be happy for you.
Mayan and Fairuz's relationship
was not at its best.
But it wasn't at its worst, either.
You can describe
it as a no war, no peace status.
Until one day
All the sadness
and sorrow dissolved away
On the day she told me
That someone called Asser Elmofty,
a radio host, would like to meet me.
There's someone who wants to meet you.
Welcome, Asser.
It makes me very happy
to see young people take the formal
approach towards marriage.
God bless you, sir.
- There you go.
- Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Asser, despite his fame and
stardom, looks very down to earth.
Thank you so much.
I had a request, if you may.
Go ahead.
I came like I promised Mayan.
But I wish to postpone
the engagement for some time.
This is just due
to some circumstances in my family
Once these circumstances are over,
I'll bring them over to announce
the engagement.
Looks like you're in agreement.
It's an opportunity to have my wife,
Fairuz, attend this.
To meet you and your family.
She had a doctor appointment
she couldn't cancel.
I, too, have a request.
At your command, sir.
I don't mind
That you two meet and talk, but
I must know.
I need to know beforehand that you'll
meet and talk to each other, OK?
Sure, sir. I can promise you this.
Please think of me as your father.
I'd be honored.
Anything you need, come right to me.
And hopefully your problems
will be resolved rather quickly.
Isn't that so?
Should we recite Al-Fatha?
Let's recite it.
Allah Almighty is truthful.
Thank you, sir.
I've never seen Mayan
As happy as she was at that time.
To the point where I loved Asser because
he was the reason for her happiness.
But, as you can say
Didn't want to enter our house.
One day, when I was at the clinic.
I received a weird message on WhatsApp.
One second, please.
Check what your wife
is doing behind your back, doctor.
I couldn't believe
what I saw with my own eyes.
Fairuz would do that?
And with whom?
With my daughter's fiancee?
I'm sorry, Mrs.
I was unaware of my self.
I rushed out of the clinic.
To see Fairuz.
- Fairuz!
- What happened?
-What brought you home so early?
-What's this?
He wanted to talk to me about Mayan.
Talk to you about Mayan?
I didn't know he'd behave like that.
Are you out of your mind?
How dare you think that of me?
It was a normal conversation, I swear.
So what's that?
You look like lovers, you scumbag
What's this? Answer me!
Fairuz swore to me.
That there was nothing
going on between her and Asser
And that
she's met him only once.
Truth be told, I believed her.
Rather, I wanted to believe her.
To keep my family intact.
Listen up, Asser.
What was between
you and my daughter is over.
And if I ever see you anywhere,
even by coincidence
I'll kill you.
You'll call her now.
And tell her that what was
between you and her is over.
You'll talk to her gently and politely.
Without hurting her feelings.
Or else, I swear to God
I'll destroy you.
Mayan's condition worsened.
And it's become very
difficult to deal with her.
I didn't do what to do.
Mayan returned to being
depressed and sad, more than ever.
She didn't know, of course.
What drove Asser to break up with her.
She felt someone else was in his life.
Took him from her.
I witnessed Mayan,
slowly dying before my eyes.
And I couldn't help her.
What you are telling me now, doctor
What does it have to do with the murder?
Never cared about her
birthday or celebrating it.
Me and her mom,
God bless her soul, just let her be.
But given the
circumstances Mayan was going through
I thought about
hosting a birthday party for her.
I told Fairuz
Let's invite Asser.
And let's surprise her.
But the scumbag refused.
And told me
That her feelings for Asser.
Are still strong and that she loved him.
And she refused to
have them be together.
I wasn't aware of my self.
I ran to the kitchen.
Brought a knife, and killed her.
You cheater! You harlot!
Yes. I killed her.
Are you ready for the surprise?
Yes. I'm ready. But
what's with the suspense?
What's that?
What do you want?
- Daddy, I can't see
- Just get inside.
There's no need for all this.
I've been planning this
for a whole week.
- What could you have possibly done?
- You'll see right now.
- I'm waiting.
- You'll see.
That's it.
1, 2, 3 Open your eyes.
What's this kindergarten?
Kindergarten. I'm 11 years
old. I've grown up, by the way.
You don't like these stuff?
Looks like I've made
things worse instead of better.
Anyway, by tomorrow morning, when you're
in school, I'll wake up in the morning
and remove all of this, so you
won't find them when you return home.
Yes. OK.
I'll let you be. enjoy your self.
Ehem. Ehem.
Is something wrong, daddy?
Nothing, sweetheart.
I just brought you a glass of milk.
Thanks, daddy. I'm no longer breast-fed.
Do you need anything?
No, not at all.
I'll drink this cup of milk outside.
Initial report indicates that no
one was with Talaat Eldakkak in his car.
And the gun that was used,
had his fingerprints.
Phone vibrating
Alright. Goodbye.
What's the matter?
Several people reported receiving
a message from Talaat before his death.
It looks like this message
was sent to all his contacts.
What was the message?
Two words: I'm sorry.
I see. It's becoming clearer now.
A businessman who fell on hard times.
He went to Mokattam,
sent all his contacts an apology,
And committed suicide.
- Ok, Mr. Sherif.
- You're excused, Mr.
Come in.
Sherif Nouh would like to meet you, sir.
Have him come in.
Yes. I went outside for you,
as requested.
What something?
Phone vibrates
Yes, sir.
That's correct, I was
supposed to hand over the report to you.
But I'm sorry I needed some more time.
New evidence came to light
that might alter the course of the case.
Roger, sir.
Roger, sir. Thank you
for your precious trust, sir.
Goodbye, sir. God Bless.
Doorbell rings
Good morning.
Good morning.
Talaat Eldakkak didn't answer his phone
for the last 5 days before his death.
To the point where he had a
call from a TV show to defend himself.
Despite that, he didn't pick
up the calls from the TV staff.
The only recorded call
was between him and yourself.
This was one hour before his death.
I treated Talaat.
Could you tell me
the nature of the call?
Unfortunately, Mr. Sherif.
This falls under
doctor-patient confidentiality.
If a patient told me a secret,
it's between me and him.
Even if he told me he murdered somebody.
I appreciate your values and
the respect you have for your patients.
But, doctor
Talaat is no longer your patient.
He is dead.
Any information you can tell us could
be very useful in the investigations.
And I personally promise you
That whatever you tell me,
will remain between us.
It'll be in official reports.
But it will never be
shared with the public opinion.
Very well.
Talaat was my patient a while ago.
Because of the problems he was facing.
This is in relation to
the accumulation of debts
and the unfinished
compound project, correct?
Not just that.
His friends who deserted
him at the time of his problem.
Celebrities who vanished.
Media personalities and journalists,
who were on his monthly payroll.
Turned against him.
All of this to win with the
public opinion at his expense.
What was his diagnosis?
Acute depression and a
trauma he couldn't withstand.
OK, what happened next?
He came time after time.
And on the third time, he disappeared.
This is when I was sure.
That depression got hold of him.
Until the day of the accident.
What happened on
the day of the accident?
He talked to me over the phone.
And told me that an
idea has taken hold of him.
That he wanted to shoot himself.
I told him not to do that.
He hung up, promising he wouldn't do it.
Until I heard the news
about his death on the TV.
He was in a lot of pain.
I'm sorry.
I couldn't save him.
Thank you so much, doctor
I apologize for any inconvenience.
Not at all. I'm available to help.
It was good having you here.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- I'll excuse myself.
- You're excused.
Is the whole police
station thing necessary?
Don't be scared.
You're with a psychiatrist.
Not in an investigation.
My name is Assem.
Assem Ghorbal.
I'm a dentist.
Welcome, doctor.
Why did you come to me?
My life is in ruins.
How so?
My wife
My wife is cheating on me.
Cheating on you?
Or are you suspecting?
Bring me Dr. Assem Ghorbal's file.
Here you go,
doctor. Assem Ghorbal's file.
You can head home. I'll
stay for the night to study the file.
Hmm Looks like
you have something to say.
Honestly, I'm suspecting you have bought
a Nutella crepe and you're going
to eat all by yourself.
Abir, does it look
like I have time for this?
Do you only think about food?
I'm just trying to lighten you up,
doctor. Look at you all serious.
Haven't you told me that
Assem has confessed to killing his wife?
What are you looking for now?
I don't know, Abir.
I feel like
something is off with the story.
How come when Assem first visited me
he was nervous and worried
And couldn't put two words together.
When he was telling me he
had suspicions about his wife.
While now, with such calm and cool,
he's recounting the details of how
he murdered his wife
You're right.
This is truly bewildering.
Is there something wrong, Mrs?
Salamu Alikom.
I came to make a
reservation with Dr. Assem.
Well, in fact, Dr. Assem is
having some circumstances and
he won't be able to be at
the clinic for the time being.
I have opened to return the
money to those who made reservations.
Such a loss.
I'm so unlucky.
I came 3 days ago.
At 5 PM, but he was gone.
It was 3 days ago that
Dr. Assem was last in the clinic.
He didn't leave at 5.
He left at 6.
I came at 5 o'clock but he wasn't there.
No, I'm sorry,
it was his daughter's birthday
and I closed right
after he left at 6 o'clock.
I'm sure you got it mixed up.
Thank you.
I'm happy, doctor.
That you were convinced
and changed your statements.
Which will surely
lead to a lighter sentence.
But I have a simple question.
What question?
Who killed your wife?
I told you I was the one who killed her.
That's not what happened.
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